Stage 1: Desired Results: Transition: I Will Ask Two Volunteers To Hand Out The Worksheets

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Subject/Grade: ELA, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Superhero Day Activities Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson For Superhero Day, students will create their own fictional character by designing their own
Overview: superhero cape and design their own city that their superhero will be protecting in.
GLOs: Students will explore their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
SLOs: Students will express ideas and develop understanding
Students will experiment with language and forms
Students will express preferences
Students will set goals
Lesson Students will:
Objectives  Express their own ideas and develop an understanding through designing their own
superhero cape and their own city to save
 Will experiment with language by creating a catchphrase or lyrics to their own superhero
theme song.
 Will express their own preference of their own superhero and downtown
 Students will set their own goal of designing their own cape.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Assessment  Students’ finished product will allow me to assess their understanding.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to  Superhero Cape and Resources:  Program of studies
Lesson: Downtown sheet for each 
 Colors, Pencils, and
 A finished product to use
an example
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
 New Learning:
o I will come in the classroom with my superhero costume, Pre-assessment (FA)
Super Reindeer, to get the students excited and have a laugh
o I will ask students what kind of superhero they are or who
their favorite superhero is.
o Then I will explain to students that we will be designing our
own superhero cape and design the city that they are
o When students have time, they can also create their own
catchphrase and their own superhero theme song.
Transition: I will ask two volunteers to hand out the worksheets
Learning Activity 1: The worksheets will
 I will explain to students that we will first work on designing allow students to
their own superhero cape. design their own
 I will show an example of my own design of my superhero cape unique superhero cape,
to allow give students some inspiration and show them what the which allows for
Subject/Grade: ELA, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Superhero Day Activities Time:
final product could look like. differentiation, because
 Emphasize on a symbol to draw on their cape such as antlers for they can design it
my superhero, Super Reindeer. however, they like.
 Tell them to take out their colors for them to use and tell them
that there are extra-colored pencils at the back Providing students
 Explain to students that if they finish early, they can do the bonus options to work on
activity of being able to come up with their own catchphrase or when they finish early,
write their own theme song. such as creating a catch
phrase will allow for
differentiation, because
some students will
finish faster than others
and having a bonus
activity will keep them

Transition: Give out the next working sheet by asking two students to
help me
Learning Activity 2: The other worksheets
 Next activity is designing their own city that they will protect. will allow students to
 Show them an example of a final product that I made color and design their
 Students can add anything in their city, like having their own own city to protect,
superhero in the city or other people which will allow for
 Remind them that there are more colors for them to use at the differentiation, because
back of the class. they can create and
design their own city
however they like.
Subject/Grade: ELA, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Superhero Day Activities Time:
Transition: Remind students that when they are done, they must put
their finished product at the back table
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class: Providing students
 If students are finished early, I will provide them options of options to work on
creating their own coming by having comic book paper for them after they finish their
to draw and write on or continue their bonus activity of making activity will provide
their own catchphrase or lyrics for their own theme song. differentiation, because
 Remind students that when they are finished, they must hand in it will allow students
their cape and city worksheets at the back table. that finish early to be
 Remind students to write their name at the back sheet. busy and not all
 At the end of class, students have explored their thought, ideas, students finish at the
feelings, and experiences through designing their own super cape same pace.
their city.
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
 Students responded well with lesson, they enjoyed me wearing costume of being Reindeer Man and
they had a good laugh. Everybody was engaged with both activities! Most of the students even got to
the bonus activities, which means that they were really engaged. I even got them to sing my superhero
theme song that I made about Reindeer Man. Overall, everyone enjoyed the activities, and they all had
a fun time making up their own superhero.
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
 The strength of the lesson is how engaged and passionate I was with the lesson. I dressed up silly for
the students and was very engaged with the lesson, which allowed the students to reciprocate by being
engaged with the activities.
 Providing a visual example of how the final product could be gave students an idea of how to do the
 Making many copies of the worksheet for students to use if they are not happy with their first work
allows for them to try again.
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
 The weakness that I found about my lesson was I didn’t give my students reminders of how much
time they have until we move on the next lesson.
 I wish I have given them an opportunity to present their work, because most of their work were
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
 To improve this plan, I need to be more aware about the time and give reminders to students about
how much time they have until moving on the next activity.
 Find ways to allow students to present their work.
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
 How have I grown through this teaching experience is that if the teacher always shows engagement
and passion towards their students and lessons, their students will follow lead and show engagement
and passion towards their teacher and the lesson. I want my students to be always engaged and to do
that I also need to be engaged with the activities and to the students.

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