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Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019)

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019)
Segmentation and Feature Extraction in Medical Imaging: A
Segmentation and Feature Extraction in Medical Imaging: A
Systematic Review
Systematic Review
Chiranji Lal Chowdharya,*, D.P.Acharjyab
Chiranji Lal Chowdharya,*, D.P.Acharjyab
Associate Professor, School of Information Technology & Engg, Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, India
a b
Associate School
Professor, of of
School Computer Science
Information & Engg,&Vellore
Technology Engg, Institute of Technology
Vellore Institute Vellore, Vellore,
of Technology India. India
Professor, School of Computer Science & Engg, Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, India.

Image processing techniques being crucial towards analyzing and resolving issues in medical imaging since last two decades.
Image imaging istechniques
a process or technique
being crucialtotowards
find theanalyzing
inner or outer construction
and resolving of mortal
issues body.imaging
in medical The process
last twomedicinal
diagnosis, analyzeisillnesses
Medical imaging and
a process ordevelop
technique data-sets
to findof
thenormal andouter
inner or abnormal imageries.
construction Medical
of mortal imaging
body. is divided
The process in two folds
observes such
as invisible-light
diagnosis, analyzemedical imaging
illnesses and visible-light
and develop data-sets ofmedical
normal imaging. The second
and abnormal typeMedical
imageries. of medical imaging
imaging were can
is divided be understood
in two folds such
by a common person
as invisible-light whereas
medical theand
imaging firstvisible-light
type can bemedical
interpreted by a The
imaging. radiologist. Analysis
second type of all imaging
of medical these require segmentation
were can and
be understood
feature extraction.
by a common In fact
person a lot of
whereas themedical imaging
first type can betechniques
interpretedarebyavailable but authors
a radiologist. restrict
Analysis survey
of all thesetorequire
tumor segmentation
detection through
mammograms or magnetic
feature extraction. resonance
In fact a lot of medical imaging.
this paper,areauthors survey
available on various
but authors segmentation
restrict and feature
survey to tumor extraction
detection through
mammograms in medicinal imagesresonance
or magnetic used for preprocessing.
imaging. In this paper, authors survey on various segmentation and feature extraction
methods in medicinal images used for preprocessing.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data
Data Science
Science (ICCIDS
(ICCIDS 2019)
2019). of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Data Science (ICCIDS 2019)
Keywords: Medical Imaging; Fuzzy Segmentation; Feature Extraction; Imaging Modality; Segmentation.
Keywords: Medical Imaging; Fuzzy Segmentation; Feature Extraction; Imaging Modality; Segmentation.

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Latest available imaging modalities are based on high resolution imaging that offers multi oriented views for a
Latest available
radiologist. imaging
Additionally modalities
it backed are based
detailed on high
information forresolution imaging and
clinical diagnosis thatassist
multi oriented viewscorrect
in taking for a
radiologist. Additionally
possible treatment it backed
for a patient. Thedetailed
variousinformation for clinical
medical imaging diagnosis
modalities and assist
available radiologistmammograms,
are ultrasound, in taking correct
possible treatment
ray computed for a patient.
tomography, The various
magnetic medicalimaging
resonance imaging(MRI),
modalities available are ultrasound,
electroencephalography, mammograms, x-
ray computed
endoscopy, tomography,
elastography, magnetic
magneto resonance imaging
encephalography, (MRI), electroencephalography,
tactile imaging, thermograph, and nuclear electrocardiography,
medicine functional
endoscopy, elastography,
imaging. Additionally, magneto
medical encephalography,
image tactileimage
processing includes imaging, thermograph,
appearances, and nuclear
imaging devices,medicine functional
and doctors expert
imaging. Additionally, medical image processing includes image appearances, imaging devices, and doctors expert
1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science
(ICCIDS 2019)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science
(ICCIDS 2019)

1877-0509 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data
Science (ICCIDS 2019).
Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36 27
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

awareness. A past information of images situation, biomechanical performance can be vital for scheming an real
procedure, particularly once the imageries were prejudiced by noises or incomplete volume belongings. More or less
such inconsistencies are due to imaging modalities. A brief description on medical imaging modalities is presented in
Table 1.

Table 1. Medical Imaging Modalities

Medical Imaging Modalities Descriptions
Mammograms A tool for diagnosis and screening of human breast examination by finding low-energy x-ray images.
Computed Tomography With help of computer, many different angled x-ray images are produced for cross-section image of a
particular area. It allows experts to see inside the human body without cutting it.
Magnetic Resonance A medical imaging technique for anatomy or physiological processes of the body for observation of health
Imaging and disease. Other techniques falls in this category are nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetic
resonance tomography.
Electroencephalography This tool is used to record electrical activities of the brain by electrophysiological monitoring method.
Electrocardiography This tool measures the electrical activity in the heart and its recording as a visual trace with use of electrodes
placed on the skin of the limbs and chest.
Endoscopy Endoscope is used to examine the interior of hollow organ or cavity of the body. This instrument is directly
inserted in human organ for examination.
Electrograph Electrograph maps the elastic properties of soft tissues. This will give diagnostic details of a tissue, like
cancerous tumors is there in tissues or not.
Magneto encephalography Magneto encephalography is a neuroimaging technique that maps brain activities by recording magnetic
fields produced by electrical currents occurring naturally in the brain.
Tactile Imaging Translating the sense of touch into a digital image. It is otherwise known as stress imaging, mechanical
imaging or computerized palpation.
A computer diagnosis analyzer is used to provide computer generated information to radiologist to assist in taking
correct decisions. However, such information like mammogram x-ray images are not easy to interpret, sometimes
aimed at a radiologist. Consequently, it is mandatory to improve the poor excellence of imageries by using numerous
techniques. This helps a radiology professional doctor in extracting features to interpret better. This phase is an
important step towards classification. Accuracy of detection without feature extraction cannot be proper because there
may be ambiguity in classification. Another approach in medical imaging is segmentation. Manually segmentation
medicinal specialists want to outline the contours slice-by-slice by means of pointing strategies such as a mouse or
trackball. This process is prolonged and the consequences may agonize from intra-viewer or inter-viewer
inconsistency. In the preceding years, several methods have been projected to accomplish the computer aided
segmentation. Each of these phases has lots of research proposed by different researchers. In this survey paper authors
will go through all categorization and discuss about the advantages, disadvantages, and compare them for common
images. This is highly essential for medical applications and help to study a concrete background. Additionally,
authors limit their survey to medical modalities like mammograms and MRIs.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as discussion about medical image processing with various segmentation
techniques in medical imaging in Section 2, Section 3 is covering feature extraction techniques in medical imaging
and at last followed by conclusion.

2. Segmentation in Medical Imaging

Many researchers proposed different segmentation techniques but still not suggested a common method that can be
applicable to all type of applications. Segmentation partitions an image into regions on basis of properties. Each region
is homogeneous in nature like brightness, color, texture, and reactivity. In general segmentation identifies the regions
of interest in mechanizing or supporting the description of anatomic structures. In this section authors mainly discuss
about mammograms and for them image segmentation.
This helps in detecting masses, microcalcifications, and speculated lesions. Also, it helps in approximating breast
denseness depending on the segmenting dense tissue regions. A number of image segmentation practices occur in the
literature is depicted in the following Figure 1. Keeping view to this review, authors highlight the introductory details
about these techniques. However, complete details on these techniques can be obtained from the corresponding
references. Commencing the survey it is clearly studied that the segmentation in medical imaging can be broadly
classified into three categories such as obsolete techniques, ancient techniques, and recent techniques. Ancient
28 Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 3

techniques are relatively old techniques as compared to recent techniques, but are still in use. In the following section,
authors discuss major concepts associated with these techniques.

Fig. 1. Various segmentation techniques

2.1. Obsolete segmentation techniques

Obsolete segmentation techniques are developed late 1990s and are mostly not in use. The segmentation techniques
which fall under this category are deformable models, multiresolution method, coupled surface, and geodesic minimal
math. This section briefly discusses these techniques.
Deformable Models:
Deformable models describe boundaries of objects by means of deformation curvatures or exteriors. It has been
extensively being used in segmenting image, especially for segmentation of anatomic structures, in medicinal
imageries. It is carried out by including a preceding information of object shape and obliging the resulting borderline
to be unremitting and smoothening. The internal forces derived from the curve or surface help in smoothing the curve
during deformation. The outside services are calculated grounded on the imageries data to change the curve or surface
to the object border.
Multiresolution Method:
A worldwide great excellence resolution appropriate and adjustable to a lot of glitches and data types is multi-
resolution method. By way of apiece imageries examination tricky contracts with constructions of a convinced spatial
scale, the regular image substances extent must be allowed compliant to the scale of attention. This is attained through
a over-all segmentation procedure based on homogeneity meanings in mishmash with local and global optimization.
Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36 29
4 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

It also addresses a method for robust estimation of edge orientation using multi-resolution least mean square error
estimation. The technique efficiently usages the spatial constancy of minor kernel gradient operators of dissimilar
scales to yield more dependable edge position and orientation. The key advantage of this method is that it extracts
borderline orientations after data with low signal to noise ratios.
Coupled Surface:
The delinquent of segmenting a volumetric layer of limited wideness is faced in numerous medicinal imaging explores.
Bounding facades and the similar environment of the gray level standards in among the facades stay named a layer.
Through embryonic two entrenched facades instantaneously, apiece driven by the situation particular image-derived
information while sustaining the coupling, a concluding depiction of the bounding facades and involuntary
segmentation of the layer are accomplished. A local operator grounded on gray level values is considered to
apprehension the info to ambition surface verdict. The usage of such gray level based info in place of the duplicate
gradient advances capability to apprehension the homogeneity, and like this it advances the enactment.
Geodesic Minimal Path:
One more technique used for image segmentation is geodesic voting or geodesic density method. This method
computes geodesics amid an assumed basis argument and a set of arguments dispersed in the appearance. The geodesic
density is well-defined at apiece pixel of the appearance by way of the number of geodesics that neglect this pixel.
The target organization agrees to appearance points with a great geodesic density. On the whole, customer offers start
and end points on the image and gets the minimal path as output. These minimal paths correspond to minimal
geodesics. It finds a set of curves globally minimizing the geodesic active contours energy. Different criteria are also
available to obtain automatically a set of end points by giving only one starting point.

2.2. Ancient segmentation techniques

Obsolete techniques are very old and are not in use as of now. Ancient techniques are also old but are still in use in
many applications. These techniques include thresholding, region based segmentation, edge detection, Markov random
field approach, graph cut, appearance models, automatic and semi-automatic segmentation, class based segmentation,
target tracking, and atlas based segmentation.
The simplest but powerful technique available for image segmentation is thresholding. It is categorized into global
and local thresholding. Global thresholding generally separate an image with one threshold whereas local threshold
depends on the local characteristic of sub images. Selection of threshold has impotence in segmentation results and its
selection is determined by operators’ visual assessment. Selection of threshold is generally based on histogram shape,
optimization, class separation, spatial information by co-occurrence matrix, and posterior entropy. Details on various
thresholding techniques can be found in the research papers.
Markov Random Field Approach:
Markov random field is a pixel labelling probabilistic approach for image segmentation. This pixel labelling
segmentation excerpt features from the contribution picture. Apiece pixel in the picture takes a feature vector. Aimed
at the complete picture, there is a set of labels. Respectively pixel is dispensed a label. In actual pictures, provinces
are frequently homogenous and adjoining pixels typically have comparable belongings such as intensity, color, texture
etc. Markov random field (MRF) detentions such appropriate constrictions. Generally, Markov random fields are
objective a mixture of basic building blocks as reflection field and concealed labelling field, pixels and their neighbors,
cliques and clique potentials, energy function and Gibbs distribution. A subcategory is called a clique if each couple
of pixels in this subcategory is neighbors. A graphic depiction is depicted in Figure 2.
Graph Cut:
Graph cut delivers a spotless, supple devising for appearance segmentation. It offers an appropriate language to convert
artless confined segmentation cues, and a set of influential computational instruments to excerpt global segmentation
from these simple local pixels. The proposed graph cut based segmentation draws a lot of attention because it utilizes
both boundary and regional information. Simultaneously, it can achieve global optimal result for the energy function.
Appearance Model:
In collaborating picture segmentation methods an impartial purpose is used which comprises appearance
representations as an unidentified adaptable. The impartial purpose is virtuously in terms of unidentified segmentation,
30 Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36
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using advanced direction elites. This preparation discloses a stimulating prejudice of the perfect to equilibrium
segmentation. Likewise, it allows to grow a novel twofold decomposition optimization process that delivers
additionally a lower bound. This technique is further hybridized with graph cuts and the hybridization is applied to
medicinal picture segmentation.
Automatic and Semi-automatic Segmentation:
In automatic segmentation procedure, the segment boundaries are assigned automatically by a program. The authors
also provide a shortcut for better segmentation. Some commonly used semi-automatic methods are intelligent scissors,
user steered image segmentation, and fuzzy connectedness. Simultaneously, it is tedious to think for manual
segmentation procedures and at the same time fully automatic segmentation never allows any human interference. To
overcome this limitation, semi-automatic procedure is preferred for medical image segmentation. It is a 3D approach
that integrates both region and boundary based procedures.

Fig 2. A Pictorial View of MRF Segmentation

Class based Segmentation:

Classifier established segmentation usage pattern recognition methods that effort to divider feature vectors mined since
a picture into an assumed set of classes. These classes incline to be administered anywhere features are resultant after
reference segmentations such as manual segmentation. The features used in the classification technique are diverse,
which can be associated to intensity, texture, or additional belongings of a picture. To demonstrate the power of
classification, a simple algorithm is used to randomly search for good segmentation. An unpretentious classifier is the
k - nearest neighbors (KNN) classification, where apiece thing is classified grounded on a majority vote of the situation
k - closest training samples. In image segmentation, each pixel is labelled with the most common class among the k -
nearest neighbors of its consistent feature vector in the feature space. The class based segmentation is successfully
practical to medicinal image segmentation, by way of pulmonary nodule discovery in chest, decrease in false
assumption for breast cancer detection and brain tissue segmentation in MR data.
Target Tracking:
Object tracking in video pictures, based on image segmentation and pattern matching is also proposed in the literature.
Using image segmentation, authors can detect all objects in an image. The images may be of moving or still.
Consequently, the target tracking algorithm is applied to multiple moving and still objects. These still or moving
objects are captured by using moving camera. It serves as input to a high level tracker whose goal is to correctly
associate the sparse detections over time.
Atlas based Segmentation:
The atlas based segmentation has the ability to segment the image with no well-defined relation between regions and
pixels intensities. This approach remains usually used when the objects of the similar construction essential to be
segmented. It indicates that the objects must be having identical texture, and the information concerning alteration
Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36 31
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amid these objects is incorporated in spatial relationship amid them, additional objects, or inside their morph metric

2.3. Recent segmentation techniques

These segmentation techniques are relatively new in medical imaging. Medical images have some uncertainties. To
deal such uncertainties researchers started using intelligent techniques such as neural network, artificial intelligence,
fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy set etc. in medical imaging. In this section authors review segmentation techniques that
fall under this category such as active shape model, artificial neural network segmentation, and segmentation using
artificial intelligence, and clustering.
Active Shape Model:
Active shape models (ASM) were statistical prototypes of the shape of substances that iteratively distort to appropriate
to an object in a new image. The shapes are forced through the point delivery prototypical. It is represented by a set of
points that are controlled by the shape model. The active shape model algorithm aims to match the model to a new
Segmentation using Artificial Intelligence:
Dissimilar methods were suitable to diverse kinds of `pictures and the excellence of yield of a specific procedure was
challenging to amount quantitatively owing to the detail that around might be considerable precise segmentation aimed
at a single picture. Image segmentation means a procedure through which a raw input image is partitioned into non-
overlapping regions such that each region is homogeneous and the union of any two together districts is heterogeneous.
A segmented picture is measured to be the uppermost field self-determining abstraction of an input picture. All-
embracing exploration were consuming been completed in producing several diverse tactics and algorithms for picture
segmentation, but it is still tough to measure whether one algorithm yields supplementary correct segmentations than
another, whether it be for a certain image or set of pictures, or further commonly, for a total class of pictures.
The fuzzy c-means approach integrates concepts of fuzzy set to k-means clustering. This permits an information fact
to go to two or more clusters. The belonging of data points to various clusters is carried out with the help of expectation
maximization (EM). It intentions on conclusion maximum likelihood estimates of limitations in statistical
representations in an iterative way. The EM procedure has been effectively applied to Gaussian mixture modeling, in
which a sum of Gaussian workings are combined to fit a multimodal circulation. The resources and covariance of the
Gaussian mechanisms can be estimated and updated in the EM iteration, and the resulting multiple Gaussians are
combined to procedure a generalized archetypal.
To overcome this limitation, later Intuitionistic fuzzy c-mean technique was introduced. The major contribution in this
clustering is the introduction of non-membership and hesitation. The introduced concept was successfully applied to
medical images. It was valuable in clustering dissimilar regions of the medicinal images and help to catch irregularities
in pictures.
Afterwards a new approach, possibilistic Intuitionistic fuzzy c-means is introduced. The foremost contribution is the
introduction of hesitation in possibilistic FCM. Outmoded clustering approaches were powerless to handle the
belongings of noisy data and outliers. The proposed technique overcomes the limitation possibilistic fuzzy c-mean and
improves the membership assignments and handles noisy data.

3. Feature Extraction

It is nearly impossible to say the best approach aimed at feature extraction for medicinal pictures. This remains no
generic feature extraction scheme that the whole thing well for altogether belongings. Altogether these depend
happening various applications where authors remained employed with. Approximately basic necessary belongings
to be kept in mind aimed at selection of respectable feature extraction are kind of delinquent undertaken, availability
of data, dimensionality of data, labeling of data, and supervised or unsupervised method. Arranged the basis of these
steps, a researcher may choose a convenient feature extraction approach out of many available feature extraction
algorithms. The following Figure 3 depicts an overview of available feature extraction techniques. Authors briefly
discuss about these techniques in the following subsections.
32 Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36
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3.1. Local binary pattern

Local binary pattern (LBP) is a texture gratified in imagining. The authors were invariant to monotonic fluctuations
in gray scale pictures. In addition, the authors are fast to calculate. But, the authors are incapable to distinguish diverse
micro outlines, such as boundaries, points, and constant zones. The uncomplicated clue overdue the LBP methodology
was to customize the evidence around the texture from a local neighborhood. Initially in LBP, the radius is described
for local neighborhood underneath neat deliberation. The LBP operator formerly shapes a binary code that defines the
local texture pattern in the neighborhood set of pixels. The binary code is found through smearing the gray value of
the neighborhood midpoint as a threshold. Further, the binary code is rehabilitated to a fraction number which signifies
the LBP code. So, LBP is a method that uses gray scale invariant texture statistics.

Fig 3. A Broad Classification of Feature Extraction

3.2. Gray level co-occurrence matrix

Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) is a feature extraction approach basically deals with statistical method.
It contemplates the spatial rapport of pixels as the gray level co-occurrence matrix or gray level spatial dependence
matrix. The spatial rapport in gray level co-occurrence matrix is defined as the pixel-of-interest. The horizontally
adjacent pixels be able to stated additional spatial rapport in the middle of 2-pixels. The element of the subsequent
gray level co-occurrence matrix is computed. It is just the sum of the number of times that the pixel value is occurred
in the indicated spatial rapport to a pixel with the input image.

3.3. Gray level run length method

Grey level run length method (GLRLM) of encoding is a way to denote strings of symbols in an image matrix. In
this case, the grey level run is a set of consecutive, collinear pixels having same grey level. The run length is the
number of pixels in the run 0000111100111. In this technique, a run length matrix is used for texture feature extraction.
Additionally, run length statistics confine the thickness of a texture in a precise direction. The GLRM is defined by
specifying direction and then count the occurrence of runs for each gray levels and length in the same direction.

3.4. Harlick features

Haralick texture features are centered at the co-occurrence matrix designed as of the picures. The co-occurrence
matrices are castoff aimed at exposing the gray level spatial dependence laterally like angular relationships, vertical
Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36 33
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and horizontal advices in the pictures. By conniving co-occurrence matrix numerous altered texture featured can be
formed. Haralick projected 13 features consequential from the co-occurrence matrix as angular second moment,
Contrast, correlation, sum of squares, inverse difference moment, sum average, sum variance, sum entropy, entropy,
difference variance, difference entropy, information measures of correlation, and maximal correlation coefficient.

3.5. Gabor texture features

Gabor feature extraction is based on Gabor filter. These filters are designed with a view of human visual system
and are related to Gabor wavelets. Additionally, the authors have been found to be particularly appropriate for texture
analysis. It is linear filter basically intended for edge detection. The Gabor texture features are just a cluster of wavelets.
Later, apiece wavelet apprehending vitality at an exact incidence and an exact way. After the collection of energy
distributions the texture feature on behalf of the pictures may be haul out.

3.6. Learning vector quantization

Learning vector quantization (LVQ) is a supervised learning method based on vector quantization that can be used
when authors have labelled input data. The supervised learning referred vectors are modernized based on the steepest
descent method and are used to minimize the cost function. In general, it uses the class information to reposition the
vectors so as to improve the classification quality of decision regions. It has two stages self-organizing maps (SOM)
followed by LVQ. It is best understood as a pattern classification algorithm. The first step is feature selection in which
it identifies reasonably small set of features. These small set of features generally contain the essential information of
the input data. In the second step the feature domains are assigned to individual classes.

3.7. Symbolic dynamic filtering

Symbolic dynamic filtering (SDF) extracts low dimensional features after time series data. The symbolic dynamic
filtering algorithm encompasses wavelet transformed preprocessing of signals towards facilitate the time frequency
localization and de-noising. The presence of wavelet transform involves modification of additional strategy
restrictions, such as the wavelet basis and set of scales. Moreover, SDF is a tool for extracting spatial temporal features
from stationary time series data. The most important feature of this technique is that of early detection of anomalies
in complex dynamical systems.

3.8. Principal component analysis

In case of low dimensions or when there is a requirement of low dimensions, the best method for feature extraction
to improve performance is principal component analysis (PCA). Additionally, it directed and functional to mark
slanting decision restrictions. It is otherwise known as the Karhunen Loeve transforms (KLT). Principal component
analysis are mainly intended for dimensionality reduction while analyzing classification problems. In general while
analyzing high dimensional data, it is preferred to identify the features that are superfluous and can be removed from
the datasets. Principal component analysis classifier helps in such cases and removes the features that are superfluous.
In case when altogether features in feature vector are statistically autonomous, someone might just eradicate the
smallest discriminative features from the vector. Sometimes it is observed that, numerous features be contingent
happening apiece additional or on an underlying unknown variable. A solitary feature can so embody a combination
of multiple types of information by a single value. Removing such a feature would remove more information than
required. Trendy principal component analysis, the features are the principal components. The authors are orthogonal
to each other and produce orthogonal weights.

3.9. Independent component analysis

Independent component analysis (ICA) is an approach for feature extraction in which information is comprised in
accumulation to contribution features. This techniques are ordered as unsupervised learning because it outputs a set
of maximal independent component vectors. This unsupervised technique by natural is connected to the contribution
dispersal. At the same time, it cannot guarantee good performance in classification problems. The feature pattern can
be formed from independent components of the observed data pattern.
34 Chiranji Lal Chowdhary et al. / Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020) 26–36
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4. Conclusion

In this paper authors have discussed various popular image segmentation and feature extraction methods nearly
new medical imaging particularly for mammography. Mammography is useful for early detection of breast cancer. If
mammograms are directly used without improvement, then the conclusions occupied by a radiologist might lead to
unnecessary behavior of the patients. Towards reducing circumstances, various segmentation techniques are used for
different perspective. However, due to limitation of other segmentation techniques, clustering based segmentation has
been considered as better than others. Even with Fuzzy c-mean based segmentation, there is a limitation. In addition,
advantages and limitations of these techniques are stressed upon in this survey. Feature extraction methods obtainable
in literature and listed in this article projected altered approaches that may be accessible through diverse classification
technique. In excess of the listed feature extraction techniques, principal component analysis and independent
component analysis are widely used after the belongings are there of dimensionality reduction, especially due to huge
data. But for texture cases, Haralick texture feature is widely used. Similarly for edge detection, Gabor texture features
is generally used. The authors believe this survey research will be useful for researchers in medical imaging
segmentation and feature extraction. Over all these segmentation methods, the clustering is the best and this is used
in various type of applications. Many researchers are still proposing new algorithms and also hybridization of some
existing algorithms. Another section is of feature extraction where Harlick texture features and GLMC are mainly
applied in various research works.


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