Unit Kebakaan-1
Unit Kebakaan-1
Unit Kebakaan-1
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University
e-mail : dinaidris48@gmail.com
Genetics is a branch of biology that tries to explain the similarities and differences in inherited traits in living
things. In addition, genetics also tries to answer questions related to what is passed down or inherited from
parents to offspring, how the mechanism of genetic material is inherited, and how the role of genetic material
is. The purpose of this immortality practicum is to prove the comparison of genotypes and phenotypes from
Mendelian laws and the genotypic basis of several genetic traits in humans. The purpose of this immortality
practicum is to prove the comparison of genotypes and phenotypes from Mendelian laws and the genotypic
basis of several genetic traits in humans. Gene is defined as the functional and physical unit of heredity passed
from parent to offspring. Genes are part of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and make certain proteins that
produce the phenotype. The phenotype of an individual is caused by traits carried by his genes and is
influenced by environmental factors
Keywords : Genetics, Gene purpose of this immortality practicum is to prove the comparison
of genotypes and phenotypes from Mendelian laws and the
genotypic basis of several genetic traits in humans.
The benefits of the research conducted are:Students know the
nature - traits that exist in humans, Students know the
The most obvious feature of life is the ability of
comparison of genotype and phenotype based on Mendel's law.
organisms to reproduce their kind. Kinds produce like,
organisms produce the same organisms. Furthermore,
offspring will be more like their parents than other
Genes are specific base sequences in DNA that code for RNA.
individuals of the same species but more distantly
When the gene codes for a protein, a process known as gene
related. The transfer of traits from one generation to
expression occurs. The specific position of a gene on a
the next is called inheritance, which is better known as
chromosome is called a locus. The allele variation in a gene is
heredity. Together the same with the same innate trait
caused by variations in the base sequence at the same locus on a
is called variation. Offspring have a slightly different
homologous chromosome (Bagus.Dian.2018)
appearance from their parents or siblings. The
In crossing Mendel saw that each gene has only two types of
mechanisms of heredity and variation began to become
alleles where one allele is dominant and the other allele is
a concern in the 19th century.20, when genetics began
recessive. In fact, some genes have more than one type of allele
to develop. Genetics is the science of heredity and the
and the interactions are not always dominant and completely
variations associated with it.Genetics is a branch of
recessive. Crosses performed by Mendel also showed that a trait
biology that studies the inheritance of traits in living
is governed by only one gene.
things. The word genetics itself was first introduced by
Later it is known that the emergence of a single trait can involve
Willian Bateson as a new branch of biology. The
two or more genes. These conditions cause in some crosses, the
science of genetics has long been applied by our
resulting offspring pattern is not in accordance with the results
ancestors through the process of artificial selection.
obtained by Mendel. (Bagus.Dian.2018)
The offspring of animals, plants and humans, each will
Gene is defined as the functional and physical unit of heredity
be similar to its parent from generation to generation.
passed from parent to offspring. Genes are part of
For example, a cat will give birth to a kitten, a mango
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and make certain proteins that
tree will produce another mango tree, and a human
produce the phenotype. The process of making proteins is called
will give birth to a human child. A closer look at the
protein synthesis which involves the complex translation of
living things mentioned above, it will be clear that in
genetic information (aka genetic code) from DNA through
animals, plants, humans there are similarities, there is
ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both nucleic acids are polymers of four
also a combination of parents and their descendants.
nucleotide monomers (Sreenivasarao.2015)
Sometimes the offspring have traits like the parent,
Mendel took an experimental and quantitative approach to
and some have different or different traits from the
genetics. Gregor Mendel formulated a particulate theory of
parent and may exhibit completely new traits in the
inheritance based on experiments using peas, conducted in the
1860s. He showed that parents pass on discrete genes to their
Genetics is a branch of biology that explains the
offspring where these discrete genes maintain their identity from
similarities and differences in inherited traits in living
generation to generation (Saefuddin.2017)
things. In addition, genetics also tries to answer
According to the law of segregation, the two alleles for a
questions related to what is passed down or from
character are packaged into separate gametes.
parents to offspring, how the mechanism of genetic
Mendel arrived at this law by creating hybrid offspring and
material is inherited, and how the role of genetic
allowing them to self-pollinate. According to the law of
materialis. The experiment that has been carried out is
independent selection, each pair of alleles will separate into
immortality by making data on self, group and class
gametes independently. Mendel proposed this law based on
phenotypes and calculating the percentage. The
dihybrid crosses between plants that differ in two characters or
more than two characters (Saefuddin.2017) the Y chromosome) in the Sembiran and Tri Wangsa
Mendel discovered the particulate behavior of communities. The haplotypes are presented in Table 3 with the
genes. Mendel's quantitative analysis of carefully notation which is a combination of alleles present in DYS19,
planned experiments is an example of the scientific DYS390 and DYS393, respectively ((Junitha.Suryobroto.2011)
process. The relationship between genotype and Based on the journal about the influence of genetic factors on
phenotype is rarely that simple. In imperfect early childhood development, it was found that development in
dominance, heterozygous individuals have a humans begins at conception or fertilization, namely the
phenotype intermediate between individuals of the two fertilization of eggs by spermatosoma. When the male
homozygous types. In codominance, heterozygotes spermatosome enters the female egg (ovum) wall, conception
exhibit phenotypes for both alleles. Many genes are occurs. If discussed in three stages (geminal stage, embryonic
present with multiple (more than two) alleles in a stage and fetal stage). 10 Genes are blueprints of development
population. Pleitropy is the ability of a single gene to that are still passed down from generation to generation.
influence phenotypic traits multiple. In epistasis, one Phenotype is an individual character that is directly visible to the
gene affects the expression of another. Certain everyday eye created from the blueprint. Parental genes are
characters are quantitative, these characters vary passed on to children through the process of fertilization. The
continuously, showing a decrease in polygenic traits, genes that children receive from their parents at the time of
an additional influence of two or more genes on a conception will affect all the characteristics and appearance of
single phenotypic character. Quantitative characters the child later,11 Genetics or heredity can be defined as the
that are also influenced by the environment are called totality of individual characteristics inherited by parents. 12
multifactorial (Saefuddin.2017) Heredity or heredity is an aspect of an individual that is innate
This theory is a tool for studying genetics. and has the potential to develop. How far the individual's
Probability theory makes it possible to predict how development occurs and how the quality of its development
often an event or condition occurs. The probability of depends
an event is calculated by dividing the number of events on the quality of heredity (Jannah.Zarkasih.2020)
that may occur. There are two probability principles Information about the genetic mechanisms that regulate the
used in predicting the outcome of a cross. The first inheritance of quantitative characters becomes very important in
principle is the law of multiplication which states that designing effective breeding strategies. Therefore, this study was
the probability of two or more independent events carried out to study the inheritance of two main yield
occurring simultaneously is the product of the components of traits: number of seeds per pod and weight of
probabilities of each event. 1000 seeds in an 8 × 8 diallel cross population of common beans.
the second principle is the law of addition which states In 8 × 8 diallel crosses of elite common bean genotypes (6
that the probability that one of two or more events released varieties and 2 promising genotypes); there were
occurs is the sum of their respective probabilities-each significant differences between genotypes, parents and crosses
incident. (Good. Dian.2018) for the traits considered. The presence of statistically significant
Based on Wirjosoemarto.2014., differences between the parents indicates that there is sufficient
Mendel in his investigations using peas has obtained additive genetic variance to be exploited. NS crosses were
several principles, namely as follows: generally superior in performance to parents, suggesting a
a. The dominant principle, the appearance of a gene on directional predominance that enhances these traits. The current
the phenotype overpowers other genes (which are results of the study show that only the additive type of gene
recessive). action is important in regulating the inheritance of 1000 wt.
b. The principle of segregation, the separation of gene Seeds (Atnaf.dkk.2013)
pairs leading to different gametes. 3. METHOD PRACTICUM
c. The principle of independent grouping, each gene a. Time and place
pair from the F1 lineage will separate and group freely This practicum will be held on November 19, 2021 at 08.20-
into gametes at the time of gamete formation. 11.40 WITA in the biology laboratory other 3rd floor of the
Based on the journal Biosphere on Male Genetic biology department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Relations of the Sembiran and Tri Wangsa people in Sciences, Makassar State University.
Bali, it was found that the genetic variation of the b. Tools and materials
Sembiran and Tri Wangsa people had similarities in Phenotype List
terms of alleles that had the highest frequency (Table This list contains human traits that are controlled by 1 gene with
2). The alleles were allele 200 for the DYS19 locus, 2 alleles and each allele produces a clear phenotype. The
allele 207 for the DYS390 locus and allele 129 for the phenotypic list is:
DYS393 locus. Besides the similarities above, each a. Chin dimple is dominant trait (D)
community has its own uniqueness. At the DYS19 b. Free hanging ear tips are dominant traits (E)
locus, the Sembiran community had allele 208 which c. People put the thumb of the left hand on top of the thumb of
was not present in the Tri Wangsa community;the the right hand when interlacing the fingers - the fingers are
same uniqueness was also demonstrated by the 203 dominant
allele of the DYS390 locus. Compared to the Sembiran d. People who have the little finger knuckle at the tip of the
community, the Tri Wangsa community was also finger inward (towards the ring finger) is a dominant trait (B).
unique for allele 199 of the DYS390 locus and alleles e. Protruding forehead hair is a dominant trait (W).
125 and 137 of the DYS393 locus. The three DNA f. Hair on fingers; The growth of hair on both segments of the
microsatellite loci are together on the Y chromosome, fingers is the dominant trait (M).
so that they unitely determine the genetic type of each g. Dimples are the dominant trait (P).
individual. This study found 15 haplotypes (ie genetic h. People who can roll their tongue lengthwise are dominant
types based on chromosomes that do not recombine on traits (L)
i. People who have cleft upper incisors are dominant a tick (√) in the table according to the possible genotype you
traits (G) have and put a (-) mark for the second gene, if it is the dominant
c. Work Procedure phenotypic trait.
1) Self-check and create a table of self-phenotype data 3) Then also make a table of phenotypic data from group friends
based on the existing phenotype list and calculate the percentage.
2) after checking yourself with the phenotype used, put
a. Result
Tabel 4.1. Observation of the immortality of personal data
Ciri/sifat baka Kemungkinan genotif anda
a. Ada lesung dagu (D) tidak ada (d) dd
b. Anak daun telinga menggantung (E) menempel (e) EE
c. Ibu jari tangan kiri diatas (F) dibawah (f) FF
d.Ruas jari kelingking terujung menyorong ke dalam bb
(B) tidak menyerong (b)
e. Rambut dahi menjorong (W) tidak menjorong (w) ww
f. Rambut pada jari (M) tak ada rambut (m) MM
g.Lesung pipi (P), tidak ada (p) PP
h. Lidah dapat digulung memanjang (L), tidak dapat digulung
(l) ll
i. Gigi seri atas bercelah (G), tidak bercelah (g) gg
Group I II III IV V VI ∑x
DD 0 0 0 1 0 2 3
dd 5 5 6 4 5 3 28
EE 2 1 1 3 3 5 15
ee 3 4 5 2 2 0 16
C FF 2 3 2 2 3 1 13
ff 3 2 4 3 2 4 18
BB 0 0 2 5 1 0 8
bb 5 5 4 0 4 5 23
WW 1 1 3 0 1 1 7
ww 4 4 3 5 4 4 19
MM 5 5 5 5 4 4 28
mm 0 0 1 0 1 1 3
PP 1 2 3 2 0 0 8
pp 4 3 3 3 5 5 23
LL 3 2 2 3 0 5 15
ll 2 3 4 2 5 0 16
GG 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
gg 5 5 5 5 5 5 30
1. Lesung Dagu 1
o Resesif (mm) : X 100 % = 20%
Dominan (DD) : X 100 % = 0% 5
5 7. Lesung pipi
6 3
Resesif (dd) : X 100 % = 120% Dominan (PP) : X 100 % = 60%
5 5
2. Anak Daun Telinga menggantung Resesif (pp) : X 100 % = 60%
1 8. Lidah dapat digulung
Dominan (EE) : X 100 % = 20%
5 2
5 Dominan (LL) : X 100 % = 40%
Resesif (ee) : X 100 % = 100% 5
5 4
3. Ibu jari tangan kiri Resesif (ll) : X 100 % = 80%
2 9. Gigi seri atas bercelah
Dominan (FF) : X 100 % = 40%
5 1
2 Dominan (GG) : X 100 % = 10%
Resesif (ff) : X 100 % = 40% 5
5 5
4. Ruas jari kelingking Resesif (gg) : X 100 % = 100%
Dominan (BB) : X 100 % = 60%
5 Analisis Data Kelas
Resesif (bb) : X 100 % = 80% 1. Lesung Dagu
5. Rambut dahi menjorok 3
Dominan (DD) : X 100 % = 8%
3 39
Dominan (WW) : X 100 % = 60% 28
5 Resesif (dd) : X 100 % = 72%
3 39
Resesif (ww) : X 100 % = 60%
6. Rambut pada jari 2. Anak daun telinga menggantung
5 15
Dominan (MM) : X 100 % = 100% Dominan (EE) : X 100 % = 38 %
5 39
16 7
Resesif (ee) : X 100 % = 41% Dominan (WW) : X 100 % = 17%
39 39
3. Ibu jari tangan kaki 19
13 Resesif (ww) : X 100 % = 49 %
Dominan (FF) : X 100 % = 33% 39
18 6. Rambut pada jari
Resesif (ff) : X 100 % = 46% 28
39 Dominan (MM) : X 100 % =72%
4. Ruas jari kelingking 39
8 3
Dominan (BB) : X 100 % = 20% Resesif (mm) : X 100 % = 8%
39 39
Resesif (bb) : X 100 % = 58% 7. Lesung pipi
Dominan (PP) : X 100 % = 26%
5. Rambut dahi menjorok 29
Resesif (pp) : X 100 % = 74%
b. Discussion
As it is known that, in crossing Mendel saw that each gene has only two types of alleles where one allele is dominant
and the other allele is recessive. In fact, some genes have more than one type of allele and the interactions are not
always dominant and completely recessive. The phenotype of an individual is caused by traits that are carried by his
genes and influenced by environmental factors. These environmental factors can change a phenotype or commonly
referred to as modification. Modifications themselves are not immortal. Changes can also occur due to changes in the
composition of the gene molecule so that its work in protein synthesis also changes or is called a mutation.
Atnaf. Hussein. Zelleke.2013.Inheritance of primary yield component traits of common beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris
L.): Number of seeds per pod and 1000 seed weight in an 8 × 8 diallel cross population. International Journal of
Genetics and Molecular Biology. Ethiopia. Vol.5.No.4
Bagus. Dian.2018. Dasar - Dasar Genetika Mendel Dan Pengembangannya. Yogyakarta. Graha Ilmu.
Junita.Suryobroto 2011. Hubungan Genetika Pria Masyarakat Sembiran dan Tri Wangsa di Bali. jurnal Biosfera.
Bali. Vol.27.No.1.
Jannah.Zarkasih. 2020. Pengaruh Faktor Genetik Pada Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Biodas.
Saefuddin. 2017. Genetik . Bandung. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Sreenivasarao.2015. Human Genetics Pubococcygeus (PC). The Telangana Science Journal.Indian.
Wirjosoemarto.2014. Hukum Mandel dan Pewarisan Sifat. Bandung. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.