Employer-Employee Relations: Block 4
Employer-Employee Relations: Block 4
Employer-Employee Relations: Block 4
Block 4
14.0 Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Need for Employees Association
14.3 Objectives of Employees Unions
14.4 Growth of Employee Unions
14.5 Right to Form Unions and Associations
14.6 Important Functions of Employees Union
14.7 Restrictions on Right to Join Employee Unions
14.8 Rules of Recognition
14.9 Conclusion
14.10 Glossary
14.11 References
14.12 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit, you should be able to:
• Explain the objectives of civil service unionism in general;
• Understand the origin and growth of employee unions in pre- and post-Independent
• Underline certain aspects relating to right to association;
• Identify the important functions and activities of employees unions; and
• Explain rules relating to grant of recognition of unions/associations.
The extent of Employer-Employee relations in public service depends vastly on the
nature of Civil Service unionism. The harmony and hostility of relations rests with the
strengths and weakness and the philosophy of unionism among the government
employees. Public-Employee relations are also governed by the changing nature of
the public employer and its dictatorial or democratic attitude in solving the mutual
problems. In this Unit, we propose to study the objectives of Civil Service unionism,
the origin and growth of employees unions and also the important functions and activities
of the employees’ union.
*This Unit has been adopted from BPAE-104, Block 6
A basic question as to why Civil servants form and join the association are of more
importance in Civil Service than the working and its composition. Associations are the
creations of Civil servants and their groups where objectives are many and varied.
Pigors and Myers write: “Unionism springs from the basic aspirations of those employees
who become convinced that they can gain more through membership in a union than
by going at it along”. Membership in a trade union is encouraged by the government
on the ground that representative associations not only promote good staff relations
but are also essential for effective negotiations on conditions of service. An association
often develops as a result of government’s limited point of view and of restricted
communication within the structure. Today associations are, in another sense, faithful
representatives of the society from which they emerge. Associations are thus, on the
one hand, essential instruments for improving the welfare of their employee and on the
other, they have pressed the government to become liberal in dealing with them. Since
Civil Servants have been denied the right to strike and participate in the political activities
by the Civil Service rules and regulations, they have demanded the provision of a
machinery whereby the employees’ grievances may be redressed. In order to get their
grievances and complaints heard through any government machinery, they feel the
necessity of forming staff associations. Through associations the employees feel better
security, liberty and courage rather than remaining alone. Staff associations make it
possible for civil servants to express their day-to-day difficulties and grievances to the
administrative authorities in a formal way by submitting applications and petitions or
by holding informal talks with the management. Civil servants seek membership of
these associations because the peculiar and diverse needs of the Civil Service cannot
be achieved without collective representation and bargaining. They become members
with the hope that it may help lessen their anxiety and distress and will further the
scope of leading a happy life. The original reasons for unionisation were the effects of
continual internal reorganisation and reform. Then followed security of employment
and better conditions of service. The foregoing considerations advance the acceptance
of unionism as a continuing feature of our politico-administrative system.
4) The associations meet the social expectations of the members. It satisfies the ego
of the office bearer. They feel that they are doing something useful and beneficial
for their members.
The unions make it possible for employees to express their point of view to the
government as a whole, while developing a feeling of oneness between the employees
and the administration. Thus, they help in developing harmonious relations between
government and employees.
The employees unions provide a feeling of identification with the securing of certain
personal objectives. They want to do something for themselves. They provide an
outlet for natural social aspirations of employees. The unions want to promote efficiency,
protect merit systems and improve the quality of administration.
Public employees have in many countries demanded the right to form Employees
Unions. There is a high degree of variation among the public employee organisations
and in the nature of formal relations between the unions and their governments. Their
fundamental objectives are to get redressal of the grievances of the employees pertaining
to the service conditions through joint consultation, collective bargaining and by direct
action if felt necessary. Ultimately they have aimed at maintenance of harmonious
relations between the government and employees by settling their problems through
negotiations in a peaceful manner in order to promote efficiency, protect merit system
and improve the effectiveness of the administration.
Conduct Rules : An established regulation or guide for conduct
procedure, usage, etc., for government
Recognition Rules : In Civil Service, a statement of decisions
concerning the manner in which organisational
policies and plans should be carried out.
Right to Recognition : A term applied to employer acceptance to be the Employee
bargaining agents for his employees. Unions
Aggarwal, A.P. (1972). Freedom of Association in Public Employment. Journal of
Indian Law Institute. 14(1): 1-20.
Goel, S.L. & Rajneesh, S. (2008). Public Personnel Administration Theory &
Practice. New Delhi, India: Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training, Central Civil Service
Rules, 1993
Government of India. (2009). Reports of the Administrative Reforms Commission.
New Delhi, India: Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions.
Mast, M.K. (1990). Trade Union Movement in Indian Railways. Meerut, India:
Meenakshi Prakashan.
Nigro, F.A. (1963). Public Personnel Administration. Pennsylvania, USA: Hott
Rinehart and Winston.
Rao V.B. (1978). Employer-Employee Relations. New Delhi, India: Concept
Publishing House.
Rao V.B. (2008). Public Administration: Steel or Plastic Frame. Delhi, India: Kalpaz
Robin, J., Vocino, T., Hildreth, W.B. & Miller, G.J. (1995). Handbook of Public
Personnel Administration. New York, USA: Marcel Debber.
Singh, R.C. (1974). Indian P & T Employees’ Movement. Allahabad, India: Indian
International Publication.
Stahl, O. G. (1975). Public Personnel Administration. New Delhi, India: Oxford-
& IBH Publishing Co.
15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Fundamental Rights Guaranteed to the Citizens
15.3 Classification of Fundamental and Other Rights
15.4 Personal Rights
15.5 Civil Rights
15.6 Freedom of Speech and Expression
15.7 Political Rights
15.8 Trade Union Rights
15.9 Service Rights
15.10 Conclusion
15.11 Glossary
15.12 References
15.13 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit, you should be able to:
• Explain the fundamental and other rights guaranteed to the citizens and the public
• Discuss the restrictions imposed by the government in exercise of the rights by
Public Servants; and
• Highlight the service rights of the government employees.
The constitution of different countries guarantee certain fundamental rights to all the
citizens irrespective of birth, caste, creed, colour or sex. Public servants being citizens
enjoy certain fundamental rights. However, the public servants have to perform public
functions for which the constitution empowers the states to regulate their rights and
impose obligations on them. In regard to various rights of public servants, different
countries have evolved different systems of rights over a period of time depending
upon the genius of their people, their historical background, the stage of their economic
development and their political and administrative structure.
The public servants are first citizens and then employees. But they have a special duty
222 to maintain the structure of the states’ Law and Order. There is a special status of
*This Unit has been adopted from BPAE-104, Block 6
double status applicable to the employees as citizens and as Public Servants. Their Rights of Public
position is closely related to the conception of democratic government which expects Servants
employees to render faithful service to all the people, without the thought of their own
interests. There are also arguments that public employees must be granted the role of
the normal citizen even though they are public employees and they cannot be treated
as second class citizens.
In this Unit, we will study the fundamental and other rights guaranteed to the citizens
and the public servants, restrictions imposed by the government in exercise of the
rights by Public Servants and highlight the service rights of the government employees.
Though the civil servants are more enlightened citizens, all the rights guaranteed by the
constitution of different countries, do not guarantee such rights to their public employees.
The grant of different rights and their denial is governed by the theory of the constitutional
government and the place and role assigned to the public servants. The government
servants for this purpose are classified into Industrial, Non-industrial, Administrative
and Clerical, Ministerial and accordingly were given the rights depending upon their
extent and nature of participation in the arrangement of public offices. All the
governments in theory believe in the concept of sovereign employer in which the public
employers are ‘Government Servants’, required to conduct themselves under a
framework of Rules, Regulations. However, they are not second class citizens but
enjoy certain privileges and facilities more than the ordinary citizen.
Strikes : Organised method of withholding labour supply
in order to force the employer to grant employees
their demand.
Fundamental Rights : Those rights which are protected against any
violation either by the authority of the executive
or by the legislature through an independent and
impartial judiciary. Part III of the Indian
Constitution contain these rights.
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