R&C Assignment 2 Asadullah

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Student Name: Asadullah Mukaram Student Reg: L1F21BBAM0523

Section: L Date: 18/12/2021

 Identify the stated main idea and implied main idea from the following passages
 Identify two supporting details for each of the paragraphs
 Plagiarized content will be marked ZERO

Identify the Stated Main Idea and two supporting details from the given paragraphs.
Paragraph A
Lake Baikal, the world's largest & oldest, is located in southern Siberia, in Russia. It measures
395 miles (636 km) long by 50 miles (80 km) wide and it has 1,245 miles (2,100 km) of
coastline. The lake's rocky basin consists of three depressions, which hold a total volume of
14,656 cubic miles (23,600 cubic km) of water, 20 percent of the freshwater in the world. The
lake is also very deep, with its deepest point at over 1 mile (1,637 meters) and an average depth
of 2,066 feet (630 meters). Furthermore, scientists have determined that Lake Baikal is the oldest
lake in the world. From sediment obtained by drilling deep down below the lake, researchers
estimate it to be at least 25 million years old.

Stated Main Idea:

Lake Baikal, the world's largest & oldest, is located in southern Siberia, in Russia.
Supporting Detail 1:
The lake is also very deep, with its deepest point at over 1 mile (1,637 meters) and an
average depth of 2,066 feet (630 meters).
Supporting Detail 2:

From sediment obtained by drilling deep down below the lake, researchers estimate it to
be at least 25 million years old.

Paragraph B
Floodplains are the flat land near a river that is covered with water when the river rises following
a storm & controls flooding when the waters of a narrow river rise rapidly. They provide several
benefits. As soon as the river's water has exceeded its banks and enters a floodplain, the water
spreads out over a wide area and slows down. There, the floodplain holds the water, allowing it
to be slowly released into the river system and into underground bodies of water. Floodplains
also help clean rivers and streams. They keep the water long enough for sediment (small particles
of dust, rock, and organic matter) to settle into the earth under the floodplain. This keeps the
sediment out of the river or stream.

Stated Main Idea:

Floodplains are the flat land near a river that is covered with water when the river rises
following a storm & controls flooding when the waters of a narrow river rise rapidly.

Supporting Detail 1:
As soon as the river's water has exceeded its banks and enters a floodplain, the water spreads
out over a wide area and slows down.
Supporting Detail 2:

The floodplain holds the water, allowing it to be slowly released into the river system and
into underground bodies of water. Floodplains also help clean rivers and streams.

Identify the Implied Main Idea and two supporting details from the given paragraphs.
Paragraph C
In two states in India, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh, farmers have discovered a new kind of
pesticide.' Instead of paying large sums of money to international chemical companies for
chemical pesticides, they are spraying their cotton and chili pepper fields with Coca-Cola. In the
past month there have been reports of hundreds of farmers spraying cola on their fields.
Thousands of others are expected to make the switch to cola from the usual pesticides as word
spreads about the new spray. A farmer in Andhra Pradesh interviewed by a local newspaper said

he was very satisfied with his new cola spray, which he applied this year to several acres of
cotton. He observed that the insects on his cotton plants began to die soon after he sprayed his
fields with cola. Local agriculture officials would not comment on this new development, except
to note that the cola spray cost considerably less than the pesticides produced by Monsanto, Shell
and Dow Chemical. The Coca-Cola Company already is in legal difficulties in Andhra Pradesh
state, where it has been accused of taking water away from farmers for its bottling plants. So far,
representatives of the Coca-Cola Company have refused to comment on the new use of their
product. It is not known if or how sales of the soft drinks have been affected, though it is likely
that the company may try to profit from this new market.

Implied Main Idea:

Discovery of a new pesticide by farmers, in the state of India.

Supporting Detail 1:
The farmers used to spray their cotton and chilli fields with coca cola instead of using a
chemical pesticide.
Supporting Detail 2:

A farmer was later interview by a local newspaper it reveals the use of cola. The cola
company later have refused to comment on the new use of their product, the company
may try to get profit from this new use of their product.
Paragraph D
When archaeologists started to excavate' a limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Flores,
they weren't prepared for what they found: the tiny skeleton of an entirely new species of human
Homo floresiensis, that lived as recently as 18,000 years ago. "I would have been less surprised if
someone had uncovered an alien," says Peter Brown, an anthropologist from the University of
New England in Armadale, New South Wales Among the stone tools and bones of seven
individuals found by the Indonesian and Australian team in the Liang Bua cave were the skull
and incomplete skeleton of an adult whose shape suggests that it was female. It had long arms
and its legs were light and apparently chimpanzee-like, but it walked upright. Its brain capacity

was far smaller than any other known human species. Since the bones are not fossilized, they
may contain DNA and answer questions about their genetic links with Homo sapiens. When we
first unearthed the skeleton, I was [...] puzzled and amused," says Australian scientist Bert
Roberts of the University of Wollongong. "We had been looking for the remains of the earliest
modern humans in Indonesia, so when we found the skeleton of a completely new species of
human, with so many primitive traits, and that survived until so recently, it really opened up a
whole series of new questions [...]

Implied Main Idea:

Archeologist evocation on a limestone cave.

Supporting Detail 1:
They found the tiny skeleton of an entirely new species of human Homo floresiensis, that
lived as recently as 18,000 years ago. "I would have been less surprised if someone had
uncovered an alien," says Peter Brown, an anthropologist from the University of New
England in Armadale, New South Wales
Supporting Detail 2:
After observing scientist get to know that it was the skeleton of a female by determine its
visible bone structure, it's bones aren't fossilized yet so it still contains DNA so they their
genetic links with other homo sapiens.

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