Eve of Fall

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The adventure involves helping a woman named Evelyn deal with squatters on a farm estate she wants to renovate and sell for profit in order to improve her social status.

The adventure is intended to provide thrilling but non-lethal combat encounters for a party of 3-4 level 5 characters.

Evelyn is a businesswoman who has recently invested in a small farming estate just outside of town with the intention of renovating it and selling it for a profit. She hires the adventurers to help her deal with the previous tenants who refuse to vacate the property before her renovations are scheduled to begin.


A thrilling adventure, not for the faint of heart.

Expertly curated for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons

The air in fall grows cold outside.

The lies of fall will secrets hide.
The dawn of fall has long since died.
The eve of fall will now preside.
Act 1

Our adventure begins like so many others, in a local tavern, or maybe not. . .
Your band of noble adventures may gather just outside of town, or perhaps at a
regional adventurer’s guildhall. After they make their introductions, they should
be approached by a tall, striking, woman with dark hair, brown eyes, and a cool,
businesslike demeanor…
She greets the players:
Well met. I am told this is a place where one can contract able-bodied labor on
very short notice?
She continues:
My name is Evelyn, Evelyn Autumns, and I have recently invested in a small
farming estate just about a day’s travel outside of town. It is my intention to
renovate the property and then sell it at a profit. To that end, I have employed
a small crew of craftsmen that shall arrive on the property in two days time.
However, the previous tenants refuse to vacate the area. As you can see I am
just one person, and while my business acumen IS rather impressive, I am
personally ill equipped to handle labor both physical and martial.
If the previous residents refuse to vacate, I’ll lose my down payment on the
restorations contract, and with it, perhaps my only opportunity to turn a profit
on this entire deal.

This adventure is intended for a party of 3 to 4 players of level 5 to experience some If that happens, she continues, then I will have failed at becoming a successful
thrilling, but not deadly combat. It will be upon the DM’s best judgments to alter the business person and I will forever remain the poor orphan girl that everyone has
difficulties up if more challenging combat is desired. Currently the Enemies all use d4 always seen me as, and I simply can’t have that. I have worked so hard to get
damage dice, but have fairly high “to hit” bonuses. The intent is that they will land here. So.. will you help me?
most of their attacks, but not inflict lethal damage. Depending on the party, you may
wish to endow them with a 2 or 3 healing potions, as there are four combat encounters. (CONTINUED..)
She continues: Once the party is nearly to the farm, Evelyn will reveal to the party that the
former residents might not be what they’d expect.
I will of course reward you handsomely for assisting in this endeavor, and I Quote: I got the property for far less than expected, because I purchased it
assure you that I am indeed the sole, lawful owner of this estate. I simply need a sight unseen. After having done so, I began to hear rumors that the estate was
few strong backs to help me remove the squatters, by force if it comes to that. haunted by a family that once lived there.
Hopefully it does not.
From here, she will begin to weave her web and tell a false story of how once
Evelyn will be evasive about the nature of the squatters on her property. At this upon a time there was a small family living in the house.
point in the introductions, she should be extremely hesitant to reveal that the
people on the estate died long ago. However, if the party is completely Evelyn: you should know...
uncooperative, Evelyn may be forced to reveal this detail.

Once your players agree to assist Evelyn, she’ll request that the party sets off in …After purchasing the property I began to hear
the morning. (If you’re running this adventure as a module in an existing rumors... Rumors that there was once a small
campaign continuity, feel free to modify this as needed.). The idea is that the
party will travel during the day, and arrive just at sundown. family living on this farm. A young woman, her
husband, and their daughter. They say that the
Evelyn will offer to cover the cost of the party’s room, supper, and drinks. She father, Aaron, deep in his cups, and distraught over
will grow much more relaxed and friendly with your group once she’s
convinced they’re going to assist her in her task. She might offer to share a a meager harvest, took a knife to the throats of his
meal with them, or a drink. She may share a heart to heart with one of your wife and young daughter before they could starve
players describing the hardships of growing up in the orphanage and attempting during the coming winter. His final act, to take the
to achieve success and stability without the support of a family. She may even knife to his own throat, bleeding out in the pumpkin
offer a romantic interlude with one of your players. The intent is that Evelyn patch.
will work her way into your players hearts.
The house has remained vacant, for who knows how
long ever since. It is my hope that these stories are
greatly exaggerated, but people say that Aaron
marches about the property at night, attacking any
who might be unfortunate to cross his vision…

As the sun rises the next day, Evelyn will treat your party to breakfast before
they set off. She will be happy to conduct small talk as they travel. Expanding Evelyn will begin to rummage through her pack at this point. she will bring out
upon what life was like in the orphanage, how she was lonely, how she three small vials of silvery liquid.
struggled in her studies, and how she works twice as hard as everyone else, Evelyn: Here, take these. I had this concoction made up. Blessed waters.
determined to thrive, determined to succeed. Wolfsbane. quicksilver. If there is some kind of ghoul or monster walking
around the premises, it surely won’t much like that. Not much further now.

As the party arrives, Evelyn should inform them that this is as far as she goes.
She’s going to remind them that she’s no warrior. She will begin setting up
camp about half a mile from the actual house, just within eyesight.
Evelyn: There it is, just over there…
At this point the party has to navigate through the pumpkin patch in front of fall
house, to get inside. Unfortunately standing between them and the front door is an
imposing looking scarecrow. They are welcome to sneak by it, but it will be there Aaron’s primary means of avoiding getting
when they get back out of the house. It is their job to remove the previous tenants overwhelmed by the party is to knock them Possessed Scarecrow
from the property. For this reason I’ve given the scarecrow, possessed by the spirit of down, and leap away, ideally toward an (Aaron Fall)
isolated party member. While the melee-
Aaron Fall, exceptionally high perception. One might also reason that Aaron is fighters trudge through the difficult terrain of Medium (Undead, Construct) chaotic neutral
always on the lookout for his daughter Eva, hoping to exact vengeance upon her. For the pumpkin patch, Aaron should leap from
now, let’s presume that the party does not manage to evade the scarecrow. target to target savaging them with the Armor class: 16 (Straw and Wood)
scythe-like blades on his hands. Take caution Hit Points: 120
“A wild, overgrown, pumpkin patch stands between you and not to abuse this tactic though, as it might be
Speed: 20 (Walking) 40 (Sweep & Leap)
the imposing farmhouse. A tall scarecrow stands lonely extremely frustrating for your melee
sentinel over the long since abandoned rows of tangled focused players.
pumpkin vines. It is a scene of of overwhelming melancholy, 16(+3) 16(+3) 15{+2) 16(+3) 10(+0) 7(-2)
punctuated by the sounds dry leaves, rustling in a chill wind.“
Saving Throws Dex +7 Con +6 Initiative +5
Damage Resistances Piercing, Poison
Senses Dark Vision (120 feet) Passive Perception 16
The encounter with Aaron fall can be circumnavigated by offering to help
Language Common
him exact vengeance upon Eva. The party should not be aware of this at this
Challenge 5 (1800 xp)
point in the game, but if they manage to sneak past Aaron and learn the tragic
story of fall house, they might be able to weaponize this information against Uncanny Leap. When leaping instead of walking,
Eva. This is true for all of the ghosts haunting fall house. They remain bound Aaron can ignore difficult terrain.
to fall house until such a point as they can exact vengeance upon Eva and Actions
their remains are all buried together. The scarecrow possessed by Aaron Fall Multi Attack. Aaron makes two Claw attacks
is very mobile it has long arms, ending in deadly blades. His 10 foot Melee Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft. On
range, sweep attack, and high mobility despite the rough terrain are his Hit: 5(1d4 + 3) slashing damage.
primary weapons against your party. Aaron’s ghost will angrily accuse the Sweep & Leap. Aaron stoops low and swings his
party of being a bad seed, a reference to Eva, but synchronous with him arms in a wide circle, knocking his foes to the ground.
Each creature within 10-feet of the scarecrow must
being the ghost of a dead farmer, standing in a pumpkin patch. make a Dexterity 15 saving throw. On a failed save, a
creature is knocked prone. On a successful save,
nothing happens. Additionally, Aaron may leap in a tall
A high passive or an active perception or investigation check allows a player the arc up to a range of up to 40-feet, ignoring difficult
following insights: terrain. Range: Self (10-foot radius)
“Trudging through the punishing brambles of the pumpkin patch, it’s hard not
to feel as though the very roots and vines of the plants here seek to hinder
your every movement. As one of your compatriots frees themselves from an
errant branch, a small snap rings across the desolate landscape like a canon “The hideous scarecrow knocks you to the ground, and howls in victory. You watch
blast. In response, you see the scarecrow shift it’s gaze toward you, revealing helplessly as it leaps off into the night sky, landing right behind your injured friend.”
bloodshot, furious, green eyes and an agonized expression. A pink tongue
lolls out unnaturally, slapping around the sack cloth mouth.”
…As the last of your party crosses the threshold, a deafening
BANG rings through your ears, as some unseen force
violently slams the door behind them, causing a fine dust to
descend from the ceiling…
A gaunt face begins to press its way up though the tablecloth, dragging the
yellowing sheet upward from the edges of the table. As dishes and utensils screech
and grind against coarse wood, the figure of a skeletal woman begins to take shape
under ascending cloth. The withered face fixates on you, bloodshot green eyes burn
with rage and contempt. She opens her mouth unnaturally wide as if to scream, her
angular ribcage heaving under the tablecloth, the bloodied tongue jutting
grotesquely from the specter’s gaping black maw. For a moment, there is no sound,
but her hair and yours whip frantically about your faces in response to the
unearthly pressures of her roar.
Then it comes. The sound abrates
Dust Wraith every nerve in your body. A voice.
(Liza Fall) A shriek like a thousand forks
Medium (Undead, Construct) chaotic evil scraping across a thousand plates.
Armor class: 13 Like a shattering window. Like a
Hit Points: 80 nail file dragging across your
Speed: 25 (floating)
teeth. Lingering in the air several
moments after the apparition’s jaw
STR DEX CON WIS INT CHA creaks shut…
7(-2) 12(+1) 15{+2) 14(+2) 14(+2) 12(+1)
Saving Throws Wis +6 Con +6 Initiative +3
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,
Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing From
Nonmagical Attacks That Aren't Silvered
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, 1. Hearth & Painting
Restrained 8. Four Dining Chairs
Senses Dark Vision (120 feet) Passive Perception 15 2. 2 Wooden Chairs 9. Four Place Settings
Language Common 3. Window frame 10. Draped Tablecloth (For Liza)
4. Small Bookshelf 11. Liza’s Severed Tongue
Challenge 5 (1800 xp) 5. Loveseat 12. Wash Basin
Changing The Sheets. as a reaction, Liza can 6. Front Door 13. Wood Stove
rematerialize into another loose cloth of size medium or 7. Draped Blanket (For Liza) 14. Old Blood Stains
larger within sight, to avoid the damage of one attack.
Actions …The powerful swing speeds toward the howling specte
torso, but instead of tearing into the horror, you are spu r’s bony
Shriek. Liza emits a deafening scream. Each creature
within 5 feet must make a Constitution 14 saving throw
or take 3(1d4+1) psychic damage.
Terrorize. Liza locks eyes with her victim. They must the momentum of your attack connecting to an empty n around from
make a Wisdom 16 saving throw or become frightened Your friends eyes widen in terror as the screaming sketablecloth.
apparition rises from under the blanket behind you… letal
of Liza. A frightened creature has disadvantage on
Ability Checks and Attack rolls while the source of its
fear is within Line of Sight. Additionally, the creature
can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear. At
the end of their turn, the creature can attempt to break
free of Liza’s hold. Liza’s dematerializing reaction is more of a wow moment for your players than it is for
you to keep her alive and swinging. With her ghostly damage resistance, and ability to
damage multiple party members at once, the goal is to frighten and excite your players,
Liza will alternate between blasting the players with shrieks, and attempting to terrorize
not frustrate and destroy them.
them. You’ll notice the blanket draped over the back of the couch. Liza can use her
reaction to teleport between the table and the couch, negating the effects of an attack.
The specter’s dolorous wail echoes around the small room as her physical form begins to
disperse and tumble to the ground. Overwhelming fury burns across the gaunt face of the
skeletal woman as she begins to crawl on her hands, digging her flaking nails into the wood
Aaron & Liza’s Bedroom
floor., She inches towards you, rage behind her bloodshot green eyes. Her final act of
vengeance cut short as her spectral form dissipates into the chill air. Your ears ring in the The bedroom has clearly sat undisturbed for quite some time. Decades worth of stratified
stillness, and once again, Fall House grows uncomfortably silent. On the ground, a crudely mold and dust cake the floors. A disheveled bed has been sitting alone in the dark, giving
severed human tongue gives one final twitch. Two green eyes roll to a stop in the dust. way to time and rot. A small nightstand sits at the bed’s side, on the other, a crumbling trunk
spills thread-worn clothes and unrecognizable keepsakes onto the floor. On the far side of the
As the dust settles, allow your party to collect themselves. They may need to heal up, room, a small writing desk, covered in ancient books and little scraps of paper, and sitting
depending on the dice. “Though the setting is less than welcoming, you notice a mostly opposite a degraded old wardrobe.
intact loveseat, some chairs, and a soft, slightly moldy carpet on the floor nearby. It’s as good
a place as any to take a brief respite” Your players may wish to press onward. As they do, As mentioned before, the aim of this room is to provide exposition through the Liza Fall’s
two sets of small animal tracks will begin to appear in the dust, hopping in tandem up the Journal. The party may wish to search the room, and this is a wonderful opportunity to paint a
stairs. Your player can hear the soft footfalls of tiny padded feet. A nature or survival check of picture of the family that once lived here. The trunk is full of Aaron’s old clothes and
12 or better will confirm these are rabbit footprints. 16 or better and it becomes apparent that possessions like gloves, boots, knickknacks. The wardrobe contains a modest selection of
these are the footprints of a domestic breed of bunny. The front door, still magically sealed dresses, withered by time and decay, and on a shelf at the bottom, some sewing supplies like ,
by paranormal means, the players have one way to go. Up. rusty needles, crumbling thread, and folded cloth. The writing desk holds a meager library of
farming almanacs, sewing books, and a little trashy fiction, most of which is badly damaged
and illegible. Liza’s Journal can be wherever they look, save for the trunk.

Liza’s Journal:
You find a small book, the word “Journal” Embossed on the cover. Most of the journal like
everything else in Fall House, has given way to the creeping passage of time and decay,
however, the following passages are still legible on the blackened and crumbling pages…
… Twins! After trying for so long we have been blessed with twin little
girls! The labor was so difficult, and so painful. 9 hours! But when I look
at their little faces? I know it was worth it! Aaron wants to call the
first one Eva, as she came in the late evening. Her hair is dark like mine!
As the party progresses up the stairs *SNAP* the 5th step up gives way! The player in front We’re calling her little sister, Donna, as she arrived just at Dawn, and her
must make a Dexterity 15 saving throw or find themselves falling 10 feet down into into a dark hair is like spun golden sunlight! I can’t wait to sew them beauti..
pit beneath the stairs! It’s pitch black without a light source. The player lands with a clatter
taking 1d6 fall damage, and will need some means of escaping the 5x5 foot wooden pit. While ..Several crumbling pages later..
they’re down there, they’ll notice hard, oblong, objects clattering around their feet. Shining a
light on the subject will reveal the bones and desiccated corpses of dozens of adventurers, their …and he’s just so proud of Donna, his little helper! Eva seems very jealous
gear and mortal remains moldering in the dark, forgotten and lost. of their time in the fields together, but refuses to tag along whenever
Aaron invites her to join the two of them. I wonder what is going on
As the party continues to follow the rabbit tracks in the dust up the stairs, the party will hear behind those little brown eyes sometimes. Aaron brought home a couple
them padding down a long, dark, hallway. Following along to the end of the hallway, the of bunnies from the city today. Cutest little fuzzy things. I worry Ev…
tracks will abruptly stop over a small, dark stain on the hallway floor, crescendoed by the
distant echo of two tiny screams …The last legible passage reads..
The party is now free to explore the upstairs of Fall House. The left side of the map is the …Donna’s little green eyes, soaked in tears. I just can’t believe it. Why
master bedroom in which Aaron and Liza fall slept. Across the hall on the right is the would anyone do that to their sister’s hair? I thought I’d hidden every
children’s room, in which Donna, and Eva slept. The primary function of the master bedroom pair of scissors in the house after what Eva did to those poor little
is for the party to discover Liza’s journal, in which she will reveal the background of fall rabbits. I told Aaron that she scares me. That she needs help. Not
house. For this purpose I have included not only a nightstand but a desk, either of which can that he’s ever sober enough to notice any more. Where did I go wrong?
contain conveniently host Liza’s Journal for our highly perceptive explorers to discover. All Eva refuses to play with other children. She just hides under the stai…
other books can be too damaged to be legible. The children’s room primarily functions as an
arena for the party to battle the ghost of Donna Fall, however, they may also discover Eva’s
drawings on the her nightstand.
Eva & Donna’s Bedroom Of the moldering toys scattered about the room, perhaps the most
upsetting of which are two porcelain dolls, standing in the corner, facing
the wall. In an unexpected reaction to your party’s presence, the
The door grinds open on hinges long ago rusted shut. A plume of dust rises from the floor, disembodied giggle of a small child bounces about the dark room. The
disturbed by footsteps for the first time in ages. Directly in front of you, a smaller bed sags two dolls jerk and move to life unnaturally as they turn to face your
into it’s frame. Time has browned the edges of the once-pink bed-sheets. A wretched teddybear team, one has dark cavities instead of eyes, it’s mouth gaped widely
decomposes at the foot. Nightstand cradles a little pink book in the corner. To your open, a long tongue lashing about angrily. The other doll’s mouth seems
immediate right, white paint peels and flakes away from the surface of a small wardrobe. In to be painted on, permanently shut, but it’s eyes, wild green an
the far corner, a small play area littered with several toys in various stages of disrepair. A bloodshot, furious and wild. The dolls each produce a pair of rusted
heavy black stain streaks across the floor and onto the decrepit rug. This once joyful little scissors, and skitter forward with terrifying speed, giggling gleefully.
living space now a grim mausoleum of broken toys and bloodied floors…

At this point, your players will be rightfully on edge, and may be hesitant to explore. If they
visited Liza’s room first, they’ll have a pretty clear idea of what has occurred in Fall House. Possessed Dolls
Still, there is more exposition to be found here in the children’s room. Encourage them to (Dona Fall)
explore around the nightstand. The disturbing drawings found in Eva’s journal will paint a
fuller picture of the story. There are images of her drawings in the “Useful images” folder, Small (Undead, Construct) chaotic evil
included with this adventure, should you wish to show your players. Armor class: 16
Hit Points: 70
Speed: 25 (walking)


8(-1) 18(+4) 12{+1) 14(+2) 14(+2) 12(+1)
Saving Throws Dex +8 Int +5 Initiative +6
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion
Senses Dark Vision (120 feet) Passive Perception 15
Language Common
Challenge 5 (1800 xp)
Pack Tactics. Donna has advantage on attack rolls
against enemy creatures
Multi Attack. Donna makes two Snip attacks.
Snip. Surprisingly dexterous, the porcelain dolls lash The spirit of Donna Fall is split in
out with a pair of rusty scissors. Melee Weapon Attack: twain, occupying two dolls. The dolls
+7 to hit, reach 5 ft. On Hit: 2(1d4) slashing damage. move as a single unit, occupying a
single space, sharing a single hit point
pool, and initiative order.
The disembodied childlike wails and cries cease as quickly as they began, as the
vicious little dolls crumple against the fury of your attacks. Shattered porcelain,
After poking around this room, the ghost of young Donna will attack the party. The trigger and tattered cotton disintegrate rapidly, once more leaving behind a coarsely
can be anything convenient for you, the DM, reading Eva’s Journal, is a great instance, as it severed tongue and pair of green eyes, this time much smaller than the two
fleshes out our story, but players might be reluctant to examine the book. Maybe it happens previous occasions.
when they examine the blood spot on the floor, touch the toys, or try to leave.

Final Act
As you and your teammates step victorious out the front door of Fall House, you’re
greeted with a solitary figure, silhouetted against the bright orange harvest moon. Eva
“Evelyn” Fall stares at you, burning with a sort of murderous glee, an enormous pair of
shears in one hand. A cruel laugh echoes across the misty country side. “They’ll be
back tomorrow night, they keep coming back. Green eyes, telling lies.” Eva’s
muscles visibly tense in anticipation.
Eva may allow the party to ask a question or two before attacking them, but make no
mistake, she has a deep, unflinching need to see the party join her other victims under
the stairs. Here are a few useful quotes that might be situationally useful. If your players
get overly inquisitive or seem to be stalling, feel free to allow Eva to follow her
murderous instincts.

1. Blood Stain (Rabbits) 8. Children’s Wardrobe

2. Aaron & Liza’s Bed 9. Eva’s Journal
3. Liza’s Nightstand 10. Donna & Eva’s Bed
4. Trunk 11. Blood Stain (Donna)
5. Chimney (Continued) 12. Two Wooden Colorful Chairs
6. Desk 13. Toys
7. The Fall’s Wardrobe

By now, the players will have learned that the Fall’s had a second daughter named Eva,
and that Eva found a way to dispense with the other members of her family. At this
time, the party should hear a creaking door downstairs, as the front door swings open,
the supernatural forces losing their hold over the house. The party can now finish any
investigations they wish to make and leave the house, bringing us to our final act. Whether the party or Eva or the party tires of discourse first, they’re not getting
out of this without a fight. Eva’s impatiently craving a chance to once again
take the scissors to another victim.

Eva’s face contorts with unfettered rage. The heavy shears sing as they
open wide, glinting in the moonlight. She moves with a savage grace,
closing the distance in a few quick bounds. Prepared or not, Eva Fall is in
your midst, blades darting hungrily at your throat. For the final time..
…Roll initiative!
(Eva Fall)
Medium (Humanoid) chaotic evil
Armor class: 15
Hit Points: 60
Speed: 35 (Sprinting)


10(0) 19(+4) 15{+2) 12(+1) 16(+3) 16(+3)
Saving Throws Dex +7 Cha +6 Initiative +7
Damage Resistances none
Damage Immunities none
Condition Immunities Charmed, Feared
Senses Passive Perception 15
Language Common, elvish, dwarven
Challenge 4 (1500 xp) Even as the final blows land, Eva’s tenacity never ceases. To her last breath, her wicked
Mobile. Speed increased by 10 feet. When she uses shears lash out at you one more time. She falls to her knees unable to continue, and
the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost extra expires, brown eyes purposefully locked on yours, kneeling motionless.
movement on that turn. When Eva makes a melee
attack against a creature, she doesn't provoke As the dust settles, your party is free to leave if they wish. To limp back to town and
opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the
turn, whether she hits or not. leave the horrors of Fall House in the past.
Achilles snip. Fighting dirty, Eva slashes at your If the players want to break the cycle of haunting, they can bury the eyeballs and
Achilles tendon with her heavy shears. Melee Weapon tongues of the Fall family with their bodies under the skeletal oak tree. Their ghosts
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. On Hit: 4(1d4+2) slashing
damage. On hit, target’s movement speed is halved will appear in their human form one last time, embrace one another, and give the
until the beginning of Eva’s next turn. players a melancholy smile before disappearing forever.
Lying tongues. Eva flings a smaller pair of scissors at
your tongue. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
25/50 ft. On Hit: 2(1d4) piercing damage. On hit, the Finally, if they wish to give Eva’s tortured mind some peace in the hereafter, her
creature is effectively silenced until the beginning of
Eva will use her high mobility to remains can be buried next to her family’s. Eva’s family will appear and embrace
Eva’s next turn.
harry your party’s front line, and her her spirit for a long hug while they slowly fade from view.
ranged attacks to baffle your team’s
spellcasters. On the next page, you can see that she’s confronting your party just in
front of Fall House. Your party will start somewhere in the orange rectangle, and just
as in the first fight, the pumpkin patch itself is difficult terrain. The End
If you wish to leave your players with a memento of their adventure, Eva’s
deadly shears double as a +1 shortsword.
Thank you so very much for reading this hastily but
affectionately prepared labor of love. I hope it brings
joy and excitement you and your adventuring party.
Killing Shears Please message me on twitter, @JesseJerdak with any
melee weapon questions, adjustments, or concerns.
Category: Items
Damage: 1d6 Cheers!
Damage Type: Piercing Jesse Jerdak.
Modifiers: Melee Attacks +1, Melee Damage +1
Properties: Finesse, Light
Weight: 2

3d printing size suggestions:

Aaron: 40mm Liza:38mm Eva: 33mm Donna: 22mm

Adventure Timeline
Aaron and Liza try in vain to conceive.
3 years later, Liza becomes pregnant with twins.
Almost 8 months later, Eva and Donna are born early.
2 years later, It becomes apparent that Donna is far more social
3 years later, Eva becomes worryingly withdrawn. Aaron buys rabbits.
2 years later, Eva takes a pair of scissors to the poor rabbits.
5 months later, Eva cuts off Donna’s hair while she sleeps.
1 years later, 9 year old Eva kills her family one by one with scissors. Several of the images in this document were generated in part with the artbreeder software at www.artbreeder.com. All
maps and 3d renderings, and composite images were created solely by Jesse Jerdak. Several of the royalty free clipart
1 day later, Eva shows up at orphanage images in this document originated from pixabay.com

7 years later, Eva is released from the orphanage. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
1 week later, Eva discovers ghosts in Fall House. their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
6 months later, Eva Lures her first group of victims to Fall House. States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast. ©2021 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO
13 years later, Eva makes contact with the party Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH.
Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK. This work contains
material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Jesse Jerdak and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Master’s Guild


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