Expt3 Directions
Expt3 Directions
Expt3 Directions
1 Gated SR-Latch
1.1 Normal Behavior
Use 2-input NAND gates to construct the gated SR latch shown below. Use the debounced switch
to control (normally at 1) for the Clk input.
1 Q
2 Q
Record the response of the circuit (at outputs Q and Q and at times T1 –T7 ) for the input shown
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
EE 2731 (Spring 2011)—Experiment 3 2
T1 T2
Repeat this input sequence 10 times and record the outputs as before. The outputs (Q or Q)
at time T should exhibit more or less consistent values over these 10 times.
Induced-Delay Experiment: The idea of this experiment is to selectively add a delay to one
of the NAND gates numbered 1 and 2 in the latch and then check the behavior exhibited in the
baseline Experiment. This delay will be in terms of two inverters (built out of NAND gates) added
in series with the original gate.
Suppose that in the 10 trials of the Baseline Experiment, most (or all) of the time you get
Q = 0 and Q = 1. Change the circuit by connecting two inverters to Gate 1 as shown below.
1 Q
2 Q
This change does not alter the functionality of Gate 1 (see the part enclosed in the red rectangle).
It just increases the propagation delay of Gate 1. Now apply the input sequence described above
another 10 times. Record the output and describe any changes in the output.
If the Baseline Experiment resulted in Q = 1 and Q = 0 most (or all) of the time, do the
Induced-Delay Experiment with the delay added to NOR gate 2 and leave Gate 1 unchanged.
Include all of the above logic value measurements in your report. Explain the SR-Latch’s behavior in terms of your
measured results.
EE 2731 (Spring 2011)—Experiment 3 3
2 JK Flip-Flop
The block diagram of a Master-Slave JK flip-flop (in terms of Gated SR-Latches) is shown below.
The logic diagram of the Gated SR-Latch is shown earlier in the context of the previous experiment.
clock Clk Clk
K Qm
Use 2- and 3-input NAND gates to build a Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop on the trainer kit. Connect
the JK inputs to regular logic switches and the clock input to a debounced switch (that is normally
low). Connect signals Q, Q, Qm and Qm to the built-in monitor.
Record the values of Q, Q, Qm and Qm for the following inputs.
In your report, draw the complete timing diagram (for signals Q, Q, Qm and Qm that you measured in your experiment.
Briefly explain the Master-Slave JK flip-flop’s behavior in terms of your measured logic values. In particular, determine
whether the flip-flop you constructed is positive or negative edge-triggered.