Atoms and Radioactivity
Atoms and Radioactivity
Atoms and Radioactivity
Year : 10
Subject : Physics
Atoms and Radioactivity
Atomic Structure
The Atom
Specification Point 7.2
Describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and
use symbols such as 614C to describe particular nuclei.
Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons orbit at a distance.
The properties of each of these particles are shown in the table below:
Atomic Symbols
The atom shown in the diagram can also be represented using an atomic symbol:
Atomic symbols, like the one above, describe the constituents of nuclei
The top number is called the mass number, and is equal to the total number of particles (protons
and neutrons) in the nucleus.
The lower number is called the atomic number and is equal to the total number of protons in the
When given an atomic symbol, you can figure out the total number of protons, neutrons and
electrons in the atom:
o Protons: The number of protons is equal to the atomic number (also known as the proton
o Electrons: Atoms are neutral, and so in a neutral atom the number of negative electrons
must be equal to the number of positive protons.
o Neutrons: The number of neutrons can be found by subtracting the atomic number from
the mass number (also known as the nucleon number).
Although atoms of the same element always have the same number of protons (and hence
electrons), the number of neutrons can vary:
The three atoms shown above are all forms of hydrogen, but they each have different numbers of
The number of neutrons in an atom does not affect the chemical properties of an atom, only its
mass. Such atoms are called isotopes:
Isotopes are atoms (of the same element) that have equal numbers of protons but different
numbers of neutrons
Specification Point 7.4
Know that alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays are
ionising radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process.
Some isotopes are unstable – usually because of their large size or because the number of
protons and neutrons within them are out of balance.
As a result, these isotope will decay – emitting little chunks (radiation) in order to reduce
their size or bring them back into balance.
The resulting radiation can be one of three types: alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, or
gamma (γ) rays, and has very high energy.
If these particles hit other atoms, they can knock out electrons, ionising the atom.
When radiation passes close to atoms, it can knock out electrons, ionising the atom
Ionisation can cause chemical changes in materials, and can damage or kill living cells.
Properties of Radiation
Specification Point 7.5
Describe the nature of alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ)
rays, and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power
and ability to ionise.
Alpha (α) particles are high energy particles made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons (the
same as a helium nucleus).
They are usually emitted from nuclei that are too large.
Beta (β−) particles are high energy electrons emitted from the nucleus (even though the
nucleus does not normally contain any electrons).
They are usually emitted by nuclei that have too many neutrons.
Gamma (γ) rays are high energy electromagnetic waves.
They are emitted by nuclei that need to lose some energy.
Alpha particles, Beta particles and Gamma waves
The nature and properties of the different types of radiation are summarised in the table
Note that when you go down the table, the range and penetration increase, but the
ionisation decreases.
Diagram showing the penetrative abilities of alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma
(γ) rays. Note how some of the gamma rays are able to penetrate the lead
Practical: The Properties of Radiation
Specification Point 7.6
Practical: Investigate the penetration powers of different types of radiation
using either radioactive sources or simulations.
In your IGCSE examination you may be asked to describe an experiment you could carry out to
investigate the relative penetration of different types of radiation.
In your method you should:
o List any apparatus you need. (Make sure you use the correct names).
o Describe how the apparatus will be set up. (A diagram is helpful).
o Describe how you will carry out a fair test.
o Describe what measurements you will take.
o Describe how you will form your conclusions.
o Describe any safety procedures you will need to follow.
Connect a Geiger-Muller tube to a counter and, without any sources present, measure
background radiation over a five minute period.
Repeat this three times, and take an average.
Now place a radioactive source a fixed distance of 3 cm away from the tube and take another
reading over a five minute interval.
Now take a set of absorbers: some paper, several different thicknesses of Aluminium (increasing
in 0.5mm intervals) and different thickness of lead.
One at a time, place these absorbers between the source and the tube and take another reading
over a five minute interval.
If the count over that interval falls to background levels (allow for a little random variation),
then the radiation has all been absorbed.
Repeat the above experiment for other radioactive sources.
Specification Point 7.7
Describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the
emission of each of the four main types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and
neutron radiation).
Alpha Emission
Beta Emission
A beta particle is emitted when a neutron turns into a proton, emitting an electron
Gamma Emission
A gamma waves is emitted from a nucleus when the nucleus needs to lose some energy.
No protons or neutrons are lost from the nucleus in this process:
The atomic (proton) and mass (nucleon) numbers do not change.
Neutron Emission
Nuclear Equations
Specification Point 7.8
Understand how to balance nuclear equations in terms of mass and charge.
Alpha Emission:
Beta Emission:
Neutron Emission:
Note that the beta particle is given an atomic number of -1 in the above examples.
This is because the atomic number is being used to measure charge in this case:
Protons being positive particles, have positive atomic numbers.
Electrons being negative, have a negative number.