MELAB3 Experiment 2
MELAB3 Experiment 2
MELAB3 Experiment 2
Experiment No. 2
Objectives 1
Theories and Principles 1
List of Apparatus …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Procedures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Set-Up of Apparatus……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Recommendations ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………….. 15
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
1. To know the basic principle and operation
2. To determine the pump system parameters when subjected to varying water level and
Rotary pump is another type of pump compared to the previous pump that was discussed,
which was the centrifugal pump. As mentioned, the difference is the motion with how they
create velocity to drive the fluid. For rotary pumps, instead of creating centrifugal force, they
incorporate impellers into the pump itself to create a positive displacement in the fluid that is
involved in the operation of the pump. The main factor that can be dependent of the performance
of a rotary pump is through the head.
Rotary pump, a type of positive displacement pump is a type of pump that is involved
directly with the quantity of liquid being involved in the operation and with the motion of the
pumping parts.
For this experiment, the following are the equations that governs the operation of a rotary pump,
Discharge Velocity :
Q= A d v d
Friction Head :
L v s2
( )( )
h fs =f
D 2g
Suction Head :
P s v s2
Hs= + + z +h
γ 2 g s fs
Discharge Head :
P d v d2
Hd= + + z +h
γ 2 g d fd
Total Dynamic Head
TDH =H d −H s
Water Power
℘=Q× γ × TDH
Power Input
PI =√ 3 EIcosθ
Motor Brake Power
1. Rotary Pump
3. Steel Tank/Drum
4. Pressure Gauge
5. Platform Balance
6. Set of Counterweights
7. Amprobe
8. Steel Tape
9. Stopwatch
10. Tachometer
1. From the mains, fill the suction tank with water and measure the water level.
2. Fully open the discharge valve
3. To achieve the desired speed, adjust the belt and pulley.
4. Measure the discharge tare weight of the drum.
5. For trial 1, push the green button on the switchboard to turn on the motor.
6. Time for 1 minute for trial 1.
7. Before the time will be up, measure the electric current, pump speed and discharge
pressure using the amprobe, tachometer and gauge, respectively.
8. Upon reaching 1 minute press the red button to turn off the motor.
9. Measure the ultimate weight of the steel drum.
10. For the next trial, measure the water level in the suction tank as the new height.
11. Repeat step 5 to step 10.
12. For the subsequential trials, repeat the step-by-step method discussed above.
13. Compute all the required data for the final data sheet.
Trial 1 2 3 4 5
Pressure, psig 3 3 3 3 3
ft 3 π 2 2
0.03 53 =
s 4 12 ( )
ft × v s
v s=1. 618
D ischarge V elocity :
Q= A d v d
ft 3 π 1.5 2
0.0 353 =
s 4 12 ( ft × v d)
v d=2.8 78
F riction H ead :
¿=2.75 ¿
L2=90 elbow =1.0 (5.5 ft ) × 2=11 ft
) )
=0.070 ft
P s v s2 48
Hs= + + z +h =0+0+
γ 2 g s fs 12
ft −0.070 ft ( )
H s =3. 930 ft
lb 144 ¿ 2 ft 2
P d v d2 ( 3
1 ft 2)( 2.878
s ) 28
Hd= + + z +h =
γ 2 g d fd lb
62.34 3
2 ( 32.174 )
+ ( )
ft +0
H d =9. 392 ft
TDH =5.462 ft
Water Power
ft 3 lb 1 hp
℘=Q× γ × TDH=0.0353 × 62.34 3 × 5.462 ft ×
s ft lb−ft
℘=0.022 hp
Power Input
Overall Eff =9.283 %
For this experiment, the experiment requires 5 trials to be done with respective recorded
data. Students were assigned respective trials to be completed, trial 1 was assigned for this case.
The initial parameters for the trial 1 was recorded from the procedures of the experiment. All the
recorded data were all tabulated in the table presented earlier in this paper. Furthermore, for trial
1, initial parameters are characterized by pressure, suction water level, pump speed, discharge,
line current and total dynamic head. With the following initial parameters, these values enable
the calculation of the reacquired values for the completion of this experiment, which includes
values of waterpower, power input, motor break horsepower, pump break horsepower, pump
efficiency and over-all efficiency.
With the determination of the values for the suction head and the discharge head, this
initializes the computation of all the required values for this experiment. Furthermore, the Darcy-
Weisbach equation was also incorporated, which includes the head loss. In calculating the total
dynamic head, all were simply obtained through the combination or the sum of all the heads
measured. With all this, all other computations required can now be easily obtained. All other
required values were recorded as seen in the table mentioned in the earlier parts of this
experiment, thus, completing the experiment.
heating and air conditioning. This application is carried by moving high viscosity
substances such as lubricating oil. Lobe type, flexible, vane or screw pump are the most
Currently, in the industry, there are 4 types of rotary pumps that are being used:
Rotary pump operates through a high displacement concept. This is due the
impeller inside the pump that creates a high displacement. It is important to take note that
when the displacement is lower, the pumping action may not be done because of the
Rotary pumps are designed to work for a lifetime, with the concept and materials
behind the production of a rotary pump, it is well equipped and calculated to carry out its
maintained and how it is used depending on the working conditions that it will be
subjected to.
In order for a rotary pump to last, proper maintenance is required. Some of the
good practices in maintaining a rotary pump are: Change oil regularly, this enable the
rotary pump to operate efficiently. Make sure to use the right oil in the right amount;
Make sure to replace the filter regularly, because there will be times where materials that
are invisible to human eyes may go through a rotary pump, which is something that is
not supposed to happen. This is prevented with the use of filter. While at the same time,
accumulation of foreign materials in the filter may required the pump to work more and
create less work; and finally, keep the temperature of operation low, heat may be
There were two objectives required for this experiment. The first objective required is to
understand and learn the essential characteristics and operations of a rotary pump and for the
second objective, is to calculate and acquire the pump system parameters at varying water level
and speeds. For the first objective, it was discussed in the theories and principles of the different
concepts and theories that make up the possibility and operation of a rotatory pump.
Furthermore, the equations governing rotary pumps were also discussed to help acquire data for
the experiment. For the second objective, it can be seen that there were parts in the experiment
were initial parameters were recorded, through this, these parameters enable the calculations of
all the required values for this experiment, all calculations were presented, specifically for the
trial 1, which was assigned as seen in the sample calculations. Other trials were accurately
calculated by fellow students as well. Through this, all the required data were computed.
Through this, it can be seen that both objectives were satisfied, making this experiment
In this experiment, it can be noticed that this experiment handles real equipment and
apparatus, this means that doing the experiment in an actual set up will be much more efficient
and maximizes the learning experiences of the students who will be involved in this experiment.
Furthermore, it was noticed that efficiencies calculated may differ greatly depending on how
initially calculated values were rounded off. It is recommended to use values that were not
rounded off, if possible, if not, it is recommended to use values rounded up to four decimal
places to minimize discrepancy.
Rotary vane pumps and other types of rotary pumps used on board ships. (2009, June 30). Bright
Types of Rotary Pumps, Screw Pump, Gear Pump, Lobe Pump, and Vane Pump. (2021, April 2).