Ultrarunning Mag

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The document discusses different forms of drama found in everyday life such as in entertainment, news events, and sports. It also discusses the author's perspective on costumes in ultrarunning races.

Some forms of drama discussed include reality TV shows, sports events like the World Cup and Super Bowl, and fabricated survival shows.

Examples of drama mentioned in everyday life include crises covered in the news like rescues and stock market fluctuations, as well as debates generated across social media platforms.

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Drama. Ir's esssnllslll people Lrcilrs cllallene- be found anyr,vhere. Between the start and finish
es with Llncertail'r orltcor-nes. In good drar-na of an ultramarathon nobody knows what's going
there's alwavs conflict and a crisis ro be over- to happen. But for certain it will be real, and epic.
come...or not. The be:r drarri. (irill. ril'olre Last month at Western States 100 there was ex-
emotional responses flor-n rho.e ri-atchins it traordinary drama unfolding, and it wasn't star
r-rnfold. Drama ir-t manl fonr.rs is evenri'here in Hollywood actors or megamillion-dollar ath-
onr entertair-rr-nent- and sr:::ulation-obsessed letes. Whether it was the men's favorite, striving
societv. With r-nodern<lar c.-r:'. e niences and to avenge his only "non-win" during his Ultra- and highlights the ingredients and features of
technolocr 'r'r liard ',' : :-.j :... -: .nta in ev- rr-rnner of the Year body of work from 2013, or a the myriad recovery products now on the mar-
cnrd:rr life (n I _.: -- ,'rr
.. npnrrlp -, ..i-i:lle i ai .e11 eo Up rookie at the 100-mile distance dominating the ket for endurance alhletes.
hr the
,''.'. .. 1'r| fp.,'-...:.'
a ..',.. ,. \L\,\r-\. apd the women's field, or the original "Grand Slammer" In Ask Ann we get a treatise on blister man-
thirrr for jr rqgl]l. .i1'qlrclt,-:aa.e. from 1986 con-rpelling his body toward the fin- agement and prevention, plus many of Ann's
If v'or-r turre ir-r to fre re-e\rs;ol ne.,.,s clcle \oll ish line with only minutes to spare in rrile 99. great tips on the "little things" that make for
call coullt otl a sread! io-." l: j:a::t:. \\ireiher it's striving for his tenth WS100 finish. Or the other successful ultrarunning. Ellie provides a thor-
a babv beinu re.iueci :r!": :. ..;... . -::,ii pi eup J73 runners who departed Squaw Valley on foot ough overyiew on the topic of cross training -
durirre fie rttorrine rr'r--r--..i'i . : -Lr i.,.iaf b1ip. on at 5 a.m. on Saturday, June 28, al1 of whom were so now we know what helped bring her back
the ston tracker.' \or rJ ::rer:lJ: a-i ilie drarla irrr-nersed in genuine dramas all their own. lrom injury to an epic'come-fiom-behind win
on TV and radio generarei av iebaies a:d harers Whether you participate in an ultramarathon at Comrades in June. Ian gives us step-by-step
acro5. our hiehh p,Janzc,r :.\.:- :.,. .'.ta--.:l'r. directll, as a runner, crew, pacerJ volttnteer or gr,ridance on how to recover from a big race
Then there. rc.lli:, T!.(\:- . " -::.- .earrrrer othenvise. our sport now has some wonderfi,rl something like another top 10 at Western States?
labricated Surrn'ors. Bnciltic-r a:rd F...i. Hori-ie live n-redia coverage that streams the unfolding And Michael Wardian, the ultrarunner who
wirres, which are an\-thine bur r-e:.-. ,:ie tast events in real time. iRunFar, Ultra Sports Live makes the rest of us look like l0kers, checks in
food, drama is artificiallr. createci ani l;anilr' TY and Ultralive.net were closely covering and with keen insights on how to handle big vol-
consumed. I thought I had seer: .\'arlra,::q :il docur-nenting Western States in great detail for ume. We also have a great piece on Pilates for
this genre until we stumbled Llpror : re',,. Bra\o nta\\ colt\umption of this worthy drama. runners - a great tool for injury prevention and
show about /eai people v,at;hrr:q ir:i r.:'a.rnd The entrepreneurs and hardworking, talented improved running economy.
in$ to realit11 TV shorvs. It s rloutit',-, arer.::: .tutJ-. people behind these ventures are a boon for the And therds more great content from our regular
Il realiW TV isn't rour rhin.. rirere .i'q c.. r'rrre .port. and remind us that we are entering a new columnists with a review of a magical i00 in IGn-
sports. World Cup.sq6s, capli\dre.l 'tc:,:lr, cien golden era of ultrarunning. And with a nod to sas, and deep dives into Faith and Sciencg For The
corner of the globe lasr r]]onrh. Ar:;i car Vou sa\- reality media, you can find our coverage of oth- ChalLente, C,oing 'Abo and Costumes. At The Race,s
Super Bowl? So nrarrr .\nrerice.:ts are aiiCicted to ers covering the sport on page 3z of this issue. digs deep into Western States 100 and chroniclas
the NFL that a 3(>seco1-id ad s'-.oi n.r'. sells for It's good stuff ultra drama at many other great races too.
over a million dollar...\rd v,h.,r .,r..rr ":"n-a.r" August is a great month for ultrarunning dra-
sport\? Afier lour fantatr d;an. r '.. --ct- -tL'c'e Also in this recovery-themed issue, you will ma too. Drink it in!
in the drama by o,.l'ning plal,ers on ':r:r, rii.nr. find a lot ofgreat content about how to recover
Sadly, I conless to being a consunrel oiall rhe fi-om the wear and tear of ultrarunnin$ so that
foregoing drama. But it alwavs leaves nre ieeiir"rg
empty and unsatisfied.
Fortunately, there is ultrarur-rnir-rg. r.,'hich
serves up the best and most satisf,;ing dranra ro
t-ou can remain healthy, and improve and er1-
jor. the sport nlore. We kick it off with a com-
prehenrric reriew of recovery products. Sarah 1b^l
Koszvk delr'es ilrto the science behind recovery karlh@ultrarunni ng.com

trrc:c >-l- SS jas are verf ,,,.a come
-- ^rricle
. " -^ -^oo-ts dld resulLs poetr,.
humor and photos should be submit- ?Noic:"ar-s;hou d be ava ab e l
name ol race/runneTs'
photoqrapher's narne.
names/ course, the TUnners aTe the most larporta--
feature of an ultra, so remember to inclr.::.
ted v a e"nal to er kai@u trarunn ng com. -eo .^-- :c - qh resolution f es (at Photos that dep ct effort, emotion, tnem n scen c pctures, tool
o Unsolicited materia s welcome, and w be ees-.644<.4 cier l llB s better). pafticular y unusLra or d ff cult terra n or See u trarunning.com for more
used as space perm ts. :-:ase ;l: eacr photograph wrth ;cenic courses are espec ally welcome o1 guide nes regarding race reports.


E (aL-ce-a
Clenn r",5 y"^ M" tpp.
T e
John Med nger, Jolrn Stof kamp, Mich.:
PO.Bor9 ".
COLUMNISTS .iohnson, Vli e 90 Photography, i\/v es Ward an, Sarah Koszyk, lohn Trent, Ve -
Fa rtax, CA 94930
5rr:-. B:-re, lcea d Brrag o, Smythe/M ch gan B uff Photography, Levy, Judy lenn ngs, Scottv l"l s, N cl
www.u trarunn ng.com
6at.. aa--..a , [ar,r Dldnev, E e Tanner Johnson, Lu s Escobal Baut sta, A an Gor'ven, leff N/al ach, l
C'e::..aac. .'fo lc.es, Dean Karnazes, PHOTOGRAPHERS Becker, Er c Stee e, Chaz Sheya
subscr pt ons@u trarunn ng.corn or
a' :'a'^'a' i-'-'ason, loe Uhan Al Eng n, Arnanda Susnik, Bob Schne l, CORRESPONDENTS AT LARGE
U traRunning Magazine
ART DIRECTOR Dean Wewetzer, Er k L ndstrom, Er n L sa Hefson, lohn lvled nger
PO.Box9 a. - -, B beau, Gretchen Brugman, la[]es
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W I iams, Jeffery Gerrova, Kathy Wo f, Peter Gagarin, Fred P lon, Staf Wa.l
N./lar on Abrams, f/VlPhotoSA Llar.s Dcf Al son, Tia Bod ngton
aa'c (. '?
Bezu denhout, Pete Beck/UitraSportsLrve.TV
karlh@ultrarunn ng.com Scott Liv ngston
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Kar Hoagland
Ted Krudse- Northrest N,rla Serr ces
ed tor@u trarunn ng.com WEBSITE CONTENT MANAGER
Cory Srn t-


The Montrail Ultra Cup culminated at the a solid sixth at Western to secure the Cup by less FINAL 2014 STANDINGS FOR THE TOP FIVE:
Western States 100, the final race in the ultra than three points over King. Laney's solid zOth l Kaci Lickteig 8171
2. Larisa Dann s 62.64
series, on June 28, 2014. Heading into the event al western pusneo nrm up to tnrro place and J. Meohan Arboqasr >4.g4
the rankings were wide open, especially on the into the MUC prize monev as well. +. sha-heen sattai 44.63
men's side. with onl5 one of the final top five Montrail tweaked the series and format in 5. Denise Bourassa 34.61

holding that status pre-race. On the women's 2014, which was a big success. Stay tuned for 1. lan Sharman 57.73
side, two women ran their way into the top five news on the series for 2015, which promises to 2. Max King 54.88
at Western. Byron Pittam, sports marketing di- be another great event. 3. David Laney lt.tl
4. Brian Condon 47.94
rector at Montrail commented: "The 201,1 Mon- 5. HaUt terranova 46.32
trail Ultra Cup was super tight through Western
States. Twenty-one elites that punched their tick-
ets from Bandera to Ice Age all flocked to west-
ern States this year in hopes of wirlning some
prize money, which was still on the table for
both genders. Montrail is proud to put on such
a well-rounded point-based ultrarunning series
around the United States and congratulates all
those who participated in the series in 2014."
Kaci Lickteig, the "Pixie Ninja," dominated
the women's Cup this year with a total of 81.7
points over Larissa Dannis whose strong second
at Western secured second place at 62.6 points.
The ageless Meghan Arbogast had a solid grip
on third, fueled by another strong year and yet
another top 10 at Western, with ss MUC points.
On the men's side, Ian Sharman came into
the race at Western in third place, five points
ahead of Max King and six points ahead of #{:-}{.,a
David Laney, who were sitting in seventh and
eidhth reqnentirielrr
King's bold charge to the front of Western
through mile 65 had him teed up for a pos-
sible MUC win, but surging finishes by Rob Krar
and three others slipped King, a rookie at 100
miles, to fourth. Meanwhile Sharman pushed to


Looking for an epic challenge and inspired by in 1989 in an aggregate time of 129 hours. Over
historic audacious feats at the 100 mile distance. the years very few people were able to accom-
Jimmy Dean Freeman and Andy Kumeda are plish the feat (it has been completed :e times),
taking on the Original Six Hundo Challenge - at- although in 1999 Stan Jensen of Run1O0s.com
tempting to complete six one-hundred mile trail bagged all six. In 2003 endurance beast and Ultra
races in a scant 13 weeks this summer. In the wee Runner of the Year Joe Kulak raced all six, best-
C hours ofJune zg both men crossed the finish line ing Ulrich's time in an unimaginable 114 hours
at the Western States 100, after having completed (about 19 hours per race). Only four women have
E the Old Dominion 100 three weeks prior. Freeman accomplished the feat, the fastest being 47-year-
blitzed the last 4 miles up fiom No Hands Bridge old Barbara Frye-Krier in 153 hours 12 minutes.
in 40 minutes and posted a time of 21 hours and In the past, the feat was known as the Last
24 minutes. Kumeda finished looking fiesh as well, Great Race. However, since Anleles Crest moved
in 24 hours and 55 minutes. By the time of publi- from September to mid-summer. there has been
cation they will have taken on the Vermont 100 on only one "Last Great Racer" and as of press time
July 19, with three remaining 100 milers Angeles Freeman and Kumeda have been unable to re$- .limmy Dean Freeman spreading the love
Crest. Leadville and then Wasatch. ister their summer rumble under that aegis due while knocking out Western States in
Completing these six historic 100 milers in the to a series hiatus. 21 hours and change
same year was first completed by Marshall Ulrich You can follow this epic challenge at #O6HC


The North face Lavaredo Ultra Trail. part of 12:-12. followed by Mike Foote in 12:57. The Many exhausted and depleted runner'.
the UTWT, saw a new women's record from rllgged mountain course in the Dolomites year's Western Stares 100 reported en.
Rory Bosio who completed the 24.4 mile race outside of Cortina, Italy has approximately the wee hours at the Brown's Bar a.-
tn 1,4:29, roughly one and one-half hours 20.000 feet of vertical ascent. Don't miss our with two-time winner Hal Koerner. K,
faster than any woman in the prior eiqht coverape irr rhe Sentember issue of lJIfta- said to be providing aid, encourr.,
editions of this event. On the men's side Rr+nnin!, in which we will have a detailed even hugs to weary rllnnerq a\ ill
Anton Krupicka pulled away for the win in account ofAnton's Lavaredo race. on to 100 mile finishes.


by Sorah Kosztlk, M.A., RDN, Registered Sports theiian/Nutriiovust

Success. Completion. Accomplishment. Congrat- pily exhausted post race You won't feel like you are PRODUCTS
ulations, you've just finished rr-rnning an ultra- going to pass out and not get up again. You want to One thing to note is that there is no "right" or
marathon, most likely about 31. 50 or 100 miles. focus on high glycemic carb sources because higher "wrong" form of recovery. Whether you choose to
The time it took you to rur-r could have been 6 glycemic carbs will be easily digested in the body eat "real food," consume a bar or chug a drink,
hours, 2,1 hours. '18 hours or even 6 days! You and rapidly assimilated. Lower glycemic carbs tend the basic fact is you just need to get in your
are elated. enlightened and ertremely exhausted. to take longer to get absorbed and are not ideal for carbs and proteins after your event. The source
But you still need to reftlel and recover. So what efficient restoration of muscle glycogen. According of the carbs and proteins is your choice. What-
product will rvork best for vour Llltimate recov- to the lottmnl of Spors Sciencg after the race, you ever preference you have, you have options!
ery? Which prodrrcir provide vou rvith the nu- want to consume 1.0 to 12 grams of carbs per kilo Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free
trients you need for vour bodris optimal repair? gram of body weight within the first 1i30 minutes or a meat-eater, there are bars and powders out
We researched the n-rarketplace and analyzed (t pound = 22 kilograms. For examplg 150 pound there for you! We now have bars and powders
rrrdrr-v ^"^.1,,^i,
Pruuull\ ru L^ln
'^ rrciP ' ^"
u(r(rJr ,^,h;.h
vvirrLrl person - 68.2 kilos. Therefore, this person will need that are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, kosher
productr work berr for lrou and uhich products about 70 grams of carbs for recovery post race). and more. The followin$ review covers some of
wiiltake your recovery to the maximum level. Protein is also essential post exercise. By get- the long-standing products in the ultra world
The bottom line for optimal recovery is a ting your protein, you will also optimize your as well as some new ones. We've also included
product thar har appropriate carbohydrates recovery by producing a higher amount of new what sets each product apart from the others.
and proteins. Fats are important. too, for satiety, muscle tissue. Durin$ your race! you tore your
nourishment and adequate vitamin absorption. muscles, you stretched yourself to your limits POWDERED DRINK MIXES
However, the carbs and the proteins are extreme and you depleted your muscle glycogen stores.
ly valuable for your ideal recovery. Think about The faster you intake protein post run, the better
it: you have just pushed yourself to the limit. your body will replenish and restore those mus-
The first half of the race, you were running with cles. Protein sources that have Brntclrcd-Chaul
your legs, focusing on fueling from whatever Annno Acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine -
products you chose to use. The second half of are optimal because they bypass the liver and
the race was a mind game as you continued to go straight to the muscles for repair. Other pro-
move and run past the point ofphysical exhaus- teins !o to the liver first before hitting up the
tion. All the while, you maintained energy levels muscles (remember the different types of carbs?
with your food and drink consumption. And Same idea here). All this means is that it takes
now the race is over! It's time to kick back and a little longer for the other proteins to work
congratulate yourself but just as important, it's their magic. Thus, many products have included
also time to refuel, repair and recover. branched-chain amino acids for ideal recovery.
Carbohydrates are imponant components Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid which CLIF SHOT PROTEIN RECOVERY DRINK
of recovery. Most likely, you have depleted your decreases after endurance training. Glutamine is (WWW.CLIFBAR CON/)
muscle and liver glycogen stores re$ardless of how important in the body to protect the immune 16G170 caloriesin one packet (469) with 3G339 -
well you fueled during the race. Muscle and liver system and improve recovery. Glutamine also carbs and 109 of protein (depending on flavi.
glycogen provide our bodies with energy. Since makes other important chemicals in the body The proteins are fiom milk proteins, which ha'.
the energy stores are depleted, you need to replen- and provides fuel for them, so it's good for re- whey and casein. These contain Branched{h:
8 ish thed. rhe faster you .onru.. carbohydiates pair and growth. Protein intake is important to Amino Acids (BCAAs) to maximize the boc'.
shortly after completing your race, the more you maintain peak muscle mass. By consumin$ pro- muscle-buildint potential. The powder is uni;,.
E will enhance the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis tein post run, you'll be able to stimulate protein in that it contains 70% organic ingredients an:
f lU"itAing that energy), which will make it easier synthesis, which will help repair the muscles and is kosher. Flavors: Orange Mango and Chocc -'
! for you to recover. Adding in those extra carbohy- speed up your recovery. According to the Acad-
! drates after a run while the blood is still flowing emy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Spot'ts Nutriion
and your heart is still pounding is extremely ben- Mamt"al, you need 6-20 grams of protein within
eficial. Your muscle cells are more sensitive to the 15-30 minutes post run for optimal recovery.
effects of the carbohydrate when they are warmed The companies we contacted provided us with
up, so they are more likely to soak up the carbs their bars and powders for tJltrakmwrng maga-
and make more glycogen for your body. Time to zine to review. We worked with enthusiastic and
fill up your storage units, ASAP! informative staff members who believe in their
Glucose and sucrose are twice as effective as products and are interested in optimizing the
ffuctose in restoring muscle glycogen after exercise, strength and recovery of the runner. You will find
because fiuctose is first convefted to liver glycogen, them sponsoring races, you will see them being
whereas glucose skips going to the liver and goes di- promoted by other athletes and you will probably
rectly to the muscles. Whether the carbs are simple have tried them yourself once or nvice. Some of
or complex doesn't really matter. You can increase the products are newer and some of the products ENDUROX (WWW. PACIFIC HEALTHLABS .
your muscle glycogen with both tj,"pes of carbs. The have been on the block for a long time. It's good R4 27O-28O calories in one packet or trli
main goal is to have the carbs contain glucose and/ to note that a few of the long-standing product (74g) wirh 52g of carbs and t:g of proteii
or sucrose so they by"pass the liver and go straight to brands have revamped their formulas based on ing on flavor). The 4l ratio is impon
your muscles for optimal recovery. Also, the faster the latest and greatest research, so you'll be able to creasing insulin. which aids in restorirr. -
you start to increase your muscle glycogen by mak- trust that even if a brand is "older," the companies post workout since insulin tran\po'-.
ing some more, the better recovery you will have are still doing their best to stay on the forefiont the muscle where it can be converler,
You'll feel less muscle soreness. Your legs won't of innovation, optimization and performance en- gen. The carbs come primarily fiom r.
quiver every time you sit down. And you'll feel hap hancement. Let's take a look at the products! maltodextrin. The protein is floln . r-
(3st) sdoors s'I .ro ta>ped euo uI selrolel 002 pue -ua^orau rauruPH 'srsaqlu^S uraloro paruequa -o;d .{aq,tt paz.{1o.rp.,{q pue se}elosr ureio;d .{aq.u,
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f -AoJJr uo sJJuJnUUl IEUoLuloLl Furrnpa.r ]E stule aleloJor{:) :s.lo^€lc llrur Jo Ja}e^\ q}r^^ eIE} o} pa
osle BInUIJoJ Jql ]eq] ur anbrun 'sprJe oulrue -puauu.loJJU 'JsolJel oN 'sroAEU lo sloloJ 'sruJ
puu salrnos uralo;d aql apr.to.rd auruelnlFl pue rpajdur ler)ur]re ou sur€]uoJ pue ea{-ue}nl5
= uLJseJ rellJJltu 'a1e1o'r uralold {aq14 ar.rnos q:er 'eqloorus etEloloql'uolalureleM-ArreqaErls 'aurruElnlF-'l surEluof, oslV'salulosr uralo.rd daq.tr
,treur.rd aql sr refins auer crue$;g 'urelo.rd Jo FsI 'ayddeeur4-aFue;O :sJoAelC'rruaForr{yF sr aururF;e ruo{ sauoJ ura}o;d eqJ 'asoiJn{ pue asoJ}xap
pue sqrEl Jo Ft LIil^\ (Fez) doors auo ur sauolef, a)urs 'uorsJoluoJ asolnlfl qllm )srsse o] ]uearu 'ulrlxJpolleLU Lxo{ sJrxoJ Jrlnos qrEJ ,{-reru116
08 Nlt\oM uol Aul^Ollu linlv 'ullIUeA :ro^ sraururfi'te;o uorle.tod;orur eq1 'aururfire-'I pue (.rorreg uo Furpuadap) uralo"rd 3o Bz pue sq.rer go
-ell 'JLUnsuoJ or pJJu lllm Juo .rap.uod jo sdoors aulureinl}l s,a;aq] 'uoruppe ul 's1rylg urpluoJ Btz-sz qllv' (Fee) sdoors oM] uI salroler ofl-8zr
aroru eq] 'sqFra,u uos;ad e a;ow aq1 1qprar,r, qlrq.&\ setulosr urelord ,{aq.la, uo4 saruor ura}o;d vno) cin IrlAr t) AUlAof lu ctnt I
dpog s,auo uo peseq sl plnu jo ezrs tur.tres aqt eqJ'ssoilng pue uulx3pollEur ruo{ aluof, sgref,
pue IIrLU puolule Jo Jale.^ qlr^\ paurnsuol aq o] aq1 (.roaeg uo Furpuadap) uraio.rdgo 38 pue sq;er
papuaruuo)ar sr ;ap,ttod aqt (larp euoler 000'Z 1o Szss+ qtvtr (309) ]eped auo uI selrolel osz{12
e uo paseq) C urrueulJo an1e.t dlrep aq] Jo %09 (r\o) MjEB rAO)]E nD
sureluof, ]r ]eq] ur anbrun sr otusg 'suerdu.{1g ^DUlNtn9) ^U
vsn o] uortrppe ur selalqle erlln Jo sparpunq
qlrM prlroM seq rqs 'salelqle 1o uorie.rp,{q pue
ssoJlsrp yeurlsaluro.rlsup ur sezrlenads eqs 'oruso
]e Jaluo qJJeasaj Jarr{tr pu€ repunoJ-oJ sr surrs
.{re15 '.rg 'eurue}nlp-"I pue urasel rella)ru o}
uol.lLppe ur Jrelosr uralord faqrrt seq u 'JJrnos
uralo.rd aqi Jol 'a)Jnos qrel .[rerur.rd aq] ioJ
asorJns sureluoJ ;ap.uod aq1 'uratord go Fg1 pue
sqrEl Jo Bl qtr.u (FlZ) doors auo ur sauolP3 06 ',{.uag urelunoyi bpue-rg'apeuouq blurl uoiuq
0rAol NouurnNonso) 'qJund ]rrui :so^ell 'sluJ^e eJuunpua Sur.rnp pue
EIAOf lU llnlv oWso aJoJJq pesn .{perulrd sr lrnpo.rd eq1 'suralo;d pue
$uolef,Jo ]unoLue rJMol JLF or Jnp 'la^J,ry\oH 'ss?u
'qrun6 lerrdo;J pue weaJ3 aBue.ro 'oun -aJos alJsnru ssal Funuar.radre s1sqr.{r aq1 ur pe}lns
-rndde3 :s;o^elC 'Jalel.r r{ir.l rapmod aq} xrw -aJ lnolro \ isod aurager fiurunsuor ]ern pa \oqs
'cl urruelrl ur ]uensns gr ured Ielalalsolnlsnu slsqrdr pur.tlorrur .{pn1s 11erus V suretuor
\sal pue sJlnlJe4 ssJ;ls JJM4 aruauadxa osle lr ]erl ur anbrun '(larp ar;oler 0002 "uragef,
e uo pasec$ g
uer salalqlv'acueru;o;.rad lurrs,{qd pue q1fi uaris urruelrn Jo enle .!1ep 3o %COI sureluo3 'surelo:d
'srsaqluds uraio.rd apsnru Bursea:rur alrqm ured pue sqjeJJo oller l:t Jr.F ol Jnp &anorar ur pJsn Jq
puE uorletulueljur aJnpaj ueJ cl urrue]r^'uor] oqe uel ]nq oJueuilqrad Fuunp pue arqoq pasrl
-Jury apsnru Iewrldo pue C urruelrl Lreal\)aq z{yueruud sr aperelaJJv 'ura}old 3o f9 pue sqJetr Jo
uorlelarrol Fuo.rls e sr oraq] ]eql palsafiBns a^eq Ftz qyrt (Fte) iaped auo ut sauoleJ 0zI lcvglllf l:
sarpnls pue qf,reeseg (larp auoler 000'Z E uo 'rlEloroql puE ellruen 'aturl uoLU4 'aBue.r6
paseq) g urruelrlJo anlen dyrep oqlJo %0gZI pue d8ueJ 'qrund ]rruC :srolelC 'uat,tro q1r.u lceluo:
c urluetr^Jo anle^ {lrPp eilt Jo %09 o} uor}rppe ]uelsuoJ s,araLp araq.l 'spun1 aql ur dyleroadsa
'aleloroql pue dr.raql.e;]g'elpuen-afiue-ro'!ellru ur eururelnlF-1 pue s1'rilJg sureluor;ep,uod aq; 'sauerqtuatu 11ar fiuqcalo;d .ro3 ]ueuodurr sr qlrrl.!,
-en :sroAEIc 'earg-uatn18 sr lrnpo;d srql'a^rllal 'sureqc aprtdad-ut pue -rp ur pelsafrpa.rd dylec (tarp arroler 000'Z e uo paseq) g urtueulJo anl€',
-qo uretu aq] se ,&alof,er sseru alf,snru ueal uo -rleudzue ere daqt esnelaq .tralora; epsnu roJ ,{pep aqt3o %0€Z sure}uor ;apanod oW '}uasard s.
\nJoJ ol lJpro ul orre.r uraio;dTqrer l:f e sasn J] paqrosqe dllcrnb a;e suraio.rd paz,{1o;p.{g 'urat aurtuelnlFl elelosr uralo;d dos pue aleJluaf,rrc:
with 33g carbs and 13g protein (chocolate flavor). RECOVERY BARS
Unique source of carbohydrates comes from
SuperStarch, which is a hydrothermally cooked
nonGMO corn starch. SuperStarch provides ath-
letes with a low osmolality so that there is more
of a slow "time-released" glucose profile. This
can be helpful post exercise by still supporting
maintenance of blood sugars and $lyco$en syn- We've raised the bar on bars'
thesis but encouraging the continued burnin$
of fat. The slow-absorbing carbs lower insulin
during exercise to promote increased use of fat
during exercise. Therefore, $lyco$en stores are
spared, which means you need to replenish less
during recovery. Primary proteln sources are TP]C BAR (WWW EP]CBAR.CON/)
whey protein isolates. Meb Keflezighi, 2014 Bos- ACCEL RECOVER BAR 140-200 calories per one bar serving with l-tog
ton Marathon champion. recovered with UCAN. (WWW PACIFICHEALTHLABS CONI) of carbs and to-t+g of protein (depending on
200 calories per one bar serving (53g) with 32g of flavor). The main carbohydrate source comes
carbs and 8g of protein. Blend of carbohydrates from the natural fruits found in the product.
including agave nectar, maltodextrin, brown Fruits mainly have a mix of glucose and fruc-
rice syrup and dextrose. Protein comes from tose. Unique in that the primary protein source
whey protein concentrate, pea protein isolate comes from real meat. All the ingredients in the
and soy protein isolate. Also contains L-gluta- bars are from 100% natural sources. The beei
mine and L-arginine for optimal recovery needs. bison and lamb are all grass-fed. The product
Lower in protein than other recovery bars. Con- is paleo friendly, gluten-free, low glycemic, soy-
tains 100% of the daily value of vitamin E (based free. dairv-fiee and nitrite-free. The animals are
on a 2,000 calorie diet). The bar has a nougat- raised on pasture-based farms, which are more
like texture. Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter. sustainable than factory farms. Texture of the
bar is similar to jerky. If you are looking for
a savory recovery bar, this is it. Flavors: Bison
VEGA SPORT PERFORMANCE PROTEIN Bacon Cranberry, BeefHabanero Cherry Turkey
(vEGASPORT.CONI) Almond Cranberrv and Lamb Currant Mint.
127134 calories in one scoop (369) with 4.5-6$ of
carbs and 25-26! of protein (depending on fla-
vor). Brendan Brazier, two-time Canadian 50km
Ultra Marathon Champion, is the formulator of
these plant-based, vegan nutritional products.
Protein comes from pea protein, sacha inchi,
sprouted whole grain brown rice protein and
alfalfa protein. The powder includes 5,0o0mg of
BCAAs and 5,00omg of L-glutamine per servin$.
Sacha inchi also provides Omega 3 fats, which CLIF BUiLDERS
can potentially aid in decreasing inflammation, (WWW.CLIFBAR COM)
decreasing muscle soreness and reducing mus- 270-280 calories per one bar serving with 309
cle swelling post workout due to the augmented carbs and 2Og protein (depending on flavor). Or-
blood flow to muscles during exercise. Recom- ganic brown rice symp and organic dried cane HAIIMER (WWW HAN/MERNUTR1TION.CONI)
mended to be used in conjunction with Recov- syrup provide the main carbohydrate sources. WHEY RECOVERY BAR 330 calories in one bar
ery Accelerator for optimal results because the No artificial sweeteners or flavors or $enetically (75g) with 259 of carbs and 20 grams of prc
C Recovery Accelerator provides more carbohy- modified organisms are included in the ingredi- tein. The carbs come from organic agave. PrG
C drates. Contains complete proteins from plant- ents. The bar does not contain any sugar alcohols, tein comes lrom grass-fed cows, which provide
based sources and is i00% vegan. RECOVERY which may affect some people's guts in a nega- a whey protein blend. The blend includes whet
ACCELERATOR 90 calories in one pack (27g) with tive way. Soy protein isolates provide the primary protein concentrate, whey protein isolates ani
20g carbs and 49 protein. Features a 4:1 ratio of source of protein. Flavors: Chocolate, Chocolate organic brown rice protein. BCAAs are presen:
carbs to proteins to increase muscle glyco$en Chip, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Peanut But- due to the whey protein. Classified as a lor'.
synthesis. Protein sources come from yellow pea ter, Cookies 'n Cream, Crunchy Peanut Butter, glycemic bar. Provides 70% organic in$reci.-
protein and whole grain brown rice. Contains S'mores, Vanilla Almond. BUILDER'S MAX 38G ents, is gluten-free, GMGfree, kosher and ha.
L-glucosamine and L-arginine. Maca is also pres- 390 calories per one bar serving with 39-409 carbs no simple sugars. Flavor: ChewT/ Peanut Butte:
ent and can provide increased vitality and ener and ;og protein (depending on flavor). The carbs Chocolate. VEGAN RTCOVERY BAR 240 calorie ,
gy. However, maca is usually recommended pre come from soy crisps, which contain soy flour, in one bar (szg) with 2r-27! of carbs and l+1::
workout due to the increased energy component organic cane syrup and or$anic brown rice ryrup. of protein (depending on flavor). Carbs cotr'..
to enhance performance. Ginseng is included The bar is promoted as low glycemic. Soy protein from or$anic tapioca. Protein comes from c:'
for energy, too. Turmeric (53m!) is also present isolates, soy protein concentrates, whey protein ganic almond butter, pea protein and or$an:-
and can reduce inflammation and potentially isolates and casein provide the primary protein rice protein. The almond cacao flavor is soy-fi..
aid in recovery. Recommended to be used in sources. No artificial sweeteners or flavors or ge- Unique in that the product is vegan, gluten fr:.
conjunction with Performance Protein for opti- netically modified organisms are included in the kosher and has no simple sugars. Actual chuu.
mal protein intake. ingredients. The bar does not contain any sugar of cacao, almonds and peanuts are present
alcohols. Flavors: Caramel Peanut, Chocolate the bars (depending on flavor). Flavors: Almo:'
Chip Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolate Chip. Cacao and Chocolate Peanut.
sHo'00l,ov:[slt{n'ri\i1iv1A :frlsgfrlA=cvu (r}eslg-l.og(ele}:=tloga
/ggtz '3'N 'IS=HOI f HV/li'33VUl- f OHVH3ru iE6? HOl-efHlO 33VU 'NOIdg'lVH VflNOHH :ISVjNO3
'oe1.$ sl aa3 rfu1u3 't{Jllod uollEllslEeu ltnJ roj sllsq.ill arEU a3s 'sleel|lnloA arEU pLIE sisqrueFl qnlc
ellU1; 0001f00g'srauung en;11aduo3 JoJ penresal slols 01, ol uoqlppe ul 'slols A4ue ;eraueF 09 - ,,fuago-1
ecuEq3 puores,, ':ee^ s;ql nnep '3lqEllEttE slols aulluo 092 3rE eJaql 'f LoZ 'L119 Jequreldas 'AVOHnM
'IO= NOON p uado llri arEH glOZ eql roJ sllsqar^ Ero'00l.pEeFun aql El^ uolprlsrBer eullug :NOIIVSISISJU
'aurze6eyq 6utuungerl61 ol pe1tod€J sslxll sl!ul 09 pegryer lleql €AELl lllm
sellul 0g 15Eel 1e e1a;duo: or.Fr slauunJ 11e'lararnoq '1uere ellut 661 e se r[lgeulrd pleq s! aJe,t slL1l :Nolldo f'lllil 0s
'dool red sdols ralean lEuolllppE I etE eleql'NlqellEnE slulrp puE pool Jo
.'i'lallEn eptrrnE eq llutA erelll 'dool rad suorlEls prE peuuEul 'pe1co1si(|1nj oJlttleJE eJ3qI :SNOIIVI,S OIV
'erEJfis sButuea.ns rluelF paqsnlt {eu!JE qlpltt repfifi l.el U I ol 0t
aql 'qu!13 lElolJo leoJ 000'g qllM fiqderFodol Futl1o't
'puor ;anerE p€Ua^uor E s! llErl
'pepoor*dllntr1neeg 'lnds IJEq puE lno allu 8'tE Eulpnlsu! eslnoe dool ellul S'Zl. V :fSUnOC
'salrElsqo roleui se peroual aJE 1sol EuqleE pue paq 'itqdetEodol elelas
gleq/tAJellu 001, E LlslulJJo sJnoLl FZ IEeJq ol ileuunJ J\^ollE oI 's33EJ ellui 001 snoulElunouJ
Eulpueulap sJou eql puE s€rEr alluJ Og ua.AAleq deE aq1 saEpuq qllqrr^ erEr E ap;nord o1 :AHdOSOllHd fCVH
Eu!lorEt qpop 'r4Erapg '{rEd elEl5 pEelsun '8 'tuill!lV - }llul-l aurll rnoH 0e - WV I - 9l0Z'qleg qrlB1tl :NOIIVCO1 , flVO
ffinoNf fllurt 00r flv=tlsr/un
tVld nOt it\0H
NOUVTCOSSV gNlNNnH VU[]n VHlloUV3 I{IUON fl{r M "?&FJror
'puolulv )nuoJoS 3]€loloql pue EIlIueA uolua'I
'drq3 ateloroqC ]ulry 'ralng lnuead aleloroq:) figg palout5 dauog pue '.&;aq3 eqrow aleloloql {leq pe}BuIeJeC pue
'q8noq ar1oo3 drq3 a1e1oroq3 'puoLuly ,t;;aq3 rlrql ]rr^^s reql'prelsnw {auog 'pa1oLu5 {jo puorulv ]urw aleloloqS IjBC 'puoLUIV
aleloroliS :sro^elc'sdrqr ateloroqf, rolpue slnu ->prg 'ouedele[ pa]seo; :slo^EIC ']uatuqslrnou pue aleloroql Irec 'puollllv lnuo)o] elelololl:)
lrng Jo Dlunql Ieal uleluol sruq aq] 'ro^el] aqi ,!ar1es sapr.to;d slnu eq] tuog tE aqJ 'sreq dro^ IrBC 'ellng lnuead :sro^e13 aa.rJ-uoln13 pagllrer
uo furpuadaq (tarp ar;oyer 000'z e uo paseq) -BS are oseqJ 'su;stueF;o paglpoul .{lleruauafi ou lou are sJeq aql os 'slrnpo.td ualnyfi sassaro.rd
g urruelrl Jo anle.t .{1rep eq} Jo %0t pue C ulur pue aa4-.{os ba4-.{aq.lur 'aa{-uatnl3 'splJe oulrue ]eql d:aurqrew uo passaro.rd sr 1nq 'aa;3-ualnla
-etr^ Jo an1e,r dltep aI{} Jo %9I ulE}uol osle sjeq Ierluas$ auru IIe pue sutelo-td Jo sal;nos le;nleu eq o] slurel] 'ratlso) ere sreq aq] Jo sro^elj IN
aqf 'raqsol pup arg-urtnLB sr t; '.req rq] ur ue 'sluarpa;fiur Iernleu IIe sul€luo3'(latp at.toler 666'7 (fuaq3 eqlory eleloroq3 YeC) oulaJJer su_rel
swsruep;o paglpotu .{lleoriauef ;o sa.r.t}Ba.lasard e uo paseq) tuasa;d st 3 uliuell^;o en1e,r,.,{11ep -uol sjeq aq] Jo auo 'lo^eu oql uo Fulpuaoap
orlaqluds 'srol€l1 letf,Ulile 'druz(s u;or asolJn{ papueuuJof,al eq] Jo %0€ 'spaas ulloluno pue req aq] ur slnu ro lln.u Jo S)lunql lletus puq
qFIq oN 'elelqle aleureJ aqi ot parelel sI req aqJ spuorule ]seel ]e uteluol s.req aql 1y (;o.r'eg uo ueJ no1'sleq aql ut stuatparBut le"rnteu apr.to.ri
'suraio;d .[teut;d aqi a]e saJJnos uralo.rd daq.Lr Surpuadap saue.t) spaas pue slnu Jo d1ar.re,r' e pue o] sr .{uedruor aqt ;o leoB aqJ 'saielosl uta}ori
pue fog 's]eJ pue sura]o;d 'sqrer Jo alueluq aq] spaas dueq 'alelosr utaiord ead tuo4 saulof, ulo] daqrrt uo.g sau;oc utalo;d aqJ dauoq ctueBrc
o1 anp rrruarflF lnol sE paulssel] sI leq aq] pue -o.r4 'cnuar.{1F Mol s€ pa}ouord sr .req aqJ'asoJnlF pue arrnf auec sr af,lnos q;ec d;erut.l6 (:o.teg uc
dn.rr(s auer ctuefi;o iuo{ sI ellnos qJel .{.reruu4 pue ,{auoq |.Uo{ aruoJ sqlel oW 'ure1o.rd 1o 301 Surpuedap) uralo;d ;o !91 pue sq;er jo f61-5.
(;oneg uo furpuedap) utaro.td 3o p71 pue sqrer pue sqrmJo Fst qturl (Fsl);eq auo uI salrolef, 0€Z qlrrr,r (Fzl) Futruas r€q auo .rad sar.loler 961a5-
(IAO] S))VNSCNI) MMM) (l^of Hl9Nlrs^lNoH MA. .
1o ltz-ot qlu,t (Fsl) req auo ur salrole) 06I-01,I
(r,\ol uvBVNnt MMM) Nll-Loud vNnl uvB cNl> tNolls cNl) I UV€ NI]lOId I]DNI.LS ]NC _
ARGININE A common natural amino acid. Most people GLUTAMINE A non-essential amino acid that is most Sucralose so it has no caloric value. Splenda is a
naturally produce arginine in the body in significant abundant in the bloodstream. lmportant for synthesizing common brand name.
healthy amounts and do not need supplementation. protein in muscles, providing cellular energy (next to
Arginine quickens repair time of damaged ttssues glucose), and regulating acid-based balance in the
SUCROSE A disaccharide (two sugars) composed of
and reduces healing times of bone injuries. Arginine glucose and fructose.
kidneys. Glutamine is also known to reduce healing times
is necessaryto make creatine, glutamate, and it is a because it improves n;trogen balance. SUPERSTARCH A complex carbohydrate developed by
precursor for nitric oxide. UCAN from non-genetically-modified corn starch that
LEUCINE An essential amino acid which cannot be
BCAA Branch-chain amino acids are among the produced by the body. Part of the branched-chain amino
stabilizes blood sugar. SuperStarch provides athletes
nine essentiai amino acids necessary for humans. with a low osmolality so that there is more of a slow
acids. Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
The three that are used for ergogenic aids in sports "time-released" glucose profile. Used pre, during and
MALTITOL A sugar alcohol or polyol used as a sugar post exercise.
nutrition products are leucine, isoleucine and valine.
substitute which has75-90o/o sweetness of sucrose or
BCAAs are proteins and new research has shown TAPIOCA SYRUP Made from the yucca root, but still a
table sugar. Contains half the calories of table sugar.
that athletes involved in intense training, such as sugar. Not genetically modi{ied and gluten-free.
Produced by Corn Products Specialty Ingredients and
ultramarathoners, may require one and a half to
may have a laxative effect. TAURINE A non-essential amino acid sometimes used
two times the RDA of protein (which is 0.8 g/kg/day)
to maintain a positive nitrogen balance. They may in energy drinks to combat fatigue. A 20j2 study
MATTODEXTRIN A chain of glucose molecules, usually
help delay fatigue and help with recovery. from Australia reported that taurine miqht actuallv
seen as a white powder that is rapidly absorbed and
blunt the effect of caffein-e.
almost tasteless. Used in sports nutrition products
COMPLEX C,ARBOHYDRATES Complex carbohydrates
because it is a complex carbohydrate that has rapid VEGAN One who abstains from all animal products
have three or more sugars in their makeup and are
absorption from the gut, and slower "drip" into including eggl dairy and other animal-derived substances.
slower to absorb than simple carbohydrates, which
athlete's blood stream. Each qlucose molecule must
nave one or two. WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATES Dietary supplement and
be cleaved from the chain.
DEXTROSE Another name for glucose. food ingredient from separating milk components.
PEA PROTEIN ISOLAIE A high-quality, incomplete Whey is a byproduct of cheese and can be processed
FRUCTOS! A monosaccharide that can be absorbed protein from peas, which is vegan. pea protein is to get proteins in three different forms: whey isolate,
directly into the blood stream and is often bonded to missing some essential amino acids, but it is a great whey concentrate or whey hydrolysate. Whey isolates
glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. Fructose is source of protein and is "slow-digesting" in that it will have a higher percentage of pure protein and are
very sweet. keep you full longer. Natural and no artificial flavors. almost lactose-free- Whey proteins are quickly
GFLATIN An almost tasteless, odorless glutinous absorbed in the body since they contain BCAAs (see
substance made from boiling ligaments, bones and skins above for definition).
have one (single) or two (double) sugars, as in
of animals and used as a base forjellies and glues. a monosaccharide such as glucose, fructose and XYLITOL A sugar alcohol used as a diabetic sweetener
galactose and disaccharides such as lactose, maltose as it is roughly as sweet as sugar without the sugar-
GLUCOSE A monosaccharide derived from plants
during photosynthesis. lt can be absorbed directly and sucrose. spike. lt is also beneficial for dental health, helping tc
into the bloodstream and is the main source reduce caries by a third when used regularly.
SOY PROTEIN ISOIATE Protein isolated from soybeans
of energy when exercising, as well as the only thatis a complete protein since it provides all the SOME OTHER NAMES FOR SUGAR
source of fuel our brain uses. Common sources are essential amino acids. Plant-based, vegan-f riendly
Agave, all natural evaporated cane juice, barley malt,
ca rbohydrates. protern source.
beet sugat brown rice syrup, brown suga4 cane-juice
GLUCOSE POLYMERS Extended chains of glucose STEVIA A sweetener and sugar substitute made from crystals, cane sugat coconut sugar, corn suga4 corn syrup
molecules sometimes also known as starch. They are the leaves of a plant. Stevia's taste has a slower onset date sugaI deKrin, dextrose, fructose, fruitjuice, glucose
not as sweet as glucose and are rapidly used by the and longer duration than that of sugar, and some of grape sugaL high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invefi suga-
body, providing an ideal source of calories for exercise its extracts may have a bitter aftertaste. lactose, maize syrup, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose,
with less gastrointestinal distress. mannitol, molasses, raw sugat sorbitol, sucrose, sugari
SUCRALOSE is an artificial sweetener that is 300 to
GLUTEN-FREE excludes foods containinq oluten turbinado sugar and any ofthese names with ,,natural,'
1,000 times sweeter than regular sugar. The body
(wheat, barley and rye). or "orqanic" in front o{ them.
does not break down the majority of ingested
recommended for athletes who are limiting Thr 'r'ar' -r.e> Greek yogurt, which
their table sugar intake. Protein sources come also provides BC-\\:. Contains 25% dally
from TriSource'" Protein Blend with whey pro- value of r,itarrir.r E rlr35scl on a 2,000 calorie
tein isolates, soy protein isolates and a calcium diet.1. No alrictr"l .\'.esreners. presenvarives
caseinate blend. The bar contains 45% of the or flavors. No gelatir"r. Kosher and $luten-free.
daily value of vitamin E (based on a 2,000 calo- Flavor: Greek Yocurt Honey Nut. PROMAX LS
rie diet). No artificial flavors or preservatives. 220-240 calories in or.ie bar (57g) with 32-349
Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter Reduced Sug- of carbs and tsg of protein. Carbs come from
ar. PROTEINPLUS BAR 30G 360 calories in one sugar found in the chocolate and fructose (de-
bar (909) with :+-ssg of carbs and tog of pro- pending on the flavor). Protein comes from
tein (depending on flavor). Carbs come from soy protein isolate, pea protein isolate, milk
cane invert syrup and milk. Protein is from a protein concentrate and whey concentrate.
NUGO STRONGFR (STORE NUGONUTRITION COM) TriSource-"' Protein Blend including soy pro- Contains BCAAs from the whey. Marketed as
290-320 calories in one bar (Sog) with 34-389 tein isolates, whey protein isolate and calcium low sugar because it is sweetened with stevia
of carbs and zs-zzg of protein. Depending on caseinate. You can also find Lleucine added. and uses a low amount of sugar in the choco-
the flavor, the sugar comes from agave and/or Gelatin is present. Flavors: Chocolate Brownie, late. No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or
cane sugar. The protein comes from non-GMO Dulce de Leche. flavors. No gelatin. Kosher and gluten-free.
whey protein which provides BCAAs. Protein Flavors: Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, Peanut
al.o comes From brown rice prorein concen- Butter Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge.
trate. No soy! no maltitol, no sugar alcohols.
The bar is kosher and gluten-free. Crispy.
crunchy texture. Flavors: Cookies 'n Cream,
Real Dark Chocolate with Caramel, Peanut
Cluster and Caramel Pretzel. DARK 200-205
calories in one bar (50g) with 28-30g of carbs
and tog of protein (depending on flavor).
Carbs come from cane sugar and agave syrup.
Protein comes from non-GMO soy protein iso
lates. Vegan and gluten-free. Flavors: Choco
late Chocolate Chip, Mocha Chocolate, Mint
Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cup and Choc- PROBAR CORF (THEPROBAR.COM/)
olate Pretzel with Sea Salt. SLIN4 lz0-190 calo- 28G290 calories in one bar (zOg) with 32-339 of carbs
ries in one bar (a5g) with 18-209 of carbs and and z0g of protein (depending on flavor). Carbs VEGA SPORT PROTEIN BAR (VEGASPORI COM/)
15-179 of protein (depending on flavor). Main come Fiom organic tapioca \)tup. organrc cane 24G26o calories in one bar (609) with 27jo! of
source of carbs is cane sugar. Main protein iuice. organic aga\e syrup and sugar. Protein comes carbs and 15g of protein. Carbs come fiom or-
corres from non-GMO soy protein and rice from soy protein isolates. Unique in that the bar ganic cane sugar. organic tapioca syrup and or-
prorein. Cluten-free. no maltirol. no arrificial also has chia and flarseeds which provide Omega-3 ganic brown rice syrup. The protein comes from
s\\'eeteners. Two flavors are vegan (Crunchy fatty acids, which aid in reducing inflammation, organic sprouted whole grain brown rice protein
Peanut Butter and Espresso). Flavors: Brownie decreasing muscle soreness and reducing swelling and pea protein. Each bar provides Z.Sg of plant-
Crr-rnch, Crunchy Peanut Butter, Raspberry of muscles post workout due to the augmented based BC,AAs and Zg of t-glutamine. Omega-3s are
Truffle. Roasted Peanut and Espresso. blood flow to muscles during exercise Vegan and also present flom the sacha inchi oil used in the
gluten-flee. Flavors: Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolatg bars. The bars are nonCMO, gluten-fiee, dain.
Peanut Butter Chocolatg Brownie Crisp. flee, soy-fiee and made without artificial flavors.
colors or sweeteners. Ve$an. Recommended to
take in conjunction with the other tvvo recovell
powder products, Recovery Accelerator and Per.-
formance Protein. Flavors: Chocolate Mint, Choc-
olate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Coconut.
The best part about finding a product yor-r
: enjoy is trying them all out! Determine wha:
products you want based on what they har'.
to offer. Does the product fit your protein an;
carbohydrate needs? Does it offer any specifi:
POWERBAR (WWW POWERBAR COM) dietary options that align with your food pLe-
PROTEINPLUS@ BAR 20G 2t0-28O calories in erences or allergies? Does it appeal to yor-::
one bar (d0-61g) with zs-zzg of carbs and zog of PROMAX taste buds? Do you want a drink or do vc,
protein (depending on flavor). Carbohydrates (WWW. PRON4AXNUTRiTION COM) want a bar? Are rhere any moral or ethii
come from maltitol syrup, fructose, milk and PRO SERIES 330-350 calories in one bar (909)
components involved (local, organic or s.....
cane syrup. Protein sources come from whey with :z-+Og of carbs and ZSg of protein. Carbs
tainable)? We all have likes and dislikes. Sonr.
protein isolates, soy protein isolates and a come from brown rice syrup, sugar and in- of us prefer sweet and some of us want t:-,
calcium caseinate blend. Has BCAAs from the verted evaporated cane syrup. Protein comes hearty, savory flavor. The choice is yours. A>.
whey protein. No artificial flavors or preserva from whey protein concentrate and whey pro- yourselfwhat you are looking for and you v.:
tives. Flavors: Chocolate Mint Cookie. Peanut tein isolate. No artificial sweeteners, no sucra- find a product that fits your wants and nee :'
Butter Cookie, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Vanilla, lose. no maltitol, no gelatin, gluten-free and The main point is to consume sometlxing ri'\'
Chocolate Crisp, Cookies N Cream PROTEIN- kosher. Flavors: Triple Chocolate Crips and after the event. Stay fueled and nourisl:.
PLUS BAR 22G 27O calories in one bar (zOg) Peanut Butter Crisp. PROTEiN BAR 280 calories You will feel so much better a few hours l:'.
with rog of carbs and zzg of protein. The bar in one bar (z5g) with 379 of carbs and zog of the next day and the day after that ifyou r
has 30g of carbs with only 19 of sugar. The protein. Carbs come from sugar, corn syrup, mize your recovery immediately followinc -
main carbs come from maltitol syrup, a sugar and honey. Protein comes from soy protein race. Remember: Refuel, Repair and Rec
alcohol which is a sugar substitute. The bar is isolate. whey protein concentrate and calcium Happy Running. and Recovering! e


b1J A111'L Trason

Dear Ann - downhill running can wreak havoc on a run-

What do I do when my feet are covered in blis- ner's feet! If blislers persist, try an in-store run-
ters so bad that I can't finish the race. much ning specialist who can perform a gait analysis.
less walk without pain for weeks afterwards? So how do you deal with the blister once it
Blister Bob has arrived? Before taking action, always check
the blister for potential signs ofinfection. Ifyou crew pacer & family.
Dear Blister Bob, show any signs of infection, go see a doctor im- 4. Stop wasting your time: Hard training with-
It's always tragic when a BIG run gets taken mediately. If every,'thing looks okay, you have out easy recovery is a waste of time - Fitness
down by a LITTLE culprit! Such is the case with two options: either leave the blister alone and = adaptations that occur during recovery
blisters. While blisters can feel like a mystery, let the fluid reabsorb into the body (this is the from training srress...no recovery. no im-
there are four solid basics to avoiding blisters safe option as you do not risk infection). If the proved fitness.
that you should know about. blister is causing pain and/or is large in size, 5. Just another day: Race day is just another
1. SOCKS The right socks are super impor- you will need to pop it to release the fluid. (well-rested) day on the trails.
tant when it comes to blister prevention! Socks Before starting, thorou$hly wash your hands 5. Use the tried and true, not something new
provide extra support, keep moisture away and in warm water with soap. Gently wipe the blis- on race day.
can minimize the friction that leads to those tered area with rubbing alcohol or iodine. Steril- 7. Even if the shoes fit...Foot pain? Toes jam-
nasty blisters. Steer clear of cotton socks at all ize a needle or a pin with the rubbing alcohol. ming? Try adjusting your shoelaces.
costs! Running stores will provide you with a Puncture by entering the side of the blister in 8. Ice is your friend: in your bottle; in your
variety of nylon socks, wicking socks or a wool several spots close to the blisteris edge. Soak up the bladder; in your bra; in your kerchief; in
blend sock that pulls moisture away from your draining fluid with a clean piece of cotton or gauze your hat.
feet. You will find through experimentation Apply antibiotic ointment and place gauze 9. You can'l bank time. but you sure can waste ir.
what works best for your feet. As for me, I NEV- and/or a bandage over the popped blister. Keep 10. Early on ask: "can i really maintain this pace
ER head into a race without a brand new pair the area very clean for 2-3 days. Apply more anti- all the way to the finish line?" lf the answer is
of my favorite socks on. biotic ointment and bandage again until healed. no, why are you going so fast: SLOW DO\ /\'.
2. TAPES AND BANDAGES For soots on the To learn more about foot care. I recommend 11. Grab and go: Have someone fill you blac-
leet that are notorious for blisters. rry adher- an industry expert, John VonHof. I like to fol- der/bottles while you fill a small plastic bae
ing moleskin or other soft but secure bandages low his blog at: wwv.fixingyourfeet.com/blog with food and grab a drink, then head ori
to problem areas before putting on your run- Good luck to you and your happy running feetl and eat on the go.
ning socks. I prefer to use NuSkin on hot spots, 12. One minute rule: One minute per aid statior.
which is painted on like nail polish and can be Dear Ann - is the goal. Assign a crew member to call ou-
found at most pharmacy stores. Be sure to fol- Of all the 'other things' than just running to to you every 30 seconds you're in the statior
low bandaging instructions, as poorly applied train and prepare for & racing ultras, what
tape can cause more friction and problems than single thing should one add to one's regimen? I challenge you Gale to come up with yor.::
the original hot spot did! Thanks, Gale own list. The longer your own list is, the mo:.
3. POWDERS AND CREAMS Blisters are a successful you will be! G
symptom of friction. These products help solve Dear Gale,
the friction problem. There is a wide variety of spe- I could not stop with just one single thing. The Attn Trason is a lL-tune women's clmntpiott ."
ciality creams, glides and powders, as well as good best I could do is the following - Ann's list of the Western States 100, and set Wodd Records -'
ol'Vaseline, available at your local pharmacy that little ultra nothings that make a difference in a tlrc so-nile (5:40:18 in 1991), looK (7:00:42, i9e:
will help to keep friction to a minimum. successful ultra run. lLHow (91 mtles 1312 lJcLrds, 1991) and IO0-r1.: .
4. PROPERLY FITTED RUNNING SHOES Be (13:47:42,1991) dlstances. Annuas co-dtrector oj . .
sure you are starting offon the right foot! Shoes 1. The training secret: Sleep. Fiefiarls 50 m Northern Califom)a for 10 11e
C that don't fit the shape of your foot, or that don't 2. The ultimate training secret: More Sleep. cod Ims taugllt science nt the coLlele IneL.
have enou(h space in the toe box to allow for 3. It is a team sport (really): Be kind to your


Send your questions to
'rrcz q 468 sepailuo) s,ar!.w \1nos ru usL o] papuaururolal uauo sr
'LL{ efi7cl tst{ a Ww 'ZIOZ rq satrls ilratsaM ]u 111&r ir ,{q,tr uosea.r e sr a.raqt la.{
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-ur uo FurIro.M oslE arq^\ 'urepe pa.rnfur putl uer srqJ 'anbruqral poo$
-]eF Jo Isu aq] azrururlu o] o] Furure;]-sso;r JO Siure] ur r{l}erJs LUo{
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= .raja.rd plnort sn Jo tsoru qFnoqlle 'llera^O -le,lrelur ']seJ 'ljoqs Jaqlo
']noIro.l Fururelurew-ssaulg E pue 'suorssas z{peals '.raBuo1
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auos - Furuun; qir^ op I
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ur .raqtra) lloJJa
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leualur pue paads roJ pasn aq uer,{aqt I ]eq] punoJ osle 1 'antsuad
.ro (un.r 3uo1 :nod fiune1da; "a'r) slno1;orn.{pea1s -xaur .{.ra.t sr }r plr€ popaau
'Buoy .ro3 sartrsualur Jo.4\ol ]E pasn aq uef, soIlIAIl sr .reafi a1ur1 ,{ran 1eq1 ua.trF
-rE aseq] Jo tllog 'pealsul ramor aqt pue yerrtdry '3ur1r,{r or pa.reduor rno rtrr
le arl] roJ peaq plnom pue sallq Lu^8 aql LLIo{ o] rarsea qJnur sr ]eq1 .{1r.tr1re ue st fiuturut,u5 -aLur],, e pooF se se^\ Fururer]-ssoJl ]nq sarlr^r]f,e
,{eu,e pa.{e1s I 'sroop}no Burpdr se.tn I alurs 'ssau 'unr lnoq-rnoJ E se slUJuJq Sutute;] aues lerrsdqd-uoulo s].ros IIe qtr^\ autr] srq] IIU plnol
iU urutureru o] s,{e,tl alqedofua arour aq}Jo auo aqt dear ]ou saop apr"r ep.{r lnoLI-JnoJ V'erul} I 'asrnor JO 'pallu ,{1snor.r.a.rd peq aurrBar Furtr
se,&\ f,rsnru pooF aruos qlrd\ pue u.{fi aqi 1e sra arou qrnru puads o1 paau notr flutuun; uaqm -unr elrsuatxo ,{Lu }eq} atur} eq} Jo euos }sual
-qlo qlrd\ 1no pur1.ro.,u, leq] punoJ I 'ur ]nojlo^ op no.{ se alrq e uo s}gaueq }noIJoI\ arues aq} ie LIU or prprru I req] MruI I 'puorrs 'rlqrt
B taF oi futpas lenos ]ea;F e seru 1t parnfut se,u ]eB o] 'puoras pue ']uatulrluluof, lellueuu e sl-sod se adeqs go ]no al]]rl se FurlraB le lsaq dnr
I Lraq^\ 1nq 'u,{p eq} ur saulqleu orpret wo.IJ a,teq,{peerle t,uop no.{3t rprq.e\ 'oIIq elgeuoseer
op ol prrueM I req] pJprrrp I 'ruole Sutute;,
ie,ne .{e}s ,{11eur-rou I 'd}rlr}re Futnte;i-sso.tl e a^Bq o] paau no.{ 'tsru - saplsuMop s}l a^eq -sso;r qFnorqt ssaulg puruunr Ilry uleluretrt oi
IELIU plrp q]:nog .{ru sem u.{F aq} o} Furo:) saop Burptrr ]nfl Furuunr tnoqe a^ol 1 sfiurql q3no] aq plnom tr ]eq] pazrlear I qBnoqlle puu
'.nnl-ui .rnoi ale.re.rFFe 11r.u nod )eq] ISI; ou .r{11ec JLll Jo Juo sr qJrqM 'sroopino au ro8 tt JSnetJq19 dyqeuosear daal o1 uaal se.t\ I lslrC 'ute.ri
-rilu.rd sr aiaq] sarn]rp{ ssar}s aIII saunlut .to; ]ear! Furp.{r punoJ osle I 'sqtuoru Jaruulns eLF-ssoJJ o] pallrel I dq,tr suosear IEraAas aral\
os rrr:dnrr oraz sr lr ]Erl] sr Furuun.r lood lnoqe Furrnp pa.rniur seM I ]eq] ua^t3 'spuel{ q}I.&\ ajarlJ'seapl Futute;]-sso;r;o3 Futlool s€1!\ I srs
rtsrrrrp rsareJrS Jqr Jo ruo 3uo1e BurSSol t'nl apr.r Euol pualaam e.ro; oF plnol I 'spuat4 qll^-ouFerp dtu 3o s.rnoq urqlr^\ os '1ryured .raqle,r
Lr€Ll] Joqlel 'ared aql dn Sutxtut pue sl€atalul s€ IIa.^ se 'prdnls Jo Uoqs purqlou aq plno^\
un; fuol prro)aal\ e :o3 FuroF 3o peetsul ',{1r,r'r1re
Surop .rtq pJer{ ino Fur>1.ro.tt se,^ I alnsue plno^\ a;n]re4 ssa;ls e uo Futuun't ieq] pezrlsor I 'un.l
Ienos € sr ]r 'Furuun; aIII 'asnef,aq tearF sertL ll
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e Fursn ]eq] ua^rC'uorternp alqeuoseal e loJ pue padofua d11ea.r 1 .{+r.trlre euo sEM Fu1p,{3 ]ou plnoqs 1 ]eq] slsrde.raqiots.{qd pu€ sro}rop
]no i;o.t\ osle pue u;o; .rado.td ulelulpru plnoJ 'AlrArlf,e qlea
,{q plot fluraq ot IaaM e sallu 00I punore Fuiri
1 ,{e,u dluo aq} se.&\ }r asnelaq }laq Furuunl ur uorlelrlolu pu€ ]saratLll{ur ure}ureu plnom -unr tuo{ tual. l '.{lprnb.r{y;reg '6167 ur 'arn}rEr
lood e pasn s.{e,tryu 1 '}nolrom ;eqFno} qrnru I os dn ]r pexru I ]eql ]ueuodtur aroJaraqi sEA\ sserls
relnqg e FurpnlJur 'saunfur snouel qtr.,.
e splard arrlep uorlelou e Sursn iou qtnoqtly 11 'uorssed an;].{ur a.ta,t\ tuarl}Jo euou se 'paJoq paurlaprs sE^\ I 'rloul 11r,ra nod jo .{uuru sy
'ul lno)ro,&\ elr]lage ue tafi o] Ielluesse st Furu JuoJJq uoos plnom I ]eq] Fututelt-sro.tl 'e;y1 .{11ue3 pue sqof ;no punore ut Sutuun: 3u.-
-unr lood uaq A uroJ ;ado;d Furutelulew 'sseu par.r} I JI }eq} MeuI
auo ,{ue Jo qf,nur sE op oi^lAIlJE Jg uo FursnloJ ,{snq oot a;,o.{\ se 'ruaq} ;oj atr.,
-lg le.rauat Fururelureu lsnf ueqt .raqle.r 'adeqs I'IJJM E slnoq El puno;e;o3 Sututrn.r,{oiua arl] pug t,uop ]sni usuo JA 'slrods raqlo .trr c,
Buruun; ur nod Furdaa>1 ;o3 ,&r,r,rlre tsaq aq] dlrddeq ueJ I ]slrtlr\4 'lelluassa sr .{at;en 1eq1 JIrI plnom J,lnJI r-rJ^J pue 'pJurlJprs la3 ol p..'.
.{1a4y sr snq} pue Furuuu .re1nfia: ol salJsnru rel sEM paja^orsrp I Bulq] euo zslauunt pa:niur sarlr^r]f,E raqlo ']lnsar e sv 'Jaqloue Jo luo.r] ,.
-rrurs .&arr sasn Buruun; lood - s;auun; pa.rnfur roJ isaq are sarlrlr])e Furure;]-sso;r leqm:S ]ooJ auo Fur;ndJo s.rnoq .{uetu roJ }no FurpE:-
'unr oi alqe auraq pue saoqs rno dn funel ,{olua .{11ea.r t,uprp :
]ou ruo{ alqe;osrlu oot Burtiafi go a.teis oi fiur Jr sare; ;og Furure.rl .[ressarau aql IIe op ppr..:
-,r'tog surqd.ropua pooFlaa3 aql daa>1 o] aslJlexa JM ,Moq LuollleJ o] preq sr tt :3utst.td;n' t.
aruos papuauurola; ]srde;aqlors,{qd,{u ua,ta IIp ]ou sr srtlJ iunr op ot a41 ]sni a.u sr srarrr.
puy;furprul dn 8ur>1el se uorldo .,Fur11g -Eltln Jre JA quospJl Jrll Jo Juo 'lr ]rLupu . . '
pooMueert e11li
I 9N'hfiVUr-550U3 eN nU r,N*'
-])N\ftvg l-{nfdulln

by lan Shannan

Many readers are deep into racing season now. ideally avoid a big presentation at work, huge
So what's the best way to recover after a really big deadline or any'thing else that will send your
effort? Whether it's recovery fiom a target race blood pressure through the roof
or fiom an increasingly popular Fastest Known The amount of time to wait until you run
Time ('FKT') attempt, the principles are the same. again varies but allow a minimum of a couple
However, there's a lot of individual variation in of days. After somethint as tough as 100-mil- Sports massage and foam rolling fit into this
how long it takes based on age, fitness, length of ers it's worth waiting at least one to two weeks category too. These aid blood-flow and reduce
run, injury history and other factors. before running. For example, during the four tightness in both the muscles and myofascia.
A rule of thumb that gets mentioned in mara- 100s I ran in 2013 for the Grand Slam there were which encompasses the muscles like a net. At
thon training is to allow a day of rest for every $aps of three to four weeks between races, and I the least, they will make your legs feel better
mile run in a race. fu most of you have prob- waited a week before runninQ. then had another and improve your range of motion to minimize
ably found, this is excessive, except maybe for week ofvery light efforts every other day. the chance of injury post-event. Roughly three
athletes at the peak of human fitness for whom One other thing to consider after a major run- to four days after a race is best for massage to
every second counts in a race (ultras aren't quite ning event is whether it's a good time to have an allow time for much of the soreness to subside.
there yet). Nobody having fun wants to take a annual off season, which doesn't have to be dur-
month off running after a 50k and lose condi- ing winter. Up to a month of zero running helps SUMMARY
tioning or time on summer trails. rest the entire body and give the mind a break too. We all hear or read about runners racind virtu-
Instead, I'd suggest following the principles ally every weekend. but after a focused. hard
below, split into three categories - diet, rest and ACTIVE RECOVERY efFort it's best to take a breather and let the body
active recovery. After the first day or so, it's good to get your heal. This will prolong your running career. re-
muscles movin! to increase blood flow and duce the chance of injury and minimize the risk
DIET speed muscle re$eneration without impact. ofburn-out. It's also a chance to enjoy your suc-
Straight after you finish the run there's a very Walking is perfect. as are cross-training sessions cess before moving on to the next goal. !ts
short window when your muscles are craving like low intensity cycling or the elliptical ma-
carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores, but chine. When you do restart running, if your legs
lan Sharmcm is an USATF cenfied ulwwwwmg
also protein to help rebuild. Given the time it protest and feel heavy, then switching back to coach, C,rand SLnn oJ [Jltrarun:1ull record holder
takes to get nutrients from the food to the blood- walking works fine. Progress the walking to lon- and the 2O13 LeadvtlLe tOO chanqion. He's nm otter
stream, dietitians recommend the first 30 min- $er. faster sessions before returning to running 18O ultras and marathotts i:tL over 30 counira, races
utes after exercise as the most effective period. and try power-hiking on trails or an inclined frequartlq cmd hts website is ytryvw.shntnaynfln.coltl
Planning ahead to have food ready in a drop- treadmill within that rebuilding phase.
bag, in the car or with crew is great in theory
but it often takes discipline to force yourself to
eat immediately at the finish. Given how this
really helps to kick-start your recovery it's worth *w&*u&w **a&T&w e& aY ag*&ffi&um&.,,
prioritizing munching as soon as you can, even
if your taste-buds have rebelled from so much
sugar through the day.
In the days after the big run it's ok to indulge
yourself a little (maybe a lot depending on what
you have coming up), but aim to get a balanced
diet in first. By that I mean fiesh, unprocessed
foods with plenty of fiuit and vegetables. Slightly
C more protein than normal is helpful, but don't
C just eat steaks (or beans, for vegetarians) since
there's only so much your body can absorb. *
Admit it, you're too hyperactive to want to lie *
around for long after a tough effort. The first few
days set the trajectory for your recovery, so try to
make them as stress-free as possible with more
time budgeted for sleep. This is easier said than
done, especially if you have a long journey home...
or children. Try to allow an extra day after the run
before traveling and take the opportunity to enjoy
the location without pre€vent nerves.
Many studies have found sleep to be the single
biggest frctor in recovery, which I can attest to from
my own experience Therds a good reason Kenyan
marathoners usually get 1G12 houn of sleep per sixdaysinthedome.com
night to recover fiom their brutal training.
Stress and anxiety have a large effect on your
ability to rest too, so the more you can control
this, the better. In the week following your run, E i rr,t",tr, rtt, ),-.,.. .: ) ll ro',a,-r r.;,.tti /.:,'::.i:?ii ti,:.t
'ruoJ'7r,1;'/4a4Jc,o1ffi1p)awuL N 1u11,1 u)aal Trac non
'caJU.l JEUI5
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pu1I71W pua :xl'uollU;rysaM ep1&no v|'uo$'q1rv
u atvl nv.Lmf sLI/ plu aH 'aTqrssod q s4uul au l!11N\
lo gnu! atll Suymd slioha oqm apTUlrt erlmmpua
pua ntlaarls TauouaMloru' n4otg ctr.tlg yauoqarual
u1 auq-11tt['ptntqmq'nqta[a e uatpnM parprw
m iir reUE .{e1g 'au urof 11r.,rn no.,{ adoq
I pue strrurl fru flutqsnd aq lly\\ I su 'araql ]no
atu JoJ IOOI 'arut] ;no.{ puads ol 1ue.l,r no,{ .uoq
pue nor{ o} }ueuodrut sI }Eq,&\ aprlep no.{'auo
go ]uawuadxa .rnof 3o aF-reqr trr a;e no1 learq e
Jle] lo leu pBJp \l req] JJel e op ro'ulElunoLu
e dn uny 'slreJ] unr .,{1uo nod 3r etel peoJ e Jo
'\peol Jql uo un; ,{1uo aneq nof Jt JJBI ller} E
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Z uMop arl ol lueM lsnI no,{ uaqm IUJAJ paru.r Fur.teq raue aq+ ("'de1 ISel aq] III]
].uop ury ]!ure ]l JI,! 'ples aluo euoauos sV'ury
= aq] taue trlFu ^epuEl apnp aqi-Aolujoql
atu uo ]es aq pue unr
1r daal o1 sr aleru uec I uortsaflFns IeuU aqJ lnllfv SN; VIS
'no,{ qrler 11yvr daqt 'alqrssod sI juIL{} ^lleltadse
]t uo dn ,{e1s lnq'eie.rpdq-tarro pre;3 moul ,{lqeqo;d s.{nF no.{) sa}e}S uralsaM
r no.{ 1eq.tr puo.{aq qsnd pue leql go afieluenpe ],uoc'pelooFano uauo oo] pue )ueuoolul lao Jo rolJJrrC aJeX rql lsureSu IJBrr aq] uo Jpru
a1e1 os'no.{ dlaq ol a"raql ale .rnod sdeq;ed -ns sr srq] Iurq] I U3IVM lo slot"'u]lvM -auo Fune; o) pareduor Burqtou tnq 'qBnol
pue sjaoiunlo^'ro]la]Icl eJeN^\aJJ aql'qJPel-la^o o] foiua no.{.ra.r.aieq.a'r aq uEf, srq} }nq 1In4 qsa4 pue se1!\ ]eqJ'(lr tdualte ol ury .{11ear sel^ }r }nq
.ro ,{ep peq E a^eq oi areld .,aJes,, e uI ele no speles a^ol I ltnj/cooj Hs3uJ HllVtH '1eofi .{ru aleru alrnb t,uplp I os 'sepan se1 ut
'sluela asaq] ur Furladtuor lnoqe fiurqt }ea.rfl aqi umo;nod uo alqrssod ueq] Jaq] LS:Z uet uaq] pue 'rc:z uI oluoluv ues uo^\
sr leqf 'lulod leLl] tuo{ ple,ryuoJ a,totu uel no,{ -.re; dpoq ;no.{ qsnd no,{ }a1 uer }l 'tuatu}selul I) etOZ Jo raqua^oN ur oluoluv ues IIoU €
uaqJ 'aru slrturl ;no.{ erer{ln A\oul nor{ 1sea1 1e pue alur] aq] quo.^ sr lr olrl IaaJ I lgvssvt\l IroU pup sefan se1 IIox € ItoX ]e 0g:z repun
'elFFn;ls no.{ .ro '.ro; fiur>1ooy e;e no,{ }lnsal ari} eurl Jo ]no Furqilue go do] uo fuls unr o] pau] I 'dep arues aq] uo suoql€leru
1afi 1,uop no.{31 luem nod teq.u op pue31es;no,{ au sdyaq sellsnur panFrtej pue oros Fupt 3)t oM] 'Lrr.,\\ o] pau] pue 'p3lel oslE e^eq I
o] uJisrl Inq 'rt op o] Moq puB op ot teq,m no,{ ool poo3 sleeJ pue Sutnoru poolq eqt ]eF 'trrnfur 3o por:ad u .rage .fued ]no-Sututor
alaql Jo o1 purdlaq ur slsrsse UV19 NOISSIUd1AO) e Jo purl se^\ ]l 'srtrneJ reluelo Jo ]noq B puE
11a1 ot Fur,fil auoatuos aq s.{e1\\le IIIM
alqeder a;e nod ]eqM auluralap aldoad :aqlo :are Jur padlaq a,teq teqt seruraq a.tg 'srnlad dur ;o sa;nlce.IJ ssa;ls oAU
Molle r.uoc 'tr op ueJ no,{ pue alqrssod sr }r pele-rod.rorur e^erl I ieql sFulrl] atuos ]nq 'sdEM go lururor sel\ I ]eq] sem elu .ro3 Futltcxa a;oru
JAJIlJq ol sl Jleul ue: I uorlsa8fins laqlouv ruueJJrp ur rJ^oJar 11e 464 'da>1 :t &ano:ag uala eruauadxa srr{} eperu 1eq14'lenads ,&ta;d
',{poq "rno,,{ pue no,{ s}ta:Ue }t oq aas pue,{t1 e 1t '.(ra.torar uo snroJ ,{11ee.r ol sr 'aldurs punos se^\ qrrq^\ 'oo] 'tueq] Jo .&\aJ e,uIM,o] elqe se^\
^ otar altped I pue-ropEnlg puE elry elsoS'3c 'uoiFulqsEM
a,r.rp uarp'1upa1 pue Ioof, suaos ]IJI'trra IIrM srq] pue 'anrp uer I uorlsaFFns ]srg etlJ
yJ uer IeLp pJlrt ].uJ^eLl I s8ut4 Jo srol JIE erJql ',{e.ta. leql ur 31as.rno.{ Fur}sa} ur ul qluJ^J {I08) Jlil-u 09 JJrLI} ur pataduro: 1 uaqA
Jrn\ rue I :ru:ruuadxa puB paputu pauado ag palsaratur aq nod plnoqs 'd;nlur pto,te pue sel] 9167 fiur.rnp sem porrad IaaM-JnoJ E lelo auop
LrorleuroJur ]eq] uo ]le ueqi puE uaisl'I ln Jo awnlol aFrel e alpueq o] .a\oLI o] se suot] JAeq | \uoqlereLu-Brlln lsoLu Jql'aJue}sul lol
'no-i -seFFns pue suepr aruos aTPLIS o] fiutdoq rue 1 'eLue4 aLUr] aluEs
ol 8ur.t-r1 sr ]t ]eqm pue .,{poq .rno.{ uo
.'rlo-l pLIB tuJtuoLU Jqt ul aq o] ,{.rJ ',{-ranora.r 'ur saruof, al)IlJe slq] alaq.&\ teq] Suunp'1u:aua! ut saJur pue'sluala af,uel
rrednrr uul asrou aprslno ]Pt{} lN SSIUI_S s.iBql'ureFe unr ol elqeun pue unL{ f utaq uL isa -srp-erlln ra,^ aJ op o] pua] aydoad lsou eltq.tt
sdlaq llyea.r rr daays prlos ]oB I uaq.^ ]nq -Jaiur ou a^€q I sE 'alqrssod se ,{1a3es se sirurl .{ru 'sareld anbrun ,{}}a.rd auos ut aladuor o} a}eunl
'3lro srq] iE Iurls Jo pull I ]eqt ILrrrl] I d1315 a;oldxa pue sauepunoq ,{tu lsai o} }ue.u I .{.rnf -"ro3 .&al tue I 'sareJ )Jel] alrtu-auo pue qs 'sIol
-ur raue 'prEs ]eqJ 'ueJ 'suoqlerelu JIErI 'suoqlejeur a)II slua^o JatloLl!
tL0z un! plroM alrl ,{aql lurql .,{aql ueql ot-s€ Jo sp.re.udn pue pouad lluou-Zl e raAC
ro; s6ur7y1 eq] 6utuutiu o1 {enr srq uo peal aql 6u11e} allqnn ue)P} ar}laS aroul oplrl e op o] sJa suoqleletu-Erlln 0l Jo splemdn are.r ,{eu 1 tutl-
-qlo arrdsur o] uln] uI aq plnoM 'a^arlaq I 'saruaraJJlp ulelu asorl-L
adoq 1 pue 'iatu roJ olq 'ooi sBurlll Mq e ul ;ag1P feu a
-rssod sr ]erl,4 Jo stIruII ln8 ..'leJ ]eLll J^llp UJAJ ].ueJ I.. 's^es JuoJtLh '
aLI] Iaas o1 uaaq s.{e.tt uJL{M reJ JlllsJtlf e a>1r1 ur"rB no1 '.{-r.rer ol J\ts..
-le seq Futuun; ,{tu no.{ ssal sr ipq} asneJoq's3uoleJ 000'I seq }ut;-
qlrm IEoF uretu .{ry .req eloue;F e pug o] pelrcxa 1afl pue purddou'
31as.{ru a1rq.n aldoad tsoru Jo alrsoddo oq] op no1 '\1..
qsnd o1 .{trunl;oddo IUup .4 au Surzerue ue Jo salaals-Jl€t Jo .n:'--
us se lr le palool I ,Mau e '.,l\ES lsnf nod pleqpueq ]aal\s e se tp: :
os 'Furleduror pue 1,uop .{yqeqord sraqrueru .{1twe; pue srolro,\\--
Furuunr alol I tnq rnod sFurql {q palnxa ia$ no1 'saoqs flutuur-
'puelaal\ af,er ]sap MJU eAO[ nOA qpeor pue suleiunou'sllBl] 6L
-firq .{ru ,,(1qeqo;d se.u -un; .{ofua .{1441 lsoru no1'}ol e "'Futuunl ..
]BqI '00I eLI] arojaq -ue tr1qeqo;d nod leql st saluleuoluluof, as.
dnp orl] uooureu€ Jo JuO's,{etr3o e.roqtald e ur JLU a1t1,{1qecr
depr.rg uo (dn tqFrerls a;e nod uarl] 'alJIlJe srq] Furpea.r are no.. -
AUTAO)3U GNV 9NINNnU 3run104 F{F'
by SeanVifue

I have many clients who are runners and they Begin r Plank position with the
hands d rectly under the shoulders,
come to me with similar stories: my lower
the chin s ghtly tucked and the
back hurts, I tire easily, I've hit a wall in my hepl< n'p<< -o h:rk Fyhale and
training, my endurance isn't what it used to be. dr:'r tho - eh- L rcc tnrnrg;15 lfig
Whatever the reason, I can't wait to get them right s de while {lexing the foot.
on the Pilates program to discover what their and return to Plank" Repeat
bodies are truly capable of when pounding the - Inhale
1 5 times on each side while keeping
pavement and beyond. I the foundation of the Plank.
I recently chatted with one of my new regu-
lars, who's also a pretty serious runner, about
what she's noticed about her running since add-
ing Pilates to her life. The first thing she said -
was, "l've shaved so much time off my runs!
Lying on your back draw the
I'm running faster, further and easier than I
right knee in and extend the left
did before starting your class." Bingo! Pilates leg forward. Gently place the
strengthens your powerhouse muscles (all your
fingertips on the back of the head
abdominals, lower back, hips and glutes), which
and lift the head and shoulders off
drastically improves your posture. When your the mat. Inhale as you switch the
posture is strengthened because of a strong, bal- legs and exhale as you extend the
anced core, you donl have to fight gravity and right leg. Keep the elbows open to
drain your energy reserves. Now, all that energy the sides and lift the chest towards
is being redirected into your running. the opposite knee. Make this
And here are more benefits: practicing Pilates be- exercise about the abs. Reneat '10
fore and after your run will not only reduce your t;mes on each side.
recovery time but will also keep your body more
resistant to injury. Pilates connects your mind and
Bring the elbows directly under tF =
body into a relentlessly strong and efficient ma-
shoulders, tuck the chin slightly,
ching which you'll need on those grueling treks
pull the shoulders back and draw
through the sun, mountains, wind and snow.
the heels back. Try not to let the
IVe put together five Pilates exercises that will stomach sag but stay parallel to t-=
offer the biggest benefit to your running workouts. ground. On each exhale give the
These will really get your core fired up while stretch- abs a Iittle squeeze. Hold for 30-61
ing your entire body in a short amount of time. seconds for maximum burn!
Summary: Most lunners train by, well, running!
However, doing only the same workout, such as
running, every day, will cause weak muscles to
become weaker and strong muscles to become
stronger. In addition, the repeated movement of
running can wear down the body because there's
Lying on your back inhale and exte-:
little to keep the core strong and balanced. the
the right leg to the sky and extend .- =
muscles flexible and the body aligned. It's trme to
left leg forward. Exhale and lift the
bring in Pilates to add balance, strength, flexibility
head and shoulders off the mat \.!. .
C and focus. Pilates will build your body fiom the grabbing the right leg as high as r c -
C core outvvards into a much more efficient run- can while keeping the elbows to:'=
ning machine. You're going to love the dramatic outside. Inhale ard switch the ,eci - '
improvements in your runnin!. 0E grab as high as possible on the e+:
leg. Exhale when your hand touc'=,
SeanVilue ts a sought after yoga, Ptlates, spittntng the leg and extend. Repeat 5 tin-e.
and fitness mstructor lwuxg ux central Florida. each side and keep lengthening: =
He's urrently writmg lns first malor Look, "Power legs fufther on each repetition.
Yoga for Athletes," with Fair Winds Press at'td k
YouTube's Most Watched Yo!a and Ptlates Canlt
Begin on your stomach and ei... -
Learn more about Sean b'4 ,uuttutg SeanVifueFit-
both the arms forward. Inha e . -

ness.com and subscribtng to hts YouTube page at

lift the right arm and left leg .

o utub e. c o m/ mo tleUfl tness.

keeping your eyes on the gro-- :

Exhale and iower the arm ar-: :

You may continue the exerc s=
that or chop the arms and lec,
quickly like an actual swim ,.. - .
breathing in for 5 counts an:
exhaling for 5. ChallenEe yo, .
by doing either variation f c .
Ieast 20 seconds.


by Gary Dtdney

*;' *=l,,* |,.:?#

Imagine yourself, late at night, out on the Great "*,

Plains, running through the Flint Hills of Kan-
sas in the best-preserved remnants of tallgrass

prairie in America. No trees block your view,

no canyon walls blot out the stars. There are
no high ridges, no deep valleys, no rock forma-
rions. mounlains. pine lrees or nrarrmade srruc-
tures between you and the great overarchin$
sky. Clouds of glittering stars blanket the night
and extend down to all horizons. Orion stands
out with three perfectly aligned stars forming
his belt and the stars of his sword clear and
distinct. Just above the horizon in every direc-
tion, there are scattered lights miles and miles
away: the blinking red lights of a radio tower,
a bright light bobbing up and down on an oil
derrick, a pair of white lights marking a grain Runners Following the Soft Yellow Gravel Road across the prairie at Heartland 100
silo and twenty miles away a faint dome of
light over Emporia.
Your flashlight beam lights up a ragged edge not a familiar mountain ridge against it. But this along with the historical reenactors who r.-
of switchgrass, indian grass and bluestem grass was the complete doom of heaven, all there was the dirt streets and give you the town's ir:,
that lines the gravel road you're traveling. The of it...Between that earth and that sky I felt erased, skinny. The Wichita Art Museum is nearl''
shadows of wildflowers growing in the road leap blotted out. I did not say my prayers that night: well as botanical gardens and a world cla..
around your feet. From time to time a rabbit ap here, I felt, what would be would be." Antonia's ence museum, "Exploration Place," fuIl oi
pears and regards you with curiosity. The dark impressions are so much like what happens in active exhibits all located in sprawling Rir'.
grasslands all around are alive with odd noises: ultrarunning. You are taken "outside of man's Park where the Little and Big Arkansas R
whirrs. buzzes, muffled screeches, Iow screams, jurisdiction," that is, outside the confines of ev- meet near downtown.
howls, hisses, clicks and grinds. A coyote begins eryday life, and brought to a place where what
a plaintive howl at the half moon hanging over will be will be. Run Heartland and discover what BOTTOM LINE
the horizon and a chorus ofyelping and yipping will be will be for you. The Kansas Ultrarunner'. Sociery menrl .

voices join in. You feel the goosebumps rise on serue enormous credit for having the r"
your arms. Your flashlight beam suddenly catch- TRAVEL tion to see what a great venue the Flin: -
es the broad, placid lace of a cow. Fifty of them The nearest airport is in Wichita. about an would make for a i00 miler. The race r:
are strung across the road here where there are hour's drive from Cassoday north on I-35. Less a Kansas experience, with the wind. the ,
C no fences. You come to a walk and slowly pick convenient is Kansas City International, a $ood the prairie, the cows, the barbed wire. tht
C your way through the herd. The cows move aside, three hour's drive away, but you will see more breaking distances and the pioneer .pi '
protesting with gentle moos. of the Kansas countryside on the drive south hospitality all in abundance. !ts
The Heartland 100, Spirit of the Prairie, is tru- and get a good look at the Flint Hills as you
ly a bucket list event, not to be missed. The Flint pass through on your way to Cassoday.
Hills offer a unique setting for the race, so open! Where to Stay: There is the usual assortment
so vast, so evocative of the pioneer days and of motels, nothing fancy, in the nearby towns of
spirit. There are no forests, no mountains. no Emporia and El Dorado. Cassoday itselfl, popu-
pockets of civilization to distract you. Your run- lation 99, has a single hotel with few rooms. If
nin$ here is elemental, pure and solemn. As the you have any extra time to spend in the area,
race lvebsite notes, William Least Heat-Moon in you should take advantage of the greater choices
his book PratryErth writes, "Whatever else prai- of accommodations in Wichita, where you can
rie is - grass, sky, wind - it is most of all a para- $o from economy to upscale with your room
digm of infinity." And when this "paradigm of and dining choices. Wichita is actually one of
infinitf' is married with a 100-mile race, some- the nation's leading test market locations for
thing awesome and profound results: an ultra restaurant chains, so you can go hog wild when
experience that takes you deep within yourself. it's time to chow down.
Willa Cather's character Antonia in M4 Anto-
rda says when she first encounters the vastness of AREA ATTRACTIONS
the prairie, "...there was nothing but land-slight- In Wichita, the Old Cowtown Museum, a clus-
ly undulating...l had the feeling that the world ter of authentic homes and buildings from the A hearty buckle
was left behind, that we had got over the edge 1870s, is worth a visit. The tiny, well-appointed
of it, and were outside man's jurisdiction. I had Victorian homes, the saloon, rail depot, gener-
never before looked up at the sky when there was al store and newspaper office evoke the 1870s,
uofsrB'flile! slllsl0
ll&l'97,-17, $quauss
S'lJaJ JM .lBt{} Jlour qJnu os sJs5JJdxJ }ng leqJ lsel aqJ 'qtnor{ Jo elualllsal aq} roJ alus 'pune.r jo aFualleqr eq] sr srrlJ 'Luaq] unl uef, a^\
'MoLrI o] 1ue,rt .{aq} se ol}}Il se Lueqt sllat ll -uadxa 3o appaprroul aqt Surtnlrtsqns salleslno iseJ .^ oq relorsrp ot sr apualleqJ leJnieu ]xetl
..'alu:11eqr Jqr JoJ..'sr rJA Sue r:ajrad:qI pug a^A 'ssed s;ea.,{ aq} ry 'punoJ aq u€r Ile Jo aq] 'saruelstp asoql Furuunl oi pauotltpuol
'se,rlln Linr a,rn ,{q.tr sn yse ,{aqt uaql\ .&\oul atualleqr eierilrtln aLF eraq^\ sI ]eqt puv'aul] auoraq alt sE 'af,uelslp ;aFuol pue ,Mau qlua
or rLru.\\ aldoad ueqt arolu sr slql IIe )ng -aJll E ]sel o1 qfinoua sapuayleqr are a.Iaq)']no qlr.tl f;oir.r"ret mau a:oydxa am se ]snf 'uet U
'alqrssod ara.^ a;ns aq ]ou Plnol tuaq] Iaas or slue^\ oq.^ rauuruErhtx#j." Zlr ueJ rO'parnpordar Jq IJAJu ual JJqt\\oc.
a.',r sDr-rrr1t arp dur.tatqre jo IllJqi eq] pue uteuel lqFnoql ra^a peLI am flurqfue paatxa uel a.&\ ]BLlr
roLr sr ssJlJns a.raq.nl sfiurqt Surldrualre Jo uol] Jo sarniualpe pue saFualleql ]nq'lle ]e sof,Er Jololsrp ]sJU eM uaq \ iuouotu lerrteru ]er{I
-udrrrlue aql'aBualleqr ]x3u aqt ro; Ful;ederdSo ]ou are qlrq,l 'suru .{aurnof yenpr.r.rpur 3o saFual Joq e ur Surutq8ll a;nlder ]ouuel a \ bsnolJO
'palsrxa I\euI ro^Ou a,u leq] S3AI3sJl].
lLralLralrrxa aqt sr sapueqr ralau ]eqM'fiurpueqr leqr anbrun aq] uala ale alal1J'pua uo '$laam
\^ts\\iB JIE SA3ua11eq: Jq] 'unr a,tr se 3uo1 w .ro 'sdep loJ unr ot ,{rtltqe rno }se} }€tl} sa)el 3rE urrllrm saJJnosa; det ]snw a,u 'tuuanasrad prr:
'alayduror uef, altn leq] sas;nol Jo 'alelu a;aq1 'peuoddnsjlas dla.rrlua un; o] tr1r1rqe ;no 'afualleqr E qlns uo pur1e1 u1 ']uala FutFnuu:
uer a,{\ s}nurl arur} :o; Furlool '.{yyrya;er sare"t ]sJl leqr sJJer pue's11r1s uortefirneu a;tnbal teqt -aJll e sl saruelslp esotll Jo ]uaruo^elqf,e ]si-
tsurlJJlrs qJ^lJsrno puU eM palalduror J^Btl r,{\ seJer are araqJ']eeq fiur:a11a.tls ut ro'sarnle;ad eq] 'rauunr r{.ra.r.a .{lyenura' toC 'tuaq} alattp:
,{ueu 'pJlJAoJ JABq aA\ saltru ,{uetu -tua] oroz-qns ur af,e; uef, 414 'sa1fiunf Futrueals .{ylenlre e.&\ Ir}un alqeqo.rdrut ,{1p1t.Lt ruaes sa1r.l.
,ttoq 'unr aleq a.ln s;ea.{ .{ueru .4 oq :oll}e]nrunl ar;ard 1eq] sralllo pue'suasap ssolt ]€q] sole; 00I pue I00I 'sallrl 09 5109 alll saruelsrc
a-re ]as e/\\ sprolar ,{1uo aq1'aloul ou ale stsaq are 3r3LII 'la^al eas ,&\olaq sef,€l,pu€ apnll]le ,.zlr eIeLu I ue),, :sI la.4 sue ]sf..,
yeuos.rad aq] ueq.l fep e saruor aroqJ 'alurt Jo ]E SareJ aJe alaLII'slas IIIIS Jno Fuloola^ap ul rJuunrellln mau ,{.rana uot}sanb }slg allf J.-.
aFessed aq] ]nq 'af,uelslp aq] ]ou sI altelsqo atualleqr alerurqn aq] pug uet anr'slauunlellln -.ra.tas;ad pue atruernpua ;o aFuayleqr aLIi si ,
eq] aurl srql ]darxe 'alue.ra.tas;ed pue elue ro1 alqEIrEAe sartrunuoddo parJ€^ Jo apnlrtlnur 'auo snorlqo aqt sr aFualyeqrJo la^al ]srg aLIf
rr.ll ul 'arJq] pur lou op sa8ualleq: rql Ing 'se.r11n $utuun"r 3o afiuayyeryr :
rnpua Jo aFualleqr aqt 'aFualleqr 1uurfir:o aql
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by Joe Uhan

Ultrarunners know better than anyone else the the hard science overtaken the dogma. Accept
importance of the mental game in optimal per- ed evidence-based beliefs now include:
formance, including: belief in onesell faith in
preparation and fitness, confidence in the race 3 that drinking to thirst is the only effective
plan and pearls of wisdom like "it doesn't al- (and safe) way to manage hydration and
ways get worse." blood sodium levels, fact, they felt strongest with a small-to-moderate
The brain trumps all. Even the strongest, fit- n that no amount of ingestible sodium can af- amount of weight loss (a finding corroborated
test runners will fail with an absence of mental fect blood sodium levels during exercise, and by Noakes' review of literature on dehydration
fortitude. So if belief and faith are central to ! that no amount of any electrolyte supple- in marathoners). Conversely, runners experienc-
runnin$ success, where do science and evidence- ment has any local effect on cramping. ing early effects of hyponatremia - characterizeci
based practicelie in optimizing performance? by low sodium levels and excess fluid retention
Among medical treatments, the single greatest Yet, the sales and consumption of salt in ul- - typically gain weight. But not always. Severa,
determinant in the effectiveness of a treatment tras hasn't budged. Moreover, anyone workin$ runners who required hospitalization durine
is the patient's belit' that it will work. Some at an ultramarathon aid station will confirm Western States had either maintained weight. or
call the placebo effect, deriding it as a fake
it that bottles and hydration packs are only get- lost a modest amount (zZ) of weight. Moreover.
improvement. wherein the interrrention anIJ ting bigger. And, at ultras across the country this hard-and-fast rule had an unintended e:-
inter|arion - creates a positive effect, so long as health effects from too much water and salt fect of causing runners to intentionally "weigl:
the person believes it will work. But ultimately, (ranging from malaise to life-threatening hy- in light" on the pre-race medical check in orde:
if a benefit is experienced, does it really matter ponatremia) continue to persist. Ignoring sci- gain some breathing room on race day, weaker.-
where the benefit comes from? It does, iJ there ence and adopting strategies simply because ing the guideline even further. The medical teart:
is something else out there that provides even other runners do so can prove ill-fated. Indeed, concluded, therefore, that percent weight changt
greater benefit: a true physiological effect that the propensity toward over-drinking and over- alone was no longer a valuable metric. As of tl.
goes beyond the psyche. salting is a cultural phenomenon (as Noakes 2}ll race, the "3-5-7 Rule" was no longer used. Th.
Because of the extreme time and distances astutely pointed out, over-hydration illness is clinical judgment of aid station medical captair:..
involved, ultrarunning has been, and contin- most concentrated amon$st "Northern Califor- largely based on the mental status of runners. b.-
ues to be, fertile ground for cutting-ed$e re- nia Ultramarathons"). Our habits as runners came the guiding standard.
search. Yet, at the same time, relatively little is are driven by the fact that...well, other runners Perhaps this lesson should extend to all tl:.
well-known about a wide variety of variables are doing it. Emulating training, racin$ and sport, including individual runners: using tl:.
in ultrarunning such as training. nutrition nutritional strategies can be a useful way to besl-known clinical evidence. yet conlinuou. .

and the prolonged effects of ultra-distance negotiate the demands of the sport, but who's testing it. And, should it prove no longer useF-
exercise on the body. And while research is to say what your friend or competitor is doing have the faith to retire it and seek out sor.:
growing, relatively few resources are being de- is rightz After all, if placebo effect trumps all, thing better. Indeed, the three pillars of e-,
voted to ultra-endurance running compared might these various strategies be effective sim- dence-based medical practice - research, clini.,
to conventional exercise. On the flip-side, the ply because one believes they work? experience and individual preference - can a :.
demands of the sport are so extreme that Belief is strong. be aoolied to individuals.
many runners rely on techniques and strate- But I have to believe that faith plus science eisid on that idea, here are some recomn-.:
gies that lack much evidence. Indeed, many of is even stronger. dations for integrating best evidence into tr:
the "classic" techniques fly straight in the face The key. perhaps. is maintaining an openness ing and racing.
of current research. With a dearth of science to new ideas and a continual evolution of best I Be a student of the sport
and a mvriad of needs. where can ultrarun- practices: as individuals, and as a sport. Using I Read the research to find out what ideas .'
ners go to find s6und, reliable, evidence-based science to solidily faith. explanations are out there
principles to guide training and racing? A leader in best evidence-based practices in I Have an open mind to new concepts. ii,
C on one hand, research can often be skewed, ultrarunning is the Western States 100. Found- and areas of study
C and results misinterpreted, sometimes send- ing Medical Director Dr. Robert Lind recently I Listen and learn fiom other runners, bu- .
ing an entire sport down a dangerous path. discussed how he and medical staff formulated ways lean toward sustainability
5 the "3-5-7 Rule" for weight loss. Initially, his I Look toward not just the best runners. : -
One notable example is hydration and elec-
trolyte science. Tim Noakes' seminal work, study of early racers found correlation between what the most sustainable runners are di -
WaterLolfed, served as both a comprehensive progressive weight loss and increasing malaise, I Who's been doing it for not just two r'.---
literature review of best practices for hydra- poor performance and risk of dropping out. but for 10, 20 or even 30 years?
tion and electrolyte intake, as well as an his- He found that the sickest runners, who either I Have a strong, faithful personal philosc: -
torical account of where industry - and fuzzy dropped out or were pulled, demonstrated z% but consistently challenge your own bel.='
science - has taken us. A few early studies on or greater weight loss. This association became I Each season, ask yourself, "Is what I'm i: -,
both hydration and salt that were accepted a guiding principle for aid station medical cap- working? Why does it, or doesn't it, r'.' -"
and promoted by a burgeoning hydration in- tains for years to come. Can it work better?"
dustry created a powerful trend toward ever However, growing research and knowledge on tr Always look to train and race smarter. r:-- -
'more water" and "more salt" when, in flact, hydration science, combined with the clinical ex- than harder - especially as you age
there wasn't a solid let to stand on. only in perience of medical captains on race day, found Continuin! to improve by continuing to .,
the past two decades, after an explosion of flaws in this principle. Often, runners with sig- - to solidifu both fitness and f,aith may ne'
over-hydration illness and several deaths, has nificant weight loss had no malaise at all; in prolong but will also enrich one's runninE. E


.t :,:,
of Missoula, Mont.' was second in 15:19, bawled and weePed.
of Jr-rne. on a day that son. 35.
fin the last S.aturday "lt's always been part of my nature to ask a
\-/was warm but ttot excessiveLv hot. a$ainst with Dylan Bowman, 28, of Mill Valley, Calif,
little more of myself."
fields that were deep ar.id talented. Rob Krar and tnrrd ln 15:Jb.
Howe, 30, of Bend, Ore., ran the fourth-fastest For a year he let Western States' with its grace-
Stephanie Howe came oLlt \rictoriolls dnring the
women's time in Western States history, 18:01:42' ful knot of conflicting emotions, become the
41st Western States lOGNIile Etldurauce Run.
with Larisa Dannis, 25, of Strafford, N'H., sec- driving force of his intense training. By the end
What made Krar aud Hon'e's rvirls sigr-rificant rvas
ond in l8:29 and Nathalie Mauclair. 43' of of Juni, Krar was ready. He had hammered a
how they did it, and n'hat thev had to overcoure .
Champa$ne, France, ln 6-mile, 5,000-foot descent into the Grand Can-
For irar, who placed second ru his 100-mile
von with catlike grace, cruised along the two
debut to Timothy Olson in lO3degree temper- mile crushed gravel of Fla$staffs Buffalo Park
atures in 2013, this year's edition of Western At a little before 5 a.m. on Saturday, June 28, Rob
slowly to the starting line at Squaw on 4 and 3- and 2-mile repeats with his strides
States was abottt erasil-rg the stlr-rg of beir-rg close' Krar walked
the ul- holding hands with his wife' Christina Bauer' rhythmically crunching along as if in a dream'
but not close enough. to capture sport's Valley,
For a year, the memory had been like a lorn''
tlmate prtze. For a year, since his second-place finish to Ol-
level electrical hum; it had been what motivated
"l'm hesitant to sav this. and it rs probably a son, Krar had been consumed with the
kept the $oal him and what conspired a$ainst him.
little irrational and selfish to say this, too, but of winning Western States. He l-rad "l've never set foot on a starting line so confi
second place ...'' Krar savs. his voice tailin$ off' to himself, preferrin$ to address it in solitude,
as the memory of finishing second was in some dent in my fitness and health," Krar says.
"lt's always been mv nature to want a little more'
ways one of the sweetest and bitterest things he Christina, a woman whose kind, attentive'
The goal for 2014 was Western States."
had ever experienced. deep-set eyes are like a. pool of reflective under-
Howe, who was running her first 100-miler, to sense that Krar
found out that even when things are golng He remembered the long drive back to Flag- standing for Krar, also ieemed
how the couple shared their was primed for a memorable effort.
smoothly at Western States, such good fortune staffwith Christina,

recollections from Rob's second-place finish' Two and a half minutes before the race be$ar:
can only last so long' A troublesome left knee
that had bothered her in 2013 became painful "l was just ecstatic at first," Krar says. "lt was Christina turned to her husband and said son.re-
my first 100-miler. I had come so close to Tim' It thing that would stay with him the entire run'
near the 62-mrle mark at Foresthill. "This is your fing day," she said. "Don't le
So Howe, who had methodically broken was an incredible race."
Yet when Krar got home, the enormity of anyone take it awaY from You."
open a tight women's race some 29 miles earlier, "They were perfect words," Krar says. "l catl -
in consuftation with her pacer and fiance Zach what he had accomplished be$an to shift' Eu-
to myself durin.
Violett, made a brilliant mid-race adjustment' phoria
began to feel shoulder-weary. Krar' a tell you how many times I said it
flat, iompact 5-foot-8 and t30 pounds and the race. Just harsh enough to have some sting'''
"Our plan was to stop as little as possible," Siephanie Howe spent Dec' 7. 2013 in a ma
Howe says. Then she adds with a lau$h, "We with a bushy beard that looks like it is straight
out of a Mathew Brady Civil War photograph, ner similar to many of the nearly 3,000 peopli
had some pretty quick aid stations." who had entered the Western States lottery. iPa'-
Both approaches - a perfectly executed race emanates a personal vulnerability rare among
elite athletes. He doesn't sidetrack difEcult ques- in hand to view the lottery webcast fiom Aubr-rr:
plan to blot out the personal pain of finishing
tions. He ans\ 'ers them with honest' matter-of- Calif, and still nursin$ her knee back to lorm :
iecond the Vear befote, and a mid-race adjust- ter Septembet's U\tra Race of Champ\ons in Ct.
ment to minimize the pain of the moment - fact recollections.
rado, in which she had placed second, she roi.
turned out to be the keys for Krar and Howe. "l haven't really told anyone this before. But
when we got home that Monday afternoon, I her exercise bike in her home in Bend, Orego:'
Krar,37, of Flagstaff Ariz., finished first in the
I had my buckle in She waired anxiously to ree if her name woLtl.
second-fastest time in Western States history, 14 was tired. I went to bed.
Seth mv hand," Krar remembers. "And then I cried. I be picked as one ofthe race's eventual 396 stafie:,
hours. 53 minutes and 22 seconds. Swan-



';:.f I,



with pacer and crew by his side Paul Terranova shows some Texas pride as =
Brvan Wllliams finishes sub-20 hours the line in 1 3th Place
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Foresthill and the few miles after would prove to "l remember thinking, 'Oh boy...this might be preme focus gives way to an awareness of the
be the defining moment for both Krar and Howe. the end,"' Howe says. poignancy of what it all means.
Krar and Swanson had entered Michigan When Howe stopped in Foresthill to meet Vio- For Howe, the moment came as she and
Bluffat mile 55.7 together, eight minutes behind lett and her crew, the knee completely locked up. Violett had made the climb past Pointed
the still surging King. Swanson could tell some- While Krar had swooped out of Foresthill with a Rocks above the Highway 49 aid station
thing was about to change. purpose, Howe left grimacing and limping. with less than six miles to go. The course.
"l knew without a doubt that Rob was ready Once off the pavement and back onto the tightly hemmed with trees and brush, gives
to turn it on," Swanson says. trail, some of the pressure on the knee lessened. way to grass and meadow. As the sun drops
"l was very patient to Foresthill," Krar says. Violett noticed, too, that Howe had actually and night overtakes the meadow, the grass
"That had been the overwhelming principle of broken back into her usual gait: looselimbed, goes golden, gently swaying in the cool of
my race just run my race and then run hard purposeful, each stride more glide than grimace. the evening breeze, and lightly brushing
from Foresthill on." By the next aid station at Cal 1, the pain was like the fingers of ghosts against the ankles
Krar motored out of Foresthill, his strides so almost gone. But after stopping at the aid sta- and knees of tired runners. Above them.
quick they were barely perceptible, like a light, tion and then starting again, the same problem Howe and Violett saw a dark canvas dotted
persistent rain. King, though, wasn't ready to popped up again. with bright stars.
crack. Finally, near mile 67, Krar saw King up "So when you stop, it hurts," Violett recalls Howe's day had started in conversation with
ahead. The two briefly conversed. saying to Howe. "So if it hurts...don't stop. a dear friend on the climb to the Escarpment; it
"l was trying to sound good myself, but it Let's not stop. So that was our solution on was coming to a close in the quiet of a meadorn.
was hard," Krar says. "l thought, 'Shit, Max just the fly. When we'd come into any of the rest with the man she loved.
sounded so good. Just keep running hard."' of the aid stations, Stephanie would walk "lt was just so beautiful." Howe says. "lr
And he did. Krar's split of 2:03 to the Ruck-A- in circles, move in place...she'd do anything seemed so quiet. We were both pretty quiet,
Chucky River Crossing at mile 78 was the fastest but stop. That seemed to do the trick for her I wish I had been more vocal, and I wish I
in race history. By Green Gate at mile 79.8, Krar the rest of the way." could've expressed what that moment meant to
had built a nine-minute advantage. me. It had been an amazing day."
Howe's troublesome knee for more than half There is always effort in any 100-mile race, A few miles later, as he watched his fianc6e
the race had been no trouble at all. But on the the unquestioned and unrelenting amount of circle the Placer High School track, slapping
climb up Bath Road before Foresthill, her knee pain that occurs in the late miles. It happens to five with the spectators lining the track, her
began to feel sore. Howe stopped a few times, all ultra runners, of all ability levels. Yet there smile brilliant and no longer cocooned ir.r
rubbinq and stretching. are also reveries, moments of clarity where su- concern over her knee, her first 100-mile rur-r

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100 MTLES 41. Denise Bourassa,44, OR 20:1 9:30 49. Meghan Arbogast, 53 21:14:48 57. Sallv McRae, 35 21:24:4:
1. Rob Krat 37, AZ 14:53:22 42. David Eadie, 43 20:29:14 50. Louis Secreto, 45 21:14:49 58. Kenji Yoneyama, 37 21:25:2:
2. Seth Swanson, 35, MT 15:19:39 43. Adam Condit,31, lA 20.31.44 )t. Lawrence Eccles,31 21:15.02 59. Matt Palilla,32, OR 21:26.C.
3. Dylan Bowman,28 15:36:41 44. Michael Pullac 45 20:32:26 52. Jamie Dreher,39 21:19:53 60. Jeremy Reynolds, 34, FL 21:32:3i
4. Max King, 34, OR 15:44:45 45. Dan Barger, 48 20.43:27 40
53. Daniel Ablanedo, 21:20.12 61. Greg Bruso,34 21:36.L:
5. Ryan Sandes, 32 15.46:59 46. Ryan Guldan, 30, CO 2Q:45:22 TX
54. Shaheen Sattar. 30, 21:20:49 62. Charles Hofacker, 49 21 .39."
6. lan 5harman,33 15:47:50 47. Nick Clark, 40, CO 21:01:14 CO
55. Michael Aish, 37, 21:23.50 63. Karl Hoagland,49 21:43..a
7. Alex Varner. 28 15:53:42 48. Kenneth Ringled,33 21:14:23 37
56. Jimmy Dean Freeman, 21:24:27 64. Scott Myers,41, ON 21.46.' .
8. Brendan Davies, 37 15156:49 65. Kyle Kuglet 28, FL 21:50:aa
9. Brett Rivers, 32 16:20:06 * 66. Beth Cardelli, 34 21 .55.C'
10. Jesse Haynes,41 16:36:42 67. Karl Schnaitter, 32 21:56:':
11. JezBragg,33 16:45:36 68. Glen Redpath, 48, NY
C 12. Chris Price, 33 | 6:58:34 69. 5am Skeels, 36. Ml 22.01.'-
C 13. Paul Terranova,40,IX 17:26:00 70. Serena Wilcox. 35, VT 22:Q5.-
14. Jared Hazen. 19. PA 17:29:59 71. Matthew McKurtis, 33 22:08:;:
o 1 Yassine Diboun, 35, OR
5. 17 .41:38 72. Topher Gaylord,44 22.12.-'
16. Gary Gellin,45 17:47:39 73. Scott Newcomer,44, PA 22:15.a-
17. Vaj;n Armstrong, 34 17.50:27 74. Andy Starostka, 46, NV 22.16.'-
18. steohanie Howe.30, OR 18.01:42 75. Alissa 5t Laurent. 29. AB 22:17 .-:
19. Dominic Grossman,2T 18:09:57 76. Megan McGrath.29, NJ 22.23.'-
20. David Laney, 25, OR 18:18:2 5 77. James Whipple, 36, CT 22.24.::
21. Scott Wolfe, 40, OR 18:18:36 78. Will Coopet 51 22:28:::,
22. Larisa Dannis. 26, NH 18:29:1 8 79. Ken McKee,43 22:29.::
23. Juan Carlos 5agastume,42 '18:34:01 80. Will Swenson,42, MA 22.31 ::
24. )ason Leman. 27, OR €:36:51 8'1. Chris Knorzer, 45 22:40 --
25. NathalieMauclair.43 18:43:57 82. Matt Keyes,40 22:42.'.
26. lvlatthew Curtis. 38. CO 18:56:32 83. Jeff Boutte. 51 22:43..
27. )o(ge Maravilla, 36 19:02:45 84. lason Wara, 31
28. Pam 5mith. 39, OR 19:10:42 85. Todd Bertolone, 5l 22:54'.-
29. Brian Condon,27, Wl 19:13:14 86. Diana Fitzpatrick. 56 22:52 :i
30. Erik Skaden, 42 l9: 1 3:20 87. Steve Speirs,47, VA
31. Andy Jones-Wilkins, 46, VA 19.21:52 88. Sean Ranney, 36 22:58' .
32. Adam Hewey,46, WA 19:28:45 89. Greg Rosenberg,30, OR 22:58 :'
33. Mark LanIz,48 19:36:52 90. Byron Pittam, 31 23:03 -
34. Bryan Williams, 39, CO 19:43:50 91. Dave Evans, 37 23:05 :
35. Adam Schwartz-Lowe,41, MN 19:44:25 o 92. Katie Murohy. 31 23:05:
Jordan Hanlon.30. MN z 93. '.
36. 19:44:56 I
Silke Koester 31. CO 23:AC -
37. Goran Lesjak,40 19:45:52 c 94. Matthew Eyre,42 23:0, -:
38. Yoshikazu Hara,4l 19:49:O3 95. Cral9 Bronstein, 58 23:49 :'.
39. Nikki Kimball. 43, MT = 96. Paul Heffernan,40, WA 23:09 : -
40. Kaci Lickteiq, 27, NE 20:07:1O 97. Steve Crane,46 23:TC:-
Dylan Bowman and Seth Swanson congratulate each other on
making it to the podium
Jo auLuJ \a Flrea papeq. '1ryaread aqr qsruS 3rI] ]E elrrlsr-rllJ pLrg plnoM eH sLra^mq 3q]
d1:q prJu ).Lrprp 1"rr3 :Ilrr; Jqr 'a\lnor JO
g .. ]q;rs 1o ltro ;eaddesrp tsnf u 1 ^rneJq o] spueq slq asr€r plno,&\ aH 'srolelrads ,{qrear-r aqt
: - r.i, ,i:rii IIrLI rerp dn .{ze-rr a>IrI Suryepad alluaF e tllr.u's.{ES aq,,'d1aq ol,{peer sEM I., o] ]no qlBar plno \ rH Jarloqsrp ur pear{ srq aleqs
'I LL:rro.rLlr .o3 {1;uug Jq\ uJqM uJql "llrnqr 'lllll aq] dn raq raB o1 qsnd dlpuau3 e pa plnoM eH 'pEaLI srLI o] splreq srq qlnoi plnoM aH
: i::-.r:rrs rLIS JrLro trq 3l]]rl e palFSnrls aqs -paau lrrfl al]ul rq] aser ur ]snf 'peor rLI] Jo aprs 'poo$ "rog paseay
,-r-..j-) D.IIS palre^\ peq I;rF a1ilr1 aq1,. 's,{es 3q] o] peurrp pne apuls alorq rerx ar aq plnoM turUueld puu saruaUadxa s,rea.{
.- ..:.i, Lrl llralouLn pue lryrlnEeq'a.trlrsod 'a1d "tltqFrls
'JILq lJLl tro StrroS JLrruaS ]spd rq] '.{e,ne1qpre.r1s IEUU aLIt LIJEaT plno^\
. ftlrtr)J. lle lr" ]uJruoLu teqr re pearl ,rLu .ll1nr53rp qrns FLrr^ELI ]Lrrod arqou uo 1.rrf a1pr1 aq se ',{llenperp pue 'alrllrs E r{trm Ireri aq}
,;-r'.,r[1] parlseg slqtnoq] pooqplrrlr osoqt ilv,, ar.l] Mes rE.rx qod 'rarpEa saInLIILLLtra; e 'qFrg .ra alrrrr plno^\ aH'IlEr] Iooq)S LIFrH ralEId
'n,uop Furruor -rEId ]e p^\orr aq] Jo uorlElnpB puE q]trr.IE^ 3tl] aLI] ilq plno^\ rE"r)'slLIaLuouI .^,\aJ E L{l
' ,r ' ..1, 1,t.;.i1leLrg plnor rer)',{trle:r e ruearp q}l.&\ paqlEq se^\ aq aroJeq']eq] IIe arojaq ]ng 'a;pnq ],uplno^\ ].use^\ alrq aq] 'qFnoqt
- ,, 1''ttt tllo{ Au^\e Jlltr U tleql \)Jl '\qtull) 'raq pa^ol aLI qrnlu raq IIa] puE 'pau] eqs .{\orl ra}}Eur oN 'rer) 3o peaqe lyrqdn
'rarl ssrl'aJI,\\ slq Bnq pyno.tr aH'LISru
llr Js,r1lol E Llo qllllll IeLIU aLI] o] palunolllB Iryrlneaq e rrr unds alrq rali aIeLLr ot Fur.{ri 'syepad atp }e prell
r:r1.'.r dn Elrrra,trod 'LUlll Jo peatle tno laad ,{y Ipa-rq p1no,n riep arrlua up roJ Iraqr ul ploq padrund aqg '11rqdn ue uo palFue alrq raq peq
pEq aLI slroDolua aq] '3lrrlr3])^rll sada srq quM puE
r'.L,r.lr.rJ,Jp lrra a1llr1 Jqt 3un.lJtB,{\'tuLod JLqoU 1;r3 a1url aLIJ
'sreqalpuEll aq] Jo palFuep xoq
-3oqs e UELI] raFFrq ou ]aIseq v ']aLUIaq .{1a3es e
3"ro.{\ aLIS 'all,{lrq e uo 1.rrp al}}rl E sEM }l '3.rnau
)lre"r1 3q] uo sp:e,{ M3+ }3el aLl} SLri5inr) '5ra1>1:i1 r:e; 'areld q1x15 llerrs E ^\ES rErX 'aAuC alqog uo pEai{B dn
'paUII ag o] ]noge se.tr 'qflnoua
l:-.,lt 7t;il;:::?ii2,ta,,,,,1,, ".: ;',':::,"1;.:':: at:,,7:.,t:,,,-- pooF ]ou ]nq 'poop uaaq Flrr^eq.rar1.rea rea.{ e3o
uJprnq lEuorlolua aqJ 'suorlE]ladxa jo anbrol
alqrpar)ur Lrp prlrarns peq ,tpoq srg 'areld
IrBp E pasellr pEq rErx ';ea,{ a.rrlua ue ;og
LE ,,'aj11 .{ur Jo }areJ rar{}o liuE r-rr 1r aierrldnp
].uEl l ']r qsr-raLI) .{llEar 1,. 's,{us aq ,.'slqFnoql
u^\o nLu qlL\\ Jq pue adeJqJ ol Jrult Aru \.t1..
,,'areld 1.rep.
slLI sllEl ueuo rE-rx ]eq^\ se.{\ }l '}rraLUoLu 3q}Jo
AllnJSrp Jq] Fune;qlua'Lrorlerlrluora-r lenos;ad
ur 'pre.ulrr 3nr.r.our JlasrurLI ]leJ eH 'Lro Surllrpt
r)ni.EM aq a1r1 3trrlaay '\\ou pJrL) iBA\ JH
x 'Bur11e.u llrnb ,{q pamolloJ Fnruntt"r a}nunu-xrs
Jo slsrnq 'ssJu)iuam pue qtFua;ls uaa,r leq al]]eq
E uaaq peLI salru 0I ]sel aLIJ',{qreau poorl
--roqqflrau IIELUs aq] ollrr plre uorlEls pre turod
arqou aq] Jo )no pspeeq se.r,r 'tuol os ro; etnlo\
I -qe puu IElo] os uaaq pEq snloJ asoq.{\ 'rE.r)
,.']Lretrroru aq] .{ofua pue xelar o} JIq-L-
.{11eug se.n aLIS sa}p}S uie}seM ur.nr o} FuroF se-r'
aLIS pazrlear 3LIS., 'sdes aq .,'{oi alaldruor 1sni..
'JMoH qltM pJlelJo\se s,{sA\1s .i
aLI ]eq^\ Mes tlelor^ 'ssaf,rns alqeruepun u:
arald qlua,ras c] 6ursrn.i: sutl L.lstur+ ot.l]:.
(r:;nog-,{r,aa1 er-relepOe;r,1);,::ed pur: Larrtl xolV iauun.r 3ltLii-001 3t!ti }sI:i u. ,p ir \ale- sru{c;; ossJi 'd)e C ur .
98. Andrew Peet, 55, wA 23:11:09 187. Megan Lacey, 30, WA 21:12.22
99. Michael Scott Welch, 43, MD 23 13:32 188. Chris Hendr!cks, 36 27.13:46
100. Lee Conner, 41, OH 23 16 29 189. Chikara Omine, 31 27.15.15
101. lsmael Macias,47 23:17 16 190. Larry Pearson, 53, TX 27:15:18
102. Mark Rostan.44, NC 23.18:05 191. Jb Benna,35, NV 27:16:28
103. Vineer Bhansali,43 23:18;38 192. Karen Pierce, 51 27.17:00
1 04. Frederik Gregaard. 34 23 18 54 193. Daniel Murphy.35, TX 27.20:16
105. Joshua Heckathorn, 35, WA 23:20:28 194. Ricarda Bethke, 50 27:21:14
106. Ryan Holler, 46, AR 23 24:42 195. David Holliday, 5'1, AL 27.21:24
107. Eric Zipfel, 37, TX 23:25:49 196. Paul Oropallo,48 27.21.48
108. Hozumi Nakai,42, BC 23:25 53 197. Roger Pynappel, 54 27:23:16
109. Moises Lucero, 34, OR 23:27:30 198. Amanda Alvarado, 38, TX 27.25:43
1'10. Curt Pandiscio, 53, CT 23 27:56 199. Joseph Altendahl, 32, MN 27.25.59
'1. Steve Rodriguez, 35 23:28:19 200. Mike 5mith, 56, lN 27:29:31
112. Sean Harrington,3T 23:29:56 201. Stephen Peterson, 49, AK 27:31:47
'1 '13.
Robert Shannon, 36, lD 23t31:45 202. Drew Bartlett, 38 27:34:01
1 14. Scott Hoberg,36, MN 23:32:11 203. Greg Nacco, 54 21:34:34
115 Adrjan Harvey,42, AB 23:33:18 204. David Chilson, 44, WA 27:35:21
1 16. Bob Hearn, 48 23.33:48 205. Michael Jaschob, 35 2 | t35:2t)

1 1 7. Travis Esterby, 34, TN 23.34.45 206. Sandra Camoos, 38 27.36:52

1 18. Shannon Meredith, 43, co 207. Alec Bath,44, lL
23:36:44 27:37.21
'I 19. Tom Riley. 53 23:38:05 208. Brent Colwell, 36, lN 27.40:Q5
120. Brad Harris, 33 23:39:01 209. Nicholas Ferrara, 4.1, PA 27.40:46
121. Tom Wroblewski, 55 23:39t51 210. Mike Kreaden, 51 27.44:35
122. Christopher Concannon, 26,M| 23:40:41 211. Zachary Husel!d, 35, AZ 27:44:41
'123. Ryan Anderson,40, lD 23:42:06 212. Dawn Hitchcock.46 27.45:33
124. James Nelson, 50, CT 23:43:54 213. Larry Watson ll, 47, MD 27:57:25
125. Ron Hammett, 44, NV 23:47.27 214. John Nagel, 53, AK 27:57:51
126. Jonathan Warner, 27, NY 23:52:01 215. Tera Dube,41 21 .58:04

127. Guy Love, 23, VA 23:53:08 2'16. Shane Kroth,42, OR 27.58:13

128. Kevin Ordway,39 23:54t49 217. Tomoyuki Akashima, 37 27:58:18
129. lvan Zinn, 40, NY 23 59:18 2'18. Douglas Donovan,44. NV 27:58:47
'130. Jason Howland. 44, OH 24 16 16 219. Brad Blshop,28, CO 28.02.04
Lana Kovarik, crossing No Hands Bridge on 5unday rr: -
131. Cathal Mccreevy, 4T 24.25 08 220. Ken Nee1y, 42 28:06.23
132. Jason Reed,35 2429:43 221. Roger Jensen, 64, CO 28.07:31
133. Jason Lucas,35, FL 2442:56 222. larry Kline, 32, AZ 28:09:33
247. TonyJankowski,61 28:46:55 272. Rachel spa? -- -
134. Andy Kumeda,45 24:55:10 223. Katherine Gifford, 39 28.09:42
248. Ty Russell, 64 28:49:46 273. John Diana, -:
135. Eric Wilson. 49 25:0Q:42 224. Keila Merino, 33, NY 28:1 0:00
249. Barclay Oudersluys.22, Ml 28:50:04 274 Bill Thom, 5-r
'136. Ronda Sundermeier, 47 , OR 25 01:48 225. Kristin Gustafsson, 45 28.12:35 28:50:45 275 Debbie DvrE:: -
250. Tina Fiizner, 36
137. Harris Brenner,40, PA 25:01:54 226. Patrick Mccloskey, 47 28.15:46
251. Andrew Ftazier,32, AZ 28:52:58 276 Sam Fianda(: -
138. PhilWiley, 52, CO 25:11:27 227. Benjamin Wa'voord, 38, 5C 28.16:16
252. Adam Allie, 34, SC 28:53'.24 277 Paul Reader, -:
139. Steve McCluhan,53 25:11:49 228. lay Spadie, 43, NC
253. Loren Lewis,42 28:53:33 278 Justin Morr I :- -
1 40. Jeffrey Fleilz, 43, lL 28:54:25 279. Carl Tippets :'
25 12 20 229. Paul Fortin, 44, MA 28.20:43
254. Thomas Lopes,42
14'1. Clare Abram,43 230. Rene Castel, 33 28.21.47
25.12:24 255. John stacy, 57, VA 28:55:17 280 Thomas Kuer:-
142. Scott Vosburg, 44 25:14:19 231. Nicholas Balbach, 32, lN 28:22:34
256. Garry Sewell,53 28:55:41 2Sl Sharon Ze i'; -'
143. Gary Lindberg, 45 257. Brittany Klimowicz, 29, NY 28:56:2O 282. John Phil p: '-
25 14:21 232. Nakia Baird, 39 28:24:05
144. Chuck Walen, 51 25 17 33 233. Greg Curtis,49, OH 28.26:56
258. Steven Grossman, 54, NM 28:56:28 283. Jess soco 4t
145. Kamm Pronqly,51, OR 25:31:20 234. ScottSalisberry, 53, NV 28:27.52
259. Kim Moyano.49 28:56:42 284 John Hock€:: -:
146. Chris O'Connor, 47 25 32:21 235. Andrew Chananie, 45 28:28:Q9
260. Brian Wyatt, 43, OR 28:57:28 285 Randy Ben:' - -
147. David Smith,48 25:33:38 2Jb. lalle 6allev 4J 28:31:04
261. David Pierce, 52 29:01:18 286. Madelvn B -: :
148. Rob Cain, 60, OR 25:37:06 237. Scott Tate, 41 28:3 5:04
262. Gary Bennington, 54. QC 29:02:55 287. Dave Cockr:- ::
149. Nile sousa, 60 238. Karl Ahlswede, 53, PA 28:36:06
25:38:08 263. Jason Mcconnell, 30, WA 29:05:07 288 Paul Ng, 49
1 50. Pierre-Yves Couteau, 48 25:39:56 239. Charley )ones,42 28.37:04
264. Marcie Cathev 42 29:Q1:20 289. Jennifer K- ::
151. Shannon McFarland,38, AR 25:49:13 240. Bryce Rhodes, 37, NV 2A.38.12
265. Predrag Krkic,59, lL 29:10"46 290 Sylvla.Gree' -'
152. Donald Zoch,37,fX 241. Elaine Acosta, 39, NJ 28:39:12 29:12:38 291 iennlfer Y;-:
2549:58 266. Sean Russell, 37, PA
1 53. Colin Gardlner, 27 25:50:45 242. Danny Ponder, 55, OK 28.39:17
267. Chelsea Siler,31, BC 29:14:42 292. David Nic-: : :
54. Matthew Searfus, 41,
'1 TX 25:52:28 243. Mark Ztrbser,43 28:40:08
268. Natalie Badowski, 29 29:18:32 293. Lana Kov-' -
155. Brien Crothers, 55 25:54.38 244. Peqgy r\[re!l, 55 28:41:31
269. Kenneth Bossung, 53 29:19:03 294 Don Lunde '
156. Bob Crowley, 57 25 56:59 245. Clayton Barnett, 45 28.41:47
270. Geir Frykholm. 57 29:2O:24 295. Rob Ham, :: - '

1 57. Brian Gaddy, 43 25.58:21 246. Shavinder 5ingh, 36 28:43:50

271. Zsuzsanna Carlson,41, NJ 29:21:12 296. Thomas C'-'
32 1 58. Declan Faulkner, 42 25:58:24
'159. Thao Hoang, 49, Wl 25:59:48
1 60. Todd Law, 46 26 02:25
151. Jess McNeely.45, KS 26:03:39
C] 162. Brian Hill,40, TX 26:05:04
C 163. Rachael Woods, 40 26.11:20
164. Dennis Peyton, 31 26:1244
o 1 65. Christopher Scarpitti, 41, DE 26 13:43
E 166. Dan Kuhn, 32, VA 26 15:40
167. Deno Dean,46 26:16:26
168. Paul McDonald, 33 26:18:'1 1
169. Christy Baker,42 26:19:05
170. Jose Figueroa,44 26:21:13
17'1. Paul Nelson,38, OR 26:22:30
. Guslom lmprinting available,
fi2. fim Corliss,42 2631:17
173. Barry Millet 33 26:32 03 . Great.for training gloups
fi4. fom Wilson,47, lL 26t34:21
and on--cqrse aid
175. Mike Savage, 55 26:34:54
'176. Scott Dubrul, 45 26:36:06 . Easy Garry hailUq design
177. Andrew Barrett,47, FL 26:38:44
. faet lra*een holds 14
178. Michael Chamoun, 31 26 41:08
179. Stephanie Hoff, 34, Wl 26:42 Q3 fluid ounces
180. Andrew Ferguson,49 26:42:41 .-As little as $1,60 each in
181 . James Partridge, 36, SC 26 48:23
quantity for custom Printed
182. Ken Michal,43 26:49:34
183. Lina Mccain,48 26:57:13
184. Starchy Grant,34 26157:26
185. Deron Ruse, 37, AZ 27:Q1:05
186. Marc Thomson,4l, Az 27:10:41


by Tropical John Medrnger

Welcome to the Three Dot Lounge, where we dis- 26 times - 23 of those have been posted in the past moved up all day, and finished 14th. And that
tribute deep thoughts, bon tnots and cheap shots five years...Krar's California Street split of 2:03 was performance despite being a 'lost child' un-
on the 2014 Western States 10O...The first subject easily the fastest ever, some 11 minutes faster than able to locate his crew at Foresthill. I expect
that comes up every year is the weather. Heat is Olson's 2:14 last year. In addition, Max King, who we haven't heard the last of this young man...
often a game changer, and Western States is fa- led the race for 65 miles while sporting a cowboy Must be something in the water: Mill Val-
mous for heat. This year was almost exactly aver- hat, ran down to the river in 2:11, second fastest ley, California population 14,000 - had five
age: '13F at the 5 a.m. start at Squaw Valley (eleva- ever...a valiant effort but not fast enough to hold finishers in the top 27... Line of the year goes
tion 6200 feet), high of8g in Auburn on Saturday, offthe blazing Krar behind him... to 2013 women's champ Pam Smith, who de-
and a Saturday night low in the mid-sos on the Race within a race: Meghan Arbogast won scribed her fourth place finish as akin to "one
lower reaches of the American fuver...Best ever? the women's 50-59 age group for the fourth great big fake orgasm: I went through all the
Rob Krar's 74:53:22 lime was second only to Timo straight year. And for the third time of those right motions, I was hot, sweaty and breathing
thy Olson's \4:46:.44 in 2072, but the temperature four she also beat all the 50-59 men...The top hard, but in the end I didn't get what I was
for Olson's race topped out at a relatively chilly two 60+ men were on the Placer High School looking for and I left completely unsatisfied."...
71 de$rees causing many observers to call Krar's track at the same time, with Rob Cain of Ash- Erik Skaden of Folsom, California, and Andv
win the best run ever. Others defend Olson, but land, Oregon, edging Nile Souza of Modesto, Jones-Wilkins of Charlottesville, Virginia, both
more for his 15l'77,'27 on a l02degree day last year... California, by a minute...The last sub-24-hour finished the race for the 10th time, with even'
Women's winner Stephanie Howe's 18:01:42 was finisher was lvan Zinn of New York City, who race sub-24. Fittingly, they finished consecutive-
the fourth fastest in the 4l-year history ofthe race, sprinted up the last hill from Robie Point and ly, in 30th and 31st place...Even more fittinglr'.
behind only Ellie Greenwood's two wins (both then all the way to the track, where made it the very last finisher was Tom Green of Co
in mild weather) and Ann Trason's I7:.37i57 on a to the finish with +Z seconds to spare...The lumbia, Maryland, who first finished Western
gldegree day in l:994... youngest finisher, Jared Hazen of Titusville, States in 1986 and became the first ever Grani
The New Breed: the depth of the men's field Pennsylvania, just turned 19, but ran a race Slammer. This year was also Green's tenth fir-
was extraordinary. with eiqht runners finishing in with wisdom that belies his youth. Hazen ish...And on that happy note, we're outta here
less than 16 hours. Sub-te has now been recorded was in 34th place at Robinson Flat (mile 29.7), until next Vear... !B

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3-:r:6',11 enr1spod5erlln +o otl]^LUS sal^n sloo] sq] 6urq:1n1: leJunul ;o 11antod uo^tg
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uolllllu s I
-uq illerluassa uE qlns;o qur'o.rF aql-3ur1ary a;e ur sueJ puB
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s.,otlenouut pue sarlolouqral afip+Furunr^leql 'slenpl^Iput fluo;ls 1o
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q+,apuo^\ e sr uods,* -a.rd rr:qI'siua^a lsJBFIq s.lrods ;o-[eu ;aq]o le paluarualdrul lslg
r Jlels pllos e 'lau'anllerlll
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'sa,(a s.uJspnu) lr:
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-Lrrrll rnoJ olul uollJe Jo sJnoq 0t sasuapuol 00I -Frq s,uods
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e o) oIpPJ WVH BIA pe \:'
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eFe;anor elparu latllll palle^un sal€s ulaisaM 0002 ul
srrp-rtt-st-auod.tala aq] sezlseqdua -,purzeute erl suoqlete[I€J]ln Jo palellpap e purdole.tap ssiels u;alsaM --
o} uol}Ippe ul
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llaq] pue s;auunleJlln Jo salllap
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The Fort Valley of Virginia cleaves the spine of teersbuilt new bridges, graded the washedout As the men came through Woodstock ar-:
the rulged Massanutten Mountain, creating the camp entrance and figured out a plan to relocate Powell's Fort, three-time MMT winner Ka:
Fort Valley and offering a natural venue for a the race start, modifi; the finish and still keep the Meltzer and last year's winner, James Blandfo::
demanding 100-mile race. Here, the Massanut- course very close to the same it has been for years. pulled away from the lead pack. Brian Rusiec.
ten Mountain Trails 100 Mile Run (MMT) has The trails were a mix of everything from our was 25 minutes behind Blandford at the \':'
C been contested by runners of difFering abilities famous rocks, to deep mud and standing or tor Center but from there to the finish, he r::
C for many years. MMT is sponsored by the Vir- rushing water. Runners worried about the toll the course faster than anyone. Meltzer finish.,.
ginia Happy Trails Running Club and is one the course would take on their feet. strong for an impressive win by 26 minu'r
of the few 100-milers put on by a trail running Despite the conditions, the runners simply Rusiecki caught and passed Blandford for
club. This year was the 20th rendition of MMT. took it all in stride. Runners came prepared ond. Blandford finished third.
The big story on this historic weekend turned to deal with wet, muddy and sandy feet. What Meanwhile, Eva Pastalkova was leading -:.
out to be a surprise. could have been a disaster turned out to be no women around the course at close to her l -
After one of the wettest sprin$s in memory. big deal. Runners took everything thrown at event record pace. All the while, MMT ner'.: .
the skies opened up on the Thursday before the them with aplomb. With the runners' coopera- Angela Shartel was shadowing her.
race and dumped almost three inches of rain tion and understanding, the rain leading up to Shartel surged after pulling away lr
on Fort Valley, forcing streams from their banks the race and its impact on the venue was not Pastalkova and the rest of the field over the ,:-.'
and picnic tables into tree branches. Caroline the big story. The big story was the race that un- part of the course, setting an event record b-. :-
Furnace Lutheran Camp, the race headquarters, folded over 103.7 miles of gnarly, muddy, steep minutes. Pastalkova held on for second. K. -
took a hard hit from Mother Nature, leaving and rocky Massanutten Mountain trails. leen Cusick charged past Amy Rusiecki for i: : -
Race Director Kevin Sayers and his crew scram- Race day brought clear skies, cool tempera- The three top women all broke 24 hours. .:-.
bling. The picturesque lawn where the huge tent tures and perfect running weather. A large lead Rusiecki was fourth in 24:29 - a time that ii i - ,
that serves as home to all the race activities was pack contested the men's race from the be$in- have won all but five of the prior 19 MMTs.
underwater. The parking area was a mud bo$, ning. At Edinburg Gap, 12 miles in, eight men It wasn't until the eleventh MMT that :,,
and the bridge that brings runners to the finish were within two minutes of each other. All the Johnston became the first woman to run u:-:l
had washed away. At least one aid station loca- eventual top finishers were there. Meanwhile, 24 hours. Now, after the 20th MMT, there :. ,
tion was under-water and parts of the course event record holder Eva Pastalkova led the been seven sub-2+hour female performa:-,,
were inaccessible due to road washouts. women and was just one minute behind the Three of them were this year. Shartel's cour:: ':
Kevin and his crew did a masterful job with lead men with Amy Rusiecki, Angela Shartel cord run certainly had everyone's attentiorr. :" ,
eve4,thing thrown at them. Within hours, volun- and Kathleen Cusick close behind. is from the left coast and so none of u. :.'
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The Ice Age Trail 50 occupies a pivotal position was expected to stand for quite awhile. King and Michael Owen right behind them. See
on the Montrail Ultra Cup Championship Se- But this year's women's field was also fast ing the top runners coming through the start
ries schedule. It is the last race before the West- and deep. Nebraska's Kaci Lickteig won every area under 60 minutes heightened the anticipa-
ern States 100 and the final chance for many of ultra she ran in 2013 and was coming off a 15:45 tion that this was going to be a great race.
the nation's top ultrarunners to earn a place on performance at the Rocky Raccoon 100 and a A few miles later, the lead four were runnins
the starting line in Squaw Valley. third place finish at the uber-competitive Lake a course record pace - with a group ofeight oth-
Combine that with a record number of run- Sonoma 50 in April. Larisa Dannis, who ran er contenders in pursuit. It was still early, bur
ners in the 50-mile and 50k events and a fore- through the mud and away from the field at the there was no sign the pace was going to cool oF.'
cast filled with sunshine after an especially harsh Land Between the Lakes 50 in March, was also The eight-mile out-and-back south of High-
Wisconsin winter - and everything was pointing sure to be near the front, as would Tracy Hoeg, way 12 is re$arded by most runners as the mos:
toward an exceptional day of running and rac- a veteran ultrarunner who grew up running the difficult section of the course, distinguished b'.
ing in the Southern Kettle Moraine Forest. trails of the Kettle Moraine. Joining them would narrow and rocky trail that traverses short, stee'J
After a disappointing run at the Lake Sonoma be Stephanie Wiegel from California, who had hills embedded with flights of timber step.
50, Montrail runner Max King wasn't excited to won the last five races she entered, and Gina Through this section, King and Condon wer:
have to travel halfway across the country to run Lucrezi from Boulder, CO. Kate Pallardy from running in tandem, with Flaherty and Or,re:
another SO-mile race, but he was determined to New York was also on the short list of contend- about 40 seconds behind.
C take the win at Ice Age and qualify for West- ers, training hard on the trails ofCentral Park in Entering the rolling hills between highwa'"'.
C ern States. Matt Flaherty, following a superb pursuit of a Western States spot. 12 and H, Flaherty surged, catching King. Ti,:
2:21 race at the Boston Marathon just a month The 5O-mile course at Ice Age is best imagined pace was intense. With 20 miles to go, they r,re:.
earlier, was also motivated, not for the ticket as a 10.5-mile loop followed by two out-and- 10 minutes under CR pace. At Confusion Corr:.:
to Western, but to break the long-standing lce backs. Runners follow the undulating Nordic King pulled away. Preparing for his final pLr.:
Age course record, set by Andy Jones 26 years loop for nine miles, pass through the start area at Emma Carlin, he gapped Flaherty by abc..'
earlier. Zach Bitter would also be back after win- and then head out for another 1.5 miles on the five minutes, with Condon and Owen arou: -
ning Ice Age two years before, this time as the same loop before connecting with the National 10 minutes behind.
US 100k champion and new North American Ice Age Scenic Trail (lAI). At the intersection of The deceptively challenging terrain and :'
record-holder in the 100-mile and zOok. And fel- the IAT and a horse trail, dubbed Confusion ing temperatures on the last leg of the coL,:.
low Madison runner Brian Condon, who edged Corner, runners proceed south on the IAT to sapped King of some of his energy, but he r.n.. '
out Bitter in the last mile of the 2013 race, would fuce Lake (zt.z miles), then return to the same tained his focus through miles 44-48. He i:..
be pushing the pace in pursuit of a top three juncture at 32 miles, where they run north to through the Bluff Road Aid Station at 1l:26 z':
finish. They would be joined by a group of other the Emma Carlin turnaround. From Emma Car- well ahead ofCR pace.
talented athletes. lin, it's a lo-mile run to the finish - 8.5 miles of When that news reached the finish area. ::
Altogether, the 2O74 lce Age included at least hilly, twisting, single-track trail, followed by t.s tators and volunteers began lining the fi:.
25 runners who had won an ultra. and at least miles of wide and fast ski trail. The terrain is chute. King crossed the finish line minutes ..-
five guys who had run sub 2:25 marathons. ever-changing, with rocky ridges, short and of- raising his arms in celetrration and setti:-.
A year before at lce Agq Cassie Scallon shocked ten steep hills, flats, dips and depressions. new Ice Age course record by more than 12 ::-
everyone by running the 5Gmile course in 6:46, At 6 a.m., cool air greeted the runners, but utes - 5:41:07. He had run the last 10 miles c -
shredding the women's course record by more temperatures were expected to rise to almost 80 course in 69 minutes.
than i8 minutes. And since no other woman had degrees by late afternoon. Unbelievably, Matt Flaherty's second piace
approached the previous course record of7:04 set Nine miles into the race, Matt Flaherty and was also under the old course record 5:49:L:.
18 years before by Donna Perkins, Scallon's time Brian Condon were running 6:15 pace, with Max Brian Condon took the third and the fin: "
oLIl raJer Jrl] aroJaq sluaLUolu u.tlop--ra.trod 'arer aq] Jo ,tolsrq aq] Lrr rauLlnr .{ue go lsout ;,:-
U aunlroJ pooB pue Suruuuld go aruafi:aa .{1snor.ra}s[ru ],uprp ua]sds punos aLI] 'IJnl] '09 1re.r1 aFV arl q]82 srq uer orl^\ 'plauloo..:
Lror snolnJerrru .{1;eau se.n }l '.,{i.red are;-}sod ]uarudrnba aq] paJJIq auo ou 'uollerol ]rer Jo uuJrV,{puy 'u,tr \.rJq\lug aqt Suottrl
JLI] ]u pue arer aq] fiutrnp attars lra;;ad e -lol 3q] le dn paraoqs -raralef, aqJ 'lEa^ elllil 'salels uralsaM un; o] .{itnnuoddo aq} rr:'. :
ir-rrlea-rr pue JoAoJ puno.rB puE sarlsnq 'saat] Mau e Jo uEls IellrJJoun aq] puE s^\elqoJf,Iru se^\'Ll\tug ::e1d qtrnol prlo\ rJq qlr^\'r./rr.-
iurppnq aq] FurlluFI 'tuo1 .{ep lle auleroW Ielol rlllunl an)rqreq E 'f,tsntu e,tr1 .{oiua o1 eurg os 'trrtua 9,11 aq] uo passed.{p.re11e4 6,9:; -
al]]o) eq] Jo sralsa pLIe splau 'spuod 'sisa srnoq roJ 1no purtueq - saluEtuJoJlad s,.{up Bno-rls e Futuun;'pJIq] paqsluU sIuuEC ESLIU:
.roJ aq] ]rl aurLISUns aLIJ'3uIoA sE.{\ }LIaAa aLIl palerqslar s.rafiy ell 'alel aq] rauv 'pra1pt1 pLIIqeq salnurlu €Z ]nq ..1
rLI].&\oq 1se o1 .{1uo pa;eadde JJIraqs aLI} 'spoo.{\ aq} ur Lrnr raq}oup lsnf aq plnont apy ar1 aql;o .trotsrq aq] uI ]salseJ LIUU aqt se.{\ 9t:: -
prre scie] qlrm - paJaAIIap a;a.tt sfal ;aaq 'Ilo.{\ preq pue eFpalmouj luaw}tlutllol ltarl} Jo aLUr] areyd-puoras s,.{pre11e4 a}E) 'aJLIEt:..
]nolllr,&\ pue 'iaav eJI Jo saJeJ aLI] ale saJEJ lleqJ --rad .raq Jo qlFualls aq] aJolsl3pun of ip.r.-:
(s:apr.ras.rog) sa.{ay .{uuerg pue (zt.{-ttU) ;addog 3s-rnof, s,uarrlod\ A\oLl e 6t:Ii:9 ul aLIIi ti: .
.{.re61 puu fire.r3 - s:ea.{ EZ ueq} eroru roJ srau aq] Bursso;l .{1a}eut11n 'auole Llol}las txat. .
-un.r aFV ar1 Furdlaq Llaaq a^Eq s;aalunlo^ .Iaqlo uer Jqs':luuec uo sJlll.u o,trt pue,{p-re1
aaIIJ 'Ma-rl plo srq ]no dlaq o1 dn pa.ttoqs 1ltls selnurrr 0I lnoqe peq aqs 'ofl oi salru 61 r1t. .
'r.eJ 3rrruun.r,{1urei.rar .e .
aq '€tOz ut uteide3 o.{\} Llol}e}s pry aLI} se s;ea.{
8Z raUE pa-rrta.r .{11eng;o .rafelg ptq qFnoqtle '.{lssaluoga Furuuru sed\ eLIS }ELI} uoISS"r...
'puv 'sroelunlo.t agy ar1 se rea,{ q}92 rrrll} pa aqt sJouunr Fntssed aneF .{e,tt aq} FuolE ::
-]e:qalar urEB uarex pue urrf surelde3o3 ;no3 -LnqJ pue rreb qtoor"u. rJH'pJMo[s rJ\). '
Lrorlels plv 'aluernpue Jo ]eOJ Jar{}ouE ul -Irrl 'purrlaq aJu€]srp ]qFIIs p Izarf,nl ELIITJ -
'sJnoq ang ;apnn furu 'pa.&\olloJ srurreq esslre'I pLIe ,{p.ru11e4 atuy
unr Llloq ',{yalrtradsar 'pltrl} pue puores patlsl alrsrJap e turlei pue ptrrte:alarre fra11tr. ..
-ug asnoH erqdo5 puegoqual5 ,{1rruE '91:€z:t ul 'paploJUn alEJ s,Lretrro^\ aLI] '/I alrru ]nocl: ,
plau I09 s,uatrro^\ aqt paddot ueurp.rag euuy 'reqlor;:
'prrll] Ioo] (6i:s0:f) qlrl\ FLrr]]Erll ,{1rsea tnq 'aoed prnb e iu ;-
qrlaM tues pue (ot:so:l) auudy ;antp:eO sem !a)er eqtJo saFtu auru "ro3 raqiaFol poralsr-.
puoras purqsrurC 'arpl alrlu-gs aq] alllet o] lea,{ a,tg go ped peal aq] 'arer s,LIaLUo,u ?u-
]xau IrEq aluoJ o] pesrruord pue salnurur EZ 'ls:6f:9 ur 11e.rano qru:r :.
lsorule ,{q arEJ aqt LIoM }nq 'aur1 1E:61:g e lut 'allr] s,ralsuw s,.rea,{ sttl} uo.{\ IIs.{\oqErrJ i.
lsod '1eoF iErl] Jo ].Ioqs IIOJ aH ''OOZ ur IsarJ (ls:es:s) ua.\\O IaeqtIW Pue (lz:Ss
uotrS ,{q }as 1:€ Jo plolar eslnof, arl} }eaq o} -uo3 uprrg '.{1raqelJ ]]eW 'Ful) xEW :p..i
]drua]]e qunoJ srq ro; aty atl o] peulnlat E,tlol ]eq] pa)re"rr srauunr :no3 ':ea.{ slql 1€6r,.
uo{ IIeO }}ols 'arer )09 rBV all oq} ul ]ueLLrJ]J uordueqr eLUr]aaJLIi pue (6A-
's.rea,{ 91 }seal }e LII aFetuar:ad }sad\ol eq}
Jlll rlrg '(etoz) alppry pneq '(gooz) p1:r
'(SsoD sauof .{puy :s;noq xIS rapun a\r:-
'%0/ ra^o tsni se.u eler qsrug allu 0s aqJ's"ieullnr
eq] Jo pe]ledLLII - aJI aLI] unJ peq sraullnl a,r'g .{1uo '2861 .rr.
,tep aqt ur Jalel ;^aa-rpep
le palead qllq.&\ Jaqluem iu;e.{\ aqJ 'qsrLrU aq] o] uaMO
08 inoqe IaeqltW Futtttttr.rt:'
lee ,prGF TRA,,,- | LA GRANGE, wtscoNstN I MAY 10 3,3 l
50 m les E evation qa n: Approx 4,000 feet I Run exc us vely on tfa s, tang ng from f at and
soft qrassy doub e track to tw sting and technica s ngle-track and there are enough hi s
to krep evervone eftertained. Wel -marked w th plenty of ald stat ons, ce Age ls the idea
event for Jirst-timers

50 MILES 89. Robert Wilkins 9:54:27

1. Max King 5:41:07 90. Tanve Eggcil 9:55:1 9
2. Matt F aherty 5:49:13 91. Linda Britz 9:55:20
l. tsflan Lonoon 5:58:24 92. Brian Todd 9:55:46
4. Michael Owen 5:59:56 93. Susana Ochoa 9:56:02
5. Matthew Laye 6.14:43 94. Rachel Burke 9:58:23
6. Zach Bitter 6.19:52 95. Kail Ftener 9:58:55
7. lain Ridgway 6:36:1 8 Sal Cilella 9:58:55
8. Jason Wolfe 6:41t14 97. Kenneth Plumb 9:59:03
9. Kaci Lickteiq 6:41:39 98. Ann Heaslett 9:59:08
'10:00:1 7
10. Kevin Grabowski 6.49:51 99. Gene Bartzen
1 1. Chris Rubesch 6:54.14 100. TammLL!![lcr 10:02:46
'12. Kate PallardV 7.04.16 101 .
Michael Ryan 10:03:20
13. Chris Downie 1:1O:33 102. Tom Laporte 10:03:25
103. Steven Loehner '10:03:3 5
foro )mtrn 7:1 0:33
1 5. C Fred Joslyn 1:13:O7 104. Roy Pirrung 10:03:56
'105. David Kramer 0:04:50
16. Larisa Dannis 7.15:39 1

17. Michael O'Connor 7.22:41 106. Jay Gates 10:05:35

18. Adam Schwartz Lowe 7.24:39 107. Andrew Klapperich
4l '19. Laron Thomas 7 .27 t45 108. Parker Rios 10:09:20
20. lan Torrence 7:36.49 109. Brad DLimville 10:O9:22
'10:1 0:5 5
21. Bruce Udell 7:36:54 110. Brian Elstner
'i 11. Helaine Hickson 10:1'l:45
22. Gina Lucrezi 7.37:30
% 23. Jesse Boisaubin 7:45:Q1 '1
12. Don Eby 1 0:1 5:55

6,'''-' 24. Mike Wasson

25. Stuart Kolh,
13. David Merrlll
114. Mitche IGrasser
26. Joel Lammers 1:54:02 115. Cliff White 10;26:09
27. leff Curtin 7:54:05 '1
16. jenny Marietta 10:26:1 0
€t 28. Tracy Hoeg 8:01:00 Paul Marietta 10:26:'10
29. Robert Wehner 8:05:53 1 1 B. Victoria Tiomore 10:26:21
30. Rolando Cruz 8.12:13 119. RobOwens 10:27:16
31. Jessica Garcia 8:14:48 120. Daniel Slater 10:30:21
'121. Justin Cantoni 10:30:47
32. Maddy Hribar 8:17 t42
33. Bart Worwa 8:1 9:1 5 122. Andrew Starsky 1 0:30:56

34. Joseph Jameson 8:24:21 '123. Joe Winch 1 0:31 :1 4

35. Matt Bartz 8:3 3:52 124. David Schmidt 1 0:31 :3 2
James Stenulson 1 0:31 :32
36. Alisha Damrow 8:34:33
37. Greg Borzick 8.41:12 126. Richard Plezia 10:32:29
J6. benjamln lroK a.41.43 127. Ryan Petersen
39. Erin Lumbard 8:44.13 128. Michael Davenport 1 0:33:1 2
40. Miguel Ordorica 8:45:1 1 129. George Chen 10:34:05
41. Jerry Vondruska 8:49:30 130. Annmarie Rohner 10:35:1 5

42. Kristin Frey 8:49;33 Jessica Wuellner 10:35:1 5

43. Michael Geldean 8:50:24 132. Kelly Rahn 10:36:03

44. Jeffrey Fleitz 8:51:11 133. Nate Pualengco 10:37:35
45. Jon Burmeister B:53:53 134. Timothy Gorichanaz 10:37:56
46. Stephanie Weigel 8:55:53 135. Andrew Grosvenor 1 0:38:1 0
47. Dave Caldwell 8:56:29 1 36. Matthew Nakanishi 1 0:38:3 5
48. Adam Kuen 8.57:14 '137. Curtis Hall 10:39:07
138. Paul Krauter '10:39:32
49. David Mentjes 8:59:50
50. John Psuik 9:00:0'1 139. Shane Punzel 1Q:42.3 -q

'140. Mark Nowotny 10:42:36

51. Benjamin Schultz 9:03:5 5
52. \tamaK tvtostourl 9:04:01 141. Richelle Hall 10;44:08
53. Kevin Radel 9:06:02 142. Jo Anne Hass 10:44.1i
54. Gala Malherbe 9:07;35 143. Ted Wollnik Jr 10:44:1 ,

55. lVark Konicek 9:09:34 Gary Krienitz 1Q:44:1

56. Amie Soieth 9:1 0:04 145. Jason Beck 10:44:34
57. Michelle Gross 9:1 8:05 146. Mary Gorski 10:47:14
58. Stephen Disanto 9:18:27 147. Andrew Lundberg 10:47 2a
59. Vic Ciancetta 9: 1 8;28 148. Victor Vilar 10:48 --
'149. Dick Canterbury 10:49 --
60. Jamie Rauch 9:20:04
61. Thomas Beehler 9:20:05 150. Mark Norfleet 10:51,i
62. Alec Bath 9.22:06 1 51. Robert Hibbard 1 0:51 :: -
'152. Bill Thom '10:52 .
63. Shellev Cook 9:22:11 -
64. Thao Hoang 9:23:08 153. Michelle Gallaoher 10:52:-
Dave Dehart 9:23:08 154. Adrian Amador 10:53
66. Ron Bero 9.24:43 1 55. Paul Garcia 1 0:54 --
67. Susan Utley 9.25:57 1 56. Arun Sarkar 10:55 ' :
157. Kurt Brown 1 0:55 :
68. Erik Martinez 9:26.40
69. Farah Stewart 9:28:47 158. 5arah Fleming '10:55 ::
70. Kate Thomas 9:29:23 159. Randall Egge 10.51 :
Matthew ChamPa 9.29:23 '160. Dee Brandes
72. Jeffrey Lenard 9.31:46 161 . Stephen Mitchell 10:58:.
73. Anqrc bllrlgc 9:33.14 162. Andrea Poulton 10:59 ':
74. )ohnKnudson 9:33:50 Dean Klinger 10:59 ' :
75. Stephanie Kurtz 9:3 5:39 1 64. Perry Johnson 11:0C:-
76. John Strange 9:39:20 165. Staci Hahn
1:01 ::
77. Michael Sheehy 9:39:57 166. Julie Librizzi
78. Ron Baker 9:39:59 167. Robert Whitten 11:05:::
79. John Rasmussen 9:41:34 168. Dean Schwickerath 11:06 ,-
80. Kan Pantanapichet 9:42:05 169. Jason Willits 11:06
81. Brad Drake 9.46:48 170. Paul Hasse '1
1 ;06:l:
82. David Wiskowski 9:48:03 171. Stephen Pritzen 11:01 : =.

83. Barbara Roman 9:49:27 172. Steven Gatto 11 :. .AJ

84. Vikash Malik 9:5O:17 173. Tim Wegner 11:08 r:
'174. John Jenk 1:08:-i
85. Jason Duelge 9.51:47 1

86. Mike Rohner 9:52:22 175. Bruce Juppe 1 1 :09:- .

87. Phil Clark 9.52:34 176. Ty Kleiner '1 '1:09 :.
88. Bryan Bertoglio 9:52t57 177. Susan Canevello 11:10 --
lct >l)od PloH )upl€ luoh 1'n
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, . ,,-i :




Three weeks after the 2013 San Diego lO0 Mile easier than past years, but this was an unknown flom Graglia. Having never lound himself in
Endurance Run, a devastating wildfire rushed that would only play out on race day. this position before, Kozak hunkered down to
up 4,000-foot steep canyons from At'iza Borrego Race day arrived with average temperatures maintain the lead on the hard-charging Jamil
Desert and consumed the beautifi-rl and iconic Al forecast for the weekend. The first climb from Coury. who is known for strong closing finishes.
Bahr Shrine Camp, which had sen'ed as a home the Lake to the top of Middle Peak immediately Kozak held the lead and edged Coury out by
for San Diego 100 over the last for"tr vears. The awoke everyone and foreshadowed a tougher five minutes. Paul Sinclair came in strong for
devastating loss of the Camp rvas ovet-t'helm- course than appeared on paper. The lead field third place.
ingly sad. Not only did the Chariot Fire destroy included local lavorites Fabrice Hardel, Igor Jenny Capel held the lead from start to finish,
Al Bahr, it also consumed nearly eight ntiles of Campos, Neil Feerick and Jeremiah Galyon, with Erika Lindland and Gretchen Brugman sec
the trail (mostly Pacific Crest Trail) that adtoined along with Michele Graglia (ltaly), Jamil Coury ond and third place respectively. Capel ended
the Camn and were part of the SD 100 cor-rrse. (AZ), Paul Sinclair (CA) and Ray Sanchez (CA). in fourth place overall and Brugman won the le
,t huge outpouring of support for Al Bahr Veteran ultrarunner Jeff Kozak, who has had male masters award. Capel's winning time was
throughout San Diego has resulted in efforts to very strong races of 100k and below. came well- a startling 50 minutes faster than her winning
rebuild the Camp. The cleanup and restoratton prepared to finally finish a 100 miler strong and time last year, in spite of the consensus that the
will take years. San Diego 100 has jorned this get the "i00 mile monkey off his back." Jeff ran course was tou$her this year.
effort. with hope that one day Al Bahr ivill rise easy at the outset and was comfortably sitting in There were a record 229 starters and 142 fin-
C from the ashes. t5rh place ar rhe first aid sration. ishers lor the Bth Annual San Diego 100, which
C The Chariot Fire created great challerlges for The women's field was led by previous cham- reflected a 62% finishing rate. There were 25 sub-
the leadership and volunteers of SD 100 to re pion, Jenny Capel (NV), Erika Lindland (CA) and 24-hour finishers. Overall. consensus from veter
create and relocate the event for 2015. With the Gretchen Brugmen (C,\). Jenny was the oddson ans and race officials concluded that the nelr'
vision and support of Jennifer Henderson atrd favorite to defend her title, but Erika and Gretch- course was more difficult than previous years:
Butch Paddock, the race was able to find a nerv en were always within striking distance, ready to attributable to the last two tough climbs with
home at Lake Cuyamaca Recreational Area ttear pounce ifJenny laltered al any given point. only 10 miles to the finish.
Julian, CA This beautiful venue welcomed Lt-s as As the race progressed, the field started to This year's SD 10o was able to rise from the
family, and the outpouring of support flon.r the separate itself, and by the halfivay point, Gra- ashes due to the incredible contributions of
local community was overwhelming. The tten' glia and Hardel had taken the lead with Sinclair, over 200 volunteers. Assistant RD's, medicai
venue, newly permitted course, revised n'ebsite Sanchez and new 100 miler Travis Gaylord with- EMTs, aid station captains! course markers. lc'
and myriad details required for the event were i11 20 minutes. Kozak had slowly moved up to gisticr van drivers and communication nra"
set in place by race registration in earlyJanuary. seventh place and was still 40 minutes behind agers. All of whom are extremely experienced
This year's San Diego 100 garnered an et1- the lead at that point. ultrarunners who bring a passion and love for
trant's field that included participants from As the sun went down, temperatures cooled, the sport to this event. San Die$o 100 is a famiLr
seven international countries, 15 different states ar.rd the big climb back up to the Pioneer Mail affair. and it pride' itself on giving its best for
and included a record 229 starters. Anticipation 2 aid station was about to separate the leaders. the benefit of all who toe the line. We applauci
for race day included concerns that the weather This r,vas a defining point for those competing those who had the courage to take the challenge
would be a repeat of zot:, when temperatures lor the win. Graglia led the charge up the moun- at this year's event and look forward to seeins
reached a record high of 107 degrees. Last year's tain, closely followed by Coury and a surging many of you next year for the 14th Annual Sarr
46% finishing rate was clearly on the minds of Kozak. With about 15 miles to go, Jeff Kozak sur- Diego 100. Details for the 2015 event will be posr
all. Many felt this year's course may be slightly prised himself and his crew by taking the lead ed on the race website in the earlv fall of 2014. E
s E:s t:62 9g laof 'L)l 80:zv:Lz Z€ lapunPl ue^U '11 tv:tl:sz 9t'er)n^ ost s€
rs'5ndt€Tll]6ll-g ztL lt:zE:62 ^asa^rl
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rnrl uoslrM 's0
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8t'nl 6urdqrq) otl 9E:62:62 1g 'p,{o11 enqsol
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SO:OZ: L€ nN'fs'PrrP^an9ruue^or9 t€[ Lz:20:62
85:81;LE 8r TF.:aEFnoqIl €tL 90:95:82 0E silEillmEqTs]nD '16 Lb:95:92 L1 'IluPralei1 sruao l9 Zb:tt:tz 39 'gy'uos{g peq) SZ
as: LL: l€ lt 'soru oruoluv zEL 6z:ss 8z z5's)oorg uqor '96 zz:9s:92 zt'uea'py! llo)s 09 6V:6V:tZ OS 'uasuar sull) tz
tz:9tiLE zs rqE-SIpnEs LSL ZS:89:87 zv '89 'uesuPH ueac 's6 0€:vs:92 ZS'preu6rod lPlsed 65 6n.LVEZ AO'VS looinqua)auq)s )uerl EZ
Et'razlal 'b6 SO:L':92 zv'st'uqec a)tN 8s vl:Lt:tz E€ 'uslellM ueN zz
5Zr0t:L€ 1Z'^lla> uess 0€L 8a:zs:82
.€r50: lE v/\A'Lq laqej ++el 6z1 6z:Lv:82 lt 'a)et ^lref €6 0v:9v:92 g9'uasneqOur1l3 p3 15 6V:S':€Z L€ 'uerdue) laell)l t LZ
zE 5S:08 0t'le^opLeSIuoLltuv'8ZL V0'.LE:8Z ^auPoU
tS 'plarrLuearg Ief z6 sl:9it9z yI '97 'due) ue,iy 95 OE:E€:tZ Ot .uPu6nrg uallllarg OZ
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.: R.oL Cnrroll, RD

accomplishments, lots and lots of mud year. Both of these were stacked neatly at a sign
,:-.i an'razing people helped make the fourth not far fiom the aid stations.
,.:-r.i,ral running of 50s For Yo Momma a hu$e Of course, the most fulfilling aspect of the
:,i:aess. There were 154 starters in all races:61 in event for me is being at the finish line to hand
.:-.: 5Gmile and 46 in the 50k; 62% finished the each finisher their medal, and to talk to all those
:.ririle and 6z% finished the 5ok. who can't go on. Sharing in each ofyour experi-
The 5Gmile winners were Peter Hogg ln 8:09:02 ences, whether it's tears of elation as the finish
.rd Nicole Burt in
12:06'.20. The 50k champs comes into sight, or tears of frustration because
','.ere Aaron Kramer in 518:33 and geidi Blecick a nagging injury or stomach problems have
.r 736:08. A$es ran$ed from 19-71 years young. brought an early end to your day. I love the hu$e
Race weekend began with more snafi;s than sweaty hugs of gratitude, the pictures with run-
,isr,ral. This year several markers and even whole ners and their loved ones and the cheers ofvicto-
.isns were stolen, while others were moved to ry as goals are accomplished. I am amazed by the
:.andom locations off the trails. We found sev- overwhelming support that families and fliends
eral flags and signs up in a tree' We fixed all bring to the event each year. I love this truly
':re rrrarkers Friday. and then on race morning amazing trail and ultrarunning community!
I discovered several of our road signs missing' Each year we have had at least one individu-
Then both time clocks decided they didn't want al who needs a bit more than the posted time
ro n,ork moments before the race start. limit of 14 hours. It is extremely important to
Fortunately, we were able to get all issues re- Angie and me that every runner who wants to
.oh'ed with a little teamwork and coffee. finish, gets the opportunity to do just that. This
The race began wirh a simple. "On your mark. year we had an exceptional youn$ woman who
:ei set, go!" and t5+ brave souls left the line to hung in there throu$h a very tough day to fin-
r-r"rn loops in the mud all day. This year we had ish in 18:31:47.
ar-i 8.2-mile course for 50k runners and an 8'7- Thank you so much to all of our runners, our Seth Chin-Parker embracing a muddy climb
mile course for 50 milers. volunteers, our sponsors and to AW. Marion State
The new loops were very well received, though Park. And, as always, the biggest thanks $oes to my
rhe nvo steepest climbs became quite a mud fest AMAZING wife and coRD! Our events wouldn't
iater in the day. We had attached ropes to assist be possible without her! Thank you, Angie! !B
nith these climbs at my wife (and Co-RD)'s ur$-
ing. The comment I heard most often throu$h-
out the day was, "Thank your wife for those
ropes!" We always plan for mud' The forecast
looked grim early in the week, but the rain held
Birmingham Stage Bace
off. dumping only two quick downpours on us
during the race. Anyone who ran last year said $ent 26,21 &28
the n.rud wasn't bad at all this year, and anyone
ivi.ro didn't said it was a mud pit out there. 3 lfays, 0 uninuel[ountains
All of my favorite moments this year revolved,
as they always do, around the amazing trail and
Bimingham, Ala[ama
ultrarunning communities. All of you are the
reason we started this event, and why we con-
- tinue to host it.
: Peter Hogg, this year's 50-mile winner'
amazed us with his performance all day. Upon
finishing he told me, "l want to say thanks
for giving me my slowest 5O-mile finish ever."
High praise from such an outstanding athlete!
Our second-place finisher in the 50-mile had a
group of individuals crewing all day who I can
only describe as a finetuned NASCAR pit crew.
Then there were the sisters who ran hard and
smiled big all day long, no matter how they
rvere feeling. Additionally, I picked up only two
tinv piles of race-related trash on the course this

3 ilountain$ - 3 Bays - 53 [tliles

r,uotrTrEsLu€)orLt.l llPul-l oJul Jol o Iull {.rlue pue sllPlop
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bA Ltus Escobar, RD

This year marked the forth edition of the inqlv and offered a knowin$ nod. Even Miguel
AmiQos. The Born To Run Ultra Marathon Ex-
.u.nt und it continues to be a wild success' The I-aii probably one of the shyest Raramuris, got
traviganza cannot be described on the static into caughi in the fun and donned a luchador mask
Ultra Marathon has matured
pages'of a magazine. There is no adequate pod- Born To Run take a victory lap around the camp
casi, YoliTube video or Facebook post' Until you
its own living, breathin$, organic' weird, friend- and cape to
I honestly can't ima$ine where we are after his 1o0K wln.
have made the trek to the ranch in Los Olivos ly animal. to find Our fiiends went home with prize money in
and spent the night under the stars, danced in going from here, but I am very excited
greatest gift that we have to share with their pocket and hours of stories
to tell but also,
the California dirt and sang the songs and run 6ut. in" of the respect and
gift of opportunity. Give the we hope. with a renewed sense
through the oak $roves and across the dusky each other is the you them lriendihip we have for the Raramuri and an un-
you a chance and
ridges, yor-r will not.fully appreciate the exPeri- people around
that we, The Runnin$ People, are one'
ence. Bort-i To Run is trail running at its finest ihe opportunity
to succeed. Scatter $ood seeds derstanding
and sbbt-t good things will grow. Re$istration for
and much. much more. ADDS:
2015 will be open soon and I hope TOM NORWOOD
We createci this event as an experiment' What Born To Run join It's become a tradition-that the "Luna Dudes,"
an opportunity to us'
would happen if we invited running ffiends fiom that you have includin! Barefoot Ted and crew' make the
across the country and beyond? What would hap pilgrimage down to central California for the
oen if more than seven hundred happy people FRANCOIS BOURDEATJ 'Soin
fo Rut't Ultra every year to join in on the
happened last weekend' when three
ihowed up and spent three days and two nights This is what fun. Ted always says that we are "surfers mak-
runners from the Copper Canyons
behind the closed gate of a private cattle ranch, Raramuri the same way that a
joined the Born To Run Tribe to spend four days ing surfboards." That is' in
with no amenities? As corny as it may sound, the all shaper on the California coast takes all
answer is: love. At first $lance, the Born To Run in the
company of runners from over the bo"ard
and beyond. It was uncertain how the that he knows ofthe ocean waves and crafts the
Ultra Marathon is a lGmile,50h 10Ok and t0Gmile country
for their shyness' would react nerfect tool, we do the same with
our adven-
trail run. Btrl after a lew minutes on the ranch you Raramuri, known iures to handcraft the perfect sandals in Seattle'
of live bands, runnin$ games' cos-
ouicklv realize that something deeper and very to the bustle
at Born To Run at any glven
speciai is happening here. The words woodstock'
tumes and curious gazes. Some of us expected One glance around
their camp away from mom"ent confirms that we have created the ideal
irateful Dead show and Burning Man immedi rhat they would set out tool for the Born To Run experience' Whether
and barely leave it until race start, but
atelv come to mind. Personally, i would describe it everyone racing, dancin$, shootin$ bows' gettlng tattoos,
that is not what haPPened.
as sumrner camp for running hippies' guitar or waiting under the stars for a
The Born To Run Ultra Marathon is three Thanks to the respectful attitude of hundreds rrlaving
from iii."O ,o finish her first l0Ok race. a ridiculous
days of camping. running games' bola races' of runners
who refrained bombardin$
questions, camera flashes and over- number of people were wearing Lunas' I want to
beer miles, live music, dancin$, archery arts, tat- them with the thank Luis Lscobar for putting on an event that
demonstrations of affection, Rara-
toos, guitars, cowboy hats, rattlesnakes, shot$uns, whelming
pinatas. food, drink, socializing, Tarahumara In- muri seemed at ease, walking
around or quietly brings together so many Mas Locos and Lunattcs
under a tree, soakin$ in the expertence'. for tlhe best party of the year. The memory of
dians and running - lots and lots of runnin$' sitting him running up to the stage during the last son$
ln addiriun ro all olthat. there is more' because At the peak of the craziness, I took a quick
who was watching beer mile of the night, stage divin$ off and crowd surfing
Born To Rur.r has become the icon of running dlance at
"Un poco como una in his Lunas may be the best expression of what
harmonv and a celebration of $ood thin$s be- iu.tn..s with
a curious eye'
no?" I asked' referring to the Rara- we are trying to create that I'll ever see' 6
tween ail rLrnning cultures. As our Tarahumara tesduinada. quantities
parties with abundant
visitorr r:rught us. "When you run on the earth' -nti dti.tkit-tg
with the earth, you can run forever"' of tesguino, or corn beer. He smiled approv-

BORzu RUN ULTRA MARA"THoNS 1 ros oLtvos, conssts

T0 cALtFoRNIA I MAY 17 la 2,2
lout* offast 20 mile loops of sinqLe and doubetrack on 100% dLrttfa
ia)C 1OOm es I 100k I 30 mites I elevaton qain, z,:oo t."t per loop-l rr, s
r9l Runnetswi errioyaml orpilngt.l,c;'tuitiltutt genterollingh s'wl
q 100M,LE5
Neil -nn22 ; i:1I9:n:'^?
17:00:33 4 ScottYoung' 46 13:9i::;
to:z>:zJ 33
redrrrrtr rrudrr' +J
Kevin Jacobsen' 35' AZ
16:17 26
16. Elissa Stifter, 36
17. Raymond luarez lll,
18. Claire Mellein,3l
Jadd Martinez, 32 ra'og'zg 5 Bryan Toro' 28 10:29:13 4:36:37
11:02:29 32 Jack Rosenfeld' 34 17 20:15 19. Jason Emberger,29
Jenn shel1au, 30, CO lg,OA ZZ 6 Tommie Silva' 50 32' CO 18:08:31 20. Rob Mccool, 35 4:38:52
Michael Miller, 52, AZ
ts Og,i) 7. (rrrh 11:22:00 33 IaI)i Tomaellq
Daniel Waddle, 34
i 3i?ili,YXill,?"]i,, )Z:;i;t ;
5. Eci Ettinghausen, 5i
a i'";;-N;;;;;
N/^^ra 11 !i 1 1:23:38
11:23:38 :+ John Magnussen, 61
34. LohnMasnussen,61
35 BcinaJ€nlin' 52' Hl
18:3e:58 21. Nickademus Hollon,
22. Jade Belzberg. 21
24 4:39:58
6. Jerry Nowak, 52, OR
18 l0
)Oi1O n
ro Scott
9. Melanie Peteri :0, tr,'tt
Dubrul' 45
s'ffito'u'ur, q5- ' 11:29:52
| l:J6:u4 ro rvrrnts
23. Bill Clements,35 4.40:02
7. Sean Nakamura,3s
sean Nakamura,35 22:10 ll':9:?1
1:56:38 :9
3T Patricia carroll' 64' Hl 111i'12 24. Kevin CodY, 30 4:40:56
8. Balrnoie Flores, zi,ti:za 1 Kai Keliikuli' 4i
'1 22:12:16
25. Marcelino Ruiz,29 4:40:59
9. Ti{{anl, GucIIn, 3/ 23'.06:28 12' Mike Cloward' 50 12:00:36
26. Sergio Nario,47 4:41:24
31 z1:lt:ZA 13 Andy Kumeda' 46 12:12:Q3 50-KM 4.41.42
10. &]]nle Wclke-r,
1,1. AndrelvMitchelt,46 zl,tizg r+ nmvleet:l,p,q 12:57:35 1. Nickcoury,26,AZ 317:15 27. Sara Roche, 26
AZ li'o+'re t5. nl;sandra vJiduzco, +7 13:11:54 2. Daniel Scarberry, 30 3:17:45 Manny Marks, 34
3. Joshua Trevino, 30, AZ
12. AmyE!5or. 35, 3:32:19 29. Horacio Estrada Merino, 27 4.41:58
paut philtips. 4/ )i oai,qt t o. r*y nrs, 29;ilM - 13:35:20 4:43:36
Mccee,40 26:06:16 t; rf'e'esa apoiaia' SZ
- 13:39:17- 4' Ben Holmes' 32 3:32:42 30. Ryan Hogan, 35
13:44:30 5 James Bonnett' 27' AZ
14. Jason 35337 31. James Moore,38, OH 4.44:0C
15. Jonzaid,s1 ze,ss,sg ta emir oeOii':T..-'pn Rene Dorantes' 38 32. Sean Garbutt, 22 4:45:oi
1?'1? 6
16. Steve Brookshire, 54 )l oqtzl lg Michael satsU-ury' ss 11
13:50:57 7. Brad culbertson,34, AZ 3:54:31 33. Cat Bradlev 20 4.47:14
John priester, 34 zi,io,o: 20. John vuna"rpoi'so 14:12:35 S loseph Devreese' 47 34. Steohanie Fronk.26 4:48:2L
28 10:22 zt Jenn prewittiij'
'18. Kim Elliott, 47
14:12:35 -g Lauren Besenfelder' 27' AZ 3:55:32 35. Tim Hendricks, 28 4:48:51
19. Kevin stuart, 54 13 oean vankovilh' 31
14:26:41 l0 lsidro Quintero Mora' 30
28:16 4:03:33 36. Kristin Rigby. 30 4:50:4i
4'l ig:sa:25 23 Jess Soco' 48' WA"
14:51:04 11. Georgewilliams, 54
20. Hector Aleman, 4:12 18 37. Adrian Eisenhower, 32 4:51 :1C
(ennedy,39 )g,tgi,sl 24. Samet coldtlig,2s 38. Jason Zehendner, 37 4:53:0-
zs. christyeentivogiil.a: I5:02:59 12 AndySulak'37
2.1. Scott 416:40
15:04:54 13 stacevStern 43 4'17:31 39. Terry Britten, 30 4:53:4',
'100KM 26 EricBrummei6lv 4:55.14
1. Miguel Lara viniegras, 23 9:00:54 zz lenry nburtJ' 3i 5:10:08 14 Brandon Chalk' 32
4:23:17 40. Dawn Poole. 36

2. Jamie Dreher, 39 s'+t,t: 23 paulj Kee' sd $"16:29 15 Kevin Wolf' 31 426:01 41 Thomas Wood, 47
z9'uEq:ne!€T ZLZ 9S:0t:9 6Z 'slrf ETsa etucqdEB 55 L tL:05:9 0€'sueual) slrq) 86
;. -, ;. tg 'sulS-Eqr-E 692 t0: L0:8
:- j : . 0s 'qnml llPw 892 9Q:I9:L 6Z 'nEllEZ EJllislIJ LZ L Ll:6ttg 8€'rlodsru 6re4 p91, 09:6t:5 O€'sa^eu surer 16
: :: :. vsE;qt4cj:Ucq LgZ LS:OS|L 6Z'zapueural or)ProH 0Lz ov:Lt:g lt'slepsurP8 llaN €st LV.6V:S tn'0€ l5lFjs'qnEqdEls 96
1Z'TPlj-rIlElE 60Z vs:vE:g L€ 'ore) solrP) zs L 9€:8r:S €t rtjEqSurqoE 56
:: aaa. ss'l)ezo uuoc 992 vz:griL
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K\&ffiWW K&*effi ffiru Xe*ru&€ryW&&U

b'4 Chcu Shega, co-RD

with their place. The top l0 men all came in under

The small town Foresthill. CA, is used to see how their fitness might match
of Canyons sectlonsix hours, a remarkable feat on this very ru$-
to seeing ultrarunners flock to their cotn- expectations in the very
States Trail' ded course. Ultrarunning veteran Luanne Park
munity every June for the Western States ofthe historic
Race day had near-perfect temperatures, with 6f n"aOir'rg, CA, headed the women's field in
100. it'ti, y!ur, however. sorre new kids 61019. She was followed by Jennifer Hemmen
on the bloik came to visit a lnonth early' sunshine and highs reaching the low 80s' Rac-
the well-stocked aid stations, which (Fair Oaks, CA) and Dolores Bergmann (Chester'
The Canyons 50K was the brair.rchild of new ers enjoyed CA) in second and third Place.
who re$ard were iovered by experienced local runners who
RDs Chaz Sheya and Tim Madden. One hundred men and women successfully
to assist' The volunteers, as usttal,
this section of trail a-s the eprtome of good, old- were eager completed the course within the 12-hour cutofl
were th; true heroes of the day. Many of them
fashioned, down and dirty trail runnin$: steep,
lerhaps the most emotional celebration of the
vast experience in the Canyons and could
relentless climbs (totaling more than 9,000 feet)' had day was for the final finisher, Heather Mona
views and empathize and provide much-r-reeded support
fast, rewarding descents, r-rnbelievable
Many comments shared by partici- han, of Rocklin, CA Heather was greeted by 30
at times, unfor$ivin$ heat. The racecourse starts to the ,ucers. or so spectators, who Were very moved by her
the May 3rd event mentioned hor'v
and finishes in Foresthill while coverin$ the ter pants after the race was for incredible spirit and can-do attitude, despite a
and thought-out
ritory of Volcano Canyon. El Dorado Canyon' well organized very tollgh day' The Canyons 50K will certainly
year event. All agreed the course was ex-
and Devils Thun'rb to the Swinging Bridge turn- a first monitored chillenge you beyor-rd what you thou$ht you
well marked and adequately
around. As a new race on a historic trail, per- tremely the day' were cipable ol but the satislaction of com-
tracking throughout
mits rvere limited to 125 runners this inaugural by professional the course pleting it will carry you through many days to
great interesr lach Violett of Bend, oR' crushed
vear. Their capacity \vas mel with us next Yearl S
Starostka (Reno. NV) and come. Join
and positire feeclback from the like' of both in 5:04:07. Andy

(Truckee. CA) followed in second and

,'r"*.'o-"r, and seasoned veterans, all looking ter Fain

Tt"if egt'*Y0t$5 5EK I FoREsrHlLL, CALIFoRNIA I MAY 3 | A s'4

sf!nmostyofsirgle'tratk,ffomFofesth toSrvngngBridgeandback'aonqthehrstorc
50klElevatongain/oss:overs,,i0ot".vou"rg,ooof."t LThecou6e c mbs, fast reward ng descents and beaut ful v ews oi the Slerras
afd the Gold countfy
western states Trarl throuqn tie .onrc aanyons lt feat!res 5teep relent ess

1:23:A5 92 Kqvllk' 44' 5C '04 97

9:37 Linda Porter' 48 10:47:00
46 Gregory Leblanc' 23' CO Lana
50 KM
1 zachvorert,3i,oR ::gi:91 i: ::11i"i':::f;l:i,''" :i,1:;:+ n.
ii #":.'l-"*:"
i3.39'?? 33 ffiffi*"
necri.ervqahar,:o l\:ii:,ii
:' l*l:*:,1a,46,NV stilsg ?1tr;1,1 i3 Hfr'ffi#,n,,,
so oelrdr"Erceds;aa
734:59 96 DanSavage'53
roo 1']:3e:14

4. EvanReimondo,28,wY
Chiles, 33
5. Darryl 5:29:44 51 Kent Yinger' 51 7 38:39

53 Pc]sls 40 7 42:34
7. Paul sweeney, 48 5:44:07 tleicn
8. Shawn Smith, 25, NE 5:45:28 54 Alexander Nichols' 31 1 44 14

9. 30
Eric Johnson, 5 47:44 55 Beth Lanq' 46 7 45 06

10. 42
Geoff Quine, 5:57:26 56 Shavinder Sinqh' 36 1t!1"t91
11. 53
Lulnlre ParK 6:10:19 57 Paul Roosen' 52 1 5458
12. lennifer Hemmen,42 6:21:27 53 Lance Gilbert' 58 7 55:01

13. Greg Nacto,54 6:23:28 59 John Nquyen' 37 1 5502

14. Andrew Oconnor, 30 6 23:46 60 Jay Worrall' 46 7:59:38

5. Eric Spencer, 35 6:25:01 6'l Paul Berquam' 41 8:00:46

6:28:36 62 Karen Hanke' 52
16. Dalqlc5-Bqg,m!1l 42
17. Karl Hoagland, 49 6:30:09 63 larclto&ard' 42 a 02 46
50 18. Kevin Breen, 1 632:30 64 Charlie Rose' 45' NV 8:05:13

19. AbbvlPctg5cn 44 6 34:11 65 Madhu Avasarala' 55 8:07 32

20. Dion Doshler, 45 6 34:19 66 Bill Cotton' 51 8:08:43

C 21. Erika Lindland. 32 6:34:22 6T James Barstad' 49 8:12:44
C 22. Lamont Hurren, 35 6 37:07 68 Any Lapleilc' 32' NV 8 1 5;1]
23. Andy Pele,47 6:43:30 69 Jesre Ellis' 28 8:16:32

o 24. Tom Wroblewski, 55 6:46:03 70 Tom Barrett' 51 811:28

25. N/ichelle Racicot. 53 6 47:15 71 Dan el Rockwell' 37' NV 8 19:21

26. Ambcr \ 4l5an, 26, WY 6:52:24 T2 Walter Wallace' 49 8:20:50

6:53;09 73 Jon Easterbrook' 61 8 22:28
27. Mark Dorman, 42
28 Lucus Lyons,33 lt :::fl:1:]:,"Tn
y"l#;1, September 2O'2O14

;:' |:l$j,rut
z:zt:: ;i,
13 llil?li;i; "
!.ilii Gotden Gate NationatRecreation Area
inl;iil"t;t., i,Z1;1] :? :e,';";::.;1;""" "
;l36'lsmae|Macia5,4/l:oi:+lez.Mk"pott,so8:55:2or_..'--- 7:;iii,\1" point-to-point course throush spectacular Marin Headlands.

38. Joseph Boyle, 48, NH 7:08:38 84 Evan Schmidtke' 34' OR 9 11 31
39. Betsy NVc, 49 7 11:15 35 Bryce Rhodes' 37' NV 9 12 43
40. Sean McPherson, 33 7:11:57 36 Saiah McGlro 36 2.\1t.1!
41. KarvlLlqll|oln,51 7:15:53 87 John Holtschneider' 38' OR 922:45
42. Mariano Pontillas,40 7:16:53 88. Janae Palia, 35 9:25:51

43. Juan Parra,At 7:19;05 Bg Steve Ruhnau' 56 9:34:03

44. Dawn Hitchcock.46 1:20:53 g0 EitFitzgerald' 45' OR 9:34:33

45. Bettie Smith. 62 7 22:31 91 6ina Chupka 36' CO 9 34 34

A l ,l :s! apol lunolslc
%0r wot'slollM&t rno^
suo^uel aql +o ouc
olLr uA\cp rie,r,r srq so)pur n€uqnU enalS qLLrnq.L s,lr^ac snou"rEJur tsr.ll o] dn 6urc -


ThNK 5AT!5F4ff$"I&IW &Y lfv'Tru€ss!ruG 5U€CK55

bq Eric Steele, RD

states were officially re$istered, and a total of Second-place woman was Emm Foster, 55, of Re-
Each Epic Ultras event leaves me absolutely
exactly 100 runners showed up to toe the line public, MO, in followed closely by Toni
lried for several days afterward as I struggle
on Saturday, with es starting the 4O-mile event. Bohannon. 46. of Universal, iN, in 8:01:55' Hon-
with the massive amount of infinitesimal, yet goes to the Plate brothers from
When our event came to an end Saturday eve- orable mention
very important, details involved in headin$ up
Tulsa, OK, with l2-year old Cameron Plate fin-
and putting on one of the highest-quality ultra ninQ. 63 runners had finished-a 9z% finishing
ultrarun- rate, which is a significant number considering ishing 12th overall in 7:29:27 and his l+year-old
events in the Midwest and the greater
"slightly we encounlered' brother, Brandon Plate, finishing a couple hours
ning community at large. Indeed, I have now rhe steamy' weather
with high of and humidity avera$in$ 69%. later ln v:J):rb.
become highly aware that having a somewhat a 84"F
OCD type of personality is a hu$e asset when it Needless to say, we were incredibly stoked
at All runners were expertly cared for at each of
such a remarkable turnout (and finisher's rate) the staffed aid stations and finish line through-
comes to directin$ ultras.
the day by the Epic Ultras Brigade/Staff We
What keeps me dedicated is that I consis- for an inaugural event that we only announced out
a little over four months ago! couldn't have done it without them, nor would
tently reap a higher benefit for my efforts when
In the 4O-mile race, Danny Ponder, of Nor- we have wanted to.
I get to witness the undying resolve and raw 55,
been sincerely honored by all of the
determination poured out from the hearts and man, OK. ran a steady and patient race to take I have
place overall and become the male cham- nositive feedback I have received since the Flint
souls of runners into the accomplishment of first
pion, while smoking the course with a time of Hills Trail event. Witnessing numerous run-
their running goals-and the pure satisfaction, distances they never
on and complete
along with the personal transformation' that 5:58'.27. He was followed by sandal-shod Mat- ners take
thew of Summit. MO. in 6:23:27 thought they would be capable of is among the
many achieve upon crossing our finish line. Perkins, 39, Lee's
in most rewarding of all experiences a race direc-
The Inaugural Flint Hills Trail +o Mile & and Bruce Layne, 49, of Moore, OK' 6:25:29.
tor can ever imagine, and i am eternally $rateful
Marathon, held May 37, 2074 in Ottawa, KA' Kodi Panzer. 33, of Marion, KS, dominated the
to continue to help co-create the runnin$ experi-
once again offered that feeling of satisfaction. women's field to become the female champion
and finished llth overall with a time of z:04:15. ences of a lifetime for everyone involved. @
One hundred and ten runners from 13 different


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b4 Bob Becker, RD

It was the best of times for the 7th annual comment after realizing he had finished second
KEYSI0O: Record smashing. PR-sertirrg. inspi.ra- overall: "The incomparable Alyson Venti steam-
tion in the air and smiles everywhere. Race day rollered the field to win in 74'.42. The "Goddess
weather. May 17. wac called b5 the l-on Lauder- of the Keys" now owns both the 100- and 5O-mile
dale Sun-Sentinel a South Florida "cold wave": female records down there and rightly so' She
high of 84, low of 5't; average humidity at 50%; comes from another planet I think..."
winds lrom the Northeast at 18-2+ mph' It was Second-place male was Bryce Carlton. whose
our best weather iu seven trles-and well de- time of 16:41 was a four-hour PR Third-place
ser.red after last year's heai. A poinr to-point race male, George MYers, finished in 17:09.
on pavement, with 75% off-road on bike paths, This marks the second year in a row that the
pedistrian bridges and senrice roads, KEYSiOO overall l0Gmile winner was a female. The 2ol3
i<eept gettine better and ntore competitive' winner was Texan Brenda Carawan. It was all
The women's lOGmiler fiom Key largo to Key about the women in the 50-mile race fiom Mara-
West was the race to watch. Three great athletes thon to Key West. too' Racing in the Keys from
were going for "gold" and this competltion far ex- her native Hungary, Anita Vajda won in 7:44' Sec-
ceeded already high expectations. Two of the three ond-place Caryn Lubetsky ran across the islands
are members of the U.S. National 2+Hour team: to th; finish
line on Hi$$s Beach in a time of 8:19'
Traci Falbo and Katalin Nagy. Both women ran Jeff Dell finished third overall and first male in
great races, each smashing the old women's record 8:50. Connecticut tvvins Mary Reeve and Mar$a-
of te,oz. Falbos time was 15:25 for second and Na- ret Alexson finished third female and top female
Qr/s was 15:53 for third. However, the "old" record master in 8:54 and 8:54, respectively. Badwater
Miami, F! Alyson Venti, had no inten- veteran Terry Sentinella finished as second male
holder fiom
in 8:54, and Geor$e Meerdo finished third in 8:59'
tion of being beaten that day. With her astonishing
the U.S. wom- The Sth annual KEYS10O will be raced on May
win in 14:42, Venti ran second fastest
1G77,2)75.Once a$ain runners will have the option With two miles left in the race, runners use the
en's road loGmile ever, only behind le$endary Ann
to run with or without a suppolt crew. and lake Atlantic Ocean multi-use path in Key West
Trason's 13:47, set in 1991. Those ofus living in South
advantage of the z1 full aid stations and unstaffed
Florida who know Venti recognize her prodigious
talent and extraordinary work ethic-A1y runs i8G water/ice stops along
this unique and beautiful changes coming from several bridge crossings'
route across the islands of the Florida Keys' I had heard many $ood things about the race
200 miles every week. But not even we could have runners over the years. The first runnin$
anticipated such a historic finish. Badwater 135 Race Keys 100 in 2008 had only 19 starters and
Direcior, Chris Kostman' who wat 'landing near finishers. This year, 138 would start and
a challenging and beautiful seven
the finish line on Hi$$s Beach as Venti crossed it, The Keys 100 was 107 would finish. Because more people were par-
For those of you unfamiliar with the event,
could only shake his head with admiration for her race.
fabulous performance This summers iconic Bad- it is a t00-mile
point-to-point run from Key ricipating. safety requirements were also increa:-
to Key West. The course follows almost ing. fwenty-five percent of the 100-mile stretch
water race will be that much more exciting with Largo of US t, facing
Alpon competing there for the first time the entire length of the Florida Keys' The in- would be run on the shoulder
dividual 100-mile race is the most challen$ing' oncominq rraffic. The orher 75% was run on bike
Grant Maughan, loO-mile male winner. ran Becker, the
the second lastest KEYSIO0 for the men tn race but participants
can also cover the distance as trails and pedestrian walkways. Bob
a relay team or choose the 50-mile option' It is race director, repeatedly stressed the importance
54 history. His great time of 14:51 would have earned
the only elevation of following \afety Precautions.
him an overall first place in most races' Grant's an iniredibly flat course' with
KEYS ULTRAS I rrv rnRco, FLoRIDA I MAY 17 lA 1,1

pedestrianbridges,servce,ou.rr,*ltt-it"tulan..onshouderiacngtraffc FinlshIneonthesandatHlqgsBeachinKeyWest
MA 52 Geoffrey Foote' 46' AZ 24 49:34 T8 Chris Clemens' 47' TN 28:04:1'
100MfLES 26 Drew Quigley' 25' ?1'll']9 24:50:58 79 Sally Vannuland' 39 28:21:1'
1. Alvspn !,efil 31 i4:42:4s 27. Franksir".,jl,ia, ix 21:13.29 53. Joel Roiston, 55
L"ri, iz, nU' 21:38:22 54 Rick Minn' 54 24 59:13 SO Jim Schroeder' 66 28:39:0:
2. crant Maughan, 49, AU 14:53:04 28. Zoltan 25:07:45 Sl christopherKnodel,4l,TX 28:46:l:
15:35.02 zo. i<etteywells,+b,st 21,44:Q3 55. Alexwiener,32
3. Traci Falbo,42,tN 22:18.37 56. Kathleen wheeler,53 25:08:42 32 Nellie untalan' 37 28:49:a'
4. Katarin NaqJ,35 ri,i:,r: :0. ruis Hrtjra ,zig,li 25:08:55 83 Parvaneh Moavedi' 50' TX 28:56:i:
C"o,q;; 3;, KY 22:2Q:21 5T baniet lones, 44
5. Bryce Cartson, 33, rN 16:41:42 31. Ricky
25:1Q:42 84' Christine Richardville', 30 28:59:C:
6. ceorge Myers,42, K5 17:09:00 32. Mike smrtn,!6, r'r'i 22:22.13 58, Ash Mokhtari,47, cA
22:25:30 59. David Yancey, 50 25 47:Q2 Mollie Melton' 31 28:59:c:
7. Daniel orLek, 44, cz 1j:31:36 ::. venynert reii,'+r 2903r
8. DaveKrupski.3T ii..38:06 34. KeithHunr*,'ze,sc 22:27:46 60. Danawentzel,44,PA 26:0354 86 TylerSharp'26'LA 29:22'-
26:10:00 8T Jackvoth'51
9. Andywoods,41 17:45:2i 35. BrackHurr"rl,':0,'Cn 22:34.18 6'1. stevecolella,55
22:39:23 62 iuzanneYashewski.40,TX 26:15:03 83 DanaMathew'37'NC 2921 C'-
10. chrisBenjamin,33,MO 18:30:48 :0. <atnerlnepilcr,.u. lz,r':v sz 2630:44 Sg chavetBreslin'32'co 29:39--
11. DanMcHugh,43 re,+i:oe :2. cl-ristophers-eGns,+4 22:41.3g o:. o"brae"rtolini Broot"' 29 2630:44 90Mark Yonker' 41 29:59:"
12. Brett Sobieraski, 47, NY 19:12:06 38. o'Keefe, 48, NJ 23:03:16 A'.nundu
Hernan caiiiu,q+ 23:03,20 OS, l-ono*rb"ugh,39'GA 26:32:18 gl JasonSleep'32'MO 30:53i:
13.GrgiTs€_n*48,AE 19..27:54 26:39:18 92 BobAbate'48 3'1;11--
lg,!s,:: +0. nobCryfe,+7,'Cnru 23:Q7:03 66 JamesStofel'2i'CO
14. JonarhanSavage,4T,Nc
17. Camilo Martinez, 33, Ny 2Q:13:15 43. Zandy vrungoio, ao, us 23:31:45 Og tr'lattrrew Battiston' 46. K5 27:02:39 95 Christopher caravello' 31
16.ByronRoca,22.19:53:2542'Ervinszito,ao,_HU-23:12.5768.DaveDi|no,39,MI27'!1:0494.chris|owry,4431;19j: 31:25 '

,!,!9,19 70. Robertshannon,s2 27 10:24 96 AaronRunzo'22'vA 31

18. Tammywatther42,AR )o1q,z8 ++. Craigsmithli;:';i'-- 7'l BrianSmith'40'DC 2721:28 gT ArthurBlain'47'CA 31:3i:
2Q:20:39 45 Will Glover'4J 23:37:Q5 31:39 '-
19. Robertconner,42
pA GA 24:02.05 72 Paul Kilvington, 56, AR 27 29:54 gS Frank Rudig' 46' DE
20. Tom Drummond, 47, 2o.52:i8 46. Joey schricht; 26,
pur chuotiun-.uitt" 58,rx27 41:41 99 5ilke Nonnweiler' 39' DE 31:39 :
21. Kevin Marasco,39 20:52..21 47. Daniel suntoi'coriu, 41,rx 24:04:13 zJ. 27:5o:06 100 Daniel Higgins'39'GA 31:42'-
20:52:23 48. Brianrcrippenrt"in,-io, tto zqta2s 7q. JffisAustin,63,MI
22. DavidGreen,50 ' 24:22.05 75. Jay Dobrowalski.35, cA- 27 52:52 l0l Nicolas Pretto' 21 31;41 :
pR 20:58:19 +g. tim rvayo, o+, ii
23. Luigi Dessy, 36,
24. Andy Bruner, 33, cA 21:05:21 50. Duke Moseiey,44, AZ ?a:1!:?1 Z6 St"u" Greenhalgh' 41' GB 27:58:25 1O2 Brian Olitsky' 42 Ks 31:46
31:46 ' :
)l,t11l 5i. Deanna .tohiion.'3s 24.42:21 77. Virgil Esteves, 41 28:03:39 Scott olitsky' 50'
25. Nicholas Raby, 24, MA
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b4 Nick Bautktfl

I returned to Pittsfield, VT, for my second at-

tempt at my own personal "white whale," the
Peak Races 500-mile. Last year, I made it to 460
miles with the help of the previous year's wln-
ner and first finisher in the race's history Willy
Syndram. However, it wasn't my tlme yet.
It is difficult to put into words what I expe-
rienced during this run. lt was a journey that
changed me forever. I experienced so many in-
tense emotions: excitement, happiness, an$er'
frustration. sadness. Words do not seem to do
the experience any justice.
The course changes every year. lt is sometimes
referred to as the "Andy Monkey-wrench," af-
fectionately named after the RD, whom we love.
He, in return, loves to torture us. It consists of 10
loops of muddy, technical terrain that are run
50 times. Ten days to finish equals 50-60 miles
everyday. The elevation change is equivalent to
running up and down Mt' Everest four and a
half times. Five of us started' Two of us survived:
mv new friend, Kale Poland, and me. We both Z
finished early in nine days.
I ran through downpours as trails turned into
rivers. I climbed through mud. I trekked throu$h Nick Bautista (race report author) on his Larisa Dannis making the 30-mile win look easy

bushwhacking sections, twistin$ my ankles' way to a 5uu-mlle llnlsn

smashing my toes into the hidden stumps of
trees fleshly cut by Andy. I power-hiked up steep, black. I ran through the night, trying to avoid was blinded by spectators' camera flashes and
near-vertical climbs that seemed to have no end. being stuck by the several porcupines who de- headlamps as I crossed the finish line. My wife
I ran down equally steep descents. Never endin$ cided to wander out onto the trails. found me and latched onto me. The tears were
drops crushed my quads, strained my hips and I ran through doubt. When I didn't want to flowing. I knew I could stop running now' The
created severe tendonitis in my right leg. run anymore. When I was tired. When I was RD handed me my buckle and hugged me. Kale
I ran rolling technical terrain. I never found nauseated. When my body hurt so much that found me and we hugged as well. My spectacu-
a comfortable rhythm, and hammered my feet tears fell. i ran after falling. I ran when my body lar crew that kept me movin$, Jeff Seymour and
said, "enough, enough, enou$h."" Steve Antczak, flanked me like bodyguards as
until my toenails popped off my toes. I cut up
my shoes to relieve the Pressure. And at 915 p.m. on Saturday May 31' 500 I gathered myself, I was ovetwhelmed and the
I ran through dense woods called "The Laby- miles later and a day early (l days, 5 hours' 15 happiest I had ever been. Unlike Captain Ahab,
rinth," where even in daylight, it was near pitch minutes), I cried like I had never cried before. I I had conquered the whale. @

30miles Eevationgain/oss: 2,400feetperLoop The50-mlecourse sveryscenlc0ul a so very oemano n9.
5OOmi esl200mileslto0milesl50milei
fre ongerracesconsslorarugqedl0mle oopintheGreenMountainsofVermontthat srepeated'10,15,20'or50tmes
500 MrLES 10. Joseph Parente,24 12:'11:25 37. Eric Zimmermann 17:06:13 16. Paul Dimarino,36 8:12:34

1. Kale Poling 218:00:00 1 1. Robery Belley 12:25:22 38. Conor.loYce, 28 17:Q6:26 17. Alicia Azulay 8:20:25

2. Nick Bautistia 221:15:0O 12. Conan Mowbray,40 12:49:13 39. Ciprian Nedelcu,40, NY 17:48.53 18. Paul Ferlazzo 8:28;09
13. Jay Richardson,35, ONT l3:01;50 40. Jonathan Polak 17:48.56 19. Brian Nephew 8:30:41

200 MILES Andrea Scheer-henninos, 30 '13:01 :50 41 . Miche,le Lomelino 17:53:35 20. Richard Kurtzer,3l 8t32t14

1. Greg Salvesen, 27 61:46:48 tf . Michael Zec, 36, NY 13:03:52 42. LeeBiga,26 17:53:41 21. Nick Diana 8:39:2C

2. Eric Skocaj, 28, lL 72 54:01 Bill Coyle, 45, NJ 13:06:'10 43. Daniel Millet 67, VT 17:53.45 22. Josh Moore, 29 8:45:23

3. Mark Leuner, 36 13:3201 Joel Willison, 30 13:06:10 44. Tim Parsons,29, Rl 18:18:03 23. Tom Turck, 50 8:47.26
13:10:02 45. Amy Parulis 20.23:05 24. Linda Bahnson 8:58:3 l
4. Gilbert Gray. 52, MD 78:20:05 18. Morgan Mckay, 25
1 9:07:5i
5. Ken Arble, 57, Ml 80:38:39 19. Mark Jones, 25
8:09 46. Kelsev Gore, 24 30:21:1 25. Tara Roch, 40
'13:38:05 26. Paul Laird 9:07:54
20. Ralph Ayala
13:47:54 30 MILEs 27. Chris lrving,32 9:11:4;
100 MILES 21. Mishka 5hubaly,37, NY
14:Q9:20 1. Larisa Dannis.26, NH 4.42:22 Jenn Taddeo 9:11:4,
1. Kevin Lasko, 32 27:26:24 22. Adam Klaucke, 37
29. Barbara 50rre1l.56 9:24:49
2. Lance Parket 20 33:19;35 23. Andranik Souvalian,39 14:17:4O 2. Michael WilleY, 31 5:08:28
14:18:06 3. Robert Lalus,40, NH 5:28:34 30. David Kim, 20 9:28:3l
3. David Delibac,61, VT 45:04:25 24. Roy Van Buren, 52, MA
31. Timothy Midgley 9:44:A-
John lzzo,64, tL 45:04i25 25. Amanda Ricciardi.23 14:42:06 4. AshleY Firmin 5:48:33
26. Ben Leh man 14:42:07 5. Emlyn Jones 6.O2t05 32. Mark Hirsh,37 1 0:1 9: C:

14:57:22 5. Scott Gregor 6:13.17 33. Jeffrey Vieyra, 67 10:19:Ti

50 MILES 27. Jeremy Jenkins, 26
7. TlmothyMclaughlin,4T 6.48:26 34. Robert Gagnon 1 0:23:1j
1. Tom Dmukauskas, 38 9:55:24 28. Rebecca Schubert, 37, VT 15t03:47
15.17:21 8. Walter Byrne, 34 6:53:06 35. Kendra Chevalier 10:23.' a
2. Timothy Connelly, 44 9.59:52 29. Monika Butz
36. Chris Bessette, 48 10:23:2'-
3. Thomas Worthington, 25
0:28:1 I 30. Marc Belley, 28 15:17 .25 9. Tara Deeble,42, MA 6:57:12
37. Joe Hayes, 48 10:25 2a
4. Bryan Stapleton. 25 10:37:13 31. Brian Hennessy,45 15.23:46 10. Je{frey Barriss,44, MA 6:57.23
15.27.06 . Erlin Sweeney, 23 7.04:20 38. Joanna June 10:48::i
5. Debbie Livingston, 39 1 0:56:33 32. Jason Como, 39 1 1

Lisa Klinkenberq,40 15:27.Q9 12. Jason Tarleton 7.11:57 39. William Ulwick, NH 11:12:a -
6. Dave Baird 1 :09:1 2
1 33.
16:02:34 13. Corrine Giordani. 33 7:41:32 40. Kim Gillus 13:12:'-
1. Michael Halovatch,35 11.14:Q2 34. Vincent Lui 1q l/ -:
35. Jennifer Teoh 16.Q2:37 14. Bruno Turcotte 8:08:33 41. Hannah Hawlev VT
8. Mike Bigelow, 55, ON 11:45:22
36. Justin Boyea, 37, VT 6:55:51 15. Jim Newin, 51 8:09:33 42. Eugene Bruckert, 79
9. Kevin Roy, 31, ME 12:07:2O 1
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bU lim HoweLI

I decided to enter the Quad Rock s0 against the ad- first ultra, and picked the Ouad Rock 50, which lowed by spells of euphoria and mysterious recov-
takes olace in the mountains west of Fort Col- ery. I kept telling myself that such an experience
vice of a good ultrarunning buddy, Tre' Cates Qris
initial reaction was a simple "you're crazy''). Quad lins about an hour north of Boulder. My longest must be coming, but nope, it never happened. I
Rock is mostly technical sin$le-track, with tt,soo training run stretched out to 25 miles, with an just kept thinking of the ultrarunning mantra-
feet ofelevation change. Prior to July 2012, I hadn't elevation profile similar to Quad Rock. By race "relentless forward progress"-and all that talk of
headed out the door to run since high school, so it day, May 10th, I knew I probably wasn't fully not stopping as long as you can take one more
had been about 26 years. Prior to meeting Tre', the prepared for 50 miles, but I was excited to give step. I know it sounds clich6, but that's what I did.
concept of running 31, 50 or 100 miles just didn't it a try, knowing that I'd likely have to push A super nice lady caught up to me and could
seem in the realm of human possibility. myself harder than I ever had in my life, both tell I was suffering. By this point, my plantaris
Since colle$e, my career has been locused on physically and mentally. muscles were begging me to stop. She asked if I
ranching and ranch management. mostly on Indeed, that is what happened. The first 25 needed some ibuprofen. I had read a trail run-
my familfs ranch in southwestern Colorado. miles were great. I felt genuinely stron$ and ning book that cautions a$ainst tryin$ to mask
For years, I stayed in decent shape just by virtue was able to stay right on my target pace, com- ultra-induced agony with painkillers. At that
of going outside and working hard all day' ing into the turnaround right at 5 hours and 30 point, I was still just barely adhering to this phi
But, four years ago, some colleagues and I minutes. I was loving the festive nature of the losophy, so declined the ibuprofen, but by the
started a new ranch management business, and whole event, and being there on that mountain, time that nice lady had disappeared around the
now I spend way more time on airplanes and working hard with these members of my new- corner, I was wishing I'd taken her offer.
in front of my computer than I do horseback chosen tribe, was inspiring and just plain fun. At the Horsetooth aid station I could feel my-
or on top of a mountain with a hammer and At this point I was definitely starting to ache self swaying and wanting to crumple. Only 40
fencing pliers. I also moved to Boulder about and was feeling tired, but knew I had a 1ot more minutes ahead of the cutoff, I started to realize
that time, and became aware of the very vibrant in me and was excited to start the climb back that my pace was getting so slow that there was
trail running culture of my new neighborhood. our and see what was in store. But not too far a real chance I wouldn't make the l4hour cutoff
I also started gaining weight-eventually about into mile 26, thin$s took a turn for the worse, I summoned some of my remainin$ resolve and
20 pounds, thanks to the abundant local and I immediately knew I was in for a major continued, now at a hobbling shuffle.
dining scene and my town based sloth. test. I got a nasty twan$ in my left calt and Back up at Towers, I was bad but probably not
I've always relished mountains, so trail running the muscle right behind my right knee (which I worse, and able to keep on taking that next step.
have since learned is called the plantaris), start- The downhill down the service road was pure ag-
as a form of exercise seemed right for me. on July
n,2Ol2,l managed to break my sedentary inertia ed to ache. Before mile 27 was done, my left ony, however. It seemed way longer going down
and starled my first trail run-33 rniles in Boulder plantaris started to ache as well, and the plan- than it had half a day earlier, going up. I knew
Open Space. Since the fall of zotz. I've $radually iaris muscles on both sides gradually grew more I had to run it if I was goin$ to finish under 14,
and more painful and tender the further I went. so I did. Once back down onto the relatively flat
added longer and longer segments. with more
and more elevation, to my training rurls I had read a bunch about ultrarunners going bottom, I knew I still had another 3-plus miles to
go, and knew I had to somehow run most of it.
By February of this year. I wa\ \tarting to through mid- to late-race episodes of grueling an-
feel like I might actually be ready to try my guish, both physical and mental, only to be fol- Tre'popped out onto the trail in a couple places

QUAD ROCK 50 I ronr coLLlNS, coLoRADo I MAY 10 lA 4,4

hasthreecLimbsofl,20oleetto2,000feetwthsomefo Ngmleagethroughtheopenngandcosingthreem es.Mostrufnersconsderthecoursetobepfettytechnical

58 49
50 MILES 34 Michael Friedberg, 36 10:07:41 68 Ray Liberatore, 26, TX 1 1:35:07 102. Ben Kuster, 12:50:23
'1. Jim Rebenack,30 1.52:18 35. All Ri9eb, 27 '10:09:1 7 Glen Strandvold, 49 11 :35:07 1 35
03. Matthew Anderson, 12:54:39

2. Jesse Langner, 32, MT 8:19:28 36. Ryan Lassen, 26 10.14:25 70. William Bouldin, 32 11:38:22 104. Catharine Soeights,49 13:00:29
C) 3. Bryan Williams. 39 8:23:55 31. Phllip Klotzbach, 33, CA 10.11 17 7'1. Jeff Black, 43, lD 11:39:01 105. Laura Nichols,29 13:01:11
C 1 :40:55
'106. Shaun Wheaton, 30, 5D 13:01 :41
4. Josh Vaughn, 34 8:25:20 38. Bradley Wells, 24 1 0:'1 8:09 72. John Witkiewicz, 3'1 1

5. Patrick McGlade, 25 8.33:24 39. Christopher Kiel, 28 10:1 9:40 /J. Enan lomas, )4 11:43:01 l0T. William Quintanilla,39 13:0202
6. Jason Koop, 35 8.37:54 40. Meghan Spieker,29 1 0:21 :04 74. BogieDumitrescu,39 11:48:25 108. Gina Harcrow,42 13:03:56
" /. zeKe llernan, Jd 8:38:47 41. Steven Campbell,42, VA 10:28:47 75. Christopher Keyes.
76. Kari Fraser.47
29 11:48:39 109. Steve Brown.31
1 :50: 6 1 0. Jeremey Lawrence, 3T
3:1 2:01
8. Mark Hammond,28, UT 8:40:27 42. Kirt Courkamp, 51 10:3O:11 1 1 1 1

9. Michael Hewitt, 44 8:4'l:53 43. Sarah Willls, 27, MN 10:30:31 //. Dtarmuro lruax,44 11:54:02 111. David Hoven,30 13:14:45

10. Chuck Radford,42 8.43t04 44. Jeremy Ebel, 29 10:33:51 78. Lieko Earle.39 11:54:53 1'12. Joe{ IrbY,30 13:14:48

1 1. John Fitzgerald, 26 8:51:26 45. Brad Williams, 32 1 0:40:10 79. Sam 5imkin,41 1'l:55:49 113. Patrick Lyons.33 13:16:16
80. Damjan Bogdanovic, 37 '11:58;40 114. Kristv Burns,39, VT 13:18:15
., 12. Beck\Lwh€cl€I 39, WY 8:59:58 46. Bob Gerenz, 46. MN 10:40:33
Jack Jewell, 60
13. Jason Ostrom,38 9.01:43 47 Brett Harkey,43 10:44:47 81. Bradley Olwin, 57 12:05:00 13:18:15
12:05:32 116. Joshua Addison,21
'10:45:53 82. Terri Pfeil.47 13:19:55
'14. Michael Hinterberg, 35 9.07.56 48. Siobhan Pritchard.35
15. Darcvl\fuila,39 9:'1 '1:08 49. Neeraj Engineer, 3T 10.47.23 UJ, UAN KAM5C, JZ 12:Q7:59 1 7. Matthew Schexnyder, 39
1 1 3:20:58

16. Tom Steidler,43 9:23:04 50. EmilrBe,olh,39 10:51:49 84. Jason Freed,42, WY 12:10:0'1 1 18. Craig Branaghan, 35 13:22:0L

17. James Parsons,27 9.23:56 51 Josh Gray,31

'10:54:41 85. Mike Weigand, 40, VT 12:12:32 1 19. Bruno Furrer, 37 13:24:2.
18. Nicholas Davis,25 9:25:50 52. Dave Corsten,45 10:56:53 86. Matt Brinski, 38 12:13:23 '120. MarkThomas,49 13:31:'ll
19. Michael Bigelow.40 9:30:03 53. Doug NeMon, 37 10:57:04 87. Mark Parish,3l 12:19:50 121. Stephen Rodgers,46 13:33:4'

20. Carson Rickey, 26 9:30:17 54. John Pedrosa,32 10:59:44 88. David Neumayer,46 12.19:53 122. Lynda Wacht.44 13:35:2t
2'1. Shawn Ciaramitaro, 41 9.31:21 55. Wllliam Tronoski, 43. NJ '11.02:25 89. Mike Rubsam, 43 12:23.50 123. Emily Conley,42. TN l3:38:19
22. )eremy Bradford, 36 9.37.44 56. Jason Veliquette, 33 1 1:03;49 90. Philip 5nyder,45 12:25:40 124. Beck\Lwaficll,3g 13:38:31

9:38:31 57. Jason Searfoss, 41, lL 11i04:22 91. Lauren Boldt. 24 12:28:20 Jennifer Wanq, 44 13:38:31
23. Bryan Boots, 38
24. Woody Anderson, 39 9:40:24 58. Michael Henson, 39, WA 11:06:02 92. Andy Brazelton, 34 12:30:30 126. Toni Furrer,38 13:42:34

25. Emily Judd. 32, MT 9:41:29 59. Andrew Reiff, 41 1 1:06:30 9J. JOn lelsner, 56 12.31.23 127. Muck Kilpatrick,32 l3:43:C-
94. Gerard Nalezny. 50 12:35:37 '128. Clyde Wellel 50 13:45: :
26. Scott Klopfenstein, 43 9:51:45 60. Colin Cooley, 43, CA 1 1:07:1 1
27. Ryan Guldan, 30 9:52.'14 61. Rodney Bolls, 38 1 1:01 tl 4 95. DanielSheffield,29 12.35:57 129. ShelbrBerg,44 13:49:aa

28. Eric Truhe, 39 9:57.31 62. Katie Robinson. 36 11:07:19 96. Kristel Liddle. 36 12:36:09 '130. Jim Howell, 45 13:50:l-
12:39.42 131. Fred Abramowitz,62 '13:51:::
29. 5ilke Koester. 31 9:59:09 63. Kris Klotzbach.34, CA 11:09:59 97. Alex Robertson,40
30. Andrew Poland, 27 10:01:05 64. Christine O'Gorman. 25 11:16:48 98. Sean Doran,49 12:44.24 132. Drew Braziet 30 13:53:-:
31. Kristopher Keller, 32 1 0:03:50 65. Katie Noelck. 31 11:11:14 99. Heidi Kumm. 27 12:45:O1

32. lack Pilla, 55, VT 10:05.42 66. Corbin Freeman, 27, TX 11:25.12 100. Lee Betty,42 12:45:54
33. Shawn St. sauveur,35 10:07:03 67. Alyson Kirk. 31 11:35:06 101. Greg Harfst, 35, NY 12:50:05
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by Ben Holnres, RD

The venue for this fourth annual 50k was a

gorgeously rocky single-track trail through the
woods of eastern Kansas. Not too hilly, with
views of Lake Perry here and there. Race head-
quarters is an old grange hall with bunks' show-
ers and camping spaces.
With two 2014 Kansas ultra wins already
under his belt, Jeremy Morris blasted throu$h
the finish lir-re to add a third. It was a per-
fectly planned and executed 4:15:18 race' He
prides himself on researching the course, me-
ticulously planning his drop ba$s and run-
ning a smart and steady race pace. In fact,
he picked up his own drop bag from the last
aid station and ran throu$h the finish line
with itt That is some serious attention to de-
tail. Jeremy uses his focus on details to crush
the competition in all the races that he enters. :!
Darvish Shadravan and Keith Wurm took sec- -
ond- and third-place honors.
Women's winner MindY Coolman took a a
fast blast over the rocks of this wooded trail. i:
She had a first-place spot to scratch. She smiled
through the miles and finished in 5:35:53. Not
too far behind was the "Original Mud-Babe," So- Mindy Coolman leads the women's {ield with a Carl Edwards within three miles of a 50k finish
phia Wharton, finishing in 5:55:26' Anna Read of winning time of 5:36
Jefferson City, MO, took third. The Trail
A beautifully low-key event with food, the sphere just as any ultrarunner would want it to it in May, we have an October version.
RD's homebrewed beer and a family atmo- be - friendly and fun. And if you couldn't make Nerds keep it fun! lE


50k I Elevat on qain/ oss: 3,500 feev3,500 feet The course s he d on I 00% s fgle-track tra

There s no pavement. Rocky single-track, fu 1y urooded' no steep nc ines or dec nes

50 KM 21. Dennis Cannell, 55, MO 6:51.22

1. Jeremy Morris, 34, NE 416:18 22. Eric Rath,46 6.51:54
2. Darvish 5hadravan,45, lA 5:00:33 23. Justin Chockley, 31 6:55:14
3. Keith Wurm, 34, MO 5:12:50 24. Paul Enduiott,49 7:00:52
4. Matthew Hall, 25 5:19:43 25. Carl Edwards, 55, NE 7:02:55
5. Jared Norman,25, MO 5:31:58 26. Emm Foster, 55 1 32:35
60 6. Scott Reichardt,42, NE 5:36:44 27. lerrl Campbell. 37 1:40:42
7. Mindy Coolman, 32, lA 5:36:53 28. Eri.a Ca(oer,42 7:46:24
8. Lange Andrew, 32 5 46:39 29. Jennifer Eloge. 38, NE 7 57:13
C 9. Dan Malik, 29 5:51:04 Cindy Kosqrckl 36, NE 7.51:13
C '10. Sophia Wharton. 43 5:55:26 31. BrandLtlqlcv 35. MO 8:00:34
1 1. Jason Marschnet 37, Ml 5 59:12 32. Houston Sheets, 35 8:06:07
o 12. Rog Scherff,48 5:59:37 33. Ben Johnson, 34 8:06:08
E 13. Jimmy Funkhouser, 32, MO 6:01:56 34. Carl Hand, 39, OR 8:17:52
14. MO
Dean Russell, 58, 6:03:23 35. Amy McFar and. 38. OR 8 17:56
15. John Derby,42 6 10:37 36. Dave Dececco, 31 8:24:37
16. Ed Caraccilo,44 6:18:10 37. Shanna smith.41 8:31:16
17. Anna Read.29, MO 6:18:39 38. Eric Rodda, 53, CO 8:37:35
18. Chad Law, 37. MO 6:21:04 39. Leslle Dr sk ll. 29, OK 8:58:24
19. Jake Deckert,28 6:39:30 40. Blll Long,32 9:0202
20. Ashley,Sbaul 31 6:40:40 41. Diana Liska. 39, NE 9:28:26
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brJ loWL Storkatnp, RD

L\actly t\,vo weeks prior to race day for the Superi- kneedeep in snow, leet firmly planted in stand-
or 50K I parked at the Oberg Mountain trailhead, ing ice-water, I shouted to my fellow "jacks" - "if
which was 55 degrees, sundrenched and washed all goes well, someone could even finish this year!"
with a warm breeze. The trip up the windin$ After another week of warm weather, trail mark-
gravel road even left a coating of dust on my ing the day before the start, the trails were rediscov-
truck. Was spring finally here? Reality trumped ered dry with only lingering patches of snow. That
optimism as I started up the trailhead, my feet is, until you dropped down into the valleys, where
crunching over a gnarly crust of snow that had all the rushing meltwater was finding its path of
been baking in the midday sun! my head brush- least resistance and a viscous slurry of clay mud
ing low pine bows above. "That's weird as I'm had coagulated into a shoe-sucking conspiracy.
only five-foot-ei..." then swoosh, I broke through Breaking four hours in a 50k on trails is tough
the thighdeep icy snow. My eyes scanned the enough (you could call it the 'A standard for
trail ahead and then my watch for a quick check just about any trail 50k), but on this course that
of the date. It did in fact say May 3rd and I real- is an even bigger ask, incomprehensible by mor-
ized that. once again. Minnesota wtnter was not tal trail enthusiasts - and with the mud, for-
goin! down without a fight. Winter's grip held get about it. It's hard to say what might have
fast, deep in the Northern Boreal. happened on a dry day, but speculation aside,
One week out, I headed up that gravel road Ben Cogger recorded the day's best time of 3:54,
again, parked the truck and found that the snow with his nearest competitor exactly 23 minutes
was still there, but reduced, with some clear patch- behind. Six months of running in knee to hip
es now dotting the landscape. Lugging a chainsaw deep snow in Duluth, MN, obviously paid off in
up and over the infamous Moose and Mystery a big way for Ben. On the women's side, Christi
Mountains, we cleared the trail carnage created Nowak of St. Paul, MN, took command of the
by downed trees and heavy snowJaden bows, women's race early and recorded 5:0i with an
broken and twisted, now obscuring the trail. Over even more emphatic margin than in the men's Ben CoEger runs a sub-four hor:r race for a

thebuzz of my chainsaq cutting while anchored race - 55 minutes ahead of second place. dominant win


courseoara eslakesuperorandclimbstonear2,00Ofootpeakswithbreathtakngvstasofthe akeand fdndforests.
50 KM 45. Shawn severson,41 6:00:25 90. Derek Fritze, 33, Wl 6:47:09 135. 5hawn Cilek,40 7:38:51
1. Benjamin Cogge(,29 3:54:18 46. Kristin Rognerud, 33 6:01:53 9'1. Patrick Johnson,4l 6:47:38 136. Dale Kaminski, 44, Wl 7:39:09
2. lonas Holmberg, 32, Can 4:11 18 47. Dmytro Koshevy,26 6:02:29 92. FayeLopCZ,32 6:49:52 137. Robvn Reed.39 7:41.15
3. Dimitri Drekonja, 40 4:18:20 48. David Treichel.42 6:04:34 93. Michael Mackellar, 39, Ml 6:49:59 138. Bryan Lacore.30 7:44:57
4. Brett Busacket 28 4:29:35 49. Jonathan Woehl,28 6:05:30 94. Michael Scandrett, 60 6'.52:45 139. Laurie Mctaqq4!, 54, can 7:45:O7

5. Adam Hill,38, can 4:36:18 50. Eric Whitbrook, 34 6:08:'!995. Zach Pierce,40 6:53:06 ,j40. Laurie Smith, 40 7:45:59
6. Ethan Richards, 34 4:48:46 51. Reid P umbo, 30 6:08:34 96. Meoan Schruoo, 29 6:55:01 14'1. Mike Madden.58 7.46:QQ
7. John Horns, 51 4.54:56 52. Ron Borchers, 45, Wl 6:08:55 97. Jeff Rock,42 7:01:O9 142. Shelly Thompson, 49 7:46:46
8. Ryan Wold, 34 4.56:29 53. Andrew Hayes, 39 6:Q9:27 98. Leia Ritt, 32 7:01:34 143. Jennifer Dieo, 22, AK 7:51t5O
9. William Barthen, 38, Wl 5:00;10 54. Troy Feustel, 39 6:11:47 99. Mark Mcguire,3l 7:0255 144. Steve Hagedorn, 55 7:52:04
62 10. Christina Nowak. 26 5:01 :32 55. Tom Lickteig, 50 6:12:45 100. Maria Barton.48 7:0126 145. Sarah Erickson, 35 7:52:27
1 1. Peter Ford. 34 5:03:10 56. James Kyes,40 6:18:17 101. Nick Rogness,34 7:07:14 146. Gretchen Karstens, 37 7:52:29
12. Christian Brekke,31 5:04:41 57. John Schuhmacher,42, Wl 6:19:31 102. Geoff Murphy,4'1, can 7'.O7:45 147. ChristopherHeyer,33 7.58:12
C 13. Jamie Falk,31 5:10:41 58. Joseph Hill,45 6:'19:59 103. Michael Hlusak,37 7:09:33 148. Rick Bothwell, 52 7.59:02
C 14. Brian Janaszak,3T 5:11:25 59. Jason Tintes, 45 6:22:03 104. Scot Rownd, 44 7:09:35 149. fyler Sears, 26, lL 7:59:08
15. Cody Backman,30 5.14:45 60. Darrel Wright, 36, can 6'.22:53 105. Renee Larson,25 7.10:28 1 50. Carrie Resch, 27, lA 7:59:13
o 'l6. Andrew Westendorf, 29, lA 5:17:27 61. Russe I Stebner, 35 6:23:20 106. Aaron Larson, 36 7:10:30 1 51 . Marv Ehlers, 25 8:00:1 8
5 17. Geadelmann,30
Lucas 5:18:37 62. David Thompson, 37, can 6:23:31 107. Joel Button.46 7:10:35 '152. Carl Bliss,38 8:02:00
18. Charlie Murray, 33 5:23:44 63. Mike Mccarl,46, can 6:23:52 108. Jessica Johnson,34 7:12:36 153. losh Kois, 39, Wl 8:02:3 5
19. Glen Flanagan,41 5:24:22 64. Jul o Salaza(,44 6:25:32 109. Colleen 5up-glc, 35 7:12'.37 154. Matt Wucherer, 40 8:10:32
20. Paul Gucinski,33, Wl 5:27:08 65. Samantha Carlson. 31 6:26:48 110. Peter Lynch.3l 7:12:55 155. Tony Oveson, 67 8:10:48
21. Robert Henderson,30 5:27:10 66. Stephanie Johnson. 31, MT 6:27:2/ I11. Peter Maves, 31 7:14:05 156. Sarah Neuville. 40, Wl 8:11:03
22. Brent Giebink, 43 5:27:28 67. Jacob westendorp, 40 6:28:10 1 12. Andrew Becker, 44 7:14:09 157. Jamie Kasten, 20, Wl 8:1 1 :04
23. Jeff Paulson, 33, CO 5:30:45 68. Co lin Macheel, 27, AK 6:29:54 1 1 3. Brandon Klocke, 28 7:16:10 158. Joseph Wright, 52, Wl 8;13:47
24. Steven Andersson, 38 5.33:17 69. Deb Normand.42, can 6:30:02 1.l4. Kerri Persons.3S 7:17'.57 159. Colleen Snydc4 52, can 8:1 4:1 0

25. Timothy Lupfer,33 5:34:59 70. Darrell Landry, 38 6:31:58 115. Ross Jilk,49, Wl 7:18:06 160. Patricia Torchia. 5'! 8:14:12
Jared Vanderhook, 30 5:34:59 71. Neil Runions, 32 6:33:26 116. Erin Basavaqg 38 7:18:28 161 . Amy Clark, 50 8:26:30
27. Brett Balfe. 36 5:36:39 72. Clinton Dehne,44, Wl 6:35:40 117. AbberPGree, 34 7:18:45 162. Todd Rowe,57 8:26:31
28. Stephen Cameron,41, can 5:38:30 73. Ryan Teegarden, 38 6:36:36 118. Joseph Hiestand, l9 7:19:42 163. Fabio Rozo,49 8:27.1"i
29. ColinGardner-Springer,44 5:38:50 /4. KOn HenOr/CKSOn, 4/ 6:37:49 1 1 9. Jason Bociurko, 40, can 7:21:39 164. Rydn Yearley,36 8:28:41
30. JosephSchneiderhan,43 5:38:56 75. Zanne Engelbrecht.44, CA 6:39:30 120. AndrewJohnson,53 7:22:05 165. Bonnie Finnerty.40 8:29:32
31. Jeremy Lindquist, 27 5.42:30 76. Andy Gunsau lus, 39 6:39:32 121. Todd Carter,40 7:22:43 166. leff Kolehmainen,4l 8:32:0C
32. Mark smith, 35 5:45:39 77. Matt TornoW 43 6:40:00 122. Erin Hammer. 42 7:23:30 167. Sarah Simoson,25 8:35:4;
33. Jim Ramacier,50 5:48:18 78. Patrick 5usnik, 49 6:40:18 123. Spenser Halterman,2T 7:24:54 168. Jared 5impson,26 B:3 5 r5C

34. Ben Jones, 40 5:48.'19 79. Julie Miller 44 6:40:21 124. Ni(olle F;sher.25 7:24.58 169. Julie Bane, 50, lr 8:42:0:
35. Kyle Rickert, 32 5:50:34 80. Mark Yungbauer, 46 6:40:35 1 25. Alex Stephens, 35 7'.25:13 170. Daniel Sears,5'1, 8:46:2'
36. Jon Howard,34 5:51:31 81. Leila Mcgrath. 56 6:40:52 126. Daryl Saari, 51 7:26:31 171. Benjamin Bestland,4l 9:1 0:3 9

37. Seth Korhonen, 20, Wl 5:53:18 82. Michael Korpela,40. Wl 6:40:56 127. Jefl Danovsky, 45 7:28'.52 172. Todd Reemtsma, 47 9:1 5:3:

38. AlexanderChristenson,19 5:53:19 83. Allison Carolan.30 6:41:11 Ryan Foss,40 7:28:52 173. John Mordal, 44
39. Sebastian Corby,28 5:53:52 84. Scott Propson, 39, lA 6:42:29 129. Jonathan Burbey,37 7:28:53 174. Daniel Boi.h,42 9:15 5:
40. Jeff Armock, 34, Ml 5.55:49 85. Brian Beckman, 26, Wl 6:42:51 130. Diamond Jones, 31 7:33:01 175. Pattv Mcleod. 57. can 9:34 2.
41. Tiffany Kari. 33 5:55:59 86. Matt Mitchell, 37 6:43:19 131. Rick Stevens, 52 7:34:13 176. Paul Beck, 33 9:35:C:
42. Jeremy Peterson, 35 5:57:45 87. Adam Endicott, 38 6:43:49 132. Mike Witt, 51, Wl 7:34:42 177. E(ic Olson,38, Wl 9:35:'
43. Craig Woodward, 35 5:57:46 88. Brett Schoech, 38 6:44t41 133. .John Connelly,4'1 7:38:47
44. AndyWolf. 50, Wl 5:58:58 89. Brad Whitson, 50, can 6:45:00 134. Darren Huebert,42 7.38:49
5)l)€alljllilrl: 3|ij41 i::
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SmTT'ru& RK€0mps Ar\dD 5Aw,hl6 LXWHS

by George Nelsen, RD

The ilth Annual Virginia 24 Hour Run for Can- hours to go, Speirs regained his stren$th and Glenn Hrinda; M55-59, 125 miles, Keith Straw;
cer will go down as the most memorable event retook the lead, holding on for the win by only M60-64, 107.25 miles, Tom DeKornfeld; F60-6a,
since its inception in 2OO4. It was truly epic in one mile, 125 miles to Straw's 125 miles. It was Virginia Davis; M75-79, 50 miles, Steve
62.5 miles,
many ways! Records were set for number of par- the second closest finish in race history! Durrant; and M80-84, 26.25 mrles, Buddy Levitin.
ticipants (2t0), teams (tz), those doin$ 50 or more Young (25-year-old) Megan Ste$emiller "ran The bar has been set high, but I expect more
miles (eo), those doing 100 or more miles (z), awaf' with the women's race. She took com- records next year.
men's course record (125 miles), women's course mand early and never looked back, running a Another major story of this year's race was
record (108.25 miles), Virginia state 24-hour age steady machineJike pace all day and into the not even about running, it was about lifesavin$.
group records (tt) and money raised for the Can- evening hours. With 66 miles at 12 hours it At about 1:45 p.m., Bob Sitler collapsed about .75
cer Society Relay for Life ($17,000 so far)! looked like she might reach 120 miles. But even- miles into his seventh lap with what we later
The race was held on the trails of Sandy Bottom tually the miles from the heat of the midday be- found out was a heart attack. Thankfully, there
Nature Park in Hampton, VA" on April 2Q7,2ol+' gan to take their toll, and she slowed consider- were several runners nearby who immediate-
The weather was nearly perfect, with clear skies, ably after midnight. With her large lead, she was ly ran to him and stdrted administering CPR
highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 60s. The still able to han$ on for a new course record Some had EMS training or worked in a hospital
3.75 miles of trail were exceptionally maintained, (108.25 miles) and the women's win by almost 17 and knew exactly what to do. While waiting for
including the addition of two small bridges, by miles over second-place Christie Sumner. Sum- the ambulance to arrive, they performed CPR
the Park Rangers. The sta$e was set for a perfect ner ran a strong, consistent pace all day but lor over 10 minutes, finally reviving Bob just
day of running/walking for all who attended. This could not match Stegemiller's early speed. before the ambulance arrived. He was quickly
year the race filled up by February 1, months soon- The team competition was won by the \MNG transported to a nearby hospital where he con-
er than ever before. The level ofteam par-ticipation NUTZ, who, after getting second place for the last tinued to recover. He has since been moved to
jumped considerably, with new teams ffom the wo years! dominated this year with 798.75 miles, a hospital near his home in Lynchburg where
Outer Banks, fuchmond, Virginia Beach and all only five miles short of the all-time team record. he had triple bypass heart surgery and is do-
over the Hampton Roads area. We even had a But the big running story of the day was the ing we1l. It is now clear that the runners who
team of all cancer survivors. The teant competl- eleven new Virginia state 2+hour age group re- worked on him for those precious minutes after
tion was clearly driving increased interest in the cords set. Once the course was officially USATF he collapsed saved his life!
race. I knew "something rvas upl" certified I had been awaiting an assault on the Once again, the Sandy Bottom Park staff and
The men's race shaped Llp as a duel between record books. This was the breakthrough year, volunteers did a fantastic job in taking care of
last year's winner, Keith Strar,v. attd runner up with the following new records: F10-i4, 50 miles, everyone's needs, as well as having a team par-
Steve Speirs. During the first half of the day, Emmy Demmin; F2O34, 108.75 miles, Megan ticipating (and earning three 5O-mile plaques).
Steve held a small lead. By middav. Speirs fell Stegemiller; M2O34, 112.25 miles, Gre$ory Hold- It seems impossible to top this year's epic suc-
back and Straw surged to the fror.rt. It looked en: F35-39, 84.75 miles, Rachel Swift; M35-39, 100 cess, but we will give it a try next year. The race
like Straw would repeat, but with a couple miles, Thaddeus Meyer; M5G54, 108.25 miles, will be April 25-26,2075. See you there! @


24 HOURS Amie Murohy, 39, OH 75 Sarah Holbrook,4T 56.25 Arthur Mertz, 42 52.5
75 Analiza Entrikin,32 56.25 Dee Euchanan, 49, NC 52.5
1. Steve Speirs, 47 126 Ar!rce Mll-lrrgh, 34, VT
2. Keith Straw 59, PA 125 Cara Hendrickson,34 75 Ryan Entrikin,2S 56.25 Agatija Mccalister, 45, NC 52.5
64 15 Fabiola Lineberqcl 43 56.25 Laura Carver, 48, NC 52.5
3. Gregory Holden, 34 112.25 Justln Reed, 32
34. An ta Fink e,47 71.25 64. Jaime Cox, 36 53.75 Marv Luton. 39, NC 52.5
4. Meq!.!-5tes€mills, 25 108.75
5. Glenn Hrinda, 53 I08.25 35. Steven Shapiro, 60 70 65. Josh Froneberger, 36 52.5 Tony Callahan, 31 52.5
C 6. Tom Dekornfeld,60, MD 107.25 36. Aaron Kronick, 30 67 _5 Shannon Ralston, 25 52.5 William Stark, 24 52.5
Virg nia Davis, 64 67.5 Stephanie Boucher, 29 52.5 Laura Stoneman,32 52.5
C 7. Thaddeus Meyer,35 100
38. Susan Jenninq5, 52 65 Christina D'Amico, 37 52.5 Melissa Henderson, 28 52.5
8. Christina 5umner,28 92
9. Jack Kurisky,46 90 Michael Nicolaides,5l 65 Ally Spei.Is, 49 52.5 99. Tierner5laelrc, 32 51 .5
9 90 40. Ryan Phillips, 32 63.75 Bert D'Amico, 36 52.5 100. William Adams,33 50
Seko Francis, 47
11. WendL!]rey, 40, NC 86.5 Stuart Kern, 52, MD 63.75 Alicia Washburn, 30 52.5 BethanLfuleh€z44 5C

12. Rachel Swift,35 84.75 Scott Wingfield, 42. NC 63.75 Richard Pidgeon, 65 52.5 Bonnie WhaleV 31 5C

Kim Ratcliffe, 46 84.15 Brian Wi cox, 40, NC 63.75 Laura Falsone,51, MD 52.s Brian Goulet,48 5C

14. Kris Duke, 40 80 James Booth,30 63.7 5 David Gold, 35, NY 52.5 Bryon White. 37 5C

Tim scott, 29 80 Maria Peters,49 63.75 Ricky scott, 56 52.s Jennifer Waidelich, 29 5C

46. Joe Orth, 29 61.25 Roy Biakeburn, 58 52.5 Jonathan Hackett, 36, SC 5l
16. Dan Rose,37 78.75
Chris Basford, 51 78.7 5 Margaret 5eV0QllL 27 61.25 Kathv Farmer, 44, NC 52.5 Krista Foy, 30 5C

David Macluskie, 41 78.7 5 48. Lori Sherwood. 50 60.25 Susan Hagel, 41 52.5 Karen Walker, 50, FL 5a

Henry Lupton, 50, NC 78.7 5 49. Rebecca Nelsen, 27 60 Michael Stohler, 35 52.5 Chris Hiatt,30 5a

Kristen Kern, 49, NM 60 Patrick Boyd, 48 52.5 Steven Kuhn,44 5:

20. Paul starling,46, NC 78
Hicks Jr Claude, 54 52.5 Bradley Trent, 43 5_
2l. lvlatthew Kalinosky, 36 76 Perry Rapp,49, MD 60
22. scott Dean,46, NC 75 Brian Morris,35, NY 60 Crystal Lopez, 35 52.5 Michael Coleman, 35
Spencer Robbins, 32 75 Kathleel Ri(1drdson, 30, NY 60 Edward Rietscha, 35 52.5 David Demmin, 45
John Waite, 35 75 Joseph Knowles, 31 60 Evelyn Jr Tony, 33 52.5 Chervl Lager,48
jay Finkle, 50 75 Sherrie Rahbe. 53, NC 60 Justin Simonitsch,33 52 George Nelsen, 59
Brian Burk,49 75 56. Ed Parks, 56 58.25 Jonathan Goshea,39 52 Tim Clapp, 57
lonathan Fauth,34 75 57. Rick Gray, 53, TN 56.25 Jennie Verrv 41 52 Wendy Trent, 42
15 Ben Cavazos,54 56.25 Douglas Bobeck, 41 52 Steve Durrant, 75
.Jim Harrison,56
Ellen Womeldorf, 42 75 Katherine 5tilley. 36 56.25 Anthony Cardullo, 30 52 Stephanie Jones,47
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bg lan Sharman
Thts u
Each year
a rolltng road coarse withfrre malor InLIs.
airernnte\ direction in n point-to-
poirtt cowse and tlus uear lras th.e down run Jront
IrLetennaritzbwg to the coast at Dffban.
be easy to accept a solid
third and a very respect-
able finish. But
not the way Ellie races.
I was lucky enough
It had been three years since I rvas last in South to see the action
Africa for Comrades and I almost forgot how firsthand, although I
a-nan+ +n rDot
much I enjoy the event and surrounding atmo- -lirln'+ (
u,urr r^tJrrL rv. rr
sphere. This was my sixth run, my for,rrth "down the plan, Ellie should
run" and it was the first time I hadn't focused have stayed ahead of
100% in my training on peaking and nailing the me the whole way by
89.3k road course. So I felt much rnore relaxed a large margin since
and managed to treat it as a surprisingly fun I was aiming for 6:30,
80-90% effort training run for Western States which was far slower
100, four weeks later. I've done that with mara- than her expected time.
thons to use them for training in the past, but
I wasn't sure how it'd work out for something
So wasn't great
sign when I caught her
a :t::ai;n

& .z
much harder like this. Judging by horv I'm usu- at 69k with just under
-:..4.:.:'..4:i;7- _- \"t

ally a cripple after Comrades, but am walking a half marathon to go. 7

normally today, I think I got the balance right. However,
lie running down
I'd seen El- g*c ' :,
With around ,1,000 feet of ascent. the down the
run isn't exactly flat or purelv dorvnhill. but it huge Fields Hill as I
does have a net loss of about 2,000 fleet. My approached her and
Strava file gives a good idea of rvhat it's like. she was clocking off
However, the real story was Ellie Greer-rwood's a solid pace, around
spectacular win. I'd been luck-u" enouqh to help El- 6-615/mile, and was
lie with coaching in the br.rild up. although what moving well. Just as
made the difference on the dav n'as tindor-rbtedly I was going to give
her iron will to push to her rnarirttrtrtr. her words of encour-
Ellie had a lot of pressure ou her. rr,'ith lo- agement, she briefly Ftlitr oet( the come-from hehind winl
cal media expecting her to break the decade- walked and I couldn't
long Russian winning streak. Last tinte Ellie ran help but run past, en-
was 2012 when she ran one of the faste-st times couragin$ her on but with no conversation. that around so much. With 800 meters to go.
in race history in 6:08, but eight-time rvinner, IkeptlookingovermyshouldertoseeifEllie the car and lead motor-bikes went by, then
Elena Nurgalieva, ran 6:07. Having had inlury was moving well but lost sight of her within a a green bullet shot past instead of a Russiar,
issues through 2013. Ellie was very hnr.rgrr for couple of miles and hoped she wasn't cramping in red. It was Ellie, and she was closing with
this race (a massive understatement). She set off or injured. At Zk to go I rapidly came upon the a steely focus that only champions have. l
at a good pace, settling into third while the Nr-rr- twins who looked exhausted and kept walking cheered and shouted out to her but she didn i
galieva twins went off fast like ah'vavs. She *,as the uphills. If only I could have let Ellie know even look to her left due to her single-mincr
four minutes back at 45k in 3:07, which n'as n'ell that they were spent, I knew she'd be spurred edness. Looking behind, I couldn't see an'.
C within striking range. on, but I suspect the crowd told her that as she women, so I knew she'd won and achievei
Unfortunately Ellie wasn't leeling great and iost ran by anyr,vay. her biggest running ambition.
a little time over the next 15k ar-rd ended up as Just 3k from the end I noticed the lead ve- Running into the stadium, I got out my phon.
o and aimed to take a shot of her crossing the lir'..
E far back as eight minutes. For most people ractt-tQ hicle for the women was suddenly visible be-
against such dominant and successful siblings. itd hind me, which it hadn't been since I passed but she was charging so hard that she finishe -:
the twins. It was ap- before I rounded the final bend into the fi:
proaching me fast de- ishing straight. It was inspiring and exciting :
spite the fact I hadn't run in behind her while Chariots of Fire plar t:
slowed and was still through the loudspeakers. I must have been .
moving the same most as excited as she was. I crossed the 1i:..
speed as all day long. and congratulated her before she was whipp.;,
My first thought was away to TV interviews and drug testing.
that Elena must have Witnessing Ellie's Comrades victory 1'.:
found a second wind one of the best running experiences of mr' ..',
., and was somehow and it capped a really enjoyable personal r.
. closing fastto make throughout the day. 6
:: sure she stayed ahead
;i of her sister. Yet that Editor's note: Ellie cotnpleted the race m 6:,'
r car was approach- with Ian coming across tlrc line next i1r 5:-; -
; ing me rapidly, and For compLete resuhs, including the iastesf \
; I couldn't see how American Michael Wardia't's 36th pLace fitr'
J she'd have turned 5:08, go to cotnrades.cotn
lan tharman, Amy Sproston, Ellie Greenwood and Camille Herron,
comrades at Comrades



bgYerana Lary

Luis Alberto Hernando recently completed the adopted hometown, he

Tagama Marathon (Spain) where he mana$ed to is merely known as
place third in a very difficult race I found out that "Luis the guard."
ihe Adidas-rponsored runner had donated his LA I was stronger at
prize money to a foundation in support of women 28 years old than I am
with respiratory ailments. Knowin$ this, and the now. I took profession- n-
fact that Luis Alberto himself suffers fiom exercise- al cross-country skiin$
other hand, alZegama I wanted to start the ra:.
induced asthma, earned him my deepest respect. and biathlon very seriously for over six
years. I
Some week later, I finally met up with him in used to train a lot, really a lot!
in front but I couldn't, even if I was runni:-:
faster than last year. I struggled a lot. The on
Alicante area, between the sea and the mountains.
VL What do you mean bY "a lot"? reason I did not $ive up was the support of tr-
LA I mean every single day of the year (laughs). friends who came to Zegama especially to cht.'
VL Luis or Luis Alberto? What do you like being called?
For instance, I used to do a training session in me on that day. I $ave dverything I had.
"Luis," he answers, smiling.
He takes his sunglasses off and his lar$e' the morning of Christmas Eve, drive for hours
to get to my parents'place, spend the night with VL Then UTMB will be a challenge...
almond-shaped dark eyes remind me of the
hero raising his fist in sign of victory at Trans- them and drive back home for a training ses- LA I see races as competitive events. I like :-
vulcania. That day he finally beat Kilian. And sion in the evenin$ of Christmas Day' In 2007 race and my aim is to win. However, UT\i:
it occurred to me that Luis might as well be and 2008 it was normal for me to do no less is both a race and a personal challenge for m:
the personification of an Iberian warrior some than 1,000 trainin$ hours Per Year.
VLWhat are your hvorite world<lass runnin$ even:''
2,000 years ago.
VLWowtYour brother is your personal trainer' rig;lnt? LA My favorite race is an il-mile race near rl:
He tells me that when he was a kid, he en-
joyed rough-and-tumble play with his brother' LA Yes, he is trainin$ me from 2010 onwards, father's hometown. This year my parents' n- '

when I started mountain runnin$. He knows brother and I participated in our own level'
The two boys also did track and field, a dis-
cioline inherited from their father, who has a more about me than almost anyone else. He
great running background. juggles my trainin$ schedule in a way that I VL For people who haven't run in Spain, ur--'
don't do it grudgingly because that would be would you recommend it?
Luis started his career as an army soldier and
counter-productive. LA If you are the competitive type, Spain h:,
he currently works as a military mountain rescue
the top events in all distances. For those n'h-
team member. He lives in Jaca, a highlighted stage
VL How is your UTMB preparation gorng? like to enjoy their trainin$, the Pyrenees are :--
of Camino de Santiago, located in the middle of
LA I am a total novice when it comes to a 1OGmil- perb for that and in the Mediterranean coa.:-
the Pwenees near the border with France. In his
er. My lonlest race so far has you can run the whole year in the mountains
been Cavalls del Vent, in 10
hours. Running for more than VL You have been overseas many times. Wh;-
20 hours at UTMB is quite places have impressed you?
an undertaking! And I am LAJaca, in the Pyrenees! (laughs). It feels so cor:'
not gettlng any younger, "vou fortable living there. My travels abroad are us-'
know? ally from Friday evening returning on Sunda^''
evenin$ after a race. Ofcourse, there are dozer.
VL But you are not that old." of things to see, but I just don't have time t:
LA I am nearing mY 37th enjoy them. Most of my travels leave a sour tasi:.
birthday and I have a lot
of things to do in life. I feel VL I am sorry to hear that. What is a temptatior--
like UTMB is now or never you cannot resist?
for me. LA "Beer and a piece of Spanish omelette," h.
answers fairly quickly'
VL What worries You most? That is less than $5. "So basic!," I can't hel:
LA Everythin$. Everything. I but sayin$.
am afraid of my rivals and "Thank you!," he replies with wide open eyes
one of my biggest concerns ts
running alone in the dark for VL And... do you have any tattoos?
so many hours. I might get lost, LA No.
start negative thinkin$ or be
unable to maintain the Pace.- VL Why not?
LA What for? (laughs). !B
VL Let's talk about Your strat-
egy for that event. LUIS ALBERTO'S RECENT
LA All too often strategies RUNNING ACHIEVEMENTS:
3rd Zegama-Aizkorri Marathon 20'14
don't work. At my ultra de- 'I
st Transvulcania 2014
but at Transvulcania 2013, I '1st Cavalls del Vent 2013

expected to follow the exPe- 2nd Transvulcania 201 3

3rd Mont-Blanc Marathon 2013
rienced guys. Somehow at 1st Trail RAE OtaRes 201 3
kilometer +O I found mYself 1st Dolomites Skyrace 201 1
ahead of the group. on the Sky Running 80k Worid Champion 2014

%Wre re**;&l:&gPd x
On Jnne zz the World Sky Running Champion-
ship was held in Chamonix. France. The ultra
category was contested at the audacious Mont
Blanc 8Ok, which featured over 20,000 feet of
ascent and extreme mountain terrain includ
ing not just snow, but also glacier traverses. In
a hotly contested race. Luis Alberto Hernando
pulled out the victory in 10:25. ahead of second
place finisher Francois D'Haene who was foltr
minutes back in 10:29. Mike Wolle finished
eighth in tt:31.
In the women's race Emelie Forsber$ won in
12:38. ahead of Anna Frost who earned second
place in 12:,16.
The Sky Rr,rnning World Championships also
featured a "Sky race" a trail marathon that
started on the streets of Chamonix and climbed
roughly 8,000 feet into the Alps,r and a "Vertical
race" which was a bit over two miles of chin-
scraping climb.
Both races were won by Killian Journet, the
S oM"eiary &on an zex g *naf marathon in a record time of 3:23, and Elisa
Desco won the rvomen's Sky race in A spe
cial Sky Running award went to the best con-t
bined performance in both of the aforemen
tioned races, and it was woir by Journet and
Stevie Kremer on the women's side.
These extraordinary races and tests of human
strength and endurance are a great warmup for
UTMB and its sister races in and around Char-tt
onix later this month. 5i:

www. Fi0 r i*a*s ad?'& €es.t&rm

ilrlli.\ reLj7J

bg Dean Karnazes

The Australian Aboriginals have a ritual they on your leet and be in

practice to keep things fresh. When life starts the moment. Run hard
to get a bit routine, they head off on what's when that feels like the
called "walkabout." Essentially, they just leave right thing to do, slow
the village with no particular route or destina- down when it doesn't.
tion in mind and come back in a week or two. Mostly, enjoy being
Whatever feels right. alive.
I^ ^.^^-+ .L :^
lf your normal running program is starting lll ^ SPUIt
d ^+ l5
to get a little stale or mundane, try something so often transfixed on
completely unique and novel - "Runabout." It training programs and
works like this. One morning, plan to step out religiously measuring
the front door with no intention of returning and monitoring every-
until sundown. Stuffyour pack with some cash, thing, rarely do we run
a credit card, a cell phone, perhaps some fluid simply for the plea-
and maybe a snack or t\,vo. Unplug for the day. sure of running. Doing
Don't wear any earphones and don't take a GPS. so can be incredibly
Distance doesn't matter. This is about explora- refreshing and help
tion and adventure. counteract burnout.
Choose a direction (say, north) and start run- Now, I know the
Forging into the abyss
ning. Go places you've never been before. Keep idea of Runabout
running until you feel like not. When that hap- might seem like mere
pens, walk or just shuffle along. Remain upright frolic to some-why
and in perpetual motion. Take in the sights, talk miss a perfectly good training day to meander a psychological break from habit, the value o:
to people along the way, enjoy the experience about aimlessly?-but there is actually good which can't be measured.
and have fun with it. If you staft to drag, stop training value in the practice as well. After all, In a world that often seems entirely obsessei
by local coffee shop and grab a latte. Drink it as much of running an ultra is about being on with quantifiiing everything in an effort t.
you ramble along. your feet for a protracted duration of time. Cer- boost performance and output, perhaps the na
Chances are this is a total departure from your tainly heading out from sunup till sundown tive Australians had it right. 0ts
normal running routine. Don't worry about how accomplishes that. It will also teach you about
many miles you put in. Don't worry about how regulating your pace and taking brief walking Dean Karnazes once sufered a Low point Jor thre.
fast or how slow you're traveling. Just stay breaks while refueling. And it can also ser:e as states \NhiLe n*attng across Atnerica.

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@'lsII sooreq 'Buoye ;aq .,paurer,, spuar! raq IIE 'esorqutolle1 dn 'rye4 lla,lnplg IrEp E otur 'etUJO
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uasu pel{ a;nte;adruai aqJ tol Suryred s.Iruteag -o5 go qraads ]ueur]f,Euaar e qlr^\ sn Jo IIE .
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aql aprsFuoye puruun: puels ],uplnol ualaH -od 's.req .{puer .{epde4 Surpnpur 'stea;} .ii;..
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lreq pue 5aloH uoLUIeS pue role8rlly -uns 'peJr-l JaLI uo euepueq :stqBrt Sururrrr..
lsed peo.r le,r.erB aql Jo pua aq] o] uer elloqe; -ruqrai qt8ual aaul 1errd,{r rq} q}rm urq. i'
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0h, cosTunfiEs
by Errol "Rocket" Jones

In the May{une issue of Ul"trannaing maga- changed glances but none of us said anJ,thing trails. i was stunned and could hardly believe
zine I cited some changes that I'd observed over to one another. I'd occasionally look over and my eyes. He was dressed in an African dashiki,
the years as the sport has evolved. I made note observe the trio huddled together talking and a mock Aflo wig and black face. I was shocked
of one perplexin$ observance of mine: runners on a couple ofoccasions I noted them pointing and my sensibilities offended. I didn't take a
showing up for races dressed in tutus, as comic in my general direction. course of action that I might have under other
book or cartoon characters or looking like court I didn't make much of it. since there was a lot circumstances. But after the race I confionted
jesters. I questioned when that became part of going on and I wasn't exactly sure just what it the runner, who will remain nameless here, and
the ultrarunning scene and a fashion statement was they were gesturing at or talking about. I lat expressed my disenchantment. I don't recall
for racing. I was more or less suggesting that it er came to realize that one of them had read my him ever actually apologizing for the transgres-
might be a ploy or gimmick designed to garner article and was discussing it with the others. [at- sion, but rather, he attempted to explain it away
attention that the runners wouldn't receive oth- er, Wonder Woman casually made her way over by saying that he had African-American friends
erwise. While allowing for the fact that one is toward me and began to engage me about my in- in his hometown who had given him their nod
entitled to wear whatever they like as long as sights and comments in the article. She was very of approval on his choice of costumes. I went
it doesn't offend the Race Director or break any tighthearted as we chatted and I attempted to on to convey to him that ifthey gave him their
rules of the event, I still found it odd or comi- explain my comments. Soon all four of us were blessings they were idiots or ill-informed at best.
cal at best. It seemed to make a mockery of the engaging in back and forth banter about the I will say this in his defense: he went on to fin-
sport to me and a bit out of place. I mentioned column and other things running related. She ish the race in 29 hours or so, while I, resplen-
this as just one of the examples of differences said she had the current issue of Ultrnkm:nnq dent in matching singlet and shorts, wound up
between the old guard and current day runners. magazine with her and requested my autograph. belly-up 4O-something miles into the race, so
I want to go on record that it's my sincere belief I felt a little embarrassed and flattered at the maybe I should have worn some type of ridicu-
that it's everyone's right to dress however they same time but happily agreed. Minutes after that lous outfit. I might have finished that year. But
please, and I just as sincerely beheve that it's I found myself draped in a shimmerin! red cape I don't think it would be funny, appropriate or
impractical and silly. and having my photo being taken with Wonder well-received if I showed up dressed as Hitler, a
The job of volunteering, pacing and crewing Woman. I allowed myself to be photographed Native American Indian or Asian either.
can seem like a thankless task at times, and I well dressed in a cape just to demonstrate my toler- Despite my rant about costumes here, if you
understand volunteers adopting themes or crews ance and good-hearted nature. run your qualilying event, pay the requisite
wearing attire that makes their day fun and There was no retraction, apology or attempt entry fees and abide by the race's rules, you're
brings a bit of levity to their runners and others. to walk back my comments, and they made no free to show up and run dressed however you
There's tension involved as you rush ffom site to excuses or gave any explanations for their $etups, want. I don't really expect this form of self-ex-
site trying to get there ahead of a runner, only to but rather there was the meeting and exchange pression to end. However, I hope it's not an ev-
have said runner run into an aid station. request of ideas and concepts between the old guard er-$rowin! trend that turns ultrarunning into
or bark out a few needs or issues and then just and the newbies. It was just another example of a joke and fodder for people, such as pundits
as quickly run out. So I fully understand the sup the accepting nature of those within the sport. and reporters, who have referred to ultra types
port networks doing what they can to bring fun But...l still find it strange to see people showing as the lunatic fringe and ultrarunning a sport
to the game for all concerned. up to run between 50k and 100 miles of rugged not worthy of serious discussion and consider-
A lew days after the May/June issue of Ultra- trails dressed as something out of Marvel com- ation. Mine is just an opinion, no more or less.
running ma$azine had come out, I was working ics or the Nutcracker ballet. one I'm entitled to just as others are entitled to
at the Miwok 100k in my usual capacity as sup- Maybe my issue with costumes and ultrarun- dress as they like, and not intended to offend
plier and pick-up person for the various aid sta- ning goes back to 2004, when I was in Arizona or ridicule. okay, maybe I intend to ridicule a
tions and I noticed two young, friendly and en- for the running of the Javelina Jundred. Javelina little, but not exclude. I'm simply making the
76 thusiastic women and a male counterpart. One is billed as a 100-mile running party and staged point that there's a time and a place for even.
of the women was dressed in a Wonder Woman on or very near Halloween. As the day pro- thing, and ultra races seem like an odd place
C costume coupled with a tutu. Her girlfriend was gressed and changed from early morning dark for Superman. !B
also adorned in a tutu and some other getup, to afternoon light, I was on my third or fourth
and their male fiiend was dressed from head loop. I looked up and noticed a guy running in That's my storg and t'm stickrng to it.
to toe as Batman, complete with cowl. We ex- the opposite direction that I was going on the Crao, E. "Rocket"

Brett Rivers, with baby Tar:-=

soaking in his top ten ' -

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