The Impact of Social Media To Grade 11 Students of St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo and To Their Daily Lives

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Jan Nicole Policarpio

Sheena Yamon

Farlyn Shayne Pulmon

Hazel Dionido

Trisha Ann Cutay

Jharine Belen

Missy Beth Villones

Rushtine Khae Ancheta

St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo

Mr. Dhaniel Capagcuan

September 17, 2019


The Problem and Its Background


As of today, social networking has made an extent impact on the living of

individuals around the world. It has already given a massive contribution to the everyday social
routine of the people in different types of communities. The community is now into social media

like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Actually, these social networking sites have been widely
used by the global community for communication purposes.

Some people use these sites in order to be in contact with their loved ones across the
world. Companies and business people use it for selling and advertising their products for
capturing customers. While some also use social media for having friends and other use internet
sites for gaming purpose. But what is very alarming today is the way student use these
networking sites.

The use of Internet is beneficial among students in way such as dealing about
projects and tasks in school but some of them are crossing the limitations of using such media
without awareness. Misemploy of such sites are what makes social media world dangerous to all
people involved in it, mostly the minor age. What’s more harmful is that it rarely leads to the
education destruction of the student’s foundation for their future, which is Education.

Come to think of it, "Does social media construct or destruct?" Its amazing how
internet is changing people’s lives.There is no problem and nothing wrong with using social
media but when students depends much on using it than to be on what is in the reality that's
when it becomes alarming. The problem comes when social media becomes a strong habit to
students to the point of overspending their time on it and it seriously affected their live in
negative way.


Social media has been suggested as an effective tool for educational purpose.
Therefore, this study is conducted on two theories, constructivism theory and Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM). Moreover, this study conducted an analysis of studies dedicated to
social media use for collaborative learning and engagement based on previous research problems
of models and theories. In addition, this study applied quantitative approach, and the
questionnaire was conducted using 340 students. The results show that social media use is
useful, enjoyable and easy to use. Moreover, the students had a feeling of satisfaction using it.
They believe that social media can be used positively and that it can provide significant

interaction, engagement and collaborative learning with respect to the Quran and Hadith, thus
improving learners’ performance. The results of this study also revealed the percentage and
frequency of the tools of social media used for collaborative learning, sharing, discussion and

However, social media has a negative aspect due to the fact that it affects
relationships with others, people easily get distracted, and it may cause cyberbyllying.

According to researchers, social media is affecting the way kids look at friendship
and intimacy. Patricia Greenfield, a UCLA developmental psychologist says that teens’ ideas of
friendship have been influenced by their immersion in the on-line-world since young people feel
socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends. This results in a decline in
intimate intimacy, many young people now derive personal support and affirmation from ‘likes’
and feedbacks to their postings. Other research at UCLA shows that teen’s preffered mode of
communication, chat between friends, the closer the experience was to in person conversation,
the more connected the friends felt. Video chats rates higher than a phone call to view
relationship they share.

Not just social media affects relationships, it also distracts others from what they
are doing. It is the most common ways of a distraction for students. It has an effect that is both
harmful to the productivity of students and has been proven.


Tess (2013) presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding the
role of social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has consulted almost
every popular research database around the world to make this review rich in terms of covering
almost every aspect of explaining the role of different social media in higher education classes.

This research finds Facebook to be the most popular social networking site among
students as reported by some researchers and it has reached a one billion user base in October

2012. Myspace is another SNS which started in 2003 and got popular among people around
2009. However it is not that popular among educational setups. Linkedln with more than
35,000,000 users has been reported as the third most popular SNS but mostly used for
professional networking. In addition, this research found Blogs, Social Impact, and twitter
among the other popular social networking sites.

The review found a mix of opinion regarding whether social networking platforms
and technology should be integrated into learning processes or not. Tess (2013) literature survey
finds many reasons for this mix of opinion. Although most of the educational institutions have
established infrastructure for the support of social media integration into class room learning,
however, the effective integration methodology is still a question mark for the researchers to
answer. Some practitioners are not willing to adopt this technology due to lack of proper training
in this area.

His review argues that researchers who support the integration of social media into
educational setup are of the view that conversational processes ensuring maximum interaction
and maximum mix of reflections are possible only through social networking platforms.

While reflecting on the impact of social networking sites on students’

performance, Tess (2013) again finds a variety of diverse correlations existing in the literature.
Some studies find significantly negative correlation between students’ results and use of social
media while others find no correlations or weak correlations. Even a few studies come up with
positive correlations although not very significant. Interestingly, the negative correlations
between SNS’s usage and poor performance have been associated with personality traits or other
behavioral or psychological aspects rather than solely with the use of these platforms.

Rouis, Limayem, & Salehi-Sangari (2011) investigate the effects of using

Facebook on academic performance of undergraduate students at Lulea University of
Technology Sweden in relation to their personality traits. The proposed research model tests
how Facebook usage effects performance of students with different personality traits. In addition
the research tries to justify the relationship among the three i.e. Facebook usage, personality
traits and academic performance. Their analysis of 239 students’ data reveals very significant
results. This research establishes that using Facebook has strong negative impact on academic

performance of students with extrovert personalities. However, factor of self-regulation among
students greatly reduces this negative impact as they have high level of effective self-control
while using social media platforms. Cognitive absorption, which defines extent of deep
involvement, is another personality factor taken into consideration while undertaking this

Rouis, Limayem & Salehi-Sangari (2011) successfully make the observation that
extent of cognitive absorption determines the frequency and duration of social media usage.
However, they add that level of cognitive absorption is in turn defined by self-control and other
personality factors. While multitasking skills do nothing to reduce frequency and use of social
media among students, they moderate the effects of social media on students’ performance by
tuning the cognitive absorption.

Junco, R. (2012) investigates the impact of Facebook being a social medium on

students’ performance on academic courses. The research analyzes data from 1839 respondents
studying 4 years degrees in residential institutes of northeastern USA to find trends on frequency
of Facebook visits and activities, time spent on Facebook, time spent on class preparation and
academic grades of the students under research. Analysis of the collected data reveals that time
spent on Facebook and frequency of visiting Facebook are negatively related to students’
performance in terms of their GPA. However, there is slightly negative correlation between time
spent on this widely used social medium and the time spend in studying for class. He further
adds that although time spent on social media and academic performance are negatively
correlated but, this relationship in real world scenarios does not seem to be a major hurdle in
academic success.

Ul Haq & Chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous social
media network (Facebook) among university students with special focus on the gender based
comparison and the impact of the selected social medium on their academic performance. The
two researchers evaluate the pattern and frequency of Facebook use among university students
while focusing gender differences and student opinion about the impacts of this medium on
academic performance. The research analyzes a random sample of 384 respondents including an
equal mix of males and females. The respondents belong to undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate programs with a mean age of 21 years.

Hamat, Embi, & Hassan (2012) studied the use of social networking platforms
among undergraduate and postgraduate students of Malaysian institutes of higher education.
This qualitative research collected data on 6358 student respondents through a self-administered
questionnaire and analyzed this data to make observations on the use of social networking sites
among them. The study also collects opinion of students about the impacts of social medium on
their academic performance.

One of the very significant findings of the study is about the use of social
networking sites for the purpose of learning. Majority of the respondents agree that they use
SNSs as informal learning tool and that it helps them connect to their friends and peers to get
help regarding their studies. However, in case of interaction with teachers, an equal split of
opposite opinions exist.

This study also supports the most common finding of majority of well-structured
studies that use of social networking sites has no significantly negative impact on the students’
academic performance. They further state that the possibility of some other factors like social
media addiction, more time on internet, chatting, cognitive absorption etc. linked with the use of
internet or specifically social networking sites may cause poor academic performance.


This study will determine how social media influence Grade 11 students of St.
Therese Montessori School of San Pablo during the school year 2019 - 2020.. Specifically, the
researchers aim to answer the following questions:

1. Are Grade 11 students active social media users?

2. How long it takes them using social media in a day?
3. Why do they use social media?
4. How does too much use of social media affect their daily life?




The advantage of this study is the awareness about the usual purpose of using social
media and its negative effect to Grade 11 students of St. Therese Montessori School of San
Pablo. The researchers believe that this study would have a contribution on the fields of mental
health and wellbeing IT AFFECTS
of students, TOtoTHEIR
as well as DAILY LIFE
their development as future of generations
through giving appraise to social media.


Is there significant effects of social media to students and to their daily lives

Is there no significant effects of social media to students and to their daily lives


The study will examine the students who are an active user of social media that
leads to such effects with their school performance and satisfaction. This study is limited only to
selected Grade 11 students of St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo. Their answer may
only depend on their own opinion and experiences in life.


SOCIAL NETWORKING – a web -based tool or model that allows individuals to meet and
form a virtual community through socializing via different relationships, such as friendship and
professional relationships, sharing and propagating multi-media information, exchange interests
and communicating

SOCIAL MEDIA – websites and application that enable users to create, share, or exchange
content or information.

INTERNET – a global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.

PERFORMANCE - doing such activities

SATISFACTION - providing what is needed or desired

BOUNDARIES – limitation

ABSENTEEISM – Lacking, not being attentive and being absent from work.

PRODUCTIVTY - Efficiency

MASSIVE - Large and imposing

ANXIETY - Body's natural response to stress.




The exploratory method of research was used in this study. Exploratory Research seeks
answers to why and how types of questions. Thus, it’s objective is formulating a problem for
more investigation. The main focus in this research method is on the discovery of ideas. It is not
usually useful for decision making by themselves, but they can provide significant insight into a
given situation. Considering that the study or investigation was concerned with the present issue
of Social Media to the Grade 11 Students of St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo.


The self - completion questionnaire is the method used for collecting data, since the time is
limited only for our participants we come up to use this written interview. That will allow a
convenience to respondents as it labeled as self administered. We use the "easy to follow and
answer" design of questionnaire as it is essential to reduce the risk of "respondent fatigue".


In this study, we used Probability Sampling as the sample is proportion of the population
by means of some systematic way in which every element of the population has a chance of
being included. And also sampling procedure that involves random selection at some point. That
falls in a sampling technique Stratified random that ensure that specific groups, are represented
even proportionally in the sample(s) by selectiny individuals from a stra list.


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