New You Boot Camp
New You Boot Camp
New You Boot Camp
- :ti.. lrii.
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:' ,t ( anl-
This may sound like a bit of a no-brainer, but unless you knor,v rvhat I . -i- ,
you want, you're very unlikely to get it. If you'r..e got sornething
i '! 11 .:
- ,.. -:.-,.---
specific to aim tor,vards you're far more likely to u,ork effectively, and \ lr .i!
to stick at it until you'\re reached your goal. To help you out, $'e'\'e
adapted a formula that's been tried and tested by businesses and Setting etl!
individuals the r,vorld over to enable you to pin dou,n exactly u'hat
ci-.. - -.' -
you w.ant in a realistic and way. :',,. .
Il.-: '
lll: :- :
'l-' .
Believe in yourself.
The more often you tell
yourself 'I can and I will', the more
likely it is to be true.If you allow My reward is
yourself to thinlt negatively you'll
ffib rq
undermine your confidence and
sabotage your efforts to reach
your goals.
:e IlS0Nll,ril dllVC I00S
sr prPmal ,(t l sr pJEHiil lfl
sl lso6 ural-ouolfw sr Fo6 r{pour-a3rq} fi
'pLra{aar\ 31as-rno.( a
IPrJacls^ E .r, -
'Surqlaruos o1 pre,lrro.] Iool ol i-I lulod aql
IJo sqlg aru nodlrllasrnod qs^rund -to dul u uolB\,)r[] ltt slttrunt:;.r: .- noi lraLr.
' E SE ti.
Iaf,LrPJ ],uoc[
'oraq .{P,\\oal ol]lrl E 31as-rno{ Jo !l,ro,u, s,,(ep u Surtle8 'saorls.rr ,.
J^rc ]usurarorr{JE rllo,{ alEiqaloJ o} 8ur,{nq oq plnor pre.!\r-r -mol ssa'..- : 'uu1cl ssaL
raqtoue pur+ -ro alep lurll -ro3 deprloq Sr,rrlla8 lnoqlr.!\ snq arl] -ro-+ i.r-.. pull llot
e dn t.rS rurllq.lo sueaf r.!r.rnore; "rn.r.{ no,{ leq} os sla,\al ssautg -rnod ; ro-r.: - '>^a-i .
..---- ---q
ulilr lJ-J puc JZrs ssJJp TIIcIJJJ B rlJr2J-r tqFr.trr.+(' lunotue ulp.t.tJJ e Jsul .t
: - plltor:
ol luu,!\ lq8nu no1 ]r op uEf, no,{ 4rt1} a"r.nod aprcap lq8rur nod 'og -rarSrSrc; - aq os '],ri
('flprqsquar) no.,( uaq.u. .,(q pue o,\arqcu 1snI pre,llar arl] aIEIU pup auirl .\i.- azls-ss
ol luur\ -,{1a1eurr11n no'( 1eq,t 1no arr5rg aa-tql LII oQ ol ]uer\ uo,{ aratl \\ ri ' - alto ut .
lPo6 utral-6u01 lPoF qluour-aarqI IP
Before yor,r start \\-e're going to take some baseline measurements
so you can map your progress as you follorv the programme.
Test I
What you'll need
Weight and BMI Test
i Watch T)t
i Pen tsNfI, or bod1. rnass it'rdex, is a popr.rlar D,it[\
I Your New You Boot Camp nleasllre of hou' he althv voLrr u eight is
diary or somev'here else to for -1,6p11 height. It's a Lrseful gLricleline bLrt
note down your results reutenber that 1'ou mat, be above or belou'
I Tape measure the 'nornral' measllre ancl still be a healthv
I Scales ueiglrt. If ;.rp 21',' fit ald rrrrrsctrlrrr. for
erarrplc. \'oLr lna\ tall inttr llte ort luerglrr
group since mnscle is hear-ier than fat.
Ifyou weigh 1o stone and are 5ft 6in
Convert the measurements to metric: your rveight is 6s.skg; your height t.Tm
Square your height: 1.7 x 1.7 = 2.89m
Divide your weight by your height squared = aBMI of 2,q,
Below t8.5 Underweight
L8.5-e+.9 Normal
25-29.9 0verweight
so+ 0bese
BMI Res'
sqluotr I I srlluotr l 9 sqluolN {, sqluolNg sqluoll6 {}uotr11 r s{ar-!\ E !'-llilrrlt
alpu uPaH ut- -: I I
sury "raddg
\\ols (
]s3q3 -I.l \l
nqluow I sqluol,{ 9 sqluow t sqluow 6 .l\Illli
,{J \O :
sluauaJnsuaW {pog
.q3lql 'dr
sqluow 6 qluotr i r s{ear!\ a ,'\aoN
sluaruaJnseaW fpog
This is u'here the harcl l'ork leally startsl
\\''c'r-e clesignccl a prograrrrrne of carclio
(pulse raisine) ancl strength (rnr"rscle
bLrilcling) \\'orkouts that -you can corlbine
to be :rs rigicl or as ilcxibLe as you \\'ant.
-Ib get tlie best results fi'om
the plan yor-r
shoLrlcl crercise fir'e tirnes a n'eclr, ancl
yoll c:ur either fbllon' the plan l'e provicle
or conrbine any of the three cardio \\'orliouts 0ur Twr
u ith any of the tlrree strength u orliouts.
It's Lrp to J,oLl. DOll't $'orry if- Vou'\ e nct\-er WEEK 1
exercisecl before. \\re'11 shou ,you step-b1.-
stcp hos to u'orli safbly and eilbctir-el1i Monday
:::i ij.
, muscle contractior-r
Brings better flou' of synor.ial
flLrid ri.itliin the3oints, rvhich
helps mor.ement
. flan help to prevent rnnscle
and joint injrrry
GeneralWarm Up
\Ve're going to start rvith gentle
movements of the entire bocly Tl"ris
rarses yollr heart rate, increases body I
temperature and rnobilizes tlte rnain
loints that you're goir-rg to use during :,---
_ _a ,
your r,vorkout. Brealr your general
\varnl up into these stages: First Pulse Raiser
Start with 2 minutes of gentle jogging,
First pulse raiser heel flicks, small l<nee raises, arm circles
Stretch and rnobilize and arm flicks, as well as side-stepping
Second pulse raiser and light skipping.
':ti! ,'
,.,:ii rii:3NINIVUI
.apts ,aqlo aql
o1 1eadau 'lsaq3 aq] qllar+s ol sprpMro+ upal
1eada5 ;ap, noqs lqbu ;ff i:[';:i ::
'arrprj aql dl.l6 pup pueq 1q6u ;no{ q1tr,,r lteq peaq .lnoI u;n1'qt1a.l1s eqJ asparlut of
qrea.r ?iq .]na^ uo pusq Ual )no| pue spre A,iol 6al 'lset4J )not sprp/ ol ut wse 1q1r.t noi
llal Jno{ qltm auer} roop p luor} ut 6ulpue}S as€a
+o pue dn .laq1o eq1 6uug
qslarls lsaq3 ^llua6
'lsoql rno^ sso;ce 1q6re;1s uu;e 1q6r;;no{
pua1x3 '1,tede qlptm-raplnoqs uprll raptM
1aa1 rno,{ qlrnn 1q6udn puelg
r.l3lorls rapln0qs f;:"
* =
'opts raqlo aq1 uo leadag g
= -'+=**=._-,.
'qrla;ls 01 sprem)lpq MoqJa alll qsnd ,{11uag :5 €
'pueq ;noX LIIIM oqla ino{ dnt pue dn u.le
raqlo aql 6ur.rg 6urlrar aql spreMol 6urlurod
oqia aql qll/v\ sapElq roplnoqs pup )lau rno^ e:
^ =
uaaMlsq parp aql oluo pupq +pql rlo LUlpd aql F
aleld pup ppaq ;nof anoqe ure auo asleg .1;ede *
qlptr\r\-repln0qs +aeJ ;no{ qlrm 1q6udn puelg
qllarls darr.l
LU 0.,
'spuoJas 61 uer{} oJo[r olr
.roJ ruo qJEJ plotl ptn? JJt.\\i er;q Lra.rrS
Kttp= t
sJtl.)lJJls Jql Jo rIJBA leodog 'JsrJJJxJ UUI>>.
sno.roFr,t JoJ rilaq] e.rBdard puu salJsnru
'€ rno,( dn uar^ool llr,\\ r{r}arls poo8 y
aztltq0w pue qslarls
Hamstring Stretch
Bend one l<nee and extend the other
out in front. Both sets of toes should be
pointing forwards. Bend at your
hips and
place both hands onto the bent
increase the stretch, raise the toes
Repeat on the other side.
Quadriceps Stretch
Stancl upright with your feet iogether.
one foot backwards fowards your
backside and
grasp the front of your foot
with the hand on
the same side. Bencl the other feg slighily
at the
knee and push yor"ir hips forwarcls,
kedping your
l<nees together. Repeat on the other side. (If you
ti:rb,. ba_tancins, you can tean asainst
wall with your free hancJ, to support yourseif
while yqu,re doing this slretcfr.)
Adductor Stretch
Sit down and bring the soles of your feet
together, allowing your l<nees to fall Second I
so your legs make a diamond shape. place
5.rq cio :ie
elbows into the insicles of your knpes :'.:lse ra::cr-.
and push :- -^:t _:r_r; .
the legs downwards to stretch the adductors.
:':-ealit ::,,'.r.
ilr- '1i-r-,- .r-
-r:-rLr--: _._
:l i a:ltri]:c:.
10 L2 10 Deadlifts
L2 14 10 Lunges
L2 16 Side Lyin
t2 L4 Squats
L2 L2 Calf Raisr
t0 10 Sumo Sqr
Press Up on Knees
Start in a full press up position and Iower your
knees to the floor. l(eeping your back straight,
bend your arms and lower your chest towards
the floor. Straighten your arms without locking
them out.
Tough Alternative
Perform full press ups with straight
legs and toes tucked under.
'uorlladal Ll3ea ueaMlaq spuoles t
r0]L lq6req ,aplnoqs +p lno sulrp ploH
a^tlPura]lv rl6not
'lPadar ueql pup eprs rno^
fq a;e slqbra,r,rr aq] []un umop su;;e ;no,{
la^ ol MoN '1q6raq ;aplnoqs upql raqElq
i{|1qbr1s are,4aq1 lr}un saprs aq'} ol lno
sLUJe rno^ pualxa pue su;.le ,lno{ ur puaq
lq6rls € urpJUtplA'pupq qlpa ut (al+loq
rale^ 0rll-Z ro) llaqqurnp 6lZ p plot.l pup
Uedp qlpr^ -roplnoqs loej;no{ qlrm pue15
astPu lEtalP'l
ffiu ;Kffi
ct uilE; i
- iEE
a:M+=e ]
"-t tE
#ffi ffi
Shoulder Press
Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a
dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palm
facing forwards. Extend your arms upwards,
l<eeping the dumbbells close together.
Tough Alternative
From the same
start position extend
one arm diagonally
upwards across your
chest. Repeat with
alternate arms.
'bJl alrsoddo aq] ro+ ]padar pue ramo 'aau1 aq1 'pueq?u^p
]p 0al auo uatq|jrprts pue do1 aq1 1e plog E +o peolsul
^llua6 sllaqqLUnp LltrM
a^rlpurallv LlSnoI
d> J/d^d
. .. ,.,,^,
dq+ wiu+rdu '-, ,n
'uollrs00 aLUPs ,.{
aql 6uru Pluren pu
i:] :a: Ll6n0f
jr::i:.,::ai::=i]::i:::a=r=:::,::=:=:=::i.:::-: 0ArlP
>uUrrrldud,r udd/r'\ldu iU0'+ aLl] -.]ln0l l0U
saop sprs)Jleq JnoI 6urrnsua lanrrol ,i;+ua6 'ur smoqla;no,{ 6urdaal'1saqr rno,{ spJpMOl
uaql'dol aqr lp ploH -u01oq.rno^ azaanbs dn pueq aq] jo spua aql lnd 'lq6rprls 6a
pup rp aq1 ur sdrq ;nori asre; dl1uag 'ur,nop luorj aql burdaa) pue 6a1 lreq rno^ 6urpuaq
buoel suled 'saprs ;no{ ,{q su;e ,no{ da3>l pupq aql ,SP
JO spua arl] dsprO o] ra^o pue€
rlo^ lnn( rrrnrr rtr^tt4 ,PuEgsu'\P
n rf,n ps :tprr.l
)ootJ aqr uo ]PiJ ]oa+ prrP saJrbap 06 tvvt tuv/l ru lPcr
ul +udL-l )ddu2J rriul\ |,1
^^ .'^h^
rlJsg ,n^r
/rru^ r.-
,,^ di
uu J
pue raLllo alll +0 luor+ ur loo+ au0 qlrM pu€ls E pl0!
aFpug t'AoU IaA0 luag
Half Sit
Lie on your back with your knees bent to
90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor. Lay
your palms on your thighs, then raise your upper
body up until your knee is cupped by the palm of
your hand. Gently lower your body down again.
Tough Alternative
Once at the top of the repetition, raise both Plantt
arms to a vertical position above your head.
Lower your arms to your knees and lower -: - ,
Dorsal Raise
Lie face down, Iegs together, with your
fingertips on your temples. Raise your head
and shoulders off the floor and then return
to starting position.
Tough Alternative
As you raise up, straighten your arms out in
front of you, then bring them out [o the sides
into the crucifix position before returning your
fingertips to your temples.
'uotlt1ado, qtPs JOJ
sbol r.lloq asteJ lnq a^oqp se slts_n uro+rad '6a;;aq1o
a^tlEura]lv q6nol aql qll/v\ ]€edog 'punor6 aq1 go 6a1 ouo
0srE, ]nq 0n0qe sp >1ue1d aq1 Lr;roJuad
.apts taqlo
elll a^rlPur0llv q6nol
uo lpadar pu€ ramol Xl1uag .spueq ./no^ q1M
saol Jno^ qcnol o1 LJrp pup roolJ aql J+o sLIrp
qloq pue 60l ouo esre; ,elqrssod sp lqbterls
sp sbal pue su;,le ,lnoI 6urdaayl .pepualxe
sbal pue suu;e ;no,{ q}rM Jool+ aql uo erl
I porsap aLIl ro]
uor]rsod oql ploLl pu€ rool+ aql o1 1a1;ered
,{poq rno{ daa; .suuea;oJ pup sool rnoii
uo Jrl6raM aq] qllM .toolj aql ++o rno/{
asrpr pue sulJpe,loj;nod oluo ,{poq ^poq
rno{ 1o
lqOroM oql areld 'qcer_uo1s
;no^ uo 6ul^l 'p
)luPld q
+o ule
Superwoman Deadlifts
Go on to your hands and knees and gently Stand upright with a 2l<g dumbbell (or >
extend one leg and the opposite arm out until 2-litre bottle of water) in each hand and
they are parallel with the floor. Slowly bring the your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
arm and leg bacl< and repeat on the other side. apart. Bend your body forwards and bend
your knees, keeping your back straight, and
Lu nge
Tough Alternative lower the dumbells towards the {loor. Then
Perform Superwoman as above while lying raise back up.
on your stomach.
Between repetitions,
keeping the dumbbells
close to your body,
raise yourself up onto
your toes.
cq eNrNrvul
'puPq qleo ur
Ilaqqlunp 1qbr1 e q1n ebunl oLll rurolrod
a^tlpurallv q6n01
'6a1 alrsoddo aq1,ro1 leada,r
pue uorlrsod 6urlrpls aq] o1 u.rn1e,l o1 dn
qsnd )ooll aq1 6urqrnol aq lsoule plnoqs
'spuoles t ro+ dol oq1 1e uorlrladar qopo ploH purqaq aau)l aq1'umop laaq aql 6urdaa>1
a^tlPurallv q6n0I aql a^u0 'uot+tsod abunl
'p.;em.ro1 ]oo+ luor+
aql olur sprpmro+ 6a1 euo dals'1qbre;1s
'apls Jaq]. >lleq Jnol{ 6urdaay 'saprs .lnof iiq swte ;no{
dq+ ,,^ th^na,,.,,^,r,a^A
a',1 uu
lududd uut+t+dual aq+ aro+aq
lxeu laaj pue .leq1a6o1 laa+ rno^ qlrm lqbr.ldn puelg
;no{ uaamlaq deb 1ur9; urf,EI p urelureu noI sa6un'l
arnsua pue ;amo1'6a1 do1 aq1 asre;,{11uag'pueq
;no'i Iq pe1;oddns p€aq Jno^ pue autl ]qbt€rls
3uo ur lle s;aplnoLls pue sdlq'saau>g 'sa1>;ue.lno,{
qlr^ raqlabol sbel rno^ qltM epts rno^ uo all
asreu 6a1 6ulf1 apr5
llt:,il :,t tii.
Calf Raise GI
Stand with your heels on the floor
and your toes raised on an object
(such as a book). Slowly raise \\<ll
your neers the ground and put x,rrl
the weight onto the of your l-rap
feet. Lower gently back down.
'saLurl 0I 1ea00u
')upld aql olur )3eq uotlrsod dn-ssa;d pue slir.l
alll uror+ raMo-l 'uollrsod dn-ssard llnj eql
ur a,le nor( os Jooll aq1 uo sluled ;no^ areld
pup )lpq spueq ,lnoI dals'suu.lea;o1;nod LU0lloq
LUorj dn qsnd ereql ur0rl 'sLrjreojo+ pup saol as if .r
.rno{ uo lqbram aq1 q}lM roolJ aq1 go {poq oql 1P a
.rno{ esre; pue sureoJo+ rno,4 oJUo {poq ,rno{ '(uMo
+o lq6reA aq1 areld'qreuuols.rnor{ uo 6ur,{1 UAql /U/i\
ssardAuPld 'a
€rif 5i5-F:il:r:*:::ta*5.!iili:ati,:li!:t:*
' . ; .o ...
$* ,.-i'.
g :
. '*=
., - fe.'e
'.i .
,.. suolJ
'seLUrl 0I leade5 ';amo1 ,:.. Allu
pup relllabol slleqqLUnp aq1 de1 ri11ue6'peaq : lO,\4
rno,{ a^oqe Ll10q LUaq} asrpU 'lq6raq replnoqs i:peaq
}P pueq qlea ur llaqqunp e ploH xaqlo eql 3UO Ul
jo ]uor+ ur Joo+ auo areld'1qbr.ldn 6urpuelg ,1Ll6t's
ssard raplnoqs
':, ,., :,1,
'saur] OI leadaU )oolJ aql o1 )lpq ,L1as;no,{
rarriol i{1}ua6 uaql pup 1q6re;1s aJp srure rno^ *
lilun sLUr€ Jnot{ Luorj dn qsn6 'sraplnoLls ;noA r(q
spueq pup raq1a6o1 s6al 'qreuols .lno,{ uo ar1
ssard IBsr00
r, x
-':t I
's3___ : _: .l ai - "
'lllotrdn pupls puP lser: :-- __ _ ,
saau)l qloq dLunf MoN .uc.:::: :-
aql ur are noi{ os no,{ purqac _ : =: ,
dLunf pue rool+ aql uo sp!.€_ _ _: : .- l
'umop puaB ';aq1a5o1 laa; _-: . r - .
€b Th
c{.'t -
]PLU 3q1 qlrM l3P1uo3 olu, :
raplnoqs ;no[;o uuolloq ; .-
'pesler [!]JP raq]o aq] q]r^ ,a^ ol uaql p,.:
sraplnoqs pue pPaq,no' ;=
leadag 'seuurl 11e 1e sp;erudn
1sr1;no[ 6urdeal 'dn puelg ']sU e o]u! paq3ual3 rno,( uo s.ra6u 1;no.{;' -
pupq ,r€ aql olur pesr€r raLllo aql pue lel+ 1eo,L ;nof pue saarOap : a
;no,{ Iq ure euo L.llrl )lPq ,lno{ uo ar1 ol luaq seau) rno^ Lllr,t\ Il?:
dn lag qst)trnl q3ur[Js
,:a ,,:l
t' $
f: \"r,,,,,,
r,rr d#r t
* Ankl
B52s *
Lle on your stomach with your fingertips on
your temples. Raise your head and shoulders
off ihe mat. Extend your arms to the sides in
the crucifix position, then bring your fingertips
bacl< to your temples and lower your head and
shoulders back to the floor.
Upright Rows
Stand upright with your feet shoulder-
width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each
hand in front of your body. Raise the
dumbbells up towards your chin and
then gently lower.
Reverse Grunch
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your
palms down by your side. Use your stomach
muscles to pull your knees back towards your
forehead, raising your bacl<side off the mat.
Lower until your back is just flat on the floor a
and then repeat immediately without lowering
your legs.
Arm Punches
Stand upright and place one foot in front
of the other with your knees slightly bent.
Adopt a boxer's stance and hold a 1l<g
dumbbell in each hand. Alternate l-he Sq ua
extension ol each arm and count how ::-
many arm punches you can complete
in the minute.
;', ,-..,
'Uede 1ae+ pup raqlebol laaj qllM 'urebe lno lreq 1q6re;1s u;aq1 du;nt ueql pue
6u rpuel uaeivqaq 6ullpural jp'lpedau lsaq,no^ ]e oJp saou) .lno,4 os sprerr,Uol s6e1
'1enbs e ur ltpq puel ol raqlebol sbal qloq dLunp'uorlrsod dn-sse;d llnJ aql ur ut6eg
Jnof 6utbuuq'dn dLlnI uaql lenbs
slsnlql lPnbs
P oJur ramol 'sa;dua1 ;noI butqrnol
sra6uU pue 1.lede sbal qlr^ 6urpuelS
sdunf aptrlsv
; no,{
;nO,t p
We've only mentioned salt
and pepper where a specific
quantity is recommended;
in all other recipes you're
free to season to taste ifyou Recipes marked H0 count as
wish, but go easy on the salt! one of your Healthy Option
choices, Some other recipes have
For fan ovens adjust the
suggestions for accompaniments that
oven temperatures according count as one of your Healthy 0ption
to the manufacturer's choices. Don't forget, you're only
instructions. allowed two of these each day.
i,* tt
'suPaq parrp
aql roJ suEaq pa)loor-ard lo ull auo
alnlllsqns'aull lo uoqs aJ,noI lJ:dII
'qtuoru.ruo ol dn.loJ JJuretuoJ tqFltJrB
'suEaq aql u€ ur a-rols '{pu E.{os qlr.\\ o,\JaS 9 ,,,
l{lr,\\ s33a palqurErrs aql a-\las ::
',{1u;.ra su.\\oJq JJluxr.! Jqt os
druuarc pu€ palool {lleuorseoco Suults 'u,uorq uaplo8
^.- s_d-dJ rLIt
a.rE Irlun Jo sJ.lllulut z.lo.+ Irturl lo salnurLu gI lnoqp JoJ a{ug 5 ,,
Surrrrls daal pue u.\\op tpaq aql ulnJ
'.(1tu.rF rns i{e.rl 8ur1uq
nue teaq qFrrl e ro ro ued
palro dllqFl ,1oq e olut s33a oqt rno4
E uo Jno aJnlxnu aqr peardg b "
'salnurru 9I 'rai{lo8ol ssol puE arnlx[u dn;,(s
tnoqe roJ {ooJ puu 1o1r1dx pue Blpssud elduru aqr rnod uaql 'l,!\oq € ur pllrue,\
'r-retuel J(lt (ll.\\ ued qs,r.r-; o8rele or pLre sluJlpJ,rFur .(.rp .rqt JulqluoJ €
LUeql rr-lsuE.rl ua(lt 'suEaq Jrll UrEJ([
'sassuloru pue dnr{s aldeur aql ,,'
'n--Inor{ z/rI-l lo.+ ialu,\\ qsaJJJo,(1ua1d lJtJtJSot rus 'I.\\oq IlPrus E uJ Z
ur lJlrrulr\ u.)ql'urBJCJ' -rtr
srnoq 8 JoJ JalE,\\ Lrr suBaq aql {Eos '(a r1'reru ,
se87g.ooe) J.OqI ot ua.\o aqt teaqa"rd I
lr0 eAr 0 u0
ualPaq /s66a u-rnrpaLU OI lueaqy pod pllrue^ I l?
lolr l^x ds+ r/1 slpo pallor Gdrc ZlzoL) 60OZ ,,
PlPssEo (an) b/r/zo l+L) w00z spuoru lE pa)lel+ (dnl t1r1zot111 697
rPruPl dsl I spaas raMolluns (dn3 zlllzo./1I) 6ot ,
suPaq (^^EU) crccpr^rr rlcnr zr rL
_"y+ "/T
i4 ' r^ ^'J-", J-^.
lorlreq parp (dnl zlr/zozlr€) 6oaT ur r//\> dlucu u)11+ -6
E sa^ras
sueafl puu sFSg pelqurercs ulouBrc
..1lt9,;:; :lH0
2 medium eggs, beaten 600m1 (1 pint/2l/z cups) plain soya yogurt c,-
olive oil 2509 (9oz/2 cups) f rozen blacl<berries 2a:''
1 slice rye bread, lightly toasted or blueberries 1t--
l tomato, sliced 2509 (9oz/2 cups) frozen raspberies ,a?
I00g 3t/zazl\ cup) rolled oats
Pour the eggs into a hot, Iightly oiled I tsp seeds t: -sa
pan o\er a high heat and gentll'stir. 200m1 (7fl oz/3lt cup) apple juice
Turn the hear dos n and keep stirring 6 tsp agave nectar
for 2 minutes or until the eggs are
cooked and creamy t Put the yogurt into a blender.
,:, 2 Serve the scrantbled eggs irrimediately Add all the remaining ingredients and
on the rye toast u'ith the tomato. blend until smooth. Serr.e immediatelv
Bemy Smoothie
Serves 2
Peel the banana and cut it into
1 banana large chunks.
600m1 (1 pintl7r/z cups) unsweetened/vaniJla
soya mill< Place in a plastic freezer bag, seal Hemp
I00g 3\/zozll cup) frozen strawberries and freeze for at least 5-6 l'rours
or raspberries or overnight. 0ily fi
Itsn vanilla essence or :lmond extract herrin
4 tsp xylitoi Take the banana out of the freezer and Walnr
place n ith all the renraining ingredients
in a blender or food processor. Blend Flardl.
until smooth and serr,.e irnmediatel;..
*'S ao, NorrrurnN
& p
dlalerpaunur a,r"rag {*
r{cpa Jo dol uo aldde pa,{\els aql aculd *
pup sl.\\oq olur a8prrrod aql alppT 9 &
'eFprrrod eql g
olur tllaql lrJs puE spaas eq] purrc b s
'11a,rt 8urr"ir1s ,r1pu udos aql ppu
puE ]eoq erll ruo4 s}€o aql a^oruau *
'rapual Irlun rerxlllrs puE € *
& &
]?aq aql ecnpar uaql 'lroq aql o] 8ur.rq
pus rale^\ el]trl e ppy ued ale;edas ts
'parrsap lurlu qsa{ qlr.{\ r{srurEc s
Jr d1a1e
€ ur ruaq] 1nd pue saldde aq1 doq3 & 'sasse18 *
* 1u1 ur ,{lalerparuur alras z t* pu€
s s
'salnuru g JoJ Jaruurs .uolupuurc puu 'r{}ootus
11un ssaco.rd puu
sleo aql pp€ uaql 'ued pazrs-unrpaur e
rapualq u ur sluarpar8ur aq] II€ acpld T tl
Eur lroq aql ol rale,r aql 8ur.rg dt
I s
(lPuotld0) lutur qserJ s
spaas ur>lduund dsql 1 & lf,prlxe puoLrJlp dsl z/i
spoas romolluns dsql 7 s eluosse plllup^ dsl I &
11ruu e{os lsdnt u7r14urd z/) lwOO€ *s satJreqds€r uazorj (dnl z/r/zo€) 69L s
& .^,,^.^l
salooP E >dLtJcdu pdJrl5 udzol] (dnr l/zog) 6OET *,,
uou.leuun puno,l6 ds1 1 t$
* 1rn6o,{ elos ureld ldno llzo l+O lwogz
slpo oqLUn[ (sdn] t/zoII) 6O0t r'& >llrLU pi{os paualaa^ sun 6dnt z1r711utd I) lurO09 *
ralpM (sdnr v1r91s1utd z/rz) sil+tt z/J .&
& z sa^r3s g
{t s
Soups Irro:
Soups are great for concentrated goodness on the go. They're perfect to
take to work in place of the usual dreary sandw'ich. If you don't have a
micror,l''ave at work, then take your yummy homemade lunch in a wide-
necked flask to keep it piping hot. You can make a big batch at the start
of the week and freeze some if you need to. We add silken tofu to lots of
our soups as it's a great lvay to add protein to your meal.
*,,* lirl 1.1E* tOU B00T CAMP
u# **u NorrrurnN
'qloous Irlun e)luded dsl I
zrrJ.\\ pue rossacord poo+ E olur inod )lrl"u a}.i paualaa^ sun (drc z/r/zo l!z/rb) lwgZl
plpssed lsdnc t7,171utd z/)
'r-olllurLU qI lnoqts -roJ latuturs puE ;ro enrlo ds1 1
urlr.rded puE {lrlu acrr 'elessed aql ppv paddoql pup pa;aad ,uotuo 1 ZII
paddoqt {;aur1 '{;alao s>lt ls Z
'uos irlun Iro 3.\rlo aqt ur Lrotlro puE padd0ql i(;aurl pue papaasep 'r1;rqc pa.r qsarl 1
.{"ra1ac 'r11rqr
tacldad paddoqc aql gtnES padd0Lll pup pepaasap laddad par
111aqy 1 aqt pl
roJ I
9 sa^/as '{ll
dnog .radda4 pag pue oluruol
'IIa.\\ pualq puE sa,\rLIJ oqt ppu
l lrLr el
'.rossacord pooJ E olur dnos aq1 rno4 €,
'IIa.\\ pLralq puP
lunu aLIl ppe tossacord poo3 u olur dnos 'salnlrItu 9I roJ lJrururs prrB sa.\rLIJ aq] /qs
sLIl rnod 'salnLrrLLr g lnoqB loJ iaurulrs € ldarxa sluarpar8ur Sururuurar rqt ppy
.sead aql ppy z 'uos Irtun
Iro a,\rlo ar{l Lrr uoruo aql gtnus T
'Iroq aql ol
Surrq puu ratu.\\ aqt ppv rJos Irtun Iro peddoql {1au 1'sanrqc qsar+ q)unq ll€LUs I
a,\rlo aql ur ,(ra1ac puu suoruo aql glnes I padd0ql pue popaasap /tlltql pa, qsarl I
paddoql'11ue1d66ay aur6,raqne 27,
peddoql i(1aur,L '1uru.r r,lserJ qlunq llpLus I E)trdpd dsl I
sead lsdnc 772011; 6669 ralem isdno r1r711utd z/) luOO€
ralem lsdnc z1r711utd I) ILUOOg elessed 6dnt 71zo l+BI) ILUOOE
;ro an lo ds1 1 supaq pex L| surl (zo8) 60bZ x Z
paddoql fralac s1r 1s 7 1 o anilo ds1 1
X;autrLpue palaad'suoruo 7 peddoql ,(;aur1 pue palaad 'uoruo 1
g sa^res 9 sa^res
T T o]
qnos lultr\tr puu ued onos u"ag
? Serves 5 Serves 4
600m1 (I pintl2L/z cups) water 5 ripe big juicy tomatoes, roughly chopped
it 1/z i,
garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped & 1 cucumber, roughly chopped
$ Icm (r/zin) cube fresh ginger, peeled and I red (bell) pepper, deseeded and
r; finely chopped roughly chopped
2 tbsp brown miso & 1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
2009 (7oz/3/+ cup) firm tofu, cut into small 1-2 small garlic cloves, peeled and
cu0es !i
* g roughly chopped
1 red (bell) pepper, deseeded and finely sliced s 2-3 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 spring onions (scallions), finely sliced along 1 tbsp olive oil
s the length s
s &
s 509
(2oz/r/+ cup) bean sprouts I Place all the ingredients except 1H
s I small bunch fresh coriander (cilantro), 1t
the vinegar and olive oil in a food :i
finely chopped !n processor, add a splash ofu,ater and
whiz until smooth. 2-1
& Pour the water into a pan and bring s -l
{t $
to the boil. Add the garlic and ginger. Add the vinegar and olive oil
$ g and blend again. 3S
6 Turn the heat down and stir in the miso. ::
5 Add the cubed tofu and heat through. s Pour the gazpacho into a bowl and
e ,& chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
Divide the sliced pepper. spring onions.
Serve cold. You may garnish with some 4T
4t bean sprouts and coriander between & Parma ham or a boiled egg, chopped 1
* your serving bowls, fish out the tofu 1n
and sprinkled on top.
a from the broth and add to the bowls, &
then pour the soup over the top.
g & TIPr If you prefer, you can skin the
i, &
6 &
tomatoes by scoring a cross in the top
*$ s with a knife, immersing them in boiling
6 6 water for 30 seconds and then removing
* &
the skin with a sharp knife.You can
also sl<in the peppers by grilling them
& € until the skin starts to char, then
& &
leaving them to cool slightly before
a s peeling the skin off.
a if
s I
''1tso t:0 NEWY0U Boor CAMP
,r, NorrrurnN
* $
s &
* a
& s
a {t
& g
& g
.pualq pue lapuPrroc
aLI] ppE
s t3
jp tossaco;d pooJ z ol dnos aql raJsu€rJ n {:} aLuos
s &
'qloouls puP g
II]un pualq t{russacau 3ir &
rossaco;d pooJ e olur dnos aq1 .rno4 s s
€, g
ralp,\\ aJoru Surppe ,l3os a;u slquol aq]
s Irlun salnurlu ou lnoqp roJ roruurs g a
'Ioq aqt o1 Surrq pue &
dalsred pu€ nJo],11iur acrr aql ppv z s s
"rapuerJoc aql ldaJXa
s1uerpa.r.8ur s
{h Surureura; aq] il€ ppv z
'salnurlu g rs
I lnoqe loJ lailllurs puE s
@ pu
.ralB.{\ aq} ppv'r3os Ir}un
Iro a^rlo aql ur Uos Iqun {ooJ 'uoruo aq} pp€ pue uud *,
uoruo pul? crpeS ,suroorqsnu aql glnps $
I g {crls-uou d,teaq u ur Iro elrlo aql }EeH I *s
$ ry
peddoqr ,Ielsred qse..r1 dsql 7 !]} peddoql 11aut1,1o.r1ue1 rr; a
$ &
nrLol ua)lts lsdnt z1r11zo7l) 609t 6 rapuel.l0l qsar+ qtunq IleLUs
s I
)lrLx 01|l raleM (sdnr y61utd v1r11 a4t1 s
& 1 s
paualaomsun lsdnr u7r14urd z/) lw1O€ 6 spaes s
rieiue;er ds1 1
;a1e,u ldnc zlr/zo l!b) IuOTI ulLunc puno,16 ds1 1 *
lro a^tl0 0s1 T 6 paddoqr Ilaur1 pue pe;aad ,slorrec &
e 7
paddoqr ,{;eurl pue pa;ead ,uoruo 1 &
slllual per @nc z1r1zoz1rE1 6691 s
,eno1o &
peddoql f 1aur1 pue palaad or;re6 1 paddoql ,41aur1
pue pelaed ,uoruo 1 *q
pacr Js'suuoo;qsnuu lsdnr 71zo 71 6997 s ;ro anrgo dsql 1 6 pad
& *
* @
a *
a s
s t*
& !$
s &
Main Meals
These recipes can be used either for lunch or for dinner. some of them
can be made in advance and taken to r,vork for lunch, while others are best
cooked from fresh. where a recipe lends itself to being served u'ith one of Se rves
your healthy options, we've mentioned this, but don't forget to count it as
one of your two allo.ived helpings. I tcn ^
I med
27 59
HO, 5 arg:
.plor ro
toq a,\las .alllas
ol salnulLu Er roJ a,\ual put? Ilo lpaq 'so
aql Lrrnl 'salnlrftu 6 raq]lnJ E -roJ IooJ
'qFnorqt ,(n,WInq
Sururnl 'salnuiur 06-9I roJ .qsrp
olpg 'aprs -raqlo
8ur1eq patuaqa,rd aql ur aceld puu aqt {ooc ol -ta_\o }r LrlnJ atlalaulo
syleq pazrs-8uod Surd olur adeqg aqlJo areJrns aqt Lro Uol FFa prnbrl ou
d11un1-u.r sr a-raql IrlLrn solnurtu gz-oa
',(rualsrsuoo e41-a1sud
{Jrqt E ot pualq raqtrnJ E roJ {ooJ 'Suruas tsa.\\ol
puu sluarpa-r8ur Surureurar aqt ppy slr ol Lr:!\op lEaq aq] urnl puu ued
aqr oJur a,rnJxnu 33a aql rno4
'plralq puu crpu8 puu uoruo aqt ppv
'lossacord pooJ E ur pualq ro
"relroLu 'tunrpalu ol tEaq aql uinl put?
puu a11sed u qlr,t seadlcrqr aq] qsutr{ tpaq eql Lro IrBq rred 5ur,{rg oqt tnd
'dn reaq ol ua.\o .,(lq3no.roql rrts puu
aqt ur lr 1nd pue qsrp 8ui1eq .\\ollerls p xnu 33e ar{t ol suorlro aql qtr-\\ ppe
ur dlua.ra Iro a-\r1o aql alzzrre .(r 1re- pue saolelod aqt uru-rp ,palooc acug
su57g.oe e ) J.oSI ol uo.\o aqt teaqald
'lopual lrlun Jo salnurIII oI
ropMod 6ur1eq dsl 27, -roJ saolvtod aq] Ioq 'alrll,uueatr{
urLunc puno;6 ds1 1 'pauauos
Irllrn {ooJ pue ued aql -ra.\oc
rapuEuo3 punor6 ds1 1 'uoruo aqt ppy 'rred 5ur,{.rg 1crls-uou
rnoll 1uuer6; eadlcrqc dsql 7 pazrs-iunrpau p ur lro a.\rlo aql lpaH T
paddoqc'Xalsred qsarl dsql 1
paddoqt puE paleed 'sano;t ctt.te6 Z aleaq 's66e ebrel E
^lauU pue palaad,uoruo
llpLUS I pellls puP
pasulr puP paulP.1p palaed 'soolplod JaaMs 6dnt z1r11zog11 6977
'lsueaq ozueq.le6; seadlctq: ur1 1zoy1;666y palrls pue polaad'uoruo uunrpau 1
lro anr;o dsql 7
lro anrlo ds1 1
9-9 se^ras g se^/as
IeJeIuJ pe{39 allaleulo qslueds
*p ,r, NorrrulnN
'6u;11;16 a;o;aq
nlol aql ra^o ppards'osrru ds1 z4 qlrm
xlu pue lUpF lo ano;6 e qsnr3'66a
Erlxa uE pp€ pue eung;o aceld ur n;01
PalltrE as6 :Nglld0 NVIUVIIgIA
a.ua5 Surssarp aql ppr? pLrB
pEIEs aqt uo spaas oruusas aqr a11ur-rdg I 'qlu
'plrlrC ued 5ur'(g f"rp u ui 11us
olltrl E rltr.\\ spaas aurEsas arll lsEoJ_ b aq
'4.\ias pue rloJJo-rq 'sFFa puu eunl
aqt ur -rrls lroq aql o1 5ur-rq pue lparl oql qtr,!\ dot puu sueaq puu s-a-\rlo
'q8rq e ra,r.o qsrp alorassuo3oordleaq 'raqruncnc 'saoteuol aql ppu '1,\\oq
E oJur aJnus pu? lEaur aqt Jnod g Sur.rras a8rul e ur aJn4al oqt areld g
'srnol{ oI JoJ tEaq .\\ol P -ra.\o 'Surssa-rp .rqt a{Eru ol
s^ t
{ooJ pue ia-\oJ rloJJo-rq aq} ldacxa -rolB.\\ plre Iro 'aJinr uotual aql \slrlA\ z
sluaipar8ur Surureure,r aql IIp ppy z
'salllurlu 6 loJ IooJ
'Ja{ooJ r\ols E ol JaJsuulJ p3rr.\\oJq puu ralu,!\ Suriroq Lrr
suuaq aql lnd r
IrlLrn Iro a,\rlo aq] ur }€aIU aqt ?lnES T
spaas arueses ds1 9
palooo' ;orcojq lsdnc z/i/qlD 6ogb pe^leq pue palaad /paltoq-preq's66a g
;a6u 6 puno;6 ds1 27, punl sur] 12o21 6697 x g
reuel ldnc blrlzo l+z/rz) pA9 sanrlo 1ce;q dsql 7
(q+urq) \lro+s +raq (sonl z/ I/zo +Zl) lL)09€ s)unql olut 1nr laquncnc 1 ol .
pepparqs ro paltls'ro.1c 1ed @nt 691_ s)lunql olut lnl'ssolPL!ol g
"1112o61 A.IE
paqsnrl pue paraad'ano'r r';;e6 1 pactls'sacn11a; sot z/rT
pe:'|ls pue pe;aad'uoruo ldnr b/r/zoz) 609 ra1e,u dsql g
l o e^llo dsql 27, 1
;io anr o dsql r-Olll tl I
sdr;1s,{.rrL-.rr1s o}u lnl'1puno,l laaq; uoLual I jo alrnf
laaq 1o aprsdol .lo aptsra^lrs (qlI) 60Et sueaq uaarO (dn) z/r/zoz/$) 600T
t se^ras g sa^ras prr
lod loH uersv esroSr\I pslus
r..illo,.,, 11,
Serves 5 ti
l tsp olive oil, plus extra for mashing Heat the teaspoon of olive oil in Se rve s
2 onions, peeled and chopped a heavy non-stick pan and add the
1 eA"ro+ neclcd and rhnnggl onions, carrot, celery and peas.
2 sticlzc eclcrv rhnnnod Cook r-rntil soitened. I co -.'
350g (I2ozl2 cups) frozen peas a ,\g -
I bunch f resh mint, finely chopped Add the herbs, rninced beef and chicken
I smal I bunch fresh parsle, finely chopped and stir Lrntil the meat is brorvned. Add
2509 (9oz/I cup) lean minced (ground) bee{ the passata ar.rd a little lr,ater. Simmer L-,-^:
250g Ooz1L cup) minced (ground) chicl<en for about t hour, stirring occasionalll'.
300m1 (t/z pint/I\/+ cups) passata Adci the rice flour to thicken. |,.---'
1 tsp rice flour
2509 (9oz/I1/2 cups) sweet potalo, peeted Boil the sweet potato and car-rliflo',r'er I P:.
and roughly chopped until tender and drain rvell. NIash It,
3009 ( 11ozl11/+ cups) cauliflower, together u'ith a little olir.e oil and
cut into florets set to one side. 2P
Preheat the oven to 2oo'C (+Oo'F/gas -:-
mark rl). -.
Put the beet'and clrickcn ntixturt. inro
an ovenproofdish and top l.ith the
mashed potatoes ar-rd car-r1iflou'er.
Cook fbr about 15 minutes r-rntil
golden brou'n.
'elessEd aql qlla ppp puE s)lunqc olu!
doqC'pau/'^otq ltlun llyE pup nlol aql uo
ppald5'ostru ds1 z4 q1r,rl xtru pup cllreF
l0 a^013 'snturunHJo
lluus e qsnr3'i(a4;n1 ,ro pealsu;
n;01 pa111r6 esn :NOJId0 NVIUVIIgIA do11op e puu salqela8a.\ aqt qtr,r\ a^ras
pue uado saolelod aql rrids 'parloor are
salqete8a.r puu saolelod aqt qtoq aruo b
'.),)rJ r.l.\\o.lq Juros ppB :(ep aqr suorrtlg
.{qrpeg .rnod3o auo asn o1 1ue,u nod3r 'aurrl Surrloor oLIl
Jo salnurru oE-o6
'pue suueq aql qlr,\\ qsulno8 oql o,\-ras g lsBI aql ro3 saolelod aql aprs8uole
tspo-r ol ua.\o aqt olur ruaq] lnd .llo
'ra1u,rr 5ur1oq ur a.\IIo aqt qtr,\\ qsnrq puu .{u-r1 8ur1uq
salnlrrur 6 lof suEaq aql qruElg b puoJas p uo Jno pee.rdg saoluluol
dr.raqc aql sE azrs aures or{l dlq8nor
'rJpu.)i sr .(a1.rrrr .rqt ol salqula8a,r aql 11e doqc 'alrq,\\upatr^l €
Irlun salnuru qt lnoqB loJ laulrurs ol
orual pue ptESr-Ed aql ur rnod uaql .tearu 'Uos ro 'salnurur gg
aqt ieas oJ rrls^ pLrE ,{arpn1 aql ppv g punorp ro3 fe.r1 5ur1eq E
uo ua.\o aql sr:s
LIr areld 8ur1uq uaq.n 3ur11r1ds ruor+
'alnur[r I loJ a]n€s uarlt tua.rard ot otetod qJB.) JJrJld z
puu elr.rdud pue rrpu5 ',(ra1ac aql ppy Z
'(9 {reu
'lapual {llull r-uoILIo aql
{ooJ pul? uud se8 7
g,,9 yg) J.o6I ot ua.\o aqt tpoqard T -Ia
IJrls-uou .,{-reaq u ur lro a,\rlo aql }uaH I
a^ras ol'(0tI ebEd ;o adroa; aas) snuunH
supaq uee.l6 @rc z/J/zo6) 609Z lro anrlo ds1 7 r{11e
PJPssed Gdrc Znud blt) lwagb seolpLlol +o Inlpupq .teu,
saqnl g olut lnl qlPa paleao'u0ru0
llPLrrs I ppY
saltls (zo9) 69LT x 9
'1sea.rq Ia1rn1 +o 6ueld66e) autOraqne lleLUs I ualJrr
elUded pa) dsl t pepaasap ladded q1laq; Molla^ I
paddoqc ,(1au 1 pue palaed /se^olt )tleb Z (tu.qllnz) ellabrnol I
paddoqo,{1au,L',{ralac s>llt}s -^^.-. ^J
t +dolv\) a
pa3rls pue palaao 'suotu0 z
lro a^tlo dsl I z sa^ras
9 se^Jas snrurunH pu8 salqula5al
u?euuJrellpew ls"ou
qsuFoc farlen; qll^a o]"lod lae.,rA.s pe{ug
Thai Currv J
Chicken and Ginger Stir Fry
Serves 6 Serves 4 bect
6 x 1009 (3rlzaz) chicl<en breasts, I00ml 3\lzfl ozl\l: cup) chicl<en stock (broth) futu
cut into chunks 1 tbsp tamari conl
2 stic[c ce erv f nelv sl;cpd I th<n en"nflnr ft (.^rnq+Arch) time
t/z leel<, roughly sliced l/e tsp freshly ground blacl< pepper
509 (2ozl3l+ cup) mushrooms, finely sliced 2 ql< nlesc hnnplcsc ehiel<en hrpactc .rt int^
'I nninn ncelpd :nd f nclv
51 69fl 1cm (1/zin) pieces
).009 Srlzozll/z cup) fhai curry paste 1 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil
40Oml (14 floz/Ir/z cups) low-fat coconut milk 1759 (6oz/Ir/4 cups) mangetout (snow peas) Bolc
2259 (Bozl3 cups) spinach I00g Srlzozll cup) mushrooms, sliced
I pa\< cho\, s\\ced \ gyeen (be\\) peppev, deseeded and \\ne\1 s\\ced C: - ::
509 l2ozlsl+ cup) baby sweetcorn 2 tbsp spring onions (scallions), finely sliced
509 (2ozl3l+ cup) sugar snap peas r/+ tsp finely chopped
fresh ginger
I Put the chicken in a pan and dry 1 In a shallou dish, combine the chicken
fry for 10 minutes until tlte meat stock, tamari, cornflour and pepper.
is cooked through.
2 Add the chicken to the dish and put
Put the celer;: leek. rnu5hroonrs. onion in the fridge for t hour.
and Thai curry paste in a separate,
hg21'y non-stick pan a 1or,r. heat When ready to cook, heat the
and cook until they are tender. groundnr-rt oil in a large pan and add
the mangetout, mushrooms, sliced
Add the coconut milk and bring pepper, onions and ginger ancl cook
to the boi1. Add the spinach. for abont 5 minutes or until crisp.
Add the pak choi, sweetcorn and peas Remor.e lrom the pan and set aside.
^-I -,.^--
41rU +1.--^.,-L-
V\ al rrurl uuSt i. Acld the chicken and marinade to the
pan and cook for 1O minutes or until
Dir.ide the vegetables and chicken the chicken is tender and the sauce has
betu,een sen'ing borvls and serve thickened. If needed, add a cup of r.vater
immediately. to the pan.
VEGETARIAN 0PTI0N: Cooh this dish Retnrn the vegetables to the pan. Cook,
with tofu instead of chicken, but make stirrirrg frequently lor about 2 minLrtes.
sure you buy a Thai curry paste thai then serve.
doesn't contain fish.
In a large pan, heat the olir-e oil over a Heat the remaining oil in a heavy non-
medium-high heat. Brorvn the chicken in stick pan over mediunr-high hear and
trvo batches, cooking each batch for aboLrt cook tlre caulitlouer Ibr 1o nrinrrtes,
8 minutes. Transfbr to a plate. covered, stirring occasionally
Add the otrion, garlic and rosemarv to Llncover the pan and sar-rt6 the
the pan and cook for about + minr-rtes until car"rliflon'er fbr another 5-1O minutes,
the onion is soft. Add the n'ine and bring until tender and brou,ned.
to a boil, stirring to loosen any bro"r'ned
bits. Add the salt and chilli flakes. Transfbr the cauliflou'er to a bor,r'l
and toss rvitli the olir.e mixture and the
Return thc chicken. arrd an; jrrices fronr parsley Serr-e nith the flaked almonds
the plate, to the pan. Boil until almost sprinkled over the top.
all the u,ine has evaporated - about 2
minutes. Add the tomatoes. Cor-er, reduce
the heat to lolr' and simmer for 3o
TIP: Meat eaters can leave out the
minutes until the chicken rs
almonds and serve this as a side dish
cooked through.
with any sort of protein, for example
baked chicken breasts or grilled
Transfer the chicken to a pIate. salmon steaks,
Boil tlre sauce for a further 2 minutes to
thicken before spooning o\.er the chicken
Serves 4
4 pork steal<s (about 1109/4oz each)
2 tsp olive oil 2 tsp ltariar herb seasor'ng
4 porl< cutlets l tsp olive oil
2O0g (7ozl\ cup) tomatoes, 1 onion, peeled and finely sliced
l or-
$*P t (9ZI abed oes) nio]
rapual salqela8a,r * palPulrpur palspor Gdrc z/JlzoZI) 60EE
aq] Irlun ro salnurrr oI laqlrnJ u roJ a y
;ro onr;o ds1
ua^o aqJ 01 urnJar puE nJol aq] ppv it peqsnrt pue palaed ,sanolo cr1,le6 7
'salnurru 96 roJ a:4eq puu ,{er1 Suquq sdr.rls 1u17.;
E ssorce dlua,ra arnlxrru aql pea.rdg LrlruE oJut
Z* lnl pue papeasap laddad 111aq; par 1
perrp'lrurqocnz) olla6Jnot I
'Iroa^Ilo Jo aIZZrrp lleurs E qlr.{\ I.&\oq s pa]|ls puP palaod ,uoru0 per I
Surxrur e ur raqlaSol nJol aql ldacxa
peltp'6ueld66a) aut6raqnp I
sluarpe"r5ur aq] IIE ssol '(r rguru se8 & {;;aqr g
/t"osc) J"oBI o1 ua^o oqJ leaqard [* s
'acnEs alllrl E pup sllBqluaur aql qlr.{\
alras pue suoruo Suuds aql qcwlg ,& 5ru
*! '1{8rura,to ro srnoq g
'salnurur 06 roJ uo^o aq] ur &
I ]szal ]B JoJ {eos o} a^EaI puB Ja}?,\\
qsrp para^or E ur slleqlr?alu aql {ooJ 9rt qll\\ raloc 'r1.{\oq s ur suadrlcrqc aLJ} }nd Z
']r ua{crq} o} acnEs aql ol ppu puE nJo} 6 '(o aqt
ryuur 9
aql qsEW 'crlru5 pue dalsrzd Surureuar *
sz87g"oor) J.oo6 o] ualo aqt l€aqard r {rl
aq] qlr.{\ uudacnes e ur elessed aLIl }uaH ge
* (suotllpls) suotuo 6uuds 6 'alst
nlol ue)lts lsdnt z1r11zo7l) 60Et LIE
srl'q xrs or.,, il.# s elessed lsdnc u7r171urd z/) lwOO€
uoruo polooc puu acuru aq] qlr.{\ €
jeeq (pun0rb) parulL.u upal On z/r/zo;) 609l
aurqruoJ rossaco.rd pooJ ro rapualq * paddoqr'ria;s;ed qsa;1 dsql 7
s /.-^,,, .^-^ ,^
z ur dalsrud aqlJIEq pup ualrrqr aql s ^^ii^,,^
paoooql'leallj ]seerq ua)ltql (qlI) 60gt
qlt'{\ pualq uaql 'suadrlcrqc aql ururq l6 paqsnrl pup palaod'senolc cr;re6 7
paddoqr iilaurl pue palaad ,uoruo 1
'rrpu8;o a^oIc I
;ro anrlo ds1 1
pu€ uoruo aql glnus pue ued g
lSueaq ozueq;e6;
{3r}s-uou drrBari p ur Iio a^rlo aq} luaH
-s sead)rlql paup ldnc z1r1zoz1rEl 6991
Salmon Hoi-Sin See
Serves 6 Se r'. ,
6 salmon fillets, sl<inned and boned Preheat the oven to 2oo"C (+oo'tr/gas 2a
1 tbsp hoi-sin sauce mark o).
2009 (7oz/2 cups) bean sprouts 1-_
I00g Stlzoz/I cup) cabbage, shredded Rub tlre salrrron u itlr lroi-tin sauce. t:
1 onion, peeled and finely sliced \\rrap the salmon in foil, sprinhle ri'ith a ?_
1 yellow (bell) pepper, deseeded and sliced little u'atcr and bake forlO-2O minntes.
I carrot, peeled and finely sliced I :l
l tbsp olive oil Put all the vegetables in a large non- f :::
1 red chii li, deseeded and finely sliced stick pan (or liok) rvith the olive oil 2,.
1 garlic clove, peeled and finely sliced and stir iry u'ith tlie chilli, garlic and ?-;
lcm (1/zin) fresh ginger, peeled and finely sliced ginger for 9 tninntes. ?-.
w* 3** NEWY0U B00T CAMP
s 4
s 6
i* g
poo' sr .{.,p,;;G:ii HtJ#"; *
dqlpeg rno.{3o auo asn o1 lue,n no,,(31 *
9 6 @
!' B qlr.r\ a^ras t,r'#:;:"T".Itffi: &
6 *
'a{eu o} * salnuru gI roJ a{Eq pup Iro all}rl E q}r.{\
Suruur8aq puu anbedo sr r{su aql Iqun qsnJq'spunor g olur arnlxrur aql rurod g &
s 6
ro salnunu gI roJ ua^o aql ur a{Eq puE * $
r9 &
IIoJ r{ll-l\\ r{srp aq} JoAoJ 'JaAo ocn€S s
drp oo1 sr oJnJxrur
aq] rnod uoql qsip aq] ui salqela8a,t otll Jr ralu^\ ppv 'lla^{ xrul puP dAJ
aqlSo do1 uo slaIIU {coppeq aqr de1 g puz uoruo 'spaas 'dalsrud '33e aqr ppy s
s 'qloolus poog
Iqun pualq puu ;rossalord
'qsrp Suirleq E ol raJsuurl uoq] @
$ e olur 1nd uaq]'seadrlcrqc aq] ur€re b €9
'salnurur z; JoJ rale,\\ 5ur[oq ur qceurds * &
* *
pue sdr.rls "raddad '.{aoI ar{} qcuulg # aAJ pue uoruo aq] glnes puu ued s
,!t &
{crJs-uou ,{,reaq e ur Iro a^rlo aql }uoH g
s &
JapuErJoc aql ppr? puB urnrpou ol @ @
u.\\op ]Paq aql urnJ 'lroq aq] o1 Surrq € '(+ ryeur su3 *
pu? {Iru acrr pur? {Iru }nuococ aq} it /t"ogE) J"oSI ol ua^o aqJ ]eaqard z 6
ppv 'spuocas ,\\al E roJ rallnq puoullp *
a s p
aq] alsed pa.r reqa aqr .,(.rg 'lqFruralo ro srnoq g ]seal s
lE roJ {r?os ol a^l?al puB JolE,t\ qlr.{\ *
'(r rpeu su8 ra^or 'I,ltoq e ur seadricrqc aql ]nd
s I *s
/t"ogg) J.o8I o] ua^o aq] lPaqard ,s &
& I
spaos ur)dLUnd punorb ldnt b/r/zob/) 60Z
@ s
slallr+ )llopppq Go9) 69LT x 9 spaas auipsas punoJb (dnt v1r1zov1r1 697 pu
qreurds Orc T/zo€) 691
s speas ,aMolrruns punorb qdnt t1r1zot1r1 697
& paddoq:'^alsr€d qsa;1 dsql a
soUls olut lnl 1 -u
pup pepaasap ladded 1;;aqy par 1 6 alrqM 66a I
sdrrls olur 1nr'1ea; untpau-t I 1611y uralo;d 1{osy * 'saln
(orluplr)) rapuprrof, qsarl peddoqr dsql 1 elqp1a60^ painlxel @nt 112o71 6997 u rill'
t1r1zo {F s
)lllu elrr ldnt ltz/{) lu00I peddoqt pup palaad 'uoruo 1 .
>11ruu lnuoroo dsql g 6urqsn;q ,o+ ^laut+
prlxe sn;d'1ro anr;o ds1 1
& @
rellnq puoule dsl r/r (suPaq ozupqrEO)
& *
3+sPd par reql ds1 27, spad)3rqt patip (dn) UzoD 600Z *F
se8 1
I *
It &
6 se^res @
I :!
& *
s 6
liir ,
Serves 4
Crush half the beans, leaving the rest Preheat the oven to zoo'C (+oo'F/gas
It rrhole. Mix in all rhe remaining * mark o).
ingredients except the olirre oil and .:tl
form into fbur burgers. Chill in the Mix together the mustard and honey
fridge for Zo minutes. and rub over the chicken breasts.
li in loil and cook in the oven lor
Preheat the oven to 2oo'C (+OO'F/gas 20 minutes. Keep the juices from the
mark o). meat.
Heat the olive oil in a heavy non-stick i:' In a large pan, boil the cauliflower \
pan, then fry the burgers lor 3 minutes and su'eet potato until tender.
on each side. ,, E
Drain well and mash rvith a little olive rr
Place the burgers on a lightly greased oil and salt and pepper. (
baking tray and cook in the oven for 10 li
minutes. Heat tsp olive oil in a heavy non-stick
,1, pan. Add the cabbage and onions and
cook until tender.
!f il: e
Serve the chicken, mash and cabbage
t with a spoonful ofjuices lrom the S
roasting dish. S
,1t a
:ll ::,
r NoIrIUrnN
'sa{rr}s ra8unq ua{A\ roJ dpua.r
pueq uo daal pue aruB^pe
ur a;uda;d uuc nod syJeus
dlaturpauurr a.uag z
.{qrleaq puE snorJrlep ,-o.
'qloous Irlrrn zn{_\\ puu ,rossarold aJe aJeH iselnurur e,rg.{ra,ra
poo.] potur stuarpar8ur aq] IiE trld T
uq lrncsrq aq] JoJ qlua; uec nod
uuaur ].useop leqJ .s.rapur1,(c 1e
101r1{x ds1 7
uo 8ur.rg urs{oqp}eu Jnod pue
spaasurl punor6 dsql ue^e JBFns tlJl
1 poolq rnod sdaa>1
1;tuu e{os paueJaamsun lsdnc yTslurd i/J) u}tl T s1ueru uae^\]eq Sullceug .dure3
nlol ua)lts qsdnt z1.11zo7l) 60Eg ]oog no A\aN ]E auruer8ord
sPU€uPq z ssol-lq5re,!\ aq] Jo lrud prluassa
I uB eJB.,(ep e srlceus oA[
g sa^/as
alqloouls re.{aod
lro e^rlo dsl t
i(11uanbag Sururnl '1eaq runrpaur (ets€d) aorld olp"uol dsq+ I
E raprrn salnuru qi .ro3 11-rF puu a1rqm 66a 1
Iro a,\rlo aqt lllr,\\ s,raS-rnq rql qsnrg _ra1o,d 1,{os;
0lqpleba^ parnlxal @nt z1r1zoz1rgl 6991
'i'ra8rnq JnoJ otur oJnJxrru aql urrod
paqsnrl pue pa;aad,sanol: ct;;e6 7
(papparqs) palprb pup pa1aad,1o.r;eo 1
'I,\\oq E ur +lPq
Iro a,\rlo aql reLuei dsql 7
ldarxa sluarpa.r5ur aql 11e raqra5ol xJt\l paqsEL! 'n101 uurrl lsdnt z1r11zo7l) 6OE€
t sa^res
sra8rnfl nJoI
Serves 5
Serves 6
Makes 3
-CAg (I4oz/2 cups) tin butter beans, 4009 (I4oz/Z cups) tin chicl<peas
Crained and rinsed (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed 759 3oz
c-8 sun-dried tomatoes 2 large garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
759 3oz
' coriander kilantro), finely chopped juice of f lemon 759 3oz
jarlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped 759 (3oz
1 tbsp tahini paste
:bsp olive oil 125m1 G
2 tbsp olive oil 'I thcn hn
tsp salt
Put all the ingredients into food
a 1 tbsp mc
gas ll
Makes 6 portions
Makes l0 portions
5)g (2oz/r/z cup) sunflower seeds gre2 s
1 tbsp egg white D'-_'
-Cg (2ozlr/z cup) pumpkin seeds 1/+
tsp salt
2 :sp tamari 1/z Place
tsp cinnamon
the rr
2509 (9oz/Z cups) pumpkin seeds
Spread the seeds evenly on 5 nttl
a baking tray. I Preheat the oven to 1So"C
@So"F/ 4 Adcl i
gas mark +).
Srrinkle rvith the tamari and stir
e,l Lrntil the seeds are covered. Place
2 Beat the egg white u,ith a r,vhisk until
foamy. Add the rest of the ingredients
T asr under a medium grill for a couple and toss well. Cover a baking tray with
Set a:
: ::r-:rutes, turning them occasionally, greaseproofpaper and spread the seeds
-.:-:-^ lhe seeds are completely clry and evenly on the tray.
6 tl
: '.i recl. Leave to cool. Store in an and s
. ::-{lr container away from 1ight for 3 Bake for 13-15 minutes until the pumpkin
": - -,rur cla)'s. seeds pop. Let them cool completely and
store ln an airtight container.
small handful of nuts (almonds are 150m1 (5fl oz/2/z cup) oiive oil
6 e9
a good choice) 759 3oz/r/z cup) ground almonds rlz:
2 squares dark chocolate ll0g (4oz/I1/+ cups) rye flour
1 tbsp bal<in9 powder r/,
I Toast the nuts on a baking tray trncler
l tsp ground cinnamon
a rnedium grill lbr a couple of rnirtr.rtes. II09 (4oz/r/z cup) muscovado sugar
3 eggs, beaten Tos
2 Serr.e ri'ith tlte chocolate. grated zest of 1 orange
7 59 (3oz/3/+ cup) walnuts, finely chopped
7 59 3oz/r/z cup) dried cranberries
1759 (60z/I cup) carrots, peeled and grated
( sh redded )
Tricep Ghair Dips ::i.
Sit on the edge of your chalr with your l<nees .lt:
':::'. dtlVO l00S nOA Mf N USIIV fJIl
'uorlrsod 6urlrpJs rno^ o] dn >;req qsnd
,e-^ 1-hi a-^r pur
uaql saarbap ^/
06 ISeo tsn arP sMoqla aqi 'aprs raqlo aql ro,
lrlun lsep rno^ sprPMOl uMop lEodar pue spreMro+ dals pue dn esreg'uorlrsod
^llua6 ^poq
rno^ raMol ',iool+ aql ol al6ue aarOap-Et abunl aql olur uMop ob pue sp,e^ ro+ 6al ouo
e lp rno{ ploH 'spuell q}oq Lllr^\ pualxa /lq6rprls sal
)leq rno^ 6utdae; 'saprs .lno^
^q -)a
)sap rno^ +o aprs aq] spupq rno^ pup ssau) ]+os qlrM lqoudn puEls
sdn-ssard )lsa0 a6unl 6ur41e41
'l:l i'
''' ll
.li *+{
:: -.\1-=\
:i! -y
4i re
g I
G i:
a .i.:
-: :: _r
The fab thing about our Four Steps to Freedom plan is that it's
truly versatile. If you're eating out'd like to think you'll find
something you can eat and stay r.vithin the rules on pretty much
any menu. See pages 150-15 t for helpful hints on eating out.
6t1 dWVC ro08 no^ M3N U3rlv 3ll-l
lulur qsa4 pue euIIJo (o rl.ieur sz87g.oor) Soooz }u ua^o aql uI uaq]
sa8pa^\ qll{\ sa}Eld Sut,tras uo a8uu"r'ry u't\orq lseor pue 1o3 ur dlasool s{Ba}s ot{} de.rr11 olsad
aprs qc€a sa}nullu aa-g-,{rrup q}r.,nt paddol s{zals uotuPs :asrnoJ
o] slr?]s lln4: aI{} Ilun '&\aJ e-
'sacqs {rlql o}ui urz;a1 '(ot 1 a8ud aas) oqcedzeg zauoC :rauuls
e ro.y 1r;r8 puu ilo qlr.&\ qsnrg
sdu,trql3ual ruaql ]nc pue uos;ad "red aldduaurd z nuaN
ralrenb pue oFueur JIBq a{EI :}lassa6l
u 3o
" ']ualuoc uococ qSrq P qll.t\ elulocoqc JA
'salpoou asrJ qll^a p3rJ3s
rcqa :asrnoJ ur€IAI {rep esooqC 1rn"r3 paddrp-a}EloroqJ :uassa6l
a8ed aas) dr"rn3
'33a paqcuod z 'sa1qele3a,t palseoJ qllt\ aAJaS '8ut'r'ruc a;o3aq \5('
dliq3q :ralrels salnu[u E JoJ ]SaJ O] ]r a^sal puE ua'\o
pa,uas sn8z;edsz pauruals ^\aJ
g nuan aqlJo ]no r.l aliur'(9 {rn* su37g.9te) 3.oot
]e salnulu gE4E roJ lsruor pue utl Sutlseo"r
'1'rn3o.{ € o1 lI raJSu?J1 uaql 'apts qcea uo salnulur 6-6
zdos puz (sor a8ed aas) elout-rg dure3 loog rog ued loq z uI uoslua,\ aql JEaS aidoad 9 alras
no ,lraN qll{\ sassel8 ur aernd aq} rade'I agrnd ot (zoot q1r)3olr lnoqe Surq3ra'!\ urol E roJ
Eo] u.rr.op srparq eldde aq] Illun Sutr'rqs 'r1oo3 raqclnq rnod 1sy uoslua.\ lszog :asrnoJ UIE1J
'uoru€uulcJo uoodseal I pue ralz.t\Jo qsulds u 'rnol?l+ ]saq aq] -ro3 .(crni pue adr-r sr uolaut aq]
qlr,u uud paseq-d,tuaq E uI Iuaql 1nd puu uos;ad arns alpu pue pug uec no.( sluarpar8ut dlqznb
:uassaql :rolrsls
"rad saldde Bunpa 6 doqc pue Iaad
]saq aq] ro3 ldo ru€q ?Iurud pue uolatr\I
'luaurtuudurocce I nuaN
snolcllap E roJ uorlrles aq] aprs8uop
saolutuol suIA auros ls€ou salnulu 96-91 JOJ dpu4 rauur6l
'razaajl aql u! qnl
€ ul sacrls aql lllls J
pue sallJaqMerls
auos a^leq puP
llnLl uos
auos a3lls pue leed
6 T
tauuns duru3 loog no^ MaN