GEC04 Module 2 To 4
GEC04 Module 2 To 4
GEC04 Module 2 To 4
At the end of this section, the learners are expected to:
1. Define economic globalization;
2. Analyze the actors that facilitate economic globalization,
3. Articulate a stance on global economic integration,
4. Explain the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global
economy, and;
5. Infer the attributes of global corporations.
Instructions: Write AGREE if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, DISAGREE.
_________ 1. Economic globalization includes borderless exchange of goods and services.
_________ 2. Global economy is influenced by global politics.
_________ 3. Unilever is a multinational corporation.
_________ 4. SM Investment Corporation is a global corporation.
_________ 5. Chowking is a Filipino-based restaurant chain that expanded in Indonesia and
the US in 2008.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Economic globalization
- the process of making the world economy an ‘organic system’ by extending
transnational economic processes and relations to more and more countries and by deepening
the economic interdependencies among them (Szentes, 2003)
- refers to the expanding interdependence of world economies
- a growing scale of cross-border trade commodities and services, flow of international
capital, and wide and rapid spread of technology
- worldwide interconnectedness in all of contemporary social aspects
- a historical process representing the result of human innovation and technological
progress (International Monetary Fund)
- the economic dimension is one of the major driving forces of
- increasing integration of economies around the world through the
movement of goods, services, and capital across borders (Transportation
and Communication Revolution)
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Market integration shows the contributions of the different financial and economic
institutions that facilitated the growth of the global economy. There are different views on
the actors that facilitate economic globalization:
1) Nation-state
some scholars believe that it is still the nation-state but of different level
the role of nation-states as manager of the national economy is being redefined by
the globalization, but still act as buffer to globalization’s negative effects (Boyer &
Drache, 1996)
the government acts as ‘midwives’ of globalization (Brodie, 1996), meaning that
nation-states are still relevant despite assuming a global perspective and act as
mediators between the effects of globalization and the national economy
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
2) Global corporations
existed as the primary economic organization unit in the global market, meanwhile,
nation-state has ceased
Watch Mark Achbar
have vast influence under globalization as their
and Jennifer
economic power can make or break a country’s economy Abbott’s
some have bigger valuation than the GDP of several documentary film
develop countries “The Corporation
These global corporations include the MNCs, TNCs, and (2003)” to further
ICs: visualize how
o Multinational Corporations powerful
- a firm that has the power
to coordinate and control operations in more than two
Which Asian
corporations do you
- grown more powerful than the nation-state
think are among
- there are about 61,000 MNCs in the world today
Fortune’s Global
- account for about a tenth of the world's GDP
500? How did these
- about a third of total world exports
companies achieve
- activity is measured by foreign direct investment,
such status? Are
portfolio investment, greenfield investment
there Filipino
companies included
o Transnational Capitalism (TNC)
in the list?
- a firm that operates in one or more countries
- Economic transnational practices able to transcend
geographical boundaries, great importance is political
Check the Fortune’s
and focused on culture-ideology
Global 500 list at
- more complex organizations which have invested in
foreign operations, which a central corporate facility
but give decision making, research and development,
marketing powers to each individual foreign market
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Economic globalization affects all nations and citizens through the increasing
integration of economies around the borderless world. With its important players, re: nation-
states, global corporations, and the international monetary systems, though some people
believe that economic globalization brings unity of all economic movements, others believe that
globalization furthers the separation among nation-states around the world.
After the Second World War, almost all countries around the world faced the great
challenge of bringing their feet back on the ground. Corporate enterprises helped to create a
wealthy class in society which enjoyed excessive political influence on their government in the
US and Europe. Neoliberalism surfaced as a reaction by these wealthy elites to counteract
post-war policies that favored the working class and strengthened the welfare state.
Neoliberal policies supporter market forces and commercial activity as the most
efficient methods for producing and supplying goods and services. At the same time, they
ignore the role of the state and discourage government intervention into economic, financial
and even social affairs. The process of economic globalization is driven by this ideology;
removing borders and barriers between nations so that market forces can drive the global
economy. The policies were readily taken up by governments and still continue to pervade
classical economic thought, allowing corporations and affluent countries to secure their
financial advantage within the world economy.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Dress the human outline with the apparel and accessories that you are
currently wearing. Draw at least ten items and label them. Then, write your own
definition of economic globalization and elaborate it below.
Title and Author of the Chosen Article
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Choose one Filipino global corporation. In an essay, discuss its history,
worldwide reach, and attributes as a global corporation.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Yet, as social scientists professionally trained to look at the dialectics of things, we understand that a
social process of this magnitude cannot be all one-sided. By its very momentum, the process is likely
to trigger various reactions giving rise to countervailing structures. In the end, the technology-driven
economies, in particular the need for fresh supplies of low-wage labor. Second, the penetration of
peripheral countries by the productive investment, consumption standards, and popular culture of the
s_o_ci_e_tie_s_. ____________________________________________________
A_s_ _a_ c_o_nt_ri_b_ut_io_n_ t_o_ t_hi_s _a_n_al_ys_i_s,_ I_ a_t_te_m_p_t _in_ _th_is_ p_a_p_e_r
_to_ _gi_ve_ _th_e_o_re_ti_ca_l_ f_or_m_ _to_ _th_e_ c_o_n_ce_p_t _of
transnational communities, as a less noticed but potentially potent counter to the more visible forms of
globalization described in the recent literature. I embark in this task not without some hesitation since
the concept of transnationality, like that of globalization itself, threatens to become part of one of those
engineering in the United States. In other instances, however, the scarcity stems from the culturally
conditioned resistance of native-born workers to accept the low-paid menial jobs commonly performed
the world system structures, but also as an element in a less developed enterprise, namely the
The list of such stigmatized occupations is large and includes, among others, agricultural stoop labor,
domestic and other personal services, restaurant kitchen work, and garment sweatshop jobs (Sassen
at least outline in the following comments.
Because of trade union and public opposition, the continuation of the immigrant labor flow has often
taken place surreptitiously, under various legal subterfuges. In the United States, public outcry at the
volume of unauthorized immigration led to the passage of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control
Act or I.RCA. This piece of legislation reflects with notable clarity the resilient need for immigrant labor
and the enduring, power of employer associations. Instead of reducing the volume of immigration, the
1986 law actually increased it through several ingenious loopholes.
with at length elsewhere (Portes 1994). Instead, what common people have done in response to the
process of globalization is to create communities that sit astride political borders and that, in a very
real sense, are “neither here nor there” but in both places simultaneously. The economic activities that
sustain these communities are grounded precisely on the differentials of advantage created by state
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acute labor scarcities in these economies. In some instances, these are real absolute scarcities such
as the dearth of industrial workers in Japan and the deficit in certain professions, like nursing and
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.n. I believe,
real substance here to make the effort worthwhile. If successful, the
concept may actually perform double duty as part of the theoretical arsenal with which we approach
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1989). _____________
By 1990, the foreign born population of the United States had reached almost 20 million, the
largest absolute total in the century (Fix and Passel 1991; Rumbaut 1994). The legislated loopholes
of the IRCA plus new generous provisions of the 1990 immigration Act virtually guarantee that this
absolute number and the proportion that immigrants represent in the total U.S. population will increase
significantly by the century's end. In Germany and France, despite official termination of the foreign
guestworker program in the 1970s, immigrant communities have continued growing ceaselessly
through a variety of legal loopholes and clandestine channels (Zolberg 1989. Hollifield 1994). Today,
Germany has a foreign population of 7 million or roughly 9 percent of the total a proportion quite
similar to that in the United States (Münz and Ulrich 1995; Bade 1995). Even in ethnically
homogenous Japan,
labor scarcity has prompted a variety of legal subterfuges including the use of foreign company
“trainees” and visa overstayers to perform line industrial jobs. By 1990, the foreign-born population of
Japan numbered about 1. 1 million, still an insignificant proportion of the total population, but expected
to more than double during the next decade (Cornelius 1992, 1994).
The other side of the equation is the effects of the globalization process on the supply of
potential immigrants. The drive of multinational capital to expand markets in the periphery and,
simultaneously to take advantage of its reservoirs of labor has had a series of predictable social
consequences. Among them are the remoulding of popular culture on the basis of external forms and
art forms and the introduction of consumption standards bearing, little relation to local wage levels
(Alba 1978). This process simultaneously pre-socializes future immigrants in what to expect of their
lives abroad, and increases the drive to move through the growing, gap between local realities and
imported consumption aspirations. Paradoxically, the process does not so much affect the very poor
in peripheral societies, as working and middle class sectors who are frequently the most exposed to
marketing messages and cultural symbols beamed from the centers3 (Grasmuck and Pessar 1991;
Portes and Bach 1985). The fundamental point is that contemporary core-bound immigration is not an
optional process, but one driven by the structural requirements of advanced capitalist accumulation.
As such, the presence of Third World immigrants in cities of the developed world can be confidently
expected to endure and expand. These groups provide, in turn, the raw material out of which the
phenomenon of transnational communities develop.
The continuation of a the de facto open migration policy is prompted by employers' demand
for fresh sources of low-wage labor in the advanced countries, while the relocation of production
facilities abroad is motivated by a similar demand by certain industrial sectors. Peripheral workers
who become employed under these various arrangements are not simply exploitable objects, but can
become aware of the logic of these processes and the constraints that they create for personal
mobility. Itzigsohn (1994) has shown how workers in the Dominican Republic become informal
entrepreneurs in order to avoid the drudgery and minimal remuneration of work in the industrial export
sector. In the Dominican context, the informal economy becomes, paradoxically, a means of popular
resistance against the designs of foreign capital.
Many immigrant workers too soon become aware that the pay and labor conditions in store for
them in the advanced world do not go far in promoting their own economic goals. To by-pass the
menial dead-end jobs that the host society assigns them, they must activate their networks of social
relationships. Immigrant social networks display two characteristics that those linking domestic
workers generally do not have. First, they are simultaneously dense and extended over long physical
distances. Second, they tend to generate solidarity by virtue of generalized uncertainty. Exchange
under conditions of uncertainty creates stronger bonds among participants than that which takes place
with full information and impartially enforced rules.
The sociological principle, established both in field studies and experimental observation, applies
particularly well to immigrant communities (Kollock 1994). Their economic transactions both internal
and with outsiders tend to occur with little initial information about the trustworthiness of exchange
partners and the character and reliability of state regulation. This high uncertainty creates the need to
“stick together” and to stay with the same partners, regardless of tempting outside opportunities, once
their trustworthiness has been established.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Geographically extended, dense, and solidary networks can put into play for a number of
economic initiatives. In one such instance, highlighted by Sassen (1994), they lead to lone, distance
labor markets where job opportunities in far away locations are identified and appropriated. In
another, described by Zhou ( 1992), they lead to pooling resources to lower consumption costs and
produce enough savings for business or real estate acquisition. In a third, extensively studied by
Light (1984) and his associates (Light and Bonacich 1988), they lead to the emergence of informal
credit associations where pooled savings are allocated on a rotating, basis. A fourth such initiative
consists of appropriating the price and information differentials between sending, and receiving
countries through the creation of transnational enterprises.
This fourth strategy is not necessarily incompatible with the others, but is distinct in that it
deepens on transactions that occur regularly across political borders. To be feasible, such
transactions require extraordinarily resilient networks to insure timely supplies, deliveries, and
payments cinder conditions where little or no external regulation exists. Grassroots transnational
enterprise benefits from the same set of technological innovations in communications and
transportation that underlie large-scale industrial re-structuring. A class of immigrant transnational
entrepreneurs who shuttles regularly across countries and maintains daily contact with events and
activities abroad could not exist without these new technologies and the options and lower costs that
they make possible. More generally, this form of popular response to global restructuring, does not
emerge in opposition to broaden economic forces, but is driven by them. Through this strategy, labor
(initially immigrant labour) joins the circles of global trade imitating and adapting, often in ingenious
ways, to the new economic framework.
This parallel between the strategies of dominant economic actors and immigrant
transnational enterprise is only partial, however. Both make extensive use of new technologies and
both depend on price and information differences across borders, but while corporations rely
primarily on their financial muscle to make such ventures feasible, immigrant entrepreneurs depend
entirely on their social capital (Guarnizo 1992; Zhott and Bankston 1994). The social networks that
underlie the viability of such popular initiatives are constructed through a protracted and frequently
difficult process of immigration and adaptation to a foreign society that gives them their distinct
characteristics. In turn, the onset of this economic strategy tends to strengthen such networks. Thus
transnational entrepreneurs expand and thicken, in a cumulative process, the web of social ties that
make their activities possible. This cumulative growth of networks and firms grounded
simultaneously in two countries eventually leads to a qualitatively distinct phenomenon. This
qualitative change, that represents the terminal point of my inquiry, may best be ushered by some
examples from the recent literature.
There exists today in the Dominican Republic literally hundreds of small and medium
enterprises that are founded and operated by former immigrants to the United States. They include
small factories, commercial establishments of different types, and financial agencies. What makes
these enterprises transnational is not only that they are created by former immigrants, but that they
depend for their existence on continuing ties to the United States. A study of 113 such firms
conducted in the late 1980s found that their mean initial capital investment was only $12,000, but
that approximately half continued to receive periodic capital transfers from abroad averaging $5,400.
Moneys were remitted by kin and friends who remained in the U.S. but were partners or co-owners of
the firm. In addition to capital, many firms received transfers in kind, producer goods or commodities
for sale (Portes and Guarnizo, 1990:16).
In the course of fieldwork for this study, the authors found a second mechanism for capital
replenishment, namely owners' periodic trips abroad to encourage new potential immigrant investors.
These trips are also used by factory owners and managers to sell abroad part of their production.
Proprietors of small garment firms, for example, regularly travel to Puerto Rico, Miami, and New York
to sell their wares. It is common practice to have a prearranged verbal agreement with buyers
abroad, including small clothing stores. On their way back to the Dominican Republic, the informal
exporters fill their empty suitcases with inputs needed for business such as garment designs, fabrics,
and needles.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
To the untrained eye, these loaded down international travellers appear as common
migrants visiting and bearing gifts for their relatives back home. In reality, they are engaged in a
growing form of transnational informal trade. The information requirements for this dense traffic are
invariably transmitted through kin and friendship networks spanning the distance between places of
origin and destination. By the same token, it is clear that the men and women who operate these
firms are not “return immigrants” in the traditional sense of the term. Instead, they made use of their
time abroad to build a base of property, bank accounts, and business contacts from which to
organize their return home. The result is not final departure from the United States, but rather a
cyclical back-and-forth movement through which the transnational entrepreneur makes use of
differential economic opportunities spread across both countries (Portes and Guarnizo 1990: 21-22).
A similar story, but with a unique cultural twist is told by David Kyle (1994) in his study of the
Otavalan indigenous community in the highlands of Ecuador. Traditionally, the region of Otavalo has
specialized in the production and marketing of clothing, developing and adapting new production
skills since the colonial period under Spain. During the last quarter of a century or so, Otavalans
have taken to travelling, abroad to market their colorful wares in major cities of Europe and North
America. By so doing they appropriate the exchange value pocketed elsewhere by middlemen
between Third World indigenous producers and final consumers. After years of travelling abroad,
they have also brought home a wealth of novelties from the advanced countries, including,
newcomers to their town. In the streets of Otavalo it is not uncommon to meet European women
attired in traditional indigenous dress- the wives of transnational traders who met them and brought
them back from their long
distance journeys.
During the same period, semipermanent Otavalan enclaves began to appear abroad. Their distinct
feature is that their members do not make their living from wage labor or even local self-employment
but from the commercialization of goods brought from Ecuador. They maintain a constant
communication with their home town in order to replenish supplies, monitor their telares (garment
shops), and buy land. The back-and-forth movement required by this trade has turned Otavalans
into a common sight not only at the Quito airport but also at street fairs in New York, Paris,
Amsterdam, and other large cities. According, to Kyle, Otavalans have even discovered the
commercial value of their folklore and groups of performers have fanned throughout the streets of
First World cities in recent years.
The sale of colorful ponchos and other woolens accompanied by the plaintive notes of the
quena flute have been quite profitable. The economic success of these indigenous migrants is
evident in their near universal refusal to accept wane labor abroad and in the evident prosperity of
their town. Otavalo is quite different in this respect from other regions in the Andean highlands. Its
Indian entrepreneurs and returned immigrants comprise a mood portion of the local upper strata,
reversing the traditional dominance of white and mestizo elites.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
In turn, Salvadoran banks and major businesses have come to see the large immigrant
concentrations in cities like Los Angeles as a new market and a means of rapid expansion. Thus, the
Constancia Bottling Company, a beer and soft drinks concern, set up a plant in Los Angeles to cater
to the needs of the immigrant population. Similarly, the Salvadoran Chamber of Industry and
Construction (CASALCO in the Spanish acronym) has held real estate fairs in Los Angeles, seeking,
to expand the already sizable demand for new housing by Salvadorans abroad. As in the Dominican
Republic, expatriates have also acquired a new name in Salvadoran culture, el hermano lejano (the
distant brother). Having access to the solidarity and resources of such “brothers” has become a vital
means of survival, not only for families but for entire communities.
Because of its origins in a harsh civil war and perhaps because of its mostly rural
backgrounds, Salvadorans abroad maintain strong, emotional ties with their hometowns. Dozens of
comites de pueblo (town committees) have been created in Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and
Houston to Support the respective communities and advance local development projects. Landolt
(1997:20) summarizes the developmental significance of such efforts:
Like the contrast between families that receive remittances and those that do not,
municipalities that receive this “grassroots transnational aid” versus those that do not, highlight the
economic relevance of collective remittance strategies. Towns with a home town association abroad
commonly have paved roads and electricity. Their soccer teams have better equipment, fancier
outfits, and perhaps even a well-kept field where they practice.
Three thousand miles to the West, the city of Monterey Park, California has been
transformed into the “first suburban Chinatown” largely by the activities of well-heeled newcomers
(Fong 1994). Many Taiwanese and Hong-Kong entrepreneurs established businesses in the area
less for immediate profit than as a hedge against political instability and the threat of a Chinese
communist takeover. Opening, a new business in the United States facilitates obtaining permanent
residence permits and many owners bring their families along to live in Monterey Park, while they
themselves continue to commute across the Pacific.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
The activities of the “astronauts”, as these entrepreneurs are dubbed locally, adds a new
layer of complexity to the transnational community. In this instance, returned immigrants do not
invest U.S.-accumulated savings in new enterprises at home but rather immigrants brine new capital
to invest in firms in the United States. The birth of a child in American soil guarantees U.S.
citizenship and anchors the family definitively in their new setting, As a result of the twin processes of
successful investments and citizenship acquisition, Chinese immigrants have moved swiftly from the
status of marginal newcomers in Monterey Park to the core of the city's business class (Fong 1994).
I have dwelled on these examples at some length to give credibility to a phenomenon that
when initially described, strains the imagination. A multitude of similar examples could have been
used, as illustrated in the pioneering collection by Basch and her collaborators (Basch, Glick Schiller
and Blanc-Szanton 1994). The central point that these multiple examples illustrate is that, once
started, the phenomenon of transnationalization acquires a cumulative character expanding not only
in numbers but in the qualitative character of its activities. Hence, while the original wave of these
activities may be economic and their initiators can be properly labeled transnational entrepreneurs,
subsequent activities encompass political, social, and cultural pursuits as well.
Alerted by the initiatives of immigrant entrepreneurs, political parties and even governments
establish offices abroad to canvass immigrant communities for financial and electoral support. Not to
be outdone, many immigrant groups organise political committees to lobby the home government or,
as in the case of multiple Salvadoran and Dominican immigrant initiatives, to influence the local
municipality on various issues. To provide yet another example, Mexican immigrants in New York
City have organized vigorous campaigns in support of public works in their respective towns. Smith
(1992) tells about the reaction of the Ticuani (Puebia) Potable Water Committee upon learning that
the much awaited tubing has arrived and, with it, the final solution to the town's water problem. They
immediately made plans to visit the new equipment:
On first sight, this is no more than an ordinary civic project . . . Yet when we consider certain
other aspects of the scene, the meaning becomes quite different. The Committee and I are not
standing in Ticuani, but rather on a busy intersection in Brooklyn ... The Committee members are not
simply going, to the outskirts of the town to check the water tubes, but rather they are headed to JFK
airport for a Friday afternoon flight to Mexico City, from which they will travel the five hours overland
to their pueblo, consult with the authorities and contractors, and return by Monday afternoon to their
jobs in New York City.
Churches and private charities have joined this movement between home country and
immigrant community with a growing number of initiatives involving both. Finally, the phenomenon
acquires a cultural veneer as borne performers and artists use the expatriate communities as
platforms to break into the First World scene and as returnee artists popularize cultural forms learned
abroad. The end result of this cumulative process is the transformation of the original pioneering
economic ventures into transnational communities, characterized by dense networks across space
and by an increasing number of people who lead dual lives. Members are at least bilingual, move
easily between different cultures, frequently maintain homes in two countries, and pursue economic,
political, and cultural interests that require a simultaneous presence in both. It bears repeating that
the onset of this process and its development is nurtured by the same forces driving large-scale
capitalist globalization. Marx describe the proletariat as created and placed into the historical scene
by its future class adversaries, so global capitalism has given rise to the conditions and incentives for
the transnationalization of labor.
It is important to note, however, that not all immigrants are involved in transnational activities,
nor everyone in the countries of origin is affected by them. The sudden popularity of this term may
make it appear as if everybody is “going transnational,” which is far from being the case. In this
sense, little is gained, by the re-labeling, of immigrants as “transmigrants” since the new term adds
notliina to what is already known. It is preferable to reserve the term “transnational” for activities of
an economic, political, and cultural sort that require the involvement of participants on a regular basis
as a major part of tlieli- occupation. Hence, the Salvadoran merchant who travels regularly back
home to replenish supplies or the Dominican builder who comes periodically to New York to
advertise among his compatriots Is a transnational entrepreneur; the immigrant who buys one of
those houses or who travels home yearly bearing gifts for his family and friends is not. Reasons for
the emergence of this novel phenomenon and its bearing, on international and domestic inequalities
are explored next.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
If conditions confronting today's immigrants bore some similarity to those faced by their U.S.
bound European predecessors at the turn of the century, it is likely that they would not have moved
so decisively in the direction of transnational enterprise as a means of survival or mobility. That
earlier era featured two significant conditions distinct from those today. First, a plethora of relatively
well paid wage jobs in industry; second, costly and time-consuming long distance transportation.
The first condition militated against widespread entrepreneurial ventures and gave rise over time to
stable working-class ethnic communities. Most Poles and Italians in the United States became
workers and not entrepreneurs because labor market opportunities in the American industrial cities
where they arrived made this an attractive option. By contrast, today's uncertain and minimally paid
service sector jobs strongly encourage immigrants to seek alternative economic paths.
Airplanes, telephones, fax machines, and electronic mail facilitate contact and exchange
among common people on a scale incommensurate with what could be done a century earlier. For
this reason, and given the economic political, and cultural incentives to do so, more immigrants and
their home country counterparts have become involved in transnational activities. Once the process
begins, it can become cumulative so that, at a given point, it can turn into “the thing, to do” not only
among the pioneers, but even among those initially reluctant to follow this path. Immigrant
communities like Monterey Park near Los Angeles and highly transnationalized towns in El Salvador
and the Dominican Republic have begun to approach this stage
It bears repeating that grassroots transnational enterprises are not set up in explicit
opposition to the designs of large banks and corporations. What the world-ranging activities of these
major actors do is to provide examples, incentives, and technical means for common people to
attempt a novel and previously unimagined alternative. By combining their new technological
prowess with mobilization of their social capital, former immigrant workers are thus able to imitate the
majors in taking advantage of economic opportunities distributed unequally in space.
The long-term potential of the transnationalization of labor runs against growing international
inequalities of wealth and power as well as intra-national ones in the countries of out-migration.
What the process does, above all, is to weaken a fundamental premise of the hegemony of corporate
economic elites and domestic ruling classes. That premise, noted at the start of this chapter, is that
labor and subordinate classes remain “local”, while dominant elites are able to range “global”. So far
the process has not run its course to the extent of threatening, Third World labor supplies for
runaway multinationals or the abundance of immigrant workers for employers in the advanced world.
It has gained sufficient momentum, however, to earn the attention of authorities in small countries
like El Salvador and in states of large countries like Mexico that have initiated policies designed to
control or co-opt these grassroots ventures.
If, in the long run, transnational enterprise can become an equalizing, force, in the short
term, it can have the opposite effect. Reasons have already been noted by Landolt in her comment
about growing disparities between sending localities that possess a committee among its migrants
abroad and those that do not. Pioneering transnational entrepreneurs who have become successful
favor their own families and perhaps their home communities, bait also seek to restrict competition
from others. Successful political activists who have mobilized support among immigrants strengthen
their own parties at home, while trying to prevent others from gaining access to the same resources.
Hence, to the extent that the process of transnationalization is short-circuited by the regulatory or co-
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There is reason, however, to be optimistic about the long-term effects of this phenomenon.
Despite the predictable, indeed inevitable, co-optive and control activities of sending governments
and transnational corporations, the process of capitalist globalization is so broadly based and has
generated such momentum as to continuously nourish its grassroots counterpart. Every new attempt
to market wireless telephones, internet access, or cheaper airline tickets in less developed countries;
every effort of employers in New York or Los Angeles to re-supply themselves with new pools of
docile immigrant labor strengthens this feedback process. The targets of such initiatives are not
simply “customers” or “laborers”, but individuals capable of reacting creatively to the new situation in
which they find themselves. Multinational elites and national governments may believe that the
process of transnationalization is still too feeble to pose any significant challenge to the status quo. In
reality, the tiger may have already left the cage and there would be little point in closing it after him.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Write AGREE if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, DISAGREE.
_________ 1. The Human Rights Watch is an international advocacy organization.
_________ 2. Internationalism and internationalization are two similar ideas.
_________ 3. The Asia Pacific Economic Forum is an intergovernmental organization (IGO).
_________ 4. The United Nations is a global government.
_________ 5. UN’s fiver permanent security council members have a veto power.
Weber (1997) defines the state as a compulsory political organization with a centralized
government that maintains the legitimate use of force within a certain territory. He explicated that it is
normal for the state to use force and/or violence to suppress lawlessness in its territory as well as to
protect itself from other states. On the other hand, the concept of nation emphasizes the organic ties that
hold groups of people together and inspire a sense of loyalty and belonging – i.e., ethnicity, language,
religion, and others (Schattle, 2014). Combining these two, a nation – state can then be defined as a
political community that emanates from civic society to legitimately execute peace. Thus, civic society is
the basis of the people’s oneness.
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Human Rights that affirms an individual’s rights and the other is the United Nations Convention
of the Law of the Sea that defines the rights of nation – states on the use of the world’s oceans.
These three mentioned effects are vertical effects. Aside from this, globalization also has
a horizontal effect which can be observed in the formation of transgovernmental Networks
(Slaughter, 2004). National government offices connect with their counterparts in other nation –
states in order to establish linkages that would benefit all parties. As institutions, policies are
agreed upon and individual state – participants are conscious that their home country policies
should not be violated.
The fourth effect of globalization is the rise of transnational activism (TNA). Such
happens when activist groups of nation – states connect with their counterparts in our states. For
example, an advocacy – based organization in the Philippines may connect itself with and get
support from other human rights groups in Europe to pressure the Philippine government to
realign its stance and actions in upholding human rights.
The fifth and last effect of globalization is the creation of new communication network.
Globalization binds communities through digital media. With new technologies in
communication, political interaction can happen in a virtual sphere. People can exchange
political perspectives through internet, therefore stirring political discourse on an online
platform. Because of the so – called network society (Castells, 2009), nation – states must
reshape themselves to become part of global networks in the arena of finance, education, science,
technology, arts and sports. This can be seen in the proliferation of online education from
universities outside the Philippines. Conversely, Philippine universities offer online courses to
non – Filipinos. Thus, digital media has become the platform for strategic communications at
home and abroad wherein the nation – states can utilize the internet to gather feedback from the
citizens. Social media gives people the power to air their sentiments, and also, serves as an
avenue to discuss issues. In the case of authoritarian and repressive states like China, Russia, and
North Korea, the governments make us of media technologies to filter content that can be viewed
by their citizens. On the other hand, digital media can also be used by governments to gain
public support in their campaigns. Thus, social media, in particular, can become an alternative to
mainstream media that advances its biased perspective.
In order to facilitate connections among nation – states, intergovernmental
organizations (IGOs) were established. Their aim is to foster strong economic, political,
cultural, educational, and technical intergovernmental relationships. Here are some examples:
Name Date Members Objectives
Association of 1967 10 – state 1. Accelerate economic, social and cultural
Southeast Asian members growth and development;
Nations (ASEAN) 2. Promote regional progression;
3. Advance peace and sustainability;
4. Promote active and beneficial cooperation
and mutual assistance in economic,
technical, cultural, administrative and
scientific fields;
5. Provide assistance to each other in the
framework of training and research
installations in the educational, professional,
technical, and administrative spheres;
6. work hand in hand for more effective and
greater use of agriculture and industries;
7. advance Southeast Asian research; and
8. Preserve close and beneficial
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The intensification of relations among nation – states gave birth to the idea of
internationalism and globalism. The former is the theory and practice of interdependent
collaboration while the latter is an attitude. Internationalism is basically anchored on the
opinion that nationalism should be outrun because links that bind people of different countries
are more powerful than those that disconnect them (Anora, 2014). Immanuel Kant (1795) stated
that agreements among nations must be reached. He conceptualized the idea of liberal
internationalism which proposes that nations must give up their freedom and submit to a larger
system of laws that is embodied by common international principles. Thus, a form of global
government is needed to create and enforce these laws.
Socialist interactionalism, on the other hand, contradicts liberal interactionalism. This is
based on the view that capitalism is a global system and that the working class must unite as a
global class to forward the struggle against capitalism. Its notion is linked to the goal of a world
evolution – to end class struggle globally. The Second International (1889 – 1916), the original
socialist international, was an organization of labor and social parties established in Paris in
1889. It is best known for declaring the International Worker’s Day (May 1) and International
Women’s Day (March 8) and for initiating the campaign for the eight – hour work day.
On the other hand, globalism emerged as an attitude that seeks to understand all the
interconnections of the modern world and to highlight patterns that underlie them. It pursues to
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
describe and explain a world that is characterized by a network of connections that spam multi –
continental distances.
Overall, the global interstate system is a facet of contemporary political globalization
that seeks to form collaboration among nation – states through the establishment of
intergovernmental organizations. It is rooted on the idea of internationalism.
EExxeerrccisies e1 :1
Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ A: Gml oI bPaalritz
Course and Section: ____________________ Score: ___________ oaft IiGonO a?nd I
Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Course and Section: ____________________ Score: ___________
Instructions: Below are organizations that govern international relations. Compare two of them in
Itenrmstsr oufc 1. International Criminal Court (ICC)tthioeinrs o:b Fjeicntdiv, erse, arodl easn adn da
tfutnaccthio anns. oWpirnitieo yno-eudr aitnosrwiaerl s( ionp b-euldle) ta
frotrmic.l ___________________________________________________ e discussing
globalization. Extract the underlying concept of globalization explained in the article.
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_______________________________ _______________________________
B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Referenced article: Source: 1:
Metacognitive Reading Report
Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Course and Section: ____________________ Score: ___________
Instructions: Read the attached referenced article and complete the statements that follow.
Karlsrud, J. (n.d.). The UN at war: Examining the consequences of peace- enforcement for the
UN peacekeeping operations in CAR, DRC and Mali.
Third World Quarterly, 36(1), 40-54.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are ………..
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are ……………..
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are ……………..
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Write AGREE if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, DISAGREE.
_________ 1. The Philippines is an example of Global South.
_________ 2. First World countries are communist nation – states.
_________ 3. Second World countries include the United States of America.
_________ 4. The Philippines is a Third World country.
_________ 5. A Global South country is characterized as a poor nation.
Since the process of globalization is uneven, it follows that there is an imbalance in the
socio-economic and political categories of the world. The world is divided into north and south,
and first, second, and third.
Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Europe, Australia, and America tend to see the big
difference between the ways of living in the Philippines and in Western countries. Some of them
come home as “one- day millionaires” giving our presents to their family, relatives, neighbors,
and friends. Although their incomes are relatively higher than if they work in the Philippines,
they realize that life is still tough despite the remittances they send to their families and the taxes
that the country gains from these. Furthermore, they cannot escape the reality that their
occasional vacations in the Philippines are temporary because they would need to go back to
work in order to continue making a living in another country. This is a reflection of the global
divide between the north and the south as experienced by these Filipinos.
The term Global South is a metaphor for interstate inequality and a product of Western
imagination (Claudio, 2014). Historically, there had been divisions and labeling among the
different nations of the world. Countries that were colonized by the Spaniards in the southern
part of the American continent are collectively called Latin America. By virtue of the Treat of
Tordesillas in 1994, the newly discovered lands outside Europe were divided into two – the West
belonging to the Crown of Castile (now part of Spain) and the East belonging to the Portuguese
Empire. There is also a split based on labor – the core, the semi – periphery, and the peripheries.
From these divisions, the Global South refers to the socio – economic and political divide
primarily focused on the southern hemisphere of the 1569 – designed Mercatorian map. It also
includes the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania (Dados & Connell, 2012). It
connotes developing countries as opposed to rich, industrialized, and wealth nations. On the
contrary, the Global North is the home of all members of the Group of Eight – Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, Russia, and the United States of America. It is also the
abode of the four powerful permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. It also
refers to the developed countries in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Although usually associated with developing nations, the Global South is also found in
developing countries. Economically poor families, underprivileged individuals, unfair labor
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practices, and suppression of human rights, and other violation of basic rights in Europe,
Australia, US, and Canada are the pieces of evidence that people from developed countries also
share similar experiences with people from developing countries.
Hence, it is outdated to say that countries in Southeast Asia belong to the Third World for
the term has ended its usage after the Cold War. These countries may be classified as the Global
South through some of their citizens experience the Global North within their territories.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Choose one city / town in the Philippines where you can observe or experience the
Global North and the Global South. List down the specific scenarios below:
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
This section investigates the mechanism of how Asian region integrates and how nation –
states approach the challenges of world homogenization and division.
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. Differentiate between regionalization and globalization;
2. Identify the factors that lead to a greater integration of Asian regions; and
3. Analyze how different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization and
regionalization through regionalism.
Instructions: Write AGREE if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, DISAGREE.
_________ 1. Russia is a part of Asia.
_________ 2. Lebanon is in Asia.
_________ 3. East Timor is the youngest state in Asia.
_________ 4. The term Asia was coined by Asians themselves.
_________ 5. Japan colonized some parts of Asia.
Among all
the continents, Asia
has the biggest
population of at least
two – thirds of the
world’s inhabitants –
with China being a
home of more than
1.4 billion people
based on the 2018
projection of the
United Nations
which makes it
country as one of the ©
economic super
giants of the world.
Asia is most
probably one of the
biggest because the
continent comprises
one – third of the world’s land mass. In terms of economy, emerging and developing Asian
countries and the Associations of Southeast Asian Nations 5 or the ASEAN 5 (Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand) had
an average of 6.3% and 5.1% GDP growth, respectively, compared to the world average growth
of 3.5% as of 2016 (Obiols, 2017). In 2016, China was the world’s leading exporter of goods
valued at $1.99 trillion, followed by the United States with $1.45 trillion (Dillinger, 2018).
Since the European Union is in its mature state of regionalism, the world is now focused
on Asia. Most countries want to have collaborations with East Asian countries and the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members because economic and political
growths in these regions have started to shape up. As a result, the United States strategically
takes care of its allies in Asia to maintain and further enhance its supply of raw materials, human
technological skills, and even its military force. At the same time, Europe keeps its strong
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relationship with Asian countries to expand its growing business in the field of medical science
and research. It cannot be denied that Asia is gaining worldwide attention.
The terms regionalization and globalization are both related to integration. However,
while globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world – time and world – space; regionalization, on the other hand, is the
“growth of societal integration within a region and to the often undirected process of social and
economic interaction” (Hurrel, 1995). In terms of scope, it is clear that globalization happens
around the world while regionalization happens only in a specific geographical region. Social
and economic reciprocal actions of regionalization are undirected because of diversity – which
comes in different levels of development (from the rich Singapore to the poor Laos), politics
(from democracy to dictatorship and everything in between), economics (from free markets to
capitalism and more), and religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and more) (Richter
& West, 2014).
The political security community gives importance to human rights, drugs, foreign
relations, defense, law, and transnational crimes. The association adheres to significant roles of
monitoring – economic ministers, finance ministers, central bank governors, free trade area,
investment area, agriculture and forestry, transport ministers, telecommunications and
information technology ministers, science and technology, energy, minerals, tourism, free trade
agreements with dialogue partners, and sectoral bodies in the arena of economic community. In
the socio – cultural community, there is an avenue for cooperation among the ministers
responsible for culture and arts, sports, disaster management, education, environment, health,
information, labor, rural development and poverty eradication, women, youth, and civil service
ASEAN has also partnered with three East Asian countries – China, Japan, and South
Korea. It is called the ASEAN +3. Its goal is to address the 1997 Asian financial crisis and help
each other cope with the crisis. In this context, ASEAN has concretized regionalism in the Asian
Similar, to the goal of ASEAN in achieving greater integration within the region, other
countries form groups for various reasons. The North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), a free trade pact between Canada, United States and Mexico was created to help
reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America to be more
competitive in the global marketplace (NAFTA, 2018). The European Union (EU) was
established to ensure free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the EU’s
single market (EU, 2018).
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Moreover, there are some aspects that led to a greater Asian integration.
First, integration has been market – driven. Within Asia, there are a variety of systems,
institutions, procedures, social relations, and infrastructures that are put into place for
countries to engage in exchange.
Second, formal institutions such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) were
established. The ADB which was conceived in the 1960s, is composed of 67 members,
48 of which are from the Asia – Pacific region. It promotes social and economic
development and serves as a financial institution that aids its members and partners by
providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments. Initially, ADB
focused its assistance on food production and rural development to serve a predominantly
agricultural region.
Third, economic grants and overseas development assistance are made available by better
Asian economies.
Fourth, production networks have expanded. Economies are mainly on comparative
advantage through the regional division of labor.
Fifth, cooperation among the ASEAN and East Asian countries ensued the ASEAN +3
Financial Ministers’ Process that established two economic structures – the Chiang Mai
Initiative and the Asian Bond Markets Initiative. The process aims to strengthen policy
dialogue, coordination, and collaboration on common financial, monetary, and fiscal
Last, ASEAN follows a consensus rule as an approach to decision making. The process
prevents collision of cultural beliefs and economic policies that are understandably not
east to unite because of the region’s diversity of archipelagic lives.
In facing the challenges brought about by globalization, Asian countries have responded
with regional alternatives as big group, small group and local communities.
As a big group, Asian countries established their own Asian Development Bank (ADB)
that is more focused on Asia and the Pacific as a reaction to global economic integration.
Asian nations work in the form of loans, grants, and information sharing on topics such as
terrorism and regional security.
More so, Asian countries respond to globalization as a small group by doing bilateral or
multilateral agreements. For example, Philippines has standing bilateral agreements with China
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in trade, defense, infrastructure, transnational crimes, tourism, education, health, and many
Reaction to globalization (and the West) also gave rise to terror groups, like the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) which has spread to the Muslim communities in Southern
Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. To combat global terrorism, these countries made use of
their available resources to minimize and ultimately stop the effects of civilian – victims such as
displacement and suffering. More so, they reached military multilateral agreements to address
this common problem. In 2017, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia had a trilateral security
meeting wherein they agreed that they need to conduct joint navy patrols within their boundaries
to prevent he entry and exit of the terror group (Antiporta, 2017).
To conclude, globalization and regionalization are the same for they refer to integration.
Their difference lies on the scope. Globalization is worldwide, while regionalization focuses on a
specific geographical region. As a response to world homogenization and division, regionalism
that comes in various forms of regional alternatives to globalization spawned within and among
regions in Asia. Asian integration did not happen based only on one historical event for there
were different factors that led to this alliance.
Instructions: Identify two strengths of the Philippines that may contribute to a greater integration
among countries in the Asian region. Explain
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Identify and enumerate how the Philippines reacts to regional and global challenges in
the table below. Choose only two (2) and list down three (3) actions for each.
International Terrorism
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Challenges Actions
1. a.
2. a.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
At the end of this section, you are expected to:
1. Define and explain the different forms and functions of
media; and
2. Analyze the impact of digitization of media in our cultural
Instructions: Write AGREE if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, DISAGREE.
_________ 1. Television is a form of media?
_________ 2. Cultures are never erased nor forgotten.
_________ 3. Cultures are static and fixed.
_________ 4. All cultures are equal.
_________ 5. Globalization of culture will not happen without media.
Culture refers to the unified style of human knowledge, beliefs, and behavior from which people
learn, and the ability to communicate knowledge to the next generations. Its development has been mainly
influenced by media.
The word ‘media’ means middle and is often used to describe its location between the media
industry or institution creating the content (the sender) on the one hand and the audience member (or
receiver) on the other (Cinque, n.d.). Media are the vehicles or channels which are used to convey
information, entertainment, news, education, or promotional messages are disseminated; it includes every
broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as television, radio, newspapers, billboards, mails,
telephone, fax, internet etc. (the main means of mass communication) (Mehraj, et al., 2014). Media
fulfills several basic roles in our society –it provides an entertainment for the people, educates and
informs the public, serves as a public forum to discuss important issues, and acts as a watchdog for
government, business and institutions (y University of Minnesota, 2010).
Historically, media underwent five stages of development from the earliest forms to the complex
one. These stages affect globalization progressively (Lule, 2014).
The first stage started with oral communication. Language allowed humans to communicate and
share information. Moreover, language became the most important tool for exploring the world and the
different cultures. It helped people move and settle down. Oral communication led to markets, trade, and
cross – continental routes.
The next stage is the invention of script. Distance became a hindrance to oral communication.
Script allowed humans to communicate over a larger space and for a much longer duration. It allowed the
permanent codification of economic, cultural, religious, and political practice. Knowledge, beliefs, and
behaviors were written and made available for transmission to the next generation and to other nations
and cultures.
Third stage is printing press. The advent of printing press allowed continuous production,
reproduction, and circulation of print materials. Written documents were produced in large volumes
which gave everyone access to information that was only available to the wealth, powerful and religious.
This era of media development had an impact in globalization by transforming various institutions such as
schools, markets, businesses, churches, governments, and armies, among others.
Followed by the next stage, which is the emergence of electronic media as characterized by its
use electricity. Electronic media includes the telegraph, telephone, radio, film, and television. The wide
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reach of these media continues to open up new perspectives in the economic, political, and cultural
processes of globalization. Both radio and television became medium to observe international events.
The last stage is the digital media which relies on digital codes. It can be created, modified, and
stored in any digital electronic device. Digitalized content is transmitted over the internet and computer
networks. In politics, candidates often use this media as their campaign tools. In economics, it serves as a
platform for advertisement of products and online business transactions.
The term ‘new media’ comprises content that is created, stored or retrieved in digital form,
encompassing text, still pictures, audio and video. New media forms are differentiated from legacy media
in that they are instantaneous, globally accessible, fast and efficient ways of passing on news and
information. New media has also created an almost virtual world. There are online games in which a
person will be creating an avatar which serves as the person’s ‘alter ego’ living in a virtual world, offers
an escape from the reality (Mehraj, et al., 2014).
Through the process of digitization, interactions from individuals from all over the world is
possible and thus results in the integration of cultures. Pieterse (2004) asserts that the only outcomes of
the influence of globalization on culture are cultural differentialism, cultural convergence, and cultural
Cultural differentialism views cultural difference as immutable. As the West and non – Western
civilizations interact or are brought in contract through globalization, clash of civilizations such as that of
the West and Islam logically follows.
Cultural hybridity suggests that globalization spawns an increasing and ongoing mixing of
cultures. An example of this is the Chabacano, a Spanish – based creole language of the Zamboanga City
and of some hybridity in language prompted by the merging of two cultures. This trend will further bring
about new cultural forms, not only in language but also in food, fashion, arts, music, among others.
These outcomes set the dynamics between local and global cultural production. Glocalization,
coined from globalization and localization, is a rather new concept brought about by the increased
frequency of contact among cultures. This reinforces the fact that local cultures are not weak, static, or
fixed; they are built and understood new each day in a globalized world (Lule, 2014). Local cultures
continue to accommodate and assimilate cultures of the world due to globalization.
All in all, the five stages of development of media have greatly influenced the globalization of
culture. From pamphlets to Facebook media has produced and reproduced cultural products around the
globe. Moreover, the increase in cultural interactions generated by media results in outcomes that exhibit
the vigor of local cultures influenced by the global culture.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Write an argumentative essay presenting your stand on the topic: Gloalization does not
need media for global integration.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
Instructions: Read the attached referenced article and complete the statements that follow.
Kraidy, M. (2002). Globalization of culture through the media. In J.R. Schemet (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of communication and information, Vol.2 (pp. 359-363). New York, NY:
Macmillan Referenes USA.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are ………..
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are ……………..
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are ……………..
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
In the preceding section, we already encountered what cultural hybridization and glocalization is
about, and that they cannot be separated from globalization itself. Basically, the former is an increased
mixing of different cultures while the latter is the accommodation by local culture of foreign ones
(Brazalote and Leonardo 2019). However, these two are too simplistic and fail to show us the more
nuanced and complicated version of how local and global cultures interact. There is nothing new with the
interaction of different cultures with one another, with the consequence that at least one of them changes.
But in this case, such phenomena have been accelerated to a large degree by the forces of globalization.
But before we go to such nuances, definitions are in order:
1.) Local Culture – cultural configuration which characterize the experience of everyday life in
specific, diverse and identifiable localities . 1
2.) Global Culture – way of life that is governed by a set of ideas, beliefs and values that are based
on the exposure and consumption of cultural products uniformly produced for everyone
irrespective of their background . 2
Based on the definitions stated above, we can see that the two are essentially polar opposites.
However, we should note that even though this is true, their existence is dependent on each other. This
means that what is global cannot make sense if it is not contrasted with the local, and the same can be said
vice-versa. In addition, we can only recognize the diversity of local cultures if it is placed side-by-side
with the uniformity of global culture. Take one Filipino staple party food, for example: spaghetti
bolognese. It is global in the sense that you can basically find it everywhere in the world, but it would
only bversion of the pasta dish only exists because there are other versions globally, too. To better
illustrate the point, here is a table that provides an overview of the respective characteristics of global and
local culture : 3
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To give us a better idea of these general differences, here is another table with some examples:
As you can see in the table above, it is evident that the presence of global culture may cause
erosion to local cultures. Basically, what happens is that a culture loses many of its fundamental
elements because of the arrival of a new one. When such changes, happen there are always positive or
negative effects. Positive effects may include the improvement of the way things are being done or being
thought off, doing away with obsolete and inefficient practices, or clearer understanding of things that we
experience. Negative consequences may be that things that are already good and working may be replaced
with something worse, being efficient but not effective, or being confused on how things really work.
On a more material level, this means that new jobs will be available, but those working on old
ones will be unemployed; and it is not a simple manner to learn new things when you are used to doing
other ones. Consumers can have new choices on what products to buy, but this is not a guarantee that the
new ones are better overall. The influx of new products would also mean that old ones will be disposed of
even if they are still working perfectly fine, which means that it generates more waste than necessary. Big
businesses may flourish, but smaller scale ones would suffer; this benefits the rich more than it does the
poor. These are things that happen when global culture causes erosion of local ones.
Lucban’s Pahiyas festival is a good example. It is
celebrated during May 15 to honor San Isidro Labrador, the
patron saint of farmers. However, in recent years, we can see that
the Pahiyas is becoming less and less of a religious celebration, because people, especially those visiting
Lucban for it, are more interested in its extravagance. The people visiting Lucban for Pahiyas look for
food, drinks, the intricate house decorations, contests and celebrities; in short, the pageantry of the festival
that everybody can uniformly look forward and relate to. Fewer and fewer people attend and
participate in the religious events of the festival itself, which are parts of the authentic experience of
Pahiyas itself. This is also true of the locals, as evidenced by the declining number of younger people
interested in participating with the traditional preparation of its colorful decors (Mallari 2017). Surely,
there is nothing wrong with looking forward to the pageantry and extravagance of Pahiyas because it is
one of the most beautiful festivals in the country; but it is quite disheartening that its original religious
component, the reason for why it is celebrated in the first place, is slowly being forgotten.
The example above is not exclusive to Pahiyas. The same
holds true of Bacolod’s MassKara, Davao’s Kadayawan,
Iloilo’s Dinagyang, Baguio’s Panagbenga or Cebu’s
Sinulog. The religious components and community
camaraderie are being overshadowed by the encroachment
of telecommunications companies, fast food chains,
celebrity appearances, band concerts and broadcast networks that attract droves of visitors to flock into
these communities, with the effect of making these festivals look and feel more and more similar with
one another year after year. The authentic differences between them are slowly being felt less and less
every year they are © This is what the erosion of local culture looks and feels like, and
happens because of the forces of global culture are slowly exerting its dominance.
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Things like these can be averted. Local and indigenous cultures can serve as pockets of resistance
to the steamrolling effects of global cultures. The continuing emergence of independent art projects (films
and music), do-it-yourself movements, travelogues, blogs and vlogs found online that promote local
cultural products, and efforts by local government units in the Philippines to bring local cultural products
to the fore of the market (i.e. Niyogyugan festival) all bring a halt to the dominance of global culture in
the Philippines. Although the effects may be small and short-lived, through the support of small
consumers like us, such efforts can be sustained so that the erosion of local cultures can be averted.
Instructions: For you to have a better idea about the differences between global and local culture, let’s
do a little exercise. In the table below, make a list of the pros and cons of having fast food chains
(Jollibee, Chowking, etc.) in Lucban.
1.) 1.)
2.) 2.)
3.) 3.)
4.) 4.)
5.) 5.)
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Instructions: Encircle the one that does not belong to the group (10 pts).
Exercise 2: Odd One Out. Encircle the one that does not belong to the group (10 pts).
Explain why.
1.) Jollibee Chito’s Chowking McDonald’s
3.) T’nalak cloth Taka art of Paete Shirts from Kultura Batok tattooing of
by the T-boli Laguna Filipino Kalinga
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
As a reference point, etymologically, we could look at religion through the lens of two Latin words:
religio (respect for the sacred) and religare (to bind in the sense of an obligation). This implies that the
word describes a group of people or an institution that is bound together by a common view on what is
good or sacred. However, the simplest one that encompasses what we want to learn in this module is that
religion is “a collection of cultural belief systems and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate
humanity to spirituality and moral values. ” Now, what does this mean exactly? A breakdown of the
definition is in order. It tells us that religion relates to almost all aspects of our way of life (culture)
characterized by what we see as true or not (belief), our fundamental interpretation of in reality
(worldview). Religion does this by having representations (symbols) that connect humanity to something
higher than ourselves (spirituality) and what is good and worthwhile (moral values).
If that sounds like a lot to take in, well, because it is. The influence of religion is so vast that it can be
observable from our personal lives to our social ones, from the way we act to how social movements
occur, from individual choices to global events. In the case of us Filipinos, a lot of what we believe and
do are rooted on religious beliefs, and we subscribe to the practices of our respective religions one way or
another. Take Christmas, for example. A lot of our values and beliefs as Filipinos are highlighted during
the season’s festivities. The belief of sharing and valuing close family ties are reflected through practices
like gatherings, parties, exchanging gifts and the likes. We partake in and consume things that symbolize
sharing our blessings with one another. That’s why one can say that the Christmas season is the longest
holiday in the Philippines.
Now, where does globalization comes in? According to Brazalote and Leonardo (2019), there are 4
events where globalization caused the most changes in religion that we could see nowadays:
1.) Religious Nationalism – After World War II, nationalism was very much related to religious
affiliation, hence to a specific set of beliefs. As an example, in the Philippines where most people
are Catholics, laws for religious holidays are legislated and are being observed by most of the
populace even though they do not belong to Roman Catholicism.
2.) Turning of Religion into Public Life – Related to the first item in this list, religious values
extended out beyond the performance and observance of religious sacraments into the domain of
public affairs. Today, religious institutions can exert considerable influence on the laws that
lawmakers legislate, which means that the boundary between church and state is adjusting.
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
legitimize the conflicts they create and battles they fight using religious texts, much to the loss of
innocent life and disruption of peace in many parts of the world.
4.) Increase of Individual Religiosity – For many who practice such a religiosity, the confidence on
one’s own belief and relationship with a supreme being is a better alternative to the rigid dogmas
that their religious affiliation observes and calls for. The exposure to different information in a
globalized world hugely contributes to this. Some reasons for individual religiosity are the
dissatisfaction from religious institutions, desire for a more personal search for salvation, or just
disliking to belong to any organization.
Due to the digitalization of information and globalization, it is now very easy to do two things:
study religious text or related information and be conscious of religious conflict around the world. These
two are self-explanatory and obvious, but their major impacts deserve attention.
Never before has humanity experienced a time when information, particularly those which
pertains to religion, is readily available. With some clicks on your mouse or taps on your phone, you
could study a myriad of religious knowledge—from the pre-deluge times of Enoch and the Giants to the
writings of the Apostolic Fathers, the ancient Vedas of Hinduism, or the paradoxical koans of Zen
Buddhism. This inevitably leads to the appreciation of other forms of religion, but at the same time may
cause one to question his/her religious convictions. It may also lead to confusion, since a person may be
exposed to differing and contradicting beliefs, values and worldviews. This may ultimately lead a person
to conclude that religious affiliation, as the human inventions that they are, are less important than
one’s relationship with a supreme being.
The exposure to religious conflict and strife around the globe may also lead to the same
conclusion, albeit a more negative one. We have been taught from a young age that one of the major
tenets of religious beliefs is peace, and yet battles and wars are being fought around the world in an
unprecedented rate in the name of religion. Religious fundamentalism and extremism can be seen as a
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B. S T R U C T U R E S O F G L O B A L I Z A T I O N
reaction to the threats to religion brought about by the modernizing forces of globalization. Add to that
some news of corruption and immoral scandals of religious leaders from time to time and you have a
recipe for dissatisfaction with organized religion. These all may explain the marked increase in individual
religiosity around the world.
To conclude this section, we can say that religion is one of the last vestiges of traditional life.
This ironically makes the new influences of globalization the most prominent of all aspects of life since
the old had become very new, so to speak. The contrasting elements of the old and new make religion
the most affected by globalization among the different social institutions. The changes, therefore, are
felt on an individual and societal level. Globalization’s impact on society is very significant, with the
greatest effect being on religion because of its nature. Religion used to bind people as intimate or face-to-
face communities, but globalization has turned this configuration of religious phenomenon upside down.
As people move and communicate around the globe, the increased rate of exchange of ideas through
information technology continually creates changes in many forms of religion. It has positive and
negative effects, which brings forth a lot of confusion. One the one hand, it results into some people
holding on to religion and its more traditional (sometimes extreme) forms. One the other hand, sometimes
it results into people not believing in religion altogether, or at least having only a personal relationship
with his/her supreme being.
Brazalote TM & Leonardo RM (2019). The Contemporary World: Outcome-Based Module. Edited by
Ofalia BC. Quezon City. C & E Publishing, Inc.
Claudio & Abinales (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City. C & E Publishing, Inc.
San Juan, David Michael M. (2018). Journeys Through Our Contemporary World. Quezon City. Vibal
Publishing, Inc.
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