Subject Outline: Employability and Practitioner Skills Series 3: Effective Communication (BBA COM 301)

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Name of Subject 1 (Subject Code 1)

Employability and Practitioner Skills Series 3: Effective Communication (BBA COM 301)
(Use a separate outline template for each subject in the course)

1.1 Administrative details

Associated higher education Duration Level Subject
awards (for example, one (for example, introductory, Coordinator
(for example, Bachelor, Diploma) semester, full year) intermediate, advanced level,
1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year)
Bachelor of Business To be
4 years 3rd Year
Administration decided
1.2 Core or elective subject
Indicate if the subject is
a core subject
elective subject
other (please specify below):

1.3 Subject weighting

Using the table below, indicate the credit point weighting of this subject and the
credit point total for the course of study (for example, 10 credit points for the subject
and 320 credit points for the course of study).
Subject credit points Total course credit points
Example: 10 credit points Example: 320 credit points
1 credit points 110 credit points
9 Sessions of one and a half hours each = 13.5 hours
1.4 Student workload
Using the table below, indicate the expected student workload per week for this subject.
No. timetabled hours per No. personal study hours Total workload hours per week***
week* per week**
1.5 hours/week 1.5 hours/week 3 hours/week
* Total time spent per week at lectures, tutorials, clinical and other placements etc.
** Total time students are expected to spend per week in studying, completing
assignments, etc.
*** That is, * + ** = workload hours.
For those students requiring additional English language support, how many
additional hours per week is it expected that they will undertake?
Additional English language support: hours per week

Page 1 of 12
1.5 Delivery mode
Tick all applicable delivery modes for the subject:
Face to face on site
E-learning (online)
Intensive (provide details)

Block release (provide details)

Work-integrated learning activity

Distance/independent learning (untimetabled)
Fast track (provide details)

Other (please specify)

1.6 Pre-requisites and co-requisites

Are students required have undertaken a prerequisite or co-requisite subject for
this subject?
Yes No
If YES, provide details of the prerequisite or co-requisite requirements below.

Employability and Practitioner Skills Series 2: Leadership, Teamwork, Global Dexterity

1.7 Other resource requirements

Do students require access to specialist facilities and/or equipment for this subject
(for example, special computer access, physical education equipment)?
Yes No
If YES, provide details of specialist facilities and/or equipment below.
2.1a AQF Mapped Course Learning
Course name: Bachelor of Business Administration
AQF Level 7 as given in AQF Learning outcomes
Knowledge Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have: Graduates of a BBA degree will have a :
A broad and coherent body of • broad body of knowledge in
knowledge, with depth in the business management concepts and
underlying principles and concepts current practices in a global
in one or more disciplines as a basis business environment
for independent lifelong learning.

Skills Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have: Graduates of a BBA degree will :

Cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, Business intelligence acquire qualitative and
consolidate and synthesize knowledge quantitative skills to consolidate, , synthesise
and analyse business information
Cognitive and technical skills to
demonstrate a broad understanding of Critical Thinking attain critical thinking and
knowledge with depth in some areas decision making skills to provide viable
solutions for business problems
Cognitive and creative skills to exercise
critical thinking and judgment in Effective Communication : acquire expertise
identifying and solving problems with to be an effective written and oral
intellectual independence communicator in the context of both
internal and external business
Communication skills to present a clear, environments
coherent and independent exposition of
knowledge and ideas Teamwork: gain ability to work and
collaborate as a team member and contribute
to achieve team goals

Application of Demonstrated: Graduates of a BBA degree will :

knowledge and With initiative and judgement in • Apply theoretical and technical
skills planning, problem solving and decision knowledge and skills to provide socially
and ethically responsible business
making in professional practice and/or solutions with accountability
scholarship • Demonstrate ability to responsibly
collaborate with others to produce
To adapt knowledge and skills in diverse deliverables that are appropriate for
audiences of different socio-
With responsibility and accountability for economic groups, and for different
own learning and professional practice and business needs.
in collaboration with others within broad
2.1.b BBA Mapping of course learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes
BBA Course Learning Goals and Outcomes AQF Level 7
Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge of business and management

Students should have a broad body of knowledge in business management concepts and current practices in
a global business environment
Learning Outcome 2: Business intelligence
Students should acquire qualitative and quantitative skills to consolidate, synthesise, and analyse
business information
Learning Outcome 3: Critical Thinking
Students should attain critical thinking and decision making skills to provide viable solutions for business
Learning Outcome 4: Effective Communication
Students should acquire expertise to be an effective written and oral communicator in the context of both
internal and external business environments

Learning Outcome 5: Teamwork

Students should have the ability to work and collaborate as a team member and contribute to
achieve team goals
Learning Outcome Goal 6 : Application of Competence with Personal Autonomy and Accountability
i. Students should apply theoretical and technical knowledge and skills to provide socially and
ethically responsible business solutions with accountability
ii. Students should demonstrate ability to responsibly collaborate with others to produce deliverables
that are appropriate for audiences of different socio-economic groups and for different business needs.
2.1.c Mapping of course learning outcomes/ graduate attributes, subject
learning outcomes and assessments
Course Learning Goals & Outcomes Subject Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Item
and Graduate Attributes On successful completion of this
subject, the students will be able to:
1 Knowledge of business and A Display a good understanding of • Class Exercises, and
management relevant factors pertinent to Participation
negotiation, negotiation styles and • Individual Assignment
conflict resolution in cross cultural (Written)
2 Business intelligence B Research a real cross cultural • Group Assignment
business transaction from the (Presentation)
aspects of negotiation, parties
involved, motivations, and the
nature of the outcome

3 Critical Thinking C Critically analyse personal • Class Exercises, and

negotiation and selling styles and Participation
devise ways to enhance these via • Group Assignment
listening skills, empathy, inter- (Presentation)
personal relationships, cross- • Individual Assignment
cultural dexterity and effective (Written)
4 Effective Communication D Engage in analytical discussions • Group Assignment
and present recommendations (Presentation)
and possible solutions in written
reports and/or verbal
5 Team work E Work in teams and • Group Assignment
independently to meet (Presentation)
deadlines, delivery styles and
specified quality standards.
6 Application of - Not addressed Not addressed
Competence with
Personal Autonomy and
2.1.d Assessment tasks
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessment tasks
Type * When assessed – Weighting
On successful completion of
year, session and (% of total marks
this subject, the students will
week for subject)
be able to:

SLO A,C,E Class Exercises, and Participation Weeks 1 - 9 15%

What’s my style?
Personal Branding and Communication

SLO B,C,D,E, Group Assignment (Presentation) Week 8-9 50%

PowerPoint presentation
Group oral presentation (including
oral contributions from each team
member – 10minutes as well as up
5 minutes for class discussion or
Select a topic of your choice social, political,
technology, environmental or a business
idea and prepare a pitch presentation by
researching the target audience for the idea,
using an effective presentation to highlight
the benefits and use negotiation techniques
to provide influence and commitment to the
idea. Use ‘’pitching techniques’’ to gain
quick interest in the idea and demonstrate
SLO A,B,C,D an ability to close
Individual the deal.).(Written)
Assignment Week 11 (Within 2 35%
Reflect on the different exercises weeks of
and assessments undertaken. completion of the
What did you learn about your self, course)
your selling and negotiation styles?
And effective presentations?
1000 word using the template

TOTAL 100%
2.2 Session Wise Details
Session /Week Lecture Topic Pre-session Pedagogy
No Readings
1 Refresher about the Employability and Practitioner Workshop, class
Skills Series discussion,
Introduction to Effective Communication – How exercise
does this link to Emotional Intelligence, Leadership,
Team work, Presentation, Negottiation, and Global
Introduce – Personal Branding/Personal SWOT exercise
2 Effective Communication Item 7 page 9 Workshop, class
discussion, video
How to prepare & deliver an effective presentation. presentations,

3 Effective Communication Item 2 page 9 Workshop, class discussion

exercises,vid eo
How to deliver and sell an effective pitch pr es en ta ti o n & f ee db ac k

What’s my selling style? – Assessment

• Identify one of 4 personal selling-style preferences
• Understand how to leverage style strengths
and avoid trouble spots
• Learn the clues to determine customers'
personal styles
• Discover how to adjust to match the customer's
• Find out how to sell to any personal style

4 Effective Communication Item 8 page 9 Workshop, Role Plays , video

and class
How to control and manage meetings for an discussion/feedback
effective outcome
5 Effective Communication Workshop, Role Plays, video
and class
Managing Difficult Situations and Conflict discussion/feedback
using Emotional Intelligence
2.2 Session Wise Details
6 Effective Communication Item 5 page 9 Workshop, class
discussion exercises, role
Negotiating for Success – The Secrets plays, video a nd
Negotiating style profile – Assessment f e ed ba ck
• Learn five styles of negotiating
• Identify personal negotiating style
• Discover why a win-win approach is most effective
• Learn how one’s negotiating style is perceived
by others
 Overcoming objections
• Develop an action plan to improve negotiating-
style strengths
 Cross cultural nuances

7 Effective Communication Role play, group

discussion, video,
Networking for Personal and Business Growth group work

8 Putting it into Practice Group Group presentations and

Assignment Class discussion
9 Putting it into Practice Group Group presentations and
Assignment Class discussion
1 Spare session allocation if required
2.3 Prescribed and recommended readings
Provide below, in formal reference format, a list of the prescribed and
recommended readings for the subject.

Recommended Reading:

1. Glaser, Rollin, BuildingNegotiating Power, HRDQ
Cases / Other:
2. McBrierHannett, Stephanie What's My Selling Style? A Sales Personality Test
3. Glaser, Rollin and Christine Glaser, Negotiating Style Profile 3rd Edition, HRDQ
4. Zhigang, Tao, Shangjin Wei, and Penelope Chan (2011) Case: Negotiation in China: How
Universal?,University of Hong Kong, Prod. #: HKU956-PDF-ENG
5. Templar, Richard, Jonathan J. Herring, Leigh Thompson, and Terry J. Fadem (2012),Negotiating to
Win: Strategies and Skills for Every Situation (Collection), FT Press, ISBN 0133087220,
6. Bosworth, Michael , John R. Holland and Frank Visgatis (2009) Customer Centric Selling,
McGraw- Hill; 2 edition, ISBN-10: 0071637087 ISBN-13: 978-0071637084
7. Denny, Richard (2009), Communicate to Win: Secrets of Successful Communication and
Presentation, Kogan Page; Second Edition, Revised edition (September 1, 2009), ISBN-10:
0749456450 ISBN-13: 978-0749456450
8. Hattersley, Michael (2007), Management Communication, McGraw-Hill Education; 3rd edition (April
1, 2007), ISBN-10: 0071259260 ISBN-13: 978-0071259262

9. Note: Refer weekly Blackboard session postings for further videos and reference materials.
3. Other Matters

3.a Assessment of Class Participation (15% of total mark))

Subject: Rubric for assessing Class Participation / Contribution applicable to all courses at S P Jain.
This rubric is a scoring tool that clearly characterizes the performance of class participation /
of a student and to provide formative feedback, to support and guide.

Points (<4/10 points) (4 to < 6 /10 points) (6 to < 8 /10 points) (8 to 10 /10 points)

Measurement Fail/Low Pass Satisfactory Good Excellent

Prepared for Student does not Student Student comes to Student comes to
Learning (40 to come to class with an demonstrates a class with an class with an
45%) attitude to learn and surface attitude to learn attitude to learn,
does not understanding of and familiar with well versed on the
demonstrate any the assigned assigned readings assigned readings
familiarity with readings and is able and is able to ask and is able to ask
assigned readings to ask and answer and answer and answer
questions questions questions
Student is not able to Student can only Student does not Student actively
Level of answer questions. respond if questions volunteer but able contributes to class
engagement (40 Appears to be are repeated or to answer all discussion
to 45%) sleeping in the class when clarifications questions without
provided any assistance
Class decorum Student makes Students Student listens to Student never
and behaviour inappropriate or occasionally makes others without makes disruptive or
(10 to 20%) disruptive comments inappropriate or interrupting and inappropriate
disruptive rarely make comments
comments inappropriate or
Note: Rubric prepared after referring to several Australian and American University teaching
excellence and resource centres

Process to administer this tool:

I. Course Coordinator (PC) is expected to share this rubric with the concerned instructor and
students before start of a particular subject.
II. PC expected to add this note with student pictures (see Annexure 1) as well detailed picture
profile of the class in the welcome kit and hand it over to instructor at the beginning of a
particular subject.
III. Instructor is expected hand over these sheets with marks after completing the last session to
IV. PC is expected to share marks on to grade book and provide students two days’ time to get
back to instructor for any clarifications, conclude the process within 5 days of completion of
the subject.

Your task…………………………………………

1. Form a group of minimum 4, maximum 6 people.

2. Select a topic for your group presentation. You can choose ANY topic you like.
It can be a topic related to a global social issue, environmental issue, current
global affairs issue, political topic…..any topic you like.
3. This assessment is about delivering a great presentation.
4. Prepare a Powerpoint, a Prezi, Powtoon or a combination visual presentation.
5. To accompany your presentation, prepare a 10-12 minute video, include your
visual presentation, have each presenter present their part on screen in the
video. So, just like you were doing a face to face presentation, just this time
via video.
6. Each team member should participate in the presentation.
7. Your presentation should follow the template and use the tips and skills you
have learned as covered during our EPSS sessions 2 and 3.
8. The assessment criteria is outlined on the following page.
9. Your presentation MUST have the essential components of ENGAGEMENT,
10.You can be creative, you can be confronting, you can be funny, BUT, you must
be professional at all times, be believable, be knowledgeable, be convincing
and enjoy your presentation.
11.To qualify for assessment your group must post your video to Blackboard by
the nominated time WHICH WILL BE ADVISED at a later date.
12. Your group MUST send me the video also along with a copy of your
presentation at least 24 hours prior to your presentation day and time WHICH
WILL ADVISED at a later date. Send to my S P Jain address please.
13.If you have any questions please contact me and good luck.
3.b Assessment of Group Work/Assignment/Presentation (50% of total mark))

This rubric describes a set of components for assessing written group work / assignment as well
group presentation (to be filled by the instructor). Marks may vary among group members
while assessing group presentations.

Team Presentation (50%) ASSESSMENT TASK 2.

Team Name: BBA Division: A B

Student 1: Student 2:

Student 3: Student 4:

Student 5: Student 6:

Effective Presentation-Visual

Part 1. Clarity of Introduction, Team and Topic /5 points

Part 2. Creativity/Use of Attention Getter /10 points

Part 3. Quality/Clarity of Powerpoint/Prezi/Powtoon / 10 points

Part 5. Clarity, Structure, Flow and Layout of Presentation / 15 points

Part 6. Quality and relevance of support notes in hard copy submission / 5 points

Part 7. Effective team coordination and dynamics / 5 points

Total points (out of 50) /50 points
EPSS BBA 19 SERIES 3 September 2021
Divisions: A B

About 1000-1500 words, essay style using a simple word document and make sure to include
your name, student number and division.

Your self-reflection should connect your learning to specific aspects of the subject experience and
be supported by real examples and should include the following;

1. Use the template provided in the brief as it will assist you in harnessing the
word requirement being 1000-1500 words plus or minus 10%
2. Remember this Reflection Paper is about you and your experience so it is
quite acceptable to refer to ‘I learnt’, ‘My experience was’, ‘From my
3. For those of you who have not written a Reflection Paper based on academic
learning before, here are some suggested guidelines for presenting a
Reflection Paper;
- Start off with an overview of what the subject/experience was all about
- For each point you write about ask these questions and answer, What did I
learn? How did I learn it? How is this/these learnings going to benefit me?
Why is this/these learnings important for my future prospects in life?
- When answering these questions also think about specific skills (eye
contact, negotiating a win-win, how the create small talk etc etc) that will
help you in the future.

Useful Sources to Review Prior Writing your Reflection Paper

- Ash, Clayton,& Moses. (2009). Learning
through Critical Reflection: A Tutorial for
Service-Learning students. Raleigh, NC.
write-a reflective-essay
Process to administer this tool:

I. Course Coordinator (PC) is expected to share this rubric with the concerned instructor and
students before start of a particular subject.
II. Instructor is expected hand over these sheets with marks after completing assessment to PC.
III. PC is expected to share marks on to grade book and provide students two days’ time to get
back to instructor for any clarifications, conclude the process within 5 days of completion of
the assessment.

3.d Quality Assurance by demonstrating the achievement of course learning outcome

and goals and learning outcome of the individual subject.

S P Jain monitors the quality of student learning and student experience for its entire course. For
this purpose, both internal audit by designated academic staff and external audit by external
examiners of good standing from reputed universities are conducted periodically. These audits are
conducted to determine the extent to which both course and subject learning goals and outcomes
are achieved. For this purpose, test check of answer scripts and other assignments are also
undertaken periodically. The reports arising as a result of these audits will be used to implement
changes aimed at improving the quality of S P Jain courses.

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