EIH Spring 2024
EIH Spring 2024
EIH Spring 2024
This course is designed to teach students the process of creating a new viable venture from idea to launch
and to appreciate ways to bring about successful innovations in the healthcare industry. It is an interactive
course organized around an entrepreneurial project undertaken by teams of 3-5 students. This course is
designed, not only, for students with immediate entrepreneurial aspirations in healthcare, but also, for any
student considering starting an entrepreneurial venture at some point in his or her career. In the first two
weeks, teams will research, craft, test and morph their idea into a viable business concept. In the remaining
weeks of the semester, they will further refine their concept and develop a strategy to attract financial,
human and other resources. At the end of the semester, teams will submit and present their business plan for
a grade. The course builds on important research and literature as they relate to the process of new venture
creation and innovation in existing ventures. The teaching method is primarily learning by doing through a
structured process, supported by relevant cases, readings, and lectures. Rigorous class discussions are
fundamental to the SDSB learning experience, especially in a case study class environment.
Team formation and selection of entrepreneurial idea for the course will take place during the first week of
the course.
a. Students will be able to assume responsible and ethical leadership and able
to effectively work and manage diverse teams.
a. Students will understand value chain in healthcare and its major components.
b. Students will understand the role of internal and external stakeholders in
managing the healthcare system
c. System optimization
Goal #2: Understanding complexity of healthcare systems
Goal #2: Knowledge and CLO 1-3 CP, Quiz, Mid-term, Project, Case
Integration of Functional Area analysis
Goal #3: Effective Oral, CLO 3 CP, Quiz, Project, Case analysis
Written, and Presentation
Communication Skills
Develop entrepreneurial attitude requisite in harnessing the organization journey for greater
Acquire the skill sets needed to recognize and assess emerging business opportunities.
Gain knowledge of innovation strategies employed in developing countries.
Learn from practicing founder entrepreneurs.
Appreciate the fun and heartaches of taking an idea to business fruition.
Students will be evaluated on a combination of the final business plan, presentations, and class
participation, including the interim progress updates on the business plan.
Quizzes 20%
Session 1 Module 1 –
1. Self-Diagnosis: Do To provide the opportunity to Be prepared to discuss the
FUNDAMENTALS OF you have the right assess one's aptitude for risk- readings in class
ENTREPRENEURSHIP stuff to start a taking based on the
AND BUSINESS PLAN business? characteristics of successful
2. Natural-Born
Session 2
1. Business Model Understand and appreciate the Be prepared to discuss the reading
Analysis for basic elements of an in class
Entrepreneurs entrepreneurial business model
Session 3
1. Developing Business Understand how to translate a Be prepared to discuss the
Plans and Pitching business model into a well- readings in class
Opportunities crafted plan and pitch.
Session 5 Module 2 –
Evaluate entrepreneurial 1. Why are FAMViC sales lower
IDENTIFYING AND Case: STEDEC: The opportunity identification and than expected?
SHAPING FAMViC Challenges exploitation
Critically evaluate Go to Market 2. What should Mr. Khan do and
strategies of STEDEC why?
Session 6
1. Experimenting in the Appreciate the role of small Be prepared to discuss the
Entrepreneurial experiments in removing critical reading(s) in class
Venture risk factors in the entrepreneurial
Session7 Module 3 –
1. Selling and Marketing Provide basic knowledge of Be prepared to discuss the
GOING TO MARKET in the Entrepreneurial marketing mix and Go to Market reading(s) in class
Venture strategies for entrepreneurs
Session 8
Estimate size of opportunity 1. How do you assess Biopure’s
Case: Biopure created by innovation potential in the human
Corporation market? The animal market?
Understand organizational
tradeoffs in exploiting 2. Would you launch the
Oxyglobin at this time or not?
Session 9 Module 4–
1. The Discipline of Introduce the basic concepts and 1. What is the distinctive value
INNOVATION Case: Stork Home Innovation frameworks of innovation proposition of Stork Home?
MANAGEMENT Fernandez Hospital: Going
to Market with a Purpose 2. What is Disruptive
Driven Disruptive Innovation 2. How should the systems,
Innovation Evaluate the reasons for processes and norms at Stork
innovations and challenges faced
Home differ from those of
in implementation
other FH hospitals?
Session 10
Expose students to an innovative 1. Would you label Arvind as a
Case: Arvind Eye Care business model to eliminate successful enterprise? What
System blindness amongst poor people
seem to be its KSFs?
Understand the challenges
involved in scaling up of an 2. Why does Arvind seem to be
innovation moving away from Eye
Camps to Vision Centers?
Session 13 Module 5–
1. Healthcare Finance Describe how costs are classified Be prepared to discuss the
(Chapter 5, according to their relationship reading(s) in class.
FINANCIAL with volume.
MANAGEMENT AND Organizational
RAISING FUNDS Costing and Profit Conduct profit (cost-volume-
Analysis, Page 159 – profit) analyses to analyze the
189) impact of changing assumptions
Healthcare Finance on both profitability and
(Chapter 6, breakeven points.
Departmental Costing
Differentiate between direct and
and Cost allocation,
indirect (overhead) costs.
Page 201 – 224)
Explain why proper cost
allocation is important to health
services organizations.
Session 15
To teach students about the 1. What are the main differences
Case: Term sheet elements and characteristics of and similarities between the
Negotiations at term sheets.
Trendsetter, Inc. two term sheets?
To sharpen students'
understanding of how to If you were the entrepreneur
compare term sheets and how to and could not negotiate any of
select the best term sheet given the terms in either term sheet
the likely evolution of a venture. which one, would you prefer
and why?
Session 16 Module 6–
1. People and Explore different stages of 1. Does the franchise model
TEAM BUILDING Case: BrightStar Care: growth in an expanding company
Organizational Issues presents a relatively low-risk
AND LEADERSHIP The Evolution of a and the external and internal
Leadership Team Involved in Scaling a and high-return approach to
factors that influence each stage.
Startup growing BrightStar?
Learn to addresses challenges
2. Becoming on faced by a founder as she cedes 2. What challenges were posed
Entrepreneurial more control to a growing team due to shifting regulatory
Leader of executives. landscape and labor