Coreference-Aware Dialogue Summarization
Coreference-Aware Dialogue Summarization
Coreference-Aware Dialogue Summarization
Summarizing conversations via neural ap-
proaches has been gaining research traction
lately, yet it is still challenging to obtain
practical solutions. Examples of such chal-
lenges include unstructured information ex-
change in dialogues, informal interactions be-
tween speakers, and dynamic role changes of
speakers as the dialogue evolves. Many of
such challenges result in complex coreference
links. Therefore, in this work, we investi-
gate different approaches to explicitly incorpo-
rate coreference information in neural abstrac-
tive dialogue summarization models to tackle
the aforementioned challenges. Experimen-
tal results show that the proposed approaches
achieve state-of-the-art performance, implying
it is useful to utilize coreference information in
dialogue summarization. Evaluation results on
factual correctness suggest such coreference-
aware models are better at tracing the informa- Figure 1: An example of dialogue summarization: The
tion flow among interlocutors and associating original conversation (in grey) is abbreviated; the sum-
accurate status/actions with the corresponding mary generated by a baseline model is in blue; the
interlocutors and person mentions. summary generated by a coreference-aware model is
in orange. While these two summaries obtain similar
1 Introduction ROUGE scores, the summary from the baseline model
Text summarization condenses the source content is not factually correct; errors are highlighted in italic
and magenta.
into a shorter version while retaining essential and
informative content. Most prior work focuses on
summarizing well-organized single-speaker con- While there has been substantial progress on doc-
tent such as news articles (Hermann et al., 2015) ument summarization, dialogue summarization has
and encyclopedia documents (Liu* et al., 2018). received less attention. Unlike documents, conver-
Recently, models applied on text summarization sations are interactions among multiple speakers,
benefit favorably from sophisticated neural archi- they are less structured and are interspersed with
tectures and pre-trained contextualized language more informal linguistic usage (Sacks et al., 1978).
backbones: on the popular benchmark corpus Based on the characteristics of human-to-human
CNN/Daily Mail (Hermann et al., 2015), Liu and conversations (Jurafsky and Martin, 2008), chal-
Lapata (2019) explored fine-tuning BERT (De- lenges of summarizing dialogues stem from: (1)
vlin et al., 2019) to achieve state-of-the-art per- Multiple speakers: the interactive information ex-
formance for extractive news summarization, and change among interlocutors implies that essential
BART (Lewis et al., 2020) has also improved gen- information is referred to back and forth across
eration quality on abstractive summarization. speakers and dialogue turns; (2) Speaker role shift-
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 509–519
July 29–31, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
ing: multi-turn dialogues often involve frequent capabilities by conducting probing analysis to aug-
role shifting from one type of interlocutor to an- ment our coreference injection design.
other type (e.g., questioner becomes responder and Experiments on SAMSum (Gliwa et al., 2019)
vice versa); (3) Ubiquitous referring expressions: show that the proposed methods achieve state-of-
aside from speakers referring to themselves and the-art performance. Furthermore, human evalua-
each other, speakers also mention third-party per- tion and error analysis suggest our models generate
sons, concepts, and objects. Moreover, referring more factually consistent summaries. As shown
could also take on forms such as anaphora or cat- in Figure 1, a model guided with coreference in-
aphora where pronouns are used, making corefer- formation accurately associates events with their
ence chains more elusive to track. Figure 1 shows corresponding subjects, and generates more trust-
one dialogue example: two speakers exchange in- worthy summaries compared with the baseline.
formation among interactive turns, where the pro-
noun “them” is used multiple times, referring to 2 Related Work
the word “sites”. Without sufficient understanding
of the coreference information, the base summa- In abstractive text summarization, recent stud-
rizer fails to link mentions with their antecedents, ies mainly focus on neural approaches. Rush
and produces an incorrect description (highlighted et al. (2015) proposed an attention-based neural
in magenta and italic) in the generation. From the summarizer with sequence-to-sequence generation.
aforementioned linguistic characteristics, dialogues Pointer-generator networks (See et al., 2017) were
possess multiple inherent sources of complex coref- designed to directly copy words from the source
erence, motivating us to explicitly consider coref- content, which resolved out-of-vocabulary issues.
erence information for dialogue summarization to Liu and Lapata (2019) leveraged the pre-trained
more appropriately model the context, to more dy- language model BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) on both
namically track the interactive information flow extractive and abstractive summarization. Lewis
throughout a conversation, and to enable the poten- et al. (2020) proposed BART, taking advantage of
tial of multi-hop dialogue reasoning. the bi-directional encoder in BERT and the auto-
regressive decoder of GPT (Radford et al., 2018) to
Previous work on dialogue summarization fo- obtain impressive results on language generation.
cuses on modeling conversation topics or dialogue While many prior studies focus on summarizing
acts (Goo and Chen, 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Li et al., well-organized text such as news articles (Hermann
2019; Chen and Yang, 2020). Few, if any, leverage et al., 2015), dialogue summarization has been gain-
on features from coreference information explicitly. ing traction. Shang et al. (2018) proposed an unsu-
On the other hand, large-scale pre-trained language pervised multi-sentence compression method for
models are shown only to implicitly model lower- meeting summarization. Goo and Chen (2018) in-
level linguistic knowledge such as part-of-speech troduced a sentence-gated mechanism to grasp the
and syntactic structure (Tenney et al., 2019; Jawa- relations between dialogue acts. Liu et al. (2019)
har et al., 2019). Without directly training on tasks proposed to utilize topic segmentation and turn-
that provide specific and explicit linguistic anno- level information (Liu and Chen, 2019) for conver-
tation such as coreference resolution or semantics- sational tasks. Zhao et al. (2019) proposed a neural
related reasoning, model performance remains sub- model with a hierarchical encoder and a reinforced
par for language generation tasks (Dasigi et al., decoder to generate meeting summaries. Chen and
2019). Therefore, in this paper, we propose to Yang (2020) used diverse conversational structures
improve abstractive dialogue summarization by like topic segments and conversational stages to
explicitly incorporating coreference information. design a multi-view summarizer, and achieved the
Since entities are linked to each other in coref- current state-of-the-art performance on the SAM-
erence chains, we postulate adding a graph neu- Sum corpus (Gliwa et al., 2019).
ral layer could readily characterize the underlying Improving factual correctness has received keen
structure, thus enhancing contextualized represen- attention in neural abstractive summarization lately.
tation. We further explore two parameter-efficient Cao et al. (2018) leveraged on dependency pars-
approaches: one with an additional coreference- ing and open information extraction to enhance
guided attention layer, and the other resourcefully the reliability of generated summaries. Zhu et al.
enhancing BART’s limited coreference resolution (2021) proposed a factual corrector model based on
Figure 2: Examples of three common issues in adopting a document coreference resolution model for dialogues
without additional domain adaptation training. Spans in blocks are items in coreference clusters with their cluster
ID number. We highlight some spans for better readability.
knowledge graphs, significantly improving factual conducted data post-processing on the automatic
correctness in text summarization. output: (1) First, we applied a model ensemble
strategy to obtain more accurate cluster predictions;
3 Dialogue Coreference Resolution (2) Then, we re-assigned coreference cluster labels
Since the common summarization datasets do not to the words with speaker roles that were not in-
contain coreference annotations, automatic coref- cluded in any chains; (3) Moreover, we compared
erence resolution is needed to process the samples. the clusters and merged those that presented the
Neural approaches (Joshi et al., 2020) have shown same coreference chain. Human evaluation on the
impressive performance on document coreference processed data showed that this post-processing
resolution. However, they are still sub-optimal reduced incorrect coreference assignments by ap-
for conversational scenarios (Chen et al., 2017), proximately 19%.2
and there are no large-scale annotated dialogue
4 Coreference-Aware Summarization
corpora for transfer learning. When applying a
document coreference resolution model (Lee et al., In this section, we adopt a neural model for ab-
2018; Joshi et al., 2020) on dialogue samples with- stractive dialogue summarization, and investigate
out domain adaptation,1 as shown in Figure 2, we various methods to enhance it with the coreference
observed some common issues: (1) Each dialogue information obtained in Section 3.
utterance is started with a speaker, but sometimes The base neural architecture is a sequence-to-
they were not recognized as a coreference-related sequence model Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017).
entity, and thus not added in any coreference clus- Given a conversation containing n tokens T =
ters; (2) In dialogues, coreference chains often {t1 , t2 , ..., tn }, a self-attention-based encoder is
spanned across multiple turns, but sometimes they used to produce the contextualized hidden rep-
were split to multiple clusters; (3) When a dialogue resentations H = {h1 , h2 , ..., hn }, then an auto-
contained multiple coreference chain across multi- regressive decoder generates the target sequence
turns, speaker entities could be wrongly clustered. O = {w1 , w2 , ..., wk } sequentially. Here, we use
Based on the observation, to improve the over- BART (Lewis et al., 2020) as the pre-trained lan-
all quality of dialogue coreference resolution, we
In our pilot experiment, we observed that models with
The off-the-shelf version of coreference resolution original coreference resolution outputs showed 10% relative
model we used is allennlp-public-models/coref-spanbert- lower performance than that with the optimized data, validat-
large-2020.02.27, which is trained on OntoNotes 5.0 dataset. ing the effectiveness of our post-processing.
Figure 4: Architecture overview of the GNN-based
Figure 3: One dialogue example with labeled corefer- coreference fusion: the encoder is employed to encode
ence clusters: there are three coreference clusters in the input sequence; the coreference graph encoding
this conversation, where each cluster contains all men- layer is used to model the coreference connections be-
tions of one personal identity. tween all mentions; the auto-regressive decoder gener-
ates the summaries.
Figure 6: Similarity distribution of head probing with
Figure 5: Architecture overview of coreference-guided
pre-defined coreference matrix. The X-axis shows the
attention model and an example of coreference atten-
heads in the 6-th layer of the Transformer encoder. Val-
tion weight matrix Ac , where {t1 ,t3 ,t7 } are in one
ues on the Y-axis denote the ratio that a head has the
coreference cluster and {t2 ,t5 } are in another cluster,
highest similarity with the coreference attention matrix.
while t4 and t6 are tokens without any coreference link.
we obtain the final representations with coreference
4.2 Coreference-Guided Attention information H A = {hA A
1 , ..., hn }, then they are fed
Aside from the GNN-based method which intro- to the decoder for output generation.
duces a certain number of additional parameters,
4.3 Coreference-Informed Transformer
we further explore a parameter-free method. With
the self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017), While pre-trained models bring significant improve-
contextualized representation can be obtained with ment, they still present insufficient prior knowledge
attentive weighted sum. For entities in a corefer- for tasks requiring high-level semantic understand-
ence cluster, they all share the referring informa- ing such as coreference resolution. In this section,
tion at the semantic level. Therefore, we propose to we explore another parameter-free method by di-
fuse the coreference information via one additional rectly enhancing the language backbone. Since
attention layer in the contextualized representation. the encoder of our neural architecture uses the self-
Given a sample with coreference clusters, a attention mechanism, we proposed feature injection
coreference-guided attention layer is constructed by attention weight manipulation. In our case, the
to update the encoded representations H. The encoder of BART (Lewis et al., 2020) comprises 6
overview of adding the coreference-guided atten- multi-head self-attention layers, and each layer has
tion layer is shown in Figure 5. Since items in the 12 heads. To incorporate coreference information,
same coreference cluster are attended to each other, we selected heads and modified them with weights
values in the attention weight matrix Ac are nor- that present coreference mentions (see Figure 7).
malized with the number of all referring mentions 4.3.1 Attention Head Probing and Selection
in one cluster, then the representation hi of token i
To retain prior knowledge provided by the language
is updated according to the following:
backbone as much as possible, we first conduct a
X 1 probing task to strategically select attention heads.
ai = hj , if ti ∈ C ∗ (5)
|C ∗ | Since different layers and heads convey linguis-
tic features of different granularity (Hewitt and
i = λhi + (1 − λ)ai (6) Manning, 2019), our target is to find the head that
represents the most coreference information. We
where ai is the attentive representation of ti , if ti probe the attention heads by measuring the cosine
belongs to one coreference cluster C ∗ , the repre- similarity between their attention weight matrix Ao
sentation of ti is updated, otherwise, it remains and a pre-defined coreference attention matrix Ac
unchanged. λ is an adjustable parameter and ini- as described in Section 4.2:
tialized as 0.7. In our experimental settings, we
observed that when λ is trainable, it is trained to be headprobe = arg max(cos(Aoi , Ac )) (7)
0.69 when our coreference-guided attention model i
achieved the best performance on the validation set. where Aoi is the attention weight matrix of the origi-
Following the coreference-guided attention layer, nal i-th head, and i ∈ (1, ..., Nh ), Nh is the number
# Conv # Sp # Turns # Ref Len
Train 14732 2.40 11.17 23.44
Validation 818 2.39 10.83 23.42
Test 819 2.36 11.25 23.12
5 Experiments
5.1 Dataset
Figure 7: Architecture overview of the coreference-
informed Transformer with attention head manipula- We evaluated the proposed methods on SAMSum
tion. The second attention head is selected and replaced (Gliwa et al., 2019), a dialogue summarization
by a coreference attention weight matrix Ac . dataset consisting of 16,369 conversations with
human-written summaries. Dataset statistics are
of heads in each layer. With all samples in the val- listed in Table 1.
idation set, we conducted probing on all heads in
the 5-th layer and 6-th layer of the ‘BART-base’ en- 5.2 Model Settings
coder. We observed that: (1) in the 5-th layer, the The vanilla sequence-to-sequence Transformer
7-th head obtained the highest similarity score on (Vaswani et al., 2017) was applied as the base ar-
95.2% evaluation samples; (2) in the 6-th layer, the chitecture. We used the pre-trained ‘BART-base’
5-th head obtained the highest similarity score on (Lewis et al., 2020) as language backbone. Then,
68.9% evaluation samples. The statistics of heads we enhanced the base model with following three
in 6-th encoding layer are shown in Figure 6. methods: Coref-GNN: Incorporating coreference
4.3.2 Coreference-Informed Multi-Head information by the GNN-based fusion (see Sec-
Self-Attention tion 4.1); Coref-Attention: Encoding corefer-
ence information by an additional attention layer
In order to explicitly utilize the coreference infor-
(see Section 4.2); Coref-Transformer: Model-
mation, we replaced the two predominant attention
ing coreference information by the attentive head
heads with coreference-informed attention weights.
probing and replacement (see Section 4.3). Sev-
The multi-head self-attention layers (Vaswani et al.,
eral baselines were selected for comparison: (1)
2017) are formulated as:
Pointer-Generator Network (See et al., 2017); (2)
QK T DynamicConv-News (Wu et al., 2019); (3) Fast-
Attention(Q, K, V ) = Softmax( √ )V (8)
dk Abs-RL-Enhanced (Chen and Bansal, 2018); (4)
headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , V WiV ) (9) Multi-View BART (Chen and Yang, 2020), which
provides the state-of-the-art result.
MHA(Q, K, V ) = Concat(head1 , ..., headNh ) (10)
5.3 Training Configuration
FFN(xli ) = ReLU(xli W1F + bF F F
1 )W2 + b2 (11)
The proposed models were implemented in Py-
where Q, K and V are the sets of queries, keys Torch (Paszke et al., 2019), and Hugging Face
and values respectively. W and b are the trainable Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020). The Deep Graph
parameter matrix and bias. dk is the dimension Library (DGL) (Wang et al., 2019) was used for
of keys, xli is the representation of i-th token after implementing the Coref-GNN. The trainable param-
the l-th multi-head self-attention layer. FFN is eters were optimized by Adam (Kingma and Ba,
the point-wise feed forward layer. Based on the 2014). The learning rate of the GCN component
probing analysis in Section 4.3.1, we selected the was 1e-3, and that of BART was set at 2e-5. We
7-th head of 5-th encoding layer, and the 5-th head trained each model for 20 epochs and selected the
of 6-th encoding layer for coreference injection, best checkpoints on the validation set with ROUGE-
and observed that models with probing selection 2 score. All experiments were run on a single Tesla
outperformed that of random head selection. V100 GPU with 16GB memory.
Pointer-Generator* 40.1 - - 15.3 - - 36.6 - -
Fast-Abs-RL-Enhanced* 42.0 - - 18.1 - - 39.2 - -
DynamicConv-News* 45.4 - - 20.6 - - 41.5 - -
BART-Large* 48.2 49.3 51.7 24.5 25.1 26.4 46.6 47.5 49.5
Multi-View BART-Large* 49.3 51.1 52.2 25.6 26.5 27.4 47.7 49.3 49.9
BART-Base 48.7 50.8 51.5 23.9 25.8 24.9 45.3 48.4 47.3
Coref-GNN 50.3 56.1 50.3 24.5 27.3 24.6 46.0 50.9 46.8
Coref-Attention 50.9 54.6 52.8 25.5 27.4 26.8 46.6 50.0 48.4
Coref-Transformer 50.3 55.5 50.9 25.1 27.7 25.6 46.2 50.9 46.9
Table 2: ROUGE scores of baselines and proposed models. * denotes the results from Chen and Yang (2020). F, P,
and R denote F1 Score, Precision and Recall, respectively.
Model Missing Information Redundant Information Wrong Reference Incorrect Reasoning
Base Model 34 26 22 20
Coref-GNN 32 [5.8% ↓] 8 [69% ↓] 14 [36% ↓] 16 [20% ↓]
Coref-Attention 28 [17% ↓] 4 [84% ↓] 12 [45% ↓] 9 [55% ↓]
Coref-Transformer 32 [5.8% ↓] 12 [53% ↓] 14 [36% ↓] 12 [40% ↓]
Table 5: Percentage of typical errors in summaries generated by the baseline and our proposed models. Values in
brackets denote the relative decrease compared with the base model.
Table 6: Three examples of generated summaries: For conversation i and conversation ii, Coref-Attention model
generated correct summaries by incorporating coreference information. Coref-Attention model generated an im-
perfect summary for conversation iii due to inaccurate coreference resolution provided.
not make logical sense, 0 means the summary is tent in the generated summary compared with the
acceptable but lacks of important information con- human-written reference.
verge, and 2 refers to a good summary which is con- Wrong References: The actions are associated
cise and informative. We randomly selected 100 with the wrong interlocutors or mentions (e.g., In
test samples, and scored the summaries generated the example of Figure 1, the summary generated
by the base model, Coref-GNN, Coref-Attention by base model confused “Payton” and “Max” in
and Coref-Transformer. Four linguistic experts the actions of “look for good places to buy clothes”
conducted the human evaluation, and their average and “love reading books”).
scores are reported in Table 4. Compared with the Incorrect Reasoning: The model incorrectly rea-
base model, our coref-models obtain higher scores sons the conclusion from context of multiple di-
in human ratings, which is consistent with the quan- alogue turns. Moreover, wrong reference and in-
titative ROUGE results. correct reasoning will lead to factual inconsistency
from source content.
7 Analysis We randomly sampled 100 conversations in the test
set and manually annotated the summaries gener-
7.1 Quantitative Analysis ated by the base and our proposed models with the
To further evaluate the generation quality and effec- four error types. As shown Table 5, 34% of sum-
tiveness of coreference fusion for dialogue summa- maries generated by the base model cannot summa-
rization, we annotated four types of common errors rize all the information included in the gold refer-
in the automatic summaries: ences, and models with coreference fusion improve
Missing Information: The content is incomplete the information coverage marginally. Coreference-
in the generated summary compared with the aware models essentially reduced the redundant
human-written reference. information: 84% relative reduction by Coref-
Redundant Information: There is redundant con- Attention, 69% relative reduction by Coref-GNN,
and 53% relative reduction by Coref-Transformer. conversations. Our proposed models compare fa-
Coref-Attention model also performed best on re- vorably with baselines without coreference guid-
ducing 45% of wrong reference errors relatively, ance and generate summaries with higher factual
Coref-GNN and Coref-Transformer both relatively consistency. Our work provides empirical evidence
reduced 36% of that. Encoding coreference infor- that coreference is useful in dialogue summariza-
mation by an additional attention layer substan- tion and opens up new possibilities of exploiting
tially improves the reasoning capability by reduc- coreference for other dialogue related tasks.
ing 55% relatively in incorrect reasoning, Coref-
Transformer and Coref-GNN also relatively re- Acknowledgments
duced this error by 40% and 20% compared with
This research was supported by funding from
the base model. This shows our models can gen-
the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) under
erate more concise summaries with less redundant
A*STAR ARES, Singapore. We thank Ai Ti Aw
content, and incorporating coreference information
and Minh Nguyen for insightful discussions. We
is helpful to reduce wrong references, and conduct
also thank the anonymous reviewers for their pre-
better multi-turn reasoning.
cious feedback to help improve and extend this
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