Title Proposal
Title Proposal
Title Proposal
The library management system aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily
work of the library. This project has many features that are generally not available in normal library
management systems like facility of user login and a facility of teacher’s login. It also has a facility of
admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system. It also has the facility of an online
notice board where teachers can student can put up information about workshops or seminars being
held in our colleges or nearby colleges and librarian after proper verification from the concerned
institution organizing the seminar can add it to the notice board. It has also a facility where students
after logging in their accounts can see a list of books issued and its issue date and return date and also
the students can request the librarian to add new books by filling the book request form. The librarian
after logging into his account i.e. admin account can generate various reports such as student reports,
issue reports, teacher reports, and book reports. Overall this project of ours is being developed to help
the students as well as the staff of the library to maintain the library in the best way possible and also
Library Management system helps in maintaining data of books issued to learners and books
available in the library. This helps librarians to spot any particular book at any given time in the library.
The Library is the place where organized collection of books, magazines, journals, dictionaries,
encyclopedias and other reading materials made accessible to a defined community for reference or
borrowing. Library is regarded as the brain of many institutes. Library system project offers many
flexible and convenient features, allowing librarians and library users to maximize time and efficiency.
Library System gives all detailed information about students, staff and books. It will track on how
many books are available in the library and books issued to the students.
From ancient times the knowledge is spread by people across the world in written form. First,
the information is stored by carving words on copper using the sharp tool; by the time the papers are
invented and using the ink and feather of bird the information is started to store on paper, which helped
a lot for storing purpose. It's very difficult to store the data stored in books secured and safe; as we
know the paper can be torn apart or they got stolen by someone or in worst scenario pages get eaten by
bugs. So as we know from old times the libraries are managed manually by a group of people. The
methods are really difficult as compare to today’s digitized world, nowadays we can find anything on
just one click, but we see at past methods they kept written records for each thing and that record goes
on increasing as time pass. If the records got lost then there is no other for retrieving them back, so the
loss is permanent. Digitization of library helps to keep all the records secured and retrievable which
saves the paperwork and made library records easy to store. This project not only helps to store the
library records but it also provides access to the library management staffs and students to check the
information related to the books like availability of books, issue and returning dates, fine related to the
delay in returning the book and the information is accessed by both librarian and students so it will be
transparent system.
A system of a library is made to have a fast process of transactions for searching book titles,
borrowing books, returning books, computing penalties and generating an accurate report. From the
traditional searching process for the books in the libraries, the interactive usage of computers can be
Library Management System is also another way of creating an atmosphere of good relationship
between students and librarians. With this reality, the person came up with an idea to develop an
advanced Web-based application Computer Operating System. This could be a break-through for a
modern process from manual system into computerized system that can produce a more organized
reliable and user-friendly application which will access the web using personal computer.
A library management system is software that will handle basic and systematic organization of
function in the library. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update student’s
information, add/update books information, search for books and manage check-in/check-out
In this application we can maintain the records of students and books and enable to determine how
many books are issued and likewise determine the available books in the library.
Many libraries are operated manually by a group of people. These people keep records regarding the
books and students (borrowers), check the books manually and keep records on issued books. !ll these
thing shave to be carried out manually and if the library is very large, proper record keeping will
become a major problem as manual record keeping has never been a reliable method because people
Research Goal
The goal of coming up with this system was to design, develop, and implement a fully automated
To enable a secure and portable database system that eliminates duplicate data.
As the economic growth increased the peoples are led to the higher aspiration to excel in
education and work through better access to information and knowledge. Technologies for building
user-centered digital library environments and making computer-user interactions more intelligent
should be explored .Earnshaw discussed in his article about the old libraries and its drawbacks to
keeping records. A book provided an irreducible deposit of information that could be read, reviewed,
criticized, as well as providing the basis for the development of its ideas into further
gravity has moved from information provision to information access. Online search (via engines such
as Google) is replacing physical search. Combining the best of both worlds i.e. the traditional library
and the online search – to meet the developing requirements of users is a key challenge for the future.
In this article, the author discussed the digital media consideration, the initial development in digital
libraries and the long term preservation of digital data. As mentioned in this article digital library is a
repository where a significant proportion of content is in the digital form. Which can be indexed and
searchable via electronics means which is an advantage over the paper-based information .The
difficulty and expense of preserving digital information is a potential impediment to digital library
development. Preservation of traditional materials became more successful and systematic after
libraries and archives integrated preservation into the overall planning and resource allocation. Digital
preservation is largely
experimental and replete with the risks associated with untested methods. Digital preservation
strategies are shaped by the needs and constraints of repositories with little consideration for the
research and study. Majority of these libraries are situated within the facilities of learning institution.
These libraries play an important role in the entire operation of an institution. (Chweh S.S, 1981) In his
journaltitled “User criteria for evaluation of library service” outlined features of a good library. These
books, and the quality of reference services delivered, quite environment for studying, catalog integrity,
how services are friendly and willingness of librarians to help. The Library Book Management System
has been developed with the aim of improving services delivered to its users. This is made possible by
automating all the library services. The system was developed after evaluating the legacy system which
had not automated a majority of its functions. User requirements were gathered so as to determine the
relevant functionality that was needed. This evaluation acted as a management tool to measure the
effectiveness of services delivered to the library users and to identify-disadvantages of the system and
the most appropriate way forward. Book lending systems were created way back in the past centuries
even before the computer age. The French book wheel invention enabled scholars to circulate books by
stepping on a pedal that turned book table. Albert Cotgreave developed the book indicator back in
1863. It housed smaller versions of the books making it possible to tell the availability of the book, or if
it was overdue. Automation of libraries began in 1930’s. This is when the punch card systems were
used to manage book acquisition and circulation. (Gapen, 1993) Notes; virtual library comprises aspect
of remotely accessing services and content of other libraries, alongside other resources of information.
The internet acts as a powerful tool through which materials can be made available for sharing and
access by anyone across the globe. Libraries have accumulated resources that can provide a good
source of information for research and other use. Making these rich resources available to the general
public across the globe is of great advantage. The aim of technological advancements is to make work
easier and ensure efficiency is realized in all facets of life where it’s applicable(Aswal, 2Libraries
across the world present a conducive environment where people converge to do their research and
study. Majority of these libraries are situated within the facilities of learning institution. These libraries
System feasibility
A system undergoes a number of feasibility analyses to determine if it can be acquired and eventually
adopted. It involves a constant process that looks at the operational, technical, economic, cultural,legal,
Operational feasibility
Library Book Management System presents a number of features making it operationally feasible.
Reports are generated automatically by a function that retrieves relevant information from the database
and present them to a user in Microsoft Excel formats. The system is easy to use and navigate hence
enables any user with minimal computer skills to use it. The system has incorporated the use of security
features and access levels that allow only authorized users to login. The system is negotiable since it
presents users with a number of options to click on and accomplish their functions. It presents an easier
Technical feasibility
The system is technically feasible in a number of ways. It was developed using a number of readily
available web development tools. Coding was done using PHP server side scripting language,
JavaScript,Bootstrap, CSS, JQuery, and HTML5. The system made use of MySQL database and Wamp
Cultural Feasibility
Cultural feasibility takes a look at the feelings of the system end users. A number of issues raised by the
end users were put into consideration while designing this system. The system is culturally feasible in a
number of ways. End users can access the system and view their profiles using their respective unique
passwords and usernames. The system has functionality for users to change their passwords. The user
shave come to appreciate the system due to its attractive and user friendly nature. The system grants
more access privilege’s to the librarian unlike other users of the system due to his administrative nature
of tasks.
Legal Feasibility
This system has minimal licensing issues since it was developed using open source software. This
system's meant to operate in the library, hence it’s subject to the rules and regulations governing the
The Library Book Management System facilitates the provision of access to large volumes of
resources-available online hence enhancing knowledge among its users. Knowledge is meant to be
shared; hence this system provides an open environment for all its users to learn from each other by
providing a platform of accessing rich material resources online. The system is also cost effective
hence it provides a great deal for institutions which cannot afford the more expensive library
managements systems a chance to own one. To provide and enhance a useful learning and research
oriented environment, libraries should automate all their services provided to their end users.
Based on the results of the ?endings gathered, I would like to recommend the following:
The Library consider the proposed Library system for them to increase the number of their
student or user.
The proposed system be implemented by the library because it is more productive and more
Training must be conducted before the actual operation of the developed system