Anemia in Pregnancy: Alfred Ian Lee,, Maureen M. Okam

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A n e m i a i n P re g n a n c y

a b,
Alfred Ian Lee, MD, PhD , Maureen M. Okam, MD, MPH *

 Anemia  Pregnancy  Iron deficiency  Folate  B12 deficiency

“A person, ordinarily in good health . suddenly becomes pale, the surface of the
body being waxy and bloodless; she is faint and fatigued; capable of great bodily
efforts which, however, produce palpitations and distress; she has pain in the
head, impatience of light, throbbing at the temples, and sometimes an universal
throbbing, slight confusion in the mind, and a sense of total and extreme prostra-
tion. At the same time the pulse is frequent, large, strong and hard; at least, an
observer who should not see the pallid face and miserable look of the patient,
would pronounce it to be hard.. Still every surface which can be examined
during life, is destitute of blood. And after death, the only remarkable appearance
is the bloodlessness of the tissues.”
Walter Channing, 1842

In 1842, Walter Channing, Dean of Harvard Medical School, published the first docu-
mented account of puerperal anemia in his narrative of Mrs H, who developed a fatal
nonhemorrhagic anemia shortly after delivery.1 Addison soon followed with his report
of idiopathic anemia, later renamed pernicious anemia owing to its grim prognosis,
with the term “pernicious anemia of pregnancy” coined to describe the Channing
disease. Landmark advances in the early part of the twentieth century uncovered
the pathologic basis of classic pernicious anemia, demonstrating the therapeutic
potential of parenteral liver extract and the central role of gastric intrinsic factor in
cobalamin (vitamin B12) absorption.2 Pernicious anemia of pregnancy was shown to
be primarily caused by a deficiency of folate rather than vitamin B12, based on the
observations that affected women lacked gastric achlorhydria and exhibited a slow
or absent response to liver supplementation.
Anemia of pregnancy is currently recognized as a major global health problem,
affecting nearly half of all pregnant women worldwide.3 The pernicious anemia of
Channing, once regarded as a model for puerperal and gestational anemia, has
been shown to be rare, accounting for only 1 of 200 to 1 of 1000 cases. Hydremia
of pregnancy, a gestational decrease in hemoglobin levels because of

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School,
44 Binney Street, Smith 353, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Division of Hematology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis
Street, Mid-campus 3, Boston, MA 02115, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hematol Oncol Clin N Am 25 (2011) 241–259

0889-8588/11/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.
242 Lee & Okam

a disproportionate increase in plasma volume, is the major physiologic contributor to

anemia of pregnancy.4 Globally, the most important pathologic cause of anemia of
pregnancy is iron deficiency, arising as a consequence of increased fetal use of
iron. In nonindustrialized countries, hookworm, malarial parasite, human immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV), and deficiencies in folate and other micronutrients may contribute to
anemia of pregnancy. Pregnancy-associated complications, including sepsis, infec-
tion, preeclampsia, malignancy, marrow failure, can also precipitate anemia.5


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines anemia of pregnancy as a hemoglobin

level of less than 11 g/dL, or hematocrit less than 33%, at any point during pregnancy.3
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines anemia of preg-
nancy as a hemoglobin level of less than 11 g/dL, or hematocrit less than 33%, in
the first or third trimester or hemoglobin less than 10.5 g/dL, or hematocrit less than
32%, in the second trimester.6
 Anemia of pregnancy primarily affects women of low socioeconomic status.
Globally, by WHO criteria, 52% of pregnant women from undeveloped or devel-
oping countries are anemic compared with 20% from industrialized nations.3 The
highest prevalence is among pregnant women in India (88%), followed by Africa
(50%), Latin America (40%), and the Caribbean (30%).
 The risk of anemia of pregnancy increases with progression of pregnancy. By
CDC criteria, among low-income pregnant women in the United States, 8%
are anemic in the first trimester, 12% in the second, and 34% in the third.7 The
prevalence of third-trimester anemia is viewed by the US Department of Health
and Human Services (DHHS) as a major indicator of reproductive health among
low-income women, with the highest prevalence in African Americans (48.5%),
followed by American Indians and Alaska Natives (33.9%), Hispanics and Latinas
(30.1%), Asians, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders (29%), and Whites
(27.5%). The Healthy People 2010 initiative, launched in 2000 by the DHHS,
proposed to reduce the prevalence of third-trimester anemia among low-
income women to 20% or less during the subsequent decade7; however, as of
2008, the overall prevalence had increased compared with previous years,
with only 1 state achieving DHHS goals (Montana, with 15.4% of low-income
pregnant women classified as anemic in the third trimester).


Dietary iron is absorbed by intestinal epithelial cells in the duodenum and jejunum.8,9
Absorption depends on gastric acid, which maintains iron in its soluble ferrous (Fe21)
form rather than the insoluble ferric (Fe31) form. Intracellular iron within macrophages
is liberated from senescent erythrocytes during erythrophagocytosis. Iron from both
intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages is transported, via ferroportin channels,
to the circulation, where it is bound to serum transferrin, which carries the bound
iron to target cells (Fig. 1). Transferrin receptors on the surfaces of erythroid progen-
itors, lymphocytes, and other proliferating cells bind and internalize the transferrin-iron
complex, releasing iron intracellularly through the transferrin cycle. Ferritin, an intracel-
lular protein that binds and sequesters iron, is leaked into the circulation in small levels;
serum ferritin levels are an accurate indicator of total body iron stores, although the
function of intracellular ferritin is unknown.
Anemia in Pregnancy 243

Fig. 1. Iron metabolism. Absorption of dietary iron by duodenal and jejunal epithelial cells is
dependent on gastric acid, which maintains iron in its soluble ferrous (Fe21) form rather
than the insoluble ferric (Fe31) form. Intestinal ferric reductase reduces any remaining
ferrous iron before intestinal epithelial cell uptake. Ferric iron is transported into intestinal
epithelial cells via divalent metal transporter (DMT-1) receptors. Within the intestinal
epithelial cell, some iron becomes bound by intracellular ferritin, whereas the remainder
is secreted via ferroportin channels into the circulation and bound by serum transferrin.
Hepcidin (not shown) regulates iron metabolism by binding ferroportin, inducing its endo-
cytosis and degradation in lysosomes.

The primary regulator of iron use is hepcidin, which binds ferroportin and induces its
endocytosis and degradation in lysosomes.8,9 High hepcidin levels cause intracellular
accumulation of iron and impairment of iron use, as seen in anemia of inflammation; by
contrast, hepcidin deficiency, seen in hemochromatosis, results in uncontrolled
release of iron into the circulation. Transferrin, ferritin, and hepcidin are produced by
the liver. The latter 2 are acute phase reactants, and their levels may be elevated
during infection, inflammation, or stress.

Iron Requirements During Pregnancy

Approximately 1190 mg of iron is required to sustain pregnancy from conception
through delivery.10 Processes such as maternal and fetal erythropoiesis, as well as
blood loss during labor and delivery, consume iron, whereas cessation of menses
during pregnancy and lactation conserve iron. The net iron balance during pregnancy,
delivery, and the postpartum period is a deficit of 580 mg. When averaged over
a gestational period of 290 days, the overall maternal iron deficit amounts to an iron
requirement of 2 mg/d, in addition to the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg
for women of childbearing age. By comparison, the average daily iron absorption
from Western diets is 1 to 2 mg/d, or 3 to 5 mg/d from diets rich in iron-containing
foods. Most women therefore cannot optimally maintain iron needs during pregnancy
even under optimal dietary circumstances, accounting for the high incidence of
244 Lee & Okam

pregnancy-associated anemia in nonindustrialized countries, where nutritional status

is poor.
The kinetics of iron use over the course of pregnancy gives rise to predictable fluc-
tuations in hematologic parameters11:
 Maternal hemoglobin levels decline progressively from the first to the ninth
month of gestation, then increase in the month before delivery. In the absence
of iron supplementation, the nadir is approximately 10.5 g/dL at 27 to 30 weeks
of gestation. Iron supplementation alters this kinetics, producing a less-severe
nadir (11.5 g/dL) occurring earlier (22–26 weeks).
 Serum ferritin levels decline beginning in the third trimester, then increase in
the month before delivery owing to the acute phase response. The nadir is
approximately 15 g/mL at 35 to 38 weeks in the absence of iron supplementation
or 20 m/L at 31 to 34 weeks with iron.
 Red cell mean corpuscular volume (MCV) may decline during the third trimester,
although the magnitude of the effect is mitigated by iron supplementation.
 Serum erythropoietin levels increase steadily during the first and second trimes-
ters, then surge in the third trimester. In both pregnant and nonpregnant patients,
erythropoietin secretion, mediated by the kidneys, is inversely proportional to
hemoglobin levels and blood oxygen content. In pregnancy, iron supplementa-
tion may lower peak erythropoietin levels.
 Maternal hepcidin levels are reduced at term to facilitate iron transfer and use.12
Women with iron deficiency in pregnancy have more profound levels of hepcidin
suppression at term than those in iron-replete women, although interpretation of
such findings is complicated by hepcidin’s role as an acute phase reactant, with
increased levels at the time of labor.

Hemodynamic Changes During Pregnancy

Hydremia of pregnancy was first proposed by German and French physicians in the
1830s and formally demonstrated in 1934 by Dieckmann and Wegner,4 who measured
plasma volume, red cell mass, and hemoglobin levels at intervals throughout preg-
nancy and observed that although all 3 parameters increased with gestation, the
increase in plasma volume was greater than that of red cell mass or hemoglobin levels.
As a general rule, the total circulatory volumes during pregnancy increase by a factor
of 30% to 50% compared with baseline, although in individual studies, considerable
variation is reported, reflecting differences in study populations and in techniques
used to measure plasma and cell volumes. During pregnancy, the following specific
hemodynamic changes occur:
 Plasma volume decreases in the first 6 weeks of gestation, then expands from
the sixth week to 34 to 36 weeks, achieving levels 50% above baseline.
 Red cell mass decreases in the first 12 weeks, then increases from 12 weeks to
the third trimester, reaching levels that are 20% to 30% above baseline.
 Both plasma volume and red cell mass decline in the final month of gestation,
returning to prepregnancy levels by 6 to 8 weeks post partum.
The increase in maternal circulatory volume during pregnancy is accompanied by
a decrease in systemic vascular resistance and an increase in perfusion of the utero-
placental and renal vascular beds, thought to be the effect of multiple hormones (eg,
renin, angiotensin II, aldosterone, thromboxane A2, cortisol, estrogens, progesterone,
antidiuretic hormone, atrial natriuretic hormone, and prostacyclin).13 Maternal expan-
sion of plasma volume and red cell mass supports fetal amniotic fluid production,
Anemia in Pregnancy 245

mitigates hemodynamic insults such as hemorrhage, enhances total blood oxygen

binding capacity, and facilitates tissue oxygen delivery. The importance of maternal
circulatory expansion is illustrated by the consequences of hypovolemia, which
include reduction in maternal glomerular filtration rate and development of fetal


Clinicians long recognized that hydremia alone could not account for the hemoglobin
levels of less than 7 g/dL in 10% to 70% of pregnant women reported in the early
twentieth century studies. A central role for iron deficiency in anemia of pregnancy
was demonstrated in the 1950s by the frequent finding of hypochromia, microcytosis,
and anisocytosis in the blood smears of pregnant women with anemia, and the reso-
lution of such abnormalities following iron supplementation.15 Iron deficiency has
since been recognized as the most common cause of anemia of pregnancy world-
wide, manifesting predominantly in the third trimester, when iron is maximally accu-
mulated to accommodate erythropoiesis in the growing fetus.16

Risk Factors
In addition to poor nutritional intake, factors that impair iron absorption may precipi-
tate iron deficiency in pregnancy, including bariatric surgery, antacids, and defi-
ciencies of micronutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and copper.17,18

Clinical Manifestations
Fatigue, pallor, light-headedness, tachycardia, dyspnea, poor exercise tolerance, and
suboptimal work performance have all been reported in pregnant or postpartum
women with iron deficiency, as have postpartum depression, poor maternal/infant
behavioral interactions, impaired lactation, low birth weight, premature delivery, intra-
uterine growth retardation, and increased fetal and neonatal mortality.19–23 Although
supplemental iron improves the hematologic abnormalities of iron deficiency in preg-
nancy, the therapeutic benefits to neonatal mortality, infant morbidity, and child devel-
opment are uncertain.11,19,21,22

By either the CDC or WHO criteria, the presence of anemia in combination with a low
ferritin level (<15–20 mg/L) is considered diagnostic of iron deficiency in pregnancy.24
Diagnosis is complicated by the increase in ferritin levels during the third trimester,
when iron deficiency is most likely to be present. If ferritin levels are normal or
elevated, hypochromia, microcytosis, or a reduced red cell MCV may support a picture
of iron deficiency.11 C-reactive protein is an alternate measure of inflammation;
a normal or elevated ferritin level with a normal C-reactive protein level should prompt
investigation for alternate causes of anemia, such as hemoglobinopathies.24 Soluble
transferrin receptor (sTfR) concentration, released into the circulation by transferrin
receptor–expressing cells, correlates inversely with total body iron content and
exhibits high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of iron deficiency during
pregnancy.25 Because sTfR is not an acute phase reactant, its levels do not increase
with inflammation, although they can be influenced by red cell mass or erythropoietic
activity and are often low in early pregnancy, when erythropoiesis is reduced.
246 Lee & Okam

The WHO, CDC, and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommend that all
pregnant women receive oral iron supplementation from the beginning of gestation
to 3 months post partum, at doses of 27 mg/d (FDA), 30 mg/d (CDC), or 60 mg/d
(WHO), although doses as low as 20 mg/d may be effective.3,11,19,21,26 The major
side effects of oral iron supplementation are gastrointestinal symptoms, which occur
in a dose-dependent manner, primarily at doses of 200 mg/d or more.

Patients with mild anemia (hemoglobin level, 9.0–10.5 g/dL) should receive oral iron at
160 to 200 mg of elemental iron daily, with an expected increase in hemoglobin levels
of 1 g/dL after 14 days of therapy.24 Compared with oral iron, parenteral iron demon-
strates faster hematologic recovery, likely because of variations in oral iron tolerability,
absorption, and compliance. Parenteral iron may be administered in the second
or third trimester to patients who have moderate to severe anemia (hemoglobin <9
g/dL), who are intolerant to oral iron, or who fail to respond appropriately to oral
therapy.11,19,21,27–29 Four preparations of parenteral iron are available in the United
States: iron dextran (low–molecular-weight InFeD and high–molecular-weight DexFer-
rum), sodium ferric gluconate (Ferrlecit), iron sucrose (Venofer), and ferumoxytol (Fer-
aheme). Among pregnant women who received parenteral iron in published studies,
15% to 20% developed thrombosis, although the relationship between these factors
is uncertain.21 Administration of recombinant human erythropoietin, in combination
with parenteral iron, may be an alternate therapy for pregnant women with anemia,
who are refractory to oral iron.30,31 Darbepoietin has been similarly used in a single
case report of a pregnant woman with chronic kidney disease.32 Larger studies are
needed to confirm the appropriateness, safety, and feasibility of erythropoietic stimu-
lating agents in anemia of pregnancy.


Folate and Cobalamin Deficiency
Folate deficiency is historically regarded as the second most common cause of anemia
of pregnancy after iron deficiency, although in many modern series vitamin B12 defi-
ciency may be more prevalent, particularly in underprivileged areas. In studies from
India, Turkey, Africa, Newfoundland, and Venezuela, 10% to 100% of pregnant women
have a diagnosis of folate deficiency (defined as a serum level of <2.5–3.0 ng/mL),
whereas 30% to 100% have vitamin B12 deficiency (defined as a serum level of
<160–200 pg/mL).23,33–38 The prevalence of folate or vitamin B12 deficiency increases
with gestation.34
Fetal growth depends on folate and vitamin B12 because both are involved in the
synthesis of tetrahydrofolate, an integral component of deoxyribonucleic acid
synthesis and nuclear maturation (Fig. 2). Dietary folate is absorbed in the jejunum;
poor nutrition and intestinal malabsorption can precipitate folate deficiency in preg-
nancy. Oral vitamin B12 is absorbed in the ileum; R proteins (eg, haptocorrins, secreted
by the salivary gland) bind vitamin B12 in the acid environment of the gastrium, trans-
porting vitamin B12 to the duodenum where pancreatic proteases degrade the R
proteins, releasing vitamin B12 for binding by intrinsic factor (from gastric parietal cells)
and subsequent uptake by ileal enterocytes. Malabsorption, ileal resection, intestinal
parasites, atrophic gastritis, antihistamines, and proton pump inhibitors can all
increase the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnancy.15
Anemia in Pregnancy 247

Fig. 2. Physiology and biochemistry of folate metabolism. (A) In the stomach, pepsin
releases vitamin B12 from ingested food, and R proteins (eg, haptocorrin, secreted by the
salivary gland) bind vitamin B12 and carry it to the duodenum, where pancreatic proteases
degrade the R proteins, releasing vitamin B12 for binding by intrinsic factor (IF). The complex
is carried to the terminal ileum, and vitamin B12 is transported into intestinal epithelial cells
via the transcobalamin II (TCII) receptor. (B) Within cells, folate and vitamin B12 are required
for synthesis of tetrahydrofolate (THF), which itself is required for the conversion of
deoxyuridyl monophosphate to deoxythymidyl monophosphate, an essential precursor for
DNA synthesis. DHFR, dihydrofolate reductase.

Most pregnant women with folate or vitamin B12 deficiency do not exhibit
erythrocyte macrocytosis, although 2% to 5% of pregnant women with normocytic
anemia have mild megaloblastic changes in the bone marrow that resolve with folic
acid supplementation.15 Elevation in homocysteine or methylmalonic acid levels
248 Lee & Okam

accompanies most cases of clinically significant vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnancy.

About 20% of pregnant women have a “physiologic” decline in vitamin B12 levels with
no change in homocysteine or methylmalonic acid levels.39,40
The WHO recommends folate supplementation for all pregnant women at a dose of
400 mg/d from the beginning of pregnancy to 3 months post partum.3 The US National
Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends a higher daily allowance of vitamin B12 in preg-
nant women than in nonpregnant women (2.6 vs 2.4 mg/d) to support fetal neurologic

Other Micronutrient Deficiencies

Deficiencies in micronutrients other than folate and vitamin B12 remain the important
causes of anemia of pregnancy worldwide, affecting primarily women from underpriv-
ileged areas. The prevalence of anemia due to specific micronutrient deficiencies is
difficult to assess because multiple nutritional deficits may coexist within the same
community.34 Coinfection by human pathogens may compound the effects of micro-
nutrient deficiency on pregnancy in certain populations.33 Deficiencies in vitamin A,
vitamin C, zinc, and copper have all been reported in association with anemia of preg-
nancy, possibly because of the inhibitory effects of such deficiencies on gastrointes-
tinal iron absorption, although the interactions between specific micronutrients are
complex and may be dose dependent.41 Multimicronutrient supplementation may
improve maternal anemia and other gestational and neonatal outcomes in specific
populations, although the risks and benefits of individual micronutrients are uncertain,
as are the magnitude of the observed hematologic and nonhematologic benefits
compared with the combination of iron and folate alone.42–44


In nonindustrialized countries, hookworm (Ancylostoma) infection and malaria are

widespread and can cause anemia of pregnancy through nutrition depletion, gastro-
intestinal bleeding, and hemolysis. Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) and roundworm
(Ascaris lumbricoides) infections may also be associated with anemia in both pregnant
and nonpregnant women. Coinfection with these organisms is common and can lead
to complex physiologic interactions. For example, in a study of pregnant women along
the Thai-Burmese border, hookworm infection increased the risk of malaria and
anemia; ascariasis was protective against both malaria and anemia, whereas whip-
worm infection bore no association with either.45

Hookworm Infection
Among pregnant women with hookworm infection, the burden of infection is a strong
predictor of maternal iron stores, with severity of anemia correlating with the number
of hookworm eggs isolated from stool.46–48 The WHO recommends universal
deworming of pregnant women in hookworm-endemic areas with antihelminthic medi-
cations (eg, albendazole or mebendazole), in conjunction with iron and folate supple-
mentation, although the hematologic benefits of deworming are uncertain.48,49

In malaria-endemic regions, chronic malaria can cause acute hemolytic anemia during
pregnancy, particularly in patients with coexisting nutritional deficiencies or hemoglo-
binopathies (eg, sickle cell disease).50 Primigravidas are particularly prone, with
a strong association of Plasmodium falciparum with severe anemia (defined as
a hemoglobin level of <7 g/dL) and maternal death.51 The relationship between
Anemia in Pregnancy 249

severity of anemia and burden of parasitemia is uncertain.47 For pregnant women in

malaria-endemic areas, intermittent preventive treatment (IPT, typically using sulfa-
doxine/pyrimethamine) is indicated, in conjunction with the use of insecticide-
treated mosquito nets; the role of IPT in nonendemic areas (eg, Latin America) is
uncertain.52 Pregnant women with documented malaria should be treated according
to the CDC guidelines based on geographic resistance patterns (eg, in Latin America,
mefloquine/artesunate is used, although its efficacy in pregnancy has not been tested;
in the United States, chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine is used for uncomplicated
Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium vivax, or Plasmodium ovale infection or quinine
sulfate and clindamycin are used for uncomplicated, chloroquine-resistant P falcipa-
rum infection).53–55

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

In both pregnant and nonpregnant patients, HIV causes several hematologic manifes-
tations, including immune thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, and anemia; anemia is
a consequence of inflammation, bone marrow suppression, hemolysis, parvovirus
B19 coinfection, or antiretroviral therapy.56 Globally, HIV infection is an independent
risk factor for anemia of pregnancy in populations in which HIV infection, malaria,
and nutritional deficiencies coexist.57 In such populations, in HIV-infected pregnant
women, the standard-dose IPT for malaria is more likely to fail and should receive
higher dosing schedules.52 Micronutrient supplementation with iron, folate, and vita-
mins B, C, and E can delay progression of HIV infection in HIV-infected pregnant
African women.58


A total of 269 million individuals worldwide, or 5% of the world’s population, are

genetic carriers for or are affected by a hemoglobin disorder.59 Each year 365,000
infants are born with either sickle cell disease (70%) or thalassemia (30%). Geographic
distribution varies widely, with an incidence of 1 in 1000 in the United States compared
with more than 20 in 1000 in parts of West Africa. Prenatal counseling and antenatal
screening programs have been launched in Canada, the United Kingdom, and multiple
other nations to identify parents with hemoglobinopathies.60,61 Since 2006, all US
states have instituted universal newborn screening for sickle cell disease,62 and in
2010, the NIH and the CDC launched a cooperative initiative in several states to create
surveillance programs for the detection of hemoglobinopathies.

Human Hemoglobins and Hemoglobinopathies

The human a-globin gene cluster is located on chromosome 16 and consists of 2
identical a-globin genes downstream of 1 embryonic z-globin gene (and other nonex-
pressed sequences) (Fig. 3).63 The b-globin locus is on chromosome 11 and contains
1 b-globin gene downstream of 1 embryonic e-globin, 2 fetal g-globins, and 1 d-globin.
Embryonic hemoglobin, the first hemoglobin expressed in fetal development, is
composed of z- and e-globin chains. Fetal hemoglobin (HbF, a2g2) is synthesized
beginning in the sixth week of gestation and predominates through all of fetal life
into the first few weeks after delivery. b-Globin expression begins shortly before birth,
and by 6 weeks of life, adult hemoglobin A (HbA, a2b2) is the dominant hemoglobin,
with hemoglobin A2 (a2d2) produced in minor amounts. HbF differs from HbA in having
a left-shifted hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve, allowing HbF to preferentially
bind oxygen delivered by maternal HbA from the placental circulation.
250 Lee & Okam

Fig. 3. Human a- and b-globin gene loci, located on chromosomes 16 and 11, respectively.
Expression of both loci is regulated by enhancer elements known as locus control regions
(LCRs). Embryonic hemoglobin is the first hemoglobin expressed in fetal development and
is composed of z- and e-globin chains. Beginning at 6 weeks of gestation and continuing
into the first few weeks after delivery, fetal hemoglobin is synthesized, consisting of
a- and g-globin chains. Two forms of adult hemoglobin are synthesized shortly before birth:
hemoglobin A, the major adult hemoglobin, consisting of a- and b-chains, and hemoglobin
A2, consisting of a- and d-chains.

Sickle cell disease

Substitution of valine for glutamic acid (Glu/Val) in the sixth position of the b-globin
chain generates sickle cell b-globin (bS), which associates with a-globin to form tetra-
meric hemoglobin S (HbS, a2b2).63 Homozygous sickle cell disease (SS) arises when
both the b-globin alleles are bS, leading to the exclusive production of HbS, which
has a severe phenotype. Sickle cell trait occurs when one b allele is wild-type b and
the other is bS, leading to the production of both HbA and HbS, with a clinically indo-
lent phenotype. A slightly different paradigm exists for hemoglobin C (HbC), which
arises from a glutamic acid to lysine (Glu/Lys) substitution in the sixth position of
the b-globin chain (bC). Homozygous C (HbCC) has a mild phenotype, whereas HbC
trait is clinically silent. Hemoglobin SC disease, in which both bS and bC alleles are
present, carries a moderately severe phenotype. The difference in phenotypic severity
of sickle cell trait compared with SC disease reflects the dependence of sickling on
intracellular HbS concentration because bC promotes erythrocyte dehydration,
leading to polymerization of HbS because of increased intracellular HbS concentra-
tions, whereas the presence of HbA with HbS preserves intracellular HbS concentra-
tions, preventing sickling.64,65 The only FDA approved therapy for sickle cell disease in
nonpregnant patients is use of hydroxyurea, which stimulates HbF production and the
formation of HbS/HbF hybrid hemoglobin tetramers that inhibit HbS polymerization
and erythrocyte sickling.

More than 200 mutations in the b-globin gene have been described for b-thalassemia,
which affects primarily the people of Mediterranean, African, Middle Eastern, East
Asian, South Asian, and Latin American descent.63,66 Mutations causing a reduction
in b-chain synthesis are designated as b1, whereas those causing a complete
absence of b-chain expression are designated b0. The b-thalassemias are classified
as b-thalassemia minor, b-thalassemia intermedia, and b-thalassemia major, based
on variations in phenotypic severity that arise from different combinations of b1, b0,
and wild-type b. Heterozygosity for bS and b-thalassemia leads to the S/b-Thal pheno-
type, which can be severe, particularly if the b allele is b0.
Anemia in Pregnancy 251

Hemoglobin E thalassemia
Hemoglobin E (HbE) arises from a missense (G-to-A) mutation in the 26th codon of the
b-globin gene, encoding an unstable b-globin synthesized at reduced levels because
of an abnormal messenger RNA splice site.67 HbE thalassemia is one of the most
common b-thalassemias, occurring in patients of East and South Asian descent.
Similar to bC, HbE trait and homozygous HbE (HbEE) are mild diseases, whereas
heterozygosity for bS and HbE (HbSE) produces a severe phenotype.

More than 40 different deletions and other mutations in the a-globin locus have been
described for a-thalassemia.68,69 Genotypes are classified as a1 or a0, based on
whether a-globin gene expression is present or absent, respectively, in each of the
4 a genes. Phenotypic severity reflects the number of a genes expressed, with dele-
tion of 1 a gene designated as a silent carrier state (a-thalassemia-2, or a-thalassemia
trait); deletion of 2 a genes, a-thalassemia minor (a-thalassemia-1); deletion of 3
a genes, hemoglobin H (HbH) disease, characterized by accumulation of tetramers
of b globin (b4); and deletion of all 4 a genes, hemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis,
with fatal accumulation of tetrameric fetal g globin (g4) in utero.

Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy

Whereas some pregnant women with sickle cell disease experience periodic sickling
crises throughout pregnancy, most pregnant women have sickle-related complica-
tions in the third trimester, at term, and in the puerperium.70 Maternal complications
from sickle cell disease include pulmonary embolism, acute chest syndrome, pneu-
monia, and severe pain crises. Prophylaxis of these complications is paramount
because they may precipitate delivery. Cerebral vein thrombosis, stroke, venous
thromboembolism, pulmonary hypertension, infection, postpartum hemorrhage,
cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension, and increased maternal mortality are
additional maternal risks.71 Fetal risks include preeclampsia, eclampsia, abruptio
placentae (from placental necrosis following vascular thrombosis), preterm labor,
premature or preterm premature rupture of membranes, intrauterine growth restric-
tion, low birth weight, cesarean delivery, and increased rates of spontaneous abortion
and perinatal mortality.70–75 Worldwide, malaria is the major identifiable cause of acute
anemia in pregnant women with sickle cell disease, with postpartum hemorrhage,
preeclampsia, aplastic crisis (from parvovirus B19 infection), splenic sequestration
(in patients with SC disease or S/b-Thal phenotypic disease, who have preexisting
splenomegaly), and erythrocyte sickling being additional causes.50,76
Despite these risks, maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancy complicated by
sickle cell disease are generally favorable. In the landmark Cooperative Study of Sickle
Cell Disease, 445 pregnancies in women with sickle cell disease (SS, SC, S/b1, and
S/b0) were followed up from 1979 to 1985 and 64% of the pregnancies were carried
to term.74,77 Pain crises occurred in half of the women with SS, S/b1, or S/b0 disease
compared with 25% with SC disease. Acute chest syndrome occurred in 6%,
preeclampsia in 14%, and eclampsia in 1%. Infants of SS mothers were twice as likely
as those of SC mothers to be born preterm (27% vs 14%). One-fifth of the infants were
small for gestational age (SGA), with preeclampsia and anemia being the major risk
factors for SGA.
Although the fetus benefits from the increased oxygen affinity of HbF compared with
maternal HbA, the placenta in sickle cell disease sustains considerable damage. Post-
partum placental specimens from women with sickle cell disease show extensive
evidence of hypoxemic injury, including vascular anomalies, thromboses, excess
252 Lee & Okam

fibrin deposition, syncytial changes with knotting (Tenney-Parker changes), and

congestion by sickled erythrocytes.72,78 Levels of von Willebrand factor and various
cell adhesion molecules (eg, P-selectin and vascular endothelial growth factor) are
increased within umbilical vein endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, consistent
with an activated response to hypoxemia. Few placental neutrophils are seen, indi-
cating only a mild inflammatory reaction, in contrast to preeclampsia, in which neutro-
phils are a hallmark of placental hypoxemic injury.
For all women with sickle cell disease who are pregnant or contemplating preg-
nancy, a multidisciplinary team approach is essential, drawing on the expertise of
obstetricians, nutritionists, primary care physicians, and hematologists. In the appro-
priate geographic locales, comprehensive prenatal care plans incorporating patient
education, nutrition counseling, malaria prophylaxis, early detection of bacterial infec-
tions, and restricted use of blood transfusions may improve maternal mortality.50
Following conception, routine chemical analysis; liver function tests; estimation of
serum bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, and 24-hour urine protein levels; complete
blood cell count; reticulocyte count; urinalysis and urine culture; blood type analysis;
and antibody screens should be performed and repeated regularly. Fetal b-globin phe-
notyping should be performed early in pregnancy via chorionic villus sampling (at 9–12
weeks’ gestation) or amniocentesis (at 16–18 weeks), with each procedure carrying
a small risk of miscarriage (1%–2% or 0.5%–1%, respectively).79 Fetal ultrasonog-
raphy is recommended in the first and third trimesters. Maternal echocardiography
may be performed to assess for pulmonary hypertension.80
Supportive care in sickle cell disease centers on pain management and red blood
cell transfusions. Pain management in pregnant women with sickle cell disease can
be challenging owing to concerns regarding fetal and neonatal narcotic dependence.
Hydration should be encouraged throughout pregnancy and should be performed
empirically during hospitalizations and throughout labor and delivery. A seminal
randomized controlled trial demonstrated no benefit of prophylactic over restrictive
transfusions, except in the reduction of maternal pain crises, at the expense of
a marked increase in the number of blood products administered and the develop-
ment of red cell alloantibodies.70,72,81 A hemoglobin level of less than 5 g/dL, reduction
in hemoglobin levels of 20% from baseline, acute chest syndrome, hypoxemia,
preeclampsia, or other symptoms of anemia are all indications for transfusion in preg-
nant women with sickle cell disease. Simple transfusions may be used for a hemo-
globin level of less than 5 g/dL and a reticulocyte count of less than 3%, whereas
partial exchange transfusions with a target posttransfusion HbS level of less than
50% are preferred for a hemoglobin level of 8 to 10 g/dL.76 Hydroxyurea has shown
teratogenicity in animals and is excreted in breast milk; hence, the use of hydroxyurea
is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Thalassemias in Pregnancy
For pregnant and nonpregnant patients with a- or b-thalassemia, hemolytic anemia
caused by ineffective erythropoiesis is the major complication.82 Imbalanced nonstoi-
chiometric production of a- and b-globin chains leads to disruptions in red cell phys-
iology, causing intramedullary destruction of erythroid precursors and hemolysis of
circulating red blood cells. Extramedullary hematopoiesis occurs when anemia is
severe. In an attempt to maintain erythropoietic needs, iron use is increased through
reduction in hepcidin levels, leading to hemochromatosis independent of transfusion
therapy.83 Splenectomy can be helpful in improving anemia but confers an increased
risk of thrombosis, particularly in patients with HbE thalassemia.66,67,69
Anemia in Pregnancy 253

HbH disease
HbH is an unstable tetramer of b-chains (b4) with high oxygen affinity and impaired
oxygen delivery.69,79,84 Precipitation of b4 in erythrocytes disrupts red cell metabolism
and impairs membrane deformability, leading to shortened erythrocyte survival. Clin-
ical manifestations of HbH disease include microcytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly,
cholelithiasis, growth defects, thrombosis, and hemochromatosis; the last manifesta-
tion is associated with hepatic and cardiac dysfunction. Hemolytic crises occur in
10% of patients with HbH disease, sometimes in conjunction with parvovirus B19
infection.85 In pregnant women with HbH disease, anemia can be profound with
hemoglobin levels of less than 6 to 7 g/dL, particularly in the second and third trimes-
ters. Pregnancy in HbH disease is associated with increased risks of preeclampsia,
congestive heart failure, miscarriage, premature births, intrauterine growth restriction,
low birth weight, and perinatal deaths compared with patients without thalassemia.86
Rarely, fatal HbH hydrops fetalis can occur because of a specific a gene mutation.87
Pregnant women with HbH disease may receive blood transfusions to maintain hemo-
globin levels more than 7 g/dL. Recombinant human erythropoietin has been success-
fully used in a single case report of a pregnant patient with HbH disease and
symptomatic anemia.88

Hemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis

Hemoglobin Bart’s disease arises when all 4 a-globin genes are absent, leading to the
accumulation and tetramerization of fetal g-globin (g4) at 6 to 8 weeks’ gestation, when
a-globin expression would ordinarily begin.89 Oxygen affinity of g4 is sufficiently high
that oxygen cannot be delivered, leading to fetal ischemia, anemia, organomegaly
(from extramedullary hematopoiesis), and intrauterine death. Pregnancies involving
fetuses with hemoglobin Bart’s disease carry several potential complications,
including maternal anemia, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, fetal malpresentation,
antepartum hemorrhage, and preterm delivery.90 For fetuses with hemoglobin Bart’s
disease, the severity of fetal anemia can be approximated by Doppler ultrasono-
graphic assessment of middle cerebral artery peak velocity.91 Intrauterine simple
and exchange transfusions have been used with some success, although long-term
sequelae including neurologic deficits, mild congenital malformations, hemochroma-
tosis, and chronic transfusion dependence are of concern.92,93 In utero and postnatal
hematopoietic stem cell transplants have also been performed, the former relying on
the immunologic naivete of fetal donor stem cell preparations and of fetal recipient
immune responses; however, such techniques remain experimental.

b-Thalassemia intermedia and major

Hemolysis in b-thalassemia intermedia and b-thalassemia major is accompanied by
hemochromatosis with multiorgan dysfunction, involving cardiac, hepatic, and endo-
crine tissues.66,94 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may lead to infertility, with serum
ferritin levels correlating inversely with the likelihood of pregnancy.95 During preg-
nancy, as with the a-thalassemias, anemia in b-thalassemia can worsen and may
require transfusion support, particularly in the second and third trimesters.94 Pregnant
women with b-thalassemia carry an increased risk of thrombosis, which may warrant
consideration of empirical anticoagulation post partum and, in some cases, evaluation
for associated thrombophilias.


Multiple cases of aplastic anemia associated with pregnancy and a few cases of preg-
nancy-induced aplastic anemia seen with or mimicking immune thrombocytopenia
254 Lee & Okam

have been reported in patients presenting with petechiae or pallor during the second
or third trimester of pregnancy.96–99 Pathologically, pregnancy may induce aplastic
anemia through erythropoietic inhibitory effects of estrogens and other hormones,
although in some cases, pregnancy may uncover a preexisting aplastic anemia.
Maternal death occurs in 20% to 50% of cases, usually from fatal hemorrhage or
infection. Fetal complications include in utero death in up to one-third of cases and
preterm labor from chorioamnionitis. Women with a preexisting diagnosis of aplastic
anemia may have a more favorable prognosis than those with pregnancy-
associated aplastic anemia, although prenatal management is the same and consists
of blood transfusions to maintain a platelet count of more than 20  109/L and admin-
istration of growth factors (eg, granulocyte/monocyte colony stimulating factor) and, in
select cases, cyclosporine. Hematopoietic cell transplant, the mainstay of treatment
of aplastic anemia in nonpregnant patients, is contraindicated during pregnancy.100
Among women who survive pregnancy-associated aplastic anemia, 50% to 70%
achieve spontaneous remission, whereas the remainder require therapy with antithy-
mocyte globulin, immunosuppression, and/or stem cell transplantation.


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