Accounting 7029

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by sulphurous acid (H. Schiff, Ann., 1866, 140, p. 131).

was over, reclining on strewn grass, sometimes out of doors,)

Linnaean Amphibia into Squamiferes and Nudipelliferes,

remains of an inner veil, that stretched from the stem to the

sulphate of soda (salt-cake) with about the same weight of

wit and his mental acuteness a Yankee and having the flavour

from the foreign fats are practically both insoluble and

ADELAIDE (Ger. Adelheid) (931--999), queen of Italy and

C.E. Civil Engineer.

or two other measures of minor importance came the Act 53 &

the impure amber is called firniss. Enclosures of pyrites

D. Chapter-house. L. Abbot's hall. W. Abbey gateway.

1778. In June 1775, with a view to promoting the union of

the sentimental literature of France and England. (E. PR.)

d. Nordam. Freistaaten (Berlin, 1874); Wood and Edmonds,

strikes nearly west to the Persian frontier, and joins it on

The capacity ranges from 20 to 100 ampere-hours, and the

it; and the other running from the southeastern promontory

1893 26 4 25 7 18 9

any, Of the nitrogenous. Thus, then, alike for maintenance, for

to confirm the observations of Glaisher; for an account see

improbable that he was in fact an hereditary chief of the

American, and he also translated much foreign verse from the

While the Carian and Lycian were probabIy independent of the

Lewis E. Parsons . . . . . 1865 Provisional.

Isabella II. of Spain . . . . . . . . . . . June 25, 1870

as he rapidly marched on Louisville and Cincinnati. The whole

ABANDONMENT OF DOMICILE is the ceasing to reside permanently

drugs. Diamond-cutting has long been practised by the Jews

in much of Europe is attributed to early acclimatization, as it

globulin, cell-globulins.

must be kept in a dry place, as cool as possible, and never

mountains. In character the Afridi has obtained an evil name

qualified, are liable to serve on juries or inquests in England

snow. In the absence of monsoon influences there are steadier

begins with an account of the diving-bell, ``a new invention'';

Modern British Legislation.--In modern times the English

what was called the dialect novel supreme for the season. This

urges his claims upon the agent will, in the long run,

Levant. Kilij Arslan had a palace there. The army of Louis

equality of men, its own social structure and habit north and

Nilotics with affinity

cast or beaten in metals or fashioned in clay, the latter in

plants are seen above 11,000 ft. There is reason to think,

of its tributaries to discover traces of former Portuguese

mensa tremenda, series corporis et sanguinis Christi.

alabaster is a snow-white material of fine tiniforni grain,

his commentaries on the Metaphysica by H. Bonitz, Berlin,

winter there is usually one fall of snow in the S. and two

changes of the latter kind actually occur. When they are

limits of the two principal dialects correspond with the racial

grace by which the supreme power in a state restores those

The honour of knighthood was offered to Adams when Queen

Warburton's Eighteen Years in the Khyber (1900). (C. L.)

enterprise or remarkable incident. Thus an ``adventurer,''

a Greek temple, I am not only ascribing life and feeling to

fatal rupture of the distended bowel, and often---one might

Civitavecchia (January 16, 1495). On the 28th Charles departed

the decomposition as taking place, 2NH3.NI3 + 6Zn(C2H5)2

ass, troubled by and troubling every one (xvi. 12). As the

an international commission, ``for the purpose of inquiring

K.G. Knight of the Garter.

adviser. On the 10th of October 1839 he and Ernest went again

1784. They were spherical common shell with lead bullets

absence of ``we'' be not due to psychological causes, rather

Star-Spangled Banner" (1813), by Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) of

the Leblanc process still furnishes nearly half of all the

the forests, all points of interest may be easily reached by

reproduces the story of Apollonius of Tyre, was attached

its courser and, having been assured that the motion of the

her old age, to educate the children of his first teacher,

extinction. The quantities of dead meat imported increased

farm of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, the soil

Lome 118 49 120,088 8,358 4,728 2000 0.8 6.26

at the same time some considerable areas have through stress

fifteen years the rattachement was, with the approval of the

Somaliland. An Abyssinian expedition was, at Great

presence or absence of good tool material counted for as much

Pocquet, Le Duc d'Aiguillon et La Chalotais (Paris,

about 1500 m. It rises in the mountainous district known as

ascend to the Pongo de Manseriche, just above Achual Point

II. CHLOROPHYCEAE, or Green Algae.

private property, which the state had no longer any right to

1861, and came to an end, in the last days of April 1865,

Thomas Aquinas, but a comparison of dates makes it clear

succeeded by Cyrus, who ruled the whole Persian empire.

considered the mildest and most salubrious place in Siberia, and

sacked Gondar. After some delay, King John took the field

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