2.8c Risk Assessment Rev.02 - Blank

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RISK ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS/‫قييم توـحليل لاـمخاطر‬


RA Number:‫قييم لاـمخاطر‬
‫ رقم تــ‬ASKEC/800/380Kv-04 DEPARMENT / AREA:‫ لاـمنطقـة‬/‫ اـالدارة‬: EHVPD - COA
WORKPLACE / TASK / ACTIVITY / PROCESS NAME: ‫ لاـمعـدة‬/‫ لاـعمليـة‬/ ‫ لاـمهمة‬/ ‫لاـموقعـ‬
RA TEAM (NAMES):‫ريق لاـتقييم‬
‫اسمءاـ فــ‬ DATE:9/29/2019: ‫اتاريخ‬
1.SAFETY OFFICER: Kamala Kannan, Daya Singh NEXT REVIEW DATE / 9/29/2020: ‫اـاـدم‬ ‫ريخ مراجـعـة لق‬
2.ENGINEER: Faisal Mohd, Sethu 380 KV OHTL Shutdown / Modification Works in Existing Temporary Ckt 9019 to 9050 A & B APPROVED BY MANAGER / SUPERVISOR:‫اعتمد من قـبل‬
to Establish Ckt's 9019 to 9089 A & B and 9050 to 9089 A & B
3.SUPERVISOR: Jamshed, Dwarika Prasad & Elangoven SIGNATURE:‫لاـتوقيعـ‬

‫تــ‬ CONTROL/‫وـسائـل لاـتحكم‬ RISK REDUCTION ACTION PLAN/‫تقييم لاـمخاطر‬
‫خـطـة لاـعمل ل ـ‬
‫تقييم المخاطر‬

L L i
o i o i s
n R n
s k a s k k
Workplace/ Activity/ Process/ Equipment/ e e Controls
Item # Risk Issue (Possible Incident) (What can go e
(Improve Existing Controls/ Implement new controls) ‫واـسيطـرة‬
‫ل‬ ‫لاـتحكم‬
l R
Follow up By Whom (Name) &
Implemented (Yes
‫الـرقم‬ materials /‫ لاـمعـدات‬/‫موقعـ لاـعمل ظـمهمة لاـعمل‬ Hazards ‫اـالخطـار‬ wrong) (Accident/ Ill health to person, fire or Existing Controls ‫وـسائـل لاـتحكم لاـمتوفرة‬ q i k ‫اـالضافية‬ q i a
By When (Date) ‫لاـمهمة لاـمعنية‬
/ No)/ ‫تــ لاـتنفيذ‬
‫هل م‬
‫لاـمتسلسل‬ ‫لاـمواد‬ property loss) /‫ لاـمخاطر لاـمحتملة‬/ u i u ‫ لاـتاريخ‬/‫تنفيذ‬
‫لاـ‬ ‫الـ‬/‫نـعم‬
h h n
e o n e o k
n g n
c o c o i
e d e d n

a) Permit to work system must be followed.

f) Obtain permit from concerned external
b) Ensure ground level is even and good condition to Faisal Muhammed
authority/ies before starting the activity.
Equipment / vehicle / Trailer Electrocution, major injury of placed vehicle/trailer. g) Ensure all safety documents, calibration certificate (Electrical Engg)
Moving /Placed near energized human being, fatality, Toppling, c) Ensure sufficient clearance is available to move near 2 2 4 and TUV of equipments must be available and valid. 2 1 2 Sethu K
Equipment damage. energized lines. (More than 10 meter) (Electrical Engg)
line, Un even ground level d) Ensure proper grounding provided. h) Provide appropriate training to drivers and Daya Sankar
e) Ensure proper operation and good condition of the operators. (HSE Officer)
i) Conduct daily tool box talk before start the activity.
equipment before usage.

e) Vehicle inspection must be done before start. Faisal Muhammed

Mobilization of materials tools and a) Unauthorized driving strictly prohibited. f) Vehicle speed should not exceed 20km/hr. in site. (Electrical Engg)
1 Vehicle Movement - Major/Minor Injury of person, b) Traffic rules must be followed. g) Signal man must be provided inside the site till the Sethu K
equipments. Men struck with Vehicle, Vehicle fatality, Vehicle damage 2 3 6 2 2 4
c) Do not drive in poor visibility. equipment enters in site, positioned and egress from (Electrical Engg)
d) All passengers on boards to be fasten the seat belts. site/location. Daya Sankar
h) Ensure availability of first aid box and first aider. (HSE Officer)

Severe weather condition - Heat rash, Heat cramps, Heat d) Stop the work when wind exceeds 20 miles per Faisal Muhammed
High temperature, a) Work to be stopped during poor visibility, Sand hour.
stroke, Excess sweating, De (Electrical Engg)
High Humidity, Hydration, Major injury / Fatality storm and Rain etc. e) Necessary refreshments, cold drinks, ORS, Glucose Sethu K
High wind intensity/dusty wind / due to fall from height, Eye b) Provide cold water in every 30 minutes. 3 2 6 etc. to be provided at the site in hot season. 3 1 3 (Electrical Engg)
Sand storm, c) Use full sleeves to cover the body. Use layer of f) Provide respiratory protection dust mask.
Rain – Slippery condition injury, Lungs or respiratory Injury, clothes. g) Emergency vehicle must be available at site. Daya Sankar
Minor/Major Personal injury h) Provide rest shelter. (HSE Officer)

a) Obtain permit to work before starting the activity.

d) Provide manual and mechanical handling training
b) All PPEs and tools must be inspected before use on to all.
Manual and mechanical handling of Cut, Abrasion, Fracture, Material daily basis.
2 Slip, Trip, fall from the same level. 2 2 4 e) Conduct daily TBT before start the activity. 2 1 2
material tools and equipments. damage. c) Use proper and adequate PPEs like hand gloves,
safety shoes, helmet, high visibility jacket, goggles and f) Ensure the availability of first aid box and first
overall. aider.

Lack of supervision, Using sub a) Regular inspection & maintenance of equipment to e) Ensure use of proper tools and equipment as per
standerd equpment/tools (not the approved work schedule.
ensure its safe working condition.
registered/ not inspected by third Major injury, Fatal Accident, f) Do not use tools with blunt edge.
3 Condition of equipment/tools party maintenance not done etc), Material Damage, cut injury, b) Ensure operator checks / inspection prior to use. 4 3 12 g) Proper storage, maintenance & regular 4 1 4
Equpment/ tools operate or used Physical injury to the person. c) Follow manufacturer instructions for maintenance inspections. d) only color coded tools/equipment
of equipment.
by unskilled / untrained d) Use of proper PPE shoyld be used at workplace
technician/ worker

a) Deploy only trained & competent operators

Major Injury, Fatal Accident, for equipment operation.
Incompetent /
Unauthorized Operation, Working Material Damage Personnel b)Follow manufacturer instructions for operating the e). Ensure the thired party certification of all tools
Equipment operation Injury, equipment
near live lines. and equipment/s.
4 (tenstioner/puller, crane, showel, Asset Damage, c) Proper Tool box talks to be conducted prior to start 3 4 12 3 2 6
Bypassing the Approved f). Follow the RA and JSP.
winch machine etc.) procedures. Equipment Damage, of work g). Ensure competent supervision.
d) Use Proper tools , safety harness and PPE ( Safety
Shoes, insulating (rubber) gloves, Safety Helmet,
Voltage tester etc)
i) Obtain external permit from the concern authority
before start the work.
a)Follow PTW Syustem. j) Ensure proper grounding on both side identified
b) Avoid working if lightning threat is suspected. adjacent tower’s circuit/s.
Electrocution (Fatality/injury) c) Work area shall be clearly identified before start of k) Presence of competent person (Permit/ LOA
Fire /Explosion work. holder) must require while installing or removing the
Flashes d) Work with proper safety clearance distance and
Major Injury, fatal Accident, grounding.
Station tripping sufficient grounding. 3 3 9 3 2 6
material damage l) Competent person must ensure the voltage
Damage to the equipment and e) Ensure Competent Supervision all the time. absence before installing the grounding.
properties, Fall of tools Height f) Use proper PPE. m) Adequate equipment (VAV) shall be used to
Phobia g) Ensure the availabily of first aid box and fire ensure the voltage absence before installing the
5 Working on towers near Live lines extinguisher at site. grounding.
h) Conduct daily tool box talk before start the work. n) Ensure availability of first Aider and ambulance at
working location.
i) Tools must be secured with rope to a j)
Medical examination of work height workers must be
done prior to mobilzation

a) Proper grounding of conductors. e) Conduct daily tool box talk before start the work.
f) Ensure only trained and skilled workmen are
b) Equipments should be grounded.
Electric shock, Major Injury, fatal deployed.
Induction currents Accident, material damage c) Adequate vertical & horizontal safety clearance 2 2 4 g) Ensure the voltage absence by using Voltage 2 1 2
should be maintained. absence ameter before proceding for grounding of
d) Use proper PPE.

d) Obtain external permit from the concern authority

before start the work.
e) Adequate vertical & horizontal safety clearance +
a) Proper earthing of conductors
Modification Works near existing Working near energized lines Electrocution Major injury, b) Nearby structures with proper earthing additional distance for safety shouldbe maintained
6 5 3 15 as per standard. 5 2 10
Live OHTL Induction current fatal accident, Material damage c) Use proper PPE ( Safety Shoes, insulating (rubber)
for 13.8kV - 1.0 Meter
gloves, Safety Helmet, Voltage tester etc) for 33kV - 1.0 Meter
for 132kV - 1.5 Meter
for 380kV - 5.0 Meter

a) Use Safety harness with double lanyard with f) All Lifting Gears like Pulley, Slings, Rope and
properly hooked while working above 1.8 mtr height. Insulator Assembly Should be Inspected before
b) Waist pouch for carrying bolt, nuts and hand tools Work.
Removing & Lack of supervison must be available with line men during working above g) Color Coding of T & P Should be Verified
alternation Approved procedure not followed Major Injury 1.8 mtr height. h) Work Should be executed by Experienced
7 4 3 12 4 2 8
of existing Using uninspected lifting gears, ,fatal accident, material damage c) Do not throw up / throw down the materials / Foreman.
structure/line at height tools or lifting belts tools. i) Adequate and damage free guy ropes to be used,
d) Ensure availability of Emergency vehicle @ Site. tied properly.
e) Mechanical lifting Equipment’s like shovel must be j) Smooth (without jerk) lifting must be ensured.
inspected before start of work. k) Competency of the Operator should be verified.

a) Proper Platform should be used for pressing of

b) Use of appropriate PPE's like full body harness, fall
Descending / Ascending towers in arrestor, helmet and shoes. h) Spacer Trolley Load Should within the SWL
poor Weather conditions, c) Do not throw up / throw down the materials / tools. i) During clipping and jumpering, nobody should
Uncertified/Lack of experience of stand below the working zone.
Conductor & OPGW Major Injury d) All the arrangement should be prepared under
Lineman or fitters, Lack of j) Retractable fall arrester and safety Harness must
8 clipping, spacering competent supervison, ,fatal, material skilled foreman. 4 3 12 be used by the line man during jumpering work. 4 2 8
and jumpering Approved procedure not followed, damage e) Proper Housekeeping should be done before start
of work.
Using uninspected lifting gears,
tools or lifting belts. f) No Technician should stand under the Tower.
g) Adequate and damage free guy ropes to be used,
tied properly.

Page 1 of 1 Rev.2 [08-April-2019] Projects Business Unit

RA Prepared by : RA Accepted by : RA Approved by SEC / Safety Rep: RA Aprroved by SEC-HV&EHVPD:
Name & Sign Name & Sign Name & Sign Name & Sign
Desgination Desgination Desgination Desgination
Date Date Date Date

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