UCC§2- SOF: >$500 “a K for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable…unless
201(1) there is some writing sufficient to indicate that K has been made”
Oral K’s for sale of goods >$500 are not enforceable.
SOF: 1-yr Provision
UCC§2- SOF: >$500 – Exception: if they aren’t suitable for others.
201(3)(a) specially manufactured goods
UCC§2-302 Unconscionability if ct. finds K or clause in K is so unfair as to be “unconscionable”, it may enforce
remainder of K, or limit K as to avoid unconscionable result.
CASE: Seabrook v. Commuter Housing Co. (apartments not complete rent starts
when building is ready) – Ct. uses §2-302 by analogy
UCC§2-202 PER “a writing intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement…may not be
contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or of a contemporaneous oral
rejects common law PMR and ambiguity requirement for admission of extrinsic
evidence of the meaning of a term. States that even a fully integrated document may
be explained or supplemented by usage of trade, course of performance and course of
dealing as long as it is consistent with the terms of the final writing.
CASE: Hunt Foods v. Doliner (P exercises stock during recess and D says he
can’t) - parol evidence of an additional term that is consistent with the writing and
wouldn’t certainly be included therein is admissible.
UCC§1-205 Course of Dealing & Usage of “sequence of previous conduct between parties which is fairly to be regarded as
Trade establishing a common basis of understanding for interpreting their expressions and
their conduct.”
“course of dealing” and “usage of trade” give particular meaning to and supplement or
qualify terms of an agreement.
UCC§2-208 Course of Performance “where the K for sale involves repeated occasions for performance by either party…
any course of performance accepted…in without objection shall be relevant to
determine the meaning of the agreement.”
UCC§2-202 PER – Certain Inclusion Test UCC §2-202 (comment): - tracks the common law rule closely but is slightly more
(comment) liberal. Instead of using CL “natural omission” test, a comment in this section uses the
certain inclusion test saying that only if term “would certainly have been included”
but wasn’t will a Ct. find full integration and exclude parol terms. This is so liberal
that almost no K’s will be fully integrated.
UCC§1-203 Good faith “every K…imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance or enforcement”
UCC§2- Commercial Impracticability unless otherwise agreed, “delay in delivery or non-delivery…is not a breach of duty
615(a) under K for sale if performance as agreed has been made impracticable by occurrence
of a contingency the non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the K
was made…”
CASE: Seitz v. Mark-O-Lite Sign Contractors (diabetes sign guru gets sick) – not
a basic assumption of K that work would be done by guy w/ diabetes
CASE: Eastern Air Lines v. Gulf Oil Corp. (requirements K for jet fuel screwed
up by OPEC) - Ct says UCC§2-615 (excuse for commercial impracticability) to apply
there must be a failure of a presupposed condition, that was unforeseeable, and that the
risk was not allocated. The excess cost must also be “more than merely onerous or
expensive. It must be positively unjust…”. Not the case here.
Language here is not the whole test. B’s recommendation: 1) Is there a failure of a
basic assumption of the K; 2) was the failure unforeseeable; 3) Was the risk
specifically allocated; 4) Do we have a huge variance between what parties expected
and what we have now?
UCC§2- Repudiation: Assurances UCC§2-609(1): when reasonable grounds for insecurity arise wrt the performance of
609(1) either party the other may in writing demand adequate assurance of due
Elements: 1) reasonable grounds for insecurity; 2) demand for assurances (in writing-
often waived); 3) you can suspend your performance, if commercially reasonable.
CASE: Norcon Power Partners v. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp ($610 million at
end of K) - Ct says P could request assurance and that UCC§2-609 applies by analogy
(even though this is service). He says it works for oil (goods) and therefore should
work for electricity (service). This is the minority view b/c D didn’t do enough to
create “reasonable grounds for insecurity”.
UCC§2- Repudiation: Retraction “until the repudiating party’s next performance is due that party can retract the
611(1) repudiation unless the aggrieved party has since the repudiation canceled or materially
changed position or otherwise indicated that the repudiation is final.”
CASE: Taylor v. Johnston (K for stud to service mares) - This case is about
retraction and how it can suck. P should have sued for anticipatory breach when D
UCC§2- Repudiation: Mitigation UCC§2-610(a) – expresses this mitigation requirement saying that party may “for a
610(a) commercially reasonable time await performance by the repudiating party…”
UCC§2-610 Repudiation: Proposals to “when under a fair reading it amounts to a statement of intention not to perform
comment 2 Modify K except on conditions which go beyond the K.” Therefore, typically this is not
UCC§2- Repudiation: Calculating UCC§2-713(1) “measure of damages for…repudiation by the seller is the difference
713(1) Damages between market price at the time when the buyer learned of the breach and the K
price, together with any incidental and consequential damages.”
Meaning: this meaning is ambiguous. Most courts hold that this means “time when
the buyer learned of the repudiation + commercially reasonable time. This is
consistent w/ UCC§2-610(a).
UCC§2- Specific Performance “Specific performance may be decreed where the goods are unique or in other proper
716(1) circumstances”
CASE: Sedmak v. Charlies Chevrolet, Inc. (corvette seller reneges) - Ct. allows
specific performance saying UCC§2-716(1) applies because although car is not unique,
its “mileage, condition, ownership, and appearance” would make it difficult to replace
w/o considerable expense and delay. (i.e. too difficult to cover).
CASE: Klein v. PepsiCo, Inc. (CEO reneges on sale of jet) - Jet wasn’t unique b/c
there were others on the market. P was just buying to resell so damages are adequate.
Ct. says UCC§2-716 does not “abrogate the maxim that specific performance is
inappropriate where damages are recoverable and adequate.”
§139 SOF: Promissory Estoppel “promise which promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance…
Exception which does induce act. or forb. is enforceable notwithstanding SOF if injustice can be
avoided only by enforcement of promise.”
CASE: McIntosh v. Murphy (moves to Hawaii for at-will job but gets fired)
§131 SOF: Writing Requirement A. Writing Construed Liberally: §131 2nd Restatement: “any writing, signed by
or on behalf of party charged, which
a. (a) reasonably identifies the subject matter of K,
b. (b) is sufficient to indicate K had been made, and
c. (c) states with reasonable certainty the essential terms of the
unperformed promises
CASE: Monetti v. Anchor Hocking Corp (P gives D exclusive rights to sell plastic
plates but negotiations fail) - a memo that precedes the actual formation of the K was
enough under UCC
§209 PER: Integration (Final “an integrated agreement is a writing constituting a final expression of one or more
Expression) terms of an agreement”
§217 PER: Exception – Conditional if parties agree orally that K is subject to occurrence of a stated condition, the
Agreement agreement is “not integrated wrt the oral condition”. Condition has to be such that
both parties’ obligations don’t come into effect until condition happens.
§151 Mistake a “mistake” is a “belief that is not in accord with the facts.” The doctrine is applicable
only to mistaken beliefs about an existing fact, not an erroneous belief about what
will happen in the future.
§152 Mistake: Mutual “where a mistake of both parties at time a K is made as to a basic assumption on which
K was made has a material effect on the agreed exchange of performances, the K is
voidable by the adversely affected party unless he bears the risk of the mistake.”
§153 Mistake: Unilateral
§154 Mistake: Allocation of Risk adversely-affected party must not be the one on whom the K implicitly imposed the
risk of the mistake. Often the K does not make clear the party who bears the risk of
the mistake so the Ct. allocates this risk in the way in finds reasonable. §154 2nd
Restatement (risk can be allocated 1) in agreement; 2) if party is aware he has limited
knowledge about mistake but treats it as sufficient; 3) court allocates risk to him on
grounds that it is reasonable to do so)
§263 Commercial Impracticability if property performing party expected to use is destroyed, party is discharged only if
destroyed party was specifically referred to in the K. §263 2nd Restatement: “if the
existence of a specific thing is necessary for the performance of a duty, its…
destruction, or such deterioration as makes performance impracticable is an event the
non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the K was made.”
§265 Frustration of Purpose “where, after a K is made, a party’s principal purpose is substantially frustrated w/o his
fault by the occurrence of an event the non-occurrence of which was a basic
assumption on which the K was made, his duties to perform are discharged.”
§251 Assurances This is a “suggestion” not actually a restatement: “the obligee may treat as a
repudiation the obligor’s failure to provide within a reasonable time such assurance of
due performance as is adequate in the circumstances…”
§359 Specific Performance “specific performance or an injunction will not be ordered if damages would be
adequate to protect the expectation interest of the injured party.”
§360 Specific Performance: Are a. in determining adequacy of damages vs specific performance, courts look at
Damages Adequate? 1) “difficulty of proving damages with reasonable certainty”; 2) “difficulty of
procuring suitable substitute performance by means of money awarded”; 3)
“likelihood that an award of damages could not be collected”. Therefore,
factors include:
1. Object is Unique
2. Damages are uncertain
3. Money can’t buy substitute (e.g. patents; controlling interest in
4. Land
5. Damages can’t be recovered b/c party is insolvent
§371 Restitution restitution interest may be measure by either “reasonable value to the other party of
what he received in terms of what it would have cost him to obtain it from a person in
the claimant’s position” or “extent to which the other party’s property has been
increased in value or his other interests advanced.”
CASE: United States v. Zara Contracting Co. (bad soil – D uses Ps equipment to
finish) - P bore the risk of bad soil under K. if it had breached it could not recover
restitution. However, since D breached, P gets restitution. Calculation is not increase
in value to D’s land but how much it would cost P to pay 3rd party to do this.
CASE: Britton v. Turner ($120 K for 12 months of work) - Breacher can sue for
§352 Limitations on Compensation: A. 2nd Rest. §352: to make an award, P must show
Certainty a. 1. the amount of loss with reasonable certainty.
b. 2. D had reason to foresee the damage would occur if he failed to
keep his promise.
UCC Modification