5230 Hydraulic Shovel
5230 Hydraulic Shovel
5230 Hydraulic Shovel
Hydraulic Shovel/
Available in Front Shovel and Backhoe configuration, the Operating weights (approximate)
Caterpillar® 5230 is matched to the Cat ® 785B truck, but can
also effectively load the 789B and 793C trucks. These matches Front Shovel 318 420 kg 702,000 lb
provide efficient loading and hauling systems for mining. Backhoe (ME) 316 600 kg 697,980 lb
Bucket capacities
Front Shovel 15.5 to 17.0 m3 20.2 to 22.2 yd3
Backhoe (ME) 16.0 to 27.5 m3 21.0 to 36.0 yd3
Cat 3516 Engine (Gross) 1175 kW 1575 hp
(Flywheel power) 1095 kW 1470 hp
5230 Hydraulic Shovel/Backhoe
Top performance and rugged durability combine to maximize your productivity.
Undercarriage Operator’s Station Vital Information Management System
Cat designed, shovel type Roomy, quiet cab has excellent The latest in total machine monitoring,
undercarriage is stable, durable and sightlines to the work area to help keep (VIMS) monitors vital machine
maintenance free. pg. 8 operator fatigue low and production up functions. It helps reduce downtime
throughout the entire shift. pg. 9 by keeping the operator informed
of current operating conditions and
allowing service personnel access to
logged data and machine faults. pg. 10
Modular Design
The eleven modules that make up the
5230 are easily shipped and assembled.
Components are located with serviceability
and maintenance in mind. pg. 12
Hydraulics System
Caterpillar hydraulics deliver the power and control needed to keep material moving at high volume.
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1 Engine radiator
yy y,yy
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2 Engine
yy ,,,
2 3
3 Pumps
4 Hydraulic tank
5 Hydraulic oil cooler
6 Fuel tank
7 Swing motors (three)
yyy ,,,
yyy ,,,
8 Service platform
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High breakout and crowd and forces. Six variable-displacement, piston The modular design of the 5230 provides
The 5230 Front Shovel and Backhoe pumps act together to power the front unique advantages in hydraulic system
provide maximum forces at the bucket structure and travel systems. The swing design and serviceability.
cutting edge for improved material function is powered by two dedicated ■ The longitudinal mounting of the
penetration and bucket fill factors. variable-displacement piston pump.
3516 engine and the low placement
■ The Front Shovel has a breakout ■ Main pumps are each rated at a of the hydraulic pumps eliminate the
force of 1125 kN (253,000 lbs) and a conservative 375 lpm (99 gpm) for need for a pressurized hydraulic tank.
crowd force of 1250 kN (281,000 lbs). optimum service life. ■ Walk-around, lighted access to all
■ The mass excavator arrangements ■ The swing pumps are each rated at hydraulic system components allows
has a breakout force of 873 kN 464 lpm (123 gpm). easy serviceability and quick daily
(196,258 lbs) and a crowd force ■ Other, smaller pumps power the maintenance checks.
of 874 kN (196,483 lbs). cooling fan drives, pump drive Hydraulic system filtration is provided
cooler, pilot system, and automatic by 200 micron screens in the pump
track tensioning system. discharge lines and 10 micron filters
■ All pumps are serviced through in the return lines.
Cat dealers.
■ A bulkhead separates the engine and
pump compartments.
Underspeed Swing
Control Valve
VIMS Pumps
Implement Hydraulic Tank
Exclusive Caterpillar Proportional Electronically controlled pumps. Large-bore cylinders ensure efficient
Priority Pressure Compensating (PPPC) A Caterpillar designed microprocessor load handling.
valves are used in both the front regulates hydraulic pump output.
Cat’s XT hydraulic hose is exceptionally
structure and travel systems. When hydraulic demand goes beyond
strong and flexible. Reusable couplings
a prescribed threshold, the load sensing
■ Valve system only circulates fluid prolong hose assembly life.
control destrokes the pumps’ speed to
when called for by the operator. There
prevent excessive engine lugging. S•O•S sampling valves are conveniently
is no unneeded flow. This provides
located on the return rail on the right
increased fuel efficiency and reduced ■ Eliminates the need to maintain a
side of the hydraulic tank.
heat in the hydraulic system. constant, costly, reserve of engine
■ Automatic flow proportioning adjusts power to prevent excessive engine
pump output to the hydraulic circuits lugging.
based on the flow requirements of the ■ Also allows hydraulic pumps to
task at hand. When flow is required use full engine power for precise
by more than one function at a time implement or function response.
(such as boom up and stick out), the ■ System integration enhances
valves determine the flow required monitoring and speeds
for each function and have pumps troubleshooting and calibration.
supply that amount. This feature
allows smooth, precise, multi- Hydraulic system cooling is provided
function operation. by two conventional core radiators
The swing circuit is controlled by dedicated to the hydraulic circuit.
an open-center valve to assure quick, ■ The variable-speed fan is temperature
full-powered response. controlled for greater fuel efficiency.
■ Extra-large cooling capacity allows
operation in ambient temperatures
of up to 50°C (122°F).
Cat 3516 Engine
The single engine of the 5230 provides an edge in operating costs and fuel efficiency.
The Caterpillar electronic control Automatic Engine Speed Control (AESC) Cold weather starting can be improved
system provides superior integration of reduces fuel consumption and noise by with EUI’s cold weather starting mode.
the engine and other machine systems. reducing the engine speed from 1750 to This mode retards engine timing until
All systems are designed specifically 1350 rpm if the hydraulic controls are the engine is warmed to the correct
for use in mining applications. not actuated for four seconds. temperature.
The 3516 Electronic Unit Injection (EUI) Engine cooling system reduces fuel High displacement, low rpm rating and
engine features: consumption using a variable-speed fan. conservative hp ratings mean longer
■ Excellent reliability with the latest in Fan operates at a minimum speed of service hours with less downtime for
protection programs. 400 rpm until increased temperatures maintenance and repair.
actuate a solenoid and valve to increase
■ Precision fuel injection for reduced Two-piece piston design with aluminum
fan speed as needed.
smoke. skirt and steel crown pivot at the wrist
■ Protection during cold weather starts. pin provides added flexibility for
reduced piston scuffing.
■ Excellent fuel efficiency.
S•O•S sampling valve near the oil filter
■ Continuous monitoring of critical
base speeds sampling.
engine functions.
■ Diagnostic data is accessible with a
single, electronic service tool.
The 5230 structural components are the backbone of the machine’s durability.
Heavy-duty castings are used Rugged box section construction One piece floating pins are used at
extensively in high-stress areas for is used in key structures to provide swing frame to boom, boom to stick and
excellent, long-term structural unsurpassed strength while eliminating stick to bucket joints for extra strength
durability. excess weight. and life.
Castings are used in: Box section construction is used in: Front structure components are
■ Front end of the swing frame (which ■ Booms thermally stress relieved to reduce
is a single, massive casting) residual stresses from the welding
■ Sticks
process, increasing structure life.
■ Counterweight mounts ■ Carbody
■ All boom and stick pin mounts ■ Roller frame
■ Carbody
■ Final drive mounts
High digging forces are a result of the
efficient front linkage. Rod-ported
bucket tilt cylinders eliminate external
return lines, improving seal and rod life.
Durable, maintenance-free undercarriage absorbs stresses and provides excellent stability.
1. The Caterpillar shovel style Automatic track tensioning maintains A wide track gauge offers the stability
undercarriage is a no-maintenance the correct track tension. needed for top production.
system. Free-floating track pins are ■ A gear pump supplies pressurized oil Three shoe widths are available to
positively retained and are designed to a cylinder, extending a push rod to match your application.
for the life of the shoe. the idler. ■ Rock
■ Shoe and link, together with the ■ Check valves hold the pressure in ■ General Purpose
guides are a single piece casting. the cylinder and maintain the correct
track tension when the engine is not
■ Soft Underfoot
■ Unique track design allows for a four
sided guide system. operating.
Track roller frames hold moving ■ For periodic maintenance, there is a
undercarriage components rigidly in manual release located on the track
place. They also absorb stress loads roller frame.
transmitted from the carbody. ■ Shock loads on the cylinders are
■ Castings and high-strength steel absorbed by an accumulator.
fabrication in crucial areas provide
superior structural strength.
■ Box beam section design includes
internal stiffening plates to provide
added strength.
■ Top plates are inclined to reduce
material build-up and packing under
carrier rollers.
■ Track motors and hydraulic lines are
fully guarded.
Operator’s Station
Designed for comfort and ease of operation.
Spacious operator compartment Air pressurization with positive filtered Contour series seat is fully adjustable
measures 1790 mm (5'10") wide by ventilation keeps the cab environment for shift-long comfort.
2178 mm (7'2") long by 2236 mm comfortable and clean. ■ Seat cushions reduce pressure on the
(7'4") high. ■ Two fresh air filters remove dust lower back and thighs while allowing
■ Cab offers ample leg room to the and particles before air is routed unrestricted arm and leg movement.
front of the operator’s seat. to the cab. ■ Short armrests allow freedom of
■ Trainee seat with seat belt at the rear ■ Every side window has its own vent. movement with the joystick controls.
of the cab has cooler-size storage ■ The front window has two large- ■ Armrests can also be repositioned
under the seat cushion. diameter vents to maintain excellent independently, fore and aft, according
Cab and nearby components are all-around visibility, even in frost to operator’s preference.
isolated to dampen sound and vibration. conditions. Isringhausen seat is available as
■ Foot level vents and two large- an option.
■ Operator sound levels have been
field tested from 72 dB(A) with the diameter vents in the console are ■ Includes weight-compensated
air conditioning on, doors closed and devoted to the operator. support.
the engine idle. ■ Also has three-way seat cushion
■ Hydraulic controls are pilot operated adjustment feature.
for low lever efforts and excellent ■ Backrest is adjustable to 28°.
■ Exceptional all-around visibility
provides an unobstructed view of the
bucket and loading area.
Vital Information Management System (VIMS)
Provides operators, service technicians and managers with crucial operating data.
The VIMS system continuously displays 3. VIMS keypad allows the operator The VIMS diagnostics program
critical machine data. This information to access current machine system allows service personnel to download a
can be used to keep the 5230 performing information from twenty-by-two VIMS complete record of machine data events
at top production levels. display fields. The keypad is also used and system diagnostics to a lap-top
by service personnel to access computer.
1. Upper screen display. On its upper diagnostic information. ■ This information can be used to
screen, the VIMS maintains a constant
establish a baseline for machine
display of four critical machine functions. The three-category alert system
performance in specific applications
provides advisory information to
■ Engine coolant temperature. or to improve the effectiveness of
the operator when conditions in a
■ Hydraulic oil temperature. scheduled maintenance programs.
monitored system exceed a prescribed
■ System air pressure. setting for ordinary operations. ■ VIMS data makes it possible to
correct minor problems before they
■ Fuel level. ■ The advisory category activates an cause extensive damage, which can
alert indicator lamp when a system result in costly down time.
2. Lower screen display. The lower condition has been identified and
screen displays operator-requested appropriate corrective action is
information and also contains the recommended.
VIMS three-category alert system. ■ In the operator advised category, an
■ Display fields include both a numeric action lamp flashes in addition to the
reading in English or Metric units level one display.
(e.g. degrees of temperature) and an ■ Immediate shutdown advised, the
electronic gauge which illustrates the final category, sounds an audio action
functions current position relative to a alert in addition to the level two
predetermined limit or setting. action. The action lamp and alert
remain on until the system reading
returns to normal or the machine is
Aggressive bucket design and efficient linkage configuration promote high fill factors.
High fill factors for the 5230 Front Heat-treated steel is used to improve Two piece coupler system for general
Shovel and Mass Excavator set this the service life of corner and center purpose rock tips utilizes a top-pinned
machine apart from the competition. adapters, cutting edges and side bars coupler attached to a weld-on adapter
Caterpillar’s quality design improves which will be subjected to more nose. Tips are smaller and stay sharper,
breakout and crowd forces, increasing abrasive conditions. reducing throw away material. A one
fill factors. piece penetration tip is also available.
Hardened bearings improve the
■ Linkage geometry optimizes
durability of the pivot and cylinder Several front shovel and backhoe
mechanical advantage through the
mounts in mass excavator buckets. buckets are available. Buckets range
loading cycle.
from rock/high density buckets to coal
■ Curved floor bucket design moves Standard wear plates on the back, and light material buckets. Contact your
the bucket fulcrum away from the sides and bottom reinforce front shovel dealer for a precise match to your
cylinders, increasing breakout force; bucket structures. Wear packages with application.
promotes smooth material flow to the Abrasion Resistant Material (ARM)
back of the bucket. are also available for high abrasion
Box-section construction is utilized
in the dozer portion of front shovel
buckets to provide torsional strength
when the bucket is closed for digging.
Modular Design
Provides a stable, productive machine that’s easy to transport and service.
Maintenance and service access. Shipping and assembly. Machine Superior stability is achieved by
The right and left side modules provide breaks down into eleven modules for creating a lower center of gravity and
excellent service access as well as ease of shipping. is a result of the modular design.
storage and working space. ■ Carbody ■ The left and right side modules are
■ Swing frame positioned low in relation to the
Left module:
swing frame module.
■ Cab riser allows stand-up access to
■ Track roller (right)
■ The longitudinal mounting of the
hydraulic pilot lines and to the main ■ Track roller (left) engine in the right side module makes
junction box for electrical and ■ Boom this stable, low positioning possible.
electronic components.
■ Stick
■ Includes a sheltered, lighted service
area for the hydraulic tank, filters,
■ Bucket
hydraulic cooling system and auto- ■ Right hand module
lube reservoir. ■ Left hand module
Right module includes walk-around, ■ Counterweight
lighted access to: ■ Miscellaneous parts
■ engine
■ engine cooling system
■ batteries
■ hydraulic pumps
Caterpillar four-cycle 3516 quad turbo-charged and aftercooled, diesel engine with electronic unit injection.
Hydraulic System
The hydraulic system for front structure and travel functions are supplied by six variable displacement pumps. Two tandem
variable displacement pump provides for swing and bottom dump bucket functions.
Main system, piston-type pumps, closed center Features
Output at 1915 rpm 375 liters/min (x 6) 99 gpm (x 6) ■ main hydraulic pumps are
electronically controlled and
Relief valve setting dependent on engine speed
Travel 35,000 kPa 5000 psi
■ engine automatically idles down with
inactive controls and resets to original
Front structure 31,000 kPa 4500 psi
speed upon control engagement
■ work cycle performance is optimized
Swing system, piston-type pump, open center during single-function, high front
Output at 1915 rpm 464 liters/min (x 2) 123 gpm (x 2) structure speed requirements by
combining pump flows
Relief valve setting ■ all valves are pilot operated for ease
Accelerating 35,000 kPa 5080 psi of operation and excellent control
Decelerating 25,000 kPa 3620 psi ■ all lines include primary and
secondary relief valves as well as
Pilot system, gear-type pump, open center anti-cavitation valves
Output at 1900 rpm 59 liters/min 15.6 gpm
Track Steering
Purpose built shovel undercarriage with cast, extreme service shoes. Two rocker pedals with detachable hand
levers control steering and travel
Choice of functions.
■ 1100 mm (43") Rock
■ 1300 mm (51") General Purpose Controls
■ 1500 mm (59") Soft Underfoot ■ controls are pilot-operated for reduced
■ left pedal and lever control left track;
Ground Pressures right pedal and lever control right track
Front Shovel ■ when idlers are in front, pushing both
with 1100 mm (43") shoes 202 kPa 29.3 lb/in2 pedals or levers forward moves the
with 1300 mm (52") shoes 172 kPa 25.0 lb/in2 excavator straight ahead
with 1500 mm (60") shoes 149 kPa 21.6 lb/in2 ■ rocking both pedals or pulling both
Mass Excavator levers backward moves the excavator
with 1100 mm (43") shoes 199 kPa 28.9 lb/in2 straight back
with 1300 mm (52") shoes 170 kPa 24.7 lb/in2 ■ moving one pedal or lever more than
with 1500 mm (60") shoes 149 kPa 21.6 lb/in2 the other, either forward or backward,
results in a gradual turn
■ moving one pedal or lever forward
and the other pedal or lever backward
counter-rotates the tracks for spot turns
Features (per side)
■ 47 track shoes
■ 8 track rollers
■ 3 carrier rollers
■ 2 track guiding guards
Caterpillar cab with integral Falling Object Guard is standard in North America,
Europe and Japan.
6584 mm
7455 mm
2850 mm
5300 mm
2450 mm
2260 mm
1108 mm
➤ 5196 mm ➤ ➤ 6260 mm ➤
(17') (20'6")
➤ 6296 mm* ➤ ➤ 8174 mm ➤
(20'8") (26'10")
➤ 10 325 mm ➤
* Dimension shown with 1100 mm (43 in) shoes
5230 Front Shovel — Bucket Specifications
Capacity Weight Width Teeth Mat’l Weight
m3 yd3 kg lb mm in. t/m3 lb/yd3
Rock 17.0 22.2 29 820 65,740 4360 173 6 1.7 2,900
Rock with ARM Wear Protection 17.0 22.2 39 995 68,330 4360 173 6 1.7 2,900
High Density with ARM Wear Protection 15.5 20.2 26,960 59,440 3670 146 5 1.8 3,100
Other bucket options are available. Contact your dealer for additional bucket specifications.
ft m
56 17
44 13
40 12
36 11
24 7
20 6 789
5 785
4 1
0 0
4 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m
56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 ft
ft m
56 17
44 13
40 12
36 11
24 7
20 6
16 5
4 1
0 0
4 1 785
16 5
20 6
24 7
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 m
60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 ft
© 1997 Caterpillar
Printed in U.S.A.
AEHQ5044-02 (4-97)
(Replaces AEHQ5044-01) Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.