Memory Traffic

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CPE300: Digital System

Architecture and Design

Fall 2011
MW 17:30-18:45 CBC C316

Simple RISC Computer


• Recap
• Addressing Modes
• Simple RISC Computer (SRC)
• Register Transfer Notation (RTN)

3,2,1,& 0 Address Instructions

• 3 address instruction
▫ Specifies memory addresses for both operands
and the result
▫ R  Op1 op Op2
• 2 address instruction
▫ Overwrites one operand in memory with the result
▫ Op2  Op1 op Op2
• 1 address instruction
▫ Single accumulator register to hold one operand &
the result (no address needed)
▫ Acc  Acc op Op1
• 0 address
▫ Uses a CPU register stack to hold both operands
and the result
▫ TOS  TOS op SOS (TOS is Top Of Stack, SOS is
Second On Stack)

Example 2.1
• Evaluate a = (b+c)*d-e
• for 3- 2- 1- and 0-address machines

• What is size of program and amount of memory

traffic in bytes?

Example 2.1
3-Address 2-Address 1-Address 0-Address
add a, b, c load a, b lda b push b
mult a, a, d add a, c add c push c

sub a, a, e mult a, d mult d add

sub a, e sub e push d
sta a mult
push e
pop a

Bytes size
3-Address 2-Address 1-Address 0-Address
Instruction 30 28 20 23
Memory 27 33 15 15
Total 57 61 35 38

Fig. 2.8 General Register Machines

• Most common choice for general purpose
• Registers specified by “small” address (3 to 6
bits for 8 to 64 registers)
▫ Close to CPU for speed and reuse for complex

1-1/2 Address Instructions

• “Small” register address = half address

• 1-1/2 addresses
▫ Load/store have one long & one short address
▫ 2-operand arithmetic instruction has 3 half

Real Machines
• General registers offer greatest flexibility
▫ Possible because of low price of memory
• Most real machines have a mixture of 3, 2, 1, 0, 1-1/2
address instructions
▫ A distinction can be made on whether arithmetic
instructions use data from memory
• Load-store machine
▫ Registers used for operands and results of ALU
▫ Only load and store instructions reference memory
• Other machines have a mix of register-memory and
memory-memory instructions

Instructions/Register Trade-Offs
• 3-address machines have shortest code but large
number of bits per instruction
• 0-address machines have longest code but small
number of bits per instruction
▫ Still require 1-address (push, pop) instructions
• General register machines use short internal register
addresses in place of long memory addresses
• Load-store machines only allow memory addresses
in data movement instructions (load, store)
• Register access is much faster than memory access
• Short instructions are faster

Addressing Modes
• Addressing mode is hardware support for a useful
way of determining a memory address
• Different addressing modes solve different HLL
▫ Some addresses may be known at compile time, e.g.
global vars.
▫ Others may not be known until run time, e.g. pointers
▫ Addresses may have to be computed
 Record (struct) components:
 variable base(full address) + const.(small)
 Array components:
 const. base(full address) + index var.(small)
• Possible to store constant values without using
another memory cell by storing them with or
adjacent to the instruction itself.

HLL Examples of Structured Addresses

• C language: Rec -> Count
▫ Rec is a pointer to a record: full address variable
▫ count is a field name: fixed byte offset, say 24 Count
• C language: v[i] Rec 
▫ v is fixed base address of array: full address
▫ i is name of variable index: no larger than array
size v[i]
• Variables must be contained in registers or
memory cells v
• Small constants can be contained in the
• Result: need for “address arithmetic.”
▫ E.g. Address of Rec -> Count is address of
Rec + offset of Count.

Fig 2.9 Common Addressing Modes a-d

Two Memory Accesses!


Fig 2.9 Common Addressing Modes e-g


Simple RISC Computer (SRC)

• 32 general purpose registers (32 bits wide)
• 32 bit program counter (PC) and instruction
register (IR)
• 232 bytes of memory address space
• Use C-style array referencing for addresses

SRC Memory
• 232 bytes of memory address space
• Access is 32 bit words
▫ 4 bytes make up word, requires 4 addresses
▫ Lower address contains most significant bits
(msb) – highest least significant bits (lsb)

W0 1001
Bits 31 23 15 7 0
W1 1002
Address 1001 1002 1003 1004
W2 1003
Value W0 W1 W2 W3
W4 1004

SRC Basic Instruction Formats

• There are three basic instruction format types
• The number of register specific fields and length
of the constant field vary
• Other formats result from unused fields or parts

Notice the unused space

Trade-off between
- Fixed instruction size
- Wasted memory space

Ch3 -
single instruction
per clock cycle

SRC Characteristics
• (=) Load-store design - only memory access through load/store
• (–) Operations on 32-bit words only (no byte or half-word
• (=) Only a few addressing modes are supported
• (=) ALU instructions are 3-registertype
• (–) Branch instructions can branch unconditionally or conditionally
on whether the value in a specified register is = 0, <> 0, >= 0, or <
• (–) Branch-and-link instructions are similar, but leave the value of
current PC in any register, useful for subroutine return.
• (–) Can only branch to an address in a register, not to a direct
• (=) All instructions are 32-bits (1-word) long.

(=) – Similar to commercial RISC machines

(–) – Less powerful than commercial RISC machines

SRC Assembly Language

• Full Instruction listing available in Appendix B.5

• Form of line of SRC assembly code

Label: opcode operands ;comments

• Label: = assembly defined symbol

▫ Could be constant, label, etc. – very useful but not
always present
• Opcode = machine instruction or pseudo-op
• Operands = registers and constants
▫ Comma separated
▫ Values assumed to be decimal unless indicated (B, 0x)

SRC Load/Store Instructions

• Load/store design provides only access to
• Address can be constant, constant+register, or
• Memory contents or address itself can be loaded
Instruction op ra rb c2 Meaning Addressing Mode
ld r1, 32 1 1 0 32 R[1]  M[32] Direct
ld r22, 24(r4) 1 22 4 24 R[22]  M[24+R[4]] Displacement
st r4, 0(r9) 3 4 9 0 M[R[9]]  R[4] Register indirect
la r7, 32 5 7 0 32 R[7]  32 Immediate
ldr r12, -48 2 12 – -48 R[12]  M[PC -48] Relative
lar r3, 0 6 3 – 0 R[3]  PC Register (!)

Note: use of la to load constant


SRC ALU Instructions

Format Example Meaning
neg ra, rc neg r1, r2 ;Negate (r1 = -r2)
not ra, rc not r2, r3 ;Not (r2 = r3´ )
add ra, rb, rc add r2, r3, r4 ;2’s complement addition
sub ra, rb, rc ;2’s complement subtraction
and ra, rb, rc ;Logical and
or ra, rb, rc ;Logical or
addi ra, rb, c2 addi r1, r3, 1 ;Immediate 2’s complement add
andi ra, rb, c2 ;Immediate logical and
ori ra, rb, c2 ;Immediate logical or

• Note:
▫ No multiply instruction (can be done based on addition)
▫ Immediate subtract not needed since constant in addi may be negative
(take care of sign bit)

SRC Branch Instruction

• Only 2 branch opcodes
br rb, rc, c3<2..0> ;branch to R[rb] if R[rc] meets

;the condition defined by c3<2…0>

brl ra, rb, rc, c3<2..0> ;R[ra]  PC, branch as above

• c3<2..0>, the 3 lsbs of c3, that define the branch condition

lsbs condition Assy language form Example
000 never brlnv brlnv r6
001 always br, brl br r5, brl r5
010 if rc = 0 brzr, brlzr brzr r2, r4
011 if rc  0 brnz, brlnz
100 if rc ≥ 0 brpl, brlpl
101 if rc < 0 brmi, brlmi

• Note: branch target address is always in register R[rb]

▫ Must be placed in register explicitly by a previous instruction

Branch Instruction Examples

Ass’y Example instr. Meaning op ra rb rc c3 Branch
lang. 2..0 Cond’n.
brlnv brlnv r6 R[6]  PC 9 6 — — 000 never
br br r4 PC  R[4] 8 — 4 — 001 always
brl brl r6,r4 R[6]  PC; 9 6 4 — 001 always
PC  R[4]
brzr brzr r5,r1 if (R[1]=0) 8 — 5 1 010 zero
PC  R[5]
brlzr brlzr r7,r5,r1 R[7]  PC; 9 7 5 1 010 zero
brnz brnz r1, r0 if (R[0]0) PC R[1] 8 — 1 0 011 nonzero
brlnz brlnz r2,r1,r0 R[2]  PC; 9 2 1 0 011 nonzero
if (R[0]0) PC R[1]
brpl brpl r3, r2 if (R[2]•0) PC R[3] 8 — 3 2 100 plus
brlpl brlpl r4,r3,r2 R[4]  PC; 9 4 3 2 plus
if (R[2]•0) PC R[3]
brmi brmi r0, r1 if (R[1]<0) PC R[0] 8 — 0 1 101 minus
brlmi brlmi r3,r0,r1 R[3]  PC; 9 3 0 1 minus
if (r1<0) PC R[0]

Unconditional Branch Example

• C code
▫ goto Label3

lar r0, Label3 ;load branch target address into register r0

br r0 ;branch

Label3 … ;branch address

Conditional Branch Example

• C definition
#define Cost 125
if(X<0) x = -x;

• SRC assembly
.org 0
Cost: .equ 125 ;define symbolic constant
.org 1000 ;next word loaded at address 100010

X: .dw 1 ;reserve 1 word for variable X

.org 5000 ;program will be loaded at 500010

lar r0, Over ;load address of false jump locations

ld r1, X ;get value of X into r1
brpl r0, r1 ;branch to r0 if r1 >= 0
neg r1, r1 ;negate r1 value
Over: …

• Not part of ISA but assembly specific
▫ Known as assembler directives
▫ No machine code generated – for use by
assembler, linker, loader

• Pseudo-ops
▫ .org = origin
▫ .equ = equate
▫ .dx = define (word, half-word, byte)

Synthetic Instructions
• Single instruction (not in machine language)
that assembler accepts and converts to single
instruction in machine language
▫ CLR R0 andi r0, r0, 0
▫ MOVE D0, D1 or r1, r0, r0
 (Other instructions possible besides and and or)
• Only synthetic instructions in SRC are
conditional branches
▫ brzr r1, r2 br r1, r2, 010

if R[2] = 0

Miscellaneous Instructions
• nop – no operation
▫ Place holder or time waster
▫ Essential for pipelined implementations
• stop
▫ Halts program execution, sets Run to zeros
▫ Useful for debugging purposes

Register Transfer Notation (RTN)

• Provides a formal means of describing machine
structure and function
▫ Mix natural language and mathematical expressions
• Does not replace hardware description languages.
▫ Formal description and design of electronic circuits
(digital logic) – operation, organization, etc.
• Abstract RTN
▫ Describes what a machine does without the how
• Concrete RTN
▫ Describe a particular hardware implementation (how
it is done)
• Meta-language = language to describe machine

RTN Symbol Definitions (Appendix B.4)

 Register transfer: register on LHS stores value from RHS

[] Word index: selects word or range from named memory

<> Bit index: selects bit or bit range from named memory

n..m Index range: from left index n to right index m; can be decreasing

 If-then: true condition of left yields value and/or action on right

:= Definition: text substitution with dummy variables

# Concatenation: bits on right appended to bits on left

: Parallel separator: actions or evaluations carried out simultaneously

; Sequential separator: RHS evaluated and/or performed after LHS

@ Replication: LHS repetitions of RHS are concatenated

{} Operation modifier: information about preceding operation, e.g., arithmetic type

() Operation or value grouping

=≠<≤≥> Comparison operators: produce binary logical values

+- Arithmetic operators

 Logical operators: and, or, not, xor, equivalence


Specification Language Notes

• They allow the description of what without having to specify
• They allow precise and unambiguous specifications, unlike
natural language.
• They reduce errors:
▫ errors due to misinterpretation of imprecise specifications written in
natural language
▫ errors due to confusion in design and implementation - “human
• Now the designer must debug the specification!
• Specifications can be automatically checked and processed by
▫ An RTN specification could be input to a simulator generator that
would produce a simulator for the specified machine.
▫ An RTN specification could be input to a compiler generator that
would generate a compiler for the language, whose output could be
run on the simulator.

Logic Circuits in ISA

• Logic circuits
▫ Gates (AND, OR, NOT) for Boolean expressions
▫ Flip-flops for state variables
• Computer design
▫ Circuit components support data transmission
and storage as well

Logic Circuits for Register Transfer

• RTN statement A  B

Multi-Bit Register Transfer

• Implementing A<m..1>  B<m..1>

Logic Gates and Data Transmission

• Logic gates can control transmission of data

2-Way Multiplexer
• Data from multiple sources can be selected for

m-Bit Multiplexer

• Multiplexer gate signals Gi may be produced by

a binary to one-out-of n decoder
▫ How many gates with how many inputs?
▫ What is relationship between k and n?

Separating Merged Data

• Merged data can be separated by gating at
appropriate time
▫ Can be strobed into a flip-flop when valid

Multiplexed Transfers using Gates and Strobes

• Selected gate and strobe determine which

Register is transferred to where.
▫ AC, and BC can occur together, but not AC,
and BD

Open-Collector Bus
• Bus is a shared datapath (as in previous slides)
• Multiplexer is difficult to wire
▫ Or-gate has large number of inputs (m x #gated
• Open-collector NAND gate to the rescue

Wired AND Connection

• Connect outputs of 2 OC NAND gates
▫ Only get high value when both gates are open

Wired-OR Bus
• Convert AND to OR using DeMorgan’s Law
• Single pull-up resistor for whole bus
• OR distributed over the entire connection

Tri-State Gate
• Controlled gating
▫ Only one gate active at a time
▫ Undefined output when not active

Tri-State Bus

• Can make any register transfer R[i]  R[j]

• Only single gate may be active at a time
▫ Gi ≠ Gj

Chapter 2 Summary
• Classes of computer ISAs
• Memory addressing modes
• SRC: a complete example ISA
• RTN as a description method for ISAs
• RTN description of addressing modes
• Implementation of RTN operations with digital
logic circuits
• Gates, strobes, and multiplexers

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