INF790 Group Assignment 2 Instructions
INF790 Group Assignment 2 Instructions
INF790 Group Assignment 2 Instructions
Group Assignment 02
• Use any data set and produce an interactive dashboard with four visualisations using
Tableau Public to make sense of the data.
• You are required to submit a two-page document with detailed explanation of the data
set used for the visualisations. The following must be included in the two-page document:
• Short description of the data set (where did you get it) [5 marks]
• The target audience of the dashboard. Who is/are the dashboard for (audience)?
Why would this audience be interested in it? [10 marks]
• What overall message do you want to communicate with the dashboard (explain
the different components). [10 marks]
• What type of visualisation you have used? Give reasons for choosing the
different types of graphs used. [15 marks]
• Explanation of how you have considered your audience (colour, type, level etc.)
[10 marks]
• Data Visualisation (Include the link to the dashboard in the two-page document)
• Visualisations are appropriate for stated audience and message conveyed is clear
[10 marks]
• Visualisations are appropriate for the message conveyed. [15 marks]
• Appropriate combination of simple and complex visualisation types. [10 marks]
• Professional layout of dashboard (title, axis, legible etc.). [15 marks]