ASSIGNMENT - BFC21002 - Ssem 20202021 2
ASSIGNMENT - BFC21002 - Ssem 20202021 2
ASSIGNMENT - BFC21002 - Ssem 20202021 2
The objective of a literature review is to provide a critical evaluation of the data available
from existing studies. Review articles can identify potential research areas to explore
next, and sometimes they will draw new conclusions from the existing data.
Review articles:
Here are eight key things to consider when writing a review article:
1. Check the journal's aims and scope. ...
2. Define your scope. ...
3. Finding sources to evaluate. ...
4. Writing your title, abstract and keywords. ...
5. Introduce the topic. ...
6. Include critical discussion. ...
7. Sum it up. ...
8. Use a critical friend.
1) The student needs to make a technical paper (a review article).C3 (Identify,
develop and organized)
2) Need to be review 10-12 journal paper (the current year 2021- 2017).
3) Minimum requirement of journal paper indexed by Scopus.
4) Avoid plagiarism (copy and paste from any sources).
1) The title will be discussed with the lecturer. And group (FIVE or SIX students)
under the decision of the lecturer.
2) Full technical paper maximum of 7-10 pages. Slide PPT presentation not more
than 15 pages.
Format Paper