Marketing Modular Class 1ST Quarter Examination
Marketing Modular Class 1ST Quarter Examination
Marketing Modular Class 1ST Quarter Examination
1. Use No. 2 Mongol Pencil only.
2. Supply all needed information in the answer sheet provided
3. Read each questions carefully.
4. Shade the circle that corresponds to your answer.
5. Do NOT use your mobile phone while the test is going on.
6. Sign the attendance sheet before you leave the testing area.
1. Victoria court drive-in Hotel and Restaurant is a chain of full service motels in Metro Manila catering mostly
to the upper income market segment. The traditional market for drive-in hotels and motels are lovers who avail
of one of many specially designed “theme” rooms (Japanese room, Mobile suite, etc.) for three hours. In early
1990’s, Victoria Court embarked on an aggressive campaign to attract two additional segments of the market:
The husband and wife; and the party market. Their mission is to slowly transform their image to one that is
issued predominantly for legitimate purposes such as for resting, or for group social occasions. They have also
acquired Hotel La Corona located in busy Ermita in Manila and was affiliated with the Best Western
international hotel group.
A. Identify the needs and wants of each of the three B. Given the traditional image for motels, do you
market segments targeted by Victoria Court; agree with the resegmentation strategy embarked
by the Victoria Court group?