Free Geongineering Book by James W Lee
Free Geongineering Book by James W Lee
Free Geongineering Book by James W Lee
6th Great Extinction
James W. Lee
A Tribute
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their
own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by
making the darkness conscious. —Carl Jung
Please take nothing in this book as fact or true. This is only a guided outline
to connect many dots regarding geoengineering and weather manipulation by
military, government and private corporations.
The information provided is a compilation of over a decade of research on
climate weather modification aka Geoengineering. We ask that the term “chemtrail”
not be used, as it is not recognized as a scientific term and those in power to
stop such practices can claim plausible denial and not be held accountable.
The material in this book is compiled by many varied sources and may be
perceived as very dark, dense and deep. Please ground yourself and allow time
to process the many meanings behind such evil being perpetrated on all.
Factoid: Aerosol spraying over our heads had been going on for decades
now without notice or alarm by the majority living on Earth at this time.
We must halt all geoengineering practices immediately and let are only
Mother Earth heal before we no longer have that choice.
§ VIII §
In Gratitude
1. Geoengineering Humanities 6th Great Extinction Event
2. Geoengineering 101; Who,What, Where, How and Why
3. Aerosol Spraying of Vaccines Ramps Up
4. Get Your College Degree in Geoengineering
5. The Great Arctic Melt Off
6. The Trees are Dying; We’re Next
7. HAARP, LUCY, ALAMO & A.N.G.E.L. Projects; Advancing
Technology Acceleration to an Early Extinction?
8. Summary
9. Epilogue
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Bibliography, websites, links
Chapter 1 | Geoengineering Humanities
6th Great Extinction Event
Truth be told, not sold, the forests are dying, the oceans are dying, the Earth
is dying, and even at this late hour the vast majority of first world societies
remain in total ignorance, denial and apathy that is manifested in many forms.
The ever growing list of extreme weather events and unfolding world die-offs
are not discussed or disclosed by the power structure sold by a vast corporate
media machine designed for mass distraction and disinformation.
Iindustrialized/militarized civilization is in its death throes, the pounding of
Earth by covert climate engineering assault is a testimony to the near total loss
§ 2 §
of sanity in modern society today. Every breath we take is now toxic, air
particulate pollution is taking immense toll on human health. The largest
source of this atmospheric pollution, climate
engineering, is systematically denied by the
world’s central banker controlled “experts”
whose paid for opinions and biased research is
blindly accepted as gospel truth by nearly
everyone. Denial is not just a river in Egypt but
a mass psychosis of the willful, yet social media
correct, ignorant mass of “sheeple” among us all today who completely choose
to ignore the root and principle causes of weather and sentient life extinction
gone wild around, and to, our world today.
“We have film footage of these tankers spraying at altitude, up close nozzles
visible. We have close up photographs of these nozzles right behind the engines.
At that point the argument ends. We have footage of the crime happening. There
is no argument or dispute-it is absolutely going on. We have President Obama
going on record saying that climate change is the greatest national security threat
of all. Do you think that they would ask our permission before they do this?
That is a very naive though.”
—Dane Wiggington,
Those who have the courage to even speak truth to power about
geoengineering practices above us all, on a near daily basis now, face draconian
consequences from a societal system that in so many ways has abandoned any
sense of reason or morality about our collective upcoming immortality due to
climate chaos, made worse by Geoengineering, not to mention the legacy of
the Baby “Doomers” who remain ever so silent and sidelined while Earth is
put in peril.
If you Google search chemtrails or geoengineering and pick nearly any city
in the world, you will see unaltered original real photographs taken in nearly
every country you search of these activities hidden in plain sight overhead.
There are over 150 legal documents (US Patents) that evidences weather
modification also known as geoengineering that can be found in Appendix II
of this book. Many of these patents cannot be employed or used unless used
in aerosol spraying.
§ 3 §
Furthermore, and should be even more disturbing to all, is that we have all
been sprayed like insects without notification or permission, since at least the
mid 1940’s. The US Military, with or without government approval, has used
its citizens as lab rats for decades paid for with US taxpayer dollars. Nice huh?
In 1955, “Operation Drop Kick,” released infected mosquitoes on poor
African American populations in Georgia and Florida; it was part of a much
larger Tuskegee Operation that lasted between 1932 to 1972, without consent
or knowledge from the targeted innocent poor. Another example of just one
of hundreds of aerosol spraying conducted over unsuspecting populations
over the past decades was the 1966 spraying of bacteria over San Francisco
residents to allegedly test what biological weapons could be used to help
spread a biological weapon in a “simulated germ-warfare attack.” At that time,
according to Rebecca Kreston for Discover Magazine, it was “one of the largest
human experiments in history” and “one the largest offenses of the Nuremberg Code since
its inception.”
Fast forward to today where retrofitted drone C141’s and the like, spray
regularly over all skies, domestic and abroad, with chemicals containing
aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium, formaldehyde, as well as nano-
particulate matter Smart Dust, that we all have up taken and ingested.
There is no such thing as organic food anymore. All soil, water, and
air have nano-particulate matters from decades of near daily spraying
above us. The citation below is from an alleged whistle-blower using
the name Locke about spraying conducted in the spring of 2015 in
Southern Oregon:
“For example, I could have warned thousands of people of the ongoing (as
of January 2015) spraying to manufacture air stagnation in the Rogue and
Umpqua [river]Valleys, as well as much of the Oregon Coast south of Florence.
The artificially induced period of air stagnation is part of a larger experiment
testing the efficacy of psychoactive chemical dispersal from high altitudes.
§ 4 §
Currently, spraying is most intense along the coast itself and above inland
valleys. The stagnant air currents in the region
allow for more direct application of psychoactive
agents to test populations. I have little formal
contact with the chemistry department, but to my
knowledge, Lithium is the primary substance
being dispersed in the aforementioned experiment.
Given the psychoactive and social nature of
the ongoing tests, my department is playing a
secondary role collecting water and soil samples. The Sociological Research
Division however, has operatives throughout the region gathering a massive
amount of data regarding the test population’s behavioral traits, like consumer
habits, political engagement levels, and awareness of geoengineering programs.
I would urge you to inform your friends and peers of this fact, as avoiding
observation by refusing to take surveys and engaging in similar actions that can
disrupt this sordid research.”
Excerpt from Locke’s Second Letter: “These dispersal plumes
contain lithium and other psychoactive compounds. The areas targeted as of
March 1st (2015) are inland valleys and coastal towns south of Florence. Over
the next two months, additional spraying operations will be conducted to increase
targeting areas in the Portland metropolitan area.”
Nazi scientists to help assist in eugenics, mind control and rocket experiments
through a program called “Project Paperclip,” the Army and CIA administered
between 250 and 400 kinds of drugs to the soldiers in an attempt to advance
US ability to wage war. Among the many drugs used were Sarin, amphetamines,
LSD, mustard gas, THC, incapacitating agents, and phosgene, a chemical
weapon used in trenches during WWI. By
administering these drugs and others, the military L ocal and State air
hoped to uncover new ways to control human quality boards do not
behavior, pinpoint weaknesses, hypnotize, and test for aerosol sprays
increase an individual’s resistance to torture. made by man, hence
These experiments began in the 1950s and they can honestly
continued until President Richard Nixon halted regularly report they
research into offensive chemical weapons in 1969 find no evidence of
when these programs were put off the publics geoengineering
radar screens. Although soldiers signed consent activities.
forms agreeing to undertake the experiments, the
soldiers argued in court they essentially had no other choice under training that
directed them to follow orders. Veterans also argued these forms violated
international law and the Wilson Directive, which mandates voluntary consent
as “essential.”
Fast forward to today and the very same technology perfected by spraying on
the unknowing, is a new form of disease
being labeled by the Alternative Media as
“Chemflu.” Those of us who have been
observing the sky painting going on over
our heads for years have noticed of late
a very appreciable increase in intensity
and regularity of spraying as well as new
types of aerosol sprays. Geoengineering
watchers know of many different types of
aerosol spraying applications including, scalar waves for weather modification,
mind control with trails that persist, lower and spread over the course of an
hour or more as well as new types of spraying being labeled, “black chemtrails.”
On my YouTube channel,, I recently posted a video
documentary titled, “Chemtrail Flu Going Viral Worldwide.” Soon after reports
came in around the world of sudden increases in spraying in conjunction with
§ 6 §
flu like respiratory ailments, vomiting and stomach flu. This cannot be just
another “coincidence theory.”
Pseudomonas florescens
Radioactive cesium
Radioactive thorium
Serratia marcscens
Sharp titanium shards
Sub-Micron Particles (containing live biological matter)
Unidentified bacteria
Yellow fungal mycotoxins
—List provided by
Brain fog
Low energy
Compromised immunity
Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
Skin discomfort and irritation
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Asthmatic (breathing difficulties)
Memory loss
§ 8 §
Trivia: The reason a bull and bear represent market direction is because of
they way they attack. A bull will charge up with his horns and a bear will claw
down, hence we have bull and bear markets.
Weather Derivatives
One very large sidebar of continued aerosol spraying is that if more people
are made ill, more people go to doctors and hospitals and more money is made
for Big Pharma and an additional benefit is an incapacitation. Another benefit
for the powers in charge is to have a population unable to protest against
GE practices. It is a win-win for those who have yielded such command and
control of all for so long. In fact, market future trading is being conducted in
weather related derivatives today. Former Commerce Secretary, William Daley
testified to Congress in 1998 that “Weather is not just an environmental issue;
it is a major economic factor. At least one trillion dollars of our economy is
weather sensitive.”
IPS MeteoStar
Spectron Group
Speedwell Weather Derivatives (SWD)
Thompson Reuters / Insurance Linked Securities Community
Tradition Financial Services (TFS)
Vyapar Capital Market Partners
Weather 2000
Weather Bug
Weather Insight
Weather Risk Management Associate (WRMA)
World Climate Service
Weather Service International (WSI)
“There was no doubt in my mind that I was in the process of dying,” Logan told
60 Minutes’ Scott Pelley. “I thought not only am I going to die, but it’s going to
be just a torturous death that’s going to go on forever.”
USAF Reserve, Aerial Spray Unit, Youngstown AFB
NASIC/DEKA, United States Air Force Wright-Patterson AFB
Aquiess and Drake International, Global Rain Project
Meteo Systems , Weathertec
Australian Rain Technologies, ATLANT
Ionogenics, ELAT
Evergreen Aviation: Supertanker
Kansas Water Office
§ 14 §
“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the
American public believes is false.”
—William Casey, CI Director (1981)
Programming of minds to not believe what they are actually seeing goes
way back beyond the days of Copernicus in the 16th century. (Think about why
we still call the actions in the skies as a “sunrise” and “sunset”).
Pointing out obvious “persistent contrails,” as many in the scientific
community refer to geoengineering activities laid chemical laden lines in the
sky that do not disappear can be frustrating to all who try to inform and alert
family, friends and co-workers. Most just don’t want to deal with this most
critical issue even when the evidence is so literally right in front of us on a
daily basis.
This is in large part due to mass media’s success in convincing the uneducated
that these trails directly above us all are just contrails and occur due to
temperature changes in the atmosphere. Mind control guru’s are well practiced
in giving one-off headline memes to dismiss addressing critical subjects
like this.
Few give thought or pause to reflect that corporations
and governments spend billions upon billions of
dollars, year after year, decades after decades, studying
activities behind our eyes and between our ears. What
do you think they have learned about controlling
thought and human behavior?
The fact of matter is today’s modern jet engines are nearly incapable
of producing condensation trails, except under very extreme conditions,
yet everyone uses the very same one-off language to defer and deflect
uncomfortable conversation such as GE. This is known in psychology terms
as cognitive dissonance.
The other one-two instant reaction from those unaware that they are
unaware they are being sprayed like insects, is another one-off reply of,
“Why would they spray their own children?” This is an excellent question that has
no real answer we know for sure other than:
Remember, Wall Street makes the most money when resources get the most
scarce and they have no morality. This is also why our government refers to
us all as “human resources.” When I began a career on Wall Street in the
mid-1980’s, one of the first to speak to me on my first day on the job as
a clerk on the New York Stock Exchange, was a senior partner at my new
firm. He spoke direct and plain, while sitting at the 7th floor bar above the
§ 17 §
NYSE, where brokers go to unwind. He said, “Son, if you are going to make
it in this business you must know two things about Wall Street truths.”
He continued, and looked me straight in the eye and said, “your either at
the table or on the table” and “here on the Street, you’re either prey or
you pray.”
Wall Street is owned by the banksters who are owned by the families
of Court Hofjuden Jews who all report to the Bank of International
Settlements (BIS) located in Basil, Switzerland. Switzerland, being host
to the Rothschild’s banking empire, secret bank accounts, a stand alone
country, always neutral and never invaded through two world wars where
every citizen carries and knows how to use a rifle, provides Swiss guards
provide Vatican security and the Rothschild’s are the Vatican personal
bankers. Switzerland has a Red Cross for a flag, that is also embedded in
the flag of Great Britain.
The “banksters” handlers are the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits
who are headed by the current Black Pope, Father Adolfo Nicolas. (He is six
levels above the current White Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope in the Vatican
in 600 years.) Pope Francis was Archbishop of Argentina during the 1980s
“Dirty Wars” were tens of thousand Argentinians simply “disappeared.”
He has claimed ignorance regarding the purge of human life at that time
in history.
One cursory look at the staff around current President of the US,
Barrack Obama, and you begin to understand who is REALLY in control
and has been for a very long time.
Some of Mr. Obama’s key officials in his campaign and his presidency
included his top speech writer, Jon Favreau, who trained at the College of
the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, the oldest Jesuit College in
New England. Dan Pfeiffer, who was Obama’s Deputy Communications
Director during the campaign, and continues in the same position at the
White House, graduated from Georgetown University.
His senior Military and Foreign Policy Advisor was Major General Jonathan
Scott Gration, a fighter pilot whose masters’ degree is from Georgetown
University, the oldest Jesuit institution in America. Most of the top brass of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff graduated from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign
§ 18 §
“(2014) Drug company, PaxVax, has sought approval to conduct the clinical
trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once
underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites
selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia,
Victoria, and Western Australia. PaxVax has proposed a number of control
measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and
its introduced genetic material yet the regulators readily admit they have little
knowledge as to how the spraying effects plants, trees and wildlife.”
§ 19 §
Think again.
In 2006, Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public
Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile
Virus (WNV) in Humans.” The article stated that the incidence of human
West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial
spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School
of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.
Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose
a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine
Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV, are being tested
and are being used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures.
In other words, these sprays can, are designed, to alter ones own DNA.
§ 22 §
Are you fully creeped out yet and fully understand all that this implies for command and
control of humanity?
It is of no coincidence that Bill Gates has lead the charge for artificially intelligent
(AI) vaccine carrying mosquitoes to treat Malaria, that he first demonstrated onto
an unsuspecting audience at a TED talk he gave in 2009. Now, just over a half-
decade later, we learn that Gates and Co. had released AI mosquitoes into the
exact same area where the alleged Zika virus is coming from in Brazil.
In June of 2016, it is being reported that helicopters are spraying areas over
the 5 boroughs of New York City to arrest the Zika virus as well as airplanes
injecting vaccine into flights to and from Brazil, without anyone’s consent or
knowledge that this is being done. June 1, 2016, it was announced that 150
prominent doctors and health practitioners were calling for a cancellation, or a
change in venue, for the upcoming Rio Brazil Olympics this summer.
Biometric IDs
to solve the problem that he and his Club of Rome cronies helped create
with sales and marketing and funded debt to endless consumption using
much Asian slave labor and beyond because, as Dick Cheney said infamously,
“the American lifestyle is non-negotiable” and President Bush famously
declared directly after the self-inflicted 9/11 attacks, that we all should feel
better and “go shopping.”
§ 26 §
“But there are at least 26 reasons why geoengineering may be a bad idea.
These include disruption of the Asian and African summer monsoons, reducing
precipitation to the food supply for billions of people; ozone depletion; no more
blue skies; reduction of solar power; and rapid global warming if it stops.”
—Alan Robock,
Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences,Rutgers University, 2013
(The Oxford Geoengineering Programme was founded in 2010 as an initiative of
the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford).
University of Michigan
“For cloud seeding—we are already doing that. We have
satellite images of ship-tracks available that tell us that in fact the
emissions from the ships brighten the clouds in the little lines
you see (chemtrails) and change the radius of the particles in
the clouds. So we’re already doing that.” “….We also know that the aerosols
that we are currently emitting are already protecting us from global warming
to a certain extent...We have already seeded marine clouds,” Professor Joyce
Penner, University of Michigan
“Given that the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the globe, understanding
the processes and feedbacks of this polar amplification is a top priority.”
—US Department of Energy
“The study estimates that in 2008, the US poured 49 million tons of methane into the
air. That means US methane emissions trapped about as much heat as all the carbon
dioxide pollution coming from cars, trucks, and planes in the country in six months”
The last time the Arctic was ice free was 3.6 million years ago. Today, ice
core models chronicling Earth’s past, do not even come close to measuring
the Arctic liquidation occurring in the former Great White Northern regions
today. Alaska is averaging, as of Spring of 2016, temperatures consistently
at +10–20˚ F average above what used to be considered normal for over
the past century of recorded history. They even had to truck in snow so the
famous Alaskan Iditarod could be completed in temperatures and unheard of
50 degrees.
The Arctic Gyre steers the weather around the world, like a swizzle stick
above the Earth, which is helping to spread mass
warming of our oceans worldwide. One has to
have their head completely in the sand to not be
aware of the world-wide devastation of our ocean
life due to warming seas while fish are found
radiated and filled with mercury poisoning, in the
rivers and estuaries world-wide today.
“Furthermore Professor Jennifer Francis has shown that the present CO2
content of the atmosphere has a delayed temperature anomaly more than 12˚C
(53.6˚F) which is higher than the Major Permian Extinction Event (Wignall,
2009) so we will be facing total extinction unless we sharply reduce our carbon
§ 34 §
dioxide emissions by a large amount (more than 90%) and the existing methane
content of the atmosphere by more than 60%.” —Professor J. Francis,
Research Director of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University.
“The study estimates that in 2008, the US poured 49 million tons of methane
into the air. That means US methane emissions trapped about as much heat
as all the carbon dioxide pollution coming from cars, trucks, and planes in the
country in six months.”
methane release into our atmosphere was reported per day! The situation got
so bad the FAA put restrictions on flights in and around the LA basin so
planes engines would not interact with the methane gas and explode in mid air.
Now huge pooling of methane gas has parked itself over the entire west
coast of the US that will further accelerate the warming of an already very
dry West.
“Something is very much off in the inventories,” said study co-author
Anna Michalak, an Earth scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science in
Stanford, Calif. “The total US impact on the world’s energy budget is different
than we thought and it’s worse.” What those failing to acknowledge is the
increased methane gas releases are coming down from the Arctic.
Methane gas contains 20 times more CO2 than other greenhouse gases and
scientists have been extremely concerned about the acceleration of releases
since 2007 to the point where greenhouse gases coming from the Arctic alone
make up 10% of the total releases in North America today. Yet that is nothing
compared to what is in store for us all if the melting in the North continues
along its current trajectory.
In 2013, another major release of methane pools in our atmosphere
occurred in the Arctic regions and now reports are being suppressed that the
entire snow cap is off the methane pools and full releases of methane are now
occurring. Methane gas takes 1½–2 years to fully deploy in our atmosphere
before the full greenhouse umbrella takes full effect.
In response, the world powers that need to cease to be, over the past few years
are actively engineering an all out world-wide aerosol campaign experiment in
a so far desperately fated effort to ‘re-winterize’ the Arctic with geoengineered
chemically nucleated treated snow.
They are Mass aerial spraying, using heavy bombardments of chemicals
and technology, including heavily spraying doses of aluminum, barium and
strontium, all the while using HAARP towers to steer winter weather destined
for the US west coast, far up North to help with the Re-Arctification efforts
at the sacrifice of California. They are that desperate to recap the Arctic, the
only reason being that this is the most important work ever conducted in
an all out effort to save us from ourselves ….using technology that not only
exacerbated, but greatly has accelerated the problem!
“We as a species have never experienced 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere,” Guy McPherson, professor emeritus of evolutionary biology,
natural resources, and ecology at the University of Arizona and a climate change
expert of 25 years, told me. “We’ve never been on a planet with no Arctic ice,
and we will hit the average of 400 ppm… within the next couple of years.
At that time, we’ll also see the loss of Arctic ice in the summers… This planet
has not experienced an ice-free Arctic for at least the last three million years.”
—Guy McPherson, AMEG
Huge Methane Blow Hole (2013) Serbia, Russia (note people on rim for size perspective)
record highs. Crab season all up and down the coast has been canceled again
this year due to their toxicity. It has gotten so bad that in 2015, the Chinese
announced they would not be purchasing any shell fish from the US any longer.
Mass methane gas hovering over entire Pacific West Coast 2015
“It’s very concerning,” Catton said. “There’s a lot of uncertainty moving forward.”
“The kelp collapse may only add to the woes. Purple urchins are
silver-dollar-sized species rarely caught for commercial harvest in California.
They normally co-exist in kelp forests alongside other marine life, including
red urchins....and red abalone. But those two species also feed on kelp and
both are showing signs of starvation,” Catton said.
“Rock-fish, another key fishery that includes dozens of species sought by
commercial and sport anglers, also likely will take a hit from the kelp die-
off,” said Mark Carr, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at
University of California at Santa Cruz. The young of several near-shore species
take shelter in the kelp during their first months of life.
This excerpt below is from a report by Mr. Michael T. Snyder at website:
“Why are millions upon
millions of dead sea creatures
suddenly washing up on beaches all
over the world? It is certainly not
unusual for fish and other inhabitants
of our oceans to die. This happens
all the time. But over the past month
we have seen a series of extremely
alarming mass death incidents all over the planet. As you will see below, many
of these mass death incidents have involved more than 30 tons of fish. In
places such as Chile and Vietnam, it has already gotten to the level where it has
started to become a major national crisis. People see their coastlines absolutely
buried in dead sea creatures, and they are starting to freak out.
For example, just check out what is going on in Chile right now. The following
comes from a Smithsonian Magazine article entitled “Why Are Chilean Beaches
Covered With Dead Animals?”
“Compared to other countries, Chile is almost all coast, and that geographical
fluke means that the country is known for its beautiful beaches. But that
reputation may be on the wane thanks to a new sight on Chilean shores: dead
animals. Lots of them. Heaps of them, in fact. As Giovanna Fleitas reports for
the Agence France-Presse, the South American country’s beaches are covered
with piles of dead sea creatures-scientists are trying to figure out why.
§ 40 §
Tales of dead animals washing up on shore are relatively common; after all,
the ocean has a weird way of depositing its dead on shore. But Chile’s problem
is getting slightly out of hand. As Fleitas writes, recent months have not been
kind to the Chilean coast, which has played host to washed-up carcasses of
over 300 whales, 8,000 tons of sardines, and nearly 12 percent of the country’s
annual salmon catch, to name a few.
Authorities in Chile are scrambling to come up with a reason why this is
happening, but nobody seems to be sure what is causing the tsunami of death.
In Vietnam, things are even worse. At this point, so many dead fish and
clams have been washing up along the coast that soldiers have been deployed
to bury them.... ”
Over and Down-under at sea level in Australia, not only are they—year after
yea—shattering record highs, but native eucalyptus trees are dying in droves,
corals reefs are dying in faster and faster time event horizons.
Again, this reporting from David Sigston, AAP, May 10, 2016:
“Scientists are worried about an ‘unprecedented’ die-off of mangroves in
northern Australia and the link with large-scale coral bleaching of the Great
Barrier Reef.” The widespread damage to mangroves around the Gulf of
Carpentaria has been highlighted at an international wetland conference held
this week in Darwin. While a detailed scientific survey has yet to be
undertaken, photographs revealed hundreds of hectares of mangroves
dying in two locations along both the west and east coastlines of the gulf.
Professor Norman Duke, spokesman for Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh
Network, said the scale and magnitude of the loss appears “unprecedented
and deeply concerning.”
Professor Duke said the damage was particularly alarming given this year’s
severe coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, as it appeared to correlate
with extreme warming events in the region.
Until more extensive research is done, the James Cook University professor
isn’t sure if the mangroves are beyond saving but is warning more needs to be
done. “Shoreline stability, and fisheries values, amongst other benefits of
mangrove vegetation, are under threat,” he said.
Professor Duke has called for increased monitoring of mangroves,
particularly in the remote areas of northern Australia, so scientists can establish
baseline conditions and isolate and manage any die back. Australia is home to
seven per cent of the world’s mangroves.”
§ 41 §
Speaking the truth of our anguish for the world brings down the walls between
us, drawing us into deep solidarity. That solidarity is all the more real for the
uncertainty we face. —Joanna Macy
In Alaska, despite it being very early in the summer, heat records are breaking
by the dozens. Recent statements from the National Weather reported that the
towns of McGrath and Delta Junction in the interior of the state hit a high of
78 degrees and a low of 49 degrees, respectively, beating the previous records
set in 2005 and 1988 for each. Fairbanks set a new high temperature record of
82, which broke shattered a century-old record of 80 degrees set in 1915.
The largest city in Alaska, Anchorage, set a record of 72 degrees, a stunning
seven degrees above the previous high that was set in 2014, while Juneau
and Bethel, set new heat records. Even Barrow, in the far north, saw 42
degrees recently, breaking the previous heat record by four degrees. Given
that Anchorage has already seen the second-largest number of record high
temperatures for any year and there is still 63 percent of the year left, 2016 will
certainly break the previous record of high temperatures seen, which was set
in 2003.
In Africa, the heat continues to be unrelenting, and that trend is expected to
not only continue, but increase, according to a study recently published in the
journal Environmental Research Letters. According to the study, by 2100, heat
waves on that continent will be hotter, last longer and occur with much greater
Southwest Asia and India recently saw historic heat waves that have brought
more than 150 deaths. Cambodia and Laos each set record highs for any day
of the year during April. Cambodia saw 108.7 degrees Fahrenheit on April 15,
and on April 26, Thailand set a record for national energy consumption (air
conditioning), according to The Associated Press.
India went on to break its heat record in May, when the city of Rajasthan
saw 51 degrees Celsius (123.8 degrees Fahrenheit), as the heat wave besetting
northern India persists, as temperatures have exceeded 40 degrees Celsius for
several weeks in a row now.
§ 46 §
Years 2014 and 2015 were the warmest ever recorded and six months into
2016 we are set to beat those records, climate change “deny-ists” be damned.
One of the research team’s authors said that “unusual” heat events will
become much more regular, “meaning it can occur every year, and not just
once in 38 years-- in climate change scenarios.”
The history of the giant Redwood trees on the West Coast of California
is one of recent accelerated die-off as well. These great Sequoias have lived
for many hundreds and hundreds of years, yet less than 3% of these Ancient
forests remain today largely due to advanced destruction technology and
capitalist greed in this Era of Industrial “Devilution”. Over the past few years,
California has seen an unprecedented, (there’s that word again), extreme 5
year-long drought, where little fog now comes to cool and feed the giant
Redwoods and moisten the loamy soil they thrive in. Only two ancient giant
forests remain in the world today, in South America and Africa.
Not only are we seeing die-off of these ancient legends like never before but
we are also getting reports around the world of mass die-off of all species of
trees, from Australia to Bulgaria to Southern California. Literally everywhere.
Rain forests in Brazil are being clear cut as well as along the California and
Oregon coasts and being reseeded with GMO, all the same for-profit uni-trees.
Trees are the lungs of our Earth that give off oxygen to feed humans and our
oceans. They die, we die, its that simple.
“Levels of UVB are now often up to 1000% higher than official agencies are
disclosing, these are extremely dangerous levels. How do we know levels are this
high? Because we can and are metering UV radiation. We are now even detecting
UVC radiation at the surface, UVC is the last band of UV radiation before
x-ray radiation. We are told by all “official” monitoring agencies that UVC is
stopped 100,000 feet up in the atmosphere, this is also a lie.”
— Dane Wiggington,
UVB is a kind of ultraviolet light from the sun (and sun lamps) that has
several harmful effects. UVB is particularly effective at damaging DNA. It is a
cause of melanoma and other types of skin cancer. It has also been linked to
§ 47 §
damage to some materials, crops, and marine organisms. The ozone layer
protects the Earth against most UVB coming from the sun. It is always
important to protect oneself against UVB, even in the absence of ozone
depletion, by wearing hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. However, these
precautions will become more important as ozone depletion worsens.
In 2014, measurements were taken and recorded by Dane Wiggingtion at as to testing the Ultraviolet levels A & B. What he
found through his own testing, was that UVB levels, much more deadly than
UVA levels, were some 1000 % above official EPA reports. UVB is a much
shorter, more intense burst of radiation and is the (bold) causal reason we
all feel like the Sun is more intense on our skins. It is also the primary causal
factor of the tree die-off we are seeing around the world today.
Increased UVB intensity causes a mass increase in skin, and other types of
cancer, and dovetails, again so coincidentally, with reports in 2014 by the World
Health Organization (WHO), who reported that cancer rates are predicted to
Solar Dimming
“Monsanto’s GMO seeds are specially designed to grow in the high presence of
aluminum. Aluminum is the chemical found in chemtrails. If this poisoning
continues, true organic farming may become impossible in the not so distant future.
When aluminum pollutes soil and water it kills crops. It collects in people and
causes diseases!” — Dane Wiggington
to help the agriculture communities when in reality their goals have long since
been clear to any who investigate, to capitalize off the engineered decimation
being carried out world-wide.
HAARP uses Earth’s energy grids to push its power to manipulate weather.
(Note main center dome point location over UK)
Chapter 7 | HAARP, LUCY, Alamo and A.N.G.E.L.S.
Projects; Advancing Technology Acceleration
to an Early Extinction?
I think the reason I’ve occasionally said that is that it illustrates the kind of
power that this technology grants us. And I think for better, for worse, what
this technology gives us is this enormous kind of leverage and power to alter
the climate and to do it with a very small amount of money or material and
that power should frighten us, I think, and it presents real deep problems for
—Geo-engineering proponent, Harvard Professor David Keith
From Sam Arcana (a group of scientist pseudo name, so they can truth
tell and keep their jobs and pensions) at Arctic Methane Emergency Group
“Huge quantities of methane are held in ice-like structures in the cold
northern bogs and the bottom of the seas. They are called clathrates (or
cathrates). They are stable only in the cold or under high pressure. Methane is
24 times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2.
The estimated amount of methane stored in these clathrates is gargantuan.
They are the largest concentration of methane found on earth. The compression
of methane gas in clathrates is enormous. One cubic meter of clathrates
brought to the ocean’s surface releases 164 cubic meters of methane.
The possibility of violent methane degassing (or “burping”) has been called
the clathrate gun hypothesis. There is a suggestion that the ocean’s bottom
waters couldn’t warm up to 8˚C. If so, that would certainly set off massive
clathrate destabilization. This is what turns the clathrates into a ticking
time bomb.
These hydrates are already being released. High altitude photos show massive
chimneys of methane bubbling off the ocean floor. They are subterranean
versions of the gas field fires we saw during the first Gulf War in Kuwait.
Historically there are spikes in the methane record that may be explained by the
violent degassing of clathrates. Some think that the Ecocene hothouse period was
caused by runaway global warming from clathrates released from the oceans.”
§ 52 §
Top image: HAARP SBX Platform being towed out to sea and set along Earth’s
geodesic energy grids for maximum connectivity.
Bottom image: HAARP facility in Alaska used to steer weather, increase and
reduce hurricanes, earthquakes and frequency-hopping mind control.
§ 54 §
manipulations of our skies, much like an opera singer can break glass with her
high-pitched voice. Geoengineering creates a false ionospheric sky to bounce
the signals off of, sometimes as low as 10–15,000 feet above our heads.
The theory, developed on in science labs recently and just being developed
and put into practice the past few years, is to use alternating frequencies from
HAARP devices around the world to break up the methane gases as they
are released from the Arctic Tundra, and before they can deploy into further
life killing C02. These nano-particulate matters then create what science calls
“nano-diamonds” of very small methane crystals that are hoped to mitigate
mass methane spreading overhead. Hence the name for one of their projects
explained below has been named “Lucy,” as in the Beatles song, “Lucy in the
Sky with Diamonds!”
Since all science has in their tool belts are hammers, then pound away they
must. So they are using highly advanced technology, worked out only in theory
in government laboratories to blast the large pool of methane gases using
HAARP technology.
HAARP: is The largest ionospheric heater in the world. Capable of heating
a 1000 square kilometer (1609 mile) area of the ionosphere to over 50,000
degrees. It’s also a phased array. Which means it’s steer-able by HAARP
technology and those waves can be directed to a selected target area. What
they have found is that by sending
P lease keep in mind that radio frequency energy up into
the DARPA, the US Defense an artificially created ionospheric
Advanced Research Projects layers, manipulating storm weather
Agency, has advanced and focusing radio beams, they are
technology some 25-100 years heating up large areas of Earth
beyond what they release to us caused by their desperate attempts to
today. It was DARPA that released “Re-Arctic-fy” snow back onto the
the Internet platform in 1995 we tundra to keep methane pool releases
all use world-wide today. (The from occurring.
speeds we are used to today, are
processing speeds they had back Climate Weather
in 1995) They also hold the Nikola Engineering
Tesla patents for free-energy for
all, developed by Mr. Tesla in the Tragically for all, by all measures,
early 1900’s ,but still held back they have been wildly unsuccessful
from the public still to this today.
§ 57 §
in re-Arctification, causing even more rapid heating of Earth over the past
few years in a vicious warming feedback loop on unintended, yet predicted,
consequences. In 2007, the first large methane pools released as the snow/
ice melted and exposed the tundra. Then much larger pools of methane gas
released in 2013. Today, in the Spring of 2016, the lid is off and we’ll likely be
ice free this Fall for the first time in millions of years. A very, very big deal for
the future of all life on Earth.
Yet, the spin doctors of corporate science, hiding such critical news of
these increasingly deadly for all mass methane releases, only want to point to
increased snow in the Arctic, taken from computer generated images from
Google Earth. These images only show increased snow coverage of just a few
inches after snow nucleated spraying. (Please note that we see only CGI images of the
Arctic and Antarctic Circle, never a real-time live pictures from NOAA and NASA).
This artificial heating literally lifts the ionosphere within a 30 mile diameter
area therein changing localized pressure systems or perhaps the route of jet
streams. Moving a jet stream is a phenomenal event in terms of man being able
to do this and their is no precedent for this huge attempt to play God with
weather around the world, yet is employed daily by our government sponsored
climate engineers, completely under the radar of the general sleeping “sheeple.”
Factoid: The powers in charge enlisted the help of shoe manufactures in the
1950’s and 60’s to replace leather soles on shoes with
rubber. This simple act disconnected us from the
grounding source to our Mother Gaia, and thus our
own torodial connection to the heavens above as to
keep us from accessing our higher consciousness. This
was celebrated, for those in the know, with the Beatles
album cover in 1965, “Rubber Soul.”
§ 60 §
“Man is the only species that is willfully destroying the only home that gives
all Life” —Extinction-R-Us Through Advanced Technology?
of Polarized 13.56 MHz Radio Transmissions. The Lucy and Alamo (HAARP)
projects were designed to break down atmospheric methane using radio –
laser transmissions.
In this system three additional transmitters on three separate ships will
have their antenna placed slightly lower than the main 13.56 MHz methane
destruction antennae. Recent experiments have shown that when a test tube of
seawater was illuminated by a polarized 13.56 MHz radio beam, that flammable
gases (nascent hydrogen and hydroxyls) were released at the top of the tube.
In the modified version of the Lucy Project, hydroxyls will be generated by
a polarized 13.56 MHz beam intersecting the sea surface over the region where
a massive methane torch (plumes) is entering the atmosphere in order that
the additional hydroxyl produced will react with the rising methane breaking
a large part of it down. In the Arctic Ocean, the polarized 13.56 MHz radio
waves will decompose atmospheric humidity, mist, fog, ocean spray and the
surface of the waves themselves into nascent hydrogen and hydroxyl.”
A newly determined global atmospheric temperature gradient indicates that
the mean global atmospheric temperature anomaly will reach 1.5˚C in 15 years
(2028.5) and 2˚C in 20 years (2033.4). Consequently we only have 15 years to
get an efficient methane destruction radio – laser system designed, tested and
installed (Lucy and Alamo (HAARP) Projects) before the accelerating methane
eruptions take us into uncontrollable runaway global warming.
This will give a leeway of 5 years before the critical 2˚C temperature anomaly
will have been exceeded and we will be looking at catastrophic storm systems,
a fast rate of sea level rise and coastal zone flooding with its disastrous effects
on world populations and global stability. An anomalous temperature of 4˚C
will be reached by the atmosphere around 2043 which will end the vegetation
carbon sink, preventing plants from helping balance carbon dioxide exhalation
and this will further accelerate climatic change.”
Alamo Project
“We clearly have to destroy more than 62% to 64 % of the present methane
content of the atmosphere before the Earth will have a livable atmosphere. This
also means stopping all the Arctic methane eruptions by de-pressurizing the
methane under the sub-sea methane hydrates to stabilize the methane content of
the atmosphere.” —Sam Carana 2013
A.N.G.E.L.S. Project
(Arctic Natural Gas Extraction, Liquefaction, Sale and Storage)
dioxide emissions from North America, if we have any hope of stopping this
now, almost out of control, exponentially escalating build-up of methane in
the atmosphere and its extreme enhancement of global warming.
The A.N.G.E.L.S. Project will require the drilling of inclined boreholes into
the sub-sea Arctic permafrost/methane hydrates to drain the over pressured
methane from beneath them and thus de-pressurize the reservoirs.
This will stop many of the Arctic sea surface
methane eruptions by drawing ocean water
down the eruption zones and will allow a
controlled destabilization of the undersea
methane hydrates producing natural gas source
for many hundreds of years. This gas can be
liquefied in surface plants, put into lNG tankers
and sold as a feedstock for hydrogen plants or
permanently stored in propane-ethane hydrates
with carbon dioxide at ambient temperatures in
deep ocean basins.
The United States and Canada with their expanding economies and their
growing frenetic extraction of fossil fuels, using the most environmentally
destructive methods possible (fracking and shale oil) as well as the population’s
total addiction to inefficient gas transport is leading our planet into suicide. We
are like maniacal lemmings leaping to their deaths over a global warming cliff.
What a final and futile legacy it will be for the leader of the free world to be
§ 67 §
Chapter 8 | Conclusion
remembered only in the log of some passing alien ship recording the loss of
the Earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere after 2080 due to human greed and
absolute energy ineptitude.
The US has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces
and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that
the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching
catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at
her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely
brutal, 30–40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasize more, how serious
humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain
final destruction and extinction in the next 30–40 years if we continue down
the present path we are following.
§ 68 §
What other species destroys its own nest so unconsciously and then, upon learning
of its toxic actions, increases its consumption through borrowing into the future to
accelerate its own destruction?
NASA and other alleged space agencies are heavily involved in the
unannounced spraying of our skies for decades now. They even have
documented their goals and future goals for their Full Spectrum Dominance
of Earth in coordination with the world’s military power structure of today.
NASA is funded under the Department of Defense, is a military operation,
and was founded in 1958 by Nazi rocket scientists, movie producers and
Freemasons, yet is always been promoted as a civilian operation only.
As you can clearly see on the following screen shots of NASAs own
document “Future Strategic Issues, Future Warfare,” (circa 2025), written in 2005
§ 70 §
Chapter 9 | Summary
and in the .PDF listed in the Website and Links section of this book, NASA
has done extensive research and development of many different aerosol
application techniques and uses including very disturbing work with self-
replication nanobots applied through aerosol application of “Smart Dust,”
which we are all up-taking through our breathing, as they spray over all our
heads on a regular basis, which I cover in Book III, “Touchless Torture. Target
Mr. von Braun also found time in 1958 to host the Disney show “Man in
Space” to start to sell the US Space Program. His co-host was Heinz Haber,
another NASA Nazi. Mr. Haber worked for Mr. Strughold and co-authored
papers that were based on human experiments performed at Dachau and
other concentration camps in which hundreds of prisoners were subjected to
experiments that simulated the conditions of high speed, high altitude flight.
Prisoners that survived the experiments were generally killed, then dissected.
When the Eisenhower administration asked Walt Disney to produce a
propaganda film regarding the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, Mr. Haber
was picked to host the Disney show, “Our Friend the Atom.” Mr. Haber then
wrote a popular children’s book of the same title.
The JIOA worked independently to create false employment and political
biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public
record the scientists’ Nazi Party memberships and regime affiliations. Once
“bleached” of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances by
the US government to work in the United States and given US Passports.
Another hidden fact of revisionist history is that before, and during, the
entirely of WWII, many of the greatest US corporations were partnered
with Germany.
John D. Rockefeller provided the anti-knock fuel additives through his
Standard Oil of New Jersey so Germany’s Luftwaffe Air Force could fly.
Germany has never been an oil producing country and had to manufacture
synthetic fuel for the war effort. No no-knock fuel additive, no airplanes flying
for the Nazi’s.
The German behemoth chemical company, I.G Farben, is known to have
provided their military with chemicals used on Allies to torture and gas
prisoners during the war.
On I.G. Farben’s US subsidiary board of directors were some of the most
prestigious names among American industrialists such as: Edsel Ford of
the Ford Motor Company, C.E. Mitchell, and Walter Teagle, directors at the
Federal Reserve Bank and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Georgia Warm
Springs Foundation.
According to Antony Sutton, in his brilliant trilogy of books on Wall
Street & Stalin, Hitler and FDR, provided documentation showing that
I.G. Farbern and other business’ of the world elite, were spared allied bombing
throughout WWII.
§ 73 §
Chapter 9 | Summary
Paul M. Warburg, the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York and chairman of the Bank of Manhattan (later Chase Bank), was also an
I.G. Farben director.
Meanwhile, in Germany, his brother, Max Warburg, was also a director at
I.G. Farben. Max Warburg belonged to a circle of advisors of the German
emperor, Wilhelm II. Following World War I, Max Warburg participated
in the negotiation of the Versailles Treaty as member of the German
delegation, though he declined the offer to chair the Finance committee and
instead suggested his partner in the Warburg bank, Carl Melchior.
Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb,
daughter of Salomon Loeb, a founding
partner of the New Yorker Wall Street
banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Felix
Warburg, another brother, married Frieda
Schiff, the sole daughter of Jacob H. Schiff,
a senior partner in the same firm. Both
Warburg brothers eventually joined as
partners of Kuhn, Loeb, the second biggest
private bank in the United States prior to WWI.
Prescott Bush, father and grandfather to two US Presidents, was indicted
under the Trading with the Enemies Act in 1942 by the United States for his
continued illegal and treasonous assistance to the Germans during wartime.
His assets were seized, and he likely promised his fellow cronies of capitalism
never, ever to do it again. Another great omission in US histories narrative.t
Car maker Henry Ford, received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle for
his support to Germany. He also opened in the 1930s the largest automobile
manufacturing plant in Gorsky, Russia at that time. This plant was later
retrofitted and made armored tanks used against the US in the Korean and
Vietnam wars. When WWII broke out he abandaned some 450 US auto
workers and their families to help run the new Russian factory and is recounted
in the excellent book by Karl Tobien, “Dancing with the Red Star” by the only
known survivor of the Russian gulag’s, Margaret Werner.
Coca Cola changed their brand name to Fanta, to continue to sell sodas in
Germany. IBM contributed new computer know how to keep track of POW’s
and extermination records. The list goes on to manufactures of truck parts to
medical testing devices to the delivering of scientists to the US with complete
§ 74 §
“You can’t solve a problem from the same mind that created the problem in the
first place.” —Albert Einstein
It is complete naivety to believe that the same ones causing the problems are
going to suddenly wake up and find the error of their ways. It will only be by
the grace of the Great Mystery that
we are allowed to survive. Hope
comes through active consciousness
awakening and education resulting in
A-C-T-I-O-N. Current projections
form those in the know, believe we
have less than a decade left for most
sentient life on Earth if we do not
stop all geoengineering activities
today as well as greatly reduce C02
polluting activities.
We are the problem, yet the Climate
Engineers playing God with our
weather, are making it exponentially
worse, while spraying heavy metal
toxins over our waterways and
on our soil we where our food is
grown. The Baby “Doomers” of my
generation choose to remain absolutely clueless as to the effects and affects of
Earth’s warming liquidation. There is no such thing as organic food any longer.
All food now shows ever increasing levels of aluminum and other nano-
particulate matter. Through this uploading of heavy metal toxins we have all
become antennas that can manipulate anyone at will.
Much sooner than later, foods will only be able to be grown with Monsanto
related heavy-metal resistant seeds. Growing your own food, and/or partnering
with local farmers is a must as well as using heavy metal lifting plants for the
soil, like Sunflowers and Hemp plants.
My third book on geoengineering “Touchless Torture Brainwashing,” I will cover
touchless torture being used along with supercomputers, over-the-horizon
§ 75 §
Chapter 9 | Summary
radar, HAARP and smart dust that is in the aerosol spraying. The smart dust
being sprayed on all that containing self-replicating nanobots where targeted
individuals are having their minds, speech, dream and soul mapped and
controlled wirelessly. Another excellent reason for shutting this geoengineering
monster down.
Let’s be very clear here, Mother Gaia will survive humanity’s suicidal self-
genocide, yet those that rely on Earth for their subsistence and survival will
not... and this is not a big IF, it is now a “when” because we have passed the
“we had better soon or else” moment in our collective history.
We are past a normalized world, yet our only hope of survival is if we allow
our Supreme Mother and Father Sky to heal on their own and once again,
return to the sacredness of all Life on Earth.
All hands on deck are required immediately and actively, to sound the alarm
to awaken the snoring. Inaction deemed more deadly than error at this late
inning of this, the 6th Great Extinction Event in the History of Mankind.
If we fail, and we are down 20-0 in the ninth inning here with two outs to use
a baseball metaphor, the message is clear, our children, all Life, have no long
term future due to our willful, and continued ignorance, to what is occurring
over all our heads through geoengineering practices on a daily, weekly, and
decades long basis.
And that is one hell of a legacy to leave on or way out.
Truth be told.
The End
§ 76 §
Appendix I
TONY JONES: “Now scientists originally calculated that the major impact
of global warming would happen towards the end of this century, so
geoengineering was considered to be something far off in the distant and really
science fiction for most people. Why the urgency now? Why has the debate
DAVID KEITH: “I think the debate’s changed really because the sort of
taboo that we wouldn’t talk about it has been broken. So, people have actually
known you could do these things for better or for worse for decades, actually
since the ’60s, but people were sort of afraid to talk about them in polite
company for fear that just talking about it would let people off the hook so
they wouldn’t cut emissions.”
“And that fear was broke a few years ago and so now kind of all the
research is pouring out really because effectively had been suppressed, not by
some terrible suppressor, but by a fear of talking about it.”
TONY JONES: “So what do you think would actually drive the world’s
superpowers or a collective of nations to decide to actually do this, to go ahead
and begin the process of planning and preparing for a geoengineering project?”
DAVID KEITH: “Very, very hard to guess. I mean, essential thing to say
about this is that technology is the easy part; the hard part is the politics. Really
deeply hard and almost unguessable. At this point we have no regulatory
structure whatsoever and no treaty structure, so it’s really unclear what would—
how such a thing would be controlled.”
§ v §
Appendix I
TONY JONES: “Do you have any sort of idea at all what kind of timescale
there might be before governments are forced to seriously consider this? Is it
10, 20, 30, 50 years?”
TONY JONES: “So if you were given the go-ahead to do research and the
funds to do it, because I imagine it would be very expensive, what would you
actually do?”
DAVID KEITH: “It’s not very expensive actually to begin to do little in-situ
experiments. So I am working on one and many other people are. So what
we would do – the experiment that I’m most involved with would look at
a certain aspect of stratospheric chemistry, of the way that the ozone layer
is damaged and we’d be looking at whether or not and how much increase
of water vapour in the stratosphere, which may happen naturally, and also
the increase of sulphate aerosols if we geoengineered might damage the
ozone layer.”
“Basically, how much damage there would be and how we could fix it. And
that experiment would be done in a very, very small amount of material; we’re
talking, like, a tonne of material, so small compared to what an aircraft does
traveling across the Pacific. And the cost of it would be a “few millions to
5 million” kind of money, which on the scale of big atmospheric research
§ vi §
projects is actually not that much. I mean, the total climate research budget is
billion class.
TONY JONES: “Is it clear now or is it becoming clearer that the best
strategy if you wanted to go to a global scale would be literally flooding the
stratosphere with sulphate particles?”
DAVID KEITH: “I think the honest answer has to be that we don’t know,
that you need to do the research in order to have strong opinions about what’s
the right answer. I would say, you know, if you really put a gun to my head and
said, ‘What’s the very most likely thing to work right now?’ That’s probably it.
And the reason is because it mimics what nature has done.”
“So we have big volcanoes that put sulfur in the stratosphere and we know
something about the bad impacts of that and we know something about what
it does to cool the planet. And so it seems pretty likely that since we’d be
putting in much less than nature puts in, at least for the first half century or
more, that we could actually do something and control the risks.”
TONY JONES: “Yes, I guess you mentioned volcanic activity and that’s
what scientists are basing, I suppose, their knowledge on now. What we’ve
seen from volcanic activity is – and you can go back to ’91 and Mount Pinatubo,
which actually caused a fairly sudden drop in global temperatures because it
blanketed the atmosphere in that way, but it also had, evidently, climate change
effects itself, so there are clearly dangers here.”
DAVID KEITH: “For sure. There are a bunch of dangers. There are
both the dangers of kind of side effects like ozone loss or interfering with
atmospheric chemistry in other ways. There’s the basic fact that this is not a
perfect compensation for CO2.”
“So for example, carbon dioxide makes the ocean more acidic and doing
these things to cool the planet will do nothing to correct that. So in the end
we will have to cut emissions no matter what, but the fact that we have to cut
emissions in the long run doesn’t mean that we might not want to do things in
the short run that actually provide real protection, if in fact they do, protecting
people from heat stress or protecting the Arctic from melting.”
§ vii §
Appendix I
“So I think we need to get out of the kind of extreme either/or that says
you only do this if you can’t cut emissions. That’s nonsense. Cutting emissions
we need to do in order to reduce the risks over the next century or two, but we
still might want to do some of this in order to reduce the risks over the next
half century and those are really quite distinct things.”
TONY JONES: “Let’s talk about the risks of actually doing it on a global
scale because you’ve been pretty frank about that. You’ve actually said you
could easily imagine a chain of events that would extinguish life on Earth.
Now what would be that potential chain of events from using this kind of
DAVID KEITH: “Yes, I probably got quoted a little out of context there.
I think there are sort of theoretically possible ways that could happen, but
I don’t think there’s socially plausible way it could happen. So, you might in
principle be able to put up enough reflective aerosols – probably not sulphates,
actually; I think it won’t work with sulphates – but some other engineered
“And if you did that for 100 years and reflected away sort of 8 per cent
of the sunlight, whereas the amount people are talking about doing is more
like 1 per cent, then in principle you could actually freeze the oceans over,
as happened some good chunk of a billion years ago, and that would be
devastating. But I think that the chance of people doing that would sort of be
a global suicide is so remote as not to be a serious worry.”
“I think the reason I’ve occasionally said that is that it illustrates the kind
of power that this technology grants us. And I think for better, for worse, what
this technology gives us is this enormous kind of leverage and power to alter
the climate and to do it with a very small amount of money or material and
that power should frighten us, I think, and it presents real deep problems for
“So unlike the problem of CO2 emissions, which is changing the climate,
but which is a product of human actions all over the planet. Every individual
person flying or driving a car or using electricity around the planet contributes to carbon
“If you talk about putting sulphates or some other engineered particle in
the stratosphere, the issue is that a very small number of people in principle
§ viii §
could do it and have this kind of huge leverage to affect the whole climate in this
profound way. And that’s what raises the very hard challenge of governance.
TONY JONES: “Yes, is there a fear raised by what you’re saying that some
country, a superpower, China, for example, has been suggested, could actually
do something like this unilaterally and thereby create conflict over the whole
idea of geoengineering?”
DAVID KEITH: “Yes, it’s certainly possible. So, there’s no question it’s
technically possible to do it unilaterally. So, the actual materials you need, the
aircraft and engineering you need to do this are something that would be in reach easily of any
of the G20 states. It’s not hard to do. You could buy the equipment from many
aeronautical contractors.”
“So in that sense it could be done unilaterally. I think that there are scenarios
under which it would happen in the real world unilaterally, but I don’t think we
should—I mean, I think you can exaggerate that possibility.”
“But, you know—so, for example, I think if nothing was done to manage
emissions and if climate impacts really fell strongly on, say, India—which
might actually happen from heat stress on crops—you could imagine India
doing it unilaterally. But there’s a kind of a hard and an easy unilateralism.”
“So if a country in a really kind of wanton way just starts it with no
consultation, that would be clearly ugly, bad, could create conflict, but I think
there are also kinds of unilateralism where you’re not formally doing it in a
legal multinational way, but where you do it with lots of consultation. And
in that situation what might happen is a small number of countries might do
it and many other countries might publicly say, ‘We wish we were involved in the
decision,’ and privately say, ‘We’re pretty happy somebody’s doing this because actually it
will reduce climate risk and then this other group will take the liability.’ ”
Appendix I
“How serious first of all would that change of colour be if you really were able to do it
on a global scale and would you expect protests?”
TONY JONES: David Keith, we’ll have to leave you there. Fascinating to hear
from you. We thank you very much for taking the time to come and talk to us.
Appendix II
United States Patent and Trademark Office
1338343 April 27, 1920: Process and Apparatus for the Production of Intense
Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists
1619183 March 1, 1927: Process of Producing Smoke Clouds from
Moving Aircraft
1631753 June 7, 1927: Electric Heater, Referenced in 3990987
1665267 April 10, 1928: Process of Producing Artificial Fogs
1892132 December 27, 1932: Atomizing Attachment for Airplane
Engine Exhausts
1928963 October 3, 1933: Electrical System and Method
1957075 May 1, 1934: Airplane Spray Equipment
2097581 November 2, 1937: Electric Stream Generator, Referenced in 3990987
2409201 October 15, 1946: Smoke Producing Mixture
2476171 July 18, 1945: Smoke Screen Generator
2480967 September 6, 1949: Aerial Discharge Device
2550324 April 24, 1951: Process for Controlling Weather
2582678 June 15, 1952: Material Disseminating Apparatus for Airplanes
2591988 April 8, 1952: Production of TiO2 Pigments, Referenced in 3899144
2614083 October 14, 1952: Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture
2633455 March 31, 1953: Smoke Generator
2688069 August 31, 1954: Steam Generator, Referenced in 3990987
2721495 October 25, 1955: Method and Apparatus for Detecting Minute Crystal
Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere
2730402 January 10, 1956: Controllable Dispersal Device
2801322 July 30, 1957: Decomposition Chamber for Mono-propellant Fuel,
Referenced in 3990987
2881335 April 7, 1959: Generation of Electrical Fields
2908442 October 13, 1959: Method for Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs
and Clouds
2986360 May 30, 1962: Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device
2963975 December 13, 1960: Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet
§ xii §
Appendix II
Appendix II
5245290 September 14, 1993: Device for determining the size and charge of
colloidal particles by measuring electro-acoustic effect
5286979 February 15, 1994: Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using
dispersed melanin
5296910 March 22, 1994: Method and apparatus for particle analysis
5327222 July 5, 1994: Displacement information detecting apparatus
5357865 October 25, 1994: Method of cloud seeding
5360162 November 1, 1994: Method and composition for precipitation of
atmospheric water
5383024 January 17, 1995: Optical wet steam monitor
5425413 June 20, 1995: Method to hinder the formation and to break-up
overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation
and improve urban air quality
5434667 July 18, 1995: Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic
light scattering
5441200 August 15, 1995: Tropical cyclone disruption
5486900 January 23, 1996: Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and
image forming apparatus having the measuring device
5556029 September 17, 1996: Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)
5628455 May 13, 1997: Method and apparatus for modification of
supercooled fog
5631414 May 20, 1997: Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-
atmosphere system state
5639441 June 17, 1997: Methods for fine particle formation
5762298 June 9, 1998: Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to
modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on
earth’s weather
5912396 June 15, 1999: System and method for remediation of selected
atmospheric conditions
5922976 July 13, 1999: Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated
mobility-classified aerosol detector
5949001 September 7, 1999: Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis
5984239 November 16, 1999: Weather modification by artificial satellite
6025402 February 15, 2000: Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction
of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation [sic]of fumes and chemical
fogs in spaces of fire origin
§ xvii §
Appendix II
Nature Bats Last,
Arctic Methane Group,
Appendix II