SimPlot User Guide
SimPlot User Guide
SimPlot User Guide
By Kevin Martell
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Getting Started
2.1 System Requirements
2.2 Installation
3.0 Display
3.1 Display Controls
4.0 Menus
4.1 File Menu
4.2 Customize Menu
4.3 Units Menu
4.4 Show Side Menu
4.5 Turn Replay Menu
4.6 Help Menu
5.0 Units
5.1 Unit Categories
5.2 Unit Attributes
6.0 Creating and Modifying Units
6.1 Identification
6.2 Navigation
6.3 Perception
6.4 Range Circles
6.5 Range Arcs
6.6 ES Bearings
6.7 Sonar Bearings
7.0 Game Play
7.1 30 Minute Turn
7.2 3 Minute Turn
7.3 30 Second Increment
1.0 Introduction
SimPlot (short for Simple Plotter) is a utility program that supports Harpoon games by automating the
movement process in a graphical environment. SimPlot uses a simplified X, Y coordinate system that makes range
and bearing calculations easier. North is always at the top of the screen, and the 0, 0 coordinate is the center of the
“game area.” Each whole number of the coordinate system represents one nautical mile.
Presently, SimPlot supports the display and movement for many of the common unit types found in
Harpoon: surface ships, subs, aircraft, helicopters, missiles, and torpedoes. Additional non-moving unit types that
can be displayed are sonobuoys, reference points, and bases. Units can be displayed using the NTDS or Common
Warfighting Symbology styles. All units are either red player, blue player, or referee-controlled neutral.
Games in progress can be saved and reloaded using simple JSON text files that SimPlot creates. There is
even an option to replay the movement from a current or saved game, so the battle can be reviewed at a later time.
SimPlot allows users to add, modify, and delete units from the screen via pop-up forms. The screen can be
zoomed in or out using the keyboard or mouse wheel, and it can also be panned using the arrow keys or right-mouse
clicks. Units are selectable and additional data can be displayed, such as the range and bearing to other units on
Units can be given additional graphics such as range circles, range arcs, and ES/sonar bearings. The circles
and arcs are typically used for reference (e.g. when will another unit be in detection or weapons range), and the
ES/sonar bearings are used to represent passive detections. These graphics can also be colored and labeled for easier
Scenarios can be played on a blank screen or maps created from bitmap images. The maps are just a
background image that can give players a sense of location, but they do not by themselves enforce Harpoon rules
regarding terrain.
SimPlot can be used for single or multiple player scenarios. In single-player games, the player implements
his own orders and will see the results immediately. Multiplayer games will need a referee to carry out the player’s
orders. The referee will run the game turns until players need to interact with the situation, and then sends player-
only versions of the game file. The players will then communicate orders to the referee (via email for example) so
the units can be updated and the game continues.
Units can be assigned attributes of “perception” by the referee that denies an opposing player information
about enemy units. The visible attributes of a newly detected unit can be restricted in items such as location,
heading, speed, class, or size. Even whose side it’s on can be restricted until such time that additional information is
available per Harpoon detection rules. Perception plays a great role in enforcing fog-of-war for multiplayer refereed
SimPlot simply uses computer graphics to track the location, heading, speed, etc. of units in a scenario. It
does not roll dice for you, neither does it implement specific Harpoon rules. SimPlot is therefore not an actual “game
program.” A copy of the Harpoon rules is required to use SimPlot to its fullest potential.
2.0 Getting Started
SimPlot is available for Windows PC (64 bit) and Apple macOS. The program has been tested with Win7,
Win10, and macOS version 10.15.6.
The program will run in less than 100 MB of memory (depending on map size). There is no special video
card or monitor requirement. A mouse or touchpad is needed for selecting and editing units. An Internet connection
is necessary for downloading the program plus supporting scenarios, maps, and documentation.
2.2 Installation
Unzip the downloaded SimPlot file into its own folder. No special installation is required for Windows users.
Just double-click the SimPlot.exe file to start the program.
MacOS users must download the .dmg file and open it. You may be prompted with a security warning. The
application’s folder may open in a mounted drive. If so, then create a SimPlot folder in Applications and copy the
.app file to it. You may have to right-click the .app file and select “Open” to let the Apple Gatekeeper know it’s okay
to run this application.
SimPlot will automatically create “Scenarios” and “Maps” folders within the program’s home folder if they
do not already exist. Existing folders will not be overwritten. The Scenarios folder will hold scenario sub-folders and
turn files. The Maps folder will contain the map image and configuration files.
3.0 The Display
The application display is composed of the map, the Scenario and Selected Unit information boxes, the Turn
Interval controls, and the Undo buttons.
The “game world” consists of a Cartesian coordinate system with the center of the world at (0,0). Each
whole number represents one nautical mile. The X values increase to the right of center, and the Y values increase
up from center. Each decimal number of the coordinates represent a fraction of a nautical mile.
If the scenario uses a map, the map center is located at (0,0). The display can be panned and zoomed (with
or without a map) by using the mouse and keyboard commands. There is no limit to how far the map may be panned.
The zoom factors are powers of 2 from 1 to 256, which represent the number of pixels per nautical mile in the
4.0 Menus
Selecting “New Scenario” will bring up the New Scenario Window, where you can choose the scenario
name, time, and map (optional). Press “OK” to create a blank scenario that is ready for new units.
Selecting “Load Scenario” will bring up a file chooser set to the default “Scenarios” folder. Choose a scenario
file to load. If there is a map assigned to the scenario, then it will be loaded automatically.
The “Save Scenario” menu item will save all unit/map information in an “as is” condition—that is all units,
range circles, text tags, perceptions, and ESM/sonar bearings will be saved with their original ownership attributes.
Four files will be saved: a referee (single player) version of the scenario, red/blue multi-player files which contain
only the appropriate information meant for each respective player, and a player settings file that contains non-
sharable data for the player.
The “Control Options” menu item only has one element. Uncheck the “Use mouse scroll wheel” option if
you are using a mouse touchpad and the zoom feature seems to go out of control.
The “Display Options” menu item (or F9 key) will open/close the Customize Display window. Many of the
options replicate the Common Warfighting Symbology standards (as implemented by the U.S. Navy). Below are the
• Symbol Set: Change between the classic NTDS or the newer CWS symbols.
• Symbol Size: Choose between four sizes of symbols.
• Symbol Scale: This will multiply the size of the symbols and unit text tags for easier reading.
• Speed Leaders: The unit speed leader will show the distance to be traveled for the selected time frame.
• Unit of Distance: This will define which unit of distance to use for measuring ranges between units.
The options are Nautical Miles, Yards, and Meters.
New units can be placed on the map by using the “Units” menu. Select the general type of unit to create
from the menu, then select the specific type within the unit window.
Existing units can be modified by first selecting the desired unit, then select the “Modify Existing Unit”
option (or F1 key) to bring up the unit window. Any attribute can be changed in a referee/single player scenario.
Use the menu (or keyboard shortcuts) to modify which side is shown on screen. The “All” side shows all
units in their proper ownership colors, along with range circles, ESM and sonar bearings. Selecting either “Blue” or
“Red” will show the respective side’s units, plus any units that are visible to that side (via unit perception). Range
circles, ESM and sonar bearings will only display for the currently selected side’s units. This feature allows a referee
to double-check that perceptions are correctly set for opposing units.
4.5 Turn Replay Menu
Use this menu to show the Turn Replay window. The window will display the current day and time of the
scenario when first opened. As the turns are replayed, the day and time shown will update to reflect the replay turn
Pressing the Play button will start the replay from the first turn in the scenario. The Back and Forward
buttons will cycle through the turns one at a time. The Pause button will halt the playback. Please note the Turn
Replay window must be closed to continue the scenario.
This menu item has an “About” selection that displays the program’s version and build number. If you
encounter problems running the program, the author may ask you to supply this information for debugging
5.0 Units
A SimPlot unit is an abstract item that represents some kind of real world “platform” within a Harpoon
scenario. A unit could represent a single vessel, aircraft, or weapon. A unit could also be used to represent groups
of platforms with a single icon.
All units in the program have basic attributes that describe what they are, who they are, and where they
are. Units that move have additional movement related attributes. Other units such as air and subsurface units
have altitude and depth attributes, respectively. The full list of attributes are as follows:
• Track Number: All units are assigned a random 4-digit track number. The Track Number is used as a
reference to units and is always known for visible opposing units.
• Side: Units are either Blue, Red, or Neutral.
• Unit Type: Within most unit categories there are sub-types that can help distinguish the unit in greater
• Position: The X, Y location of the unit within SimPlot’s Cartesian coordinate system.
• Name: The name given to a unit. It could be the name of a ship, base, or kind of aircraft.
• Class: The ship, sub, or aircraft class.
• Callsign: Air units can be assigned an optional Callsign to identify different groups of the same aircraft
• Speed: All movable units have a speed in knots.
• Heading: All movable units have a heading in degrees.
• Range: Movable units can have an optional range expressed in nautical miles. If a range is specified,
then the range will decrease every turn the unit moves until it reaches zero. The unit will then stop all
movement and its speed is set to zero.
• Altitude: Air units can have an optional altitude expressed in meters. This is for player reference
purposes only and does not affect anything in the program.
• Depth: Subsurface units can have an optional depth expressed in meters. This is for player reference
only and does not affect anything in the program.
• Navigation Target: Select the Track Number of a unit to follow. The unit will continue towards the
target until it runs out of range. Once at the target, the unit will stay with it.
• Perception: This is the way a player may know about non-friendly forces. The perceived information
about non-friendly forces can be restricted per Harpoon detection rules.
6.0 Creating and Modifying Units
New units are created using the Units menu. There are submenu items for each unit category. This will
open a New Unit window which is tailored to the type of unit being created.
The new unit’s starting position will default to (0, 0) or the current map cursor location. Selecting another
unit first will set the new starting position to the selected unit’s location. Shift-clicking after selecting an existing
unit will create an offset starting position for the new unit. Units may also be placed relative to an existing unit using
a specified bearing and range within the New Unit window.
An existing unit can be modified by selecting the unit and using the Units/Modify Unit menu item or press
F1. This will bring up the same window used to create new units, but all the fields will be filled with existing unit
data. Pressing the OK button (or pressing the Return key) will save the unit. Pressing the Cancel button (or closing
the window) will discard any changes. Below are the descriptions of the tab panels of a unit window.
6.1 Identification
The Identification tab allows players to set or modify the type of unit, whose side it’s on, how many, the
class, and the displayable text tags.
For a new unit, you must first select a Side (Red, Blue, Neutral). Then you may select a specific Unit Type,
as well as the Number of units this icon will represent. The Class is the exact real-world type (Nimitz, F-15, AA-10).
The Name could be the name of a ship or a nickname for the unit (“CAP”, “TF 201”). Air units have a Callsign instead
of a name, which can be used to represent the callsign of an aircraft or formation. Please note that only the Side
and Unit Type are required, and the rest may be left blank.
The Text Tags group box contains check boxes that will select which unit information will appears on the
map when the Text Tags display button is selected. The tag selections will vary depending on the category of the
6.2 Navigation
The Position group box places a new unit at a specified location. The exact location can be entered into the
X and Y fields. The cursor location will automatically fill the X and Y fields if the cursor is visible (this will allow you
to place the unit at a specific map location).
The relative (or offset) location of a new unit can be specified by filling in the Bearing, Range, and From
Unit information (based on that unit’s track Number). Then click the Calc Position button to calculate the X and Y
values relative to the selected unit. The position values will then populate into the Position group box (if you do not
press the Calc Position button, the position will not update).
Existing unit positions can also be updated using either the direct entry of X and Y values or by using relative
The Movement group box will be visible for unit types that are movable. Enter the Heading and Speed
values to allow movement to take place. Range is optional, and it represents how far a unit may move in Nautical
Miles. Range will decrease with movement, and a unit will move every turn until the Range is zero. The unit will
then stop all movement.
The Navigation Target group box contains a dropdown menu for selecting a “nav target” based on the unit’s
Track Number. During movement, the unit will automatically calculate the heading for an intercept of the nav target.
The unit will stop when it reaches the nav target, and will follow it thereafter (if the target is moving). This feature
can be used to order units to intercept any other type of unit.
Air units will have an Altitude field so the current altitude (in meters) can be entered. SimPlot does not use
the information for anything, so it only serves as a reference for players. Subsurface units have a Depth field (in
meters) and, again, is only a reference for players.
6.3 Perception
Perception is the way players know about opposing units, and is set by the referee for the purpose of
restricting knowledge of a given unit. Perception only applies to actively detected units (radar, sonar, and visual).
Perceptions for Red or Blue units apply only to the opposing side. Perceptions for Neutral units may apply
to both sides since each side may have different levels of detection of the same Neutral unit. Neutral units are
referee-controlled and they do not perceive each other in SimPlot.
The Seen By Blue/Show to Blue As and Seen By Red/Show to Red As group boxes will be enabled for the
opposing side only (Neutral units will have both enabled). For example, in the above image the Blue unit only has
the Seen By Red and Show to Red As group boxes enabled. It is not necessary to use the Blue group boxes since all
units of a given side are visible to each other at all times.
In the “Seen By” group boxes the “Visible to” checkbox will enable a unit to be displayed on the opposing
player’s screen. The amount of information that is to be known to the opposing player is set with the remaining
checkboxes. The kind of checkboxes shown will vary by unit category. The Alternate Class textbox can be used for
displaying any other information the referee desires. Unchecking the “Visible to” checkbox will cause a unit to
disappear from the opposing player’s screen.
The “Show to” group boxes allow the referee to control how the unit is displayed to the opposing player.
The Side popup menu will have the options of Unknown, Neutral, Blue, and Red. Initial detections of a unit would
usually be shown as Unknown. Any other side perception should be judged by the opposing player based on their
knowledge of the unit and situation. That judgement is communicated back to the referee so the side can be
The Unit Type popup menu will be populated with all the types for the unit’s category. The referee can
control what type of air, surface, subsurface, etc. is displayed to the opposing player. In the absence of specific
knowledge of an opposing unit, the type selected should be generic. The referee could make the type more accurate
as more sensor information is gained, or at the request of the opposing player based on a judgement call.
6.4 Range Circles
Range Circles show a circular portion of space around a unit. Circles can be used to represent range
limitations for weapons, aircraft, sensors, or “lines in the sand” that when crossed may trigger events according to
the referee or scenario.
The Label field will be the text that appears on screen. The Range (in Nautical Miles) is how far the circle
will extend from the unit. Color is the current circle color, but it can be changed by clicking it to bring up a color
chooser. The Visible checkbox will draw the circle when the Circles button on the display is clicked on (checking it
off will hide the circle when it’s not needed so you don’t have to delete it). The Fill checkbox will create a semi-
transparent fill in the same color as the circle. The Clear button will clear all the data for that circle’s row (effectively
deleting it).
Range Circles created by one player are not visible to other players. Also, circles created by the referee in
a multi-player game are not transferred to the player files. This allows a referee to use circles for his/her own
purposes, such as reminders when certain detection or weapon events will take place. This prevents the players
from seeing what the referee is looking for.
6.5 Range Arcs
Range Arcs are partial Range Circles that show a specific portion of space around a unit. Arcs can be used
to represent weapon firing arcs, sensor/director detection arcs, or any other purpose you desire. Range Arcs are
drawn relative to a unit’s heading, so the arc will rotate with the unit’s change of direction.
The Label field will be the text that appears on screen. The Range (in Nautical Miles) is how far the arc will
extend from the unit. Start is the compass rose angle (in degrees) for the beginning of the arc, with 0 being the
unit’s heading. Angle (in degrees) is how wide the arc will be in a clockwise direction.
Color is the current arc color, but it can be changed by clicking it to bring up a color chooser. The Visible
checkbox will draw the arc when the Arcs button on the display is clicked on (checking it off will hide the arc when
it’s not needed so you don’t have to delete it). The Fill checkbox will create a semi-transparent fill in the same color
as the arc. The Clear button will clear all the data for that arc’s row (effectively deleting it).
Range Arcs created by one player are not visible to other players. Also, arcs created by the referee in a
multi-player game are not transferred to the player files. This allows a referee to use arcs for his/her own purposes,
such as reminders when certain detection or weapon events will take place. This prevents the players from seeing
what the referee is looking for.
6.6 ESM Bearings (Note: Changed to ES in Harpoon V rules.)
ESM bearings represent the passive detection of an opposing unit that is radiating radar energy. The referee
must apply the Harpoon passive detection rules to know when to create an ESM bearing. Only the referee can create
ESM bearings.
The Emitting TN is the track number of the opposing unit that has a detectable radar on. The modify unit
window that is currently open represents the detecting unit, and so the detecting TN does not need to be specified.
The ESM Label can be used to specify the type of radar being detected. The referee can use one row per
radar type, or group the radars of a single enemy unit in one row.
The Show As Side popup menu will have the options of Unknown, Neutral, Blue, and Red. The type of radar
is known at the moment of detection, and thus a referee would classify the ESM bearing according to the emitting
side. However, there may be circumstances in which the side is unknown, such as generic navigation radars or
friendly units that have “enemy” radar sets. A good example are former Eastern Bloc nations that have joined NATO
but still use Soviet radar equipment.
The Clear button will clear all the data for that bearing’s row (effectively deleting it).
6.7 Sonar Bearings
Sonar bearings represent the passive detection of an opposing unit that is radiating sound energy, whether
it is an active sonar or propulsion noises. The referee must apply the Harpoon passive detection rules to know when
to create a sonar bearing. Only the referee can create sonar bearings.
The Emitting TN is the track number of the opposing unit that has a detectable sound. The modify unit
window that is currently open represents the detecting unit, and so the detecting TN does not need to be specified.
The Sonar Label can be used to specify the type of sonar/sound being detected. The referee should create
a label according to the passive detection rules.
The Show As Side popup menu will have the options of Unknown, Neutral, Blue, and Red. When detecting
active sonars, the type of sonar is known at the moment of detection, and thus a referee would classify the bearing
according to the emitting side. However, there may be circumstances in which the side is unknown, such as generic
propulsion noises or friendly units that have “enemy” sonar sets. A good example are former Eastern Bloc nations
that have joined NATO but still use Soviet sonar equipment.
The Clear button will clear all the data for that bearing’s row (effectively deleting it).
7.0 Game Play
The following are recommendations for translating the Harpoon turn processes into SimPlot turns. The
controls for these instructions are located on the right side of the application screen.
• Plotting Phase: Select the 30-minute turn time and edit unit headings, speeds, altitudes, and depths.
• Movement Phase: Launch aircraft and helicopters by adding units, then move all units using the Do
Movement button.
• Detection Phase: Use range circles or Shift-click measurements to determine if units are in detection range.
• End Turn: Use the Next Turn button to end the turn.
• Plotting Phase: Select the 3-minute turn time and edit unit headings, speeds, altitudes, and depths.
• Movement Phase: Launch aircraft and helicopters by adding units, then move all units using the Do
Movement button.
• Planned Fire Phase: Add new units for missile and torpedo launches. Resolve certain kinds of attacks in
this phase. New units added do not move.
• Detection Phase: Use range circles or Shift-click measurements to determine if units are in detection range.
• Reaction Fire Phase: Add new units for missile and torpedo launches. Resolve certain kinds of attacks in
this phase. New units added do not move until the next turn.
• End Turn: Use the Next Turn button to end the turn.
7.3 30 Second Increments for Air Units (in lieu of a Tactical Turn)
• Plotting Phase: Select the 30-second turn time and for each increment edit air unit headings, speeds, and
altitudes whenever an air unit needs to change them.
• Movement Phase: Move units using the Do Movement button. Please note that all units will move for 30
seconds, not just air units.
• Planned Fire Phase: Add new air units for missile launches. Resolve certain kinds of air attacks in this phase.
New units added do not move until the next increment.
• In the last 30-second movement increment, perform a Detection Phase (use range circles or Shift-click
measurements to determine if units are in detection range), possibly a Reaction Fire Phase, and end the
turn by using the Next Turn button.