CO1 For ELECT111 EntrepreneurialMind

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1st Semester / Academic Year 2021-2022
(ELECT111 – Entrepreneurial Mind)
Form Code: ELECT111CO12
Questionnaire and Rubrics for
(Specific Course Title / Course Code)


Name of Student (FN, GN, MI) Course/Year Level/Block Section Date

ASSESTMENT TITLE: Identifying the entrepreneurial qualities demonstrated by successful

entrepreneurs, and; Discussing the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development of a

CO1: Identify the entrepreneurial qualities demonstrated by successful entrepreneurs

1. Disciplined
Successful entrepreneurs are focused on making their businesses work. They eliminate all
hindrances and distractions to their goals and outline tactics to accomplish them. They focus
on the day-to-day operations of their business without disregarding their long-term goals.
Successful entrepreneurs are disciplined enough to take steps every day toward the
achievement of their goals and objectives.

2. Confident
One quality of a successful entrepreneur that people quickly notice is their confidence.
Entrepreneurs don’t ask questions about whether they can succeed or whether they are
worthy of success. They are confident with the knowledge that they will make their businesses
succeed. They exude that confidence in everything they do.

3. Open Minded
Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a business opportunity. Ideas are
constantly being generated about workflows and efficiency, people skills and potential new
businesses. They are constantly looking for new ways to improve the current systems and
processes. Entrepreneurs have an uncanny ability to envision a product that will solve a
problem, even though it may not currently seem possible. They have the ability to look at
everything around them and focus it toward their goals.

4. Self-starter
Self-starters tend to be more successful because of their innate ability to manage their time
and control their performance. If something needs to be done, entrepreneurs know they
should start it themselves. They set project parameters and are proactive, not waiting for
someone to give them permission. Entrepreneurs look for solutions, like Inc and Go, to make
starting their business less complicated and other processes that can reduce complications in
the workplace.

5. Competitive
Many companies are formed because an entrepreneur knows that they can do a job better
than another. They need to win at the sports they play and need to win at the businesses that
they create. An entrepreneur will highlight their own company’s track record of success. To
excel in business, entrepreneurs have the ability to explore all of their options and remain
aggressive in pursuing their goals. They are willing to accept any challenges that may come
their way in order to excel even more.

6. Creative
A successful entrepreneur is creative and always looks at the big picture. Their creativity and
vision often lead to the invention and discovery of new things. These traits require an
entrepreneur to take their ideas and dreams into a physical form. One facet of creativity is
being able to make connections between seemingly unrelated events or situations.
Entrepreneurs often come up with solutions which are the synthesis of other items. They will
repurpose products to market them to new industries. They must also be willing to step
outside their comfort zone in order for their ideas to come to fruition. Sometimes these
inventions result in new technologies and advancements that can create breakthroughs in

7. Determined
Entrepreneurs look at defeat as an opportunity for success. They are determined to make all
of their endeavors succeed, so they will try and try again until it does. Successful
entrepreneurs do not believe that something cannot be done. Therefore, one quality of a
successful entrepreneur is determination. They possess the determination to persevere
through all of the ups and downs of business in order to achieve their goals and dreams.

8. Strong people skills

Entrepreneurs use strong communication skills to sell products and motivate employees. Most
successful entrepreneurs know how to motivate their employees so the business grows
overall. They are very good at highlighting the benefits of any situation and coaching others to
their success.

9. Strong work ethic

Highly-successful entrepreneurs are always willing to put in the necessary effort. They are
leaders that set a strong example to others, especially in the sense of urgency and
responsibility. The successful entrepreneur will often be the first person to arrive at the office
and the last one to leave. They will come in on their days off to make sure that an outcome
meets their expectations. Their mind is constantly on their work, whether they are in or out of
the workplace.

10. Passion
One of the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur is passion. They genuinely
love their work. They are willing to put in those extra hours to make the business succeed
because there is a joy their business gives which goes beyond the money. The successful
entrepreneur will always be reading and researching ways to make the business better. They
are willing to put in their time and effort to learn new techniques or applications in order to stay
ahead of their competitors. They make sure that they are always learning new things about
their industry to keep abreast of new developments and be as efficient as possible.

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