Uputstvo Za Rukovanje I Odrz. 131 ENG
Uputstvo Za Rukovanje I Odrz. 131 ENG
Uputstvo Za Rukovanje I Odrz. 131 ENG
Detailed description of design and operation principle of units, gears and systems
of dump truck BELAZ-75135 is given in Operation Manual. Recommendations on ad-
justment of gears and systems as well as basic directions on maintenance and opera-
tion are given too.
Manual is intended for drivers, technicians, and all persons operating and main-
taining dump trucks BELAZ.
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AND WARNINGS .............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Safety requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Preventive fire-fighting regulations ........................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Warnings ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-3
3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
4 CONTROLS, INSTRUMENTATION AND CAB EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Controls and cab equipment .................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Control panel ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Control panel of starting preheater ........................................................................................................................... 4-6
5 ENGINE SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Diesel-generator ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Engine fuel supply system ....................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Engine air supply system ......................................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.4 Cooling system ........................................................................................................................................................ 5-8
5.5 Engine preheating system ....................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.6 Engine air starter system ......................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.7 Exhaust system ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-12
5.8 Engine systems maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 5-12
6 TRACTION ELECTRIC DRIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 6-1
7 ELECTRIC MOTOR-WHEEL ......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Electric motor-wheel ................................................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Electric motor-wheel reduction gear ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Electric motor-wheel maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.4 Ventilating and cooling system of traction electric drive ............................................................................................ 7-7
7.5 Technical maintenance of ventilation and cooling system of traction electric drive ................................................... 7-9
8 RUNNING GEAR ........................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Frame ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Suspension .............................................................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.3 Suspension maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.4 Front axle ................................................................................................................................................................ 8-10
8.5 Front axle maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 8-12
8.6 Wheels and tires ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.7 Wheels and tires maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 8-14
8.8 Wheels and tires assembly and disassembly ........................................................................................................... 8-15
8.9 Telemetering control system .................................................................................................................................... 8-17
9 STEERING .................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Hydraulic drive operation principle ........................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Steering units ........................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.3 Steering system maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 9-9
10 BRAKE SYSTEMS ...................................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 General data .......................................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Service brake system ............................................................................................................................................. 10-2
10.3 Parking brake system ............................................................................................................................................ 10-7
10.4 Auxiliary brake system ........................................................................................................................................... 10-9
10.5 Maintenance of brake systems ............................................................................................................................... 10-10
11 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.1 Composition and operation of pneumoapparatuses . .............................................................................................. 11-1
11.2 Apparatuses of pneumatic system ......................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Pneumatic system maintenance . ........................................................................................................................... 11-4
75135-3902015 IM
General information
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Open-cast mining dump truck BELAZ-75131 (See Figure 1.1) with payload capacity of 130-136 metric
tons is designed for carrying overburden rocks and minerals in open-pit mines and also for dispose of the spoil
at building site.
Dump truck is intended for operation on specially equipped roads having longitudinal slopes of 6 - 8%
maximum. When the vehicles are operated on the roads with long longitudinal slope distance exceeding 6%,
there should be foreseen road sections with less slope (2% and less) or horizontal road sections of at least 50
m long for every 600 m of such long slope distance. The road surface must withstand a trucking with axial
mass of at least 140 000 kg.
The road surfacing must be even and provide normal vehicle run at rated speed. The clearance between
a three-meter long rack and the road surfacing coating should not exceed 2.5 cm.
If, on the surface of the road section equal to the vehicle chassis length, there are five pits of 3-5 cm
depth (clearance between the rack and the road surfacing) or one pit up to 10 cm depth, which exceed tire
contact point width, the speed within such sections should not exceed 25 km/h. With a 2-fold increment in the
quantity of pits, the speed should range within 15-20 km/h.
Vehicle operation is not permitted on the haul road sections with pits of more than 10 cm deep and on
passage sections in dumps and faces if the pits depth exceed 20 cm at sizes indicated above.
Dump trucks are being produced in climatic design У1, УХЛ1, ХЛ1, Т1 according to GOST 15150. The
type of climatic design is identified in the contract.
The dump truck is designed to be operated in regions at an altitude up to 2000 m above sea level at re-
spective changes of tractive-dynamic characteristics.
To increase the efficiency of the dump truck, it is recommended to use them in combination with excava-
tors, having capacity of the bucket up to 12.5 m .
In addition to this Manual, it is also recommended to follow directions stated in “The Engine Operation
Manual”, in the documentation on traction motor and in the operation manuals for additional assemblies and
systems mounted on the truck.
Strict observance of the Operation Manuals, correct applications of lubricants, frequency of maintenance
and proper operating will ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of the dump trucks and their highest effi-
General information
75135-3902015 IM
Safety requirements and warnings
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When lifting the body, do not stay near the dump truck, so to avoid injury that may be caused by the
stuck soil. It is forbidden to leave the cab during lowering or lifting of the body.
2.1.5 Dump truck is equipped with ladders, sideboards, guardrails and decks for safe operation on as-
sembling, adjusting and maintenance.
When working without fences and guardrails it is necessary to use safety belt and also portable ladders
and supports. Safety requirements should be observed.
2.1.6 When moving on ladders and decks (fenders, hoods) it is necessary to hold on to the guardrails,
mounted on ladders, fenders, hoods and cab, so that to have three rest points each time (with two hands and
one leg or with two legs and one hand). Ladders and decks must be free from dirt, snow and ice.
Always go upstairs and downstairs on the dump truck with face towards the cab.
2.1.7 Electrical safety requirements, which should be observed during setting-up and adjusting of electric trac-
tion drive, stated in the Manuals on adjusting of electric traction drive, and safety requirements under assembling are
stated at the installation directions.
2.1.8 Before removing the suspension cylinders and the pneumo-and-hydraulic accumulators from the
truck, relieve gas from their chambers. For complete removal of gas from the suspension cylinder, open the
charging valve at least three times, with intervals of 3 – 5 min.
2.1.9 It is necessary to open charging valves prior to disassembly of suspension cylinders and pneumo-
hydraulic accumulators to be sure that there is no gas overpressure in their chambers. When checking the level
of operation fluid in oil intake of suspension cylinder, control plug should be unscrewed slowly to remove gas
overpressure in chamber. During this operation do not stand in front of the plug.
2.1.10 Before charging the suspension cylinders and pneumo-hydraulic accumulators with gas, make
sure that the charging unit is in good order and that the marking on the compressed gas cylinder is correct.
The gas cylinder must bear a yellow inscription NITROGEN ("A3OT") and should carry a brown circular mark-
ing strip.
Safety requirements and warnings
75135-3902015 IM
2.1.11 Prior to unfasten the wheel from the truck, deflate the tire completely. To unfasten rear wheel, de-
flate both tires.
Before mounting the wheel, inflate a tire up to 0,1MPa and make sure that locking ring is installed cor-
rectly. Secure the wheel on the hub and only then inflate the tire to the nominal pressure. When inflating the
tire, do not allow people to stand nearby.
2.1.12 It is prohibited to disassemble and dismount elements of steering unit and braking systems, if
they are under pressure of working fluid. Unscrewing of locking pins on the brake valve carries out reducing of
pressure in front and rear circuits of service brake system. Reducing of working fluid pressure in hydraulic
steering and parking brake systems are carried out automatically after planed stop of the engine within 80 sec.
Mounting and dismounting of pneumatic and-hydraulic accumulators should be carried out only at discharged
gas chamber.
2.1.13 It is forbidden to eliminate defects, dismount reinforcements, perform welding in the air-starter
and in the pneumatic systems of dump truck, if they are under pressure.
Pressure release is carried out through the condensate drain valves, at that stopcocks on air tanks
should be opened.
2.1.14 It is forbidden to adjust and operate the system of air-starter with defected manometers.
2.1.15 Application of air cylinders, manometers, safety valves, reinforcements (and also technical exam-
ination and repair) should be carried out in accordance with requirements and regulations, stipulated in the
“Rules of arrangement and safety operation of pressurized vessels’’ (ПБ 10-115-96).
2.1.16 Opportunely, within the specified terms and in accordance with recommendations of the present
Manual, remove dirt from the storage batteries and vent holes, check the level of electrolyte in the storage bat-
teries and bring it to normal value. Do not use unserviceable storage batteries (with short-circuited plates).
When servicing and repair storage batteries, keep in mind that electrolyte can cause deep burns when
getting on skin.
2.1.17 It is forbidden to carry out welding nearby charged pneumo-and-hydraulic accumulators and pipe-
lines connected to them.
2.1.18 Unscrew the cap of the overflow bottle carefully and only after reducing of coolant fluid tempera-
ture, since steam at the overflow bottles can be under pressure. Remember that antifreezing cooling fluid is
poisonous and can cause poisoning when breaking sanitary rules.
2.1.19 Changes in design of electrical drawings are strongly prohibited without consent of the manufac-
turing plant.
2.1.20 The dump truck cannot be transported to the operation site as an assembly unit, because of their
mass and overall dimensions. That is why the dump truck is assembled in workshops at place of operation.
Therefore, for safety mounting and setting-up operations, the personnel must be necessarily instructed on the
safety requirements, fire and electric safety regulations.
2.1.21. In case of cabin windows application as an emergency exit, it is necessary to brake down the
glass with hammer, included in tool kit that is placed under additional side folding seat in box.
2.2 Preventive fire-fighting regulations
To avoid fire on the dump truck, observe the general fire requirements in handling inflammables, and al-
so the following requirements:
2.2.1 Check regularly the hermiticity of fuel and oil pipelines in the engine system, steering gear, dump-
ing mechanism and service brake system.
2.2.2 Clean regularly the dump truck from inflammables: leaks of combustive-lubricating materials, coal
dust and elsewhere.
2.2.3 Do not leave the dump truck when the engine starting preheater is operating.
2.2.4 Dump trucks must be equipped with fire extinguishers and (or) fire suppression system for fire
Use combined fire suppression system for fire extinguishing, previously shutdown the engine.
It is forbidden to use solution line for extinguishing of electric equipment under the voltage and extin-
guishing of fuel, oil spills.
It is forbidden to use powder line, if there are people in its zone.
2.2.5 In order to prevent inflammation of gases it is prohibited to bring an open fire to a neck of an ex-
tension tank of the engine cooling system when checking a level.
Safety requirements and warnings
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2.2.6 It is forbidden to use open flame when checking storage batteries. Before carrying out of welding
nearby storage batteries it is necessary to take due safety measures.
2.3 Warnings
2.3.1 Operation of dump trucks may be entrusted only to the persons, who have the driving license is-
sued by appropriate committee, have an appropriate qualified safety group according to the ’’’Safety regulation
of User’s electric equipment’’, familiar with dump truck design, operation rules and driving peculiarities and ex-
perienced in operating of open-cast mining vehicles.
2.3.2 Maintenance of the dump truck must be performed by mechanics and electricians who familiar with
the dump truck design, the rules of its operation and the fire safety requirements.
2.3.3 If faults are detected during dump truck operation, do not wait until the next scheduled mainte-
nance, and eliminate the defect immediately; this will prevent serious breakdowns.
2.3.4 Carry out maintenance of the dump truck within scheduled intervals, under conditions excluding
clogging of parts and units.
2.3.5 Use only combustive-lubricating materials and working fluids specified in this Manual. Application
of other fuels and oil grades is prohibited.
2.3.6 The traction electric drive is switched off and the dump truck is stopped in two minutes after
switching on of warning lamp of overheating of traction electric motors in flashing mode. So it is necessary to
stop the dump truck in the safe section of road for cooling of electric motors. If the temperature is down within
the specified time, the warning lamp and protector is off, and the driver can continue moving.
2.3.7 Body lifting is carried out at engine rotation speed of 1200 – 1300 min . Reduce rotation speed up
to the minimal at the end of lifting on leaving of the last stage of hoist cylinder mechanism.
2.3.8 After engine start and at traction electric drive turned on, the body floating position is fixed, at this
position the piston chambers of hydraulic cylinders are connected with drain hydraulic line through the elec-
tromagnetic hydrodistributor, that excludes the body lifting during dump truck moving. Turn off the body floating
position at dump truck maneuvering during unloading by pressing switch on the dashboard, which disconnects
supply circuit of electromagnet hydrodistributor.
Stopping of the body in any intermediate position during its lifting is carried out by putting of switch han-
dle of body lifting on dash-board in middle position.
Stopping of the body in any intermediate position during its lowering is carried out by putting of switch
handle at first in “LIFT” (Подъем) position, and than in neutral position. It is forbidden to move with lifted body.
2.3.9 During the autumn-and-winter period, when the temperature is lower than +5 C, it is not allowed to
start a cold engine unless the coolant is heated by means of starting preheater to a temperature specified in
the Engine Operation Manual. After warming-up of coolant by means of starting preheater, turn off the discon-
necting valve of outlet pipe.
2.3.10 Fuel heater during the summer time should be disconnected from cooling system with help of
disconnecting valve.
For disconnecting of cab heating radiator from engine cooling system during the warm year period it is
necessary to shut off the valve on the pressure pipe.
2.3.11 It is forbidden to shut down loaded engine. It is allowed to switch off the “ground” of storage bat-
tery at scheduled engine shut down only after working fluid pressure release into the hydraulic steering sys-
tem. Indicator light in the switch of engine scheduled stop should switch off in 80 sec. after pushing.
2.3.12 If the engine is shut down for more than half an hour, cut off the “ground” of the storage batteries
to prevent their discharging.
2.3.13 The operation of dump truck is forbidden when auxiliary (electric) brake is faulty.
2.3.14 Recommended maximum speed when of loaded dump truck under downward motion is shown in
Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 – Recommended maximum speed of loaded dump truck at downward motion
2 48 8 34
4 48 10 30
6 40 12 24
Safety requirements and warnings
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2.3.15 Don’t shutdown the engine under the dump truck in motion, as the steering system does not op-
erate when the engine is shutdown.
2.3.16 When carrying out welding on the dump truck, automatic switches SF1, SF2, SF3, QF2 of control
circuits and auxiliary circuits in the control cabinet should be turned off.
It is forbidden to connect the welding unit wires to the wheel hubs, since local heating of parts may dam-
age bearings.
2.3.17 Purity of oil and inner chambers of the hydraulics secures reliable operation of the hydraulic system.
2.3.18 Loading into the dump truck body should be carried out only from aside or from behind. It is pro-
hibited to move the bucket over the cab.
2.3.19 The height from which the load is dropped onto the dump body deck when loading the dump
truck should not be over 3 m, and the weight of clods-monoliths should not exceed 4,5 t.
2.3.20 Loading of the dump truck must be done in compliance with its rated payload capacity specified
in the dump truck Log Book.
Redistribution of fully loaded mass at front axle should not exceed 5%.
Under mounting of additional mechanisms and systems, partial or full fettling of body, other alterations,
which increase truck service weight, it’s necessary to define new service weight and new capacity. At that, full
truck weight shouldn’t exceed the value specified in section «Performance» of present Manual.
As an exception, in rare instances, it’s allowed to increase nominal capacity within 10%. Number of such
cases shouldn’t exceed 10% of total trip amount during the given period (twenty-four hours), and average ca-
pacity within all trips during the given period shouldn’t exceed nominal.
In exceptional cases, one-time exceeding of nominal capacity are permitted within 10 – 20 %. They also
should be considered under determination of average capacity during the given period.
Information about actual loading of the truck should be constantly registered and shown at first require-
ment. Truck overload make driving difficult and significantly reduces the service life of units and parts, as well
as of the whole truck.
2.3.21 Haulage of defective dump truck should be carried out by special tow-carrier. When towing the
truck fastened by the bumper the parking brake system should be released.
2.3.22 Road engagement is significantly reduced in icing conditions, as well as under motion on snow-
covered and moist roads. Under motion in such adverse conditions, the truck speed should be reduced up to
the value providing safety operation.
2.3.23 During operation of the dump truck, check constantly the system service parameters. It allows
timely detecting a fault and preventing serious damages.
Operation modes of units and systems should be within the ranges mentioned in Table 2.2
Controlled parameters
Engine coolant temperature , 0С:
Minimum recommended………………………………………..…………… 70
Maximum allowable…………………………………………………..…...…. 95
Engine oil temperature, 0С:
Maximum allowable …………………………………………………………. 120
Oil pressure in lubrication system, МPа:
Minimum at idle speed………………………...………………………….... 0.138
At nominal speed…………………………………………………………..... 0.310 – 0.483
Operating fluid pressure in pneumohydraulic accumulators of service brake sys-
15.5 – 16.5
tem and steering, МPа...
Compressed air pressure at the pneumatic system, MPa…………………………. 0.65 – 0.82
Technical specifications
75131-3902015 IM
Technical specification of the dump truck is given at the table 3.1.
Technical specifications
75131-3902015 IM
Frame Welded, made of high-strength steel, side rails of box sec-
tion are connected by cross-beams
Front and rear wheels suspension pneumohydraulic , axle suspension
Wheels Diskless, with split rims 24.00-51/5,0
Hydraulic drive Hydrovolumetric with two independent circuits
Emergency drive By pneumohydraulic accumulators
Service brake system Brake mechanisms are of disk type with automatic clearance
adjustment between the linings and the disk. The drive is
hydraulic, separate for front and rear wheels. Power source
is the pump, power storage devices are pneumohydraulic
Parking brake system The brake mechanisms are of disk type, constantly closed.
Hydraulically controlled spring drive
Auxiliary brake system Electric braking by traction electric motors in generator mode
Emergency brake system Parking brake system and operable circuit of service brake
system are used
Type of connection Single-wire type, negatives of current sources and consum-
ers are connected to “mass”. Underbonnet lights and porta-
ble lamp socket are connected by two wires
Current DC, 24 V
Storage batteries 6СТ-190А, series connection
Type of mechanism Hydraulic
Cylinders Telescopic, three-staged
Pumps Axial-piston pump of varying capacity
A11VLO 260DRS/11R-NZD 12N00
Technical specifications
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Technical specifications
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Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
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Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Lever 8 of parking brake system control cock can be fixed in two extreme positions. With the lever in
vertical position the dump truck is braked. For un-brake it pull the cock lever upwards and move it forward to
the horizontal position. With the lever in the intermediate position braking efficiency will be proportionate to the
angle of its turn (monitoring action).
Fuel delivery control pedal 9 can be fixed in intermediate position with hand feed handle that restricts re-
verse motion.
Service brake system pedal 10 is equipped with retainer 11 to lock the pedal in braked position.
Pedal of auxiliary brake system 12 is connected to the brake controller and secures continuous keeping
of required velocity during slopes.
Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
75135-3902015 IM
1 – deck illumination switch; 2 – switch of engine operational shut-off; 3 – turn indicators pilot lamp; 4 – chassis illumination switch;
5 – tachometer indicator; 6 – pilot lamp of emergency temperature of engine coolant; 7 – speedometer indicator; 8 – pilot lamp of air pres-
sure lowering below minimum at consumer receiver; 9 – pilot lamp of reserve fuel level; 10 – switch of emergency signalization;
11 – "ground" switch; 12 – switch of pilot lamps running order checkout; 13 – pilot lamp of air filters elements clogging; 14 – pilot lamp of
the emergency level of engine coolant; 15 – pilot lamp of emergency oil pressure in the engine; 16, 17 – pilot lamps of emergency pres-
sure of working fluid in front and rear circuits of service brake system correspondingly; 18 – pilot lamp of parking brake system actuation;
19 – button switch of centralized lubrication system; 20 – pilot lamp of emergency pressure of working liquid in hydraulic system of steer-
ing; 21 – pilot lamp of extreme clogging of oil tank filter of hydraulic system; 22 – pilot lamp of emergency working fluid level in hydraulic
system oil tank; 23 – cigarette lighter; 24 – switch of turn headlamp; 25 – switch of electric drive; 26 – windshield defroster switch; 27 – re-
verser switch; 28 – switch of cab heater; 29 – switch of electric braking modes; 30 – light switch; 31 – light switch of side areas illumina-
tors; 32 – rear fog light switch; 33 – key-lock switch; 34 – front fog light switch; 35 – indicator of working fluid temperature in the oil tank of
integrated hydrosystem; 36 – voltage indicator; 37 – oil pressure indicator in the engine; 38 – indicator of the temperature of engine cool-
ant; 39 – rheostatic switch of instrument panel illumination; 40 – ladder illumination switch; 41– fuel priming pump switch; 42 – switch of
dump body lifting and lowering; 43 – switch of engine fan actuating and radiators shutters opening; 44 – dump body lock switch
Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
75135-3902015 IM
At emergency oil level in the tank of combined hydraulic system pilot lamp 22 gets actuated.
When pressing the button of cigar lighter 23 the pilot lamp built-into starts to blink. When the spiral gets
heated, the lighter turns automatically into home position.
After pressing switch 24 engine compartment illumination gets actuated.
Three-position switch 25: lever upper position – electric traction drive operates in generator mode, lever
intermediate position – the drive is off; lever lower position – the drive feeds from external current source.
Three-position switches 26 and 28 of cab heaters fans. The first position of the key – the fan is turned
off; the second position – low fan speed; the third position – high fan speed. Switch 26 turns on windshield de-
froster fan and switch 28 turns on the fan delivering warm air to the driver’s feet.
Three-position reverser switch 27: lever upper position – forward motion; intermediate position – turned
off; lower position – backward motion
When switch 29 is on, electric braking mode for dump truck moving with constant speed is set. The
driver sets the speed in dependence on the angle of electric braking pedal position. When the switch is off, the
mode of electric braking with braking parameters limitation is set
Three-position light switch 30:
– upper position of the key – turned off;
– intermediate position – sidelights in front and rear lamps and lamps illuminating instrument panel ele-
ments are on;
– lower position – sidelights in front and rear lamps, lamps illuminating instrument panel el ements
and low beam of headlights are on, when the lever on the left side of the steering column is in intermediate
Switch 31 is meant to actuate lights of side areas illuminators.
Pressing button switches 32 and 34 actuates front and rear fog lights. To turn off the lights re-
press the button switch once again.
Lock-switch 33 is used to start the engine and has three positions: first position (when the key is inserted
into the lock up to the stop) – controls and measuring instruments are powered; the second position (when the
0 0
key is turned 45 until perceptible resistance) – not enabled; the third position (when the key is turned 90 up to
the stop) – start system is actuated.
Indicator 35 displays temperature of working fluid in the oil tank of hydrosystem
Indicator 36 shows the voltage of batteries when the engine is shut down and voltage of alternator
when the engine is running
Indicator 37 shows oil pressure in the engine lubrication system
Indicator 38 shows the temperature of engine coolant.
To adjust the brightness level of instrument panel illumination rotate the handle of rheostatic switch 39
with light switch 30 turned on.
After pressing switch 40 ladder illumination gets actuated.
Switch 41 is not fixed and is meant to prime the engine feed system with fuel after maintenance works or
long stand of the truck.
Three-position switch 42 of dump body hoist mechanism:
– horizontal position of the handle disengages the mechanism;
– with the handle turned counter-clockwise, the mechanism lifts the dump body;
– a clockwise turn of the handle ensures lowering of the body.
The switch handle can be shifted to any position only when it is pressed up to stop. The warning lamp
built into the handle flashes on when the handle is deflected from the neutral position.
For locking the dump body in any intermediate position during its lifting place the switch handle in inter-
mediate position.
For locking the dump body in any intermediate position during its lowering first place the switch handle in
"Lift" position and then in the neutral position.
Switch 43 is meant for forced actuating of engine fan and for radiators shutters opening. The switch is
used in the case of automatics breakdown and when checking the system operation. With the switch in off-
position, the system operates in automatic mode.
Button switch 44 unlocks the mechanism that prevent dump body lowering while the dump truck is in
motion, when the traction electric drive is actuated. It is necessary to lock the dump body in lifted or intermedi-
ate position when maneuvering the dump truck during unloading. To lock the dump body in lifted position it is
necessary to press the switch button and hold it pressed all the period of maneuvering. The pilot lamp in the
button constantly flashes at running engine and when the dump truck is in motion.
Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Display panel.
Display panel (See Figure. 4.4) is mounted to the right of the main control panel.
Indicator 1 (orange) warns about the actuation of speed limitation system. At that traction mode power
circuit turns off and electrodynamic braking mode power circuit turns on with maximum performance. For sub-
sequent traction mode power circuit actuation it is necessary to release throttle pedal and then press it again.
Indicator 2 (red) warns that one or more electric traction drive protections start functioning:
– when exceeding accepted value of power circuit voltage;
– when exceeding accepted value of power circuit current;
– when exceeding accepted value of traction motors anchor chains;
– at rectifiers short circuit;
– at wheels skidding;
– at dump truck reversing in the mode of forced electric braking.
Controls, instrumentation and cab equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Indicator 3 (red) warns that there is a "ground" fault of power circuit of electric traction motor. At
"ground" fault the driver should let the dump truck arrive at repair site under own power or call for specialists to
remove reasons of this protection actuation.
Indicator 4 (orange) warns in blinking mode about electric traction motor overheating. At once, automat-
ic count of time required to stop the vehicle (approximately 2 min), turns on. If at this period the temperature
reduces, the protector and the pilot lamp turns off and the driver can continue operating dump truck. If there is
a failure in the thermoresistor circuit, the lamp flashes constantly.
Indicator 5 (green) warns about the actuation of electric braking mode for dump truck moving with con-
stant speed when the speed hold switch, placed on the dash control panel, turns on.
See technical description, operating rules of the telemetering control system for automatic control of tire
pressure, included base module 7, at the system operation manual.
Display panel 8 description is given in the instruction, attached to the set of documents for the cab with
start regulating equipment of electric traction drive.
Engine systems
75135-3902015 IM
5.1 Diesel-generator
Engine 2 (See Fig. 5.1) and traction alternator 4 of dump truck are fastened to underframe 3 with bolts
and form one unit, called diesel-generator.
The diesel-generator is mounted on the dump truck frame on four shock absorbers 5. The shock ab-
sorber consists of rubber pad with vulcanized steel armature from both sides.
Engine systems
75135-3902015 IM
Shock absorber is fastened with bolts between lower and upper flanges of shock absorber 14 and 15,
flanges in turn are fastened to the truck frame and underframe module with bolts. When mounting the upper
part of rubber pad should be located near the dump truck frame side beam. Flatness tolerance of four shock
absorbers upper surfaces should not exceed 1,5 mm, it is checked till mounting of module and adjusted with
shims 6. Maximum two shims can be placed under one shock absorber. The regulation can be executed by
means of selection of shock absorber altitude.
From longitudinal travels the diesel-generator is restricted to rod 1.
When dismounting of diesel generator, the factory installation of shock absorbers and adjusting shims,
installed under them, should not be disturbed. If for same reason, the initial factory installation of shock absorb-
ers was disturbed, so it is necessary to check flatness of their upper surfaces and to adjust with the help of
shims installation or by means of selection of shock absorber altitude.
When dismounting or replacing engine, generator or underframe it is necessary to align generator arma-
ture shaft with engine shaft to reduce dynamic loads. Connection of dump truck engine and traction-generator
is carried out in accordance with repair manual 7513–3902080 РС.
Engine systems
75135-3902015 IM
Engine systems
75135-3902015 IM
Fuel tank.
Fuel tank – of welded construction and has squared shape (See Fig. 5.4). Water collector, outtake and in-
take compartments are made in the tank chamber by means of bulkheads and dividing walls.
The tank is equipped with filler neck 2, fuel intake with suction pipe 11 with gauze filter and stopcock 6,
test lamp and electric gauges 3 and 5 of maximal and minimal fuel level, drain plugs 9, breather 1 and tank
cleaning hatches.
The fuel from suction pipe 11 through pipelines comes into fuel heater and than to the engine fuel filters.
Drain fuel from the engine comes into upper point of fuel tank.
At minimal fuel level in the tank, gage 5 gives a signal to test lamp on the dashboard. To avoid overflow,
gage 3 gives a signal to the lamp, mounted on the front side of the tank at maximum fuel level in the tank.
Probe 7 is mounted on the upper side of the tank for measuring of fuel level, on the metal tape of which
there are marks with figures, which indicates fuel amount in the tank in liters.
Engine systems
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Engine systems
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Engine systems
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Engine systems
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Engine systems
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Fluid is fed under pressure by circular pump 4 to the boiler through pipe 11 passes via outer and inner
boiler jackets, gets heated and through branch pipe 6 is directed to heat the engine.
Preheater burner comprises an outer cylinder 14 to which cover and flange of combustion chamber fas-
tening are welded and an inner cylinder 20. Swirler 16 of primary air is mounted between cover and inner cyl-
inder. To provide stable burning inner cylinder comprises three rows of holes, through which secondary air is
fed into combustion chamber.
Preheater pumping unit is actuated through electric motor 2 connected to the dump truck batteries. Air
supercharger 3 of pumping unit and circulation pump 4 are fastened to electric motor body on longer output
shaft side, and fuel gear-type pump 1 – on collector side
Fuel pump is equipped with reducing valve to adjust the quantity of fuel supplied.
To increase the quantity of the fuel delivered to the preheater through the nozzle adjust reducing valve
nut by turning its screw until the flame traces appear from preheater outlet.
Preheater nozzle 17 is of centrifugal type with a stacked plate filter. To clean nozzle from dirt remove it,
disassemble, wash the plate filter, remove dirt from chamber hole and clean central hole. After the assembly
check nozzle diffusion. To do this, actuate pump unit (without connecting electromagnetic valve to preheater
boiler) and open electromagnetic valve for fuel supply to nozzle. Fuel should be diffused as fog-like cone with
angle not less than 60 .
Electromagnetic valve 18 serves for cutting-off fuel supply to nozzle after preheater switching off.
Glow plug 15 ignites fuel at actuation of preheater.
At actuation of the preheater fuel is supplied by pump through opened electromagnetic valve to nozzle
under pressure and gets diffused in combustion chamber mixing with air fed by fan. In the moment of start the
mixture ignites from glow plug. After ignition glow plug switches off and combustion is automatically kept.
Before starting the preheater check if there is fuel in fuel tanks, open the cock on fuel tank and set
switch 4 (see Figure 4.5) of electric motor in “OPERATION” («РАБОТА») position for 10 – 15 sec. Switch 3 of
electromagnetic valve should be in “BLEEDING” («ПРОДУВ») position.
Switch on glow plug for 30 – 40 sec. by switch 2. At that check spiral 1, situated on the preheater control
panel and turned-on in series with glow plug, should become heated to scarlet color. In 30 – 40 sec. after ac-
tuation of glow plug set switch 3 of electromagnetic valve in “OPERATION” («РАБОТА») position and set
switch 4 of electric motor – in “START” («ПУСК») position.
At air temperature exceeding minus 15 °С switch 4 on the control panel can be set in “OPERATION”
(«РАБОТА») position bypassing “START” («ПУСК») position.
After fuel ignition in the preheater burner (it can be determined by flame “buzzing”) release lever of glow
plug switch and set switch 4 in “OPERATION” («РАБОТА») position.
Engine systems
75135-3902015 IM
If flame “buzzing” is not heard set switch 4 of electric motor in neutral position and switch 3 of electro-
magnetic valve – in “BLEEDING” («ПРОДУВ») position. Repeat starting sequence from the beginning. If pre-
heater fails to start within the period of 3 min., check if there is fuel in fuel pump. To perform checking unscrew
the pipe that supplies fuel to fuel pump and release air locks.
When fuel starts leaking, screw the pipe and repeat starting sequence. If even after these operations the
preheater fails to start, check fuel supply to combustion chamber and glow plug heating.
Preheater starting is considered normal, when in 3 – 5 min (at steady flame “buzzing” in boiler) the pipe-
line, that feeds liquid into the engine cooling jacket, gets hot and outer boiler housing is cold. If boiler housing
gets heated and if there are jerking of boiling liquid, turn off the preheater, define the cause of the lack of liquid
circulation and eliminate the failure.
To turn off the preheater it is necessary to cut off fuel supply to combustion chamber by setting switch 3
of electromagnetic valve in “BLEEDING” («ПРОДУВ») position. Turn the electric motor off by setting switch 4
in neutral position after 1 or 2 min. of operation without burning. To remove residues of combustion materials
and to rule out the possibility that gases explode at next starting.
When using starting preheater it is necessary to follow safety precautions:
– don’t leave dump truck when preheater is actuated, be ready to eliminate possible failure. In case of
fire cut off the valve on fuel tank, turn off preheater and only after that start suppressing the fire;
– it is forbidden to heat the engine in a closed non-ventilated room since it is possible that personnel
gets poisoned with exhaust gases;
– starting preheater is connected to the engine cooling system through stop valve, eliminating the circu-
lation of cooling liquid through the heater at running engine;
– It is forbidden to start preheater without cooling liquid in boiler and to refill an overheated boiler with
cooling liquid as it can cause boiler damage;
– after cooling system filling and before starting preheater unscrew for 2 – 3 turns the plug 10 (see Fig-
ure 5.7) placed on the pipe in front of the preheater pump inlet and on the outer jacket preheater and release
air from the system;
– simultaneous engine and preheater operation is not permitted. After heating the engine switch off pre-
heater and only then start the engine, because when the engine is running cooling liquid circulates backwards;
– after heating the engine at first switch off the heater, and then begin to start the engine;
– it is forbidden to restart preheater right after its shutdown without bleeding it previously for 3 – 5 min.
75135-3902015 IM
Safety valve is screwed into the vessel body. The valve is adjusted on pressure of opening
(1,5+0,15 MPa) and closing (1,2+0,1 MPa). Safety valve adjustment is performed by screwing bushing 5 (See
Fig. 5.9) in body 3. After adjustment the valve must be sealed.
When operating a dump truck it is necessary to perform safety valves adjustment at least once in a year.
Single safety valve (See Fig. 5.10) is intended for protection of circuit from the compressed air loss in
case of drive seal failure. The single safety valve provides air passing only in one direction – to the receivers of
pneumatic start system. The air can’t pass in the reverse direction.
If air pressure in circuit behind the valve is lower than 0,55 МPа, the single safety valve disconnects
drive with circuit. In starting position, diaphragm 2 is pressed to seat of body 1 by springs 5 and 9 and discon-
nects outlets I and III.
The compressed air comes through outlet I under diaphragm. When air pressure come up to 0,55 MPa,
the diaphragm is up and the air comes into chamber II, valve 11 is opened and the air goes in outlet III and
then to the receiver.
If pressure in outlet I is lower than 0,55 МPа, the diaphragm under force of springs is down on the seat
and disconnects outlets I and III. At the same time valve 11 locks channel II and passing of compressed air in
reverse direction is prevented.
Screw 7 regulates the valve so that the air comes in outlet III at pressure into outlet I within
0,55 – 0,555 МPа.
When tightening screw 7 into cover 3, pressure at which compressed air is crossed over from outlet I to
outlet III is up and when unscrewing is decreased.
Engine systems
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Engine systems
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Engine systems
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– after each maintenance of filter element and at installing a new filter element, check carton visually, light-
ing from the side of cleaned air outlet by lamp. Carton breakage, damage of filter elements are not allowed;
– clean inner chamber of the air filter body from dust and dirty with the help of rags/ old clothes, wetted
in cleaning solution;
– clean from dust air filter cyclones, and holes in it for removing big dust particles;
– install filter element into air filter body, tighten fly nut with torque from 30 to 40 N.m. (by hand force),
previously put sealing gasket 12.
Maintenance of the main element should be carried out at each actuating of air filter clogging gage (con-
trol lamp on dashboard). It is not recommended to use filter element, which passed six service cycles, because
filter carton may be broken. Approximate service life of main filter element is 500 h.
Safety filter element 3 is not maintained. Replacement of element is carried out during each third re-
placement of main filter element.
At replacement of safety filter element it is necessary:
– unscrew fastening nut of safety element, remove sealing gasket 5 and take out filter element 3;
– put new element, tighten nut with torque 30 – 40 N.m., previously install sealing gasket 5.
Technical maintenance 1 (ТM–1).
During ТM–1:
– wash out fuel heater filter.
Lock fuel tank with shutoff valve, drain fuel from body 5 (see Figure 5.3) through the opening, closed
by plug 10, remove cover 1 and put out set of filter elements. Unlock and remove filter element from pin.
Wash elements till full removing of sediments and blow out with compressed air. Damaged elements should
be replaced;
– clean cyclones and bodies of air filters from dust. If necessary to replace filter elements;
– check condition and functioning of fuel supply drive.
Drive pedal should move freely, without sticking. Pedal displacement should provide variation of engine
speed at idling conditions from minimum stable to maximum.
Technical maintenance 2 (ТM–2).
During ТM–2:
– check fastenings of all devices to the engine, and diesel-generator to the frame. All devices must be
fastened and if necessary to tighten fastening connections;
– check fastening of cooling system radiator to the frame and if necessary to tighten it, clean outer sur-
faces of radiators.
Technical maintenance 3 (ТM–3).
During ТM–3:
– check condition of diesel-generator rubber shock absorbers. Shock absorbers, having separation of
rubber ply or it separation from metal must be replaced by new.
Seasonal maintenance.
During seasonal maintenance:
– check serviceability of spherical joints of exhaust system. Joints should rotate by hand. In case of
sticking to remove spherical joints, disassemble and clean joints surfaces from carbon deposits;
– wash fuel tank, fuel pipelines and filter elements of fuel tank breather. Dismount fuel tank from a dump
truck. Bottom and side walls of the tank should be free from sediment, and filter elements should be clear;
– carry out maintenance of engine preheating system. Clean glow plug from carbon deposit, nozzle and
burner, wash filter of electromagnetic valve, clean fuel pump drain port of engine preheating system.
Traction electric drive
75135-3902015 IM
Documentation on traction electric drive is attached to the operation documentation package as follows:
1 Documentation package to the traction alternator;
2 Documentation package to the traction motors;
3 Documentation package to the cabinet with starting controllers;
4 75131-2100030-21И – traction electric drive of trucks of capacity 120 – 220 metric tons. Setup instruc-
Traction electric drive
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Electric motor-wheel
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Electric motor-wheel
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Electric motor-wheel
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Electric motor-wheel
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Check with probe the clearance between the faces of rollers and bearing work side4 (See Fig. 7.4). If the
clearance does not exceed 0.3 mm on 70% of rollers (it shouldn't be more than three rollers located by each oth-
er, which have the clearance more than 0.4 mm), do the next point. Otherwise repeat the tightening of bolts in the
same sequence till the torque of 80 N.m will be set on eight bolts.
Check with probe the clearance between the faces of rollers and bearing work side4 (See Fig. 7.4). If the
clearance does not exceed 0.3 mm on 70% of rollers (it shouldn't be more than three rollers located by each oth-
er, which have the clearance more than 0.4 mm), do the next point. Otherwise repeat the tightening of bolts in the
same sequence till the torque of 100 N.m will be set on eight bolts.
Check with probe the clearance between the faces of rollers and bearing work side. If the clearance does
not exceed 0.3 mm on 70% of rollers (it shouldn't be more than three rollers located by each other, which have
the clearance more than 0.4 mm), do the next point. Otherwise, carry out disassembling and trouble-shooting of
the parts:
– check the torque of hub through the second row. It can increase comparing with previously measured
torque (not higher than 500 N.m) for not higher than 400 N.m (on technological gear of II row comparing with
previously measured torque (not higher than 135 N.m) – for not higher than 108 N.m);
– measure the clearance Б: Б1, Б2, Б3, Б4 with precision of +0.02 mm in four equally located points in
front of bolts 2 (See Fig. 7.4);
– grind distance rings (24 pieces) installed between thrust ring and reduction gear body, in size
С=(((Б1+Б2+Б3+Б4):4)+0.2) with precision of 0.015 mm;
– unscrew eight bolts 2;
– screw bolts (24 pieces) putting one spacing washer from ground set on each of them in order to posi-
tion the spacing washers in clearance Б;
– tighten in turns in twos diametrically located adjusting bolts with torque of 400 – 440 N.m;
– cotter the bolts in pairs by cotter-wire;
– if necessary when adjusting it is allowed to replace inner ring of
Order of adjusting of conical bearings of motor-wheel hubs on the
reduction gear removed from the truck is to be in accordance with the
Repair Manual.
Electric motor-wheel
75135-3902015 IM
Methods for determination the need for adjustment of hub bearings of electric motor-wheels.
Way of inspection the necessity for adjustment of hub bearings of electric motor-wheel:
– place the truck on the plain area;
– check air pressure value in tires and if necessary bring up to the norm;
Electric motor-wheel
75135-3902015 IM
– mount magnet stand on bracket 2 so, that the head of micrometer rests on plate 4, and size А should
be within limits of (95 + 2) mm;
– zero the arrow of micrometer;
– lift a little the rear axle;
– put support 3 (wooden bar) under outer wheel 2 (See Fig. 7.6 a) and lower rear axle on support, at
that there shouldn’t be any contact of inner wheel 1 with area;
– read the micrometer indications;
– repeat two or three times lifting, lowering, reading of the micrometer indications and find the average
value of the micrometer indications;
– lift a little the rear axle;
– put support 3 (wooden bar) under inner wheel 1 (See Fig. 7.6 b) and lower rear axle on support, at that
there shouldn’t be any contact of outer wheel 2 with area and size B should be within limits of (470 + 10) mm;
– read the micrometer indications;
– repeat two or three times lifting, lowering, reading of the micrometer indications and find the average
value of the micrometer indications;
– determine the difference of average micrometer indications at putting of support under outer and inner
wheels. This value should not exceed 2.4 mm. If it exceeds 2.4 mm, adjust hub bearings of right motor-wheel;
– determine the difference of average micrometer indications for hub bearings of left motor-wheel at put-
ting of support under outer and inner wheels. This value should not exceed 2.4 mm. If it exceeds 2.4 mm, ad-
just hub bearings of left motor-wheel;
Electric motor-wheel
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Electric motor-wheel
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The fan shroud 4 is fixed on bearing board of traction alternator. The gasket 1 between traction alternator 2
and fan shroud 4, and gasket 13 between cover 8 and fan shroud are put on glue 88 CA TУ 38.105.1760-89.
The fan impeller in the assembly with hub is dynamically balanced. The unbalance should not exceed 24
g.сm in the plane of front disk and 40 g.сm in the plane of rear disk. The mutual position of components is fixed
by pins 7 (2 pieces).
Electric motor-wheel
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Electric motor-wheel
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Running gear
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8.1 Frame
The welded frame consists of two spars 4 and 6 (See Fig. 8.1), joint with power cross bars by means of
welding. Spars have box-shaped cross-section of variable height on length of a frame.
The first cross bar 1 is manufactured of a tube with diameter of 245х45 mm and serves for arm fastening
of the central bar of front axle. The second cross bar 2 represents closed circuit consisting of the lower cross
bar, frame connecting spars, the left and right racks to which brackets of a front suspension are fastened, and
the upper demountable cross bar connecting the racks. To the lower cross bar the transversal rod of a front
suspension is fastened.
The third cross bar 3 welded on spars, reinforces the middle part of frame. To it the central bar of
back axle is fastened. In butts of the third cross bar welded brackets of the lower bearing of the dumping
mechanism cylinders. It consists of two cast bearing parts, interconnected with tube with diameter of 325х36
In the rear part spars are connected by cross bar 5 on which the bracket of strengthening of transversal rod
of back axle is welded, brackets of the rear suspension and brackets of an end support bearing of the platform.
Spars and cross bars are made of low-alloy steel 10ХСНД ГОСТ19281-89.
At maintenance of dump trucks periodically examine welded connections on presence of cracks in the
most loaded frame places:
– in welding place of the second cross bar in a zone of a front suspension;
– in welding place of rear cross bar to spars;
– in welding place of racks of the second cross bar and its elements to spars;
– in welding place of brackets of the central hinge and a transversal rod.
It is recommended to apply a visual quality monitoring, color, magnetic or ultrasonic flaw detection to de-
tection of cracks. Inspection of availability index of frame, defects definition and repair is described in the Re-
pair Manual.
Running gear
75135-3902015 IM
8.2 Suspension
The front suspension – dependent, consists of two pneumohydraulic cylinders 3 (See Fig. 8.2), eyelet
28 with the hinge, bar of front axle and transversal rod 2.
The loads operating on the front axle wheels are transmitted to the frame through suspension cylinders,
transversal rod and eyelet with the hinge. Suspension cylinders react to the vertical loads, rod – only transver-
sal load and the central hinge – vertical, transversal and longitudinal loads.
The cylinder of a suspension is fastened with self-locking nuts 19 to upper 33 and to lower 21 brackets.
The upper bracket is fastened to the frame with bolts and is welded on by the welding. The lower bracket is
fastened with bolts to the upper butt of steering knuckle. The transversal rod 2 is connected hingedly by means
of taper fingers 7 to the frame cross bar and to the beam of the front axle. The eyelet 28 is fixed to bar of the
front axle with the help of bolts 29, to the frame bracket - hingedly by finger 25.
Running gear
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The rear suspension – dependent, consists of two pneumohydraulic cylinders 2 and 4 (See Fig. 8.3),
transversal rod of the suspension 3, bar of the rear axle and an eyelet 7 with the central hinge.
The loads operating on wheels of the rear axle are transmitted to the frame through suspension cylin-
ders, transversal rod and the central axle. Cylinders of suspension perceive vertical loads only, rod – transver-
sal, and the central hinge – vertical, transversal and longitudinal loads.
Pneumohydraulic cylinders of the suspension are fastened to brackets on the frame and the crankcase
of the rear axle by self locking nuts 29.
The transversal rod of the suspension 3 is fixed to brackets on the frame and the crankcase of the rear
axle with the help articulated bearings 23, fixed on the rod fingers 20 through distance sleeves 17, pinch plates
25 and bolts 18 and 26.
The eyelet 7 of the central hinge is installed on barrels 11 and fixed to the central bar with the help of
bolts 15 and nuts 14, to the frame bracket – hingedly by finger 9.
Running gear
75135-3902015 IM
The suspension cylinder (See Fig. 8.4) represents piston-type air spring in a combination with a hy-
draulic shock absorber. Working element in the cylinder is engineering gaseous nitrogen. As hydraulic fluid in
the suspension cylinder the damping fluid ЛУКОЙЛ – АЖ is applied. Front and rear cylinders of the suspen-
sion are analogous on a construction and differ in sizes of details, configuration of a chase on a stock of the
absorber, and amount of filled oil and gas pressure.
The suspension cylinder consists of the basic cylinder tube13 and stock 34 with the piston welded on it
and the shock absorber partition. To the heel of the stock by bolts the lower cover 25 which are drawing in to a
butt of the stock housing 11 is fastened, and to the upper part of the tube of the basic cylinder bolts the upper
cover 38 is fastened. In the upper and lower cover trunnion balls 40 are installed, fixed by covers 39. Between
the upper cover 38, lower 25 and cover 39 adjusting shims 24 are installed.
Between spherical surfaces of covers and trunnion balls liners 2 of metal-polymeric ribbons are installed.
Trunnion balls are greased through pressure lubricator.
Sensor valve 37 of weight control and tire pressure control systems (СКЗиТ) is installed in upper cover in
order to monitor dump truck's load status.
Between spherical surfaces of covers and trunnion balls liners 2 of metal-polymeric ribbons are installed.
Trunnion balls are greased through pressure lubricators.
On the partition of the shock absorber two compression valves 33 and the valve of the release 29 are
located. In the valve case of the release the stock of the shock absorber 36 with two long slots of a variable
section executing function of the throttle of a variable resistance of the valve of a release of the absorber dis-
places. The stock of the shock absorber intended also for the pump drive 28.
The housing 11 forms a cavity И in which the hydraulic fluid up to a level of control plug 15 is filled. The
hydraulic fluid intended for refill of cavity Л and К and lubrications of the housing sealing. Air-tightness of the
movable tube joint of the basic cylinder 13 and housing 11 is ensured with the sealing ring 53 and the safety
ring 54.For protection of the cylinder external surface from dust and mud serves the protective boot 9, timbered
between ring 30 and sealant 31.
Air-tightness of fixed joints is ensured with rubber ring gaskets of round cross-section. For prevention of es-
cape of hydraulic fluid from the suspension cylinder the movable joint the stock - tube of the basic cylinder is con-
densed by the fluoroplastic collar 57, working edges of which are unclenched by the rubber spacing ring 56. The
collar is mounted with tightness that is regulated by set of adjusting shims 61 and supported by spring 60. The col-
lar tightness at assembly should be 2.0 – 2.3 mm of inner diameter on the collar edge 217.7 – 218.0 mm for front
cylinders and 247.7 – 248.0 mm for rear cylinders). The joint tube sealing of the basic cylinder – piston is ensured
fluoroplastic washers 52 on the stock of piston 34.
For housing 11 protection from overcharges, at pressure boosts in its cavity at the expense of decrease
of volume at the cylinder pressure and because of possible escapes of the hydraulic fluid through the collar
and other joints, serves pressure-relief valve 10. For gaining operation condition the cylinder is filled by nitro-
gen through the priming valve 3.
At the compression stroke (at the head-on crash by the wheel) the piston displaces in the cylinder up
and squeezes gas. At the expense of the gas pressure increase above the piston the compression stroke is
elastic restricted.
At the release course (after overcoming an obstruction) the stock displaces downwards.
For blanking out oscillations originating at driving of the dump truck, the suspension cylinder has a hy-
draulic shock absorber consisting from two compression valves 33, release valve body 29 and shock absorber
stock 36 with two long slots of the variable section.
At the compression stroke the hydraulic fluid flows from cavity Л in ring cavity K through throttle bores of
compression valves and on ports in the shock absorber partition. Besides, oil flows through the ports formed
by the valve body of the release valve 29 and long slots on shock absorber stock 36. Stocks of shock absorb-
ers of front and rear suspension cylinders differ of the configuration of the variable cross-section slots. In order
not to mix stocks at cylinders repair on their lower butt identification mark is plotted.
At the release course compression valves are closed, and the fluid from the cavity K in cavity Л flows
only through the ports formed by the release valve body and long slots of the variable section on the shock ab-
sorber stock which flow section varies with cylinder release that creates necessary resistance to flow of the
hydraulic fluid and prevents the cylinder from full release.
At the suspension cylinder mounting on the dump truck, and at repair of the cylinder, it is necessary to
pay attention to identification mark, beaten out on two sides on tube of the basic cylinder about the upper cov-
er, against charge valves. The conditional index of the cylinder goes in marking (19–0 for front cylinders and
19–1 for rear cylinders), through dash or space the into two – three sign – cylinder serial number and through
dash – two last digits of manufacture year.
Running gear
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Running gear
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For maintenance of the fixed level of the hydraulic fluid in the cavity Л serves the plunger pump 28 which
is installed in boring of the lower cover 25 and timbered by means of flange 19 by bolts 26 with washers. The
pump design is shown in Figure 8.5.
The pump starts operation at significant oscillations of the dump
truck and only at the level lowering of the hydraulic fluid in the cavity Л. .At
the normal level of the hydraulic fluid in cavity Л the stock of the shock ab-
sorber 36 (See Fig. 8.4) does not touch the pump plunger 28. On the
plunger 6 (See Fig. 8.5) from above and from below the oil pressure avail-
able in cavity Л operates, but it constantly is in the upper position as the
square of its butt ring on the part of the cavity II is bigger and the force op-
erating from below, is higher.
In case of kickdown of oil level in the cavity Л of the cylinder (See Fig.
8.4) the shock absorber stock 36 at significant oscillations of the dump truck
displaces the pump plunger 28 downwards. The oil pressure in underplunger
cavity III (See Fig. 8.5) raises, the back-pressure valve 15 opens and oil from
underplunger cavity III on port I acts in the cylinder cavity. At the cylinder re-
lease the plunger under an operation of oil pressure in ring cavity II of pump
displaces up. In the plunger cavity III rarefying is created and it is filled by oil
from the cavity И (See Fig. 8.4).
The pump marking is plotted on the butt of sleeve nut 18 (See Fig.
8.5) and corresponds to the serial number and year of manufacture of the
Running gear
75135-3902015 IM
For the dimensions Н1 and Н2 inspection install empty dump truck on flat hori-
zontal platform. The front suspension cylinder is considered normally charged if the
center of control plug 15 (See Fig. 8.4) is against zone of admissible size scatter of the
ruler working scale.
The rear suspension cylinder considered normally charged if the housing butt 11
is against zone of admissible size scatter of the ruler working scale. At measurement of
dimensions Н1 and Н2 the ruler is interposed under protective boot 9 against the stop
into ring 30 so that it is not displaced from the mounting face.
Whereas sizes of all suspension cylinders are interconnected, size change of
one cylinder (defective) calls resizing of other cylinders. Defective cylinder is as rule,
the one with the least size. In addition measure gas pressure at the defective cylinder
by means of device (See Fig. 8.7) and, if it is below normal (on working scale of charac-
teristic ruler) for more than 0.3 МPа for front cylinders and 0.2 МP for rear cylinders
perform preventive recharge.
Sharp decrease of cylinder height testifies emersion of significant escapes of the
hydraulic fluid through joints, and the cylinder gas recharge on the dump truck without
elimination of failure is ineffective.
Remove the defective cylinder from the dump truck, disassemble observing safe-
ty precautions and eliminate failure (See Repair Manual).
Technical maintenance 1 (ТM–1).
During ТM–1:
– tighten fastening joints:
1. fastening bolts and nuts of eyelets of the central hinges of front and rear sus-
pension to bars;
2. fastening bolts of finger of the central hinge of the front suspension;
3. finger fastening nut of the central hinge of the rear suspension;
4. bearings covers fastening bolts of the central hinges front and rear suspen-
5. rod fingers fastening bolts of the front suspension;
6. pressure plates fastening bolts to finger of transversal rods of the suspension.
Tightening torques are shown in Appendix B.
Technical maintenance 2 (ТM–2).
During ТM–2:
– tighten fastening joints:
1. fastening bolts of the upper and lower arms of the front suspension cylinders
2. nuts of trunnion balls of the front and rear suspension cylinders.
Tightening torques are shown in Appendix B;
– check condition of weld seams of the suspension arms. Weld detected cracks;
– check oil level in suspension cylinders housings 11 (See Fig. 8.4) and if neces-
sary add up to level of control plug 15.
Brands of used oil are shown in "Operation materials" section;
– check suspension cylinders charging by gas.
Running gear
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If the oil level in the housing is higher than control plug, it should not be drained, as during operation
pump will pump it over inside the cylinder. If there is enough oil in the cylinder housing, and height of the cylin-
der is decreasing, it is necessary to remove the cylinder from the dump truck and eliminate leakage.
Refueling of the front suspension cylinders with oil is carried out as follows:
– with the help of device release gas completely from cylinders through the priming valve. Cylinders
should be squeezed up to stop. If after squeezing of the cylinder through the open valve foamed oil goes out,
close the valve, give oil to be settled till full separation of nitrogen;
– after full gas separation turn out the priming valve and through bore fill oil in the cylinder up to the level
of tapped hole;
– turn the priming valve in and charge the cylinder with nitrogen on charge scale of characteristic ruler,
having tested pressure of gas in the cylinder with the help of the manometer. It should coincide with pressure
on a characteristic ruler.
Refueling of the cylinders of the rear suspension with oil on the dump truck is carried out as follows:
– on the grounding of thrust blocks (on the crankcase of the rear axle) install the racks (7513–3924134)
applied to the dump truck, and release gas from cylinders of a suspension (see above). Cylinders thus should
be squeezed up to stop in spars of frame in installed racks.
After the cylinders squeezing check correctness of the groundings of thrust blocks installation. Inspec-
tion is performed with the characteristic ruler. At the compressed cylinders against the stop of spars of frame in
racks the butt of a housing of the cylinder should be at the level of a line 9 (See Fig. 8.6) of characteristic ruler
with accuracy up to 5 mm. The ruler is installed the same way as at sampling of H dimension. The refueling of
rear cylinders with hydraulic fluid is analogous to refueling of front cylinders.
Sequence of the cylinder, filled with hydraulic fluid, charging with gas (nitrogen):
– connect reducer of device with a bulb with nitrogen through adapter connector 2 (See Fig. 8.8);
– screw on the priming valve of the suspension cylinder adapter 17 of device;
– open valve on a bulb with nitrogen. Check gas pressure in the bulb on the manometer 3;
– turning regulating screw 12 of reducer create gas pressure in the cylinder before its release;
– close the valve on bulb and with sleeve 8 release gas from ports and hose of device;
– turn needle 15 before opening the refueling valve. Start of refueling valve opening is defined on the
moment of aberration of arrow of the manometer 10. The needle wrenching should be performed cautiously in
order not to damage valve spring;
– open valve on bulb and the screw 12 of reducer to achieve release of the cylinder up to such size that
pressure on the manometer 10 has coincided with the pressure indicated on characteristic ruler (See Fig. 8.6)
or according to table 8.1;
– turn out needle 15 (See Fig. 8.8), close valve on bulb, disconnect device from priming valve.
Running gear
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It is not recommended to carry out preventive refueling of cylinders with oil and recharging with nitrogen
earlier than after 50 – 70 thousand kilometers of dump truck run.
Running gear
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Running gear
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C (version)
Figure 8.10 – Swivel member with hub, brake and steering gears:
1 – limiter; 2 –left rotary bar; 3 – pin barrel; 4 – expansion barrel; 5 – nut; 6, 22 – studs; 7 – left rotary cam; 8 – brake plate;
9, 11 – bearings; 10 – volume limiter; 12, 15, 19, 24, 27, 41 – bolts; 13 – hub of front wheel; 14 – pressure ring ; 16 – adjusting barrel;
17 – drive gear of speedometer sensor; 18 – sealing gasket; 20 – external cover of the front hub; 21 – stuffing box; 23 – wheel;
25 – ring; 26 – cover; 28 – adjusting washers; 29 – buffer; 30 – liners; 31 – bearing; 32 – collar; 33 – internal cover of the front hub;
34 – stub; 35 – speedometer assembly harness; 36 – front axle beam; 37 – ring; 38 – brake case; 39 – splint; 40 – odometer;
42 – washer; 43 – lining
Running gear
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Thrust bearing 31 (See Fig. 8.10) installed in the upper eyelet of swivel member 7 is fixed by cover 26
with bolts 27. Three antifrictional liners 30 installed on cover 26 act as friction bearing. From turning liners are
kept by the thrust whiskers which are entering bores in swivel member and cover. To the lower eyelet of swivel
member by means of studs 6 and expanding taper sleeves 4 the pivot rod 2 of steering trapezoid is fastened.
For limitation of upright conveyance of beam of front axle with pivot serves the ring 25. For clearance adjust-
ment between ring and butt the lower arm of the suspension cylinder the adjusting washer 28 width of 0.5 mm,
0.9 mm and 1.2 mm are intended.
For limitation of volume at lubrication of pivot barrels in the lower eyelet the limiter 1 is installed.
The hub of the front wheel 13 with the fastened brake disk 8 rotates on the wrist pin of the swivel mem-
ber 7 on two taper roller bearings 9 and 11. Sealing of bearings is carried out the collar 32 and the stuffing box
21. At assembly and maintenance spaces between rollers of bearings, cavities between bearings and limiter of
volume 10 and inner cavities of the fit ring should be filled with lubricant.
In the left wheel of front axle the drive gear of the speedometer sensor 17 is installed, in the right, on
customer order, odometer 40 is installed.
The front axle is connected to the frame by means of the central hinge, transversal rod and suspension
8.5 Front axle maintenance
Front axle maintenance includes routine inspection of condition, strengthening, refueling with operation
materials and adjustment of bearings of the wheels hubs. The list of used greases, inspection frequency and
oil replacement periods are specified in "Technical maintenance" section.
Daily maintenance (DM).
At daily maintenance:
– each day prior to start of dump truck check by external examination condition of welding on ends of
front axle beam. Special attention should be paid to the most loaded places (special examination zones) ac-
cording to the Fig. 8.11.
Running gear
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Running gear
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In the thread (K 1/2") rim bore screwed in valve of БС type. For tires inflation and inspection of pressure
in them extension leads of front 11 (See Fig. 8.13) and rear 12 (See Fig. 8.14) internal wheels are brought out.
On the front wheel the flexible extension lead of valve УГ17-330, on rear internal – the flexible extension
lead of valve УГ17-1130 are installed. Adapter connectors of valve and extension leads have the increased
flow section, therefore for measuring tire pressure by the standard (regular) manometer it is necessary to
screw the adapter, which is supplied with the dump truck, in valve or extension lead.
Running gear
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If pressure in heated tire exceeds admissible level, troubleshoot and eliminate the reason of high pres-
sure (bad availability index of tire, overloading, over-speed conditions, big distance of travel). In case the rea-
sons for high pressure are not found, the tire is to be cooled down to ambient temperature and checked for
conformity of pressure in it to norm in cold condition.
Operation of dump trucks in mode at which the air pressure in heated tires exceeds admissible is not per-
mitted. It is strictly forbidden to adjust air pressure in heated tire.
At monitoring pressure in the cold tire to nominal pressure take into account the correction according to
Table 8.2 depending on temperature difference between ambient and location temperatures. If ambient tem-
perature is higher than temperature at location, the correction is subtracted from value of nominal pressure,
and if it is lower – added.
Table 8.2 __ Corrections to nominal air pressure in the tire depending on temperature difference between ambient and garage
Temperature difference, оС 10 20 30 40 50 60
Correction to nominal tire pressure, МPа 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.1
In due time clean protector cuts from stones and other subjects.
Maintenance of dump trucks is forbidden if tires have:
– protector wear at which the stayed height on the indicator of wear is equal to 0 mm;
– protector exfoliation and blister of integumentary rubbers irrespective of sizes;
– framework dog-leg and stratification;
– protector cracks reaching cord;
– cuts and breakdowns with damage of the framework cord ply;
– faulty valves and valve cores, and also valves without caps or with stub;
– air pressure which is not corresponding to specified norms. At tires assembly on the dump truck ob-
serve that the variance in external diameters of twin tires did not exceed 24 mm.
Tires transposition is to be performed only in case of their fault, uneven wear or necessity of correct se-
lection of twin tires.
During operation of dump trucks observe that quarry roads, porches to excavating machines and
mouldboards are in due condition which is not supposing faults of tires.
On stalls there should not be petroleum derivatives and other substances destroying rubber.
Parking of fully loaded dump truck for more than two days is forbidden. In case of rust-preventive treat-
ment the dump truck should be delivered on the jambs providing full unload of tires.
Running gear
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For tires assembly only wheels at which coloring of all details from external and internal sides is mot
damaged. Application of details of the wheels subjected to corrosion can result in breakage during driving that
can cause accidents. Besides, application of unpainted details of wheels hampers not only assembly, but also
consequent disassembly as unpainted surfaces of tire bead adhere more strongly, than the colored one.
Before assembling by an external examination check condition of the tire. Internal cavity should be clean
and dry. A tire boards should not have leftovers of flash. Presence of moisture, mud and flash of rubber can
become the reason of hampered or impossible air exhaust further from the tire because of blockage of the port
of valve.
Carefully check condition of rim elements, pay special attention to absence of cracks on grooves under
lock and ring gaskets, on fluting planes clamp of the board base and landing ring, on welded connections weld-
ing lock part of rim and the board grounding to shell of band. It is recommended to apply visual quality monitor-
ing, color, magnetic or ultrasonic flaw inspection to detection of cracks. At visual control it is possible to use
It is forbidden to operate rims and other wheels details having such imperfections as crack, presence of
rust and rolls of color in places, contacting with the tire or other wheel details, and also with violation of geome-
try (heightened ovality of bead ring and rim, twisting of lock ring, nicks-and-burrs, etc.).
Do not use rims with bad condition of lock groove and lock rings with described above defects as at tire
inflation there can be a spontaneous disassembly.
Dirty wheel parts, especially landing rim shelves and place at gate bore should be cleaned of mud and
rust with metal sweeper, degreased and painted. At collapse more than 25 % of all coloring of wheels full col-
oring should be performed using grounds and enamels specified for metal.
Tire inflation is to be performed on tire stand the fixed screw-down mechanism on stock of the power
cylinder, securing safety of works, in the following order:
– preliminary pump up the tire with air up to pressure of 0.08 – 0.1 МPа and check correctness of as-
sembly of the tire with rim;
– pump up the tire with air up to pressure of 1.2 – 1.25 times exceeding working to secure dense fit of
the tire bead to shelf of rim and maintain this pressure for 10 – 15 minutes;
– lower pressure in tire up to recommended working level and check leakproofness, having filled suds in
groove of board flanged edge. Leakproofness of joints "valve – rim" and "spool chamber – valve core" is
checked with suds;
– lower air pressure in tire up to 0.08 – 0.1 МPа, unfasten and remove wheel from the stand.
Leakproofness of the second board side is checked analogously, but the wheel is stacked by lock ring
Finally the estimation of leakproofness of wheel in assembly with the tire is made by the manometer on
pressure decrease for 24 hours. Pressure decrease is not permitted.
Lead up air pressure in tire to working level only after installation on the hub. There should be no people
near to the tire being inflated.
At tire assembling on rim observe caution in order to prevent damage of tire beads, ring gasket and rim
elements providing leakproofness of joints. The reuse of ring gasket is not permitted. Do not use valve bore for
strapping of rim.
There should be caps for valve protection from pollution and damage of adapter connectors of valves
and extension leads.
At tire transportation try to avoid damage of its board sides. The tire pulling is performed with soft tape
sling with width not less than 140 mm. Do not fasten the tire with hook for board side, with rope or chain slings,
and also for cord of binding of the safety device of board side.
Transportation and storage of tires is performed in vertical position. Assembled tires should be stored at
air pressure of 0.08 – 0.10 МPа.
Assembly wheel on the hub of front wheel as follows:
– turn the hub with groove downwards and install wheel on the hub, having combined band limiter with
groove of the hub;
– install upper and lower, and then the left and right clamps and tighten nuts;
– install other clamps and tighten nuts. Torque nuts no more than 10 mm diametrically opposite in order
to secure wheel from wobble on board of tire;
– tighten nuts by with torque of 1150 – 1300 N.m. After the nuts tightening inflate the tire with air up to
required pressure.
Running gear
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Running gear
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Running gear
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Running gear
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Steering system of dump truck is of hydrovolumetric type, with internal hydraulic feedback. It includes
hydraulic steering mechanism A1 (See Fig. 9.1), connected by cardan shaft with steering shaft column, the
stream amplifier А2, collector А5, axial-piston pump H of the variable productivity, three pneumohydraulic ac-
cumulators АК3 – АК5, two turn hydraulic cylinders Ц11 and Ц12, filters Ф3, Ф5, oil tank and oil-ducts.
9.1 Hydraulic drive operation principle
After engine start-up the stream of working fluid from adjustable axial-piston pump H through filter F3
and return valve KO7 moves through collector А5 to the amplifier of stream А2. From collector the working fluid
charges pneumohydraulic accumulators of steering and working brake system. Pneumohydraulic accumulators
are intended for accumulation of working fluid under pressure, which acts in hydraulic system of steering for its
additional charging, and also in emergency when for any reason supply of working fluid from the pump will be
Presence of pneumohydraulic accumulators in hydraulic system allows at sudden engine failure or re-
fusal of the pump to turn quickly enough steerable wheels from average position in extreme position and to re-
turn them back for drive down in safe place and shutdown of dump truck.
Working fluid moves to hydraulic distributor P1 of the steering mechanism through the amplifier of
stream А2, which is controlled by the same hydraulic distributor.
At neutral position of steering wheel (absence of turn) and the working engine the working fluid from the
pump and pneumohydraulic accumulators through collector А5 acts on hydraulic line HP to priority valve P5 of
the amplifier of stream А2 and further on hydraulic lines is brought to hydraulic distributor P3 of the amplifier of
stream and to closed hydraulic distributor P1 of hydraulic steering mechanism A1.
At turn of steering wheel to the left the valve of hydraulic distributor P1 of the steering mechanism turns
and allows oil to pass through hydraulic distributor P1 of the steering mechanism and to turn rotor. On the oth-
er rotor side oil passes through holes in the hydraulic distributor of the control unit block of the steering mech-
anism and acts in hydraulic line L and further to the hydraulic distributor Р2 of direction choice of the stream
amplifier. In process of pressure growth in hydraulic line L oil passes also in the valve cavity spring of hydraulic
distributor P2. Under oil pressure the valve of hydraulic distributor P2 is displaced in right side (on the circuit).
This moving allows oil to pass through canals in hydraulic distributor P2 valve to hydraulic distributor P3 and
through throttle hole in end face of its valve.
Under oil pressure the valve of hydraulic distributor P3 is displaced in left (on the circuit) and opens hole
in sleeve in order to pass the oil acting from the steering control unit through hydraulic distributor P2.
Simultaneously as result of valve moving of hydraulic distributor P3 open holes in zone spring of installa-
tion of hydraulic distributor, and oil from priority valve P5 acts in valve cavity of hydraulic distributor P3. Under
oil pressure acting from the valve cavity of hydraulic distributor P3, the valve of hydraulic distributor P4 is dis-
placed concerning its spring that allows through additional holes line in the hydraulic distributor valve P3 to di-
rect additional oil quantity in hydraulic distributor valve cavity P4. The total oil quantity through hydraulic dis-
tributor P3 of the amplifier of stream on pressure hydraulic lines moves in the piston cavity of the left hydraulic
cylinder of turn Ц11 and rod end of the right hydraulic cylinder of turn Ц12. There is turn of steerable wheels to
the left. From opposite cavities of hydraulic cylinders oil is superseded back in the stream amplifier and
through hydraulic distributor P2 on hydraulic line НТ drains to hydraulic tank.
At turn of the steering wheel to the right oil passes through hydraulic distributor P1 of the steering mech-
anism and acts in hydraulic line R and further to hydraulic distributor P2 of the stream amplifier. Under oil pres-
sure the hydraulic distributor valve P2 is displaced in left side (on the circuit).
Through the stream amplifier oil passes in the same way, as well as at turn in the left side.
The total oil quantity through hydraulic distributor P3 of the stream amplifier on pressure hydraulic lines
moves in the piston cavity of the right turn hydraulic cylinder Ц2 and the rod end of the left turn hydraulic cylin-
der Ц1. There is turn of steerable wheels to the right.
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From opposite cavities of hydraulic cylinders oil is superseded back in the stream amplifier and through
hydraulic distributor P2 on hydraulic line НТ drains to hydraulic tank.
Shock-proof safety valves КП1 and КП2 intended for pressure removal in hydraulic cylinders in case of
emergency are installed in the stream amplifier. At absence of turning movement the valve of the hydraulic dis-
tributor of the direction of choice Р2 is in neutral (average) position and blocks output of oil from hydraulic cyl-
inders. It creates hydraulic "lock" on turn hydraulic cylinders, interfering their moving.
At driving on obstacle causing extreme loading, tending to turn wheels to the left, pressure in counter
cavities of hydraulic cylinders will increase. Safety valves are adjusted on pressure 24 МPа and at achieve-
ment of this pressure the valve opens and connects the specified cavities of hydraulic cylinders to the drain
hydraulic line. At the same time in opposite of hydraulic cylinders cavities pressure is lower than atmospheric
pressure. For alignment of oil pressure in hydraulic cylinders cavities in the stream amplifier return valves KO2
and КО3 which pass oil in hydraulic cylinders from the drain hydraulic line are installed.
Pressure of working fluid in steering hydraulic system is defined by gash valves adjustment, installed in
pumps, and makes 16 – 16.5 МPа.
At turn of steerable wheels on the motionless dump truck when the maximal pressure in steering hy-
draulic system is required, and at the minimal productivity of the pump on low engine speed decrease in steer-
ing efficiency ("heavy steering wheel") is possible. This phenomenon has positive character from the point of
view of tires safety.
Steering cardan shaft. Steering cardan shaft (See Fig. 9.3) interconnects shaft of the steering column
with shaft of the hydraulic steering mechanism to which it is fastened with the help of keys 9 and coupling
Cardan shaft consists of two cardans 1, pipe 3 and spline shaft 6. Spline connection is closed by protec-
tive coupling 5, which is fixed on the shaft and pipe by wire cotter pins 4. Cardan consists of two forks 7, cross
piece 11 with the safety valve 9 and four needle bearings 14 which molded plugs holes and are fixed by lock
rings 13. Face seal 12 keeps greasing in the bearing and protects it from pollution. The forks connected to the
pipe and spline shaft at assembly should be positioned in one plane.
The greasing incorporated in the spline connection and needle bearings, ensures the functioning of the
cardan shaft during service life of the dump truck before capital repairs.
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The hydraulic steering mechanism (pump – dosing unit) (See Fig. 9.4) consists of two elements:
distributive block 2 and the feedback hydraulic motor 1.
The distributive block 2 consists of case 17, valve 12, sleeve 9, combined seal 14 of rubber and protec-
tive rings, thrust bearing 15 and duster 13, molded in the ring groove in the top part of the case.
The valve is in the fixed position in sleeve by means of the pin 10 and leaf springs 11 inserted through
valve and sleeve grooves and has opportunity at the application of torque to turn concerning sleeve on corner
of 15 in both sides.
Pressure and drain canals of the distributive block are divided by the return valve 16.
The hydraulic motor of feedback 1 consists of wreath 5, star 6, cover 4 and distributive disk 7. The rotary
moment from star to pair "valve – sleeve" or vice versa is transferred by cardan 8. All elements of the hydraulic
motor are pulled together with the case by seven bolts 3.
Leakproofness of hydraulic motor and distributive block sockets is provided with rubber sealing rings 18
and 19.
Connection of the pump – dosing unit to the steering hydraulic system is carried out by means of four
carving holes on the case 17 of the distributive blocks 2: Р, Т, L and R.
In the neutral position of the valve 12 with the sleeve 9 working fluid supplied by the feed pump in line Р
of the hydraulic steering wheel acts on the case canals and sleeve drillings and the valve in line Т, and there
from is drained in the hydraulic tank.
At the steering wheel turn the fluid from the pressure head hydraulic line through sleeve and the valve
moves in the hydraulic motor of the feedback. At the same time the star of the 6 hydraulic motor starts rotation
under the fluid stream acting in the hydraulic motor and further in the cylinder line, and further by means of
cardan 8 and pin 10 turns the sleeve 9 to the direction of the valve 12 rotation. The valve is displaced and con-
nects pressure head lines from pumps to corresponding cavities of the turn hydraulic cylinders. Steerable
wheels turn.
At the stop of the valve 12 rotation and its holding the sleeve 9 turn to starting position till the moment of
pressure decrease in line Р up to value that is less than external loading, and finishing of vehicle turn. At the
valve 12 lowering under action of flat springs there is its turn in starting position concerning sleeve and full un-
loading of the pump on drain.
In the pressure hydraulic line of the steering mechanism the filter with set of the mesh elements separat-
ing mechanical impurity in the size more 0.063 mm is installed.
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The stream amplifier is intended for oil transfer through the hydraulic cylinders, required for mainte-
nance of steering work. The stream amplifier operated by the hydraulic steering mechanism. The stream am-
plifier (See Fig. 9.5) includes the priority valve 10, amplifier valve 8, valve direction turn choice 6, safety valve
11 for adjustment of the maximal pressure in hydraulic system, shock-proof safety valves 1 and 5, and return
At neutral position of the steering wheel the working fluid from pumps acts in cavity HP of the priority
valve 10 and from it on canal P moves to the hydraulic steering mechanism which valve is in the closed p o-
At the steering wheel turn the working fluid from the hydraulic steering mechanism under control pres-
sure acts to the valve 6 in cavity L or R (depending on the turn direction). In process of the pressure growth in
these cavities the working fluid also passes through throttle hole C in the spring cavity of the hydraulic distribu-
tor. Under pressure of working fluid the valve of the hydraulic distributor 6 is displaced working fluid from the
cavity B of the valve 6 acts in cavity D of the amplifier valve.
From cavity D working fluid through apertures in sleeve 8, the canal between sleeve and valve 9 acts in
aperture G where it is originally blocked. Besides the working fluid on an external sleeve groove 8 acts in cavi-
ty Н and through throttle hole J to end face of sleeve 8. Under working fluid pressure sleeve 8 is displaced and
opens hole G through which the working fluid from the hydraulic steering mechanism acts in control cavity Q of
the valve 6.
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As a result of the sleeve moving 8 apertures E open, that allows working fluid to pass from the priority
valve 10 in an internal sleeve cavity 8. Pressure of the working fluid acting in an internal sleeve cavity 8, the
valve 9 is displaced is relative its springs and opens a holes line K which are in the same cavity, as hole G.
The quantity of the working fluid which are taking place from an internal cavity of the sleeve 8 is dosed out by
holes K, opened proportionally to hole G.
The holes quantity K in sleeve 8 is equal to four. Through these holes the working fluid acts in the con-
trol cavity Q of the valve 6 in addition to the working fluid acting from the hydraulic steering mechanism. The
total quantity of the working fluid acting in cavity Q, through canals CL or CR moves in hydraulic cylinders for
turn of steerable wheels to the left or to the right.
In process of wheels turn the working fluid from opposite cavities of hydraulic cylinders passes in cavity M
of the amplifier and further through back shutoff valve 3 and through exit canal HT is drained in hydraulic tank.
Safety valves 1 and 5 are intended for removal of peak pressure in hydraulic cylinders in case of emer-
gency. At the dump truck movement and absence of turn the valve 6 is in neutral (middle) position and blocks
oil output from hydraulic cylinders of turn. It creates hydraulic "lock" on the hydraulic cylinders, blocking their
At driving on obstacle causing extreme loading, tending to turn wheels to the left, pressure in opposite
cavities of hydraulic cylinders will increase. Safety valves are adjusted on pressure 24 МPа and at achieve-
ment of this pressure the valve will open and will connect the cavities of hydraulic cylinders connected to turn
hydraulic lines to the right, to the drain hydraulic line. At the same time in opposite of hydraulic cylinders cavi-
ties pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure. For alignment of oil pressure in hydraulic cylinders cavities in
the stream amplifier return valves 2 and 4 which pass oil in hydraulic cylinders from the drain hydraulic line are
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Collector (See Fig. 9.6) is intended for distribution of working fluid stream in pneumohydraulic accumula-
tors of steering and working brake system. On the collector the hydraulic distributor 2 intended for discharge of
oil cavity of pneumohydraulic accumulators of steering is installed.
The hydraulic distributor is controlled by electromagnet which is switched on from onboard electric net-
work of the dump truck by pressing the switch of engine shut down and also the push-button switch 6 located
on the electromagnet.
Pneumohydraulic accumulator of service brake system at pressing the switch are not unloaded because
of presence of the return valves installed in brake hydraulic system.
The return valve 4 prevents the charge of working fluid from pneumohydraulic accumulators through
pumps in emergency operation of steering.
Pneumohydraulic accumulator.
In hydraulic system of steering there are three pneumohydraulic accumulators, accumulating emergency
stock of working fluid under pressure and giving out it in hydraulic system for its additional charging, and also
for dump truck control in case of sudden engine shut down or for other reasons that cause stop in supply of
working fluid in hydraulic system from pumps.
The design of pneumohydraulic accumulators of steering system is similar to pneumohydraulic accumu-
lators of service brake system which description is given in the "Brake systems" section.
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Turn cylinder
Turn cylinder – double action, consists from the case of the cylinder 4 (See Fig. 9.7) and rod 3 with the
piston 2. The piston 2 is fixed on the rod by the nut 1. The cover 6 is fastened to the case of the cylinder by
bolts. On the end of rod tip 9 is screwed, which is stopped by terminal-block connection.
Turn cylinders are fixed by cases by means of fingers 18 to arms of the front axis, and with rods to rotary
levers of the steering trapezoid. The jointing plane of external ring of the spherical bearing 20 should be perpen-
dicular of the cylinder axle. The internal ring is fixed on the finger by bolts with the help of the thrust washer 21.
Mobile piston connection with the cylinder is sealed with fluoroplastic rings 17 and elastic rubber rings
16 of square section. The piston moves on surface of basic rings 15 made from polyamide material.
Mobile rod connection with cover is sealed with polyamide rings 12 and elastic rubber rings 11. The rod
moves on the surface of the basic ring 13 from polyamide material.
For prevention of dirty hit inside of the cylinder in cover polyamide wiper ring 10 and elastic rubber ring
11 of the circular section are installed.
Motionless connections are sealed with rubber rings.
Steering trapezoid drawbar consists from drawbar pipe with tips 4 (See Fig. 9.8), two tips 3 and 5
which are screwed in drawbar 4 and locked with terminal connection. Drawbar is connected hingedly to rotary
levers jointed through spherical bearings 6 (See Fig. 9.9) by fingers 12.
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Maintenance of steering system during operation includes oil level control in oil tank of combined hy-
draulic system, check of the system tightness, periodic greasing of rubbing surfaces, check tightening of tread
connections, control of the pneumohydraulic accumulators charging.
The list of used lubricants, intervals of inspection and replacement of grease is specified in "Technical
maintenance" section.
The list of maintenance operations for steering hydraulic system units that are common for combined
hydraulic system is specified in "Dumping mechanism" section.
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Operation sequence:
– start up the engine, set frequency of crankshaft rotation equal to 1500 rpm;
– turn steerable wheels in extreme position. Continuing to rotate the steering wheel in the same side de-
termine the wheel rotation frequency. It should be no more than 6.0 rpm. As a stop-watch it is possible to use a
watch with a second hand.
At dump truck run of 40 – 50 thousand km, in case of replacement on the dump truck of cross-section
bar, swivel members and increased tire wear check and if necessary adjust toe-in of steerable wheels.
Brake systems
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10.1 General data
Dump truck is equipped with service, parking, auxiliary and reserve brake systems.
The service brake system with hydraulic drive divided in a circuit of front and circuit of rear brakes acts
on all wheels. It is intended for traverse speed control, for stopping of dump truck and for safe operation of
dump truck in any road and climatic conditions. It can also be used at deficit efficiency of the auxiliary brake.
The parking brake has a hydraulic drive and acts on the rear axle wheels. It is intended for braking of
dump truck during parking, at loading and unloading, and also in emergency situations at malfunction of ser-
vice brakes.
Auxiliary brake is of electric type, used during traction motor braking mode.
As the reserve (emergency) brake system the parking brake and the operable circuit of service brake
system are used.
Operation of brake system hydraulic drive.
At the operating engine working fluid from tank via filter Ф is supplied by axial-plunger pump of variable
productivity Н1 (See Figure 10.1) into collector А5, and charges pneumohydraulic accumulators АК3 – АК5 of
steering system.
Further via double protective valve K08, working fluid flows into pneumohydraulic accumulators АК1,
АК2 of rear and front circuits of service brake system and charges them.
Brake systems
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From pneumohydraulic accumulators АК1, АК2 working fluid is under pressure supplied to valve А3 of
service brake. When force from treadle gets removed the spool-valves of service brake valve overlap channels
from pneumohydraulic accumulators, and connect cavities of cylinders Ц3 – Ц10 of service brake with drain-
age. The dump truck is unbraked.
When treadle is pressed spool-valves of service brake valve A3, moving, overlap tank channels and at
further motion connect channels from pneumohydraulic accumulators with channels to brake cylinders, work-
ing fluid under pressure flows from fluid-flow cavities of pneumohydraulic accumulators АК1, АК2 under pis-
tons of brake cylinders Ц3 – Ц10. Dump truck gets braked by service brake system.
Separation of hydraulic drive in two independent circuits is carried out by double protective valve K08,
separate sections of valve of service brake А3 and separate pneumohydraulic accumulator for each circuit.
Relays of pressure, sending light and sound signals at pressure drop of working fluid in contour below
permissible limit are installed in front (РД2) and rear (РД1) contours of service brake system and contour of
hydraulic drive of parking brake and steering (РД3). Ach contour comprises switches of brake signal – relays of
pressure РД4 – РД6.
Unbraking of gears of parking brake occurs with feeding of working fluid under pressure under pistons of
cylinders Ц1, Ц2 by turning movement of lever of parking brake cock А4, which is powered from pneumohy-
draulic accumulators АК3 – АК5 of steering.
10.2 Service brake system
Service brake system powers up four brake gears of disk type, hydraulic drive, operating controls and
gears of monitoring operation of system.
Steering of service brake system is carried out by treadle of brake valve.
Brake gears of front wheels – one-disk, dry friction with hydraulic drive.
Case of brake 2 (See Fig. 10.2) is fastened to swivel member 1 of front axle with two bolts 12. Brake
disk 4 is fastened with bolts to hub of front wheel. Case of brake comprises six cylinders (three from each side)
into which pistons 6 are inserted. On bearing parts 10 of case of brake two brake-shoe linings 5, which pistons
at braking operation hold down to disk, are installed. Piston on outer diameter is sealed by rubber collar 14
with guard ring 13, and clutch 3 protects from hit of mud on working surface of piston. From outside cylinders
are enclosed by covers 7. Cylinders are connected by ports for input of working fluid under piston.
Brake systems
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Brake gears of rear wheels – one-disk, dry friction with hydraulic drive.
On bearing board of each traction motor 13 (See Fig. 10.3) two service brakes through brackets 22 and
23 are mounted. Service brake comprises two cheeks 3 and 17 which are strapped with studs 8 through in-
serts 19 and bearing parts 20. Eight cylinders 11 (four from each side) inside which pistons 29 are installed are
fastened to the cheeks. Piston on outer diameter is sealed by rubber ring 63 with protective washer 62, and
clutch 26 protects from hit of mud on working surface of piston. Cylinders are connected by internal ports in
cheeks 3 and 17 for input of working fluid under piston.
Each cylinder has device of automatic adjustment of spacing between brake disk 28 and linings 27. Ba-
sis of it is made with special spring frictional barrel 60 with given force of conveyance on stock 30. One end of
barrel rests against piston 29, another – in butt of glass 61. On glass squeezing spring 64, timbered in piston
with help of stop ring 57 and retaining ring 56 is installed.
At wear of lining 27 piston 29 at braking operation displaces frictional barrel 60 concerning stock 30 on
magnitude of wear of lining. At disengaging frictional barrel in opposite direction concerning stock does not
displace, ensuring spacing between disk and lining equal to 1 – 1.5 mm, corresponding to distance between
butt of glass of spring and thrust washer. This spacing is established at assembly of cylinder by setting of ad-
justing washers 58.
Brake disk 28 is fastened with bolts to flange 16 installed on slots of shaft of rotor of traction motor 13. At
braking operation pistons 29 hold down linings 27 to disk and brake dump truck. Response from brake forces
is perceived by bearing parts 9 which simultaneously are guiding for linings.
Valve of service brake – two-section, tracking pedal-driven operation intended for control of service
brake system. Upper section controls rear brake gears, lower – front brake gears.
Valve comprises two cases 6 and 11 (See Fig. 10.4), in each of which barrels 7 and 15 with valve cores
8 are installed. Cases are enclosed by cover 22 and fuse 13.
Latching of treadle 1 in braked condition is carried out by clamper 25.
Removal of pressure in hydraulic system at service and repair of brake systems is made by unscrewing
of locking needles 9.
Under-treadle thread clamper 4 ensures position of treadle that roller 2 densely fitted to pusher and did
not cause its conveyance.
Cavities III and V are connected to pneumohydraulic accumulators, outputs I and II – with drain in hy-
draulic reservoir, and cavities IV and VI – with cavities of cylinders of brake gears.
At removed force from treadle of cavity IV and VI and, consequently, cavities of wheel brake cylinders
are connected through outputs I and II with drain in hydraulic reservoir. Cavities III and V from pneumohydrau-
lic accumulators thus are blocked with valve cores 8 and working fluid does not act in cylinders of wheel
brakes. Dump truck is disengaged.
By pressure at footbrake pedal 1 valve cores 8 displace downwards (see figure) and outputs I and II
plum in hydraulic reservoir close, and then connect cavities III and V from pneumohydraulic accumulators to
cavities IV and VI to wheel cylinders. Pressurized fluid from pneumohydraulic accumulators through cavities III,
IV and V, VI acts in cylinders of wheel brake gears and puts them in action. Pressure of working fluid in wheel
cylinders is determined by magnitude of force to treadle.
Simultaneously fluid on radial and axial ports in valve cores 8 acts in face cavities of valve cores, than
tracking operation of brake valve on force to treadles is ensured. In face cavities valve cores are displaced
by force of pressure of working fluid up (see figure) overcoming force of equilibrating of element 20 and
overlap ports from pneumohydraulic accumulators. Feeding of working fluid and growth of pressure in wheel
cylinders stops.
For increase in brake effect it is necessary to make greater force to treadle. Force of pressure of fluid to
butts of valve cores will be coordinated to force of pressure to treadle and thus tracking operation of valve on
force to treadles is carried out. Tracking operation of valve on magnitude of conveyance of treadle is carried
out elastic equilibrating by element 20. Working fluid in cavities of pusher 10 and piston 12 executes role of
snubber, excepting auto-oscillations of valve cores.
Brake systems
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Brake systems
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Brake systems
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Double protective valve divides hydraulic drive of service brake system on two independent contours.
In case 3 (See Fig. 10.5) is installed piston 5 confined on average position from two sides by barrels 10.
Case is enclosed from both sides by plugs 1. Ball valves 4 dividing system on two contours seat on saddle of
piston from two sides with springs 11 through pushers 2.
Working fluid is brought to central port I. Under operation of hydrostatic force back-pressure valves 4
open and through outputs II and IV fluid moves to pneumohydraulic accumulators and sections of brake
valves. To valve of parking brake fluid directly acts from pressure line through port III.
Relay of pressure (figure 10.6 b) is intended for turning on warning lamps installed on instrumentation
panel and buzzer when the oil pressure in hydraulic accumulators drops down below the permitted range of
(13 + 0.1) МPа.
Relay of pressure (figure 10.6 a) is intended for turning on the brake signal in the taillights when service
brakes are applied and for turning on warning lamp installed on instrumentation panel when parking brake is
Brake systems
75135-3902015 IM
Pneumohydraulic accumulator. In hydraulic system, in contour of service brake system two pneumo-
hydraulic accumulators, accumulating energy of working fluid under pressure and producing it in hydraulic sys-
tem at braking operation are installed.
Pneumohydraulic accumulator comprises steel case 10 (See Fig. 10.7), covers 1, 13 and piston 9. Pis-
ton is condensed with collar 7 with two spacing rings. Tightness of sealing collar 7 at assembly is to be of
2 – 2,3 mm at diameter by selection of adjusting shims 19. Rings 8 are guiding of piston. Piston divides barrel
on two chambers – fluid-flow and gas. At assembly in gas cavity of pneumohydraulic accumulator fill working
fluid in volume of (500 + 100) cm .
Covers are fixed by restrictive split rings 3, and thrust
blocks 2 keep covers from moving inside case.
Charging of gas chamber with nitrogen is carried out
through priming valve 15 under pressure of 8 MPa, using charg-
ing device for cylinders of suspender according to figure 8.7.
In pneumohydraulic accumulators, gas and working fluid
are under high pressure. Therefore, maintenance should be per-
formed according to operating rules on device and safety opera-
tion of bulbs working under pressure.
Brake systems
75135-3902015 IM
Before clearance adjustment release lock nut 41, turn out locking bolt 40, and after adjustment tighten
bolt and lock it with lock nut.
In case of outage of gear of disengaging switching-off of dump truck parking brake is possible by un-
screwing nuts 7 pulling together studs 8 of fastening of cheek 50 of parking brake.
Control valve of parking brake – tracking operation with drive gear from bar intended for control of
parking brake.
Bake valve comprises case 1 (See Fig. 10.8) in which barrel 7 with valve core 6 are installed. Case is
enclosed by glass 21 and plug 3. Bar 17 of valve in switched-on position is locked by clamper 16. For moving
bar to switched–off position it is necessary to lever handle up and to move bar forward.
Hydraulic cutout switch of warning lamp of turning-on of parking brake is screwed in the case .
Output I is connected to pneumohydraulic accumulator, output III – to drain in hydraulic reservoir, and
output II – to cylinder of parking brake gear.
At setting bar 17 in "switched-on" position (В) cavity II and, consequently, cavity of parking cylinder is
connected through cavity III with drain in hydraulic reservoir. Cavity II from pneumohydraulic accumulator is
blocked with valve core 6 and working fluid does not act in parking brake cylinder. Parking gear is switched on
by force of power springs.
At setting bar 17 in "switched-off" position (А) – cam 20 effects on pusher 15 which in turn through
spring 12 plate 11 and pusher 8 displaces valve core 6 downwards (see figure). Valve core closes drain out-
put in hydraulic reservoir, and then connects cavity I from pneumohydraulic accumulator with cavity II to
brake cylinder.
Pressurized fluid from pneumohydraulic accumulator through cavities I and II acts under piston 48 (See
Fig. 10.3) of cylinder of parking brake gear. Piston displaces in extreme position and squeezes power spring
47. Parking brake gear is turned off.
At in-between position of bar 17 (See Fig. 10.8) pressure of working fluid in parking cylinder is deter-
mined by magnitude of course of valve core 6 which is proportional to bar rotation angle. Thus, working fluid
under pressure moves under piston of parking cylinder, and also on radial and axial ports in valve core 6 acts
in cavity under piston 27.
At established pressure under piston, force of this pressure and spring 28 valve core is displaced up
(see figure) and overlaps port from pneumohydraulic accumulator. Feeding of working fluid and growth of
pressure in parking cylinder stops, its piston occupies in-between position.
For increase in brake effect it is necessary to turn hand lever harder in direction of turning-on of parking
brake. Force of pressure of fluid to butt of valve core will be coordinated to force of spring wrap 12 and thus
tracking operation of valve on conveyance is carried out. Working fluid under pusher executes role of snubber,
excepting auto-oscillation of valve core. Spacing C = 0 – 0.3 mm between cam 20 and pusher 15 is adjusted
by washers 13 at assembly of valve.
Brake systems
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Brake systems
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Brake systems
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Brake systems
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Pneumatic system
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11.1 Composition and operation of pneumoapparatuses
The pneumatic system is intended for supplying compressed air in engine pneumatic starting system,
drive gear of radiator shutter and pneumatic mechanisms of control cabinet. It is also intended for powering the
vessel of driver’s seat pneumatic cushioning mechanism and for connection of accommodating for tire inflation.
The pneumatic system comprises compressor 1 (See Fig. 11.1), dehydrator 2, pressure regulator 4 with
pressure-relief valve 6, anti-freezing device 7, receiver 8 with condensate drain valve 10.
Source of compressed air is the compressor installed on engine. Compressor 1 sucks air from suction
line of engine and feeds it to dehydrator 2 where air is cooled and cleared of water. From dehydrator air acts to
pressure regulator 4, which keeps air pressure in pneumatic system within the limits of 0.65 – 0.82 MPa.
At increase of air pressure in pneumatic system for more than 0.82 MPa the regulator disconnects dis-
charge manifold of compressor with all other part of pneumatic system and simultaneously connects it to at-
mosphere. At this moment water is automatically deleted from dehydrator to atmosphere.
At decrease of air pressure in pneumatic system to the level of 0.65 MPa the regulator disconnects dis-
charge manifold of compressor with atmosphere and connects it with all other parts of the system – com-
pressed air acts in system again.
Pressure regulator incorporates pressure-relief valve for guard of pneumatic system from faults in case
of regulator outage. At pressure in pneumatic system equal to 0.90 – 0.95 MPa pressure-relief valve also
opens and part of air goes out to the atmosphere.
From pressure regulator air moves through anti-freezing device 7 in receiver 8.
The compressor is installed on engine. Its maintenance should be carried out according to recommen-
dations specified in "Engine operation manual”.
Pressure control device is installed in users’ receiver for monitoring of compressed air pressure. Pres-
sure gauge is installed in cab of dump truck on additional panel located above windscreen.
Pneumatic system
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Membrane 13 is in equilibrium, and slide valve 16 is pressed with spring 3 to saddle. Cleared air moves
through bore of hollow screw 8 in canal of output I and further to pressure regulator.
When regulator cuts off the compressor output I is connected to the atmosphere and pressure in cavity
III drops. Because of pressure difference in cavities III and IV membrane 13 sags up, presses on disk 12 and
separates cavities. The valve core 16 moves up together with membrane. Thus, cavity IV through bore in cover
is connected to the atmosphere and water that has been accumulated in cavity pours out. After pressure
equalization in cavities membrane and valve core under operation of spring 3 are returned in primal position,
and cavity IV is disconnected from the atmosphere.
In case of freezing of water in cooler 23 air moves from compressor through vertical canal in cover 1 and
open valve 20 in cavity III and further to output I in forcing air manifold to the pressure regulator. Thus, air is
not cleared and not cooled. The pressure-relief valve is adjusted to the pressure of 0.4 MPa.
Pneumatic system
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The pressure regulator (See Fig. 11.3) maintains the compressed air pressure in pneumatic system
within the limits of 0.65 – 0.82 MPa. The regulator comprises a pressure-relief valve adjusted on maximum air
pressure of 0.95 MPa connecting forcing manifold to the atmosphere in case of regulator failure.
The compressed air from compressor through dehydrator moves to output V and through back-pressure
valve 18 gets in output III that is connected to the receiver. From output III on port VII air acts also in ring cavity
of adjusting device membrane 29.
At air pressure in port III of more than 0.82 MPa the membrane 29 departs from saddle and air acts on
ports VI and II in head end I of relief mechanism. Piston 3 with rod 4 under operation of compressed air dis-
place downwards (as shown on figure), valve 20 displaces downwards and air from output V passes in cavity
IV which through point 21 is connected to the atmosphere. Pressure in forcing manifold drops, valve 18 sits on
saddle and prevents exit of air from output III in atmosphere through open valve 20.
At decrease of pressure in output III up to 0.65 MPa the membrane 29 is pressed to saddle by springs
26 and air intake in cavity I is stopped. Air in cavity I through throttle bore in bucket goes out in cavity IV and
further to the atmosphere. Piston 3 under spring pressure 1 is returned in upper (as shown on figure) position.
The valve 20 is closed, exit of compressed air to the atmosphere is stopped and compressor boosts air in re-
ceivers. Limits of air pressure automatic regulation can be restored by screw 33.
In case of regulator relief mechanism failure the pressure in port III at working compressor will increase. At
reaching the pressure level of 0.90 – 0.95 MPa the pressure-relief valve 15 moves up (as shown on figure) and
part of air goes out in atmosphere through radial bores in case 14 of the valve. The pressure-relief valve is ad-
justed to the required air pressure by screw 11.
Pneumatic system
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The anti-freezing device (See Fig. 11.4) is intended for automatic feeding of anti-freezing agent in
pneumatic system in order to prevent freezing of condensate. Ethyl alcohol is used as anti-freezing agent (see
“Operation materials” section).
The turning-on device built in upper case 11 of anti-freezer comprises pull-rod 13 with hand lever, lock-
ing pin and sealing rings 14 and 15. The wick 8 stretched by spring 6 is installed between bottom of lower case
7 and pull-rod 13. In lower bore of wick with spring the plug 19 is installed. In filling hole of upper case 11 a
plug with measuring stick 1 is screwed in. In drain hole of lower case 7 the plug 4 is screwed in. The orifice
plug 10 intended for equalization of air pressure in manifold and fuse case at closed position is built in upper
case. The tankage is 200 ml.
When pull-rod 13 is in upper position, air from compressor passes by wick-evaporator and entrains anti-
freezing agent which selects moisture from air and converts it into nonfreezing condensate.
When ambient temperature is higher than 5 С, install pull-rod 13 in lower position by turning the hand
lever. Thus wick-evaporator 8 is completely lowered in crank chamber of lower case 7, and sealing ring 15 dis-
connects this cavity with manifold of pneumatic system.
Pneumatic system
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Daily maintenance.
At daily maintenance:
– test leakproofness of pneumatic system.
The pneumatic system is checked on leakproofness at air pressure of not less than 0.65 MPa, with
switched off compressed air users and idle compressor.
Decrease of compressed air pressure in pneumatic system should be no more than 0.05 MPa for 30
minutes. Places of serious air leakage can be defined by hearing, and small – with help of soap emulsion. Air
leakage from joints of pipe ducts can be eliminated by retorque or substitution of separate elements of joints.
In case of failure disassembly of apparatuses and elimination of faults can be performed by skilled tech-
nicians in workshop condition only;
– test and if necessary adjust compressed air pressure in pneumatic system.
Air pressure in pneumatic system is 0.65 – 0.82 MPa. Readjustment is made by screwing (unscrewing)
of pressure regulator adjusting screw;
– drain condensate from pneumatic start system receivers and of pneumatic system receiver.
It is necessary to perform draining of condensate after the end of working shift. After full draining of con-
densate from receivers it is recommended to pump up system with air again till response of pressure regulator
and only after that to shutdown the engine.
At freezing of condensate it is forbidden to use open flame for warming-up.
Intensity of condensate accumulation depends on compressor technical condition and ambient air hu-
midity. Presence of large quantity of oil in condensate indicates compressor failure;
– test and if necessary add anti-freezing agent in anti-freezer reservoir.
Anti-freezing device is to be refueled with anti-freezing agent only at ambient temperature below 5 С.
Anti-freezing agent is filled in anti-freezing device through filling hole in cover, closed by plug. The tankage is
200 ml. Ethyl alcohol is used as anti-freezing agent.
Pneumatic system
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Low-voltage electrical equipment
75135-3902015 IM
For casting of one battery 12 l of electrolyte is required. Depending on climatic region in accumulator batter-
ies the electrolyte of the defined firmness is filled in according to table 12.1.
The electrolyte is prepared from sulfuric battery acid and distilled water in utensil, stable against sul-
phuric acid – ceramic, plastic, deflate ebonite, lead. In utensils water is filled in, then at continuous stirring sul-
phuric acid is filled. For deriving electrolyte of the corresponding firmness it is necessary to follow requirements
of table 12.2.
The temperature of the electrolyte which is filled in the battery should be not less than plus 15 С and no
0 0
more than plus 25 С in regions with cold and temperate climate and no more than plus 30 С in regions with
tropical climate.
Low-voltage electrical equipment
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Table 12.2 – Relationship between firmness of electrolyte, amount of water and sulphuric acid in 1 l of electrolyte
The required firmness of electrolyte at 25 0С, g/cm3 1,20 1,22 1,24 1,26 1,28 1,40
Amount of sulphuric acid with firmness of 1,83 g/cm , l 0,200 0,221 0,242 0,263 0,285 0,426
Before casting of electrolyte turn out plugs from the battery and remove film closing vent hole from them,
and cut off protuberance at butt of plug. If instead of film and protuberance the hermetically sealing disk under
plug is applied, remove it. After fill-up of the battery with electrolyte vent holes should remain open.
Fill in electrolyte up to level of 10 – 15 mm higher above safety plate.
In the batteries having in covers ventilation fitting for automatic adjustment of level of electrolyte free
bores in fittings from hermetically sealing parts, turn out accumulative plugs and put them densely on venti-
lation fitting. After that fill electrolyte in accumulators with small jet up to the upper shearing of filling necks.
Remove plugs from fittings and level of electrolyte in accumulators will automatically decr ease up to re-
quired level.
After 20 minutes but not later than in two hours after casting of electrolyte check its firmness. If the firm-
ness of electrolyte decreases for no more than 0,03 g/cm against firmness of filled electrolyte batteries can be
If the firmness of electrolyte will reduce for more than on 0,03 g/cm batteries are to be charged.
The temperature of electrolyte in battery before charging should be no more than 30 С in cold and
moderate zones and no more than 35 С in hot dry and warm wet zones. If temperature of electrolyte is more
than specified, electrolyte needs to be cooled.
For charging the positive output of the battery is connected to positive pole of current source, and nega-
tive – to negative pole. Strength of charging current is 19 A.
Charge the battery until ample gas emission in all accumulators of the battery occurs, and the firmness
of electrolyte and voltage stays fixed within two hours. If the temperature of electrolyte is more than 45 С it is
necessary to reduce charge current by half or to interrupt charging for a period, necessary for decrease of
temperature up to 30 – 35 С. Voltage of batteries is to be inspected with voltage meter with scale on 30 V and
scale interval of 0,2 V.
In the end of charging if the firmness of electrolyte, measured taking into account temperature correction
(see table 12.3) differs from norm modify firmness of electrolyte. If firmness of electrolyte is above norm the
distilled water is to be filled, and if it is lower than norm acid with firmness of 1.4 g/cm is refilled.
After adjustment of firmness of electrolyte continue charging of batteries for 30 more minutes till full mix-
ing of electrolyte, and then disconnect batteries. In 30 minutes after cutting off of batteries measure level of
electrolyte in all accumulators of the battery.
If the level of electrolyte is lower than norm add electrolyte in the accumulator with firmness that is speci-
fied in table 12.1. If level of electrolyte is above norm take excess of electrolyte off with rubber bulb.
Negative output of accumulator batteries is connected to «ground» of dump truck through the switch.
Low-voltage electrical equipment
75135-3902015 IM
The alternator on dump truck is of three-phase type with built-in voltage adjuster installed on the en-
gine. construction, maintenance see in the operating manual and engine servicing of firm «CUMMINS».
Low-voltage electrical equipment
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75135-3902015 IM
Table 12.4 – Charge condition of the accumulator battery depending on firmness of electrolyte
Discharged battery
Fully charged battery
on 25 % on 50 %
1.30 1.26 1.22
1.28 1.24 1.20
1.26 1.22 1.18
1.24 1.20 1.16
1.22 1.18 1.14
Note – firmness of electrolyte is specified at 25 0С
Low-voltage electrical equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Screen sizes, mm
Lower headlights Lower headlights
H a h H1 a1 h1
1460 630 320 2370 2750 250
Figure 12.3 – Sectoring of the shield for adjustment the light of headlights:
I–I, II–II – center lines of the lower headlights; III-III– center line of light spots of the lower headlights; IV-IV, V-V – center lines of
the upper headlights; V1-V1 – center line of light spots of the upper headlights; 0-0 – line of the center between headlights; Н – distance
from floor up to the center of the lower headlights; Н1 – distance from floor up to the center of the upper headlights; h – distance from the
center of the lower headlights up to the centers of light spots; h1 – distance from the centers of the upper headlights up to the centers of
light spots; a – distance from shaft of dump truck up to the centers of the lower headlights; a1–distance from shaft of dump truck up to the
centers of the upper headlights
Low-voltage electrical equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Regulating of light of fog lights is made so that light was symmetric concerning shaft of dump truck and
the center of light stain attained ground on distance of 20 m.
Seasonal maintenance (SM).
During seasonal maintenance:
Low-voltage electrical equipment
75135-3902015 IM
Cab and body
75135-3902015 IM
13.1 Cab
The cab – two-seat, all-metal, two-door, heat and noise-insulated with soft internal upholstery, is in-
stalled at the left on brackets and is fastened to them in four points with bolts 2 (See Fig. 13.1) through rubber
shock-absorbers 4, that damp cab vibration at dump truck motion.
The cab meets safety requirements of ROPS. Operator’s seat with pneumatic cushioning and fold-back
passenger’s seat, control panel, heater with two electric fans, electric window washer and double-brush elec-
tric window wiper is installed in cab. Cab is also equipped with two sun visors, plafond of illumination, rack for
clothes, pocket for documentation and operator’s fan. The place for medical first-aid set is also provided.
Locks (with locking devices from inside of the door) and sliding windows are built in doors. Doors are
equipped with external and internal handles. Leakproofness of door and windows is ensured with rubber seals.
Multi-layer soft upholstery is applied to the ceiling, side and rear walls. The upholstery is reveted with
perforated vinyl and leather.
The cab glassing ensures good visibility from operator’s working place. Windscreen is flat three-layered
(two polished glasses with high clarity plastic film between them) glass, rear and side glasses are toughened
safety glasses.
Operator’s seat – pneumatically cushioned, with devices for adjustment altitude, length travel, rotation
of seat and fixing of seat back.
In order to move seat length-wise turn hand lever 1 (See Fig. 13.2) to the left, install seat in required po-
sition and release hand lever.
Rotation of seat and fixing of seat back 8 is carried out with hand lever 6. With hand lever in upper posi-
tion seat back is in its extreme front position.
Hand levers 2 and 4 adjust and fix altitude and incline of seat pillow. At turning of hand levers upwards
to the stop seat moves to its extreme upper position. Incline of seat pillow is adjusted by rotation of hand levers
done in turn.
The seat frame has two tapped holes 9 with size 7/16" for safety seat belt fastening. Fastening bolts are
included in seat belt delivery set.
Cab and body
75135-3902015 IM
Pneumatic cushioning mechanism is powered by receiver of pneumatic system and is built in jamb 3.
The mechanism comprises pneumatic bulb 6 (See Fig. 13.3), pneumatic control valve 3, absorber 4, upper 1
and lower 2 bars and buffer 5.
The cab heater is of fluid type. The heat-transfer agent is engine coolant. Hot fluid from head of ther-
mostat moves through suberose shut-off cock on rubber-fabric hose in radiator of heater and escapes from it in
engine supply pipe. Cold air, fed with two fans, passing through heated radiator, is heated and moves in cab.
Cab and body
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The amount of ambient air entering the cab is adjusted by cut-off plate. The cut-off plate can be adjusted so,
that ambient air only or part of ambient air together with cab air or only internal air enters the cab.
From heater warm air is moved by one electric fan on glass of windscreen, another fan blows air in zone of
operator’s legs and side deflector located to the right of operator on control panel.
Fans of cab heater are connected to electrical circuit through two cutout switches on double-duty
scheme that provides separate switching on and regulating of their productivity, and consequently air tempera-
tures in the cab.
The heater shut-off cock, installed in pressure manifold, reduces the amount of hot fluid coming in radiator
of heater, or completely blocks its flow for summer period. The shut-off cock is not installed on drain pipeline.
Paper filter intended for clearing the air that comes in cab through heater is installed outside on front
wall of cab. It is necessary to clear the filter from dust and mud periodically.
The window washer comprises polyethylene tank for fluid and pump with electromotor, installed in the
tank. The pump is connected to two orifice plugs by hoses.
When the pump is switched on fluid from tank moves through hoses in orifice plugs and is sprayed by
them on glass. In tank cover there is a bore, which ensures pressure equalization in the tank at operation of
pump. The direction of fluid jet is regulated by rotation of bead in plastic orifice plug so, that jet is directed to the
upper zone of sector circumscribed by wiper brush.
In order to eliminate blockage of orifice plugs and filter it is necessary to fill tank with filtered fluid and to
clean orifice plugs periodically. As working fluid for window washer it is necessary to use special low-freezing
liquids in blend with water in ratio as prescribed by instruction on fluid application.
Tank (with pump) of window washer it is installed in front lower corner of the cab.
The window wiper comprises electromotor with drive gear, tractions and bars with sweepers, fastened
on front panel of cab.
The air-conditioner. On customer’s request dump truck is equipped with block-type chladone air-
conditioning system that comprises compressor, block of evaporator and block of condenser. Flexible cold-
resistant rubber pipes connect air-conditioner units.
The filling of air conditioner, its commissioning and repair is to be carried out according to air-conditioner
maintenance manual by specialists of air-conditioner supplier or supplier’s regional representatives.
13.2 Body
Body is metal, welded construction of bucket type with protective canopy above cab. Body design is well
adapted to loading dump truck by excavating machine and frontal loader. Body is equipped with rock ejectors,
defending tires and feathering from damage that may be caused at loading by falling pieces of rock. The body
is heated by engine exhaust gases.
The floor and sideboards of body are made of high-strength wear-resistant sheet steel, strengthened by
box section buttresses. Upper crimps of sideboards are supplied with massive boosters from rolled steel of
round section, defending sideboards from damage at loading.
In order to provide good efficiency during operation in more severe conditions (at transportation of highly
solid and abrasive rocks) the body floor on customer’s demand can be fettled with additional decking.
The body is hingedly fastened to brackets of frame by means of fingers 10 (see Figure 13.4). Axial
clearances in hinges between supports and lugs of brackets are adjusted by washers 11 and should not ex-
ceed 2 mm. Clearance is defined in zone of least distance between planes. Lock plate of finger is combined
with cut of clamp.
Absorbers 13 are fastened with bolts 14 to spars of body basis. Installation of adjusting gaskets 12 en-
sures uniform fit of absorbers 13 to seating of frame spars. Clearance between absorber and frame should not
exceed 1 mm. In some places wedge-shaped spacing up to 3 mm is admitted. Squeezing of some absorbers
according to remote element Е is admitted.
Guiding rails limiting body cross motion are welded on body basis. Clearance of 0 – 1.2 mm between
guiding rails and contact plates 4 is adjusted by plates 3.
End plate of first bottom cross bar incorporates bore for removal of smoke black from engine exhaust
gases, closed by cover 16.
If it is necessary to provide exhaust gas outlet on the right side installation of choke plug 18 on the left
side with simultaneous removal of bin cover 16 from the right side is admitted.
Cab and body
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In order to lock body in lifted position at visual inspection and repair of dump truck units the bracket for
fastening of locking cable is welded to sixth bottom cross bar. The cable with thimbles on its ends is fastened
to eyelets of crankcase of rear axle by means of two towing fingers.
It is necessary to splint fingers in order to prevent shedding of fingers from eyelets. Prior to each body
locking it is necessary to test condition of cable and welding of bracket of locking device.
For the moving of rock pieces, which are stuck between double tires of driving axle rock ejectors 19 are
In order to provide proper operation of rock ejectors it is necessary to remove fastening clinches from
spacing washer of rear wheels and to smooth out welding place (in order to exclude damage to rock ejectors).
Cab and body
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Cab and body
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Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Dumping mechanism provides the lifting and lowering of bed, as well as putting it in any intermediate
position during the lifting or lowering. Mechanism is equipped with electric drive of translational motion with the
electrohydraulic control. It consists of two three-stage telescoping hydraulic cylinders Ц13 and Ц14 (See Fig-
ure 14.1), hydraulic distributor А7, control unit А6, reciprocating pump Н, two filters Ф3, plate (magnet filter)
ФM, oil tank of united hydraulic system with filter Ф5 and oil pipes joining them.
Dumping mechanism is controlled from the cab by electrical switch placed on instrumentation panel.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
When the switch on the instrumentation panel is set to “Sinking” ("Опускание") position the spool valve
of hydraulic distributor Р9 moves into the extreme right -hand (in the figure) position. The working fluid along
control hydroline is supplied to right (in the figure) head end cavities of hydraulic distributors P11 and P12
spool valves and shifts them into the extreme left (in the figure) position. Working fluid flows from pump along
pressure hydraulic line into rod spaces of hydraulic cylinders Ц13 and Ц14, which members get put together
and sink body. At this piston spaces of hydraulic cylinders are connected by means of hydraulic distributors
P11 and P12 with drain line to oil tank trough filter Ф5.
For stopping of the platform at the any intermediate position during lifting the switch should be set into
the position “Neutral”.
For stopping of the platform at the any intermediate position during sinking the switch should be set into
the position “Lifting”, and then to the position “Neutral”. At that spool valves Р11, Р12 and Р9 are set into the
middle position. Working fluid at the head and rod ends of hydraulic cylinders is stuck and the body is kept at
the intermediate position.
After the engine start and at actuated traction motor the current is supplied to the electromagnet of hy-
draulic distributor Р10. The spool valve of hydraulic distributor moves and connects throttle cavities of the over-
flow valves К2 with drain hydraulic line. The pressure behind throttle of the overflow valve is reduced, the valve
gets opened and connects head ends of hydraulic cylinders with the drain hydraulic line, which excludes the
body lifting while the truck moving.
To exclude spontaneous body lowering while the truck maneuvering during the unloading the electromag-
net of hydraulic distributor Р10 is disconnected from the circuit by the special switch, mounted on the instrumen-
tation panel.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Dumping mechanism
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Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Regulator unit is intended for stageless change of pump supply. Piston stroke value is defined by the
slope angle of base plate 6, which is defined by the spool-valve position of working fluid shutoff valve 21 by the
pressure and maximum supply restriction. The valve is adjusted to the maximum pressure of 16, 5 МPа.
The spool-valve is adjusted to pressure of 1.8 MPa and serves for restriction of working fluid flow to the
steering system.
Maximum and minimum pumpage is limited by the adjusting screws 7.
The pump is main and the most expensive part of hydrosystem, so reliable operation of pump influences
on successive operation of the hydrosystem in whole.
To exclude operation of the pump without grease after repair or maintenance of the hydrosystem it is
necessary to move away the air from suction ducts. For that:
– open choke of oil tank;
– loosen plug 19, remove air from the pump casing. Then tighten the plug.
Filters. At the delivery line of the reciprocating pump two filters Ф3 are installed (see Figure 14.1).
At the body 4 (See Figure 14.4) the filtering element 3 is installed. For provision of impermeability the
plug 2 is placed from the one side, the bushing 6 is from the other side, the packing rings are installed in their
slots. Plug, filtering element and bushing are tightened by spring 1 to the filter 5 cover, which is heaped up on
the body. The overflow valve, which actuates under the clogging of filter element, is mounted into the filter
cover. The filter separates the mechanical impurities with size of 0,01mm from the working fluid.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Plate (magnet filter) ФМ (figure 14.1) is mounted in the drainage line of the hydrosystem and is intended
for purification of working fluid from metal particles.
Working fluid flows along drain oil ducts via apertures in the plate 3 (figure 14.5) into the inner space.
Magnets 2 clean working fluid from metal particles. Then working fluid flows to drainage into oil tank via aper-
ture in the adaptor 4.
Hydraulic distributor is intended for change of the working fluid flow direction from pumps of united
hydraulic system to the rod and head ends of hydraulic cylinders or for the drainage to the oil tank. It consists
of two delivery bodies 1 and 3 (See Figure 14.6), drain casing body 2, two distributors of slide type 5, overflow
valves 8, safety valves 6 and auxiliary valves 7.
Spool-valves 18 of hydraulic distributors – three-positioned, with spring return to the neutral position.
Spool-valves are shifted by the working fluid pressure from the control unit, which feeds to the end caps 9 of
hydraulic distributors.
Safety pump valves, located on the feeding bodies 1 and 3, are constructively the same. Each valve
consists of auxiliary valve 7 and safety valve 6.
Safety valve is operated in the following way. Under the pressure excess higher than the pressure of tun-
ing valve 22, the tuning valve gets opened and joins to the behind – throttle cavity with drainage. At that valve15
is shifted, squeezing the spring, and joins the main flow of working fluid to the drainage, as the differential pres-
sure is formed on the throttle valve 15 opening. The rod 20 supports the tuning valve 22 and prevents from the
valve auto-oscillations.
The working fluid flows from the impeller pump of the united hydraulic system to the ducts VII and VIII.
Under the neutral position of spool-valve the ducts VII and VIII are joined to the drain ducts III. Under the sup-
ply of control pressure from the control unit to the ducts I or V the spool-valve 18 is shifted in opposite direction
and direct the flow of working fluid from pumps through ducts II or IV to the certain cavities of hydraulic cylin-
ders. At that reverse cavities are joined to the drain hydraulic line.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Control unit. Control unit is intended for control of body raising, sinking and stop in intermediate posi-
tions. It consists of casing 8 (figure 14.7) to which hydraulic distributors 10 with electromagnetic control are at-
tached. Casing channel contains sleeve 6 and spool valve 7 of reducing valve which is being adjusted for cer-
tain pressure with adjusting bolt 1. Casing channels are marked with letters by percussion method.
Reducing valve reduces working fluid pressure flowing from pumps from 16 MPa up to (3 +0.2) MPa and
sustains it at constant level in hydraulic system of dumping mechanism control.
To adjust reducing valve provide working fluid pressure of 4 - 20 Mpa into channel P, connect drain line
from channel T into tank, connect pressure gauge with measuring range 10 Mpa to c channel M. With electric
magnets switched off adjust reducing valve by adjusting bolt for pressure (3+0.2) MPa.
Cylinders of dumping mechanism – telescopic, three-staged, with one stage of double action.
Under the lifting the operation fluid feeds through the cavity IV (See Figure 14.8) and inner tube 3 into
the head end I. Under the operation fluid pressure the cap 1 and external tube 7, rigidly joined to it, are moved.
At the end of moving forward the external tube is abutted by bead against the bead of the second telescopic
tube 6 and its moving forward begins. Then the third tube 5 moves forward together with bush 8. Under the ful-
ly moved forward third tube the bush moves pushers and opens balls 2 of the overflow valves and communi-
cates the head and rod cavities between them. The pumped operation fluid is drained into the oil tank.
The bed lowering is realized forcedly. The operation fluid feeds through cavity III to the rod end II, and
the tube 3 together with bush is shifted down up to the piston stop to the limited ring. Displaced out of piston
ends operation fluid by the inner pipe 3 drains into the oil tank.
Fastening of hydraulic cylinders to the frame and bed is realized by the ball bearings 5 (See Figure
14.9). Lubrication of low and upper rests is realized through lubricators 6.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Oil tank of united hydraulic system of dumping mechanism, steering and brake system of load-carrying
structure, is mounted on the right frame longeron.
Working fluid feeds from tank to pumps under the opened throttle 20 (See Figure 14.10) through suckers
6 located in the tank bottom. Drainage of operation fluid to the tank from hydraulic system through plate 3
The level of operation fluid at the tank is controlled by sight by lower and upper indicators through eyes
11 of level. The level of working fluid should be not higher the middle of upper eye under the uncharged hy-
draulic accumulators and not lower the middle of lower eye under the charged hydraulic accumulators.
Oil tank is equipped by electric gauge, which under the reducing of working fluid level up to the emer-
gency one and under the dumping mechanism operation gives signal to switching of pilot lamp, located on
control panel, by gauge of filter element 17 clogging and by gauge of working fluid temperature control.
Surplus of working fluid is drained through overflow valves 4. For full drainage of working fluid from tank
the magnetic drain plugs 7 are extra unscrewed.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Before removal of suction hoses of pumps the oil tank is overlapped by the sleeve valve 20. The sleeve
valve is closed by the cap 21 rotation counterclockwise.
Before engine start, after hydraulic system repair, it’s necessary to open the sleeve valve as under the
closed sleeve valve the operation fluid don’t supply to the pumps and they will be out of order.
The one-stage oil filter with safety valve15, actuated under the clogging of filter element 17, is mounted in
the tank body at the drain pipe line of hydraulic system.
Filling of tank with working fluid is carried out from oil-dispensing column through mouth, which by plug
18 is closed or by special filling device through filling valve 5.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Special attention should be paid to the quality of operation fluid purification, timely change of filter ele-
ments of hydraulic system filters and air filters of breather, as the purity of operation fluid is one of the main
factors influencing on the reliability and durability of hydraulic system operation.
Daily maintenance.
At daily maintenance:
– check by sight the state and fastening of pipes and hoses of the hydraulic system and if necessary
tighten them (at the leakage places);
– check the level of operation fluid at the tank of united hydraulic system.
The level of operation fluid at the tank should be not higher the middle of upper eyelet under the dis-
charged pneumohydraulic accumulators, and not lower the middle of lower eyelet under the charged ones (after
the engine start).
At the hydraulic system the operation fluids should be used in accordance with the operation season and
ambient air temperature. Recommended fluids depending on climatic service conditions are shown at the table
14.1, at that the import oils are recommended.
Don’t mix different oil grades.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Operating characteristics of operation fluids should correspond the values at the table 14.2.
Table 14.2 – Operating characteristics of operation fluids
There is need to remember that dirty operation fluid is the main reason of premature wear and faults of
dumping mechanism, steering, brake system and pump units.
It’s recommended to perform the first change of operation fluid in 300 500 operation hours. The follow-
ing changes are in 4000 5000 hours, but not later than seasonal servicing.
In case of operation fluid overheat (tр>95ºC) it’s required after the elimination of overheat reason to carry
out extra change of operation fluid, as under the long operation of the hydraulic system with high temperatures
the rapid degradation of operation fluid and lost of its operational properties.
Before the exit to the line under the low ambient temperatures the operation fluid at the oil tank should
be heated. For operation fluid heating, launch the motor and operate without pump loading up to the achieve-
ment of temperature 15 С at the tank.
Technical maintenance 1 (ТM–1).
During ТM–1:
-- check hoses of hydrosystem and their fastening, Hoses with leeks, blisters, cracks, inelasticity are to
be replaced. Tighten hoses attachment.
Technical maintenance 2 (ТM–2).
During ТM–2:
– replace filter element at the oil tank of united hydraulic system;
– replace filter element of tank breather of united hydraulic system;
– replace filter element of filters (two filters) installed at the pressure line of axial-plunger pump;
Seasonal maintenance (SM).
During seasonal maintenance:
– unscrew magnet separator 1 (figure 14.5) from plate 3, clean magnets 2 of metal particles and screw
in the separator back;
– wash the tank of united hydraulic system. Internal tank face should be clear, without sludgy deposits.
Pay attention to that at the hydraulic system the mounting of the following filter elements is provided:
– Реготмас 690А-1-24/19 УХЛ2 ТУ 3689-003-26361511-94 (rated consumption not less 700 l/min, maxi-
mum differential pressure not less 4 bar) – in the oil tank of united hydraulic system;
– Реготмас 631В-1-19 УХЛ2 ТУ 3689-003-26361511-94 (rated consumption not less 160 l/min, maxi-
mum differential pressure not less 9 bar) – at the steering filter of axial-plunger pump pressure line;
– ЭВФ-3-1 ТУ 3689-004-26361511-94 – at the breather of oil tank.
Dumping mechanism
75135-3902015 IM
Fire-fighting system
75135-3902015 IM
The combined fire-fighting system is intended for extinguishing of inflammations of A, B and C danger
grades and for extinguishing of fire on electrical equipment energized up to 1000 V. On customer’s demand
dump truck can be equipped with fire-fighting system with automatic actuation of powder-type fire-fighting line.
75135-3902015 IM
In locking-starting head (See Fig. 15.2) gas make from cylinder is locked by membrane 15. Primer 4
serves for holding pyrocartridge 3 and current supply. Wire 5 "+" is connected to central terminal and wire 6 "–"
is connected to case.
At pressing of electric start-up button voltage is applied on pyrocartridge 3, pyrocartridge operates and
powder gases displace piston 13 downwards, membrane 15 gets broken and gas from bulb 12 (see Figure
15.1) passes through reducer 8, then through gas pipeline 7 it moves in powder tank 1 where it effects the
powder. Gas suspension of dust under pressure of 1,2
МPа, tearing membrane fuse 6, which serves for pre-
vention of steam penetration from atmosphere, is eject-
ed through powder pipeline 4 into the engine compart-
ment and on fuel and oil tanks.
The system can be actuated manually. In order to
do that pull out the cotter on locking-starting head 9 (see
Figure 15.2) and push the bar 10. Rod 11 moves down-
wards, pushes piston 13, membrane 15 gets pierced
and gas moves in powder tank.
Filling of tank with powder is performed through
corresponding bore on case of tank. In order to prevent
clogging of powder-type fire-fighting line canals, the size
of powder lumps should not exceed 2 mm.
Fire-fighting system
75135-3902015 IM
Solution-type line serves for fire extinguishing in places outside of powder-type fire-fighting line protect-
ed zone and in places of repeated inflammation. At opening of valve of bulb 13 (see Figure 15.1), gas through
reducer 14 moves into tank 21 with solution of chloride calcium. Over solution the pressure of 1.2 МPа is cre-
ated, the pressure displaces solution in intake 20 and hose16. Solution is ejected at pressing of locking device
bar 19 to given direction on distance up to 10 m.
15.4 Maintenance
The tank of powder-type fire-fighting line is filled with powder. Prior to beginning of operation of dump
truck fill tank of solution-type line with solution of chloride calcium, loosen powder, check pressure of gas in
cylinders, vent powder pipelines and pipe ducts, install pyrocartridge (included in spare parts kit) in locking-
starting head of bulb.
Daily maintenance.
At daily maintenance:
– shiftly perform external examination of the system. During visual inspection test reliability of threaded
connections, presence of seals on bulbs, reducers, control unit and remote actuation console.
Seasonal maintenance (SM).
During seasonal maintenance:
– wash solution tank intake, vent powder pipeline and pipe ducts, and apply gas to clean powder (air or
nitrogen) under pressure of 0.5 – 1,2 MPa;
– test pressure of gas in bulbs and if necessary recharge them;
– check the density of aqueous solution of calcium chloride of sprinkler solution line.
In order to perform washing of solution tank intake unscrew hose 16 (see Figure 15.1) from solution
tank 21 and take out intake 20. Wash intake, install it back on its place and connect hose.
In order to perform venting of powder pipeline 4 and pipe ducts disconnect them from tank 1 and
connect with source of compressed gas. Open valve and make sure that there is a gas make from bores of
pipe duct. Disconnect powder pipeline from source of gas and connect powder pipeline with tank, having pre-
liminarily made sure that membrane fuse 6 is installed in its place.
Fire-fighting system
75135-3902015 IM
Loosening of powdering.
Procedure of operation:
– disconnect reducer 8 from gas cylinder 12;
– disconnect powder pipeline 4 from tank 1 and take out membrane fuse 6;
– install on place of membrane choke (included in spare parts kit). Connect with tank powder pipeline 4;
– turn out bolt 2 of filling neck 3;
– connect reducer 8 with bulb containing compressed nitrogen or air under pressure of 2 – 15 MPa;
– open valve of bulb up to exit of dust from bore of filling neck 3. If air with dust from bore of neck does
not go out define reason and eliminate failure;
– switch off feeding gas and after gas make is over from filling neck disconnect bulb from reducer;
– connect reducer 8 with bulb 12 of powder-type fire-fighting line, turn on filling neck bolt 2, disconnect
from tank powder pipeline, remove choke, install membrane and connect powder pipeline 4.
For inspection of pressure in bulb with valve unscrew from bulb cap nut of reducer and connect
measuring device (included in spare parts kit). Open valve of bulb and define pressure of gas on manometer of
measuring device. Enclose valve on bulb and, having pressed button release gas from measuring device. Dis-
connect measuring device and connect reducer to bulb. At misfit of pressure of gas recharge bulb up to pres-
sure specified in technical data. Recharging of bulbs with air or nitrogen is to be performed with corresponding
compressors or from transport bulbs up to pressure specified in table 15.1.
For inspection of pressure in bulb with locking-starting head unscrew from bulb cap nut of reducer and
to screw choke on working nipple 14 (see Figure 15.2) head. Unscrew from head fuse 4 take out pyrocartridge
3 and disconnect ‘minus’ wire 6. Take out bulb from basket and fix horizontally valve 1 downwards in special
device or bench screw. Turn out bolt 2 and turn manometer (included in spare parts kit). Define pressure of
gas on manometer. Turn out manometer and turn against stop bolt 2. Install bulb in basket, remove choke from
working nipple 14 and connect reducer. Insert pyrocartridge 3, turn fuse 4 and connect ‘minus’ wire 6.
At misfit of pressure of gas recharge bulb up to pressure specified in technical data. Recharging of bulb
with locking-starting head is to be performed on specialized factories.
Fire-fighting system
75135-3902015 IM
If by results of measurement density of chloride calcium water solution does not correspond to the val-
ues specified in table 15.2 replace solution or finish density with maintenance of dump truck required depend-
ing on climatic region. Solution with freezing temperature minus 50 С is to be prepared at rate of 42 kg of an-
hydrous chloride calcium on 100 l tap water, and for other temperatures – according to table 15.2. In a day so-
lution is to be carefully mixed and it is necessary to measure its density: it should correspond to data of table
15.2. Shelf life of solution is unrestricted. In filled in solution there should not be mechanical admixtures with
size of more than 2 mm. Filling of tank with solution is made through any of bores on case of tank.
If it is detected during operation, that fire-fighting agent is not ejected from tanks; this fault can be elimi-
nated through following operations:
– test pressure of gas in bulbs. If necessary charge bulbs or replace them;
– vent powder pipeline and pipe ducts;
– perform loosening of powder;
– test whether the solution in tank of solution line has frozen. If necessary, replace solution.
If on control unit LED "Failure" is lighted it is necessary to test wires and joints of device of remote ac-
tuation control.
Fire-fighting system
75135-3902015 IM
Operation features
75135-3902015 IM
Operation features
75135-3902015 IM
To slow down dump truck reduce speed of crankshaft, having released motion treadle. If treadle is set in
zero position, power circuit of haul mode is disconnected and stops torque transfer to driving wheels, dump
truck goes in running-out mode.
When speed of dump truck motion exceeds admissible one, the haul mode of electric drive automatically
is set to the mode of electric braking operation and warning lamp lights up on instrumentation panel. For con-
sequent turning on power circuit of haul mode it is necessary to release motion treadle in zero position and
press it again (so long as dump truck speed is reduced approx. up to 30 km/h).
Haul electric drive comprises safety device:
– at exceeding of admissible value of voltage in power circuit;
– at exceeding of admissible value of current in power circuits;
– at exceeding of admissible value of current of armature circuits of haul motors;
– at short-circuit of rectifiers;
– at skidding of motorized wheels;
– at reversing of dump truck in regime of augmented electric braking operation;
– at exceeding of admissible values of temperature of electrical equipment.
At actuation of above mentioned safety devices program control unit receives corresponding signal and
unit shuts down circuit of excitation of haul generator and power circuit; on instrumentation panel warning lamp
of safety device actuation is powered up.
For consequent turning on of haul electric drive it is necessary to release motion treadle in zero position
and push button F5 on the display board (seek details in the electric drive manual).
Operation features
75135-3902015 IM
Towing with hitching to rear cross bar of body is made in extreme cases on short distances. In this case
steerable wheels of towed dump truck should be set in position corresponding to forward motion.
Body of towed dump truck should be completely unloaded.
Maximum force to hitch-mechanism of haul truck should not exceed 41000 kg.
Operation features
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
1 Check the level and, if necessary, fill up oil into In accordance with engine operation manual
the engine pan
2 Check the level and, if necessary, fill up coolant Overflow bottle of cooling system on the truck
into the engine cooling system BELAZ-75135 should be filled with coolant up to
the lower pipe butt of filler neck
3 Check the level and, if necessary, fill up fuel in- Pour up to the maximum level
to the tank
4 Drain residue from the tank Residue should be drained in 30-40 minutes af-
ter fueling until pure fuel appears
5 Check the level and, if necessary, fill up opera- The level should not be higher the middle of up-
tion fluid into the oil tank of united hydrosystem per eyelet when pneumatic hydroaccumulators
are discharged, and not lower the middle of low-
er eyelet when, pneumatic hydroaccumulators
are charged (after the engine is started up). See
section “Maintenance of dumping mechanism”
6 Check the level and, if necessary, fill up fluid in- Pour up to the maximum level
to the tank of windshield washer
7 Check the level and, if necessary, add anti- Defroster is primed with antifreeze only when
freeze into the reservoir of pneumatic system the ambient temperature is below 5 0С. See the
defroster section “Pneumatic system maintenance”
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
25 Link up “ground”. Check the serviceability of At pushing button of pilot lamps block all the op-
pilot lamps, inspection tool, illumination ele- erative lamps should light up
ments, light and sound signaling
26 Start up the engine. Make sure engine system The motor should operate stably on the whole
are in order. Check on the move the serviceabil- motor speed. Controls, brake systems, illumina-
ity of steering, brake systems, lighting and sig- tion and signaling systems should be operative
naling systems
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
5 Check and if required tune the gap between See section “Electric motor-wheel maintenance” Kit of wrenches
the torsion shaft and rest
6 Examine by sight the cracks presence at the In case of cracks detection on the reducer body
zone of: of electromotor wheel – replace body, on the
1. joint of the back axle housing with the re- back axle housing – dress the cracks and weld
ducer of motor wheel;
2. welding of the arm flange of back axle
3. welding of the lower bracket of torque arm
7 Tighten the fastening joints: See the tightening torques at the appendix A Kit of wrenches
1. the bolts of fastening of upper and lower
cylinder foot of front suspension;
2. the nuts of spherical bearings of front and
rear suspension;
3. the bolts of traction motors fastening to the
reducers of electro motor wheels;
4. the bolts of motor wheels fastening to the
back axle housing
8 Examine the state of welds of suspension There shouldn’t be cracks. Weld discovered
bracket and check the state of welded joints cracks
of frame and platform
9 Check the oil level at the casings of suspen- See section “Suspension maintenance”
sion cylinder. If necessary pour up to the level
of control plug
10 Check the suspension cylinder charging by See section “Suspension maintenance” Characteristic line
gas and if necessary charge 7513-3924130, balloon with
nitrogen, adaptation
11 Wash the filter element of filters of steering, Under the detection of faulted filter elements re- Kit of wrenches
brake and dumping gear mounted at the place them
pressure line of impeller pump
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Quantity of lu-
sition at the
figure 17.1
Name of the lubrication point Maintenance operation
Lubricant type and brand
(unit, joint, capacity) guidelines
10 Reducers of electro motor Mobilube GX 85W/90A (Mobil) M-1 Check the oil level
wheels 2 Mobilube SHC 75W/90LS Change oil
2500 ч
– Cups of reducer case of electro Lubricant Литол-24 Add through lubricators in
motor wheel 4 Lubricant Лита M-1 150 g of lubrication into
each cup hole
Substitute: lubricant Фиол-2
8 Suspension cylinders Damping fluid Add fluid under the each
ЛУКОЙЛ-АЖ charging if necessary
Substitutes :
4 Damping fluid M-2
Damping fluid
–* Spherical bearings of suspen- Lubricant Литол-24 Lubricate through lubrica-
sion cylinders Lubricant Лита tors up to the fresh lubrica-
8 M-2
tion appearance from the
safety valves
–* Central hinges of the front axle Lubricant Литол-24 Lubricate through lubrica-
and back axle suspensions Lubricant Лита tors up to the fresh lubrica-
2 M-1
tion appearance from un-
der compactors
–* Cross bar hinges of front axle Lubricant Литол-24 Lubricate through lubrica-
and back axle suspensions Lubricant Лита tors up to the fresh lubrica-
4 TM-2
tion appearance from un-
der compactors
1 Bearings of front wheels hubs Lubricant Литол-24 Take off hubs, wash bear-
Once a ings and fill lubrication
2 Lubricant Лита
Substitute: lubricant Фиол-2
2* Bushings of front axle pivot Lubricant Литол-24 Lubricate through lubrica-
4 Lubricant Лита M-2 tors in amount of 0,2 – 0,3
kg for each knuckle lug
Substitute: lubricant Фиол-2
12 Cardan shaft hinges of the pump Lubricant № 158М Lubricate through lubrica-
drive of united hydrosystem tors up to the fresh lubrica-
2 M-1
tion appearance from un-
der compactors
11 Spline joint of the cardan shaft of Lubricant Литол-24 Lubricate through lubrica-
united hydrosystem pump drive Lubricant Лита tors up to the fresh lubrica-
1 M-2
tion appearance from the
Substitute: lubricant Фиол-2
hole in plug
– Spline joint of the cardan shaft of 1 Lubricant Литол-24 Once a Lubricate by lamina under
steering Lubricant Лита year the assemblage
Substitute: lubricant Фиол-2
– Hinges of the steering cardan Lubricant № 158М Once a Dismantle units and fill lu-
shaft year brication
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
servicing imple-
Number of po-
Quantity of lu-
Frequency of
sition at the
figure 17.1
Designation of lubrication Directions on servicing
Name and grade of lubrication
points (unit, joint, capacity) implementation
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
servicing imple-
Number of po-
Quantity of lu-
Frequency of
sition at the
figure 17.1
Designation of lubrication Directions on servic-
Name and grade of lubrication
points (unit, joint, capacity) ing implementation
– Electric motor of priming pumps Lubricant Литол-24 Once a year Dismantle the bearing
2 components, wash and fill
the fresh lubrication
– Bearings of low-voltage genera- See operation manual on generator
– Bearings of pneumatic starter 6 See operation manual on pneumatic starter
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Irregular (redundant or insuf- Incorrect time of pump opera- Check the pump time set-up
ficient) lubrication of lubrica- tion and pause
tion points. Some friction
units emit more lubricant
through the valve or clear-
ances than others
Technical maintenance
75135-3902015 IM
Operational materials
75135-3902015 IM
During operation of dump trucks use only recommended brands of service materials which quality is to
be certified.
18.1 Fuel
Fuel for the engine is to be applied in accordance with recommendations, stated in the Engine Operation
Depending on the ambient temperature fuel of following grades according to ГОСТ 305-82 (Standard) is
to be applied:
- Л-40 (summer) - at ambient temperature 0 С and higher;
- З – minus 35 (winter) - at ambient temperature minus 20 С and higher;
- З – minus 45 (winter) - at ambient temperature minus 35 С and higher;
- A (arctic) - at ambient temperature minus 50 С and higher.
To prevent fuel system failure because of water availability in fuel, it is recommended to refuel the tank
with fuel been settled for 10 days.
18.2 Lubricants
Motor oils are necessary for applying according to recommendations of firms – manufacturers of the mo-
tors, stated in corresponding instructions on their operation.
Transmission oils, working fluid for hydraulic systems (hydraulic oils) and plastic greasing it is necessary
to apply according to a season and climatic conditions of dump trucks operation.
The list of lubricants and recommendations for their applying depending on ambient temperature are
given in table 18.1.
List of lubricants and their substitutes are given in the table 18.2.
Lubricants substitutes
Lubricants brand Classification,
Manufacturer Substitutes brand
Operational materials
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Lubricants substitutes
Lubricants brand Classification,
Manufacturer Substitutes brand
18.3 Coolant
It is recommended to apply to the cooling system all-the-year-round special antifreeze coolants in ac-
cordance with Engine Operation Manual.
18.4 Nitrogen
For charging of the suspension cylinders as well as pneumatic hydroaccumulators of service brake sys-
tem and steering gaseous technical nitrogen (GOST 9293-74 «Nitrogen gaseous and liquid ») is applied.
Gaseous technical nitrogen is delivered in steel seamless cylinders under pressure (15.0±0.5) МPа. Cyl-
inders are painted in black color. On the upper part of the cylinder the inscription "NITROGEN" of yellow color
and circular marking stripe of brown color are put down.
Dump trucks storage rules. Transportation
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Dump trucks storage rules. Transportation
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Twice a year:
– charge storage batteries;
– grease all points according to the scheme of greasing;
– check up impermeability of units and systems.
In a year of storage:
– depreserve the dump truck;
– start up the engine, warm it up to operational temperature and listen to its work on different modes;
– check up work of systems and units by instrumentations;
– check up work of the haul electric drive;
– make repeated preservation.
19.4 Transportation
Dump trucks can be transported by railway, water and air transport.
The dump trucks are shipped from the manufacturing plant being partially disassembled.
At transportation by railway it is necessary to be guided by instruction ДЧ-1835 on transportation of
oversized and heavy cargoes on railways with a track of 1520 mm.
Accommodation and fastening of dump trucks in partially disassembled condition on an open railway
rolling stock should be carried out within the limits of bulkiness: lower – third, side – fourth, upper – second
At transportation of the dump truck in the cab, in plain view the label should be set with instructions on:
– water removing from systems or refilling them with antifreeze coolant;
– disconnection and state of storage batteries (with or without electrolyte);
– grease information in units and mechanisms.
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Tightening torques of the most responsible threaded connections are resulted in the Table A.
Tightening torque
№ The name of the threaded connection
1 Fastening nut of the fan wheel on shaft of the traction generator 882 – 980
2 Fastening bolts of the traction electric motor to reducer of the motor - wheel 800 – 1000
3 Fastening bolts of the electric motor-wheel to housing of the rear axle 500 – 550
4 Fastening bolts of the thrust ring of a motor - wheel reducer 400 – 440
5 Spherical support nuts of the cylinder fastening of the front suspension 1600 – 2000
6 Spherical support nuts of the cylinder fastening of the rear suspension 1800 – 2000
7 Clamping nut of the suspension cylinder 9000 – 10000
8 Fastening bolts of the upper arm of the front suspension cylinder to steering knuckle 910 – 1020
and upper arm and to arm frame
9 Eye fastening bolts of the front suspension central hinge to the central lever 910 – 1020
10 Finger fastening bolts of the central hinge of front suspension 1100 – 1250
11 Eye fastening nuts of the rear suspension central hinge to the central lever 1200 – 1500
12 Finger fastening nut of the rear suspension central hinge (after tightening the nut to 1800 – 2000
tighten on angle 60 (one side))
13 Fingers fastening bolts of front suspension the cross-section bar 2400 – 3000
14 Fastening bolts of pressure plates to the finger of rear suspension a cross-section 360 – 440
15 Fastening bolts of the pressure ring to a steering knuckle 100 – 140
16 Adjusting bushes (for adjustment of conic bearings of the front wheel hub ) 100 – 140
17 Fastening bolts of the case of the front wheels to a steering knuckle 1500 – 1800
18 Fastening nuts of the steering trapeze lever to steering knuckle 800 – 1000
19 Terminal connections nuts of a traction steering trapeze 110 – 140
20 Nuts on conical pin of turning cylinders 500 – 700
21 Fastening bolts of the brake mechanisms internal cheeks of rear wheels 550 – 700
22 Fastening nuts of the brake mechanisms internal cheeks of rear wheels 370 – 450
23 Fastening nuts of front wheels 1150 – 1300
24 Fastening nuts of rear wheels 800 – 900
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