Ruiz de La Cuesta Et Al 2021 Final
Ruiz de La Cuesta Et Al 2021 Final
Ruiz de La Cuesta Et Al 2021 Final
Institute for Multidisciplinary Applied Biology (IMAB), Departamento de Ciencias, Universidad Pública de
Navarra (UPNA), 31006 Pamplona, Spain; (I.R.d.l.C.); (J.A.B.); (J.B.I.); (J.P.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-948-16-9115
Abstract: Natural and anthropogenic factors affect forest structure worldwide, primarily affecting
forest canopy and its light properties. However, not only stand-replacing events modify canopy
structure, but disturbances of lower intensity can also have important ecological implications. To
study such effects, we analyzed long-term changes in light properties of a conifer–broadleaf mixed
forest in the Southwestern Pyrenees, placed in the fringe between the Mediterranean and Eurosi-
berian biogeographical regions. At this site, a thinning trial with different intensities (0%, 20%, and
30–40% basal area removed) took place in 1999 and 2009, windstorms affected some plots in 2009 and
droughts were recurrent during the sampling period (2003, 2005, 2011). We monitored light properties
during 14 years (2005–2019) with hemispherical photographs. We applied partial autocorrelation
functions to determine if changes between years could be attributed to internal canopy changes or
to external disturbances. In addition, we mapped the broadleaf canopy in 2003, 2008, and 2016 to
calculate broadleaf canopy cover and richness at the sampling points with different buffer areas of in-
creasing surface. We applied generalized linear mixed models to evaluate the effects of light variables
Citation: Ruiz de la Cuesta, I.;
on canopy richness and cover. We found that light variables had the most important changes during
Blanco, J.A.; Imbert, J.B.; Peralta, J.;
the period 2008 to 2010, reacting to the changes caused that year by the combined effects of wind and
Rodríguez-Pérez, J. Changes in
Long-Term Light Properties of a
forest management. In addition, we found that an area of 4.0 m radius around the sampling points
Mixed Conifer–Broadleaf Forest in was the best to explain the relationship between light properties and species richness, whereas a
Southwestern Europe. Forests 2021, radius of 1.0 m was enough to estimate the relationship between light and canopy cover. In addition,
12, 1485. light-related variables such as diffuse light and leaf area index were related to species richness,
f12111485 whereas structural variables such as canopy openness were related to canopy cover. In summary, our
study demonstrates that non stand-replacing disturbances such as windstorms, thinning, or droughts
Academic Editor: Antonio Gazol can have an important role in modifying structural and light-related canopy properties, which in
turn may influence natural processes of stand development and ecological succession.
Received: 4 August 2021
Accepted: 27 October 2021
Keywords: mixedwoods; long-term research; light properties; thinning; windstorms; sustainable
Published: 29 October 2021
forest management; Scots pine; European beech; hemispherical photography; time-series analysis
1999, this site experienced an important windstorm in 2009 and a second thinning the same
year. In addition, further non stand-replacing disturbances have been periodic droughts.
Specifically, the years 2005 and 2016 had low yearly rainfall values, whereas 2003, 2011,
2012, and 2018 had consistent water shortages (i.e., at least in two consecutive months
precipitation was less than 35 mm). Although the driest summer of the sampling period
was 2005, the driest year was 2011 [29]. The hottest mean temperatures were reached in
2003 and 2017.
Table 1. Canopy structural features for selected years: 1999 (after 1st thinning), 2009 (before 2nd Table 2018. (last available
inventory). Average tree height measured as the average of 50 trees randomly selected in each plot.
Pine Density Beech Density Pine Basal Area Pine Average Tree Height
Plot Trees ha−1 Trees ha−1 m2 ha−1 m
1999 2009 2018 2009 2018 1999 2009 2018 1999 2018
Plot 3 2467 1650 1224 392 283 44.0 47.2 47.4 16.3 19.8
Plot 4 4792 2650 1383 942 767 44.6 48.2 37.1 12.2 17.6
Plot 9 3292 1883 1599 408 442 38.3 43.8 47.9 12.6 19.9
Average 3517 2061 1402 581 497 42.3 46.4 44.1 13.7 19.1
Light thinning
Plot 1 2350 2150 1258 175 167 30.5 43.9 42.0 12.2 17.7
Plot 6 2392 2042 899 208 517 34.7 44.9 29.0 12.7 18.9
Plot 8 1842 1650 999 475 817 30.4 41.3 39.5 13.7 19.0
Average 2195 1947 1052 286 500 31.9 43.4 36.8 12.9 18.5
Heavy thinning
Plot 2 2575 2500 1266 383 517 28.5 41.2 35.8 11.7 17.0
Plot 5 2275 2192 1216 192 300 28.1 41.6 36.0 12.3 18.9
Plot 7 1750 1650 833 292 325 30.5 41.1 34.9 13.4 20.1
Average 2200 2114 1105 289 381 29.0 41.3 35.6 12.5 18.7
Site average 2637 2041 1186 385 459 34.4 43.7 38.8 13.0 18.8
To study the relationships between vegetation, disturbances, and light levels that have
taken place at this site, we analyzed light properties obtained by hemispherical photographs
during 14 years and studied the effect of broadleaf subcanopy cover and tree species
richness on predicting such light properties. Hemispherical photography (HP hereafter) is
a technique commonly used in forest sciences to characterize plant and tree canopies [30,31].
By taken pictures at extreme wide-angles, it is possible to infer the structure of the forest
canopy by pointing a fisheye lens upward (typically covering 180◦ degrees) from the
bottom of the forest canopy and directly above the understory. HP is a well-established
methodology to study light properties in forests, with demonstrated potential for estimating
changes in light properties and forest canopy for long periods [30,32]. HP is a convenient
tool useful to characterize the forest light environments and biophysical attributes, which
are directly related to physiological and functional features of the forest canopy [31]. On
the other hand, image acquisition and further processing steps are the main drawback for
HP [33]. However, HP is an inexpensive and relatively simple methodology, compared
to others methods, such as aerial and terrestrial LIDAR, which provide a large amount of
information on forest structure, but are harder to use to infer light conditions.
Hence, our first hypothesis was that tree density reduction over time due to thinning
or natural events caused substantial changes in light properties but only for a short time
(a few years), followed by a quick recovery of the forest canopy. To test this hypothesis,
we analyzed the changes of different light properties and verified if there was variation
due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances (e.g., wind, drought, thinning) for 14 years
(2005–2019). Our second hypothesis was that as broadleaf canopy cover and richness
change through natural forest succession, there is a concomitant change in light properties.
To test this hypothesis, we studied the capacity of broadleaf canopy cover and richness
indexes to predict light properties in three independent years (2003, 2008, and 2016).
Forests 2021, 12, 1485 4 of 20
Figure 1. (a) Site location showing the nine plots used in the study. Green plots indicate control plots
Figure 1. (a) Site location showing the nine plots used in the study. Green plots indicate control plots
(no thinning), blue plots indicate heavy thinning, and uncolored plots indicate light thinning (see main
(no thinning), blue plots indicate heavy thinning, and uncolored plots indicate light thinning (see
mainfor details).
text Yellow
for details). dotsdots
Yellow indicate thethe
indicate sampling
points where hemispherical
where hemispherical photographs were
taken. (b) Accumulated
were taken. (b) Accumulatedsummer precipitation
summer (June(June
precipitation to August) and average
to August) summer
and average temperature
for the yearsforofthe
studyof the studyBlack
period. period.bars
Black bars indicate
indicate the years
the years withwith major
major disturbances(thinning
(thinning and windstorms).
and windstorms).
Forests 2021, 12, 1485 5 of 20
At our study site, strong winds occurred from 22 to 25 January 2009, with winds from
west to east surpassing 100 km h−1 [35]. This caused uprooting and stem and branch
breakage in a noticeable number of trees (mostly pines), which opened gaps unevenly
distributed in the forest canopy of several study plots. However, the intensity of this
event was not enough to cause a general stand-replacing event. In addition, drought
events occurred in 2005, 2011, 2012, and 2016, when the amount of accumulated rain was
noticeably lower than the other years (Figure 1).
The stand is a natural mixed forest of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) and Fagus sylvatica
L. (European beech), regenerated after strip-like clear-cutting during the mid-1960s. Cur-
rently, although much less numerous than pine trees, many beech trees are co-dominant
or dominant, and occupy, on average, 39.4% of the forest canopy (our 2008 survey, un-
published data). The other individuals of broadleaved species occur as early stages of
the natural regeneration processes, with a few individuals arriving to the mid-stages
of canopy strata (7.3% and 0.5% of the mixed forest canopy, respectively, 2008 survey,
unpublished data).
or the proper alignment with respect to geographic north [38]. In our case, we divided the
projection of the hemispheric photography into 90 concentric rings, each ring corresponding
to a circular sphere segment in the sky hemisphere with an arc of 1 degree.
(b) Leaf area index (LAI) of vegetation is defined as the amount of leaf area per unit of
ground area. We used an indirect calculation based on a method described by [39]. Five
viewing angles were used: 7, 23, 38, 53, and 68 degrees. The gap fractions (T) around each
viewing angle, in bands of 13◦ , were calculated with similar methods as total openness for
the hemisphere.
(c) Direct light is obtained from the direct photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)
and represents the amount of light that reaches the upper part of the forest canopy. It
is assumed that if the Sun is not obstructed by the forest canopy, direct light is equal to
that of above the canopy (i.e., PPFD reaches maximum values). This approach is simple
and ignores cloudiness, twilight effects, and scattering of the light when entering through
the forest canopy. In our case, we first calculated direct light for both above (DirectAbove)
and below (DirectBelow) canopy levels of the day with the higher solar radiation (21 June).
Below light accounts for the light that trespasses the canopy layers. At the same time, the
amount of photosynthetic influx was also estimated for the whole year (DirectAbove.Yr,
(d) Diffuse light is related to the diffuse PPFDs, and represents the amount of light
scattered by the atmosphere. The amount of diffuse light on a horizontal surface can be
estimated as being 15% of the amount of direct light added to the amount of direct light
on that same area. Same as done for the direct light, diffuse light was calculated for both
above (DiffAbove) and below (DiffBelow) canopy levels for 21 June. Similarly, the yearly
amount of diffuse photosynthetic influx was also estimated (DiffAbove.Yr, DiffBelow.Yr).
(e) Sunflecks are intermittent periods of high photon flux density at the forest understo-
ries and lower canopies of trees, which significantly improve carbon gain in vegetation [40].
In our study, we defined a sunfleck as that event in which the direct light below the canopy
was larger than zero. For each HP, we calculated the number of sunflecks for 21 June
(N.Sunflecks). Finally, we calculated the longest duration of the sunflecks for each HP
(Max.Sunflecks) as a measure of the strongest photon flux density potentially received.
For each of the light variables listed above, we computed the mean and standard
deviation values for all sampling points at plot level (Table 2). The number of pictures
used per year were 90 (10 per plot), except in 2012 (49 pictures) and 2015 (82 pictures). For
2012 and 2015, all plots have at least three usable pictures available per plot, except plot
2 in 2012 (two pictures) and plot 8 in 2015 (zero pictures). In addition, most of the plots
for those years had 9 or 10 pictures, especially in 2015. Hence, the influence of missing
pictures due to technical difficulties was minimal, with only 4.76% of all data missing or
not included in further calculations due to low quality.
Table 2. Average values of the light-related variables for the monitored period (2005–2019). Values show average ± standard error. Broadleaf subcanopy cover was measured in a 1.0 m
radius area surrounding the sampling point and broadleaf subcanopy richness was measured in a 4.0 m radius area.
For each buffer zone and sampling point, we overlapped the maps of projected tree
species canopies and we calculated the number of tree species present and the proportion of
forest canopy covered by one or more broadleaf tree species. In order to avoid calculation
error in large size buffers, those buffers that exceeded the plot size were cropped to fit the
plot limits.
the elevated number of pairwise comparisons, we used a Bonferroni test to adjust the
significance of variable changes in the multiple comparisons.
3. Results
3.1. Temporal Changes in Light Variables
Overall, we found nonstationary trends of the values of light variables, with two major
disturbance events occurring in 2010 and 2015 (Figure 2), and followed by recovery periods
of the initial values recorded at the beginning of our time series. Maximum values in light
variables were recorded prior to 2008, changing afterward to reach minimum values in
2010. This pattern was especially relevant for plot 1 (light thinning) and plot 9 (control),
which were located in the north area of our study site. Light variables recovered their
initial values in 2013. Afterward, we also detected a small increase of light values in 2015,
with a subsequently fast recovery in 2016 (Figure 2). This event was especially strong for
plot 6 (light thinning) and plot 9 (control). Regarding thinning treatments effects, they were
not consistent over time, with the observed trends more dependent on peculiarities of each
plot. Considering the whole monitored period, there was a trend to higher CanOpen in
thinned plots, but not clear patterns for other variables (Table 2).
Forests 2021,12,
Forests2021, 12,1485
Figure Partialvariables from thefunctions
autocorrelation hemispherical
(PACFs)photograaphs during over
for light variables the studied yearsyears
the studied for the
the plots that showed
five plots with the
time: (a) CanOpen 2 − 2 − 2 − 1)
larger changes
clearest trends.over
(a) CanOpen, (parts
(b) LAI, (c) DirectBelow.Yr, (d)LAI
per unit), (b) (m m ),and
N.Sunflecks, DirectBelow.Yr
(c) (e) (µmol
Max.Sunflecks. Each , (d) N.Sunflecks
mlinesrepresents different
(µmol −2 s−1 ), and (e) Max.Sunflecks (minutes). Each line corresponds to different plots. For each light variable, horizontal
plots. m
The y-axis represents the values the PACF can take (from 1.0 to –1.0), and the x-axis represents the years. For y-axis,
lines represent
values close tothe mean
zero values
(dashed whereas
lines) showvertical lineswas
that there symbolize standard
no temporal error.
autocorrelation of the values of each light variable
with respect to the previous year.
When taking into account the thinning treatments, for CanOpen (Figure 2a), the years
with more significant
3.4. Forest contrasts
Canopy Structure as were 2008
Driver to 2010,
of Light followed by 2005–2006. For LAI (Figure 2b),
the years with the most significant changes were 2015,
When accounting for light variables explained by 2009–2010, and 2005–2006.
forest canopy weDirect-
variables,For found
that an area of 4.0 m radius around each sampling point had the highest performanceFor
(Figure 2c), significant contrast were found in 2008 to 2010 and 2015–2016. for
N.Sunflecks (Figure 2d), the years appearing in the highest number of significant contrasts
CanOpen, DirectBelowYr, N.Sunflecks, and Max.Sunflecks, whereas an area of 2.0 m radius
were 2005–2006, 2008–2009, and 2011. Finally, for Max.Sunflecks (Figure 2e) only a few years
had the highest performance for LAI (see Figure S10, Supplementary Materials). When
Forests 2021, 12, 1485 11 of 20
showed significant contrast in the period 2009 to 2011. Overall, we found a higher number
of significant pairwise contrasts between plots, which suggests that the observed temporal
patterns were more related to the intrinsic particularities to each plot than to thinning
treatments (see Table S3, Supplementary Materials, for detailed results on pairwise contrast
between consecutive years).
Figure Light variables from the
autocorrelation hemispherical
functions (PACFs)photograaphs duringover
for light variables the the
studied years
studied for for
years the the
plots thatwith
plots showed
larger changes over time: (a) CanOpen (parts per unit), (b) LAI (m 2 m−2), (c) DirectBelow.Yr (µ mol m−2 s−1), (d) N.Sunflecks
clearest trends. (a) CanOpen, (b) LAI, (c) DirectBelow.Yr, (d) N.Sunflecks, and (e) Max.Sunflecks. Each line represents different
(µ mol m−2 s−1), and (e) Max.Sunflecks (minutes). Each line corresponds to different plots. For each light variable, horizontal
plots. The y-axis represents the values the PACF can take (from 1.0 to −1.0), and the x-axis represents the years. For y-axis,
lines represent the mean values whereas vertical lines symbolize standard error.
values close to zero (dashed lines) show that there was no temporal autocorrelation of the values of each light variable with
respect to the previous year.
3.2. Spatial Differences in Light Variables
When takingdifferences
Regarding into account differences
between plotsbetween
within aplots, a higher
single number
year, no of significant
clear patterns were
changes between consecutive years were found for all variables except N.Sunflecks.
found due to thinning treatments, being intrinsic plot-level features responsible for most For
CanOpen, significant
of the observed pairwise among
differences contrasts werewith
plots, concentrated in particularly
plot 1 and 2005–2006, 2009
plotand 2011–2012.
9 consistently
For LAI, changes were found in 2005 to 2009. For DirectBelow.Yr, significant
showing light behaviors different from the other plots. In particular, for CanOpen contrasts
plot 9 (a
between consecutive years were found for 2005–2007 and 2011–2012. For N.Sunflecks,
control plot) accumulated 29% of the significant differences among plots (pairwise the
Forests 2021, 12, 1485 13 of 20
only significant contrast was found in 2005–2006. For Max.Sunflecks, significant contrasts
were found in the period 2005–2007 (see Table S4, Supplementary Materials, for detailed
results on significant pairwise contrast between consecutive years).
Table 3. Summary of the estimates for the “best model” accounting for the effect years, richness, and
proportion of forest cover at explaining light variables, according to the AIC value, computed for
an area of 5.0 m radius around each sampling point. Only the most significant values representing
interactions between year, canopy richness, and proportion of forest cover are shown. Significant
values (p < 0.05) are in bold.
4. Discussion
Overall, we found that the non stand-replacing windstorm in 2009 caused a strong
signal in the properties of the light available for the understory, tending to recover two
to three years after such event. Likewise, drought events (i.e., 2005 and 2012) generated
moderate changes in the temporal trend of understory light properties, with a fast recovery
time (typically along the subsequent year). Therefore, our first hypothesis can be accepted,
corroborating similar canopy response to diffuse disturbances reported previously [51].
However, we did not find strong associations between thinning treatments and trends
in light properties, suggesting that human-caused and natural disturbances can interact
among them at tree-level scales, making difficult to particularize the effects of individual
We also found that that the buffer area of 4.0 m radius around the sampling points
was the one best explaining the majority of light variables. In addition, we found that the
majority of light variables predicted the proportion of ground covered by the broadleaf
subcanopy, whereas only a few of these light variables exolained the species richness of
the broadleaf canopy. Hence, our second hypothesis can be accepted for canopy cover but
not for canopy richness, indicating that species functional traits, rather than diversity, are
influencing light levels in the understory.
On the other hand, it has been assumed that windstorms could be a key abiotic factor
that generate gaps in forest ecosystems [60,61], a pattern consistent with our findings.
Strong winds affect forest dynamics by causing tree and branch mortality, and increasing
woody debris, whereas thinning is usually followed by forest floor cleaning, which allows
seedling regeneration [62]. However, we found that the lowest values of CanOpen, DirectBe-
low.Yr, and N.Sunflecks occurred in 2010 and 2011 (with LAI showing the opposite pattern),
which were the years after thinning and strong winds had happened. Although this pattern
could seem counterintuitive at first glance, we suggest that the combination of thinning
and strong winds allowed greater light availability at the forest understory, triggering the
growth of subcanopy and understory species (such as Rubus spp. or Pteridium aquilinum L,
or saplings of broadleaves, abundant in our study site), consequently increasing LAI values
and growing above 1 m (i.e., the height at which HP were taken) [51,62]. In particular, [63]
demonstrated that LAI values in shrub-dominated zones were higher compared to tree-
dominated zones, eventually implying that abandonment of forest management practices
led to a decrease in both the availability and the spatial heterogeneity of understory light
due to tree canopy expansion. After such events, the forest canopy is covered by trees and
tall shrubs in the understory (such as Prunus spp., Quercus spp. in early regeneration stages,
Buxus sempervirens L., etc.), lowering the values of CanOpen, DirectBelow.Yr, and N.Sunflecks.
However, we found that the latter alteration was more localized than generalized, and only
a small number of plots had strong changes in light properties (notably those located in
the northern area of our study plot; see above), likely as a consequence of opening the tree
canopy by branch and stem breakage and some tree uprooting by strong wind storms.
As an additional factor, drought has direct impacts on health, dynamics, and abun-
dance of tree species [9]. During the short-term, drought triggers overstory defoliation and
leads to increased light availability for the understory [64], a pattern that is additionally
modulated by the species-specific responses to stress. For the mid- to long-term, severe
droughts can produce important reductions in tree growth or eventual deaths [65,66]. In
our study site, we detected changes in light properties during 2006 and from 2012 to 2014,
likely derived from drought events occurring during those particular years [67]. Compared
to the 2009 thinning plus windstorm event, droughts generated more moderate changes
in light variables, but still noticeable, particularly in CanOpen, LAI, DirectBelow.Yr, and
N.Sunflecks. Unfortunately, we could not carry out a detailed plot-level analysis of drought
effects as we lacked direct soil moisture measurements during the monitoring period.
These events led to increases in available light at the forest understory (i.e., higher
values for CanOpen, DirectBelow.Yr, and N.Sunflecks and lower values of LAI), probably as a
consequence of defoliation. At this site, a positive relationship between increased litterfall
production and summer droughts has been reported [8], and P. sylvestris and F. sylvatica leaf
litterfall production has been linked to climatic changes [68]. The composition of overstory
tree species, the abundance and vertical distribution of understory vegetation, and the soil
type (through its influence on vegetation) are also crucial in factors influencing understory
light properties [69]. At our site, defoliation due to summer drought was quickly recovered
the following year [8], supporting our finding that light properties were quickly recovered
after the drought events. This fact suggests that tree vitality at this site is enough to cope
with isolated drought events [70]. As occurred with the strong wind event in January 2009,
the drought events seem to have affected only some plots.
Finally, for the same forest and time period, [68] reported a strong increase in broadleaf
production over time, shifting leaf litter from being pine-dominated in 2000 to beech-
dominated by 2017. This change in the canopy biomass composition could be related with
a certain gradual understory shadowing over the 14-year time period, as shown by the
lower light levels measured in the later years when compared to the initial years. This
can be interpreted as a signal of forest succession within the stationary series, as once the
forest canopy regains its structure, the increasingly dominant broadleaf trees have stronger
effects on the light conditions underneath, both decreasing understory LAI values and
stabilizing other light variables.
Forests 2021, 12, 1485 16 of 20
4.2. Relationships between Forest Canopy Structure and Understory Light Variables
We found a strong influence of the size of the area around each sampling point
when explaining light variables by forest structure factors (cover and richness). Our
findings suggested that a radius of 4.0 m (~50 m2 ) was the most suitable. This fine spatial
scale (small patch, almost tree-level) suggests that forest structure directly above the
sampling point explained most of the light properties in the understory. This is directly
linked to the presence of beech, which dominates the light environment in the subcanopy
and understory layers. As demonstrated by [71,72], beech has greater leaf area per tree
compared to other species such as Acer pseudoplatanus L. (maple), Fraxinus excelsior L.
(ash), or Quercus pubescens (oak), which are also present in our study site. However, we
should note that the canopy covered by pine was not included in the analysis, as it was
assumed to be a homogeneous distribution (based on stem distribution maps) on the top
canopy layer (~20 m), above all the broadleaves, which were considered as the species that
actually created the heterogeneity in the canopy structure. However, this assumption may
have caused a bias for the first years in the series, when the dominance of pine over the
broadleaves was more clear [68].
In addition, we also found that species richness was able to explain certain light
properties, particularly DirectBelow.Yr and N.Sunflecks. Morin et al. [73] reported that
higher species richness leads to a larger leaf area index because of higher diversity in
leaf traits. In our study site, species richness is directly related to the presence of shade-
tolerant woody species. Diffuse light (dominated by overstory layer), species richness,
beech proportion in the overstory, and heterogeneity of tree diameters have been described
as the most important drivers of species composition [60]. In our case, DirectBelow.Yr was
positively related to species richness, whereas N.Sunflecks showed a negative relationship,
as more leaf traits were translated into a more dense cover, reducing the possibility of direct
light reaching the understory layer.
Our findings suggest that a fine spatial scale at patch-level (4.0 m radius or ~50 m2 )
allows for including the presence of non-dominant broadleaf trees, which are more het-
erogeneously distributed than the pine overstory and that have been proven as important
in defining the understory light environment. Although we did not study the effects of
individual tree species on light variables, species richness can be considered a proxy of
canopy complexity [74]. Higher species richness resulted in increased space filling in
the shadowed lower canopy levels in mixed forests [75]. Hence, tree species diversity
positively affected canopy complexity [76]. Based on our results, we suggest that it is
necessary to consider the entire tree species composition when studying the understory
light environment, as relying purely on light properties of the dominant species could
provide biased information.
Thinning could also help other Mediterranean species better adapted to drought conditions,
such as the pine itself or oaks to develop, while decreasing competitiveness of the beech,
and maintaining biodiversity (compared to pure stands of beech or pine). Overall, long-
term monitoring of canopy structure development and understory light conditions will
remain important in the future to better understand the relationship between moderate but
frequent natural and anthropogenic disturbances during the ecological succession from
conifer to broadleaves, particularly under the uncertainty of future climate change.
5. Conclusions
As forest management moves towards the paradigm of near-nature forestry, a better
understanding on how disturbances affect light (one of the main growth limiting factors
for the understory) is needed. All things considered, we found that this mixed conifer–
broadleaf Mediterranean forest quickly recovered from abiotic (windstorms and drought)
and anthropogenic disturbances (thinning) after two to three years, suggesting stability
and resilience of this mixedwood to environmental changes. Our results also indicated the
importance of non stand-replacing disturbances such as winds, thinning, and droughts
as the main drivers affecting changes in the understory light environment. Our findings
also suggest that canopy cover is the main structural feature influencing understory light
properties, but species richness also adds important information to better understand light
variability in the forest understory.
Last but not least, our study highlights the feasibility of using HP to keep track
of how light parameters change within the forest, and what these changes explain. As
we have already accumulated 14 years of data, we are encouraged to keeping using
this methodology as a practical tool for long-term monitoring and research programs,
making possible further comparison of new data with the data retrieved here. Finally,
because hemispherical photographs can be improved, for instance, with new smartphone
devices [79], HP can potentially become even easier to conduct in the near future.
Funding: This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grants
numbers AGL2006-08288, AGL2009-11287, AGL2012-33465, and AGL2016-76463-P. J.R.P. was funded
by the La Caixa Foundation and Caja Navarra Foundation, under agreement LCF/PR/PR13/51080004
in the framework of the Public University of Navarre’s “Captación de Talento” program.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to continuous expanding and curation
of the database.
Acknowledgments: We wish to thank the collaboration of Eider Etxabarri, Itziar Oscoz, Jon Ander
Calafell, Irantzu Primicia, Maitane Unzu, María Ansó, Adrián Cardil, David Candel-Pérez, Ester
González de Andrés, Yueh-Hsin Lo, Ander Gómez, and Iñigo Arozarena during field work. Special
thanks are also due to Fernando Valladares, for helping us to set up the monitoring scheme and train
us in carrying out the first analysis of hemispherical photos. Fieldwork was conducted with the
permission of the Government of Navarra and the Navascués city council.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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