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UMUX Multiservice
Access Platform


EN/5/LZTBU 221 115/5 RC

Glossary – UMUX Multiservice Access Platform

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Switzerland © April 2008 by KEYMILE AG

Table of contents i
Glossary 1

EN/5/LZTBU 221 115/5 RC Technical Customer Documentation, Glossary iii

Glossary © KEYMILE AG

Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

AAL ATM Adaptation Layer The standards layer that allows multiple applications to have data converted to
and from the ATM cell. A protocol used that translates higher layer services
into the size and format of an ATM cell.
AAL-1 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 1 AAL functions in support of constant bit rate, time-dependent traffic such as
voice and video.
AAL-2 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 2 This AAL is still undefined by the International Standards bodies. It is a place-
holder for variable bit rate video transmission.
AAL-3/4 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 3/4 AAL functions in support of variable bit rate, delay-tolerant data traffic requiring
some sequencing and/or error detection support. Originally two AAL types, i.e.
connection-oriented and connectionless, which have been combined.
AAL-5 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 5 AAL functions in support of variable bit rate, delay-tolerant connection-oriented
data traffic requiring minimal sequencing or error detection support.
ABR Area Border Router Router that connects the backbone network with another area. They maintain
routing tables of both areas.
ABR Available Bit Rate ABR is an ATM layer service category for which the limiting ATM layer transfer
characteristics provided by the network may change subsequent to connection
A flow control mechanism is specified which supports several types of feed-
back to control the source rate in response to changing ATM layer transfer
characteristics. It is expected that an end-system that adapts its traffic in
accordance with the feedback will experience a low cell loss ratio and obtain a
fair share of the available bandwidth according to a network specific allocation
Cell delay variation is not controlled in this service, although admitted cells are
not delayed unnecessarily.
ABUS UMUX internal bus for the cross connection of ATM traffic (VCC, VPC). The
ABUS is physically identical with the SBUS.
The first unit configured (ABUS, SBUS unit) defines the signal structure of the
AC Alternate Current
AC Active Closed State of the working contact if the relay is actively driven.
ACONV ABUS unit for the UMUX with access to the ABUS and PBUS (totally up to 16
2 Mbit/s). The ACONV provides services as follows:
- CES 2 Mbit/s (up to 16 CES 2 Mbit/s for unstructured traffic signals). The
P12 interface (PBUS) provides the same features as the P12 of the LOMIF.
- IMA (up to 14 IMA UNIs). IMA-1 is a high capacity network IMA, IMA-2 … 14
are IMA interfaces with reduced performance.
ACR Allowed Cell Rate An ABR service parameter, ACR is the current rate in cells/sec at which a
source is allowed to send.
ADACA The ADACA is an ABUS unit for the UMUX with 16 ADSL line interfaces and
access to the ABUS for ATM traffic. The ADAC transports bi-directional ATM
traffic (32 … 8064 kbit/s upstream and 32 … 1024 kbit/s downstream) via its 2-
wire ADSL interfaces. The ADACA operates with ADSL ATM modems at the
remote side and is optimised for the interoperation with POTS splitters.
ADACB The ADACB provides the same basic features as the ADACA but is optimised
for the interoperation with ISDN-BA splitters at the remote side.
ADM Add-Drop-Multiplexer Multiplexer which adds and drops traffic signals for local use to and from the
aggregate signal.
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code A reduced bit rate variant of PCM audio encoding (see also PCM). This algo-
Modulation rithm encodes the difference between an actual audio sample amplitude and a
predicted amplitude and adapts the resolution based on recent differential
ADSL Asymmetrical bit-rate DSL The speed of the up- and down-stream transmission can be different.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

AFI Authority and Format Identifier The first part of the IDP of an OSI (NSAP) address that specifies the type (and
the responsible authority) of the address (second part: IDI).
AG Access Gateway The AG is a Media Gateway type. The AG supports line side interfaces, e.g.
for analogue or ISDN phones.
AGC Automatic Gain Control Signal level is automatically adapted to compensate attenuation of the line
length or conditions.
AIS Alarm Indication Signal An all ones signal sent down or up stream by a device when it detects an error
condition or receives an error condition or receives an error notification from
another unit in the transmission path.
A-law The ITU standard for analogue to digital audio data conversion using PCM
coding and companding. The A-Law technique is used throughout Europe and
has a more constant signal-to-quantizing noise ratio than its North American
counterpart, u-Law.
ALCAR Alarm unit with 24 binary inputs, 4 command outputs and 4 ports for serial
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown Mechanism to switch of the Laser in TX direction for security reason.
AN Access Network Any system (distributed or monolithic) between the LE and the user
ANSI American National Standards A U.S. standards body.
AO Active Open State of the working relay contact if the relay is actively driven.
APDSW Application Download SoftWare UMUX software which loads the ESW from the MIB of the NE to the units.
API Application Program Interface API is a programmatic interface used for interprogram communications or for
interfacing between protocol layers.
APS Automatic Protection Switching Protects section or trails/paths in the network by switching traffic to a protect-
ing section / trail in case of failure of the active section/trail.
ARD Automatic Ring Down Mode of the SUBLA. The SUBLA in the ARD mode provides a locally timed
sequence of ringing signals.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol The procedures and messages in a communications protocol which deter-
mines which physical network address (MAC) corresponds to the IP address in
the packet.
AS Autonomous System OSPF expression: Entity of systems that use a common routing strategy and
are managed by a common administration.
ASBR Autonomous System Boundary ABR located between an OSPF AS and a non-OSPF network. They must run
Router both routing protocols.
ASD Acceleration Spectral Density
ASP Abstract Service Primitive An implementation-independent description of an interaction between a ser-
vice-user and a service-provider at a particular service boundary, as defined
by Open Systems Interconnection (OSI).
ASP Application Server Process An application server is a logical entity serving a specific application instance
for e.g. handling the Q.931 messages and call processing for D-channels. The
ASP is part of the softswitch.
Asynchronous Time Asynchronous Time Division A multiplexing technique in which a transmission capability is organized in a
Division Multiplex- Multiplexing priori unassigned time slots. The time slots are assigned to cells upon request
ing of each application's instantaneous real need.
AT Available Time Starts with 10 consecutive ESs (included in AT) and ends with 10 consecutive
SESs (not included in AT)
ATIOP ABUS unit for the UMUX with an optical STM-1 interface. The ATIOP provides
a UNI for the transmission of ATM cells via an optical STM-1 signal.
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode A transfer mode in which the information is organized into cells. It is asynchro-
nous in the sense that the recurrence of cells containing information from an
individual user is not necessarily periodic.
ATM allows the transmission of virtually any traffic data (and speed) by means
of standardised data packets via the network.
Example of an ATM product: UMUX with the UCST & UNEM R6.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

ATM Traffic De- ATM Traffic Descriptor A generic list of traffic parameters that can be used to capture the intrinsic
scriptor traffic characteristics of a requested ATM connection.
ATM User-User ATM User-User Connection An association established by the ATM Layer to support communication be-
Connection tween two or more ATM service users (i.e., between two or more next higher
entities or between two or more ATM-entities).
The communications over an ATM Layer connection may be either bi-
directional or unidirectional. The same Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) issued
for both directions of a connection at an interface.
ATU Asynchronous Transfer Unit ATU is a third party product used for the concentration of management ac-
AUG-n Administrative Unit Group, level Level of the SDH multiplexing structure.
AU-n Administrative Unit, level n Level of the SDH multiplexing structure.
AUXP AUXiliary Pattern Bit pattern … 1010 … used for the signalling of particular PRA conditions.
AWG American Wire Gauge Wire diameter unit used in USA
BA Basic-Rate Access 2B + D ISDN channel (2 x 64kbit/s + 16 kbit/s). Same meaning as ISDN-BRA.
BATMO BATtery MOdule Installation set to implement an external battery pack for power backup with
the POSUA unit (UMUX 1200). The BATMO does not include the batteries.
BBE Background Block Error
BBER Background Block Error Ratio
B-channel Bearer channel 64 kbit/s channel for voice or data
BDR Backup Designated Router See DR.
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion A Resource Management (RM) cell type generated by the network or the
Notification destination, indicating congestion or approaching congestion for traffic flowing
in the direction opposite that of the BECN cell.
BER Bit Error Rate A measure of transmission quality. It is generally shown as a negative expo-
nent, (e.g., 10-7 which means 1 out of 1E+7 bits are in error or 1 out of
10,000,000 bits are in error).
BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts Conventionally, the capacity of a telephone switching system is measured by
the maximum number of call attempts per hour (during busy hour of the day)
that can be handled by the system.
This measure is referred to as BHCA.
BICC Bearer Independent Call Control BICC is an adaptation of the narrow-band ISUP protocol for use in a bearer
and message transport independent environment. In NGN, BICC is used as
the signalling protocol between softswitches.
BIP Bit Interleaved Parity Measurement method for detecting errors occurring in a digital signal
BIP Bit Interleaved Parity A method used at the PHY layer to monitor the error performance of the link. A
check bit or word is sent in the link overhead covering the previous block or
frame. Bit errors in the payload will be detected and may be reported as main-
tenance information.
BIS Border Intermediate System.
B-ISDN Broadband ISDN A high-speed network standard (above 1.544 Mbps) that evolved Narrowband
ISDN with existing and new services with voice, data and video in the same
BN Bridge Number A locally administered bridge ID used in Source Route Bridging to uniquely
identify a route between two LANs.
BOM Beginning of Message An indicator contained in the first cell of an ATM segmented packet.
A logical node that is in a specified peer group, and has at least one link that
crosses the peer group boundary.
BORSCHT Battery feed, Over-voltage pro- Common explanation of PSTN functions.
tection, Ringing injection, Super-
vision, Codec, Hybrid, and Test-
BP Basic Package Basic feature package of the UMUX Network Element Manager

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit A message type used by bridges to exchange management and control infor-
BR Border Router OSPF expression: Router that connects an OSPF area to the backbone
B-RAS Broadband Remote Access Common Internet access point for many clients for various services. The B-
Server RAS is located between the Internet and a regional access network.
BRI Basic Rate Interface ISDN interface
Broadband Broadband A service or system requiring transmission channels capable of supporting
rates greater than the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) primary rate.
Broadband Access Broadband Access An ISDN access capable of supporting one or more broadband services.
Broadcast Broadcast Data transmission to all addresses or functions.
BT Burst Tolerance BT applies to ATM connections supporting VBR services and is the limit pa-
rameter of the GCRA.
B-TE Broadband Terminal Equipment An equipment category for B-ISDN which includes terminal adapters and
BW Bandwidth A numerical measurement of throughput of a system or network.
CA Carrier Adapter PSTN Signalling mode for interworking between the Access Network and
CAC Connection Admission Control: Connection Admission Control is defined as the set of actions taken by the
network during the call set- up phase (or during call re-negotiation phase) in
order to determine whether a connection request can be accepted or should
be rejected (or whether a request for re-allocation can be accommodated).
Call Call A call is an association between two or more users or between a user and a
network entity that is established by the use of network capabilities. This asso-
ciation may have zero or more connections.
CAP Carrier-less Amplitude Phase Modulation method specially adapted for the data transmission via copper
(Modulation) pairs in PSTN networks. CAP allows e.g. the transmission of 1168 kbit/s within
a bandwidth of 278 kHz.
CAS Channel Associated Signalling The signalling information for each TS in the frame is transmitted in a dedi-
cated TS and is synchronised to the frame.
CBR Constant Bit Rate An ATM service category which supports a constant or guaranteed rate to
transport services such as video or voice as well as circuit emulation which
requires rigorous timing control and performance parameters.
CCD Clear Channel Data 64 kbit/s channel for data transmission. No encoding.
CCM Customer Configuration Man- Database with data on equipment and customer configuration allows you to
agement identification and trace materials
CCR Customer Configuration Regis- Registration of data for the CCM database
CCR Current Cell Rate The Current Cell Rate is an RM-cell field set by the source to its current ACR
when it generates a forward RM-cell. This field may be used to facilitate the
calculation of ER, and may not be changed by network elements. CCR is
formatted as a rate.
CCS Common Channel Signalling A form signalling in which a group of circuits share a signalling channel. Refer
to SS7.
CDF Cutoff Decrease Factor CDF controls the decrease in ACR (Allowed Cell Rate) associated with CRM.
CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only Mem- Used by a computer to store large amounts of data. Commonly used for inter-
ory active video games.
CDV Cell Delay Variation CDV is a component of cell transfer delay, induced by buffering and cell
scheduling. Peak-to-peak CDV is a QoS delay parameter associated with CBR
and VBR services.
The peak-to- peak CDV is the ((1-a) quantile of the CTD) minus the fixed CTD
that could be experienced by any delivered cell on a connection during the
entire connection holding time. The parameter "a" is the probability of a cell
arriving late. See CDVT.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance ATM layer functions may alter the traffic characteristics of ATM connections by
introducing Cell Delay Variation. When cells from two or more ATM connec-
tions are multiplexed, cells of a given ATM connection may be delayed while
cells of another ATM connection are being inserted at the output of the multi-
plexer. Similarly, some cells may be delayed while physical layer overhead or
OAM cells are inserted.
Consequently, some randomness may affect the inter-arrival time between
consecutive cells of a connection as monitored at the UNI. The upper bound
on the "clumping" measure is the CDVT.
CE Connection Endpoint A terminator at one end of a layer connection within a SAP.
CEI Connection Endpoint Identifier Identifier of a CE that can be used to identify the connection at a SAP.
Cell Cell A unit of transmission in ATM. A fixed-size frame consisting of a 5-octet
header and a 48-octet payload.
Cell Header Cell Header ATM Layer protocol control information.
CENCA Control unit for the legacy UMUX 1100/1300, containing the cross connect
matrix and control and monitor functionality for all the other UBUS Units.
CER Cell Error Ratio The ratio of errored cells in a transmission in relation to the total cells sent in a
transmission. The measurement is taken over a time interval and is desirable
to be measured on an in-service circuit.
CES Circuit Emulation Service The ATM Forum circuit emulation service interoperability specification speci-
fies interoperability agreements for supporting Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic
over ATM networks that comply with the other ATM Forum interoperability
agreements. Specifically, this specification supports emulation of existing TDM
circuits over ATM networks.
cfg configuration Extension used for configuration data files (filename.cfg) created with the
CIF Cells in Frames Cells In Frames is a protocol established by the CIF Alliance which specifies
how to transport ATM protocol over Ethernet, Token Ring and other frame
protocols. CIF uses software at the workstation instead of a new hardware
Network Interface Card to do QOS scheduling and ABR flow control.
CL Connectionless Service A service which allows the transfer of information among service subscribers
without the need for end-to- end establishment procedures.
CLI Calling Line Identification Used in PSTN application to show the calling number in the display of the
called telephone set. Is an inband transmission using DTMF or FSK. Trans-
mission takes place in the ringing pause.
CLIP Calling Line Identification Proto- Used in PSTN application to show the calling number in the display of the
col called telephone set. Is an inband transmission using DTMF or FSK. Trans-
mission takes place in the ringing pause.
CLK CLocK (Internal) Timing signal.
CLNP ConnectionLess Network Proto- Protocol for the data transfer in the OSI world (equivalent to TCP/IP in the IP
col world).
CLP Cell Loss Priority This bit in the ATM cell header indicates two levels of priority for ATM cells.
CLP=0 cells are higher priority than CLP=1 cells. CLP=1 cells may be dis-
carded during periods of congestion to preserve the CLR of CLP=0 cells.
CLR Cell Loss Ratio CLR is a negotiated QoS parameter and acceptable values are network spe-
cific. The objective is to minimize CLR provided the end-system adapts the
traffic to the changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. The Cell Loss Ratio
is defined for a connection as: Lost Cells/Total Transmitted Cells. The CLR
parameter is the value of CLR that the network agrees to offer as an objective
over the lifetime of the connection. It is expressed as an order of magnitude,
having a range of 10-1 to 10-15 and unspecified.
CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate The ratio of cells received at an endpoint that were not originally transmitted by
the source end in relation to the total number of cells properly transmitted.
C-n Container, level n Level of the SDH multiplexing structure. Often the hierarchy type (European
=2, American =1) is amended to n.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

CNG Comfort Noise Generation Complementary to the transmit-side VAD, a comfort noise generator (CNG) is
a receive-side device. A CNG generates a local noise signal that it presents to
the listener during silent periods.
COBU<X> Generic term for the COBUX and COBUV control units of the UMUX. The units
provide central system control, synchronisation and feature the MIB for the
NE, including the ESW for units with SWDL. The control units fit slots 11 and
12 (redundant unit only).
COBUL Control unit for the UMUX 1200/1500. The COBUL provides access to 4 x
2 Mbit/s for the UBUS and 128 x 2 Mbit/s for the PBUS) but provides no SDH,
no voice, no ECC, no conference or diagnostic functions.
COBUQ Control unit for the UMUX 1500 providing reduced functionality compared to
COBU<X> (no ECC, no conference or diagnostic functions, access capacity
limited to 4 x 2 Mbit/s for the UBUS and 32 x 2 Mbit/s for the PBUS).
With the former UCST 3.3a/1: Control unit for the NE UMUX 1400
COBUV Control unit for the UMUX 1200/1500. The same features as the COBUX but
with additional conference functions for 64 kbit/s traffic data.
COBUX Control unit for the UMUX 900/1200/1500. The unit features serial, Ethernet
and PDH/SDH ECC access for management communication and Diagnostic
functions for traffic data channels. The COBUX provides capacity for 2 times 4
x 2 Mbit/s UBUS and 128 x 2 Mbit/s PBUS accesses.
COD Connection Oriented Data Data requiring sequential delivery of its component PDUs to assure correct
functioning of its supported application, (e.g., voice or video).
COLT Legacy name of the xDSL line xDSL line terminal equipment provides data transmission via copper pairs and
terminal equipment optical fibres. xDSL equipment is available as units for subrack operation or as
desktop units (e.g. MUSIC 100).
(COpper Line Terminal) The functions and units are available for the UMUX multiservice access sys-
COLT soho Legacy name of the MUSIC 100. The MUSIC 100 is a desktop unit with Ethernet interfaces and bridge/router
functionality. MUSIC 100 uses xDSL transmission via copper pairs at the
aggregate side.
COM COMmon Common contact for the working relay contacts (AO, AC).
Connection Connection An ATM connection consists of concatenation of ATM Layer links in order to
provide an end-to-end information transfer capability to access points.
Connection Connection In switched virtual connection (SVC) environments the LAN Emulation Man-
agement entities set up connections between each other using UNI signalling.
Connectionless Connectionless Refers to ability of existing LANs to send data without previously establishing
CoS Class of Service Tagging system on Ethernet frames which allows to differentiate class of
services. IEEE 802.1p
CPCS Common Part Convergence The portion of the convergence sublayer of an AAL that remains the same
Sublayer regardless of the traffic type.
CPCS-SDU Common Part Convergence Protocol data unit to be delivered to the receiving AAL layer by the destination
Sublayer-Service Data Unit CP convergence sublayer.
CPE Customers Premises Equipment End user equipment that resides on the customer's premise which may not be
owned by the local exchange carrier.
CPS Customer Parameter Set Used in V5 applications to define the custom specific parameters of the V5
CPS Customer Parameter Set CPS allows defining custom specific functions and parameters for V5, NGN
and ATM-IAD (LES) applications.
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check A mathematical algorithm that computes a numerical value based on the bits
in a block of data. This number is transmitted with the data and the receiver
uses this information and the same algorithm to insure the accurate delivery of
data by comparing the results of algorithm and the number received. If a mis-
match occurs, an error in transmission is presumed.
CRC4 Cyclic Redundancy Check The cyclic redundancy check uses a 4th order polynomial.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

CRF Cell Relay Function This is the basic function that an ATM network performs in order to provide a
cell relay service to ATM end-stations.
CRF Connection Related Function A term used by Traffic Management to reference a point in a network or a
network element where per connection functions are occurring. This is the
point where policing at the VCC or VPC level may occur.
CRM Cell Rate Margin This is a measure of the difference between the effective bandwidth allocation
and the allocation for sustainable rate in cells per second.
CRS Cell Relay Service A carrier service which supports the receipt and transmission of ATM cells
between end users in compliance with ATM standards and implementation
CS Convergence Sublayer The general procedures and functions that convert between ATM and non-
ATM formats. This describes the functions of the upper half of the AAL layer.
This is also used to describe the conversion functions between non-ATM
protocols such as frame relay or SMDS and ATM protocols above the AAL
CS2000 Communication Server 2000 Nortel Media Gateway Controller
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocol used in IEEE 802.3 LANs.
with Collision Detection
CSMACD Eth Ethernet path interface (traffic layer) on the unit level which is used (UNEM
NP) for the LAN-side of Ethernet ports (NEBRO, LAWA4, SYN4E etc.).
CSU Channel Service Unit An interface for digital leased lines which performs loopback testing and line
csv Comma Separated Variables Extension used for files (filename.csv) containing data suitable for processing
in tables (e.g. table calculation systems, formatting for printing etc.).
CTC Common Transmit Clock Synchronisation mode used with IMA for NEs with IMA interfaces.
See also ITC.
CTD Cell Transfer Delay This is defined as the elapsed time between a cell exit event at the measure-
ment point 1 (e.g., at the source UNI) and the corresponding cell entry event at
measurement point 2 (e.g., the destination UNI) for a particular connection.
The cell transfer delay between two measurement points is the sum of the total
inter-ATM node transmission delay and the total ATM node processing delay.
CTP Connection Termination Point The Adaptation based on G.805
CU Control Unit
CWDM Coarse Wave Division Multiplex- Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing combines up to 16 wavelengths onto a
ing single fibre. CWDM technology uses an ITU standard 20nm spacing between
the wavelengths, from 1310nm to 1610nm.
DA Destination Address Information sent in the forward direction indicating the address of the called
station or customer.
DA Destination MAC Address A six octet value uniquely identifying an endpoint and which is sent in IEEE
LAN frame headers to indicate frame destination.
DAS D-channel ISDN: 64 kbit/s channel carrying the D-channel, the Alarm-bit and the Service
Data Connections Data Connections Data VCCs connect the LECs to each other and to the Broadcast and Un-
known Server. These carry Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 or IEEE 802.5 data frames as
well as flush messages.
DATA<X> DATAS supports all interfaces (multiprotocol) and all network functions.
DATA5 unit supports all interfaces (multiprotocol) but no network functions.
Single protocol unit versions are available which support only one interface
type of the DATAS and DATA5 basic functionality
DATAS Versatile data unit with 4 high and low speed serial data interfaces and a
10BASE-T/100 Base-TX Ethernet LAN interface. The DATAS supports the
serial interfaces V.35, X.24/V.11, V.24/V.28, RS-485 with PM and subrate
multiplexing for rates < 64 kbit/s. The V.35 and X.24/V.11 interfaces support
the P12 modes “terminated”, “transparent “ and “clock master”.
DB DataBase

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

DC Direct Current
DCC Data Communication Network
DCC Data Country Code This specifies the country in which an address is registered. The codes are
given in ISO 3166. The length of this field is two octets. The digits of the data
country code are encoded in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) syntax. The codes
will be left justified and padded on the right with the hexadecimal value "F" to
fill the two octets.
DCE Data Communication Equipment A generic definition of computing equipment that attaches to a network via a
D-channel Data channel 16 kbit/s channel for signalling or data
DCN Data Communication Network General term for communication networks. Often used in the meaning of MCN.
DEGM DEGraded Monitoring period Threshold [bad sec] for errors with "bursty" error distribution.
DEGTHR DEGraded THReshold Threshold [bad blocks] for errors with "bursty" error distribution.
Demultiplexing Demultiplexing A function performed by a layer entity that identifies and separates SDUs from
a single connection to more than one connection.
DES Destination End Station An ATM termination point which is the destination for ATM messages of a
connection and is used as a reference point for ABR services. See SES.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration The DHCP allows the following process: The host looks for a DHCP server
Protocol and gets a temporary IP address from the server if WINS is enabled.
Different Configura- Different Configuration UNEM: State of a UMUX if the UNEM database and the NE have different
tion configurations. UNEM R5C updates its database automatically.
DISC DISConnect Command of OSI user network
DLPI UNIX International, Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Specification: Revision
2.0.0, OSI Work Group, August 1991.
DMT Discrete Multitone Discrete multitone is a method of separating a Digital Subscriber Line signal
so that the usable frequency range is separated into 256 frequency bands (or
channels) of 4.3125 kHz each. Within each channel, modulation uses quad-
ratude amplitude modulation. By varying the number of bits per symbol within
a channel, the modem can be rate-adaptive. Both G.DMT and G.lite use DMT.
DNU Do Not Use
Domain Refer to Administrative Domain.
DR Designated Router OSPF router that generates LSAs for a multicast network and has other spe-
cial functions in running OSPF
DS Digital Section
(Access Digital Section)
DSCP Differentiated Service Code In DiffServ (IP), traffic is divided into a small number of forwarding classes,
Point and resources are allocated on a per-class basis. The traffic is classified with
a DSCP. In each node, there are different queues for each forwarding class.
DSL Digital Subscriber Loop Describes the digital transmission via the (analogue telephone) subscriber
loop. DSL is used in countless variations such as:
- ADSL Asymmetrical bit-rate DSL
- HDSL High bit rate DSL
- SDSL Symmetrical DSL
- MSDSL Multi-rate Symmetrical DSL
- LMSDSL Low speed Multi-rate SDSL
- etc.
to closer indicate the particularity of the DSL transmission.
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access
DSP Domain Specific Part The second (of two) basic parts of an OSI (NSAP) address (first part: IDP).
The DSP consists of the High Order DSP, the SID and the SEL.
DSP Digital Signal Processor Digital component especially suitable for processing of traffic signals in the
digital domain.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

DSS1 Digital Subscriber Signalling N-ISDN UNI Signalling

System #1
DSS2 DSS2 Digital Subscriber Signal- B-ISDN UNI Signalling
ling System #2
DSU Data Service Unit Equipment used to attach users' computing equipment to a public network.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment A generic definition of external networking interface equipment such as a
DTM DeskTop Modular Refer to LR DTM.
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DU Dial-Up
DUN Dial-Up Networking package Windows software for serial the implementation of communication networks.
DUPI4 Dual Power Interface 4 The DUPI4 allows dual power supply of the UMUX 1500 subrack. The DUPI4
is mechanically and electrically integrated with the UMUX 1500 subrack
(DUPI4 is for use with the UMUX 1500 subrack R2 only).
DXC Digital Cross Connect Switch fabric for the cross connection of signals, here 2 Mbit/s and n x 64
kbit/s signals
E Erlang A measurement of occupancy ([E], but actually without unit). International unit
of average traffic on a facility during a period of time (usually a busy hour)
E0 Electrical interface signal 64 kbit/s
E0 Unit functional layer and UNEM
E0-nc E0 n times concatenated
E1 Also known as CEPT1, the 2.048 Mbit/s rate used by European CEPT carrier
to transmit 30 64 kbit/s digital channels for voice or data calls, plus a 64 kbit/s
signalling channel and a 64 kbit/s channel for framing and maintenance.
E12 Unit functional layer and UNEM
E-12 Short form for the first level of the European PDH hierarchy (= 2 Mbit/s).
E22 Unit functional layer and UNEM
E3 Also known as CEPT3, the 34.368 Mbit/s rate used by European CEPT carrier
to transmit 16 CEPT1s plus overhead.
E31 Unit functional layer and UNEM
E32 Unit functional layer and UNEM
EA Element Agent UNEM functional block that serves a set of NEs.
EA Element Agent The element agents of the UCST are sets of parameters which define the
UCST access to a set of NEs.
EB Errored Block A block of data with one or more bit errors.
EBR Errored Block Ratio
ECC Embedded Communication System integrated data channel for the management communication of the
Channel UMUX.
EDC Error Detection Code Bit errors in a signal are detectable by checking the signal's associated Error
Detection Code (EDC). An example of the EDC is the SDH BIP-N (Bit Inter-
leaved Parity) and P12 CRC-4.
Edge Device Edge Device A physical device which is capable of forwarding packets between legacy
interworking interfaces (e.g., Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.) and ATM interfaces
based on data-link and network layer information but which does not partici-
pate in the running of any network layer routing protocol. An Edge Device
obtains forwarding descriptions using the route distribution protocol.
E-DSL Unit functional layer and UNEM
xDSL section interface
EF Envelope Function

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EF Addr Envelope Function Address 13 bit number (for ISDN) which uniquely references a user port within a V5
EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion EFCI is an indication in the ATM cell header. A network element in an impend-
Indication ing-congested state or a congested state may set EFCI so that this indication
may be examined by the destination end-system. For example, the end- sys-
tem may use this indication to implement a protocol that adaptively lowers the
cell rate of the connection during congestion or impending congestion. A
network element that is not in a congestion state or an impending congestion
state will not modify the value of this indication. Impending congestion is the
state when a network equipment is operating around its engineered capacity
EFS Error Free Seconds A unit used to specify the error performance of T carrier systems, usually
expressed as EFS per hour, day, or week. This method gives a better indica-
tion of the distribution of bit errors than a simple bit error rate (BER). Also refer
to SES.
ELAN Emulated Local Area Network A logical network initiated by using the mechanisms defined by LAN Emula-
tion. This could include ATM and legacy attached end stations.
EM Element Manager Managing tool for NEs:
UCST and the EM part of UNEM
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference Equipment used in high speed data systems, including ATM, that generate
and transmit many signals in the radio frequency portion of the electromag-
netic spectrum. Interference to other equipment or radio services may result if
sufficient power from these signals escape the equipment enclosures or
transmission media. National and international regulatory agencies (FCC,
CISPR, etc.) set limits for these emissions. Class A is for industrial use and
Class B is for residential use.
EML Element Management Layer An abstraction of the functions provided by systems that manage each net-
work element on an individual basis.
EMS Element Manager System High performance managing tool for the management of NEs and networks of
UNEM, featuring networking functions and a graphical network overview.
EN European Norm
End Station End Station These devices (e.g., hosts or PCs) enable the communication between ATM
end stations and end stations on "legacy" LAN or among ATM end stations.
EOC Embedded Operation Channel Independent data channel based on SIFOX and F-interfaces for management
communication of legacy UMUX.
EOM End of Message An indicator used in the AAL that identifies the last ATM cell containing infor-
mation from a data packet that has been segmented.
EoS Ethernet over SDH Set of protocols allowing to transport Ethernet frames over SDH networks.
EOW Engineering Order Wire Voice channel using overhead bits in a transmission system. Commonly used
for service communication between different stations.
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory
ER End Router OSPF expression: Router that terminates a virtual link in the remote area.
ER Explicit Rate The Explicit Rate is an RM-cell field used to limit the source ACR to a specific
value. It is initially set by the source to a requested rate (such as PCR). It may
be subsequently reduced by any network element in the path to a value that
the element can sustain. ER is formatted as a rate.
ES Errored Second Second with one or more EBs
ES Electrical Section The section between two electrical STM-1 interfaces.
ES End System System that terminates the OSI protocol.
ES End System A system where an ATM connection is terminated or initiated. An originating
end system initiates the ATM connection, and terminating end system termi-
nates the ATM connection. OAM cells may be generated and received.

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ESD Electrostatic Discharge

ESI Equipment Synchronisation Input Inputs on the COBU<X> for 2 MHz timing signals.
ES-IS End System-Intermediate Sys- OSI routing protocol running between L1 and L2.
ESM PSTN Signalling mode for interworking between AN and Ericsson exchange.
ESO Equipment Synchronisation Outputs on COBU<X> for 2 MHz timing signals.
ESR Errored Seconds Ratio
ESW Embedded SoftWare The ESW is the downloadable software for the UMUX units with software
download. Sometimes the ESW is called the unit SW.
ET Elapsed Time Duration of measurement interval.
ET Exchange Terminal
ETHUB Ethernet HUB Ethernet switch with 5 10BaseT / 100BaseTX Ethernet interfaces. Fits to the
UMUX subracks but has no bus access.
ETS European Telecommunication
ETSI European Telecommunication The primary telecommunications standards organization.
Standards Institute
EXBAT UBUS unit with 8 U-interfaces (4B3T coding) to the ISDN exchange.
EXLA<X> Exchange Line Analogue UBUS unit with 12 POTS interfaces to the PSTN interface of the exchange.
EXLIC UBUS unit with 8 U-interfaces (2B1Q coding) to ISDN exchange.
F Local Management Interface for UMUX NEs
F15 F-interface of the UMUX 900/1200/1500.
Fairness Fairness As related to Generic Flow Control (GFC), fairness is defined as meeting all
the agreed quality of service (QOS) requirements, by controlling the order of
service for all active connections.
FANU2 FAN Unit 2 Integrated fan unit for the UMUX 1200 subrack. The FANU2 is mandatory for
horizontal operation of the UMUX 1200.
FANU3 FAN Unit 3 Integrated fan unit for the UMUX 900 subrack. The FANU3 is mandatory for
horizontal operation of the UMUX 900.
FANU5 Fan Unit 5 The FANU5 is a 19-inch fan unit for the UMUX 1500 which allows for up to
1200 Watt of heat dissipation in the UMUX 1500 subrack (This power capacity
is available with the UMUX 1500 subrack R2)
FANUV FAN Unit 19-inch fan unit with 3 fans for rack installation. The FANUV is used with the
UMUX 1500 in conjunction with heat deflection shields.
FAS Frame Alignment Signal
FC Feedback Control Feedback controls are defined as the set of actions taken by the network and
by the end-systems to regulate the traffic submitted on ATM connections
according to the state of network elements.
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface A 100 Mbps Local Area Network standard that was developed by ANSI that is
designed to work on fiber-optic cables, using techniques similar to token-ring.
FE Front End Used to locate loops, performance evaluation etc. of traffic signals.
FEBE Far End Block Error
FEBE Far End Block Error A maintenance signal transmitted in the PHY overhead that a bit error(s) has
been detected at the PHY layer at the far end of the link. This is used to moni-
tor bit error performance of the link.
FEC Forward Error Correction A technique for detection and correction of errors in a digital data stream.
FIB Forwarding Information Base List of link states after applying SPF algorithm in OSI routing elements.
Flush Protocol Flush Protocol The flush protocol is provided to ensure the correct order of delivery of unicast
data frames.

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FM MOA Fault Manager - Managed Object The UNEM software component representing the northbound interface to
Agent Nortel Preside for fault management
FO Foreign Object Foreign Object is the representation in the UNEM database of an external
equipment that UNEM supports only for fault management.
FOP Failure Of Protocol Failure of the protocol in the protecting channel which controls the MSP
Foreign Address Foreign Address An address that does not match any of a given node's summary addresses.
Forwarding De- Forwarding Description The resolved mapping of an MPOA Target to a set of parameters used to set
scription up an ATM connection on which to forward packets.
FR Frame Relay
FRAD FRame Assembler Disassembler
FRS Frame-Relay Service A connection oriented service that is capable of carrying up to 4096 bytes per
FRTT Fixed Round-Trip Time This is the sum of the fixed and propagation delays from the source to the
furthest destination and back.
FSK Frequency Shift Keying FSK is a modulation technique used by modems in which two different fre-
quencies in the carrier signal are used to represent the binary states of 0 and
FSP Frame Synchronisation Pulse Timing signal of the PBUS that indicates the start of a frame
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FW Firmware
GARP General Attribute Registration Used by switches and end stations in a bridged LAN to register and de-register
Protocol attribute values, such as VLAN Identifiers, with each other, in order to form a
reachability tree that is a subset of an active topology.
GbE Gigabit Ethernet Version of Ethernet, which supports data transfer rates of 1 Gigabit per sec-
ond. IEEE 802.3z
GCAC Generic Connection Admission This is a process to determine if a link has potentially enough resources to
Control support a connection.
GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm The GCRA is used to define conformance with respect to the traffic contract of
the connection. For each cell arrival the GCRA determines whether the cell
conforms to the traffic contract. The UPC function may implement the GCRA,
or one or more equivalent algorithms to enforce conformance. The GCRA is
defined with two parameters: the Increment (I) and the Limit (L).
GECOD G.703 CODirectional UBUS unit for 8 full duplex 64 kbit/s channels according to ITU-T G.703.
GFC Generic Flow Control GFC is a field in the ATM header which can be used to provide local functions
(e.g., flow control). It has local significance only and the value encoded in the
field is not carried end-to-end.
GFP Generic Framing Procedure Framing used for Ethernet over SDH (or other protocols). Allows frame deli-
neation, etc. ITU-T G.7041
GND GrouND Ground or zero volt potential of the power supply.
GSM Global System for Mobile appli-
GSM-R Global System for Mobile appli-
cations with Railways
GUI Graphical User Interface Mainly used in the context of UNEM
GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Proto- Switches connected through 802.1Q trunk ports use GVRP to exchange in-
col formation in order to dynamically create and manage VLA.
GWF GleichWellenFunk The GWF application requires a phase locked relationship between the sent
and the received frames (MEGIF 272).
H.248 Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and Media Gateways (MG) are two impor-
tant elements in NGN. The H.248 / MEGACO protocol is used for MGC to MG
(IPSMG) communication.

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H-Channel H-Channel H-Channels are ISDN bearer services that have pre-defined speeds, starting
and stopping locations on a PRI and are contiguously transported from one
PRI site through networks to another PRI site.
HDLC High Level Data Link Control An ITU-TSS link layer protocol standard for point-to-point and multi-point
HDSL High speed DSL
Header Header Protocol control information located at the beginning of a protocol data unit.
HEC Header Error Control Using the fifth octet in the ATM cell header, ATM equipment may check for an
error and corrects the contents of the header. The check character is calcu-
lated using a CRC algorithm allowing a single bit error in the header to be
corrected or multiple errors to be detected.
Hello Packet Hello Packet A type of PNNI Routing packet that is exchanged between neighbouring logi-
cal nodes.
HIRAC UMUX HDSL modem with 5 interfaces for the digital transmission of up to
1024 kbit/s over copper pairs to the AM64/<xxx>-type remote modems.
HLM Higher Level Manager
HRL High Return Loss
HU Height Unit Corresponds to 44.45 mm. Basic measure used with the 19-inch construction
HW Hardware
HWY Highway UBUS or PBUS Highway
I/F Interface
IAD Integrated Access Device Used for remote access devices with integrated modem (ADSL) and multiple
service access capabilities such as PSTN, ISDN and data services.
IANA Internet Address Numbering
IC-channel Internal Communication channel UMUX internal communication channel
ICMP Internet Control Message Proto- Integrated part of the IP suite, used to announce network errors or network
col congestion and for some network management commands e.g. “ping”.
ICN Internal Communication Network UMUX internal communication structure.
ICR Initial Cell Rate An ABR service parameter, in cells/sec. A source should send initially and
after an idle period at that rate.
ID Identifier Used together with a type of identifier (Customer Id, User Id, Node Id etc.)
IDI Initial Domain Identifier Second part of the IDP of an OSI (NSAP) address that specifies the domain
and the institution responsible for the address (first part: AFI).
IDP Initial Domain Part The first (of two) basic parts of an OSI (NSAP) address (second part: DSP).
The IDP consists of the AFI and IDI.
IDU Interface Data Unit The unit of information transferred to/from the upper layer in a single interac-
tion across the SAP. Each IDU contains interface control information and may
also contain the whole or part of the SDU.
IE Intermediate transmission Equip- U-interface Repeater equipment.
IE Information Element Used in the V5 context for the standardised description of V5 features.
IEC International Electrotechnical
IEC Inter-exchange Carrier A long distance telephone company.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Elec- A worldwide engineering publishing and standards-making body for the elec-
tronic Engineers tronics industry.
IF InterFace

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IFP Internet Facsimile Protocol Fax data format (control and image) according to ITU-T, T.38.
IGMP Internet Group Management IGMP is used by IP hosts to report their multicast group memberships to
Protocol neighbouring multicast routers.
ILMI Integrated Local Managment An ATM Forum defined interim specification for network management func-
Interface tions between an end user and a public or private network and between a
public network and a private network. This is based on a limited subset of
SNMP capabilities.
IMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATM The transmission of ATM traffic (cells) via PDH 2 Mbit/s trunks (Inverse Multi-
plexing for ATM) with traffic policing.
There are 2 approved specifications
- AF-PHY-0086.000 (V1.0/July 1997)
- AF-PHY-0086.001 (V1.1/March 1999)
IOP Interoperability The ability of equipment from different manufacturers (or different implementa-
tions) to operate together.
IP Internet Protocol Originally developed by the Department of Defense to support interworking of
dissimilar computers across a network. This protocol works in conjunction with
TCP and is usually identified as TCP/IP. A connectionless protocol that oper-
ates at the network layer (layer 3) of the OSI model.
IPLM1 The IPLM1 provides an IP (Ethernet) DSLAM for the UMUX with 24
ADSL/ADSL2(+) interfaces per unit and 2 GbE uplinks (1 electrical + 1 optical)
to the network. The line interfaces support ADSL over POTS lines (via split-
ters) The IPLM1 provides the interworking functions for the termination of the
ATM layer and adaptation of the Ethernet traffic for IP services (Triple Play).
The IPLM1 has no access to the UMUX internal bus systems for traffic signals.
The access is limited to management purposes.
IPLM2 Same functionality as the IPLM1 but 2 electrical GbE uplinks.
IPLM4 Implements the IPLM2 functionality for ADSL over ISDN-BA lines (via splitters)
according to annex B.
IPLM6 24 SHDSL ports and principally the same functionalities as IPLM2 but for
SHDSL line interfaces.
IPoE IP over Ethernet Classic connection mode between Internet access provider and client.
IPSMG IP Subscriber Media Gateway The New Generation Network (NGN) architecture separates the control, media
and transport mechanism in the networks. Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
and Media Gateways (MG) are two important elements in providing voice
delivery in NGN. The IPSMG unit for UMUX provides media conversion and
sets up transport connections, as instructed by the MG. The IPSMG unit is
fully compliant with the media gateway control protocol H.248 / MEGACO. For
ISDN transport, the IPSMG supports the SIGTRANS standards.
IRL Input rate limiting IRL can be configured on the IPLM<x> for each VC in order to control the
bandwidth usage in upstream direction.
IS Intermediate System Element of the OSI hierarchy.
IS Intermediate System A system that provides forwarding functions or relaying functions or both for a
specific ATM connection. OAM cells may be generated and received.
ISBUQ UBUS unit for the UMUX 1200/1500 and UMUX 1100/1300 providing 8 ISDN-
BRA user ports (2B1Q) for V5.x applications.
ISBUT UBUS unit for the UMUX 1200/1500 and UMUX 1100/1300 providing 8 ISDN-
BRA user ports (4B3T) for V5.x applications.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Net-
ISDN-BA ISDN - Basic Access Same meaning as ISDN-BRA Capacity: 2B+1D channel
ISDN-BRA ISDN - Basic Rate Access Same meaning as ISDN-BA
ISDN-PRA ISDN - Primary Rate Access Capacity: 30B+1D channel
IS-IS Intermediate System-to- Layer 3 OSI routing protocol, equivalent to OSPF in IP.
Intermediate System

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ISO International Organisation for An international organization for standardization, based in Geneva, Switzer-
Standardisation land, that establishes voluntary standards and promotes global trade of 90
member countries.
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITC Synchronisation mode used with IMA for NEs with IMA interfaces.
See also CTC
ITU-T International Telecommunication ITU-T is an international body of member countries whose task is to define
Union - Telecommunication recommendations and standards relating to the international telecommunica-
Standardisation Sector tions industry. The fundamental standards for ATM have been defined and
published by the ITU-T (Previously CCITT).
IUA ISDN User Adaptation Signalling adaptation module for the transport of Q.931 signalling between SG
and ASP by means of SIGTRAN.
IVL Independent VLAN learning In a bridged VLAN, MAC address learning is performed individually for each
IWF Interworking Function
L1 Level 1 Device that routes traffic within an OSI area
L2 Level 2 Device that routes traffic between OSI areas.
L3 Addr Layer 3 Address 15 bit number (for PSTN) which uniquely references a user port within a V5
LACP Link Aggregation Control Proto- According to IEEE 802.3ad; used to bundle several physical ports together to
col form one logical port.
LAN Local Area Network A network designed to move data between stations within a campus.
LANE LAN Emulation The set of services, functional groups and protocols which provide for the
emulation of LANS utilizing ATM as a backbone to allow connectivity among
LAN and ATM attached end stations.
LAPD Link Access Procedure D A layer 2 protocol defined by ITU-T. This protocol reliably transfers blocks of
information across a single Layer 1 link and supports multiplexing of different
connections at Layer 2.
LAPD according to ITU-T, Q.921 is e.g. used with ISDN BA (D-channbel).
LAWA4 PBUS unit that connects a local area network (LAN) over a 10BaseT interface
to UMUX units with aggregate interfaces.
Layer Entity Layer Entity An active element within a layer.
Layer Function Layer Function A part of the activity of the layer entities.
Layer Service Layer Service A capability of a layer and the layers beneath it that is provided to the upper
layer entities at the boundary between that layer and the next higher layer.
Layer User Data Layer User Data Data transferred between corresponding entities on behalf of the upper layer
or layer management entities for which they are providing services.
LB Leaky Bucket Leaky Bucket is the term used as an analogous description of the algorithm
used for conformance checking of cell flows from a user or network (See
GCRA, UPC and NPC). The "leaking hole in the bucket" applies to the sus-
tained rate at which cells can be accommodated, while the "bucket depth"
applies to the tolerance to cell bursting over a given time period.
LC Link Connection Represents the transmission capacity in UNM NP Model
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Protocol that allows bandwidth to be added or removed to a Virtual Concate-
Scheme nated Group (VCG) from the management system. ITU-T G.7042
LE Local Exchange The local exchange provides the analogue telephone and ISDN services.
LE2Q2 Family of UBUS units with 2 IFs for twisted copper pairs and front or UBUS
data access. The LECA2 family supports xDSL services.
The LECA2 uses the 2B1Q line code.
LE2QR Desktop unit with 2 DSL interfaces compatible with LE2Q2 (2B1Q). The
LE2QR provides locally a 2 Mbit/s G.703/G.704 IF or n x 64 kbit/s
G.703/G.704, X.21/V.11, V35 or V.36 IFs.
Local 48 volt DC or mains powering.

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Leaky Bucket Leaky Bucket An informal term for the Generic Cell Rate Algorithm.
LEC Local Exchange Carrier A telephone company affiliate of a Regional Bell Operating Company or an
Independent Telephone Company.
LEC LAN Emulation Client The entity in end systems which performs data forwarding, address resolution,
and other control functions.
LECA2 Family of UBUS units with 2 IFs for twisted copper pairs and front or UBUS
data access. The LECA2 family supports xDSL services.
LECA2 uses CAP.
LECAB Desktop unit with 2 DSL interfaces compatible with LECA2 (CAP). The LECAR
provides locally a 2 Mbit/s G.703/G.704 IF or n x 64 kbit/s G.703/G.704,
X.21/V.11, V35 or V.36 IFs.
110 … 240 V mains powering.
LECAF Special unit with 2 xDSL IFs for twisted copper pairs. The LECAF has no bus
access and provides front access for all signals and services. The xDSL IFs
are compatible with the LECA2 xDSL IFs.
LECAR Desktop unit with 2 DSL interfaces compatible with LECA2 (CAP). The LECAR
provides locally a 2 Mbit/s G.703/G.704 IF or n x 64 kbit/s G.703/G.704,
X.21/V.11, V35 or V.36 IFs.
Local 48 volt DC or mains powering.
LECID LAN Emulation Client Identifier This identifier, contained in the LAN Emulation header, indicates the ID of the
ATM host or ATM-LAN bridge. It is unique for every ATM Client.
LECS LAN Emulation Configuration This implements the policy controlled assignment of individual LE clients to
Server different emulated LANs by providing the LES ATM addresses.
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEMQ6 PBUS unit that concentrates the xDSL IP-packed oriented traffic of its 6 sub-
scribers and transfers the traffic to the local 10BaseT front interface or to the
PBUS cross connect.
The LEMQ6 uses the 2B1Q line code.
LEMU6 PBUS unit that concentrates the xDSL IP-packed oriented traffic of its 6 sub-
scribers and transfers the traffic to the local 10BaseT front interface or to the
PBUS cross connect.
The LEMU6 supports CAP.
LES LAN Emulation Server This implements the control coordination function for the Emulated LAN, ex-
amples are enabling a LEC to join an ELAN, resolving MAC to ATM ad-
LESA8 PBUS unit with 8 DSL IFs and 8 x 2 P12 PBUS access. The LESA8 provides
up to 8 DSL services via 1 pair or up to 4 DSL services via 2 pairs. Mixed
modes are possible.
The LESA8 supports the 2B1Q, CAP and PAM16 line codes.
LESA8 is compatible with the LECAR and MUSIC 200 R1 CPE.
LESI8 Same as LESA8 with differences as follows:
The current version supports the CAP and PAM16 line codes.
The LESI8 is compatible with the MUSIC 200 R2 and MUSIC 700 CPE family.
LFA Loss of Frame Alignment
Link Connection Link Connection A link connection (e.g., at the VP-level) is a connection capable of transferring
information transparently across a link without adding any overhead, such as
cells for purposes for monitoring. It is delineated by connection points at the
boundary of the subnetwork.
Link Constraint Link Constraint A restriction on the use of links for path selection for a specific connection.
Link Metric Link Metric A link parameter that requires the values of the parameter for all links along a
given path to be combined to determine whether the path is acceptable and/or
desirable for carrying a given connection.
Link State Parame- Link State Parameter Information that captures an aspect or property of a link.
LINTE Telephone line test unit for the UMUX 1300/1100(E). LINTE is no longer sup-

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LLC Logical Link Control Sub-protocol at Layer 2 in the OSI model performing framing, flow control and
error correction.
LMSDSL Low speed Multi-rate Symmetri- The following rates are defined for MSDSL:
cal DSL 128 / 256 kbit/s.
LOC Loss of Cell Delineation A condition at the receiver or a maintenance signal transmitted in the PHY
overhead indicating that the receiving equipment has lost cell delineation.
Used to monitor the performance of the PHY layer.
LODS Link Out of Delay Synchronisa- State of a link within an IMA group which can no longer be synchronised to the
tion other links in the group because of its delay.
LOF Loss of Frame A condition at the receiver or a maintenance signal transmitted in the PHY
overhead indicating that the receiving equipment has lost frame delineation.
This is used to monitor the performance of the PHY layer.
LOMI4 PBUS unit for the UMUX with 4 2 Mbit/s interfaces G.703 for transparent or
structured signals. Performance monitoring, protection and diagnostic func-
tions are provided. Functionally identical with the LOMIF.
LOMIF PBUS unit for the UMUX with 8 2 Mbit/s interfaces G.703 for transparent or
structured signals. Performance monitoring, protection and diagnostic func-
tions are provided.
LOP Loss of Pointer A condition at the receiver or a maintenance signal transmitted in the PHY
overhead indicating that the receiving equipment has lost the pointer to the
start of cell in the payload. This is used to monitor the performance of the PHY
LOS Loss Of Synchronisation
LOS Loss of Signal A condition at the receiver or a maintenance signal transmitted in the PHY
overhead indicating that the receiving equipment has lost the received signal.
This is used to monitor the performance of the PHY layer.
LR Line Runner The LineRunner SHDSL is a Keymile product family of SHDSL components
suited for data transmission in copper networks. The LR family has subrack
based equipment for the central office and desktop units for the customer
premises. Repeaters allow for SHDSL range extensions and remote powering
is supported for remote equipment.
LR DTM LineRunner DeskTop Modular The Line Runner DTM is a desktop unit for the STIC<X> unit with SHDSL
transmission (1 or 2 pairs) and X.24/V.11, V.35, V.24/V.28 interfaces support-
ing 1+1 path protection and point to multipoint applications. Remote powered
LR DTM versions are available.
LR SREG LineRunner SHDSL Regenerator Regenerators with remote powering capabilities for the range extension of the
SHDSL loop in applications of STIC<X>, LR DTM.
SREG1 supports 1-pair, SREG2 supports 2-pair systems.
LSA Link State Advertisement Packet containing information about each of the links to its neighbours to
every other router.
LSAP Link Service Access Point Logical address of boundary between layer 3 and LLC sublayer 2.
LSB Least Significant Bit The lowest order bit in the binary representation of a numerical value.
LSD Link State Database List of link state PDUs received from other routing elements.
LSP Link State Protocol Protocol used with OSPF to update the link state information for the routers.
See LSA.
LT Functional group for PRA applications. The LT functional group consists of the
2 function blocks LT-U and LT-V3.
LTE Line Terminal Equipment Used for interfaces providing direct termination of the physical transmission
(copper pairs, optical fibres).
LTP Linear Trail Protection To protect VC-12 Tributaries over two STM-1 paths
LT-U Reference point for PRA applications. LT-U connects the LT to the transmis-
sion (network) side.
LT-V3 Reference point for PRA applications. LT-V3 provides the reference point V3
for the UMUX network (exchange side).

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MAC Media Access Control Unique identifier (address) of the COBU<X> used for addressing (QX-interface,
NSAP with IP tunnelling)
MAC Media Access Control IEEE specifications for the lower half of the data link layer (layer 2) that defines
topology dependent access control protocols for IEEE LAN specifications.
MADT Mean Accumulated Down Time
MAN Metropolitan Area Network A network designed to carry data over an area larger than a campus such as
an entire city and its outlying area.
Management Sys- Management System An entity that manages a set of managed systems, which can be either NEs,
tem subnetworks or other management systems.
MAGIC UMUX unit with 8 magneto subscriber line interfaces. The MAGIC detects and
generates the magneto line signalling and provides voice interfaces with E&M
signalling (e.g. for the NEMCA, NEMSG).
MAGI8 Improved substitute for the legacy MAGIC unit.
MAP Multiservice Access Platform All the equipment and software which is managed via UCST and UNEM,
including UCST and UNEM.
MaxCR Maximum Cell Rate This is the maximum capacity usable by connections belonging to the speci-
fied service category.
MBS Maximum Burst Size In the signalling message, the Burst Tolerance (BT) is conveyed through the
MBS which is coded as a number of cells. The BT together with the SCR and
the GCRA determine the MBS that may be transmitted at the peak rate and
still be in conformance with the GCRA.
MC Matrix Connection Cross Connection in UMUX
MC Management Communication
MCAS Mercury CAS Proprietary CAS signalling system supported by the SUBLA and PHLC<X>
MCDV Maximum Cell Delay Variance This is the maximum two-point CDV objective across a link or node for the
specified service category.
MCLR Maximum Cell Loss Ratio This is the maximum ratio of the number of cells that do not make it across the
link or node to the total number of cells arriving at the link or node.
MCN Management Communication The MCN is the network that transports the management communication of
Network the UMUX.
MCR Minimum Cell Rate An ABR service traffic descriptor, in cells/sec. The source is always allowed to
send at this rate.
MCTD Maximum Cell Transfer Delay This is the sum of the fixed delay component across the link or node and
MDF Main Distribution Frame
MEGACO Media Gateway Control protocol Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and Media Gateways (MG) are two impor-
tant elements in NGN. The H.248 / MEGACO protocol is used for MGC to MG
(IPSMG) communication.
MEGIF UBUS unit with 2 2 Mbit/s interfaces according to ITU-T G.703/704.
MFA Multi Frame Alignment Indicates the alignment of the CRC-4 multi-frame of structured 2 Mbit/s traffic
MG Media Gateway The media gateway (MG) is responsible for the media stream conversion, i.e.
the conversion of TDM based voice signals into ATM cells or IP packets and
the signalling protocol conversion. There are three types of MGs: Access
Gateway, Trunking Gateway and Residential Gateway.
MGC Media Gateway Controller The media gateway controller (MGC) manages the connections and contains
the call control functionality. A single MGC can control several MGs. The MGC
terminates the H.248/MEGACO protocol. The MGC is part of the softswitch.
MIB Management Information Base NE database which the COBU<X> manages.
MIB Management Information Base A definition of management items for some network component that can be
accessed by a network manager. A MIB includes the names of objects it con-
tains and the type of information retained.

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MID Message Identifier The message identifier is used to associate ATM cells that carry segments
from the same higher layer packet.
MIR Maximum Information Rate Refer to PCR.
MIRIG Ringing signal generator unit for the SUBL<X > units in the UMUX 1100(E).
MON Monitored Fault reporting option „monitored“.
MOSPF Multicast OSPF Type 6 of OSPF routing packets.
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group An ISO Standards group dealing with video and audio compression tech-
niques and mechanisms for multiplexing and synchronizing various media
MPOA Multiprotocol over ATM An effort taking place in the ATM Forum to standardize protocols for the pur-
pose of running multiple network layer protocols over ATM.
MRTIE Maximum Relative Time Interval This parameter is described in ITU-T G.823 for traffic interfaces and is relevant
Error for the ACONV adaptive clock mode (resistance to jitter & wander). Wander is
always specified and measured as a Relative Time Interval Error (RTIE) be-
tween the signal of interest and some reference clock.
MS Multiplex Section The Multiplex Section Layer allows synchronisation routing information to be
carried over the STM-1 signal via the SSM (Synchronisation Status Message).
MSB Most Significant Bit The highest order bit in the binary representation of a numerical value.
MS-DOS® Microsoft® Disk Operating Sys- Microsoft® and MS-DOS® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation USA and
tem world-wide.
MSDSL Multi-rate Symmetrical DSL The following rates are defined for MSDSL:
128 / 256 / 384 / 512 / 768 / 1024 / 1536 / 2048 / 2304 kbit/s. Same rates for
up- and downstream.
MSP Multiplex Section Protection Protection of the Multiplex Section e.g. via the 2 optical ports of the SYNIO.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTIE Maximum Time Interval Error This parameter is described in ITU-T G.823 for synchronisation interfaces and
is relevant for the ACONV adaptive clock mode (resistance to jitter & wander).
Detailed definition of MTIE is provided in ITU-T G.810.
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit Maximum size of a data packet (number of octets) that is allowed for the me-
MtU Maximum Transfer Unit dium (network).
Media Transfer Unit
Multiplexing Multiplexing A function within a layer that interleaves the information from multiple connec-
tions into one connection.
MUSIC 100 The MUSIC 100 is a desktop unit with Ethernet interfaces and bridge/router
functionality. MUSIC 100 uses xDSL transmission via copper pairs at the
aggregate side (legacy name of the COLT soho).
MUSIC 200 The MUSIC 200 is a desktop unit and uses xDSL transmission via copper
pairs at the aggregate side. The MUSIC 200 provides integrated G.703 inter-
face, 2 Mbit/s, 120 ohms and an interface adapter (G.703, 2 Mbit/s , X.21 /
V.11 N x 64 kbit/s, V.35 N x 64 kbit/s , V.36/RS449, 10BaseT N x 64 kbit/s).
MUSIC 700 The MUSIC 700 is the generic name of a range of CPE which use G.SHDSL
transmission via copper pairs at the aggregate side. Depending on the type,
the units of the MUSIC 700 series provide interfaces for telephone, ISDN and
LAN services.
MUSIC 703λ The MUSIC 703λ has the same basic features as the MUSIC 710λ but not
POTS interfaces. Instead it features 3 universal serial data interface n x 64
Supported interface types X.21/V.11, V.35 or V.36
MUSIC 710λ The MUSIC710λ is the first desktop unit of the MUSIC 700 series of units
which provides interfaces for telephone services including POTS and V5.x
user ports and LAN services via 2 local 10BaseT/100BaseX interfaces.

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MUSIC 711λ The MUSIC 711λ has the same features as the MUSIC 710λ but additionally
features a universal serial data interface n x 64 kbit/s.
Supported interface types X.21/V.11, V.35 or V.36
NA Non-urgent Alarm
NAT Network Address Translation
Native Address Native Address An address that matches one of a given node's summary addresses.
NBI North Bound Interface An interface of a management system to a higher level management system
NE Network Element The NE is the basic (manageable) element of the network, normally a UMUX
Multi-service Access System or subrack based xDSL equipment.
NE Network Element A system that supports at least NEFs and may also support Operation System
Functions/Mediation Functions. An ATM NE may be realized as either a stand-
alone device or a geographically distributed system. It cannot be further de-
composed into managed elements in the context of a given management
NEBRA The NEBRA has the same functionality as the NEBRO but provides all optical
front interfaces (100 Base-FX and 1000 Base-SX/LX).
NEBRE The NEBRE provides VLAN switching (tagging, traffic priorisation) and bridg-
ing (rapid spanning tree protocol) functions for the traffic collected from its
10/100 BaseT (electrical) and 100 Base-FX or 1000 Base-SX/LX (optical) front
interfaces. The NEBRE has no traffic interface with a generic UMUX bus.
NEBRO The NEBRO is a SBUS unit which packs the 10/100 BaseT (electrical) and
100 Base-FX or 1000 Base-SX/LX (optical) traffic of its front interface into VC-
12 and VC-3 groups (virtual concatenation) for the transport via SDH traffic
(Ethernet over SDH). The release 2 of NEBRO includes VLAN switching (tag-
ging, traffic priorisation) and bridging (rapid spanning tree protocol) functions.
NEF Network Element Function A function within an ATM entity that supports the ATM based network transport
services, (e.g., multiplexing, cross-connection).
Neighbour Node Neighbour Node A node that is directly connected to a particular node via a logical link.
NEL Network Element Layer An abstraction of functions related specifically to the technology, vendor, and
the network resources or network elements that provide basic communications
NEM Network Element Manager Tool for the management of NEs and networks of NEs:
UNEM, featuring networking functions and a graphical network overview.
NEMCA UBUS unit with 8 analogue interfaces for 2- or 4-wire voice and E+M signal-
NEMGE UBUS unit with 8 analogue interfaces for 2- or 4-wire voice and E+M signal-
ling. High signal level inputs.
NEMSG PBUS unit with 8 analogue interfaces for 2- or 4-wire voice and E+M signalling
(replaces NEMCA). NEMSG includes additionally circuits for P0-data and
voice traffic (including signalling) conferences (multipoint-to-multipoint, point-
NEXT Near End Crosstalk Equipment that must concurrently receive on one wire pair and transmit on
another wire pair in the same cable bundle must accommodate NEXT interfer-
ence. NEXT is the portion of the transmitted signal that leaks into the receive
pair. Since at this point on the link the transmitted signal is at maximum and
the receive signal has been attenuated, it may be difficult to maintain an ac-
ceptable ACR with the received signal if the cable media allows large amounts
of crosstalk leakage to occur. Foiled or shielded cables generally have less
crosstalk than unshielded varieties.
NGN Next Generation Network The NGN architecture separates the control, media and transport mechanism
in the networks. Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and Media Gateways (MG)
are two important elements in providing voice delivery in NGN. The IPSMG
unit is the UMUX MG for NGN.
NIF Nodal Inter-Working Function Software module at SG that interworks between ISDN and SIGTRAN stacks.
NIM Non Intrusive Monitoring point Configurable monitoring point for SYN4E which allows the signal monitoring in
VC containers.

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N-ISDN Narrowband Integrated Services Services include basic rate interface (2B+D or BRI) and primary rate interface
Digital Network (30B+D – Europe and 23B+D – North America or PRI). Supports narrowband
speeds at/or below 1.5 Mbps.
NM Network Management
NMON Not monitored Fault reporting option „not monitored“
NMS Network Management System An entity that implements functions at the Network Management Layer. It may
also include Element Management Layer functions. A Network Management
System may manage one or more other Network Management Systems.
NP Networking Package Licensed Option to UNEM BP, Trail Manger
Nrm An ABR service parameter, Nrm is the maximum number of cells a source
may send for each forward RM-cell.
NSAP Network Service Access Point OSI address according to ISO 8348
NSAP Network Service Access Point OSI generic standard for a network address consisting of 20 octets. ATM has
specified E.164 for public network addressing and the NSAP address structure
for private network addresses.
NT Functional group for PRA applications. The NT functional group consists of the
2 function blocks NT1-U and NT1-T.
NT Network Termination Network Termination represents the termination point of a Virtual Channel,
Virtual Path, or Virtual Path/Virtual Channel at the UNI.
NT1-T Reference point for PRA applications. The NT1-T provides the reference point
T for the UMUX network.
NT1-U Reference point for PRA applications. The NT1-U connects the NT1 to the
transmission (network) side.
NTR Network Timing Reference Used in with end-to-end synchronisation via transmission (e.g. SHDSL).
NTU Network Terminating Unit For example the NTU remote data unit for the SULIS UBUS unit.
nx64K This refers to a circuit bandwidth or speed provided by the aggregation of nx64
kbps channels (where n= integer > 1). The 64K or DS0 channel is the basic
rate provided by the T Carrier systems.
O&M Operation and Maintenance
O22 8 Mbit/s optical signal.
O22 Unit functional layer and UNEM
Physical Medium Section
OAM Operations Administration and A group of network management functions that provide network fault indica-
Maintenance tion, performance information, and data and diagnosis functions.
Octet Octet A term for eight (8) bits that is sometimes used interchangeably with “byte” to
mean the same thing.
ODI Remote Defect Indication Lower Order Path Overhead. Indicates to the far end that TU-AIS has been
inserted at the TC-sink into the egressing TU-n.
ODI Outgoing Defect Indication In combination with TC
OEI Outgoing Error Indication Lower Order Path Overhead. Indicates errored blocks of egressing VC-n
OEI Outgoing Error Indication
ONP Open Network Provision ETSI specification (ETSI TBR12) for 2 Mbit/s leased lines of public networks
that are synchronised by private network operators.
OODBMS Object Oriented Data Base A database from Versant©
Management System
OOF Out Of Frame Refer to LOF.
ORL Output rate limiting ORL can be configured on the IPLM<x> for each ATM port and for each physi-
cal Ethernet port in order to control the bandwidth usage in downstream direc-
OS Operating System Here: Software system of the NE including basic and unit SW
OS Optical Section Deals with the Optical Section Layer on the STM-1 side.

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OSI Open Systems Interconnection A seven (7) layer architecture model for communications systems developed
by the ISO for the interconnection of data communications systems. Each
layer uses and builds on the services provided by those below it.
OSPF Open Shortest Path First A link-state routing algorithm that is used to calculate routes based on the
number of routers, transmission speed, delays and route cost.
OSPF is used for ECC routing with the COBUX. The LEMU6 and LAWA4
support OSPF routing for their subscriber traffic.
P0 64 kbit/s signal
P0 UCST TDM cross connections.
P0_nc UCST TDM cross connections.
P0-nc P0 n times concatenated
P12 UCST TDM cross connections.
P12s 2 Mbit/s signal, structured according to ITU-T G.704
P12x 2 Mbit/s signal, unstructured or with unknown structure
P22 IF on the unit level.
P31 IF on the unit level
P32 IF on the unit level.
PABX Private Automatic Branch Ex- A subscriber-owned telecommunications exchange that usually includes ac-
change cess to the PSTN.
PAD Packet Assembler and Disas- A PAD assembles packets of asynchronous data and emits these buffers in a
sembler burst to a packet switch network. The PAD also disassembles packets from
the network and emits the data to the non-packet device.
PAM-16 Phase Amplitude Modulation Line code used with DSL (Digital Subscriber Loop) transmission
PBUS PBUS Internal highway structure implemented with UMUX 1200/1500 for cross con-
nection on 1/1 and 1/0 level. Depending on type of UMUX, limitations on use
PBX Private Branch Exchange PBX is the term given to a device which provides private local voice switching
and voice-related services within the private network. A PBX could have an
ATM API to utilize ATM services, for example Circuit Emulation Service.
PC Protocol Control Protocol Control is a mechanism which a given application protocol may em-
ploy to determine or control the performance and health of the application.
Example, protocol liveness may require that protocol control information be
sent at some minimum rate; some applications may become intolerable to
users if they are unable to send at least at some minimum rate. For such
applications, the concept of MCR is defined. Refer to MCR.
PC memory card PCMCIA card fitted to COBU<X>. Standard capacity 8 MBytes.
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCM Pulse Code Modulation An audio encoding algorithm which encodes the amplitude of a repetitive
series of audio samples. This encoding algorithm converts analogue voice
samples into a digital bit stream.
PCMCIA card Official name for PC memory card. Refer to PC memory card.
PCON2 PBUS unit for the UMUX 1200/1500 providing protocol conversion for 10 V5.1
interfaces and 1 V5.2 interface (with up to 8 2 Mbit/s links).
PCONV PBUS unit for the UMUX 1200/1500 providing protocol conversion for 4 V5.1
interfaces or 1 V5.2 interface (2 2 Mbit/s links). The PCONV has 2 2 Mbit/s
G.703 electrical interfaces for structured and unstructured signals.
PCR Peak Cell Rate The Peak Cell Rate, in cells/sec, is the cell rate which the source may never
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDH (plesiochronous means nearly synchronous), was developed to carry
digitised voice over twisted pair cabling more efficiently. This evolved into the
North American, European, and Japanese Digital Hierarchies where only a
discrete set of fixed rates is available, namely, nxDS0 (DS0 is a 64 kbps rate)
and then the next levels in the respective multiplex hierarchies.

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PDR Processing Defect Ratio Used in conjunction with BHCA.

P-DSL xDSL path interface on the unit level (traffic layer) which is used (UNEM NP) to
adapt to P0_nc or P12 or VC-12.
PDU Protocol Data Unit Packet term for OSI networks.
PDU Protocol Data Unit A PDU is a message of a given protocol comprising payload and protocol-
specific control information, typically contained in a header. PDUs pass over
the protocol interfaces which exist between the layers of protocols (per OSI
PEC Product Engineering Code The KEYMILE Product Engineering Code technically identifies and describes
the product, its state and evolution. The PEC cannot be used for ordering or
other commercial purposes.
Permanent Virtual Permanent Virtual Circuit
PETS Plesiochronous Equipment Timing system of for PDH traffic signals and equipment.
Timing Source
PHA PBUS Highway Access Number of PBUS highways (each 2 Mbit/s of traffic signals plus corresponding
signalling) presently seized by a unit.
PHAU PBUS Highway Access Per Unit This UMUX specific figure provides the maximum number of PBUS accesses
(PH) per unit in 2 Mbit/s accesses. This number is always a multiple of 4 (n x 4, n =
0 … 32).
PHLC1 PSTN High density Line Card 3 slot wide PBUS unit for UMUX 1200/1500 with 60 PSTN subscriber line
interfaces featuring subscriber line test. Used with V5.x and other special
protocol based signalling systems.
PHLC2 Ditto Ditto for 30 subscribers
PHLC3 Ditto Ditto for 10 subscribers
PHY OSI Physical Layer The physical layer provides for transmission of cells over a physical medium
connecting two ATM devices. This physical layer is comprised of two sublay-
ers: the PMD Physical Medium Dependent sublayer, and the TC Transmission
Convergence sublayer. Refer PMD and TC.
Physical Link Physical Link A real link which attaches two switching systems.
PICS Performance Implementation Standard compliance lists for the definition of the national V5.x performance
Compliance Statement
PICS Protocol Implementation Con- A statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system stating
formance Statement which capabilities have been implemented for a given protocol.
PID Protocol Identification Refer to OUI.
PJE Pointer Justification Event A PJE is an inversion of the I- or D-bits of the pointer, together with an incre-
ment or decrement of the pointer value to signify a frequency justification.
PJE counts are reported separately for pointer increments (positive events)
+PJE and decrements (negative events) –PJE.
PLL Phase Locked Loop Phase Lock Loop is a mechanism whereby timing information is transferred
within a data stream and the receiver derives the signal element timing by
locking its local clock source to the received timing information.
PLS Physical LAN Signalling
PM Performance Monitoring Most UMUX units provide PM for their traffic signals.
PM Physical Medium Physical Medium refers to the actual physical interfaces. Several interfaces
are defined including STS-1, STS-3c, STS-12c, STM-1, STM-4, DS1, E1, DS2,
E3, DS3, E4, FDDI-based, Fibre Channel-based, and STP. These range in
speeds from 1.544Mbps through 622.08 Mbps.
PMA Physical Medium Attachment A device that e.g. attaches the NE to a 10 BASE-T Ethernet LAN.
PMD Physical Media Dependent This sublayer defines the parameters at the lowest level, such as speed of the
bits on the media.
PMS OS, ES Unit functional layer and UNEM
Physical Medium Section of STM-1
(OS = optical, ES = electrical)

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PNNI Private Network-Network Inter- A routing information protocol that enables extremely scalable, full function,
face dynamic multi-vendor ATM switches to be integrated in the same network.
PODIS POwerDIStribution Power distribution unit for the remote powering of 4 HDSL CAP desktop units
in conjunction with the POSUR unit.
POP Point Of Presence
Port Identifier Port Identifier The identifier assigned by a logical node to represent the point of attachment
of a link to that node.
POSUA Power supply unit for the UMUX 1200. It converts the mains voltage first to the
primary battery voltage and then to the internal VCC supply voltages. The
POSUA can drive an external battery for power backup (BATMO option).
POSUM Power converter unit for the UMUX, which converts the battery voltage to the
internal power supply voltages. The unit fits any slot in the UMUX subrack and
can be operated in parallel in order to build up protection.
Higher capacity and efficiency than the POSUS.
POSUR Power Supply Remote Power source for the remote powering of the LECAR/LE2QR and DSL regen-
erator in conjunction with the PODIS unit.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PPPoE PPP over Ethernet Popular connection mode between Internet access provider and client.
PRA Primary Rate Access The Primary Rate Access is an ISDN based function that provides a 2 Mbit/s
access. Refer to PRI.
PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence Sequence of bits with a random pattern of bits which repeats after a number of
bits (e.g. sequences of 1011-1, 1015-1, 1020-1 bits).
PRC Primary Reference Clock
PRI Primary Rate Interface An ISDN standard for provisioning of 1.544 Mbit/s (DS1 – North America,
Japan, et al) or 2.048 Mbit/s (E1 – Europe) ISDN services. DS1 is 23 “B”
channels of 64 kbit/s each and one signalling “D” channel of 64 kbit/s/ E1 is 30
“B” channels of 64 kbit/s each and one signalling “D” channel of 64 kbit/s.
Private ATM Ad- Private ATM Address A twenty-byte address used to identify an ATM connection termination point.
Protocol Protocol A set of rules and formats (semantic and syntactic) that determines the com-
munication behaviour of layer entities in the performance of the layer func-
Protocol Control Protocol Control Information Information exchanged between corresponding entities, using a lower layer
Information connection, to coordinate their joint operation.
PRS Primary Reference Source
PSC Protection Switch Count The PSC is a protection performance parameter and provides information of
the number of switching events.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone
PT Payload Type Payload Type is a 3-bit field in the ATM cell header that discriminates between
a cell carrying management information or one which is carrying user informa-
PTI Payload Type Indicator Payload Type Indicator is the Payload Type field value distinguishing the
various management cells and user cells. Example: Resource Management
cell has PTI=110, end-to-end OAM F5 Flow cell has PTI=101.
PTMPT Point-To-Multipoint A main source to many destination connections.
PVC Private Virtual Circuit This is a link with static route defined in advance, usually by manual setup.
PVCC Permanent Virtual Channel A Virtual Channel Connection (VCC) is an ATM connection where switching is
Connection performed on the VPI/VCI fields of each cell. A Permanent VCC is one which
is provisioned through some network management function and left up indefi-

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

PVPC Permanent Virtual Path Connec- A Virtual Path Connection (VPC) is an ATM connection where switching is
tion performed on the VPI field only of each cell. A Permanent VPC is one which is
provisioned through some network management function and left up indefi-
PW Password Used in context with User Classes, Customer Id and System Access.
Q1 Local Management Interface allowing to connect several NEs
QCS Queue Congested Seconds Indicates the number of seconds that a buffer queue of an ATM interface in
the UMUX is congested (buffer queue full).
Q-in-Q Queue in Queue VLAN Tag stacking, 802.1Q that allows providing extra information (Proto-
col/type, VLAN priority/tag, etc.) into the frame header.
QL Quality Level 4-bit code in the TS 0 of a PCM frame (SSM) indicating the “quality level” of
the signal provided for synchronisation use.
QoS Quality of Service Quality of Service is defined on an end-to-end basis in terms of the following
attributes of the end-to-end ATM connection:
- Cell Loss Ratio
- Cell Transfer Delay
- Cell Delay Variation
QX LAN Management Interface
RAI Remote Alarm Indication
RAS Remote Access Service Modems for the remote access of NEs.
RDB Router DataBase Database of the (OSPF) router with the router tables and link state information.
RDI Remote Defect Indication The Remote Defect Indication signal is representing the defection of the re-
ceived signal.
REI Remote Error Indication The Remote Error Indicator signal is containing the number of detected error
detection code.
Also in combination with TCM
REN Ringer Equivalent Normal
RFI Radio Frequency Interference Refer to EMI.
RIB Routing Information Base Database formed of the LSD and FIB in the OSI routing elements.
RIGEN Ringing signal generator unit for the SUBL<X> units in the UMUX 1300 and
UMUX 1500.
RM Resource Management Resource Management is the management of critical resources in an ATM
network. Two critical resources are buffer space and trunk bandwidth. Provi-
sioning may be used to allocate network resources in order to separate traffic
flows according to service characteristics. VPCs play a key role in resource
management. By reserving capacity on VPCs, the processing required to
establish individual VCCs is reduced. Refer to RM-cell.
RM-Cell Resource Management Cell Information about the state of the network like bandwidth availability, state of
congestion, and impending congestion, is conveyed to the source through
special control cells called Resource Management Cells (RM-cells).
ROM Read Only Memory
Router Router A physical device that is capable of forwarding packets based on network layer
information and that also participates in running one or more network layer
routing protocols.
RPF Reference Publication Format The RPF notification for NSAP addresses is specified in the ITU-T standard
X.213 and represents the NSAP addresses in the format IDP + DSP.
RPS Remote Powering System
RS Regenerator Section The Regenerator Section Layer allows the STM-1 signal to be labelled with a
STM-1 TTI for ensuring that any incorrect connection of the wrong optical
signals is monitored and alarmed.
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol Protocol implemented on bridge devices which allows to avoid loops in multi-
path scenarios. Convergence time around 1 second depending on the network
number of bridge devices on the network. IEEE 802.1w

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RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol RTP is used for the transport of voice packets across an IP network.
RX Interface which receives the signal (normally equal to input).
SA Source Address The address from which the message or data originated
SA Source MAC Address A six octet value uniquely identifying an end point and which is sent in an IEEE
LAN frame header to indicate source of frame.
SAAL Signalling ATM Adaptation Layer This resides between the ATM layer and the Q.2931 function. The SAAL
provides reliable transport of Q.2931 messages between Q.2931 entities (e.g.,
ATM switch and host) over the ATM layer; two sublayers: common part and
service specific part.
SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Command of OSI user network.
Mode Extended
SAP Service Access Point A SAP is used for the following purposes:
- When the application initiates an outgoing call to a remote ATM device, a
destination_SAP specifies the ATM address of the remote device, plus fur-
ther addressing that identifies the target software entity within the remote
- When the application prepares to respond to incoming calls from remote
ATM devices, a local_SAP specifies the ATM address of the device housing
the application, plus further addressing that identifies the application within
the local device.
There are several groups of SAPs that are specified as valid for Native ATM
SAR Segmentation and Reassembly Method of breaking up arbitrarily sized packets.
SASE Stand Alone Synchronisation The SASE reconditions clock signals by eliminating jitter from the clock (func-
Equipment tion according to ITU-T G.812). The UMUX do not provide this function.
SbU Subunit Term of an generic element in the structure of UMUX (refer to units)
SBUS UMUX internal bus for the cross connection of SDH signals (VC-12, VC-3).
The SBUS is physically identical with the ABUS.
The first unit configured (ABUS, SBUS unit) defines the signal structure of the
SCN Switched Circuit Network SCN is a type of network in which a physical path is obtained for and dedi-
cated to a single connection between two end-points in the network for the
duration of the connection.
SCR Sustainable Cell Rate The SCR is an upper bound on the conforming average rate of an ATM con-
nection over time scales which are long relative to those for which the PCR is
defined. Enforcement of this bound by the UPC could allow the network to
allocate sufficient resources, but less than those based on the PCR, and still
ensure that the performance objectives (e.g., for Cell Loss Ratio) can be
SCTP Stream Control Transmission SCTP is a part of the SIGTRAN framework. SCTP is a common signalling
Protocol transport layer supporting a common set of reliable transport functions for
signalling transport.
SD Signal Degraded
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy The ITU-TSS International standard for transmitting information over optical
SDSL Symmetrical DSL
SDT Structured Data Transfer An AAL1 data transfer mode in which data is structured into blocks which are
then segmented into cells for transfer.
SDU Service Data Unit A unit of interface information whose identity is preserved from one end of a
layer connection to the other.
SE Switching Element Switching Element refers to the device or network node which performs ATM
switching functions based on the VPI or VPI/VCI pair.
SEAL Simple and Efficient Adaptation An earlier name for AAL5.

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SEC Synchronous Equipment Clock Block of the SETS timing system.

Segment Segment A single ATM link or group of interconnected ATM links of an ATM connection.
SEL Severely Errored Second Selector switch within the NSAP address. SEL is a part of the DSP (other
parts: High DSP, SID).
SEL Selector Generally used to identify different destinations on an ES such as applications
or services above the data link layer on NSAP addresses.
Semipermanent Semipermanent Connection A connection established via a service order or via network management.
SES Severely Errored Second A unit used to specify the error performance of T carrier systems. This indi-
cates a second containing ten or more errors, usually expressed as SES per
hour, day, or week. This method gives a better indication of the distribution of
bit errors than a simple Bit Error Rate (BER). Refer also to EFS.
SES Source End Station An ATM termination point, which is the source of ATM messages of a connec-
tion, and is used as a reference point for ABR services. Refer to DES.
SESR Severely Errored Second Ratio
SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Timing system for SDH signals and equipment.
SETS P Synchronous Equipment Timing Protection of the SETS timing system.
Source Protection
SF Signal Fail
SFP Small Form factor Pluggable Pluggable module with SFP electrical or optical transceivers of any flavour.
SFP modules provide 100BASE-FX / 1000BASE-SX/LX and STM-1 (S.1.x,
L1.x, X1.x and CWDM) optical interfaces. SFP modules with electrical STM-1
interfaces are available as well.
SG Signalling Gateway The SG interconnects the NGN with the PSTN or ISDN signalling network and
allows end-to-end signalling for calls between NGN and PSTN or ISDN, i.e.
the SG connects the softswitch to the signalling network SS7 or to an ISDN
Shaping Descriptor Shaping Descriptor N ordered pairs of GCRA parameters (I,L) used to define the negotiated traffic
shape of a connection.
SHDSL Single pair High speed Digital Data transmission over subscriber lines with symmetrical bit rates (up- and
Subscriber Line downstream) according to ITU-T G.991.2 (= G.SHDSL). SHDSL uses the
PAM-16 line code. Several pairs are used in the line bonding mode.
SID System IDentifier Sequence of the NSAP address that identifies the system (=system address).
The SID is a part of the DSP (other parts: High DSP, SEL).
SIFOX SIxty-FOur kbit/s X.24 UBUS unit with 4 full-duplex synchronous 64 kbit/s interfaces (X.24 and V.11).
Unit is required to implement the EOC.
SIGTRAN SIGTRAN allows to transport telephony signalling over IP.
SIP-T Session Initiation Protocol for Extension of SIP to support inter-softswitch communications. In NGN, BICC is
Telephones used as the signalling protocol between softswitches.
SLID1 Same as SLIM1 with differences as follows:
The current version supports the CAP and PAM16 line code. Other codes are
SLID1 is compatible with the MUSIC 200 R2 and MUSIC 700 CPE family.
SLID2 Same as SLID1 with differences as follows:
Supports additionally remote powering for the CAP regenerator.
SLIM1 PBUS unit provides two DSL services as well as two E12 interfaces. The
SLIM1 provides access to the PBUS for Nx64 kbit/s and P12 traffic signals.
The SLIM supports 2 single pair services or 2 two-pair services or a mixture of
The current version supports the CAP line code.

SLIM1 is compatible with the LECAR and MUSIC 200 R1 CPE.

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SLIM2 Same as SLIM1 with differences as follows:

Supports additionally remote powering for the CAP regenerator.

SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit Data A connectionless service used to connect LANs, MANs and WANs to ex-
Services change data.
SMG Subscriber Media Gateway The SMG is the same as an Access Gateway (AG), i.e. it supports line side
interfaces, e.g. for analogue or ISDN phones.
SNAP SubNetwork Access Point Same as SID
SNC Sub Network Connection Is a part of a NP application
SNC Subnetwork Connection In the context of ATM, an entity that passes ATM cells transparently, (i.e.,
without adding any overhead). A SNC may be either a stand-alone SNC, or a
concatenation of SNCs and link connections.
SNCP SubNetwork Connection Protec-
SNCP/I SNCP with Inherent monitoring For P12x, P0-nc signals
SNCP/N SNCP with Non-intrusive moni- For P12s signals
SNI Service Node Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management The UNEM provides an SNMP interface for alarms.
Protocol Originally designed for the Department of Defense network to support TCP/IP
network management. It has been widely implemented to support the man-
agement of a broad range of network products and functions. SNMP is the
IETF standard management protocol for TCP/IP networks.
SOH Section OverHead Section overhead in SDH signals and containers (e.g. the SOH in the STM-1
Source Traffic Source Traffic A set of traffic parameters belonging to the ATM Traffic Descriptor used during
the connection set-up to capture the intrinsic traffic characteristics of the con-
nection requested by the source.
SPF Shortest Path First Algorithm used by routing protocols to find the best (cheapest) route to a
destination network.
SPTS Single Program Transport An MPEG-2 Transport Stream that consists of only one program.
SREG SHDSL Regenerator Refer to LR SREG.
SRQ Signal ReQuest Indicates the result of the input signal monitoring for the SYNI<X> units with
MSP (SF, SD/high No request)
SRTS Synchronous residual Time A clock recovery technique in which difference signals between source timing
Stamp and a network reference timing signal are transmitted to allow reconstruction
of the source timing at the destination.
SS7 Signal System Number 7 A family of signalling protocols originating from narrowband telephony. They
are used to set-up, manage and tear down connections as well as to exchange
non-connection associated information. Refer to BISUP, MTP, SCCP and
SSCS Service Specific Convergence The portion of the convergence sublayer that is dependent upon the type of
Sublayer traffic that is being converted.
SSI Synchronisation Status Indica- Indicates weather the data stream can be used as timing source for synchroni-
tion sation or not.
SSM Synchronisation Status Message Encoded information in TS 0 of PCM frames, providing a quantitative value for
the usability of the data stream for synchronisation purposes. Standardised by
STB Set Top Box Used for connection and billing between Internet video- and TV subscribers
and the video- and TV provider.
STC System Time Clock The master clock in an MPEG-2 encoder or decoder system.

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STIC1 The STIC1 has 8 DSL line interfaces and provides access to the PBUS for
Nx64 kbit/s and P12 traffic signals. STIC1 provides a maximum of 8 single-pair
DSL services, or 4 two-pair DSL services, or a mixture of both. STIC1 supports
wetting current individually for each DSL service.
STIC2 Same functionality as STIC1 but with support of line powering for a regenera-
tor or a desktop unit individually on each DSL service.
STM Synchronous Transfer Module STM is a basic building block used for a synchronous multiplexing hierarchy
defined by the CCITT/ITU-T.
STM-1 Synchronous Transport Module SDH standard for transmission over OC-3 optical fibre at 155.52 Mbps.
1 STM-1 operates at a rate of 155.52 Mbps (same as STS-3).
STM-n Synchronous Transport Module SDH standards for transmission over optical fibre (OC-‘n x 3) by multiplexing
“n” “n” STM-1 frames, (e.g., STM-4 at 622.08 Mbps and STM-16 at 2.488 Gbps).
(where n is an integer)
STM-nc Synchronous Transport Module SDH standards for transmission over optical fibre (OC-‘n x 3) by multiplexing
“n” concatenated “n” STM-1 frames, (e.g., STM-4 at 622.08 Mbps and STM-16 at 2.488 Gbps,
(where n is an integer) but treating the information fields as a single concatenated payload).
STP Spanning Tree Protocol Protocol implemented on bridge devices which allows to avoid loops in multi-
path scenarios. Convergence time up to 30 seconds depending on the net-
work number of bridge devices on the network. IEEE 802.1D
SUBAT UBUS unit with 4 U-interfaces (4B3T coding) to NT1s (ISDN subscriber side).
SUBH High density UMUX PBUS units with POTS subscriber line interfaces. SUBH
supports V5.x and other special protocol based signalling systems and sub-
scriber line test.
The SUBH generation of units replaces and substitutes the PHLC unit genera-
SUBH1 PBUS unit with 10 POTS subscriber line interfaces. The SUBH1 substitutes
and replaces the PHLC3.
SUBH3 PBUS unit with 30 POTS subscriber line interfaces in 1 slot of the UMUX
subrack. The SUBH3 substitutes and replaces the PHLC1.
SUBL<X> UBUS unit with 12 POTS interfaces to telephone sets.
Sublayer Sublayer A logical sub-division of a layer.
SUBUK UBUS unit with 12 POTS interfaces to telephone sets. UK version.
SULIC UBUS unit with 8 U-interfaces (2B1Q coding) to connect the NTU remote data
SULIS UBUS unit with 8 U-interfaces (2B1Q coding) to NT1s (ISDN subscriber side).
SVC Switched Virtual Circuit A connection established via signalling. The user defines the endpoints when
the call is initiated.
SVCC Switched Virtual Channel Con- A Switched VCC is one which is established and taken down dynamically
nection through control signalling. A Virtual Channel Connection (VCC) is an ATM
connection where switching is performed on the VPI/VCI fields of each cell.
SVL Shared VLAN learning In a bridged VLAN, MAC address learning is performed globally and all VLANs
can use the same forwarding database.
SVPC Switched Virtual Path Connec- A Switched Virtual Path Connection is one which is established and taken
tion down dynamically through control signalling. A Virtual Path Connection (VPC)
is an ATM connection where switching is performed on the VPI field only of
each cell.
SW Software General expression for any kind of software.
Switched Connec- Switched Connection A connection established via signalling.
SYN4E SBUS unit with 4 SFP-module based STM-N interfaces and 4 local Ethernet
interfaces. 2 STM-interfaces support STM-4 or STM-1 modules, while the 2
remaining interfaces support STM-1 only. SYN4E provides a local cross con-
nect for VC-traffic and has SBUS access for VC-12 and VC-3 traffic.
SYN4E supports EoS in VC-12, VC-3 and VC-4 with VCAT and LCAS for
10/100/1000BASE-T tributary traffic.

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SYNAC SBUS unit that terminates 8 VC-12 traffic signals provided via the SBUS on
the PBUS.
SYNAD SBUS unit with 16 interfaces (G.703) for terminated 8 VC-12 traffic signals that
are provided via the SBUS
SYNAM Same features as the SYNAD but with 8 interfaces.
Sync Synchronisation
SYNIC SBUS unit with one electrical STM-1 front interface for SDH aggregate traffic.
Provides SETS.
SYNIF SBUS unit with one optical STM-1 front interface for SDH aggregate traffic.
Provides SETS.
SYNIO SBUS unit with two optical STM-1 front interfaces for SDH aggregate traffic.
Provides SETS.
SYNOT SBUS unit with 1 optical STM-1 front interface for VC-12 and VC-3 tributary
traffic for the SBUS.
No SETS function.
SYNUF SBUS unit with SFP cage for a SFP module with an optical or electrical STM-
1front interface for SDH aggregate traffic. Provides SETS and MSP over 2
SYNUF units.
SYNVA SBUS unit mapping VC-12 tributary traffic from the PBUS to the SBUS.
No SETS function.
SYTEL SBUS unit with 1 E31 (34 Mbit/s) / E32 (45 Mbit/s) front interface for VC-3
tributary traffic for the SBUS.
No SETS function.
TC Tandem Connection Sections of the VC-12 path that are connected in series or tandem.
TC Transaction Capabilities TCAP (see below) plus supporting Presentation, Session and Transport proto-
col layers.
TCD Technical Customer Documenta- Entity of all the documents created for the UMUX customer documentation.
TCM Tandem Connection Monitoring TCM allows you to individually monitor segments of a VC-12 path.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol Originally developed by the Department of Defense to support interworking of
dissimilar computers across a network. A protocol which provides end-to-end,
connection-oriented, reliable transport layer (layer 4) functions over IP con-
trolled networks. TCP performs the following functions: flow control between
two systems, acknowledgements of packets received and end-to-end se-
quencing of packets.
TCR Tagged Cell Rate An ABR service parameter, TCR limits the rate at which a source may send
out-of-rate forward RM-cells. TCR is a constant fixed at 10 cells/second.
TCS Transmission Convergence This is part of the ATM physical layer that defines how cells will be transmitted
Sublayer by the actual physical layer.
TD(S) Time Domain Signals
TDM Time Division Multiplexer A method in which a transmission facility is multiplexed among a number of
channels by allocating the facility to the channels on the basis of time slots.
TE Terminal Equipment Terminal equipment is e.g. used for the
- ISDN equipment connecting to the S interface of NT1.
- Endpoint of ATM connection(s) and termination of the various protocols
within the connection(s).
TE Transport Entity Is a object class representing SNC, Circuits or Trail etc.
TE Terminal Equipment
TG Trunking Gateway The TG is a Media Gateway type. The TG is located between PSTN and
packet network. It terminates circuit-switched trunks in the PSTN and virtual
circuits in the packet network.

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

TLV Type / Length / Value A coding methodology which provides a flexible and extensible means of
coding parameters within a frame. Type indicates parameter type. Length
indicates parameter's value length. Value indicates the actual parameter

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

TM Terminal Multiplexer
TM Traffic Management Traffic Management is the aspect of the traffic control and congestion control
procedures for ATM. ATM layer traffic control refers to the set of actions taken
by the network to avoid congestion conditions. ATM layer congestion control
refers to the set of actions taken by the network to minimize the intensity,
spread and duration of congestion.
The following functions form a framework for managing and controlling traffic
and congestion in ATM networks and may be used in appropriate combina-
- Connection Admission Control
- Feedback Control
- Usage Parameter Control
- Priority Control
- Traffic Shaping
- Network Resource Management
- Frame Discard
- ABR Flow Control
TM MOA Trail Manager - Managed Object The UNEM software component representing the northbound interface to
Agent Nortel Preside for trail management
TP Termination Point To inheritance TTP and CTP
Trail Trail An entity that transfers information provided by a client layer network between
access points in a server layer network. The transported information is moni-
tored at the termination points.
Trailer Trailer Protocol control information located at the end of a PDU.
Transit Delay Transit Delay The time difference between the instant at which the first bit of a PDU crosses
one designated boundary and the instant at which the last bit of the same PDU
crosses a second designated boundary.
Triple Play POTS, data and video over a single access line, typically of the ADSL2+ type.
TS Time Slot 64 kbit/s channel in a PCM structure
TS Traffic Shaping Traffic Shaping is a mechanism that alters the traffic characteristics of a
stream of cells on a connection to achieve better network efficiency, while
meeting the QoS objectives, or to ensure conformance at a subsequent inter-
face. Traffic shaping must maintain cell sequence integrity on a connection.
Shaping modifies traffic characteristics of a cell flow with the consequence of
increasing the mean Cell Transfer Delay.
TS Time Stamp Time Stamping is used on OAM cells to compare time of entry of cell to time of
exit of cell to be used to determine the cell transfer delay of the connection.
TTI Trail Termination Identifier Unique identifier assigned to a trail and carried by the traffic signal.
Trail Trace Identifier
TTP Trail Termination Point The adaptation based on G.805
TTRP Tunnel-Tunnel Router Protocol
TUG-n Tributary Unit Group Ditto.
TU-n Tributary Unit, level n Level of the SDH multiplexing structure.
TUN<XY> Family of UBUS transmission units. Member of this family are units such as
TUNEL UBUS unit with 2 electrical 8 Mbit/s interfaces according to ITU-T G.703. Built
in 2 Mbit/s DMX for local cross connection or UBUS access.
TUNOF Special unit with 1 optical 8 Mbit/s IF and 4 electrical 2 Mbit/s IFs according to
ITU-T G.703. Built in 2 Mbit/s DMX for local cross connection. The LECAF has
no bus access and provides front access for all signals.
TUNOL UBUS unit with 1 optical 8 Mbit/s interface and 4 electrical 2 Mbit/s interfaces
according to ITU-T G.703. Built in 2 Mbit/s DMX for local cross connection or
UBUS access.
TUNOP UBUS unit with 2 optical 8 Mbit/s interfaces.

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TUNOR Desktop unit with 1 optical 8 Mbit/s IF and 4 E12 IFs. The TUNOR supports
the G.703 and V.11 2 Mbit/s standard and ISDN-PRA functionalities.
Mains or local 48 V battery powering.
TX Interface which send the signal (normally equal to output).
UA Urgent Alarm
UAT UnAvailable Time
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate UBR is an ATM service category which does not specify traffic related service
guarantees. Specifically, UBR does not include the notion of a per-connection
negotiated bandwidth. No numerical commitments are made with respect to
the cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to the cell transfer
delay experienced by cells on the connection.
UBUS UBUS Internal 2 Mbit/s PCM-highway for traffic and signalling data implemented with
all the UMUX. Depending on UMUX limitations on use apply.
UCST UMUX Configuration Software PC/computer based EM to manage the NEs of KEYMILE.
UDP User Datagram Protocol This protocol is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite and provides a means for
applications to access the connectionless features of IP. UDP operates at
layer 4 of the OSI reference model and provides for the exchange of data-
grams without acknowledgements or guaranteed delivery.
UDPTL UDP Transport Layer Facsimile UDP Transport Layer according to
ITU-T, T.38.
ULCAS Universal LineCard for AScos- UMUX modem unit with 5 interfaces for the transmission of up to 128 kbit/s
tream over copper pairs to the AM-type Analogue Network Terminating Units.
X.21/X.21bis interface options.
UME UNI Management Entity The software residing in the ATM devices at each end of the UNI circuit that
implements the management interface to the ATM network.
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommuni- UMTS is the new standard to connect all types services via mobiles to the
cations System network controllers.
UMUX Universal MUltipleXer Family of application optimised Multi-service Access Systems. The modular
structure of the UMUX equipment supports a large range of traffic interfaces
(voice and data) and transmission interfaces from 64 kbit/s up to STM-1
(SDH). The UMUX provides also an ATM core with IMA, Circuit Emulation and
an STM-1 (ATM) interface. Various units with interfaces for the electrical,
optical and DSL transmission are available.
Unassigned Cells Unassigned Cells A cell identified by a standardized virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual chan-
nel identifier (VCI) value, which has been generated and does not carry infor-
mation from an application using the ATM Layer service.
UNEM UMUX Network Element Man- Workstation based EM for large UMUX networks with an enhanced graphical
ager user interface. The UNEM allows multi-sessions and supports multiple EAs
and redundant databases.
UNI User Network Interface An interface point between ATM end users and a private ATM switch, or be-
tween a private ATM switch and the public carrier ATM network; defined by
physical and protocol specifications per ATM Forum UNI documents. The
standard adopted by the ATM Forum to define connections between users or
end stations and a local switch.
Unicasting Unicasting The transmit operation of a single PDU by a source interface where the PDU
reaches a single destination.
UNIDA UNIversal Data Access unit UBUS unit with 4 (or 2) data interfaces (depending on the type of the inter-
face): X.24/V.11, V.36 RS-449, V.36 RS-499, V.35, V.24/V.28.
Unit Term of a generic element in the structure of UMUX. A unit contains 1 or more
UP User Port Mainly used in relation to V5 applications. Physical or logical user port imple-
mented in the AN to provide the relevant interface functions towards the end-

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

UPC Usage Parameter Control Usage Parameter Control is defined as the set of actions taken by the network
to monitor and control traffic, in terms of traffic offered and validity of the ATM
connection, at the end-system access. Its main purpose is to protect network
resources from malicious as well as unintentional misbehaviour, which can
affect the QoS of other already established connections, by detecting viola-
tions of negotiated parameters and taking appropriate actions.
UT Unavailable Time Starts with 10 consecutive SESs (included in UT) and ends with 10 consecu-
tive ESs (not included in UT).
UTOPIA Universal Test & Operations Refers to an electrical interface between the TC and PMD sublayers of the
Interface for ATM PHY layer.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair A cable having one or more twisted pairs, but with no shield per pair.
V5 Protocol and interface for the switch-independent deployment of PSTN and
ISDN traffic in the access network with provides the corresponding user ports.
V5.1 V5.1 uses one structured 2 Mbit/s signal for 30 PSTN subscribers or a PRA
access. V5.1 does not allow concentration.
V5.2 V5.2 allows concentration of the PSTN and ISDN subscriber traffic and multi-
ple protection of the traffic on the concentrated section.
V5CAS V5CAS is a proprietary CAS signalling code which is an extension of MCAS
(Mercury CAS) and carries out of band PSTN signalling.
VAD Voice Activity Detection VAD allows a data network carrying voice traffic over a packet network to
detect the absence of audio and conserve bandwidth by preventing the trans-
mission of "silent packets" over the network.
VBR Variable Bit Rate An ATM Forum defined service category which supports variable bit rate data
traffic with average and peak traffic parameters.
VC A communications channel that provides for the sequential unidirectional
transport of ATM cells.
VC-12 UCST TDM cross connections
Virtual Container 12 of STM-1
VC-3 UCST TDM cross connections
Virtual Container 3 of STM-1
VC-4 UCST TDM cross connections
Virtual Container 4 of STM-1
VCAT Virtual Concatenation Map Ethernet signals (10, 100Mbps, etc.) into several smaller SDH transport
containers (VC-12 or VC-3). Similar to Inverse multiplexing. ITU-T G.707. The
aggregation of smaller signal containers (members) is called a Virtual Con-
catenated Group (VCG).
VCC Virtual Channel Connection A concatenation of VCLs that extends between the points where the ATM
service users access the ATM layer. The points at which the ATM cell payload
is passed to, or received from, the users of the ATM Layer (i.e., a higher layer
or ATM-entity) for processing signify the endpoints of a VCC. VCCs are unidi-
VCG Virtual Concatenation Group Refer to VCAT.
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier A unique numerical tag as defined by a 16 bit field in the ATM cell header that
identifies a virtual channel, over which the cell is to travel.
VCL Virtual Channel Link A means of unidirectional transport of ATM cells between the point where a
VCI value is assigned and the point where that value is translated or removed.
VC-n Virtual Container, level n Level of the SDH multiplexing structure. Often the hierarchy type (European
=2, American =1) is amended to n.
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator An oscillator whose clock frequency is determined by the magnitude of the
voltage presented at its input. The frequency changes when the voltage
VCOX Voltage Controlled Oscillator Refer to VCO.
VD Virtual Destination Refer to VS/VD.
Virtual Channel Virtual Channel Switch A network element that connects VCLs. It terminates VPCs and translates VCI
Switch values. It is directed by Control Plane functions and relays the cells of a VC.

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Virtual Path Switch Virtual Path Switch A network element that connects VPLs. It translates VPI (not VCI) values and
is directed by Control Plane functions. It relays the cell of the VP.
VLAN Virtual LAN Group of devices that are configured so that they can communicate as if they
were connected to the same wire, when in fact they are located at different
LAN segments.
VoXXX Voice over XXX This abbreviation is used in combination with transmission various technolo-
gies such as ATM (VoATM), IP (VoIP), DSL (VoDSL) etc.
VP Virtual Path A unidirectional logical association or bundle of VCs.
VPC Virtual Path Connection A concatenation of VPLs between Virtual Path Terminators (VPTs). VPCs are
VPI Virtual Path Identifier An eight bit field in the ATM cell header which indicates the virtual path over
which the cell should be routed.
VPL Virtual Path Link A means of unidirectional transport of ATM cells between the point where a
VPI value is assigned and the point where that value is translated or removed.
VPT Virtual Path Terminator A system that unbundles the VCs of a VP for independent processing of each
VTOA Voice and Telephony Over ATM The ATM Forum voice and telephony over ATM service interoperability speci-
fications address three applications for carrying voice over ATM networks;
desktop (or LAN services), trunking (or WAN services), and mobile services.
WAN Wide Area Network This is a network which spans a large geographic area relative to office and
campus environment of LAN (Local Area Network). WAN is characterized by
having much greater transfer delays due to laws of physics.
Windows® 95 PC operating systems.
Windows® 98 Windows® 95/98/2000 and Windows® ME/NT/XP are trademarks of Microsoft
Windows® 2k Corporation USA and world-wide.
Windows® ME
Windows® NT
Windows® XP
WINS Windows Internet Name Ser-
WS Work Station UNIX based desktop computer.
μCLAN Micro Computer LAN Internal communication structure for UMUX unit microprocessors
1000Base-SX/LX Standard for optical Ethernet interfaces withj a maximum transmission rate of
1000 Mbit/s.
100Base-FX Standard for optical Ethernet interfaces with a maximum transmission rate of
100 Mbit/s.
1000Base-T Standard for electrical Ethernet interfaces a maximum transmission rate of
1000 Mbit/s.
100Base-TX Standard for electrical Ethernet interfaces with a maximum transmission rate
of 100 Mbit/s.
10Base-T Standard for electrical Ethernet interfaces with a maximum transmission rate
of 10 Mbit/s.
155 Mbit/s 155520 kbit/s
16-CAP Carrierless Amplitude/Phase The modulation technique used in the 51.84 Mb Mid-Range Physical Layer
Modulation with 16 constellation Specification for Category 3 Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP-3).
2 Mbit/s 2048 kbit/s
2 MHz 2048 kHz
2B1Q 2 Binary, 1 Quaternary Line code for the ISDN U-interface.
4B3T 4 Binary, 3 Tertiary Alternate line code for the ISDN U-interface. This code is manly used in Ger-

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Abbreviations Meaning Explanations

64-CAP Carrierless Amplitude/Phase

Modulation with 64 constellation
8 Mbit/s 8448 kbit/s

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