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Vocabulary for English

Autor: Buzdugan Nicoleta Gr 2007

Term Difinition Translati
1.Advocacy Public support of an idea, plan or way of doing something or the work of Avocatură,
 /ˈæd.və.kə defending people in court. susținere,apă
.si/ eg. The Prison Law Office  provides  free legal advocacy to inmates. rare
2.Allegation A statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but hasn’t Afirmație
/ˌæl.ə been proved.
ˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ eg. The allegations of  corruption  were not  true.
3.Attorney A person who has the legal right to act for someone else, on behalf of a Avocat, jurist
 /əˈtɜː.ni/ defendant, for example.
eg. The  defence  attorney  requested  an adjournment.
4.Assets Things, like money or buildings, that a person or a company owns. Active,capita
/ˈæs.et/ eg. The company's assets are  periodically  revalued. l
5. Ad hoc Made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned Special,
 /ˌæd ˈhɒk/ before it happens; for this purpose numai pentru
eg. The ad hoc committee will  meet next  week. cazul acesta,
numai pentru
un anumit
6. Ab initio From the beginning De la început
eg. In  view of these omissions,
the proceedings to  recover  possession  fail ab initio.
7. Adjudicator Is somebody who decides who is right and what should be done in a Arbitrator
/ə disagreement or dispute
ˈdʒuː.dɪ.keɪ.t eg. She  acted  as adjudicator in the dispute.
8. Appellant Is a person who appeals to a higher court in order to get it to change a Reclamnat
/əˈpelənt/ decision or a sentence imposed by a lower court.
eg. The  jury acquitted the appellants on the  conspiracy  as it
was originally charged.
9.Applicant A person who applies for a court order. Solicitant
/ˈæp.lɪ.kənt/ eg. How many applicants did you have for  the job?

10. Act for To represent a person, company, in a court of law. A inlocui

/ækt/ eg. There are few exceptions to the rule  that a  solicitor may not act  for
both  seller and buyer.
11. Bailiff (In the UK ) an official who takes away someone's possessions when Executor
/ˈbeɪ.lɪf/ they owe money: judecatoresc
(In the US) an official who is responsible for prisoners who
are appearing in court
(In the UK ) a person whose job is to take care of someone
else's land or property
eg. They didn't pay  their rent, so the landlord called/sent in  the bailiffs.
12.Barrister A type of  lawyer in the UK , Australia, and some other countries who can Avocat
/ˈbær.ɪ.stər/ give specialized legal advice and can argue a case in pledant
both higher and lower courts
Eg. A man observed the barrister of the criminal who was waiting for the
decision of the jury.
13. Breach An act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship Încălcare,ra
/briːtʃ/  eg. The  theatre  was in breach of the safety  laws for having no fire  doors. mură
14. Bind To make something a legal requirement,  (if  a legal agreement or A face ceva
/baɪnd/ official decision binds someone, it forces them to do something or legal
to keep a promise).
eg. There are several different  ways to bind a book, for example you
can stitch  or stick  the pages together.
15. Bona fide In good faith, legal or honest De bună
 /ˌbəʊ.nə eg. Make  sure you are dealing with a  bona  fide company. credință
16. Be in To have a serious disagreement with another person În litigiu
17. Bullying Using one’s strength or power to frighten, hurt or put pressure on someone Agresiune,
/ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/ who is weaker or smaller to make them do what you want. indimidare
eg. Bullying is a problem in many schools.
18. Charity An organization that exists in order to collect money, food or goods and Caritate
/ˈtʃær.ə.ti/ give them to people who need them.
eg. UNICEF  is an international charity.
19. Claim The document a person fills in to start a civil legal case. A depune o
form eg. His  claim form  - lodged in the cerere
/ˈkleɪm High Court  - lists  seven  pages  of alleged defects.
20. The process of legally transferring the ownership of land or buildings from Transfer
Conveyancing one person to another, from seller to buyer, for instance.
/kən eg. When we bought our  house, we did our  own conveyancing instead of
ˈveɪ.ən.sɪŋ/ using a  lawyer.
21. Criminal The law that punishes acts against a person or against property that people Drept penal
Law consider to be harmful to the whole community.
/ˌkrɪm.ɪ.nəl eg. Investigation of breaches of
ˈlɔː/ the criminal  law is  generally  the responsibility of the police.
22. Client Is a person who is represented by a lawyer. Client
/ˈklaɪ.ənt/ eg. Mr  Black has been a client  of this  firm for many years.
23. Claimant Is a person who takes legal action against someone in the civil courts. Reclamant
/ˈkleɪ.mənt/ eg. The claimant commenced this  action  to recover damages that
were sustained while  working  for the  defendant.
24. Convict Is somebody who is kept in prison as punishment for a crime. Condamnă
 /kənˈvɪkt/ eg. an  escaped  convict
25. Coroner Is a public official who investigates the cause of death or the reason for it, Procuror
/ˈkɒr.ə.nər/ especially if it is sudden or unexpected.
26. Counsel Is the term for a 16 across acting for one of the parties in a legal action. Consilier
/ˈkaʊn.səl/ eg. Maloney skipped the  meeting  on the  advice  of counsel.
27. A payment for a service that becomes part of a contract, in other words, plată pentru
Consideration something of value given by one person or group signing a contract in serviciu
/kənˌsɪd.ə exchange for something given by the other.
ˈreɪ.ʃən/ eg. After some consideration, we've  decided  to sell  the house.
28. Contract A legal document that states and  explains a formal agreement between two contract
/ˈkɒn.trækt/ different people or groups, or the agreement itself.
eg. When  wet fibers  dry, they contract.
29. Capital Money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used Capital
/ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/ for producing more wealth or for starting a new business
Eg, London used to be the  financial  capital of the  world.
30. Case Law based on decisions that have been made by judges in the past.law that Caz
/keɪs/ is based on the results of previous court cases.
eg. I wouldn't normally agree but I'll make an exception in this  case.
31. Civil law The body of private law developed from Roman law and used in Drept civil
/ˌsɪv.əl ˈlɔː/ Louisiana and in many countries outside the English-speaking world;the
law of civil or private rights;the part of
the legal system that relates to personal matters, such
as marriage and property, rather than crime
US shareholders are  suing  the company under civil  law for  deliberately  mi
sleading  investors.
32. Damages Money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else for harming Daune
/ˈdæm·ɪ·dʒɪ them or their property, to cover the cost of the harm.
z/ eg. They were awarded $500,000 in damages.
33. To behave differently towards a person, usually in the workplace, because Disciminare
Discriminate of his/her age, sex or the colour of the skin.
 /dɪ eg. It is  illegal  to discriminate on the basis  of race,  sex, national origin,
ˈskrɪm.ɪ.ne or age.
34. Divorce The legal ending of a marriage. Adivorța
/dɪˈvɔːs/ eg. Divorce is on the increase.
35. De facto Really existing, even if there is no formal legal document Real
/ˌdeɪ eg. He's her de facto  husband  though they're not actually married.
36. De jure Recognized and supported by law de drept, de
/ˌdeɪ eg. The  ruling  invalidated  de jure  segregation  in public schooling. jure, potrivit
ˈdʒʊə.reɪ/ legii
37. Defendant Is someone who is sued in a civil case or somebody who is accused of a Pârît
 /dɪ crime in a criminal case.
ˈfen.dənt/ eg. The  jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant
was innocent.
38. Duty A legal obligation, e.g., jury duty Datorie
/ˈdʒuː.ti/ eg. The duty of the agency is to  act in the best  interests  of the  child.
39. Device A legal technique used to reach an appropriate decision. metodă
 /dɪˈvaɪs/ eg. You can stream  music on  your tablet or other mobile device. juridică,
40. Deal with To talk to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your job A avea de-a
/diːl/ eg. The  pub  trade  is one  area  where the  ability to  deal  with people is face
very important.
41. Debt Something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or Creanță
/det/ the state of owing something;
money owed;
eg. The  national  debt  stands  at 55  billion  dollars.
42. Dispute An argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, Dispută,
/ˈdɪspjuːt/ for example, workers and employers or two countries with contestă
a common border
eg. The  judge  urged  the feuding partners to  settle their  legal dispute .
43. Draft A piece of text, a formal suggestion, or a drawing in its original state, A întocmi
/drɑːft/ often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form
eg. I've knocked out a first draft of the report which we can amend at
a later  date.
44. The law that deals with people’s rights, pay or conditions in the workplace. Dreptul
Employment eg. muncii
Law Employment  law covers  a wide  range  of issues  from pension plans and re
tirement, to  occupational  safety, to discrimination in the workplace
45. Et alii And others. și alții
It is used in formal writing to avoid a long list of names of people who
have written something together
46. Et cetera And other things of the same kind Arată că
/ɪt ˈset.ər.ə/ eg. enumerarea
ar putea fi
47. Exempli A Latin phrase that means "for example". It can be pronounced as "e.g." De exempu
gratia eg. Ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by
/eks ˈɡreɪ.ʃə/ the spillage.
48. Family law An area of law dealing with family relations including divorce, adoption, Dreptul
paternity, custody, and support; familiei
49. Formation The development or creation of a company, organization. Creare unei
of a business afaceri
50. Foreman The person who is elected by the other 11 members of 4 down. Maistru
/ˈfɔː.mən/ eg. After four years  on the  job, he was  promoted  to foreman.
51. Goods Things for sale, or the things that you own Bunuri
/ɡʊdz/ eg. They  sell leather goods such as wallets,  purses, and briefcases.
52. Grounds An area used for a particular purpose Motive/justif
/ɡrɑʊndz/ eg. We  strolled around the hospital grounds. icări
53. Harm Physical or other injury or damage A dăuna
 /hɑːm/ eg. Both  deny  conspiring  to cause actual bodily harm.
54. Hear To receive or become conscious of a sound using your ears A auzi
 /hɪər/ eg. My  grandfather  is getting  old and can't hear very well.
55. Immigration law refers to the national statutes, regulations, and legal Dreptul
Immigration precedents governing immigration into and deportation from a country. imigrației
56. Injured An injured person or animal has physical damage to part of their body, Persoană
person usually as a result of an accident or fighting. rănită
57. Insolvent (Especially of a company) not having Falimentat
/ɪnˈsɒl.vənt/ enough money to pay debts, buy goods, etc;
A person or organization that is insolvent does not have
enough money to pay their debts.
eg. When it  discovered  the loans could not be repaid,
the bank became insolvent.
58. Intellectual Intellectual Property law deals with laws to protect and enforce rights of the Legea
property law creators and owners of inventions, writing, music, designs and other works, proprietății
known as the "intellectual property. intelectuale
59. Issue The legal word for:1) children; or 2) the matter to be decided by a court Poblemă
/ˈɪʃ.uː/ /ˈɪs.j action.A subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about;
uː/ Eg. The party  is divided over the issue of capital punishment.
60. Id est Used to mean "that is" before you give a more detailed explanation about Cu alte
something that you have just written cuvinte,
61. Ipso facto By this fact, or the fact itself shows this to be true, “by the fact itself” Prin însuși
 /ˌɪp.səʊ You  admit you  fired the  gun  and we now  know that acest lucru,
ˈfæk.təʊ/ the shot  killed the  victim so you are, ipso facto,  responsible  for his death. prin însuși
acest fapt,
chiar prin
62. Ipso jure By the operation of the law. Prin însăși
A phrase used to describe legal consequences that arise by the mere legea, prin
operation of law. For example, an existing will is usually revoked ipso jure acțiunea legii
if the testator marries after executing it.
63. In Caught in the act of committing a crime. În flagrant
flagrante eg. She  returns  home  early to  find her  husband  in flagrante delicto with delict
delicto a neighbour.
 /ˌɪn flə
64. In loco Acting in place of a parent, in the place of a parent Reprezentant
parentis eg. While  children  are in  school,  teachers  are legally in  loco parentis. legal
/ɪn ˌləʊ.kəʊ
65. Inter alia Among other things Printre altele
 /ˌɪn.tər eg.
The company began legal proceedings against their  former employee, clai
ˈeɪ.li.ə/ ming, inter  alia, breach of  contract.
66. Judgment A decision by a court. Sentință/Hot
/ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt eg. Trust your  own judgment and don't be  guided  by what ărâre
/ anyone  else thinks.
67. Judiciary The branch of government that deals with justice and forms part of the Puterea
/dʒuːˈdɪʃ.ər.i/ separation of powers judecătoreasc
eg. We need a judiciary that protects the  rights of all  our citizens. ă
68. Justice The system by which people are judged in courts of law and  criminals are Justiție
/ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/ punished.
eg. There's no justice in the  world when people can be made to suffer  like
69. Land law Law relating to property in land Dreot funciar
70. Landlord The owner of property (such as land, houses, or apartments) that is Proprietar
/ˈlænd.lɔːd/ leased or rented to another funciar
eg. The landlord had promised to  redecorate  the bedrooms before
we moved in.
71. Law firm A group of lawyers who work together as a business Firmă de
eg. The law  firm hired a  prominent  Justice Department prosecutor as avocatură
a partner in an effort  to build a Washington  practice.
72. The law of Contract law is the area of law that governs making contracts, carrying Legea
contract them out and fashioning a fair remedy when there’s a breach. contractului
73. The law of Tort law is the area of the law that covers most civil suits. Generally, every Legea
tort claim that arises in civil court, with the exception of contractual disputes, delictului
falls under tort law.
74. Lawyer A lawyer is a person who is qualified to advise people about the law and Avocat
/ˈlɔɪ.ər/ represent them in court.
eg. She's  hired  a lawyer who  specializes  in divorce cases
75. Lease 1)To make a legal agreement by which money is paid in order to use land, Acord de
 /liːs/ a building, a vehicle, or a piece of equipment for an agreed period of time; chirie
2) A contract between the owner of a property and a tenant, giving the
tenant sole use of the property for an agreed time
eg. He has the house on  a long lease.
76. Legal conforming to or permitted by law or established rules; Legal
 /ˈliː.ɡəl/ eg. You have a
legal  obligation  to ensure your  child receives a  proper  education.
77. Legal costs The money that helps pay for the lawyers and the court in a legal case, Cheltuieli de
usually paid by the person or organization that has lost the case. judecată
the costs of a court action; the judge decides which side should pay them
eg. The  club was  ordered  by the High  Court to  pay over
£500,000  legal  costs.
78.Legal Legal practice is sometimes used to distinguish the body of judicial or Practică
pracice administrative precedents, rules, policies, customs, and doctrines from legală
legislative enactments such as statutes and constitutions which might be
called "laws" in the strict sense of being commands to the general public,
rather than only to a set of parties.
79. Litigation Litigation is the process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of Contestație
/ˌlɪt.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ law.
eg. The  company  has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to
the settlement to  avoid  the expense of  lengthy  litigation.
80. Locus The right to be heard in a court; the right or ability to bring a legal action to "loc de stat"
standi a court of law, or to appear in a court Exprima
 /ˌləʊ.kəs eg. It may give them a locus standi in the courts. dreptul de a
ˈstænd.aɪ/ fi ascultat
(audiat) de
catre instanta
de judecata
81. Lands A court which deals with compensation claims relating to land. Tribunal
Tribunal Funciar
82. Means doing something wrong or illegal Abuz;
Malfeasance eg. Several cases  of malpractice and malfeasance in infractiune.
/mæl the financial world  are currently being investigated.
83. Means doing something which is legal but in an appropriate way Abuz de
Misfeasance eg.People who have lost  money  are accusing the  minister of putere; abuz
ˌmɪsˈfiːzəns/ misfeasance. de autoritate;
unor drepturi
legale pe cai
ilegale; exec
nelegala si
incorecta a
unui act
84. Maternity A period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work in Concediu de
leave the weeks before and after she gives birth maternitate
 /mə eg. The  changes  will affect  any women on  maternity  leave  or taking
ˈtɜː.nə.ti a career break while they raise  children.
85. Matter A matter is a task, situation, or event which you have to deal with Chestie
/ˈmæt.ər/ or think about, especially one that involves problems. importantă
eg. Some  scientists believe that there is about ten  times as much matter in
the universe as  astronomers  have  observed.
86. Negligence He fact of not giving enough care or attention to someone or something Neglijență
/ˈneɡ.lɪ.dʒən eg. The  company  was sued for  gross negligence after the death of the
s/ two employees.
87. No win no Used to describe an arrangement between a lawyer and a client in which Fără gâștig
fee the lawyer gets paid only if he or she achieves a satisfactory result for fără taxă
the client
eg. The  lawyers have agreed to  act on a no  win, no fee  basis  for
the group.
88. Means failing to do something that is a legal requirement or professional Neexecutare 
Nonfeasance obligation (aunei
/ˌnɒnˈfiːzəns/ eg. The two marshals committed nonfeasance obligațiuni)
by refusing to  answer  questions  from the  investigator.

89. Obligation Something that a person feels morally or legally forced to do Obligație

/ˌɒb.lɪ eg. Beach operators do not have a legal obligation
ˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ to  provide against injury  or drowning.

90. Owe To need to pay or give something to someone because they Datorie
 /əʊ/ have lent money to you.
eg. It's just  struck me that I still owe you for the  concert  tickets.
91. Partnership Partnership or a partnership is a relationship in which two or more Parteneriat
 /ˈpɑːt.nə.ʃɪ people, organizations, or countries work together as partners.
p/ eg. Theirs was a very productive partnership.
92. Plaintiff A plaintiff is a person who brings a legal case against someone in a court of Reclamant
/ˈpleɪn.tɪf/ law.
eg. The plaintiff claimed damages for
the financial losses  suffered  through  breach  of copyright.
93. A situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does Exces
Redundancy not need them
/rɪ eg. I  live in  dread  of redundancy.
94. Sick pay Money given by an employer to someone who cannot work because Concediu
/ˈsɪk ˌpeɪ/ of illness medical
eg. He was off  work for three months with no sick  pay. plătit
95. Sue To take legal action against a person or organization, especially by making A da in
/suː/ a legal claim for money because of some harm that they have caused you judecată
eg. He was so furious about the accusations in the letter  that
he threatened to sue.
96. Slander False and defamatory spoken words tending to harm another’s reputation, Calomnie,
 /ˈslɑːn.dər/ business, or means of livelihood defăimare,
eg. The  doctor  is suing  his partner for  slander. clevetire
97. Tenant A person who pays rent for the use of land or a building; Chiriaș
 /ˈten.ənt/ eg. We are hoping to  lease  the four-story building to a  single  tenant when
it's completed this  fall.
98. Unfair If an employee claims unfair dismissal, they begin a legal action against Concediere
dismissal their employer in which they claim that they were dismissed from their job nedreptă
 [ C  or U  ] unfairly.
eg. She  decided  to launch proceedings for  unfair  dismissal against
her former  employer.
99. Valid Based on truth or reason; able to be accepted Întemeiat
/ˈvæl.ɪd/ eg. My  passport  is valid for another two years.
100.Will An official statement of what a person has decided should be done Testament
/wɪl/ with their money and property after their death
eg. Clare will be five years  old next  month.

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