Answers To Module 1 of Urban Geography 3
Answers To Module 1 of Urban Geography 3
Answers To Module 1 of Urban Geography 3
Economic forces are regarded as the dominant influence on urban change. Since its
emergence in the sixteenth century, the capitalist economy has entered three main
phases. The first phase, from the late sixteenth century until the late nineteenth
century, was an era of competitive capitalism characterized by free-market
competition between locally oriented businesses and laissez-faire economic (and
urban) development largely unconstrained by government regulation.
The dynamism of the economic system – the basis of profitability – was enhanced in
the early decades of the twentieth century by the introduction of Fordism. This
economic philosophy was founded on the principles of mass production using
assembly-line techniques and ‘scientific’ management (known as Taylorism), together
with mass consumption fueled by higher wages and high-pressure marketing
techniques. The third and current phase of capitalism developed in the period
following the Second World War. It was marked by a shift away from industrial
production towards services (particularly financial services) as the basis of
Technological changes, which are integral to economic change, also influence the
pattern of urban growth and change. Innovations such as the advent of global
telecommunications have had a marked impact on the structure and functioning of the
global economy.The effects of macro-level technological change are encapsulated in
the concept of economic long waves or cycles of expansion and contraction in the rate
of economic development.
Demographic changes are among the most direct influences on urbanisation and
urban change. Movements of people, into and out from cities, shape the size,
configuration and social composition of cities. The condition of the urban environment
can also affect the demographic structure of cities by influencing the balance between
rates of fertility and mortality.
Cities reflect the political ideology of their society. During the middle fifty years of the
twentieth century the development of new towns and reorganisation of existing cities
reflected the imperatives of a command economy and centralised political apparatus.
Within Western societies, changes in political ideology and subsequent modifications
of economic and urban policy have had major impacts on city development. The rise
of the New Right governments of Ronald Reagan in the USA and Margaret Thatcher
in the UK led to reductions in public expenditure and increased dependence upon the
private sector in urban development.
Macro-scale social changes can have a significant impact on the character of towns
and cities. For example, social attitudes towards abortion or use of artificial methods
of birth control may influence the demographic composition of a society and its cities.
Popular attitudes towards ethnic or lifestyle minorities can determine migration flows
between countries and cities, as well as underlying patterns of residential segregation
within cities.
One of the most significant of cultural changes in Western society in the post-Second
World War era, particularly from the late 1970s onwards, has been the rise of
materialism. This is displayed in conspicuous consumption by those who can afford it.
The effect of cultural change on cities is encapsulated in the concept of postmodernity
or postmodernism. This embraces social difference and celebrates variation in urban
environments, whether expressed in architectural or social terms.
The impacts of environmental change on patterns of urbanisation and urban change
are seen at a number of geographic scales. At the planetary scale, global warming
due to the greenhouse effect (caused in part by the waste outputs of urban civilisation)
may require the construction of coastal defences to protect cities.
5. Moral philosophy.
It is an approach based on ethics that represents an emergent perspective in urban
geography. This seeks to examine critically the moral basis of society. Concept of
normative judgement focuses on what should be rather than what is a central idea in
ethical perspective.This involves critical evaluation of actual situations against
normative conditions as defined by ethical principles.
1. What do you understand by the term ‘urban’?
Urban is is created and is related to a large group of people gathered to live in a
certain area. It’s like a place of convenience or a metropolis where you would do
business and acquire a quality life. It is the opposite of rural area and you can find
opportunities there. Moreover,one can define urban broadly on the basis of population
density, administrative institutions, infrastructures and a diverse income livelihood or
workforce. Usually characterized by the presence of health care institutions such as
hospitals, financial institutions such as banks, and administrative structure such as
Negative Feature
Urban areas contains larger population that’s why there is a higher level of
pollution including noise pollution which causes health problem in the long term.
You may not always be able to enjoy natural spaces because of fewer green
spaces in some areas.
Prices of property, goods and services are expensive.
Houses are more compact and one won’t be able to build house with gardens.
You may feel more pressured and stressed in busy towns or cities.
ACTIVITY I: Describe and explain the meaning of the following words.
1. Urban hearths . An urban hearth is an area where large cities first existed. The
area in the Fertile Crescent that is known as the first urban hb earth is Mesopotamia.
Other urban hearth areas are the Egypt, The Yellow River, The Indus Valley, and
Both Greece and Rome made significant contributions to Western civilization. Greek
knowledge was ascendant in philosophy, physics, chemistry, medicine, and
mathematics for nearly two thousand years. The Romans did not have the Greek
temperament for philosophy and science, but they had a genius for law and civil
administration. The Romans were also great engineers and builders. They invented
concrete, perfected the arch, and constructed roads and bridges that remain in use
2. Million cities. A million city is a city with one million or more inhabitants. The first
urban settlement to reacha population of one million was the city of London by
around A.D. 1810. By 1982, approximately 175 cities in the world had crossed the one
million population mark.
3. Urbanisation Cycle. During the initial phase of urbanisation, the primate city
phase, an increasing proportion of economic activity and population in a country
concentrates in a limited number of rapidly growing primate cities.
1. Over the course of the second half of the twentieth century a world in which
most people lived in rural areas was transformed into a predominantly urban
world. Examine and explain the changing distribution of the world’s urban
population over that period.
The world’s urban population is distributed among settlements of differing sizes along
a continuum from small towns with several thousand people to giant cities with
populations of tens of millions. Most of the urban populations live in settlements with
fewer than 500,000 inhabitants. Most of these intermediate settlements function as
links between town and country where agricultural surpluses are exchanged for
manufactured goods and services in accordance with the precepts of central place
2. Identify and explain the distribution of the world’s megacities and ‘million
A megacity is a very large city, typically with a population of more than 10 million
people. Megacities are often agglomerations, created when two or more towns and
cities grow so large that they join together.On the other hand, a million city is a city
with one million or more inhabitants. The first urban settlement to reach a population
of one million was the city of London by around A.D. 1810. By 1982, approximately
175 cities in the world had crossed the one million population mark.
1. Identify the main factors underlying the future metropolitan pattern of North
America and consider the likely urban outcome of these trends.
The demographic basis of the post-Second World War urban transformation in North
America is the outcome of two principal components which are the series of
socio-demographic shifts and internal migration movements; and Immigration.
4. Diffusion Theories. In geography, the term diffusion refers to the spread of people,
things, ideas, cultural practices, disease, technology, weather, and other factors from
place to place. This kind of proliferation is known as spatial diffusion.
2. Since its inception, central place theory has been subjected to critical
analysis. Examine the main criticisms of the theory.
The main criticisms directed at central place theory are the following:
1. The theory is not applicable to all settlements. Being limited to service centres, it
does not include some of the functions, such as manufacturing industry, that create
employment and population.
2. The economic determinism of the theory takes no account of random historical
factors that can influence the settlement pattern.
3. The theory makes unrealistic assumptions about the information levels and mental
acumen required to achieve rational economic decisions, even if profit maximization
were the only goal of human behaviour.
4. The notion of a homogeneous population ignores the variety of individual
5. Christaller’s model assumed relatively little governmental influence on business
locational decisions,nwhereas today national and local governments play a major role
in influencing business locations by, for example, offering grants to attract electronics
firms into Scotland’s ‘Silicon Glen’ or the lobbying by US sunbelt city mayors to attract
investment to their cities.
6. Central place theory is a static formulation that relates to the distribution of service
centres under assumed conditions at one point in time. A particular level of mobility is
implied by the assumption that consumers look to their nearest central place to satisfy
their needs. Levels of personal mobility have increased greatly since the model was
proposed. Consumers do not always visit their nearest store, and multi-purpose
shopping trips often result in low-order centres being by-passed for low
order goods, thus leading to their decline.
4. Explain the network city model of urban settlement and consider how well it
describes contemporary patterns of urban development.
Criticism of the contemporary relevance of central place theory led some researchers
to suggest an alternative ‘network model’ of urban settlement; based on the concept
of a ‘dispersed city’17 defined as a group of similar-size politically discrete cities
separated by open land, functioning economically as a single urban unit. Such an
arrangement of places deviates from the basic nested hierarchical ordering of central
place theory in which horizontal relationships between places of similar size was
unnecessary (since all provided the same amenities and services).
PART THREE: Urban Structure and Land Use in the Western City
1. Urban Morphogenesis. Urban morphology refers to the study of urban form that
focuses on the formation and transformation of urban forms of cities, towns, and
villages over time; their spatial patterns at different scales; and physical
characteristics to inform appropriate urban interventions to promote sustainable urban
development. The concepts and approaches to the study of urban form are
multidisciplinary. Relevant subject fields are ranging from human geography, urban
planning, urban design, architecture, and sociology to cultural studies. Urban
morphology usually benefits urban management, design and planning, urban
conservation and regeneration, as well as urban policy-making in general to
contribute to social economic and environmental sustainability.
4. Public space. Public space is property open to public use. It can be privately or
publicly owned. Geographic research on public space examines struggles over the
production and transformation of publicly accessible spaces, their use, their political
and social meanings, and their relationship to the construction of the public
sphere. Public space is central to political and social life in cities. Streets, squares,
and parks are places for protesting, socializing, and encountering difference. They
contribute to the reputation of cities for vibrancy and livability, and to the well-being of
urban residents. For the homeless, public space is also where many basic needs
must be fulfilled.
5. Use value. Use value or value in use is the utility of consuming a good; the
want-satisfying power of a good or service in classical political economy. In Marx's
critique of political economy, any labor-product has a value and a use-value, and if it
is traded as a commodity in markets, it additionally has an exchange value, most often
expressed as a money-price. Marx acknowledges that commodities being traded also
have a general utility, implied by the fact that people want them, but he argues that
this by itself tells us nothing about the specific character of the economy in which they
are produced and sold.
3. Select one of the major actors involved in the production of the built
environment and, with reference to specific examples, write an essay to
illustrate their role in urban change.
Financial institutions have grown in importance in both Britain and North America with
the decline in private rented housing and the growth of home ownership. In common
with developers, financial institutions seek to maximise profits and minimise risks.
Since these opportunities are differentiated over the urban area, financiers adopt
spatially discriminating lending practices, a fact that will have a significant impact on
the location of new construction as well as on maintenance and improvements to
existing structures. The practice of red-lining areas by mortgage lenders is well
documented. Furthermore, financial helps in dealing with the recontruction and
economic development in developing countries that responds to the rise in
urbanization by changing its focus to deal with the demands of the increasingly
urbanizing world.
2. Urban Sprawl. Urban sprawl, also called sprawl or suburban sprawl is the rapid
expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns, often characterized by
low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the
private automobile for transportation. Urban sprawl is caused in part by the need to
accommodate a rising urban population; however, in many metropolitan areas it
results from a desire for increased living space and other residential amenities. Urban
sprawl has been correlated with increased energy use, pollution, and traffic
congestion and a decline in community distinctiveness and cohesiveness. In addition,
by increasing the physical and environmental “footprints” of metropolitan areas, the
phenomenon leads to the destruction of wildlife habitat and to the fragmentation of
remaining natural areas.
4. Socialist City. The socialist city is an ideal. Urban planners created various
designs for such cities to translate the political concept of a socialist state into
everyday life. Their designs expressed the desire to shape a new future in older,
existing cities, such as Leipzig and Berlin, and in new ones, such as Halle-Neustadt
and Stalinstadt, later renamed Eisenhüttenstadt. It was planned to facilitate access to
quality housing and social services for all inhabitants and thus to eliminate inequalities
in living standards.
Planning process outlines how the goals are to be met. This includes determining
what resources will be needed and how they can be obtained, defining tasks that
need to be done, creating a schedule for completing the tasks, and providing
milestones to indicate progress toward meeting goals. Planning directs everyone’s
actions towards a desired outcome and helps us determine where resources are most
needed so they can be allocated where they will provide the most benefit. On the
other hand, planners can become so focused in creating plans that sometimes they
never get around to implementing the plans. Planning is not a one-time process and it
must be continually adjusted as they are implemented.
2. Identify the origins and development of the current system of urban planning
in the UK.
Urban planning takes place within the framework of national urban policy, the
priorities of which reflect the ideology of the state. There are four major phases in the
Brithish post-war urban policy which are the Physical redevelopment, Social welfare,
Entrepreneurial, and Competitive. After the Second World War until the late 1960s,
urban problems can be seen in physical term that’s why the policy responded to the
issue by developing the quality of houses, supply, transportation, and the
restructuring of dwellings. As well as the redevelopment of strategies and plans for
the development of the country. When it comes to the social welfare, the government
of UK planned to create a programme that would improve the welfare of
disadvantaged individuals and communities. Furthermore, in the Entrepreneurial
phase, the urban policy of the county was been reoriented in order to restructure the
country’s economy, social factor,spatial and ideologies around a new consensus of
free-market individualism and unequivocal rejection of the socialdemocratic
consensus of the post-war Keynesian welfare state. Moreover, the Competitive phase
introduced competitive bidding among local authorities for urban regeneration funds.
These bidding has been successful because of the solid partnership of the community
during those days.
3. Explain what is meant by urban sprawl and examine the benefits and
dis-benefits of the phenomenon.
Urban sprawl, also called sprawl or suburban sprawl is the rapid expansion of the
geographic extent of cities and towns, often characterized by low-density residential
housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the private automobile for
transportation. Urban sprawl is caused in part by the need to accommodate a rising
urban population; however, in many metropolitan areas it results from a desire for
increased living space and other residential amenities. Urban sprawl has been
correlated with increased energy use, pollution, and traffic congestion and a decline
in community distinctiveness and cohesiveness. In addition, by increasing the
physical and environmental “footprints” of metropolitan areas, the phenomenon leads
to the destruction of wildlife habitat and to the fragmentation of remaining natural
areas. On the other hand , the possible benefit of urban sprawl can be the increase in
economic production, an increase in job opportunities and this might lead to better
services that can create better living conditions or lifestyle.
4. Identify the characteristics of the socialist city and consider how they may
change in response to the demise of the command economies in Eastern
The planned socialist city was intended to promote national economic development
and to foster social and spatial equity in collective consumption. The general
principles for planning the socialist city were laid out in the 1935 plan for Moscow
which are the Setting of limitation of city size, State control of housing, Planned
development of residential areas, Spatial equality in collective consumption, Limited
journey to work, Stringent land-use zoning, Rationalized traffic flows, Symbolism and
the central city, and the Town planning as an integral part of national planning. These
principles may change if there will be a modification and changes in political ideology
and economic command of Eastern Europe.
5. What do you understand by the concept of sustainable urban development?
Sustainable urban development is the way forward for cities to mitigate climate
change. Integrated urban places designed to bring people, activities, buildings, and
public spaces together, with easy walking and cycling connection between them and
near-excellent transit service to the rest of the city. It means inclusive access for all to
local and citywide opportunities and resources by the most efficient and healthful
combination of mobility modes, at the lowest financial and environmental cost, and
with the highest resilience to disruptive events. Inclusive development is an essential
foundation for long-term sustainability, equity, shared prosperity, and civil society in
1. Search space. The space of all feasible solutions (it means objects among those
the desired solution is) is called search space (also state space). Each point in the
search space represent one feasible solution. Each feasible solution can be "marked"
by its value or fitness for the problem. We are looking for our solution, which is one
point (or more) among feasible solutions - that is one point in the search space.The
looking for a solution is then equal to a looking for some extreme (minimum or
maximum) in the search space. The search space can be whole known by the time of
solving a problem, but usually we know only a few points from it and we are
generating other points as the process of finding solution continues.
3. Housing abandonment.
The giving up of a house absolutely, without reference to any particular person or pur
pose. For example, vacating ahouse with the intention of not returning, so that it may
be appropriated by the next comer or finder. It is
the voluntary relinquishment of possession of a thing by its owner with the intention
of terminating ownership, but without vesting it in any other person. The relinquishing
of all title, possession, or claim, or a virtual, intentional throwing away of a house.
2. What are the mechanics underlying the search for a new home and identify
any constraints on residential relocation experienced by different groups in
Whether the decision to move house is voluntary or forced, all relocating households
must specify an ‘aspiration set’ of criteria for evaluating new dwellings and living
environments; undertake a search for dwellings that satisfy those criteria; and select a
specific dwelling unit. On the other hand, some constraints on residential relocation
that people may experience includes the price of the dwelling, the travel time to work,
and the monetary transportation budget.
2. Examine the view that the best way to relieve traffic congestion in towns is to
build more highways.
Building more highways in towns to relieve traffic congestion is not a good idea
because it will only encourage people to drive, thus failing to improve congestion.
When congestion on roads is high, people are more likely to use sustainable transport
as there is the perception that travel times will be shorter. When new roads are
opened it temporarily increases the supply of road space and traffic
decreases. Traffic is now slightly better, people get back in their cars, resulting in
congestion returning to the same level as before and sometimes worse.