New Countdown TG Starter Primer A and B
New Countdown TG Starter Primer A and B
New Countdown TG Starter Primer A and B
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New Countdown (Third Edition) Starter, Primers A, and B are the first three of eight
books specially designed for the young mathematician of today’s fast changing world.
With their lively coloured illustrations and activity pages, these books aim to excite the
imagination of the student at the very start of his or her journey in maths; they are
ideal for use at the pre-primary levels.
Today’s students are very proactive. The study of any topic, if not related to practical
real-life, may not excite them. Their interest can easily be stimulated if we relate the
topic to real-life experiences.
The approach adopted in New Countdown (Third Edition) Starter, Primer A, and Primer
B is to teach the most fundamental mathematical concepts through play and engaging
activities. The textbook is the primary source of exercises on various topics such as
colours, line formation, shapes, size, patterns, comparisons, and number formation. This
teaching guide is composed of detailed lesson plans and additional material to support
teachers to adopt a flexible, student-oriented approach.
New Countdown (Third Edition) Starter, Primers A, and B cover all the concepts
recommended for the learners of pre-primary level: comparison; the numbers 1-10; the
concept of zero; elementary addition and subtraction; use of the number line, counting
backwards; numbers in sequence (ascending and descending order); and counting to 100.
And they do so in ways designed to stimulate activity: students are invited to colour and
count, to draw and count, to solve puzzles and colour, to look about and discover numbers
in the world about them, to note differences like big, small; more, few; find similarities,
make sets, establish pairs, and begin adding and subtracting. This is very much in line
with the modern approaches to mathematics teaching, which emphasise play, activity,
experimentation, and practical application over old mechanical or rote learning methods.
But no maths book—even like New Countdown, that combine the functions of textbook
and workbook—can hope to ‘cover’ a subject that is so varied and so rich in teaching
potential. The inclusion, in your classroom and in your day-to-day teaching, of a few
simple pieces of equipment will reinforce a student’s understanding of the concepts
presented in the books and provide additional opportunities for communication
between teacher and pupils.
About the Teaching Guide:
The key learning areas and competencies of basic mathematical concepts from the
Pakistan National Curriculum for Early Studenthood Education (2007) have been
added in the. Guide for teacher’s guidance. It is expected that by the end of three years
of pre-primary, students will be confident and prepared to face the challenges, and have
acquired the skills of problem solving required at the higher level.
Planning your work and then implementing your plan are the building blocks of
teaching. Therefore, this teaching guide provides detailed lesson plans, including
learning objectives, learning curves, learning activities, and guidance to implement
textbook exercises.
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Whole class, small group, and individual activities are mentioned at the beginning of
each unit. Teachers have the liberty to use any of these or the ones mentioned in each
lesson plan, or any other appropriate activity of their choice depending on time and
interest of their students.
Use of teaching aids is important at the beginner’s level, to make the subject interesting
and easy to understand. Recommendations for basic teaching aids will support learning.
Teachers can prepare their own material or use any teaching aid easily available, as and
when required
— Shamlu Dudya
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Pakistan National Curriculum for Early Studenthood Education (2007)
Competency 1
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the different attributes of objects, such
as colour, size, weight and texture, and match, sequence and classify objects based on
one/ two attributes. They will also engage in pattern seeking and pattern making using
different attributes of objects.
Expected Learning Outcomes: Students will begin to develop the attitudes, knowledge,
and skills to:
a. Recognise, name and differentiate between colours.
b. Differentiate between the size, weight, length, width and texture of objects.
c. rrange objects and later pictures, according to their size/ length, going from
smallest to biggest. biggest to smallest, shortest to longest and longest to shortest.
d. rrange objects and later pictures, according to their weight and width, going
from lightest to heaviest, heaviest to lightest and narrowest to widest and
widest to narrowest.
e. Match one object with another based on similar attributes.
f. Compare various objects and identify those that can be grouped together.
g. S ort and group objects (classify) based on a single attribute (e.g. Colour, size
or weight) and later based on two attributes (e.g. Colour and size or colour
and weight).
h. Observe, identify and extend patterns developed with various concrete materials.
i. Observe, identify and extend a given picture/symbol patterns.
j. Create own patterns using concrete material and pictures, and explain them.
k. bserve and identify the ‘odd one out’ from a given set of materials or
pictures, and explain the answer.
Competency 2
Students will develop a basic understanding of quantity and simple number operations,
and count from 0-9.
Expected Learning Outcomes: Students will begin to develop the attitudes, knowledge,
and skills to:
a. Differentiate between ‘some’ and ‘all’ from a given set of objects, and
understand that ‘some’ is less than ‘all’.
b. Understand one-to-one correspondence.
c. Count correctly from 1-9.
d. Use numbers to represent quantities in daily life
e. Compare quantities of objects in different sets and describe which sets are equal,
which have more objects, and which have less objects,
f. Begin to develop an understanding of the concept of ‘zero’.
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g. Identify and write correct numerals to represent numbers from 0-9.
h. Sequence numerals correctly from 0-9.
i. Identify which numeral represents a bigger quantity.
j. Identify ordinal numbers up to nine.
k. Add concrete objects in two given sets.
l. Identify the signs of addition (+) and equal to (=).
m. Substitute numerals for objects during the process of addition.
n. Use mathematical language, such as ‘add’ and ‘makes’ to describe the process of
o. Use addition in daily life.
p. Remove the identified number of objects from a given set, and tell how many
objects are left in the set.
q. Identify the sign of subtraction (–).
r. Substitute numerals for objects during the process of subtraction.
s. Use subtraction in daily life.
Competency 3
Students will recognise basic geometrical shapes and the position of objects in relation to
each other.
Expected Learning Outcomes: Students will begin to develop the attitudes, knowledge,
and skills to:
a. ecognise, name and draw two dimensional shapes, such as circle, oval, square,
rectangle, and triangle.
b. Identify two dimensional shapes in their environment.
c. Draw pictures of their own choice using various shapes.
d. nderstand and describe the position and order of objects using position
words, such as ‘in front of’, ‘behind’, ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘under’, ‘inside’, ‘outside’,
‘between’ and ‘next to’.
Competency 4
Students will develop an understanding of measurement.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will begin to develop the attitudes, knowledge, and skills to:
a. Describe and compare objects using length, weight, and temperature as
measurement attributes.
b. Observe various objects and estimate their weight and length.
c. Verify their estimations.
d. Understand time and mark the passage of time.
e. Sequence events in time and anticipate events.
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Teaching Mathematics at the Pre-primary Level
You can make the learning of mathematics an enjoyable and enriching process by
keeping a few things in mind:
Make mathematics ‘reflect real-life’. The teaching of mathematics should not be limited
to doing exercises in the textbook. Link each concept to aspects of students’s lives at
home and at school. By doing this, you will enable better understanding, retention and
application of mathematics.
Emphasise the different aspects of mathematics equally. It is important to maintain equal
focus on the teaching of size, symmetry, patterns, and shapes as well as numbers and
counting. This contributes to developing students’s mathematical sense as opposed to
simple numerical competence.
Where possible, link the teaching of mathematics with other subjects. Students have
relatively few opportunities to use numbers and other mathematical ideas as compared
to languages. By relating mathematics with art, music, and language, you can broaden
the scope for application of mathematics in real-life situations (e.g. use number poems,
number stories, etc).
Engage with parents and encourage them to play an active part in developing the
mathematical competency of their student. Students understand mathematical concepts
better when they are given opportunities to explore mathematical skills at home.
A student-centred approach that addresses the unique learning needs of every student
needs to be adopted. A one-size-fits-all approach must be avoided, because some
students may not understand what is being taught. The lack of sufficient opportunities
in the wider environment for students to apply mathematical knowledge increases the
chances that students will stop taking interest in the subject.
To address the challenge of working with students of differing abilities, teachers must
help students to acquire mathematical skills instead of having concepts imposed on the
mind through various ‘teaching techniques’, for them to use 100% of their capacity.
More able students can be given a few additional exercises along similar lines to use
their maximum potential, while students with limited learning skills must be allowed to
continue work at their own pace.
It must be emphasised here that students love to hear encouraging words such as
‘Good’, ‘Well done’, or ‘Keep it up’ as often as possible. A gentle pat on the back can
also be very encouraging.
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Clay Work
Working with play dough and soft modelling clay is a great way to develop students’s
fine motor skills. The activity on page 1 of the textbook requires students to fashion
a rudimentary stamp out of modelling clay. Through this activity, they can learn to
manipulate clay through rolling, squeezing and pressing actions.
Clay work can be used when working through other units of this book, including the
units on 3D shapes, size, patterns, and counting. Students can be asked to create various
shapes out of modelling clay, make clay eggs or a given number of patties, and so on.
Finger Painting
Finger painting can be an excellent way to develop finger and hand muscles while
learning about colours. Finger painting develops colour identification among the
students as well as their hand-eye coordination.
You can use finger painting activities when addressing unit 1 on colours as well as
subsequent chapters on numbers. For example, the students may be asked to make ‘x’
number of fingerprints in a certain colour and ‘y’ number of fingerprints in a different
colour. There are many more activities you can devise depending on the interest and
abilities of the students.
Sand Play
The sandpit is simply a tray of reasonable size and depth that is partially filled with sand.
Sandpit activities are an effective precursor to drawing lines and writing of numbers
with a pencil. Simply leaving the students to play in the sandpit can aid the development
of motor skills as they learn to use toy buckets and spades to move the sand around.
The students can be asked to practise drawing straight and curved lines as well as the
numbers from 0 to 9 in the sand with a finger. Doing this will help them acquire control
over moving their fingers to form a specific number or line before they learn to write
with a pencil. Salt could be substituted for sand.
Threading Activities
You can use various threading activities to develop colour, size, shape, pattern, and
number concepts. Beads and buttons of different shapes, colours, and sizes can be used.
Handling light thread or string can be difficult for students at this stage; you can use
pipe cleaners if they are easily available. Alternatively, you could take craft wire and glue
some soft felt around it to make it safe for young students.
You can use threading activities to ask students to make strings of beads of a certain
colour or colours, shapes (e.g. use only cylindrical beads, or use one spherical and two
oval beads in a pattern), patterns (e.g. small blue bead followed by big yellow bead),
numbers (5 green buttons and 7 red buttons), and so on.
Building Blocks
Building blocks are popular toys but they can be used in the classroom to teach various
mathematical concepts. By playing with building blocks, students learn to form stable
structures, group similar objects, and create order. Their spatial skills and hand-eye
coordination are enhanced.
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Building block activities help develop colour concepts (e.g. stacking red blocks only, or
red and blue blocks only), shapes (e.g. create a cube or cuboid structure with the blocks),
patterns (e.g. build one tower with three blocks followed by one with four blocks, and
so on), and numbers (e.g. build a tower with ‘x’ number of blocks, etc.).
Sorting games are effective because they can be organised as individual play, pair
activities, or group games. Different objects such as beads, marbles, shells, and toys can
be used and students can be asked to sort them according to colour, shape, size, and
Developing Pencil Grip
Students at the pre-primary level are intuitively comfortable holding a pencil in their
fist. The initial exercises in the textbook involve colouring for which the student may
be excused for gripping a crayon or coloured pencil in their fist. When the student is
required to draw straight and curved lines, and write numbers in later units, teaching
the correct pencil grasp is important.
One of the ways in which you can do this is to develop the pincer grasp. The pincer
grasp involves the use of the thumb and index finger and can be developed easily in
pre-primary school students. The various activities described above would already have
developed some degree of fine motor skills.
How to teach a student to hold the pencil correctly, follow these steps:
Step 1: Lay the pencil on the table and ask the student to hold it near the point with the
index finger and thumb.
Step 2: Help the student raise the hand so that the pencil hangs vertically from the
pincer grasp.
Step 3: All you need to do is hold the opposite end of the pencil and bring it all the way
back to place it in- between the thumb and index finger of the student. The
pincer grasp is used as a pivot and thus stays in place.
The student is now holding the pencil in the correct way. With some practice, the
student will be able to do this independently.
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• A sense of discovery and learning (rather than “being taught”)
• Understanding of the subject in a creative, logical, and lateral manner
• Individual, easy pace of learning for each student
• A sense of confidence
• Affectionate bonding with the teacher
Teachers need to take the age group of the students into consideration, and help them
learn in a manner suitable to their age.
Building the Concentration
This can start with the students shaking their arms and legs while standing at their
individual positions and giving out a jolly good laugh! Look right, look left, raise your
right hand, and thump your left foot It may sound crazy, but it does help to make a
good beginning for the day.
This is followed by a round of meditation. All students sit down, close their eyes, and
mentally focus on whatever they wish—be it a beautiful scene on a beach, a colorful
flower or the face of his/ her mother. They sit in this posture for a minute or two, to start
with, and then go on to increase this duration up to five minutes.
The kind of concentration students are likely to develop through this focusing exercise
will stay with them for many hours. In fact, this can be repeated after lunch break, once
the students are back on their seats.
Note: It is essential to mention here that teachers do not mix this focusing exercise with
religious meditation, as a matter of respect for the multi-religious societies we live in.
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Discovering, Learning, and Understanding the Concept
Students learn something new every minute as they discover. Each discovery is a result
of a practical activity and without practical activity proper grasp of the subject is not
A student may recite a poem like ‘1 + 1 = 2’ and ‘1 + 2 = 3’ and so on. But unless these
numbers are connected to the physical world by presenting the above sums as say, ‘1
marble put together with 1 more marble gives 2 marbles’ and ‘2 marbles put together
with 1 more marble gives 3 marbles’, the entire number sequence makes little sense.
After a start like this, the student’s sense of curiosity will be heightened and will remain
with him/her throughout life lending it a dimension that many adults have never
Additional Knowledge
Students may start with the 5 colours on page 5 of Primer A, but when they are out in
the garden that has, say, pink or purple flowers, then these colours must also be included
in the activities performed.
This leads to the discovery of many more colours. So observation and vocabulary
improve, leading to a major jump in learning.
Check the Pace of Learning
In this ‘open’ method of learning, it is possible to include students with different
learning abilities. Every student works at his/her own pace without being singled out.
With greater exposure, he/ she will eventually fall in line with the majority, and hence
slow learners will not feel a sense of failure.
Building Self-Confidence
Being in a familiar and friendly environment itself is a confidence-building exercise. The
more relaxed and confident a student is, the easier it is for him or her to absorb new
concepts as the year progresses.
Bonding with the Teacher
Students are born with a mind which is thinking, receptive, and ready to try on new
things. So it has a vast potential to grow if handled properly by the teacher.
A happy and fun-filled atmosphere, with a relaxed teacher, leads to a greater bonding
between the students and the teacher. This is very important at the levels of Primer A
and B, and cannot be overemphasized. A comfortable, tension-free atmosphere leads to
healthier mental growth.
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Features of the Lesson Plan
This guide contains lesson plans that cover all the units and concepts covered in the
textbook. These plans are flexible and can be adapted to the specific needs of your
learners and the classroom environment.
The objective can be used as a starting point to plan the lesson. It can also be used
as a benchmark to assess whether the lesson has been delivered effectively or not.
The learning curve orients you in the direction the current lesson should take. It
helps you to base the lesson on specific understanding and skills that the students
have learnt in previous lessons. It indicates the extent to which the new lesson
content must be established in order to serve as the foundation for more complex
concepts and skills. The initial question when planning a lesson should be how much
do the students already know about the topic? If it is an introductory lesson, then
a different approach is to be adopted. You can start with an interesting story, use
resources, or ask questions which will lead to the to the new topic.
The learning resources include the objects that you will need to achieve the learning
outcomes. Most of the learning resources are those that are commonly used in the
pre-primary classroom. Flash cards, objects, charts, and any age appropriate material.
You are free to substitute materials that are more readily available and that you
believe will enhance the students’s understanding.
The learning activities offer detailed, step-wise guidance and help students to
achieve the cognitive and skills objectives. You can follow these steps as written
or modify them to suit your specific needs. These activities build the conceptual
foundation in a play-oriented environment which supports the completion of
exercises in the textbook. Step-wise instructions are also provided for teaching the
concepts and completing the exercises in the textbook.
he approximate time required for each exercise is also indicated to guide planning,
but the teacher has the discretion to either extend or shorten the time frame as
required. Generally, class dynamics vary, so flexibility is important. The teachers can
adjust the teaching time depending on the receptivity of their class, as some topics
take longer, while the others tend to take less time.
Wrap up activities, tips, and suggestions are offered to help teachers in setting
up maths corner, where hands-on activities can be conducted or students’s work is
displayed. You can incorporate these suggestions for further reinforcement.
Lesson Plans
Whole class, small group, and individual activities are mentioned at the beginning of
each unit. Teachers have the liberty to use any of these or the ones mentioned in each
lesson plan, or any other age appropriate activity of their choice depending on time and
interest of their students.
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Teaching and Learning Resources
Here are recommendations for basic teaching aids at this beginner’s level.
Counters: Any material which a teacher can manage to collect for counting e.g. bottle
caps, shells, beads, etc.
Feely Bag: A small bag/ pouch, ideally made up from cloth so that the objects inside the
bag are not visible from outside. Different small objects are placed in this bag (as per the
need) for the students to feel and recognise objects without seeing them.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Objects for Sorting and Comparing
Encourage students to bring small collectibles into the classroom: beads, shells, buttons,
marbles, twigs of different lengths, pencils and crayons of different thicknesses. A special
table could be set aside for these. Make sure that coloured counters and dice are readily
available. And ensure you a have a variety of solid shapes on hand: balls, globes, tins,
cubes, boxes etc. Encourage the students to discover fresh examples of these shapes.
The Sorting Tray
All you need is a broad, flat box or tray, divided (perhaps by strips of cardboard) into
compartments. This has almost endless possibilities: it can be used for sorting the
students’s small collectibles into sets of every variety: sets of size, sets of colour, sets of
number, and many more.
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The Bead Bar
Here you need a long wooden rod with 10 evenly spaced holes along it. Suspend lengths
of wire through the holes, each hooked at the bottom for cards to hang from. On each
wire hang beads made from clay or wood and painted brightly.
Number Cards
Ready-made cards, displaying one number on each card. If ready-made cards are not
available, the teacher can take the printouts of numbers (2.5” × 3”) and laminate them.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Make a set of cards covering the numbers 1 to 10. Each card should have a drawing on
one side and the relevant numeral on the other. The teacher then separates the set and
the numeral by cutting the card, making sure to cut each card a different way:
3 3 7
11 1
Mix the cards and ask the students to fit them together again. If the two parts do not fit
together properly, the student will know that the cards are mismatched and he/ she is
joining the wrong picture and number.
Giant Number Line
Make sure you have a large, colourful number line 0-10 on permanent display. .
Colourful Pictures
Pictures of animals, cars, buses, and flowers, etc. should be displayed prominently to
make your classroom, a bright and happy place, and many examples of objects that you
can include in your maths lessons, along with lots of work stations.
Laminated Templates: An un-attempted, reusable worksheet which is laminated/
plastic coated for the students to work on with board markers so that the work can be
erased and the worksheet can be used again and again.
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1 Colours
Suggested Activities
Activity 1: Keep a week aside for each colour discussed.
• O
n ‘red day’, every student brings a red object from home. A collection of red
apples, capsicums, tomatoes, roses, and other red objects. ‘Red’ remains constant,
but the shapes are diverse, ranging from a ball to an apple, hat, pencil, rose, etc.
Similar activities may be conducted with the colours blue, green, and yellow.
• O n ‘blue day’, you could take the students outside and draw their attention to
the blue sky and blue flowers
• On ‘green day’, the students could be taken out for a walk in the playground to
observe the green grass, leaves, and vegetables being cultivated.
Activity 2: Display charts showing different coloured objects: red on one, blue on
another, yellow on the third, and so on.
• F rom a box of assorted toys, students can be asked to pick out 1 blue hat, 2 red
shoes, 3 green marbles, etc.
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Colour Game — Make 4 square outlines (3ft × 3ft) outside the classroom with the help of
red, blue, green and yellow coloured tape. Take students outside, divide them into two
groups, A and B.
Maintain a score board and let each student take a turn. For example ask any student of
Group A to stand in the red square. If the student correctly follows the instruction, give
one star to the group. Similarly give the instructions to Group B student to stand in the
blue square and so on. The group that gets more stars will be the winner.
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Individual Activity (10 min)
Necklace making — Give multi-coloured ring crackers (7 to 8) to each student along with
a small piece of string. Let each student make his/ her own colourful necklace with the
string and crackers.
Sorting colours — Take the counters/ beads of red, blue, yellow and green colour (8 to
10 counters/ beads of each colour). Also take similar coloured bowls. Ask students to sort
and put the counters/ beads in the respective coloured bowl.
Lesson 1: Colours
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify the colours blue, red,
yellow, and green in their immediate environment.
Learning Curve
The students may be familiar with probably blue, red, yellow, and green colours,
especially if their parents have been teaching them. They can now be introduced to the
colours blue, red, green, and yellow by showing various toys and other everyday objects
in these colours. They should be able to sort objects by colour.
Learning Resources
Modelling clay (play dough), plastic trays, poster paints (blue, red, green, and yellow);
flowers, buttons, building blocks, beads, pieces of fabric, etc. in the four colours, and
four transparent plastic bins.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Step 1. T
he different objects should be spread on the floor or work area and the
students given some time to sort them out according to their colour.
Step 2. S tick a band of paper in one of the four colours on one side of each bin to
designate them as blue, red, green, and yellow bins.
Step 3. P
ick one of the bins at random and ask the students, one by one, to fetch an object
that matches the colour of the bin and place it there. Call out the name of the
colour and ask the students to repeat it out loud after each successful attempt.
Step 4. Repeat this until all the objects have been sorted into the correct bins.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 2 (15 min)
Step 1. Place some poster paint in the four trays in the work area.
Step 2. D emonstrate how students can take some modelling clay and shape it into a
ball. Then demonstrate how to flatten the base by pressing it against the floor
or tabletop. Since students’s motor skills are not very well-developed, they may
require some practice to get the rolling movements right.
Step 3. The students should then dip the stamp into the paint tray and stamp inside the
circles of the matching colours on page 2.
1 Colours iv
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Wrap up Activity (5 min)
The students can be divided into four groups and each corner of the classroom be
designated a different colour, e.g. red corner, green corner, and so on. Each group may
then be asked to decorate each corner with objects of that colour, e.g. using blue toys,
pictures, scarves, etc. to decorate the blue corner, and so on.
Lesson 2: Colours
Lesson 2 is a continuation of the previous plan, where students have learnt to distinguish
between blue, red, yellow, and green objects in their surroundings.
Learning Resources
String, paper circles in the four colours, beads or blocks in the four colours, and glue.
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17 Colours 1
Page 6 (10 min)
Step 1. The students may now learn to draw circles with crayons of different colours.
Step 2. G
o over the pictures with them. First, help them identify the objects shown on
the page. Next, ask them to state the colour of each object.
Step 3. R
ead out the questions, one by one, on the page and ask the students to
identify the correct object. Repeat the question if the students identify the
wrong object.
Step 4. P
lace several blue, red, yellow, and green crayons in the work area and ask the
students to pick up the colour required in the question. Then, help them to
draw a circle around the correct object.
1 Colours iv
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2 Comparison: Part One
Suggested Activities
➣ Few and Many
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students to the school playground and let them observe the things that are
‘few’ and ‘many’. For example ‘many leaves’, ‘many plants’, ‘few flowers’, ‘few birds’ etc.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across few and many objects, fruit, and toys. Hence,
their awareness of concepts such as few and many may be enhanced further at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects such as balls, fruit, pencils and toy cars, etc.
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Step 2. T
ake out one candy at a time and put them on the table, making two groups of
two different types of candies.
Step 3. P
oint towards the smaller pile of candies and say ’few candies’. Then point
towards the bigger pile and say ‘many candies’.
Step 4. R
eplace the candies by two other types. Make groups of few and many. Ask the
students to repeat your words few and many.
Step 5. Repeat this exercise with other available objects.
Note: Later candies can be distributed among the students.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across more and less objects, crayons, and books.
Hence, their awareness of concepts such as more and less may be enhanced further at
this level.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across empty and full water bottles, glass, jug, and
teacups. Hence, their awareness of concepts such as empty and full may be developed at
this level.
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21 Comparison: Part One 2
Learning Resources
Bowls, jug, glass, rice, beans, plastic bottles, plastic cups, paper cups, tray.
Learning Curve
The students have learnt to have come across hot and cold water bottles, glass of milk,
and juices. Hence, their awareness of concepts such as hot and cold may be enhanced
further at this level.
Learning Resources
Hot water bottle, ice cubes, glass of juice, hot tea
Note: Extra care should be taken for the safety of students while using hot and cold objects.
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23 Comparison: Part One 2
3 Lines
Suggested Activities
➣ Straight Lines
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a straight line with the help of paper tape outside the classroom. Let the students
observe and then walk on that line one by one.
Students can be walked across a garden from one corner to the diagonally-opposite
corner in a straight line.
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Lesson 1: Horizontal Lines
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to draw horizontal lines.
Learning Curve
The students have developed skills in holding pencils and crayons and drawing lines and
circles. In this lesson, they should learn how to draw horizontal lines using a pencil.
Learning Resources
Beads, toy cars, building blocks, and pencils
Learning Activity
Activity (20 min)
Step 1. Ask the students to stand together in the centre of the room.
Step 2. E
xplain that as you call out the name of each student, he or she is to walk up to
you and line up shoulder-to-shoulder with the previous student. The objective is
to teach students what a straight line is.
Step 3. C
all out the names of the students one by one. You may ask the other students
to clap as the student walks up to the correct position in the line. If a student
falls out of line, ask him/her to move a bit so that they are aligned next to the
student to their right. Reinforce by stating that the line has to be straight.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 11 (20 min)
Step 1. Explain that the students will now learn to draw a straight line on the page.
Step 2. P
oint to the rabbit and ask what it is. Next, point to the carrot and explain that
it is the rabbit’s food and that the rabbit needs to get to it.
Step 3. A
sk how the rabbit can get to the carrot. Trace your finger along the dotted
line. Do this slowly and explain that the rabbit is getting closer and closer to the
carrot. Once your finger reaches the carrot, ask the students to clap.
Step 4. Ask the students to follow the dotted line with a finger.
Step 5. N
ow, demonstrate how to draw a straight line with a pencil by joining the dots
from the rabbit to the carrot.
Step 6. Repeat with the cat and the milk.
Step 7. Ask the students to complete the straight lines on the page.
1 v
25 Lines 3
Lesson 2: Vertical Lines
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to draw vertical lines.
Learning Curve
The students have developed skills in drawing horizontal lines with a pencil. They should
now learn how to draw vertical lines.
Learning Resources
Beads, toy cars, building blocks, and pencils
Learning Activity
Activity (20 min)
Step 1. Place the objects randomly on the table.
Step 2. E
xplain that as you will call out the name of an object, the students are to pick
them from the pile and arrange them in a straight line in their work area.
Step 3. C
all out the names of the objects and guide the students as they put them in a
straight line. You can reinforce the concept of colours by calling out ‘blue block’,
‘red bead’, and so on. Correct any deviations in the straightness of the line.
Step 4. O
nce all objects have been called out, ask the students to trace a straight line
below their train of objects with a finger. Repeat this several times.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 12 (10 min)
Step 1. Explain that the students will now learn to draw a vertical line on the page.
Step 2. P
oint to the fruits and the students standing beneath the trees. Ask the students
what is happening in the picture. What do the students in the picture want?
Step 3. Trace your finger along the dotted line and explain that this is how the fruit
would drop into the student’s hands.
Step 4. Ask the students to follow the dotted line with a finger.
Step 5. N
ow, demonstrate how to draw a vertical line with a pencil by joining the dots
from the fruit to the student.
Step 6. Repeat the same exercise with the other two students on the page.
Step 7. Ask the students to complete tracing the straight lines on the page.
You can demonstrate the falling of a small ball from the top of a desk. The object takes a
straight vertical path to the floor.
Page 13 (10 min)
Step 1. Explain that Nina needs to get to her teddy bear.
Step 2. Ask the students to trace the dotted line that connects Nina to the toy.
Step 3. Ask the students to join the dots with a pencil.
3 Lines iv
26 1
➣ Zigzag Lines
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students around the school to hunt for zigzag patterns.
Learning Curve
The students have developed skills in drawing straight lines with a pencil. They will now
learn how to draw zigzag lines.
Learning Resources
Sandpit and pencils
Learning Activity
Activity 1 (10 min)
Step 1. Introduce zigzag lines by tracing one with a finger in a sandpit. Students, one
by one, repeat the same.
Step 2. Y
ou could ask the students to draw straight and zigzag lines alternately to
familiarise them with the different forms of lines.
Step 3. N
ow, trace a zigzag line in the air with a finger and ask the students to do the
same. Ask them to trace zigzag lines on different surfaces such as the floor, the
tabletop, the window, and so on.
Activity 2 (20 min)
Ask students to stand as shown in the figure below. Give them a long string or rope and
ask them to hold it to form a zigzag line. Ask another student to move his hand along
the rope and identify the type of line.
1 v
27 Lines 3
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 13 (10 min)
Step 1. Explain that the mouse wants to eat the cheese.
Step 2. Ask the students to trace the dotted line that connects the mouse to the Cheese.
Step 3. Ask the students to join the dots with a pencil.
Step 4. T
ell the students that now the mouse wants to go home. Ask the students to
trace the dotted line that connects the mouse to his home.
Step 5. Ask the students to join the dots with a pencil.
➣ Curved Lines
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a curved line with some chalk, in the playground. Let the students observe and then
walk on that line. Students can also be asked to draw curved lines in sand using a stick. You
can mark two points in the sand and ask students to join the two by tracing a curved path.
Learning Resources
Sand pit and pencils
Learning Activity
Activity 1 (10 min)
Step 1. Introduce curved lines by tracing one with a finger in a sandpit. Students, one by
one, repeat the same.
Step 2. You could ask the students to draw straight and curved lines alternately to
familiarise them with the different forms of lines, straight and curved.
3 Lines iv
28 1
Step 3. N
ow, trace a curved line in the air with a finger and ask the students to do the
same. Ask them to trace curved lines on different surfaces such as the floor, the
tabletop, the window, and so on.
➣ Wavy Lines
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a wavy line with some chalk in the playground. Let the students observe and then
walk on that line.
1 v
29 Lines 3
Lesson 5: Wavy Lines
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to draw wavy lines.
Learning Curve
The students have developed skills in drawing straight and curved lines with a pencil.
They will now learn how to draw wavy lines.
Learning Resources
Sandpit and pencils
➣ Spiral Lines
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students outside and see if they can identify spiral patterns in the environment.
3 Lines iv
30 1
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Give play dough to the students to make spiral lines.
Learning Curve
The students have developed skills in drawing curved and wavy lines with a pencil. They
will now learn how to draw spiral lines.
Learning Resources
Sandpit and pencils
1 v
31 Lines 3
Step 5. Draw a spiral line with a pencil by joining the dots.
Step 6. Ask the students to trace the dotted lines on the page.
Step 7. Repeat steps 1- 6 with the aeroplane exercise.
Learning Resources
3 Lines iv
32 1
4 Numbers: Part One
It is essential to point out to the students the fact that numbers exist in nature. For
1 Sun, 1 Moon, 1 nose, 1 tongue, etc.
2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs of a bird, etc.
3 petals on spider wort flower, etc.
4 legs of a dog, 4 wings of a butterfly, etc.
5 fingers on a human hand, 5 legs of a starfish, etc.
➣ Number 1
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle Time — ask students to bring one object from the basket or classroom, e.g. bring
one crayon, one pencil, one notebook etc.
Lesson 1: Number 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 1.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1 - 5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
1 v
Learning Activity (30 min)
Using page 17 of the textbook.
Step 1. P
oint to the picture of the girl. Ask what the girl is holding. They should reply
with ‘flower’ or ‘balloon’.
Step 2. A
sk the students how many flowers or balloons there are. Since the students
may not know the answer, you should say ‘one flower’ while pointing to the
picture. Similarly, say ‘one balloon’ while pointing to the picture.
Step 3. H
old up one finger as shown on page 17 and say ‘one . Ask the students to do
the same. Repeat this several times until the students become fluent.
Step 4. N
ow point to number 1 and call out ‘one’. Ask the students to repeat this after
you. Trace the number 1 in the air with a finger. The students should be asked
to do the same. Repeat this several times until the students are confident.
Lesson 2: Number 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify one object.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years. It is important for students to learn to identify the number 1 in
nature, e.g. 1 Sun, 1 Moon, 1 nose, etc. They can identify 1 fan, 1 board, 1 teacher's desk,
etc in the classroom also.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 3: Number 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write the number 1.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years. It is important for students to learn to identify the number 1 in
nature, e.g. 1 flower, 1 tree, 1 dog, etc. They can identify 1 pencil, 1 chair, 1 book, etc. in
the classroom.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
1 v
35 Numbers: Part One 4
➣ Number 2
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle time — The teacher will ask the students to count any one part of the face; saying
I have one nose/ one mouth/ one face. And then two parts; saying I have two eyes/ two
ears/ two cheeks.
Lesson 1: Number 2
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 2.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 2: Number 2
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify two objects.
Lesson 3: Number 2
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write the number 2.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years. It is important for students to learn to identify the number 2 in
nature, e.g. 2 hands, 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc. They can identify 2 pencils, 2 chairs, 2 books, etc.
in the classroom.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 25 (20 min)
Step 1. Ask the students how many birds on the page.
Step 2. A
sk them to trace the number two in the air with a finger. Next, ask them to
trace it with their finger on the page following the dotted line and the arrow.
Step 3. O
nce the students are familiar with the formation, ask them to use a pencil to
trace the number two across the row.
Step 4 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining numbers on the page.
Page 26 (20 min)
The exercise on page 26 of the textbook can be carried out by following the approach
adopted for page 21.
1 v
37 Numbers: Part One 4
➣ Number 3
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Number Hunt: Prepare 4 to 5 flash cards (5” × 5”) with any three objects on them. For
example, 3 bears, 3 balls, 3 dolls, 3 pencils etc. along with the number 3 written on them.
Hide these cards in different places in the classroom. During circle time, send a group of
4 to 5 students to find the cards. Once they find one card, count the pictures on the card
with the students and point towards the number and saying ‘3’. Repeat the same step
with other groups as well.
3 3 3
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Write numbers 1, 2 and 3 on the floor with chalk. Give instructions and let students take
turns to jump on the number 1, stand on the number 2, touch the number 3 etc.
Lesson 1: Number 3
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 3.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 3: Number 3
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write the number 3.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 30 (20 min)
Step 1. Ask the students how many trees on the page.
Step 2. A
sk them to trace the number three in the air with a finger. Next, ask them to
trace it with their finger on the page following the dotted line and the arrow.
Step 3. O
nce the students are familiar with the formation, ask them to use a pencil to
trace the number three across the row.
Step 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining numbers on the page.
1 v
39 Numbers: Part One 4
Page 31 (20 min)
The exercise on page 31 of the textbook can be carried out by following the approach
adopted for page 26.
➣ Number 4
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Number Hunt: Prepare 4 to 5 flash cards with any 4 objects on them (as prepared for
number 3). For example, 4 bears, 4 balls, 4 dolls, 4 pencils etc. along with number 4
written on them. Hide these cards in different places in the classroom. During circle time,
send a group of 4 to 5 students to find out the cards of number 4. Once they find one
card, count the pictures on the card with the students and point towards the number
saying ‘4’. Repeat the same step with other groups as well.
Lesson 1: Number 4
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 4.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 3: Number 4
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write the number 4.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
1 v
41 Numbers: Part One 4
➣ Number 5
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Show students random number cards from 1 to 5 during circle time and ask them to
show the fingers of their hands according to the shown number.
Lesson 1: Number 5
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 5.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 2: Number 5
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify five objects.
Lesson 3: Number 5
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write the number 5.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 1-5 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 40 (20 min)
Step 1. Ask the students how many dice on the page.
Step 2. A
sk them to trace the number five in the air with a finger. Next, ask them to
trace it with their finger on the page following the dotted line and the arrow.
Step 3. O
nce the students are familiar with the formation, ask them to use a pencil to
trace the number five across the row.
Step 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining numbers on the page.
Page 41 (20 min)
The exercise on page 41 of the textbook can be carried out by following the approach
adopted for pages 21, 26, 31, and 36.
1 v
43 Numbers: Part One 4
5 Shapes: Part One
Suggested Activities
➣ Cube
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Activity 1: B
ring 3D objects like storage boxes shaped like cubes and cuboids, football
(sphere), juice cans (cylinder) or different fruits such as oranges (sphere),
watermelons (oval), etc. You can ask the students to count and say how
many spherical or oval shapes there are on the table, how many cubes, and
so on. You could cut the watermelon into cube, cuboid, cone and cylindrical
shapes and distribute them to the students.
Activity 2: O
bjects of various shapes can be arranged on the teacher’s desk, e.g.
spherical objects (a ball, a marble, and a football), ovoid objects (an egg,
a rugby ball, and a watermelon), conical objects (an ice-cream cone and
a clown’s hat), and cube-shaped objects (a sugar cube and a dice). The
students can be asked to come to the desk and identify objects with the
same shape.
Activity 3: C
ircle Time — Take a wooden cube/ block and show it to the students. Keep
the cube in your hand, close your eyes and feel the cube by moving your
fingers all around its sides. Repeat the same procedure with open eyes. Pass
on the cube to the students one by one and let them feel it in the similar
way. Each time a student feels the cube, let him/ her repeat the name of the
shape ‘cube’.
44 1
Lesson 1: Cube
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify and trace a cube.
Learning Curve
Students are very likely to come across three-dimensional objects in their environment.
Therefore, they can be introduced to 3D shapes such as cubes prior to 2D shapes.
Learning Resources
Various toys and objects shaped like cubes.
Learning Activity
Activity 1 (10 min)
Step 1. Arrange the various cube-shaped objects in the work area and encourage the
students to explore them.
Step 2. E
ncourage them to feel the faces, edges, and corners of the objects. Explain that
all these objects are cube-shaped.
Step 3. H
old up each object and call out the word ‘cube’ while moving your hand across
the faces, edges, and corners. Ask the students to do the same.
Whole class activity 2 can be done to familarise students with cube.
➣ Sphere
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students out of the classroom and let them play with a ball. Talk about the
shape of the ball i.e. sphere.
1 v
45 Shapes: Part One 5
Lesson 2: Sphere
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify and trace a sphere.
Learning Curve
Students are very likely to come across three-dimensional objects in their environment.
Therefore, they can be introduced to 3D shapes such as cubes prior to 2D shapes.
Learning Resources
Various toys and objects shaped like spheres.
Learning Activity
Activity 1 (20 min)
Step 1. A
rrange the various spherical-shaped objects in the work area and encourage
the students to explore them.
Step 2. E
ncourage them to feel the curved surface all around the objects. Explain that
all these objects are spherical-shaped.
Step 3. H
old up each object and call out the word ‘sphere’ while moving your hand
across the curved surface. Ask the students to do the same.
Repeat whole class activity 2 for spherical objects.
➣ Cone
Whole Class Activity (30 min)
Cone Party — Provide cone shaped birthday hats to the students and have a party.
Arrange different games and let them have fun.
Learning Curve
Since the students are familiar with cubes and spheres, therefore, cones can be
Learning Resources
Various toys and objects shaped like cones.
Learning Activity
Activity 1 (10 min)
Step 1. A
rrange the various conical objects in the work area and encourage the
students to explore them.
Step 2. E
ncourage them to feel the faces and edge of the objects. Explain that all these
objects have a conical shape.
Step 3. Hold up each object and call out the word ‘cone’ while moving your hand across
the faces and the edge. Ask the students to do the same.
Repeat whole class activity 2 for conical objects.
1 v
47 Shapes: Part One 5
6 Patterns
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time: Use small coloured blocks to make a simple pattern, such as; one red block,
one blue block, one red block, etc. Ask the students to tell you what colour of block
would go next in your pattern. Repeat the steps to make different patterns.
Lesson 1: Patterns
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and complete patterns.
Learning Curve
Since the students are familiar with some colours and shapes, they should move on to
identifying patterns based on recurring colours and shapes.
Learning Resources
Identical objects such as water bottles of the same size, building blocks of the same
colour and shape, etc.
48 1
Step 4. R
epeat steps 2 and 3 to form a chain. Choose the same objects you did in steps
2 and 3. As you do, continue repeating the names of the objects in the pattern,
e.g. ‘bottle, red block, bottle, red block’.
Step 5. S top at regular intervals and ask the students which object should come next in
the pattern. Pick out the correct object and continue the series.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 49 (10 min)
Step 1. A
sk the students to look at the objects on the page. Select the first series and
identify the objects. Call them out clearly, ‘ball, butterfly, ball, butterfly, ball,
Step 2. Repeat step 1 with the next two series.
Step 3. N
ow, call out the series at the bottom of the page, ‘blue cylinder, red square,
blue cylinder, red square’. As you approach the blank box, ask the students
which shape should follow.
Step 4. W
hen the students give the correct answer, i.e. red square, ask them to point to
it in the next line. Ask them to draw the object in the blank box.
Lesson 2: Patterns
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and complete patterns.
Learning Curve
The students should continue with the practice of recognising and completing patterns.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 50 (30 min)
Step 1. A
sk the students to study the first series. Ask them to note which way the shape
Step 2. W
hen the students come to the blank space, ask them what should go in the
blank space. Which way should it point?
Step 3. W
hen the students call out the correct answer, ask them to draw the shape in
the air. Next, ask them to draw it in the space with a pencil.
Step 4. A
sk them to identify which colour the object should be. Help them choose the
correct colour crayon or pencil and colour the shape on the page.
Step 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with the remaining patterns on the page.
1 v
49 Patterns 6
7 Numbers: Part Two
Suggested Activities
➣ Number 6
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a washing line in the class and prepare number cards from 1 to 6. Ask the students
which number comes first, then peg number 1 on the washing line in front of them.
Then ask them which number comes after 1. After their reply, peg number 2 in front of
them. Similarly peg all numbers up till 6.
Lesson 1: Number 6
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 6.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
50 1
Wrap up Activity (10 min)
You can initiate an activity where you call out a student and ask them to fetch you ‘six
blocks’ from the toy shelf. Thank them when they do so. Continue to do this with all the
students by asking them to fetch ‘six flowers’, ‘six dolls’, ‘six cups’, and so on. Arrange
these objects in a corner and stick a sheet of paper on the wall above them. Write the
number 6 on the sheet. This is now the ‘6 corner’ of the classroom.
Lesson 2: Number 6
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the number 6.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
➣ Number 7
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a washing line in the class and prepare number cards from 1 to 7. Ask the students
that which number comes first, then peg number 1 on the washing line in front of them.
Then ask them which number comes after 1. After their reply, peg number 2 in front of
them. Similarly peg all numbers up till 7.
1 v
51 Numbers: Part Two 7
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide play dough to make different objects of number 7.
Lesson 1: Number 7
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 7.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 2: Number 7
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the number 7.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
➣ Number 8
Whole Class Activity: (10 min)
Draw a huge 8 using chalk in the playground. Make sure to draw arrows following the
correct formation of number 8 (refer to page 60 for the formation of number 8). Ask
each student to follow the arrows forming an 8.
Lesson 1: Number 8
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 8.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
1 v
53 Numbers: Part Two 7
Lesson 2: Number 8
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the number 8.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
➣ Number 9
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Matching Activity: Divide students in two groups. Provide the number cards from 1 to 9
to the students of one group (give any 1 card to each student). Provide the quantity cards
from 1 to 9 to the other group (give any 1 card to each student). Call number 1 from the
number cards’ group and let the student find his/ her quantity partner from quantity
cards’ group. Once both the students are found, let them stand together and repeat the
same procedure with number 2 and so on. Recall all numbers from 1 to 9.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6 - 9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
Lesson 2: Number 9
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the number 9.
Learning Curve
The students should learn numbers 6-9 at this level before they learn addition and
subtraction in later years.
Learning Resources
Various objects including toys, flowers, books, etc.
1 v
55 Numbers: Part Two 7
Step 3. K
eep on identifying the number and drawing dots of the same quantity until
the exercise is complete.
Pages 68 (10 min)
Step 1. Ask the students to study the pictures on the page.
Step 2. Read out the question on the page read aloud the list of objects given.
Step 3. E
xplain that they are required to count the objects given on the page, and draw
a circle as specified in the box. Use the example of two shampoo bottles that
has been solved on the page.
Step 4. Similarly, count out and circle all the objects until the exercise is complete.
➣ Concept of 'Zero'
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time — Take a poster sheet, divide it in to 10 squares and write numbers from
0-9 on it. Take 45 beads/ counters in a basket. Point towards number 1 and ask students
which number is this? Once they answer, ask them that how many beads/ counters will
go with number 1? Take out 1 bead/ counters from the basket and put it on number 1.
Repeat the same procedure with all numbers up till 9, leaving the 0 aside.
Once you are done with all the numbers, show them the empty basket and tell them
that all the beads/ counters are finished. Then point towards number 0 and make them
realise that you have not put any counter on it and there is no counter left in the basket.
Tell them that we don’t place any bead/ counter as ‘0’ as 0 means nothing. Repeat
this sentence many times with the students. Then ask them to clap 3 times, 7 times, 2
times and then 0 times, again emphasising that we don’t need to clap on 0, as 0 means
nothing. Do a few more actions like jumping, snapping fingers etc. to further reinforce
the concept.
➣ Number 10
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Hide the number cards from 1 to 10 in the school play area. Reinforce numbers from 1
to 10 with a washing line in the class and then take the students to the garden area. Ask
the students to find the numbers. Once they find the numbers from 1-10 ask them to
arrange the numbers from 1 to 10 on the floor.
1 v
57 Numbers: Part Two 7
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Mix number cards on the washing line and call students to arrange them in sequence (1-10).
1 2
Lesson 1: Number 10
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the number 10.
Learning Curve
The concept of zero has been introduced already, so that the students can learn to count
to 10 and beyond.
Lesson 2: Number 10
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the number 10.
Learning Curve
The concept of zero has already been introduced, so that the students can learn to count
to 10 and beyond.
Lesson 3: Number 10
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise numbers 1 to 10.
Learning Curve
All numbers should be introduced together at this stage so that the students can learn to
count to 10 and beyond.
Lesson 4
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise which number comes
after and before a number, between two numbers.
Learning Curve
All numbers should be introduced together at this stage, as students have already learnt
to count and write numbers 1 to 10.
1 v
59 Numbers: Part Two 7
Learning Activity (10 min)
Prepare flash cards with number 0 to 10 written on them, place them on the table.
Call three students one by one and handover each one of them a card with number
2, number 3, and number 4. Make them stand in a horizontal line showing their cards
Next call the fourth student and ask him/ her to find the number which comes after 4.
When he/ she has found the correct card with number 5 make the student stand at the
end of line, showing his/ her card clearly. Other students can clap for the student to
Ask the students to count with you as you call out two, three, four, and five comes after
Suggested Activities
➣ One More Than
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students to climb up the stairs. Ask any one student to climb two steps and
then to climb one more. Ask “How many steps have you climbed?” Repeat the same
procedure with different students and different numbers to reinforce the concept of
‘one more’.
Learning Resources
1. Ropes/ strings for making loops of various sizes.
2. A
n assortment of objects from students’s everyday life like small dolls, sweets, toy
cars, trains, helicopters, paper flowers, and leaves, etc.
1 v
Learning Activity (20 Minutes)
Take the students on a ‘pebble collection’ walk in the school ground. One student
collects 1 pebble, and puts it in a bag. So, there is 1 pebble in the bag. Another student
puts 1 more pebble in the same bag. Thus, when 1 more pebble is added to the bag that
already contains 1 pebble, there would now be two pebbles in it. Similarly, 2 pebbles
when added to 1 give 3 pebbles. Ask each student to repeat the same activity until they
have 5 pebbles in the bag.
Next, make a loop on a table with a rope or a string. Ask a student to place a toy car in
the loop, ask another student to place another toy car in the loop. Ask the students to
count and tell how many cars altogether in the big loop?
More such activities can be carried out on the board with loops drawn and stars or
smileys drawn inside the loops to display addition.
Additional Work
Continuous practice in addition needs to be given to students with fingers, bars of
chocolate or anything else that is a part of their everyday life.
➣ Altogether
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Ask students to count the fingers on one hand. Now ask them to count the fingers on
another hand. Then ask them to count altogether. Repeat the same procedure with
different quantities using beads/ counters/ crayons etc.
8 Addition iv
62 1
Put two counters in one glass of the addition machine and three counters in the other
glass and then count all counters altogether to get the answer.
Lesson 2: Altogether
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to add numbers up to 5.
Learning Curve
Explaining that we can also use the word ‘altogether’ for addition, along with ‘more
Learning Resources
1. Ropes/ strings for making loops of various sizes.
2. A
n assortment of objects from students’s everyday life like small dolls, sweets, toy
cars, trains, helicopters, paper flowers, and leaves, etc.
1 v
63 Addition 8
9 Subtraction
Suggested Activities
➣ One Less Than
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time — Put 10 candies in front of the students and then tell them that you will
give one candy to the student who will count well. Now count the candies with the
students from 1 to 10. Give a candy to any one student who counted well. Now say that I
have given one candy to _______, let’s count the candies again to see how many are left.
Count the candies again from 1 to 9 and say 1 less than 10 is 9.
Repeat the same procedure with all candies. After finishing all 10 candies, take out more
candies to give them to all students.
Learning Curve
By explaining that ‘2 is 1 less than 3’, ‘3 is 1 less than 4’ and so on, subtraction is
introduced in a practical manner.
Learning Resources
1. Ropes/ strings for making loops of various sizes.
9 Subtraction iv
64 1
2. A
n assortment of objects from students’s everyday life like small dolls, sweets, toy
cars, trains, helicopters, paper flowers, and leaves, etc.
➣ Take Away
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time — Keep ten counters in front of the students. Count them with the students
and emphasise the quantity. Now say, ‘Let’s take away two counters’ and take out 2
counters from 10. Count the counters again and let the students see how many are left.
Repeat the same procedure by taking away 1, 3, and 4 etc. counters.
Learning Curve
Through addition, learnt in the earlier pages, students automatically get an idea of
‘more than’ and ‘less than’ and consequently the concept of ‘taking away’ becomes
1 v
65 Subtraction 9
Subtraction becomes easy for students to grasp with the use of practical examples like: ‘I
had 4 sandwiches, he took away 2’; ‘I had 3 chocolates, I gave 1 to my sister’ and so on.
Students enjoy learning through a practical discovery approach.
Explaining that we can also use the word ‘take away’ for subtraction, along with ‘less than’.
Learning Resources
It is useful to have baskets of plastic vegetables and fruit. Each basket contains 5 oranges
or 5 onions. But any other objects from real life, as used in earlier pages for addition,
will do just as well.
9 Subtraction iv
66 1
10 Shapes: Part Two
Suggested Activities
➣ Square
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Activity 1: E
ach student is given a number of paper cut outs of 2D shapes like square,
rectangle, triangle, circle, and oval of different sizes and then you can ask
them to sort out and make a set of each shape.
Activity 2: T
ake the students for a ‘Shape Hunt’ around the school and find the things
that are square in shape.
Lesson 1: Square
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify a square shape.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to squares in different sizes.
Hence, their awareness of 2-dimential shapes may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Pictures and cut-outs of squares of different sizes.
1 v
Learning Activity (20 min)
Show a cut-out of a square and explain that a square is a flat shape, it has four sides, and
all four sides are equal in length. Take the students for a ‘Shape Hunt’ around the school
and find the things that are square in shape.
Prepare flash cards of a square, rectangle, triangle, circle, and oval. Put them in a basket.
Let students sort out squares from the basket and place them on the table.
Additional Work
Ask the students to collect their own pictures of some objects that have a square face.
They can paste these pictures in their copies.
➣ Rectangle
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take the students for a ‘Shape Hunt’ around the school and find the things that are
rectangular in shape.
Lesson 2: Rectangle
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify a rectangle.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to rectangles in different sizes.
Hence, their awareness of 2-dimential shapes may be developed at this level.
➣ Triangle
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a huge triangle with paper tape outside the classroom. Let students walk on the
Lesson 3: Triangle
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify a triangle.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to triangles in different sizes.
Hence, their awareness of 2-dimential shapes may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Pictures and cut-outs of triangles of different sizes.
1 v
69 Shapes: Part Two 10
➣ Circle
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Shape Hunt — Hide 8 to 10 circle cutouts in the classroom. During circle time send a
group of 3 to 4 students to hunt for a circle. Once they get back with a circle, send
another group and so on.
Lesson 4: Circle
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify a circle.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to circles in different sizes.
Hence, their awareness of 2D shapes may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Pictures and cut-outs of circles of different sizes.
Lesson 5: Oval
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify an oval.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to an oval in different sizes.
Hence, their awareness of 2-dimential shapes may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Pictures and cut-outs of ovals of different sizes.
Lesson 6: Oval
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify a shape and match it
with its name.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across shapes similar to all 2D shapes in different
sizes. Hence, their awareness of these shapes may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Pictures and cut-outs of square, rectangle, triangle, circle, and ovals of different sizes.
1 v
71 Shapes: Part Two 10
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 82 (20 min)
Adopt the same approach for the oval, as in the previous lesson of the square.
Activity (20 Minutes)
Adopt the same approach for the rectangle, as in the previous lesson on the square.
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 82 (20 min)
Adopt the same approach for the rectangle, as in the previous lesson on the square.
Suggested Activities
➣ Day and Night
Whole Class Activity (20 min)
Pajama Party — Have a pajama party in school and let students come in their pajamas.
Switch off the lights of the classroom, tell them a bedtime story and let them pretend it
is sleeping time. Also talk about morning and breakfast time.
Lesson 1: Time
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to differentiate between day and night.
Learning Curve
By explaining the activities we do during day and night the difference can be easily
understood by the students.
Learning Resources
Different pictures and post cards showing activities done during day and night time.
1 v
Learning Activity (20 min)
Ask the students to look at the picture of the day given on page 85. Ask them what they
notice. Then ask them what they do in the day time?
Next ask the students to look at the picture of the night given on page 85. Ask them
what they notice. Then ask them what do they do at night.
Additional Work
Ask the students to collect their own pictures of some activities that are a part of their
everyday life. They can paste these pictures in the correct order to make their own
album of day and night activities.
➣ Calendar
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Show a wall calendar, a table calendar and a pocket calendar to the students. Let them
try to read a few numbers. Sing the rhyme of days of the week.
Lesson 2: Calendar
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to name the days of the week and
remember their correct sequence.
Learning Curve
By the time students start going to school, they already have an idea about the names of
the days.
Learning Resources
Different types of calendars.
11 Time iv
74 1
Learning Activity (20 min)
Show a wall calendar, a table calendar, a pocket calendar, and then the calendar given
on page 86.
Let them try to a read a few numbers. Sing the rhyme of days of the week. Ask the
students what they do on different days.
1 v
75 Time 11
12 Comparison: Part Two
Suggested Activities
➣ Big and Small
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Students learn the concepts of ‘big’ and ‘small’ in the classroom using objects around
them, e.g. a big piece of chalk and a small one, a big book and a small one, etc.
In the garden, they could observe a big tree and a small one, a big leaf and a small one,
Take students for a walk and let them observe different big and small things e.g. a big
ball and a small ball, a big door and a small door, a big boy/ girl and a small boy/ girl etc.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across similar objects in different sizes. Hence, their
awareness of concepts such as big and small may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects in different sizes such as big and small balls and toy cars, etc.
76 1
Learning Activity (20 min)
Step 1. Pick out a big ball from the toys and hold it up. Ask the students to identify it.
Step 2. Now, pick out a smaller ball and hold it up. Ask the students to identify it.
Step 3. Hold up the big ball and say, ‘big ball’. Ask the students to repeat your words.
Step 4. H
old up the smaller ball and say, ‘small ball’. Ask the students to repeat your
Step 5. Repeat this exercise with other objects such as cars, dolls, bats, and so on.
1 v
77 Comparison: Part Two 12
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across similar objects in different sizes. Hence, their
awareness of concepts such as thick and thin may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects in different sizes such as thick and thin books and toys, etc.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across similar objects in different sizes. Hence, their
awareness of concepts such as long and short may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects in different sizes such as long and short pencils, etc.
1 v
79 Comparison: Part Two 12
➣ Tall and Short
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students outside and make them stand in a group. Call two students of different
heights and let them stand side-by-side. Explain that some students are tall and some are
short. Then ask all the students to stand in a vertical line according to their heights. Keep
repeating the terms ‘tall’ and ‘short’, by comparing two students.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across objects of different heights. Hence, their
awareness of concepts such as tall and short may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects of different heights such as tall and short toys, 6 inch, 12 inch, and 1 metre
rulers. etc.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across similar objects of different weights. Hence,
their awareness of concepts such as light and heavy may be developed at this level.
Learning Resources
Objects of different weights such as fruit and vegetables, weighing machine, etc.
1 v
81 Comparison: Part Two 12
Learning Activity (20 min)
Step 1. P
ick out a heavy fruit/ vegetable from the basket and hold it up. Ask the
students to identify it.
Step 2. N
ow, pick out a lighter fruit/ vegetable from the basket and hold it up. Ask the
students to identify it.
Step 3. H
old up an apple and say, ‘apple is heavy’. Ask the students to repeat your
Step 4. H
old up a banana and say, ‘banana is light’. Ask the students to repeat your
Step 5. Repeat this exercise with other fruit/ vegetables.
➣ Up and Down
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Ask the students to raise their hands ‘up’, then ask them to put them to put ‘down’.
Similarly, you can repeat the activity for ‘thumbs up’ and ‘thumbs down’.
1 v
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide a picture of fish bowl. Also provide cutouts of 2 fish. Let them paste one fish
inside the bowl and the other outside the bowl.
Learning Curve
The students are likely to have come across objects kept up or down and inside or
outside in their daily life. Hence, their awareness of these concepts may be developed at
this level.
Learning Resources
Objects such as empty box, basket, fruits, vegetables, and toys, etc.
13 Position iv
84 1
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 98 (10 min)
Step 1. Ask the students to look at the ball on the page.
Step 2. Ask the students to identify the ball which is inside the box.
Step 3. Ask the students to identify the ball which is outside the box.
Step 4. Next, ask them to put a tick on the one which is inside the box with a pencil.
Step 5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 with the flowers.
Step 6. R
epeat steps 2, 3 and 4 with the flash cards and the potatoes, by putting a tick
on the objects that are outside.
1 v
85 Position 13
1 Colours
This unit is based on creative and fun pages where the following concepts have been
• Colouring objects (for recognition of colours and to improve motor control)
• Matching shapes and grouping them together
• Shadow matching
All these reinforce earlier concepts and prepare students for the discovery ahead.
Lesson 1: Colours
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify at least the three most
common colours - red and the two main colours in nature: the blue colour of the sky and
the green colour of grass.
Learning Curve
Students are already familiar with black and white, having observed the colour of milk,
their own hair, shoes, etc.
The teacher can reinforce the names of colours by pointing to red roses, the sky, the sea,
the grass or the trees or by means of nursery rhymes like the following:
The grass is green,
The rose is red,
The sky is blue,
And, I love you.
Learning Resources
Baskets painted in red, green, and blue with swatches of matching fabrics, painted
wooden blocks, paper flowers, and other items with these colours that students see in
their daily life, worksheets.
88 1
Learning Activity (20 min)
Step 1. In the school playground, the teacher asks the students to show anything which
is green and asks one student to point to the grass and trees. Another student is
asked to fetch a matching block from the basket. Both the students get a paper
smiley on their collar for identifying the colour correctly.
Step 2. The teacher now asks a student to point to something blue. The student points to
the sky (or to his/her uniform, if applicable) and another student brings a swatch
of blue fabric from the basket. Both of them get smileys.
Step 3. Repeat the same exercise with red, orange, and yellow. Orange and yellow are a
little tougher to identify. Yellow is the colour of the Sun and orange is found in
The teacher can make the students stand in a circle, sing and dance to the tune of the
song ‘If you are happy and you know it’.
The song goes as follows:
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap, clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re wearing red and you know it, shake your head,
If you’re wearing blue and you know it, touch your shoe,
If you’re wearing black and you know it, pat your back.
Additional Work
Many more colouring pages like the one given on page 2 are necessary. Students can
colour these pages in the classroom, in the playground or at home. They can make
handprints and footprints on newspapers using poster paints and then compare sizes.
Wrap up Activity
‘Colour Week’ can also be organised in the class where the classroom is decorated
according to the ‘colour of the week.’ If blue is the colour of the week, then activities
based on the colour blue can be done with the students. The bulletin board too should
have objects that are blue.
1 v
89 Colours 1
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Let students practice making sets using the same basket which was used for
demonstration activity.
Learning Curve
Identifying pairs of identical objects such as 2 clips or 2 ear-rings or 2 sandwiches is
very easy. The students now learn that there are certain things that go together, but
are not identical, i.e. two unlike objects can also form a pair in the sense that they are
incomplete without the presence of the other.
Students are familiar with non-identical pairs from an early stage. For example, they
have seen their mothers sew clothes using a needle and thread or their fathers drink
tea from a cup and saucer. Similarly, they might also have noticed their elders eat with
a fork and knife. It would be useful to bring out these points in the classroom while
discussing this topic.
Recognising such unlike pairs develops conceptual skills which helps in working out
associations between numbers at a later stage.
Learning Resources
A basket full of mixed pairs of non-identical objects, such as lock and key, fork and
spoon, racquet and shuttle, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc., could be placed on a table
for the students to match. Several charts with colourful objects drawn on them, some in
pairs and some not, may be used to familiarise students with identical and non-identical
Learning Activity (20 min)
Place a few non-identical pairs of objects on the table. Tell students to go to the table,
one by one and pick up pairs of non-identical objects, turn around and show them to the
class. Some students find the non-identical pairs on charts. Others talk about the non-
identical pairs in the room (table and chair.)
1 Colours iv
90 1
Textbook Practice Pages (10 min)
Tell students to match the objects given on page 3.
Additional Work
Students bring pictures from old magazines which form non-identical pairs. An open
discussion on identical and non-identical pairs would be useful. It may be pointed out to
them that a pair of shoes (left and right) form a non-identical pair and so does a pair of
Wrap up Activity (10 min)
The teacher may separate the available non-identical pairs and
put them into two different cartons which are then placed in
two different corners of the room. The utility of each of the
objects in one carton can be discussed and the kids are made
to realise that each object in one carton is incomplete without
its counterpart in the other. Consequently students can go to
the other corner one by one and find the matching object for
all non-identical pairs.
➣ Shadow Matching
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students to the playground and let them observe their shadows in sunlight.
1 v
91 Colours 1
Lesson 3: Shadow Matching
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to associate an outline (or a shape)
with the object it represents.
Learning Curve
Students learn to recognise objects from the outlines, such as packed gifts. This also
involves association and recognition of shapes such as the wings of an aeroplane which
stick out in the packed gift. The outline or the shape of a ball, when gift wrapped, is
easily discernable. Students learn to observe how the shape of a cricket bat differs from
that of a hockey stick.
This skill is very important for sensory perception. Visualising the actual object through
its outline or a shadow helps in building imagination and logic.
Learning Resources
• A number of cut-outs of different objects placed on a table, such as a pair of
palm trees, a pair of bicycles, and a pair of boats with sails.
• A chart with pictures of various objects and their shadows, such as an elephant
with the trunk raised, a kite, a balloon, an aeroplane, a hockey stick and their
shadows, etc.
• A table full of gift-wrapped toys such as an aeroplane, a ball, and a cola bottle.
Learning Activity (20 min)
• P lace different cut-outs of a pair of horses, cars, trains or dolls etc. on a table. Call
the students to the table one by one and asks them to pick up two similar cut-
• Shadows are best introduced in the playground with the bright sun casting
shadows of birds, poles, trees etc. The students place their hands near the grass
and see the shadows of their hands cast on the grass. Alternatively, this exercise
can also be done in front of a lamp with moving fingers. A shadow of a fan can
also be cast on the ceiling by placing the source of light on the floor. The students
learn to pair the shadow with the object that is casting it.
Colours iv
• P lace assorted wrapped gifts on the table, showing distinct outlines of the toys
inside. Example: an aeroplane, with its two wings on the side; a ball, a bicycle
with the outline of the wheels showing through, a doll, and so on.
Then divide the class into two groups. Ask a student from one group to pick up a packed
object and ask the students in the other group to identify it. The game goes on with the
groups switching roles.
Additional Work
Additional work involves identifying two pictures, one large and one small, of the same
object such as the shadows of a large tree and a small tree of the same shape.
Story-telling with the shadow-technique, also helps the students grasp the concept
Wrap up Activities (10 min)
The doors to the classroom can be left open with a white curtain drawn across the
frame. The students guess what/ who is on the other side, based on the shadow that
he/she is able to make, standing behind the curtain.
93 11
0 Comparison: Part One
➣ More or Less
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle Time – Introduce more/ less through different activities e.g. ask students to bring a
basket of more crayons, put less water in a glass, give more pencils etc.
94 1
Small Group Activity (5 min)
Give counters to the group in ample quantity. Ask them to give you different quantities
e.g. 2 counters, 5 counters, 8 counters etc. Once they give you a correct quantity, ask
them to give you a few more. Similarly make them practice the concept of ‘less’.
1 v
95 Comparison: Part One 2
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to distinguish between a few
objects and many objects, more and less, hot and cold.
Learning Curve
The students are already familiar with the words ‘few’ and ‘many’ and ‘more’ and ‘less’
objects. They have also learnt to distinguish between ‘hot’ and ‘cold’.
Learning Resources
Objects such as balls, fruits, pencils, books, and toy cars, etc. Hot water bottle, ice cubes,
glass of juice, hot tea.
Note: Extra care should be taken for the safety of students while using hot and cold
folding in half
Learning Resources
Whole apple, half apple, any other object whole and half, shapes whole and half
1 v
97 Comparison: Part One 2
0 Lines
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (15 min)
• Take the students for a walk outside the classroom. Let them observe the following in
the playground and other areas in school:
– Straight lines – Zigzag lines – Curved lines – Wavy lines
• ake straight, zigzag, curved, wavy, and spiral lines in the play area with chalk or
paper tape. Let students observe these lines and walk on them.
• ring lots of pictures with different lines and ask students to identify them. Show a
mosquito coil, onion (inside), and pictures of spirals to the students to give them an
idea of spiral lines.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
• P
rovide lots of pebbles or counters to the students. Let them make straight,
zigzag, curved, wavy, and spiral lines with those pebbles/ counters.
• Provide playdough and string to the students to make different lines.
Individual Activity (10 min)
• T
ake old wedding/ invitation cards/ card sheets and draw
straight, zigzag, curved, wavy, and spiral lines on them. Provide
round edged scissors to the students to cut along these lines.
• P rovide a few ice cream sticks and a piece of paper to each student. Let them
make patterns of lines by pasting the ice cream sticks.
• Give newspaper, paint and brushes to the students and let them paint different
type of lines on the newspaper.
• Prepare laminated sheets for tracing straight, zigzag, curved, wavy, and spiral
lines with board markers.
Note: Since the topic of lines is reinforced at this stage, teachers can refer to lessons on
pages 23–30 of the Starter. It is at the discretion of the teacher to cover the topic in many/
few lessons as required.
98 1
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to improve their motor control by
drawing patterns, and as a result, their handwriting improves which helps them in their
later years.
Learning Curve
Colouring books at home have already provided the students enough opportunity for
stroke-play. It is expected that, with a pencil firmly held in hand and the hand correctly
poised, the muscle control improves motor control, which in turn develops into better
hand-writing, and better strokes at drawing and colouring.
These pages show various drawing patterns associated with movements of animals in
real-life (snakes, snails, and butterflies) and objects like ball, aeroplane, etc. Terms like
straight, horizontal, vertical, wavy, curved, and spiral need to be used.
(Tips such as: Horizontal for Head-down, Vertical for Very tall, Wavy like the waves,
Crooked not straight, help students memorise the words.)
Note: Left-handed students must not be criticised or forcibly asked to switch to the right
hand. Some of the greatest artists and the best brains were left-handed.
Learning Resources
The students may work with sand and sticks. Obviously, making castles with buckets is
great fun. But, drawing a path between two castles is also challenging. The students may
be encouraged to draw straight, curved, and crooked path or even try to connect them
by loops.
8 O I W S
Try untying a full-blown balloon and then leaving it loose in the classroom. Allow the
students to watch the path it takes!
1 v
99 Lines 3
Additional Work
The students stand in a line. A student makes the shape ‘S’ using his/her fingers on
the back of the students in front of him/her who has to then guess the letter/ number
written on his/her back. This student now writes ‘I’ or ‘0’ on the back of the student in
front of him/her and in this way the guessing game goes on.
They draw different strokes on a newspaper with crayons. All of these improve their
motor control and handwriting.
More worksheets are prepared with different patterns such as circles and spirals. It must
be remembered that, at this age, students will not be able to draw accurately and this
must not be criticised.
Wrap up Activity
The teacher can make pattern strips and keep them in the activity corner for the
students. Sand trays, slates, and water trays should also be made available for the
3 Lines iv
100 1
4 Numbers: Part One
Note: Students are already familiar with the numbers 1 to 10, i.e. they can count and
write numbers up to 10. Young students require constant reinforcement, so that they
are able to apply this knowledge throughout the day. Therefore, teachers need to revise
counting and writing numbers at this stage too, before moving ahead with bigger
Numbers 1 – 10
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
• C ircle Time – Ask students to bring one, two, three, or four… objects from the
basket or objects within the classroom e.g. crayons, pencils, notebooks, counters
• Number Hunt – Prepare flash cards (5” x 5”) for each number that you want to
introduce along with the quantity. For example, toys, balls, dolls, pencils etc. Hide
these cards in different places in the classroom. During circle time, send a group
of students to find the required cards. Once they find one card, count the pictures
on the card with the students and point towards the number and call its name.
• Show random number cards from 1 to 10 to students during circle time and ask
them to show the fingers of their hands according to the shown number.
• Take 10 ice cream sticks and write numbers from 1 to 10 (one on each stick.) Take
another set of 10 sticks and draw pictures from 1 to 10 (one on each stick.) E.g.
make circle/ hearts/ stars etc. Mix all the sticks and put them in a basket. Take the
students in the playground and give 1 stick to each student. Ask them to find
their partners. Once they all find their partners, ask them to stand according to
the sequence from 1 to 10 in pairs (number and quantity.)
Small Group Activity (10 min)
• M
ake a washing line in the class and prepare number cards from 1 to 10. Ask the
students ‘which number comes first?’, then peg number 1 on the washing line in
front of them. Then ask them which number comes after 1. After their reply, peg
number 2. Similarly, peg numbers up till the all numbers have been introduced.
Mix all the number cards again and let students practice sequencing the numbers.
1 v
• P ut some small objects in a feely bag e.g. buttons, counters, erasers, etc. Ask
students to take out the required quantity from the bag. Make sure every student
takes a turn.
• Write numbers on the floor with a chalk. Give instructions such as: jump on
number 1, stand on number 6, touch number 10 etc. Let all students take turns.
• Provide students with disposable glasses. Label each glass with a number. Also
provide the required quantity of counters/ beads to them. Ask them to put
counters/ beads in the glasses according to the number written on the glass.
• Heart Puzzle – Take a red colour card sheet and cut out the required number of
hearts of approximately 6” x 6”. Cut each heart in half using a zigzag pattern.
Then write a number on one side of the heart and draw the corresponding
number of hearts on the other side of the heart. Now let the students find
matching parts of the broken hearts.
• Prepare small size number cards and put them in a basket along with the
required number of pegs. Give the basket to the students and ask them to peg
the cards according to the numbers.
Individual Activity (5 min)
• Make a laminated template of hollow numbers on chart paper 12” × 8”.
• Let students take turns to trace the number with a board marker.
• Give playdough to the students to make balls of the required number of quantity.
• Give 10 small, green cut-outs of circles to each student. Let the students paste
these cut-outs on a sheet of paper to make a caterpillar. Also ask them to write
the numbers from 1 to 10 (one on each circle.)
Lesson 1: Numbers 1 – 5
To reinforce counting and writing numbers and number names between 1 and 5.
Learning Curve
Stories about cavemen and the way they kept their records are very exciting for
students. Charts of those times, if put up in the classroom, fascinate students a lot.
A lot of such data can be obtained from the internet.
They start by drawing as many lines as there are toys in the classroom cupboard or
as many toothpicks as there are bits of bread kept on a plate. The students stick the
toothpicks in the pieces of bread and discover the meaning of ‘as many as’.
After various such activities showing ‘one-to-one’ association, the students start writing
the numerals along with the corresponding number names. They also call out the name
after writing it.
The shapes of numbers 1 to 5 have already been introduced to students along with their
meaning. For example, 2 is one more than 1, 3 is one more than 2, and so on. This lays the
foundation of the concept of addition and subtraction that is discussed later on in the book.
Learning Resources
• A n assortment of countable objects such as matchsticks, plastic cutlery, large
buttons, bottle caps, dolls, plastic fruits and vegetables, and toy cars, etc., that
students see in their everyday life.
• It is very useful to have groups of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 marbles or large wooden
buttons sewn in little ‘net’ pouches. Students can see and feel the marbles and
observe how they group together.
• A staircase is very useful for showing how numbers increase in 5
value as students go up the stairs. 4
• The switch board indicating floors in a lift, with the numbers 3
changing as the lift goes up or down, is an excellent way to 2
show the meaning of ‘going up’ as we go from smaller to 1
bigger numbers and ‘going down’ when we move in the
reverse order.
• C harts with numerals 1 to 5 written in the centre, matching to the number of
objects placed all around the number.
• 5 tables can be arranged in such a way that Table 1 has one of each object like 1
doll, 1 kite, 1 balloon, 1 book, 1 eraser, and so on, while Table 2 has two of each
object such as 2 plastic spoons, 2 lunch boxes, and so on. Similarly Table 3, Table 4
and Table 5 can also be laid.
• Charts showing different groups of numbers for instant recognition.
Note: It would prove to be very productive if the teacher adheres to the following order
during the lessons:
• First move from the actual physical example to picture
• Then move from the picture to ‘picture and number’
• Finally move from ‘picture and number’ to number only
Learning Activity (20 min)
The teacher should carry out in the classroom the same activity of relating ‘one-to-one’
by placing as many sticks of chalk on the table as there are buttons on the clown’s shirt
or pencils in a pencil box.
This activity may be followed by writing the numerals on the board and an introductory
discussion on the concept of 1 + 1, 2 + 1, etc. As students grow, it is important that they
also learn simple addition of numbers.
1 v
103 Numbers: Part One 4
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 15 – 18
Note that pages 19 – 27 are an extension of the work done earlier, therefore, should be
done in other periods as per need.
Additional Work
On sheets of old newspapers, students draw 1 kite, 2 balls, 3 balloons and so on. Number
poetry is also fun to learn. Instant recognition of groups of 2, 3, 4, and 5 is very important.
Groups of 2
Groups of 3
Groups of 4
Groups of 5
Charts with pictures stuck on them in such formations help students visualise number patterns.
Wrap up Activity
The teacher can arrange a number development corner in the classroom. In it the
following aids can be placed to assist the students further: Dice, Counters, Number
books, and Number charts.
The teacher should ask the students to write the number in the air as well and she can
devise rhymes to assist in the movement of hands.
The textbook pages reinforce the number sequence and thus must be accompanied by
a great deal of practical work. Use of fingers, toes, and pictures on the soft board are
very helpful.
Lesson 2: Numbers 6 – 10
To reinforce counting and writing numbers and number names between 6 and 10.
Learning Curve
Although students have been working with numbers up to 5 but a rough concept of
higher numbers already exists in their minds through various day-to-day observations,
like listening to elders talking about time, counting their fingers, looking at chocolate
squares in a chocolate bar and so on.
Association of the numerals with the objects, visual grouping and concept of 1 more,
leads on to the numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9.
6 runs in a sixer in cricket, 6 legs of an insect, 7 days in a week, 8 legs of an octopus and
a spider and so on.
The focus at this level is not only on single-digit numbers
up to 9, but also the number 10 has been introduced, by emphasising the concept of 0 as
a ‘place-holder’.
Learning Resources
Counting trees in a garden, counting toys, going up and down the stairs, the buttons in
an elevator, etc., serve as great tools for teaching numbers up to 9 (or 10 without the
introduction of place value).
Other learning resources can be: 10 pens in a packet, 10 chocolate squares in a bar and
similar objects. Another similar set may be used with one item missing from each (for
showing 9.)
1 v
105 Numbers: Part One 4
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 28 – 31
The pages in the book are also an extension of the work done earlier.
Additional Work
A hopscotch-type pattern can be created on the board as well as on sheets of paper on
which students work with numbers from 1 to 9.
Students play a clapping game with numbers. They sit in a circle and speak out the
numbers aloud, one by one. Every alternate student or every third student merely claps.
He/she does not call out the number.
Textbook pages reinforce the number sequence in various practical ways. More activities like
this are necessary in the classroom. A great deal of repetitive activity for writing numbers
and number names is required to improve motor control, and hand-eye coordination.
Lesson 3
To reinforce the number 10, and enable students to count and write the number 10.
Learning Curve
‘1 more than 9’, 10 fingers and 10 toes, and other similar concepts arise for students
after working with numbers up to 9 in the earlier pages. These will be reinforced in the
current pages leading to the introduction of 2-digit numbers.
Learning Resources
Strings with 10 beads, bundles of 10 matchsticks, packs of 10 pens, little ‘net’ packets
containing colourful beads in groups of 1s, 2s, 3s, up to 10s, an abacus etc.
1 + 9 = 10
2 + 8 = 10 1
3 + 7 = 10 and so on. 4
Additional Work
Students may be asked to segregate pages in their exercise books in groups of 10. They
may also be asked to work with missing numbers and number sequences up to 9.
Net bags are very useful for grouping numbers as ‘5 + 1’ or ‘5 + 2’, and so on. Each of
these net bags may be tied with different coloured ribbons. Students begin to associate
1 with red, 2 with blue, 3 with green, 4 with white, and 5 with black coloured ribbon.
Then, 6 will have a black and a red ribbon. 7 will have a black and a blue ribbon, and so
on. 10 will have 2 black ribbons (showing 5 + 5 = 10.)
Numbers 11 – 20
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
ide the number cards from 1-20 in different places in the classroom. Divide the class
into two groups. Call any number, e.g. 12 and let one student from each group find that
number in the class. Whichever group gets the number card first will keep that card.
Keep calling the numbers until all 20 numbers are finished. The group that collects more
cards will be the winner.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Take 20 ice cream sticks and write numbers from 1 to 20 (one on each stick). Take
another set of 20 sticks and draw pictures from 1 to 20 (one on each stick), e.g. make
circle/ hearts/ stars etc. Make 4 sets of these sticks. e.g.
Set 1: Number and quantity sticks – 1, 3, 8, 15, 20,
Set 2: Number and quantity sticks – 2, 7, 10, 14, 19
Set 3: Number and quantity sticks – 4, 9, 12, 16, 18
Set 4: Number and quantity sticks – 5, 6, 11, 13, 17
Put each set in a basket and then divide the class into 4 groups. Give one set to each
group to match the number with the quantity.
1 v
107 Numbers: Part One 4
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide laminated template to write numbers from 11 to 20.
Lesson 4
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to count and write numbers 11-20,
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt to write numbers up to 10, they can now learn to count
upwards from 11 to 20.
Numbers up to 20 are merely an extension of the number sequence from 1 to 10.
Visually, students recognise ‘10 + 1’ and ‘10 + 2’ as 11 and 12 respectively. And they know
these numbers by their names as ‘eleven’, twelve’, ‘thirteen’ and so on.
The teacher points out that these numbers are associated with earlier numbers as
follows: ‘twelve’ is to ‘two’: 2 + 10
‘thirteen’ is to ‘three’: 3 + 10
‘fourteen’ is to ‘four’: 4 + 10, etc.
Learning Resources
• Number line from 1 to 20 on the floor and on the blackboard
• Number lines from 1 to 20 for each student
• Net bags, each containing 10 stones, and some loose stones
• Strings, each with 10 beads, and some loose beads
• Packets, each with 10 pencils, and some loose pencils
• Packets, each with 10 buttons, and some loose buttons
• Coloured beads, small trays, thread
Learning Activity (20 min)
Step 1. Count out 10 beads and string them on the thread. The students should count
with you.
Step 2. Next, take a single bead out of the container and place it next to the string. Ask
the students to count the beads.
Step 3. Introduce the concept that one more than ten is eleven.
Step 4. Trace the number 11 in the air by following the number written on page 36.
Step 5. In a similar manner, teach the numbers up to 20.
The concept of before, after and between can be taught by means of an interesting
activity wherein two students stand in front of the class with two cards showing
consecutive numbers such as 17 and 18. A third student is then asked to find the number
that would come before these two numbers (i.e. 16) and another one is asked to find
1 v
109 Numbers: Part One 4
0 Shapes: Part One
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time:
• Show different cube shaped objects (e.g. Rubik’s Cube, dice, a cube shape block,
cube shaped box etc.) Ask them to focus on the shape of all objects. Pass on the
objects one by one to each student and let them explore the shape.
• Tell the students to stand in a circle, and let them play with a spherical beach ball.
Ask them to roll the ball to each other across the circle for more fun. Each time a
student gets the ball, ask him/her what the shape of the ball is.
• Display a conical party hat in the centre of the circle. Sing a song and as you sing,
the students can pass the hat around the circle singing along with you. When you
stop, the student holding the hat gets to wear it and name the shape.
• Set up a play area as a supermarket and collect several cuboid shaped boxes e.g.
cereal boxes, tissue paper boxes, toothpaste boxes, perfume boxes, etc. Let the
students identify the shape cuboid in the supermarket.
• Write a note in students’ diaries, requesting parents to send a boiled egg for
lunch, a day before you teach this shape. Discuss the ovoid shape of the egg and
let students enjoy eating it.
• Ask students to bring any cylindrical shaped object from their homes e.g. empty
bottle, jam/ mayonnaise jar, any toy etc. and talk about that object and its shape
during circle time.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
• L et students play ‘snakes and ladders’ using a dice. Keep repeating and asking the
shape of the dice (cube.)
• Collect different types of balls and other spherical objects, hide them in the
classroom/ play area. Make two teams and ask the students to find the hidden
spherical objects. The team who finds more objects will be the winner.
• Popcorn Party - Make newspaper cones and help students decorate them by
painting/ colouring. Put some popcorn inside the cones and let students enjoy a
popcorn party.
110 1
• D
ivide the class into small groups. Give them objects shaped like a cuboid, ovoid,
and a cylinder. Let students sort out all shapes, and make a list of how many
objects of each type they have.
Individual Activity (5 min)
• P repare a feely bag with a few miniature objects in it of all the shapes taught.
Call one student at a time and tell him/her to find the ‘cube’ by feeling it. Repeat
the activity with different shapes.
• Provide playdough to the students to make spheres, cones, cuboids, ovoids, and
cylinders of different sizes.
• Tell students to draw and colour these shapes.
• Prepare ‘nets’ of different shapes and give them to the students, to form a shape
by using glue to paste the sides.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify and name solid shapes –
cube, ovoid, and cylinder.
Learning Curve
Students can recognise solid shapes which they hold in their hands in everyday life such as
balls, tins, dice, and cones. They will now look for other shapes such as bricks, eggs,
cylindrical glass in everyday use.
Learning Resources
• W ooden blocks of all the solid shapes that are readily available such as balls, tins,
dice, bricks, and cones are of great use.
• ‘Feely bag’ (a strong cloth bag) is a good resource to use.
• Water colours, paint brush, and old newspapers can also be used for colouring
the shapes.
1 v
111 Shapes: Part One 5
Students can also draw different patterns on the surfaces for fun and work out the
numbers of faces, and so on.
Students work with balls, cans, and cones. They find that a ball has one round face. A can
has two flat circular faces. The curved face can be flattened to form a rectangle. A cone
has one circular face and one curved face, which can be flattened to look like a part of
a circle.
Textbook Practice Pages (15 min)
Pages 41, 42, 43
Various shapes are referred to as ‘faces’ (rather than surfaces) and have amusing expressions
(all sad or angry though) drawn on them. As a result, the lesson becomes ‘play’, rather
than ‘study’.
Additional Work
The students may be asked to search in the playground for solid shapes studied in these
pages. The work at this level is pre-primary and should aim to concentrate on improving
the spatial skills, recognition of various flat shapes and their association with the solid
shapes to make a link between 2D and 3D shapes.
Wrap up Activity (5 min)
Collect objects of the shapes introduced i.e. cube, sphere, cone, ovoid, cuboid, and cylinder.
Put these shapes in different places in the classroom. Keep at least 2 to 3 objects of one
shape. Give a small bag/ basket to the students and ask them to collect any 2 or 3 shapes of
their choice in their bag/ basket, then show it to the class and tell the name of each shape.
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle Time – Take different coloured crayons and make patterns in front of the students.
E.g. keep 2 red crayons on the mat and then 1 green crayon, repeat the same combination
again and then ask students what colour will come next. Do the same activity using blocks.
Afterwards keep two blocks, 3 crayons etc. and increase the challenge for the students.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Give lots of counters, block, shells, beads etc. to the students and let them create their
own patterns.
Individual Activity (5 min)
Provide laminated templates to the students and let them complete the patterns with
board markers.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and complete patterns.
Learning Curve
Students are already familiar with patterns, therefore now they can easily identify and
make their own patterns.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Refer to lesson 1 and 2 of Starter on pages 48–49 for planning this lesson.
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Page 44
1 v
0 Number: Part Two
Suggested Activities
Numbers 21 – 30
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Hide number cards from 21 to 30 in the classroom in different places. Send
2 to 3 students at a time to find a number, bring the card to the circle and tell the rest of
the students which number they have found.
Missing Numbers
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Prepare a number chart of numbers from 1 to 30 and display it in the class. Make
students read that chart on a daily basis. When you intend to introduce the concept of
missing numbers, cover up some numbers on the number chart e.g. 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20,
23, 26, 29, etc., before the students arrive in the classroom. Draw their attention towards
the chart and ask them about the missing numbers while they read the chart. Remove
the cover and let them check if they are right or not.
114 1
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide laminated templates to the students and let them write the missing numbers
with board markers. Refer to pages 49 and 50.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and write the
numbers 21-30.
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt to count up to 20. They can now learn to count upwards
from 21 to 30.
Learning Resources
Seashells, beads, counters and small trays
1 v
115 Number: Part Two 7
Step 3. Introduce the concept that one more than twenty is twenty-one.
Step 4. Trace the number 21 in the air by following the number written on page 47.
Step 5. In a similar manner, teach the numbers up to 30.
Place 10 trays on the table and ask the students to take out shells from the container
and place them in the trays. Each tray should have a different number of shells from 21
to 30. You can assign each student a specific number of shells to place in his/her tray. For
example, student A may be required to place 23 shells in his/her tray while student B
may be asked to place 25 beads in his/her tray.
Refer to page 49 to 51 for writing missing numbers and number that comes before or
after a number, or between two numbers.
Suggested Activities
One More
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Jump on numbers – Take students to the school playground, write numbers from 1 to
9 with chalk (clearly visible) on the floor in jumbled form. Keep a score board. Divide
students into two groups and call one student from each group at a time. Call a number
and tell the student to jump on the number which is 1 more than the called out number.
For example, call out 8 and ask one of the students to jump on a number which is 1 more
than 8. If he/she jumps correctly give a smiley to the group on the score board. Now call
a student from the other group. Repeat the process with all students of both the groups.
The group getting more smileys will be the winner.
1 + 1 =
1 v
Addition with Zero
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Reinforce the concept of zero. Put two disposable glasses on a table and
tell the students that we will add all numbers from 0 to 9 today. Put 1 counter in one
glass and don’t put any counter in the other. Tell the students that as we have to add a
zero, and zero means nothing, therefore, we won’t put any counter in the other glass.
Keep on adding counters in the first glass up till 9, making the students realise that
when a zero is added to a number, the answer does not change.
Addition of Numbers 0 – 9
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Make two big cardboard dice to play the dice game. Let a student throw
one dice and let another throw the second dice. Ask another student to call out the
number of dots that he/she sees on top of the dice, and then tell how many dots
altogether. Continue the game by calling out three students together.
4 + 5 =
Individual Activity (10 min)
Give a few ice cream sticks to each student without addition sums written on them. Ask
the students to make their own sums on these ice cream sticks and give it to their partner
to solve. Peer checking can also be done.
8 Addition iv
118 1
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to add numbers 0 to 9.
Learning Curve
Students learnt addition of numbers up to 5 by knowing ‘what is 1 more than a number’.
By explaining the number sequence as ‘2 is 1 more than 1’, ‘3 is 1 more than 2’ and so
on, addition is introduced in a practical manner. A great deal of practical work in the
garden or in the classroom is necessary for this.
The students also learn to write the addition symbol, + (pronounced as plus) and the
equality sign, = (pronounced as ‘equal to’.) It is important that they learn where to
place these symbols.
Learning Resources
• Pieces of rope for making loops of various sizes.
• A
ssorted objects from everyday life, like small dolls, candies/sweets, toy cars,
trains, helicopters, paper flowers, and stationery objects, etc.
• Ice cream sticks for symbols of + and =.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Hold a basket in your hand and tell a student to put a pencil in it. Say, ‘there is 1 pencil
in the basket.’ Another student puts 1 more pencil in the same basket. Thus, when 1
more pencil is added to the basket that already contains 1 pencil, there would now be
two pencils (i.e. 1 + 1 = 2) in it.
Similarly, 2 pencils when added to 1 give 3 pencils. Ask each student to repeat the same
activity up to 5.
Next, make two loops with ropes on a table. Place a toy car in one loop and another toy
car in the second loop. Now, place a bigger loop around both these small loops, and ask
‘How many cars altogether in the big loop?’
Note: Do not use the (+ and =) symbols inside the loops.
More such activities can be carried out on the board with loops drawn and stars or
smileys drawn inside the loops to display addition.
1 v
119 Addition 8
The students learn about the addition symbol (+) as well as the ‘equal to’ (=) sign and
where to place them when the teacher writes the addition statements separately.
More photocopied addition pages for numbers up to 9 must be given to students to
work on.
Additional Work
Continuous practice in addition needs to be given to students with fingers, bars of choc-
olate or anything else that is a part of their everyday life. The students MUST know by
heart, simple facts such as:
1+1= 2
2+2= 4
8 Addition iv
120 1
9 Subtraction
Suggested Activities
One Less
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Jump on numbers – Take students to the school playground, write numbers from 1 to
9 with chalk (clearly visible) on the floor in a jumbled form. Keep a score board. Divide
students into two groups and call one student from each group at a time. Call a number
and tell the student to jump on the number which is 1 less than the called out number.
For example, call out 6 and ask one of the students to jump on a number which is 1 less
than 6. If he/she jumps correctly give a smiley to the group on the score board. Now call
a student from the other group. Repeat the process with all other students in both the
groups. The group getting more smileys will be the winner.
1 – 1 =
1 v
Subtraction of Numbers 0 – 9
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Make two big cardboard dice to play dice game. Let a student throw
one dice and let the other throw the second dice. Ask another student to call out
the number of dots that he/she sees on top of the dice, and then tell him/her to take
away the smaller number from the bigger number. Continue the game by calling out
three students together.
8 – 0 =
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Prepare subtraction sums on ice cream sticks showing subtraction of ‘zero’ from numbers
1 to 9 (refer to the picture.) Give these ice cream sticks to the group along with the
basket of counters. Let the students pick up an ice cream stick, read a sum (e.g. 8 – 0 =)
and keep the required number of counters in front of the stick. Encourage them to solve
all the given sums and show it to you.
9 Subtraction iv
122 1
Individual Activity (10 min)
Give a few ice cream sticks to each student without subtraction sums written on them.
Ask the students to make their own sums on these ice cream sticks and give it to their
partner to solve. Peer checking can also be done.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to subtract by practically ‘taking
away’ up to 5 objects.
Learning Curve
Through addition, learnt in the previous unit, students automatically get an idea of
‘more than’ and ‘less than’ and consequently the concept of ‘taking away’ becomes
Subtraction becomes easy to grasp for students with the use of practical examples like:
‘I had 4 sandwiches, my friend took away 2’; ‘I had 3 chocolates, I gave 1 to my sister’
and so on. Students enjoy learning by ‘doing’ and ‘discovering’ facts on their own. These
pages introduce subtraction in a practical manner.
The students learn about the subtraction symbol (–) as well as the ‘equal to’ (=) sign and
where to place them when the teacher writes the subtraction statements separately.
More photocopied subtraction pages for numbers up to 5 must be given to students to
work on.
Learning Resources
It is useful to have baskets of plastic vegetables and fruit. Each
basket contains 5 oranges or 5 onions, but any other objects
from real-life, as used in earlier pages for addition, will do just
as well.
1 v
123 Subtraction 9
– =
Another student buys 2 mangoes and the shopkeeper says, “I have 3 mangoes left,” and
the teacher writes on the board: 5 – 2 3. Repeat the activity with other numbers.
– =
It is essential to show subtraction practically as ‘taken away’ and to show the same on a
sheet of paper by means of ‘crossed-out’ objects.
The teacher may also introduce the words, ‘few’ or ‘less’ at this stage by framing
sentences like:
‘Rashida had 3 buns. She ate 1. She has fewer buns now.’ (Students often say ‘less’
which is all right, at this level.)
More or Less comparisons should always be done in a practical manner.
Take 2 sets of pebbles—one with 3 pebbles and the other with 5 pebbles (you may also
take vases with flowers or jars with toffees.) Students match one to one from each set.
The set, which has some pebbles left, has more, and the set, which has none left, has
fewer or less. (Visual recognition of number groups is very useful here.)
9 Subtraction iv
124 1
10 Shapes: Part Two
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a big square on the floor with paper tape. Let students find square-shaped objects
in the classroom and put them inside the big square drawn on the floor.
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Involve the whole class by asking them to identify rectangular shapes in the classroom.
For example, students may point at the table, book, window, door, etc.
1 v
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
S andwich Making Activity — Involve students in a sandwich making activity. Tell them
that when we cut a square diagonally we get two triangles. You can also ask them to
bring triangular sandwiches or any other triangular edible item in their lunch box.
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
ake a few cut-outs of circles and hide them in different places around the classroom.
Send a group of 3 to 4 students to find a circle. Once they bring it, send another group
of students and so on.
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Pentagon Time — Make a big pentagon in the class with paper tape, let students sit
inside it and do any activity and enjoy pentagon time instead of circle time.
10 Shapes: Part Two iv
126 1
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Shape Riddles game: Create and ask riddles for all shapes:
I have no sides and no corners, what am I? (Circle)
I have three sides and three corners, what am I? (Triangle)
I have four equal sides, what am I? (Square)
I have two short and two long sides, who am I? (Rectangle)
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise different 2-dimensional
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt about simple 2D shapes i.e. square, rectangle, triangle, and
circle in the previous class, here two new shapes pentagon, hexagon will be introduced.
Learning Resources
Cut-outs of squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, pentagons, and hexagons
1 v
127 Shapes: Part Two 10
0 Time
Suggested Activities
All Around the Day
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Take a big cut-out of a circle and divide it into eight sections with a pencil. In each
section write the name of an activity that students are involved in during school hours.
If available, you can also draw or paste a picture of each activity. For example, ‘Assembly
Time’, ‘Circle Time’, ‘Writing Time’, ‘Reading Time’, ‘Activity Time’, ‘Snack Time’, ‘Play Time’
and ‘Home Time’. Make a movable hand like a wall clock, attached from the centre of the
circle. Introduce this clock to the students and tell them about different times of the day.
Let them move the hand on the picture as and when they do a particular activity.
Reading Time
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Bring a wall clock and discus the hour and minute hands and what the 12
numbers on the clock represent, to introduce ‘o’clock’ time.
128 1
Whole Class Activity (1 min)
Make a calendar on a full card sheet with days of the week written on it (refer to the
picture.) Don’t write the names of the months and dates, cover it with plastic sheet and
display it at some visible place in the classroom. Make small cut-outs using a card sheet
and write the names of months and dates (1 to 31) separately. Talk about the date every
morning and make it a routine to let students paste months on a monthly basis and
dates on a daily basis.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write o’clock time.
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt to differentiate between day and night. Now they will
learn about the activities we do during afternoon and evening time.
Learning Resources
Pictures of activities we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
1 v
129 Time 11
0 Comparison: Part Two
Suggested Activities
Big and Small
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students for a walk around the school and let them observe different big and small
objects in the surroundings.
130 1
their tails. Paste these pictures on the board and call students one by one, hand over the
cut-outs of tails to match them with the animals and say loudly, ‘This Monkey has a long
tail’ or ‘This Dog has a short tail.’
1 v
131 Comparison: Part Two 12
Individual Activity (10 min)
Let students draw a light and a heavy object of their own choice.
This unit is based on reinforcement of concepts taught earlier. The following concepts
have been revised here to prepare students for the discovery ahead.
• Big and small
• Long and short
• Tall and short
• Light and heavy
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise the opposites like ‘big
and small’, ‘fat and thin’, ‘long and short’, ‘tall and short’ and ‘light and heavy’
This increases visual skills and logic.
Learning Curve
Students already have an idea of the opposites ‘good’ and ‘bad’. A students is called a
good boy/girl if he/she does not fight with anyone, eats food properly, gets up in the
morning on time and does not shout. Although it is not right to call students ‘bad’, but
a student who shouts or doesn’t finish his/her food or wakes up late in the morning is
said to have ‘bad’ habits.
More opposite words are introduced in the student’s vocabulary list this year. This
prepares them for ‘big and small’ numbers.
These sample pages test the understanding of the concept of ‘opposite’ in students
through a colouring activity. The students colour the pictures on these pages according
to the difference in the sizes of ‘Big’ and ‘Small’ , and ‘Fat’ and ‘Thin’.
Learning Resource
Two tables, Flash cards with BIG, SMALL, FAT, THIN, TALL, SHORT, LIGHT, HEAVY written
on them.
Additional W ork
The teacher should create other similar worksheets in which students identify the
differences through colour. It would be better if the teacher precedes this work by a visit
to the zoo or a garden, where they learn the meaning of these opposites without being
aware of the ‘learning process’ By observation, they will also be able to understand some
finer aspects like the word SHORT has two opposites, viz., LONG and TALL. ‘Long’ is used
for objects such as ribbons and sticks whereas ‘tall’ is used for objects standing on the
ground such as people, trees, buildings, and poles.
1 v
133 Comparison: Part Two 12
0 Position
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Simon Says Game – This game can be played for all the words introduced in this unit for
showing positions.
• F or example, when introducing the words ‘up and down’, say: Simon says ‘stand
up’ and then Simon says ‘sit down’.
• Similarly, when introducing the words ‘inside and outside’, say: Simon says
‘name something that you see inside the classroom’ and then Simon says ‘name
something that you see outside the classroom’. Repeat the activity with all
• To introduce the words ‘above and below’, draw a picture of a tree on the board.
Call one student at a time to draw as Simon says. For example Simon says: ‘draw
a bird above the tree’ and then call another student and say: Simon says ‘draw a
kite below the tree.’ Repeat the activity with different objects.
• When introducing the words ‘before and after’, take the students to the
playground. With an exception of two students, let the rest of them stand in
a line. Now, tell student A that: Simon says ‘stand before Ahmed’ (name any
student), then tell student B that: Simon says ‘stand after Ayesha’ (name any
student.) Give chance to all students.
Repeat the activity by either giving the same instruction twice or three times and then
change so that students listen and follow your instructions carefully. This makes the activity
more interesting.
Small Group Activity (5 min)
• G ive different objects to the students and tell them to place a few ‘up’ on the
table and some ‘down’ on the mat.
• Tell a few students to stand outside the classroom. Then ask how many students
are ‘outside’ and how many are ‘inside’ the classroom.
• Instruct students that each group member has to tell the others 1 or 2 things that
he/she sees ‘above and below.’
• Instruct students that each group member has to point out to the others 1 or 2
things that he/she sees ‘before or after another.’
134 1
Individual Activity (10 min)
• P rovide pictures of a table, chair, cupboard, tree etc. and ask students to draw
something which is ‘up’ and something thing which is ‘down’. For example draw
a cat sitting up on a chair and another down on the floor.
• Provide a sheet of paper to the students and tell them to draw a big loop in the
centre. Next tell them to make thumb impressions using poster paint ‘inside and
outside’ the loop.
• Students can use crayons or colour pencils to draw pictures inside and outside the
loop too.
• Provide a picture of a tree and let students draw birds ‘above and below’ the
• Provide different objects, pictures or cut-outs of shapes to the students and tell
them to put one in the centre and the other ‘before and after’ it.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify the position of objects.
Learning Curve
The words before and after were introduced to students when they were learning to
write missing numbers. The same concept can now be related to positions.
Learning Resources
Objects such as fruits, vegetables, toys, empty box
1 v
135 Position 13
0 Money
Suggested Activities
Coins and Notes
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
• C ircle Time – Bring a small jar filled with candies. Make money cards or photocopy
real notes and provide one note to each student. Assign the role of a shopkeeper
to one student, let other students come one by one, give money and buy a candy.
Make it clear that to buy and sell goods, we need money.
• Collect different small objects and set-up a shop or grocery store in the play
area. Attach a price tag on each item. For example, a pencil Rs 10, a toy car Rs
30, a poster paint bottle Rs 20 and so on. Have at least ten to fifteen items. Let
students take turns to become shopkeeper and customers. Provide them the
notes that you used in candy buying activity.
Distribute the money cards or photocopied notes to all the students. Tell them that
in this activity we will buy and sell items according to their price. Make two to three
students shopkeepers and others will be the customers. Tell the students to come to the
shop in pairs, select an item they want to buy, look at the price tag and check if they
have enough money. If yes, then count the notes and give them to the shopkeeper; if
not, choose another item which they can afford to buy.
Lesson 1
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to able to recognise coins and
136 1
Learning Curve
Students may be familiar with notes and coins, especially if they have gone out shopping
with their parents. They must have received money as ‘Eidi’ from their grandparents,
parents, and other relatives on different occasions. Therefore, they will enjoy learning
the use of money.
Learning Resources
Coins, Currency notes
1 v
137 Money 14
1 Numbers
Suggested Activities
➣ Do You Remember?
Numbers 1-30
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Hide the number cards from 1-30 in different places in the classroom. Divide the class
into two groups. Call one student from each group, then call out any number, e.g. 12,
and tell them to find this number card in the classroom. Whichever student finds the
number card his/her group will keep it. Keep calling students one by one and different
numbers until all 30 numbers are found. The group that collects more cards will be the
Addition: Circle Time – Distribute 10 counters to each pair. Write addition sums on the
board, tell the students to add these numbers using the counters. They must first count
and put the same number of counters separately, on their table. Then add by combining
counters. Reinforce the concept of zero, by adding numbers with zero.
Subtraction: Circle Time – Make two big cardboard dice to play the dice game. Let a
student throw one dice and another throw the second dice. Ask them to call out the
number of dots he/she sees on top of the dice. Then, ask the whole class to take away
the smaller number from the bigger number. Continue the game by calling out a pair of
140 1
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide a laminated template to write numbers from 1 to 30. You can also provide
number cards to arrange numbers from 1 to 30 in sequence.
Addition: Provide a laminated template, ice cream sticks without or with subtraction sums
written on them and a few counters to add numbers. Students enjoy making their own sums.
Subtraction: Give a small paper chits to the students along with 4 to 5 ice cream sticks
with subtraction sums written on them and a few counters. Ask students to copy down
the sums on paper and solve using the counters.
➣ Numbers 31 – 50
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a washing line in the classroom and prepare number cards from 31 to 50. Start the
activity by asking the students which number comes first, then peg number 31 on the
washing line in front of them. Then, ask which number will come after 31. After their
reply, peg number 32 on the washing line. Repeat the activity by letting students peg all
numbers in sequence from 31 to 40 on the washing line.
The same activity can be repeated for numbers 41 to 50.
Take the students to the play area. Distribute large number cards from 31 to 40 (and
later 41 to 50) among the students. Tell them to arrange these number cards in a
sequence from 31 to 40 (and later 41 to 50). Once the students have arranged the cards,
give instructions that you will call out the name of a student and a number randomly.
The child whose name has been called will go and stand next to the required number.
1 v
141 Numbers 1
Lesson 1: Numbers 31 – 40
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to recognise and write the numbers 31
to 40.
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt to count up to 30, they can learn to count upwards from 31
to 40.
Learning Resources
Building blocks, pencils, drinking straws, counters
Wrap up Activity
Ask each student to build stacks of blocks of different numbers from 31 to 40. Assign
each student a different number of blocks to build towers. For example, student A may
be required to build stacks using 35 blocks while Student B may be asked to build stacks
with 33 blocks.
Lesson 2: Numbers 41 – 50
Lesson 2 should be planned similarly. First revise numbers 31 – 40, then introduce
numbers 41 to 50 but using a different resource to make it interesting.
1 Numbers iv
142 1
➣ Missing Numbers
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Prepare a number chart of numbers from 1 to 50 and display it in the classroom. Tell
students to read the chart daily. When you intend to introduce the concept of missing
numbers, cover up some numbers on the number chart e.g. 4, 7, 12, 18, 20, 26, 29, 33,
45, 49, 50 etc., a day earlier after the students have left the class. Next day, draw their
attention towards the chart and ask them about the missing numbers while they read
the chart. Remove the cover and let them check if they are right or not.
➣ Number Sequence
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Make a number line on the classroom floor and prepare number cards. Mix
up all the number cards and then arrange them in sequence, involving students through
questioning e.g. which number comes after 32. Also ask them to find the flash card of
the required number. The washing line can also be used for this purpose. Ask them to
show you the sequence once they complete it.
Note: This activity can also be done in a small group.
1 v
143 Numbers 1
➣ Write in Tens and Ones
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
• C ircle Time – Write numbers from 1 to 10 on the board and ask students what’s
special about the number 10. Point out that it has two digits. Use drinking straws
or pencils to represent tens. Count ten pencils in front of the students and tie
them with a rubber band. Tell students that this is 1 ten. Show them the number
card of 10, telling them that this is also 1 ten. Now make one more set of ten
pencils, keep both sets together and tell students that these are 2 tens. Show
them the number card of 20 with it. Similarly, make bundles of 30, 40 and 50 and
show them along with the number cards of 20, 30, and 40.
• Circle Time – Once the concept of tens is clear, introduce ones to them. Along
with 1 ten (set of 10 pencils) pick up one pencil and keep it with the ten saying
that this is 10 (pointing towards 10) and this is 1 (pointing towards single pencil).
Now say that ‘10 and 1 make 11’ Let students repeat after you. Introduce all
numbers up to nineteen and then onwards in a similar way.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Give number cards of different series e.g. 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 50.
Let students display number cards in sequence and then make quantities using bundles
of tens and ones (straws/ pencils) in front of those number cards.
➣ Numbers in Words 1 – 20
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Prepare number cards with numerals 1 to 20 and flash cards with spellings
of introduced numbers written on them. Paste the flash cards in different places (walls/
boards) in the classroom. Show a number card to the students and ask, ‘where can you
see its matching spelling card?’ Once they find the spelling flash card of the shown
numeral, repeat the spelling twice or three times.
1 Numbers iv
144 1
Individual Activity (5 min)
Provide laminated templates to the students. Write the number spellings of at least five
numbers at a time on the board, missing out a few letters from the spelling. For example
O–E, –WO, THR– –. You can also give the flash cards of number spellings and numerals to
the students for independent practice.
1 v
145 Numbers 1
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Prepare flash cards as shown as below. At the bottom of the card write three numbers out
of which one is the correct answer.
Circle the number which Circle the number which Circle the number which
comes before. comes after. comes between.
, 23, 24, 25 10, 11, 12, , 33, , 35
➣ Backward Counting
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle Time – Take ten blocks and write numbers from 1 to 10 on them. Mix up those blocks
and put them in a basket. Take the block of number 1 from the basket and put it on the
table in front of the students. Ask them which number will come next and place the block
of number 2 on top of number 1. Complete the tower up to 10. Let students read the
numbers on the tower from 1 to 10 (bottom to top). Now ask them to read the numbers
backwards. Also ask them to construct the tower backwards i.e. from 10 to 1.
Small Group Activity (5 min)
Let students arrange numbers backwards
from 10 to 1 on the washing line. 1 2 3 4 5 6
You can also provide them blocks to
practice backward counting.
Individual Activity (5 min)
Let students practice independently making the tower by arranging number blocks
Textbook Practice Pages
Page 35 6
1 Numbers iv
146 1
➣ Ascending and Descending Order
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Place number cards from 1 to 10 on the stairs. Starting from the bottom put number 1
on the first step. Let students climb up the stairs one by one, while counting from 1 to
10 as they climb each step. Introduce the term ‘ascending order’. Tell them that numbers
are increasing as you go up the stairs. Similarly, let them come down while counting 10
to 1. Introduce the term ‘descending order’. Tell them that numbers are decreasing as
you come down the stairs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 v
147 Numbers 1
Small Group Activity 10 min)
Draw a chart with two columns and label it Odd or Even? Write numbers Odd or Even?
1 to10 in the left-hand column. Invite students to take turns rolling a pair 1 odd
2 even
of dice. Let him/her count the number of dots and say if the number is 3 odd
odd or even. Then ask other students to show ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs 4 even
5 odd
down’ if they agree with his/her answer. Once students have discovered 6 even
the right answer, write odd or even next to the number on the chart. 7 odd
Remind them that even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 and odd numbers 8 even
9 odd
end in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9. Continue until you have completed the chart. 10 even
Lesson 3: Counting in 2s
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to differentiate between odd and even
Learning Curve
Students are familiar with like pairs such as 2 teaspoons, 2 bangles, or 2 ear-rings, and
unlike pairs such as left and right, a spoon and fork, or a cup and saucer, which pair
together to make a set.
Learning Resources
• A table with like pairs such as 2 ear-rings on a card, 2 bangles put together with a
rubber band, and so on.
• Another table with unlike pairs such as a toothbrush and paste, tied together with
a rubber band, a badminton racket and a shuttle cock held together and so on.
• Net bags with odd and even number of beads in them.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Students stand in pairs (pairs of students are unlike pairs) and each of them hold up 2
objects, initially like pairs and then unlike pairs. The students then say out aloud that 4
makes 2 pairs, 6 makes 3 pairs, and so on. The teacher explains that since the numbers
2, 4, 6, 8, etc., can be associated with pairs, they are even numbers. These numbers are
then shown on the number line.
In odd numbers, after making pairs, there will always be an ‘odd’ one left out. On the
number line too, after the bunny hops in 2s, there will be one space left out.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Numbers iv
148 1
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 37, 38, 39, 40
Additional Work
With the help of net bags or on the number line, students find that:
• when 2 even numbers are put together or added, the resulting number is even.
• when 2 odd numbers are put together or added, the resulting number is also
They mix numbers from odd and even bags and find these out for themselves.
➣ Fractions
Whole Class Activity (5 min)
Circle Time – Ask the students to form two groups with an equal number of students in
each group. Tell them that the class has been divided in half. Then tell them to further
divide their group with equal number of students in each group. Tell them that the class
has now been divided into four equal groups.
1 v
149 Numbers 1
2 Shapes
Suggested Activities
➣ Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Introduce 3D shapes with edges and vertices through geometrical solids. Pass the solid
to each student and let him/her feel the solid, touching its edges and vertices first, with
eyes open and then with closed eyes to identify the shape.
150 1
Individual Activity (10 min)
Provide cut-outs of different shapes to the students and let them make different
things out of those shapes e.g. boat, scenery, clown, rocket, house etc.
➣ Linking Shapes
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time – Prepare flash cards of flat shapes equal to the sides of the solids that you
introduced. Display all flash cards to the students and keep the solids on top of the
shapes on the flash cards. Let students observe which shapes match which solids.
Lesson 1: Shapes
The topic is an extension of 2D and 3D shapes already introduced in previous classes.
Refer to lesson 1 on page 111 of Primer A.
Lesson 2: Shapes
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognise 3D shapes according to the
number of faces.
1 v
151 Shapes 2
Learning Curve
Students can identify and name solid shapes which they hold in their hands in everyday
life. Now they will learn to identify these shapes according to the number of faces each
shape has and the shape of the face. For example, each face of a cube will be a square,
whereas a cuboid may have all rectangular faces or two square and four rectangular faces.
Learning Resources
Wooden blocks of solid shapes that are readily available such as balls, tins, dice, bricks,
packet of biscuits, box, cartons, party hat, and funnel, objects shaped like a cylinder such
as flask, glass and cones are of great use.
Feely bag (a strong cloth bag) is a good resource to use.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Call students one by one, tell them to close their eyes, give them a wooden block to
hold in their hands and guess the shape merely by feeling. Then tell them to check how
many faces it has. An interesting activity is to paint each face of a solid (say, a cuboid)
in different colours, and stamp each face on an old sheet of newspaper. For example,
the first ‘stamp’ is red. This stamping is repeated with different colours on each of the 6
faces. Students discover that a cube has 6 faces because they used 6 different colours.
Students can also draw different patterns on the surfaces for fun and work out the
numbers of faces, and so on.
Similarly students work with balls, cans, and cones. They find that a ball has one round
face. A can has two flat circular faces. The curved face can be flattened to form a
rectangle. A cone has one circular face and one curved face, which can be flattened to
look like a part of a circle.
Additional Work
The students may be asked to search in the playground for solid shapes studied in these
pages. The work at this level is pre-primary and should aim to concentrate on improving
students’ spatial skills, recognition of various flat shapes and their association with
the solid shapes to make a link between 2D and 3D shapes. Note: Various shapes are
referred to as ‘faces’ (rather than surfaces).
2 Shapes iv
152 1
3 Patterns
Suggested Activities
Lesson 1: Patterns
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to recognise and complete patterns.
Learning Curve
Students are already familiar with patterns, therefore now they can easily identify and
make their own patterns.
Learning Activity (20 min)
Refer to lesson 1 and 2 of Starter on pages 47, 48 for planning this lesson.
1 v
4 Number Line
Suggested Activities
➣ Addition using Number Line
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Prepare some laminated number lines on a sheet of paper. Also write some addition
sums on ice cream sticks (refer to the picture). Pick up an ice cream stick e.g. 3 + 4.
Let students keep the board marker on the first number written on the ice cream stick
i.e. 3. Now ask them to see the next number and move the marker forward according to
it. Now move the marker four steps forward while counting till 4. Tell them that the last
number i.e. 7 is your answer. Practice a lot of sums in circle time.
3 + 4 =
3 + 4 = 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
154 1
Subtraction Using Number Line
6 – 3 =
6 – 3 = 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Learning Curve
In Primer A, students have already learned to work practically with numbers up to 9 and
have done addition and subtraction. Here they reinforce their knowledge of addition
and subtraction, first by trying them out in a hopscotch pattern on the floor, then on a
number line drawn on the floor and finally in their books.
A number line is a very helpful tool as students can differentiate between the bigger
number and the smaller number at a glance by just looking at the position of a number
on the line. Then they carry out additions and subtractions up to 10.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Learning Resources
• Little ‘net’ bags (properly sealed) containing 10 beads,
• Triangular flags
• Abacus
• Strings of beads, numbered 1 to 10, hanging from a rod
Note: Make sure that the material used is non-metallic, as metal may cause injury.
1 v
155 Number Line 4
Learning Activity (20 min)
Students play hopscotch for fun. They then draw a number line from 0 to 10 on the floor
(in the verandah or in the classroom) with the help of a teacher, making sure that all
sections of the number line are equal.
If space permits, students can hop on the number line, like bunnies, to learn about more
or less, add and subtract, and the beginning of the number sequence.
Activity 1
The teacher asks one of the students to go to the position 3 (on the number line) with
3 flags in his/her hand. Next, another student goes to 5 with 5 flags in his/her hand.
Gradually all the positions are filled up. One student is made to stand on the position ‘0’.
This one has no flags in his hand. The students exchange positions and simultaneously
exchange the number of flags, according to their new position.
Activity 2
Give three flags to one of the students and ask him/her to go to position 3. Then give
two more flags to this student and asks him/her to go 2 more spaces to the right on the
number line. The student finds that he/she is on position 5. On counting the number of
flags in his/her hand, he/she discovers that there are 5 flags. Now, write 3 + 2 = 5 on the
For subtraction, the student takes away, say, 3 flags from 7 and writes 7 – 3 = 4 on the
blackboard. He/she works it out on the number line before writing the same in his/her
4 Number Line iv
156 1
Addition and
5-6 Subtraction
Suggested Activities
1 v
Lesson 1: Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 9
By the end of the lesson students will be able to add and subtract numbers up to 9.
Learning Curve
The students have learnt addition and subtraction of numbers up to 5. This is merely an
extension of the earlier practical and written work.
Additional Work
The teacher should create more worksheets showing number-group association, number
recognition, and addition and subtraction work and distribute them among students so
that they get a good amount of practice.
Learning Curve
In Primer A, zero was introduced as the ‘opposite’ of ‘all’ i.e 2 + 0 = 2, 4 + 0 = 4,
5 + 0 = 5, and so on. This concept is there, forever. However, here, zero has been taught
using another concept with illustrations. According to this concept, the notion of zero
being ‘nothing’ is conveyed to students by telling them to look at page 68 and then
asking questions like:
• 2 fish are in the bowl; how many fish are outside the bowl? Referring to the
illustration, say that the answer is 0.
• All the 5 balls are on the table; how many balls are under the table? The answer
is again 0.
On similar lines, the teacher can make more questions like: All 25 students have their
lunch box in their bag; how many have it on the table?
Learning Resources
• Toffees and a plastic jar
• Several paper fish (with a clip attached at the back) and a fish tank
• A magnet on a fishing rod, to do ‘fishing’
• Flags and a rubber band to tie them together in groups of 10
Learning Activity (20 min)
Refer to the above whole class activity to introduce addition with zero.
Additional Work
Many more worksheets using the above concept need to be created and distributed
among students for practice.
1 v
159 Addition and Subtraction 5-6
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Prepare chits of subtraction sums (including sums carrying 0). Fold the chits and keep
them in a basket. Let each child pick up a chit, solve the sum mentally and tell the
answer to the group. Group members will tell if the student has given the correct answer
or not.
Learning Curve
In Primer A, zero was introduced as the ‘opposite’ of ‘all’ i.e 1 – 1 = 0, 2 – 2 = 0, 3 – 3 = 0 and
so on. This concept is there, forever. However, here, zero has been taught using another
concept with illustrations. According to this concept, the notion of zero being ‘nothing’
is conveyed to students by telling them to look at page 76 and then asking questions
• A
ll the 9 apples are on the floor; how many apples
are on the tree? Referring to the illustration, say
that the answer is 0.
• All the 4 fish are outside the tank; how many fish are
in the tank? The answer is again 0.
On similar lines, the teacher can make more questions like: All 30 students are in the
garden, how many students are in the class?
Learning Resources
Refer to the resources used in the above lesson plan on addition with zero.
Additional Work
Many more worksheets using the above concept need to be created and distributed
among students for practice, to reinforce the concept of zero, and to develop more
writing habits.
Learning Curve
Addition and subtraction (and multiplication and division) with 10s forms the basis for
the decimal number system. As students are constantly using their fingers to count up to
10, they can be easily made aware of such group formations.
The students should learn various number families by heart. This will prove useful for
mental addition and subtraction in their later lives.
Learning Resources
• Strings and beads
• Triangular flags
• Flags numbered from 1 to 10. They can also be used when making bundles of 10.
1 v
161 Addition and Subtraction 5-6
Learning Activity (20 min)
Stringing together different numbers of beads to make groups of ten is a very useful
exercise. Similarly, triangular flags can be used to make groups of ten, with 2 or 3
students holding the flags high, for the rest of the class to see. Repeat activities involving
net bags, number beads and the number line but this time keep them focused on the
number 10.
Using counters students practice addition with numbers 1 to 9 to make 10. The following
poem can be of great help in reinforcing the concept of 10.
“1 is one, And all alone,
But zero is the hero! Place 0 after 1,
You get not 1,
But, Oh! My! My!
10 becomes the Hero!”
Additional Work
The pages given in the book reinforce the work done practically. A great deal of oral
and written work needs to be done to make sure that students can orally work out pairs
of numbers which add up to 10 and then reposition the numbers to show subtraction.
It is great fun to tie different bundles of 10 made of flags, beads (in strings) or ice
cream sticks. These can be regrouped in further bundles of 10 (without emphasising the
concept of hundred) in preparation for Class I.
To help students memorise number names and start with simple reverse counting, a little
poem like this is fun:
1: one; Zero is fun!
2: two cows say mooooooo!
3: three donkeys say hee hee
4: four nails on the door
5: five fish alive!
6: six dogs have ticks
7: seven Angels from Heaven
8: eight eggs in a plate
9: nine grapes on a vine
10: ten chicks and a hen
Suggested Activities
➣ Length
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students outside into the school play area. Mark two points ‘A’ and ‘B’ at least 6 to
8 metres apart on the floor, and join them by drawing a straight line with a chalk. Let
students measure the length of the line with their feet. They can measure any straight
line either on the floor design or even the border of a flower bed by walking along it.
➣ Weight
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time — Ask a student to pick up a pencil, then ask another student to pick up
a counter. Later ask a student to lift up the cupboard. Make students realise that the
cupboard is too heavy, we cannot lift it up, because it is heavy due to its weight. Later take
them for a walk around the school, to observe heavy objects like benches, tables, school
gate (iron), etc. Tell students that these things have a lot of weight, they are heavy.
1 v
Individual Activity (5 min)
Provide laminated templates with pictures of different heavy and light objects. Tell the
students to encircle the heavy objects and put a tick on the light objects with board markers.
➣ Capacity
Whole Class Activity (2 min)
Send a note in the students’ diaries to bring a pack of juice or flavoured milk. Provide
plastic containers to the students and let them observe how much the container has
been filled. Also encourage them to see the quantity in their peers’ glasses.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Provide different sizes of disposable glasses/ cups to the students. Let them pour water
from one glass/ cup to another to see how much each container holds. Which container
holds more quantity of water and which container holds less?
Lesson 1: Length
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to measure lengths, compare, and
decide which is long and which is short.
Learning Curve
Students are familiar with words ‘long and short’. They have already learnt to identify
long and short objects just by observation. Now, they will learn to measure lengths with
strings or rope.
Learning Resources
Objects of different lengths, strings or rope, paper strips, measuring tape
Learning Activity (20 min)
Take students outside into the school play area. Draw a few lines of different lengths on
the floor with chalk. Let students measure the length of each line with their feet or a
piece of rope. They can also measure using their hand span. Once they are back in class
ask them to share their findings.
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 78 – 83
Note: Similarly, plan lessons for weight and capacity.
7 Measurements iv
164 1
8 Time
Suggested Activities
➣ Reading Time
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Circle Time — Show a wall clock to the students and reinforce that the numbers 1 to 12
on the clock show the hourly time and that the longer hand represents ‘minutes’ and
the smaller hand represents ‘hours’. Also reinforce the concept of o’clock time. Later
introduce ‘half past’ time by moving the position of the clock hands.
Small Group Activity/ Individual Activity (10 min)
Let students make clocks with a paper plate. Write different times e.g. 2 o’clock, half past
8 etc. on the board and tell them to show any of these times on their clocks. Encourage
them to make as many clocks as they want showing different times on each clock.
Lesson 1: Time
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to read and write ‘half past’ time.
Learning Curve
Students have already learnt to read and write o’ clock time. Now they will learn to read
and write ‘half past’ time.
Learning Resources
Clocks, pictures of clocks showing ‘half past’ time
Learning Activity (20 min)
Show two clocks to the students, one with 5 o’clock and the other showing half past 5.
Ask them what do they notice? If they are able to identify that the position of the hour
and minute hands is different than clap for them. If they are unable to give the correct
answer, then ask questions which lead them to understand that:
• when the minute hand points at ‘12’ then it is o’clock
• when the minute hand covers half the clock and points at ‘6’ then we say,
‘half past’
1 v
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 85, 88
➣ Calendar
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Make a calendar on a full card sheet with days of the week written on it (refer to
page 129 of Primer A for the picture.) Don’t write the names of the months and dates,
cover it with a plastic sheet and display it at some visible place in the classroom. Make
small cut-outs using a card sheet and write the names of months and dates (1 to 31)
separately. Talk about the date every morning and make it a routine to let students
paste months on a monthly basis and dates on a daily basis.
8 Time iv
166 1
9 Comparison
Suggested Activities
➣ Big and Small
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students outside into the school play area. Let them observe different big and small
objects in the surroundings. Once they return to class, let them share their findings.
1 v
➣ Tall and Short
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
Take students outside into the school play area. Let them observe different tall and short
objects in the surroundings. Once they return to class, let them share their findings.
Small Group Activity (10 min)
Divide the class into pairs and let each student measure the height of his/her peer,
using yarn/ string. Later let them compare their heights and write the result (as shown)
on a sticky and paste it on the board for all students to see.
9 Comparison iv
168 1
Lesson 1: Comparison
By the end of each lesson, the students should be able to compare lengths, weights, and
heights. Students have already learnt about: ‘big and small,’ ‘long and short,’ ‘tall and
short,’ ‘light and heavy,’ So, this unit is just an extension of the topic ‘comparison’ taught in
previous classes, therefore, refer to the above activities and lesson on page 132 of Primer A.
[Number of lessons planned depends on the ability of students to grasp these concepts.]
1 v
169 Comparison 9
0 Position
Suggested Activities
Whole Class Activity (10 min)
➣ Above and Below
Circle Time – Select a few students at a time and give instructions using words for the
positions ‘above or below’. For example, ‘Put the ball below the table’, ‘Is the fan above
you?’, ‘Put the card below the mat’ etc.
170 1
Small Group Activity (5 min)
• S imon Says Game — Play this game for all the words introduced in this unit for
showing positions.
For example, when introducing the words ‘above and below’, give a counter to each
student and say: Simon says ‘put the counter below the chair.’
Repeat the activity by either giving the same instruction twice or three times and then
changing so that students listen and follow your instructions carefully. This makes the
activity more interesting.
Play this game for all the other position words introduced, that is: ‘before and after’,
‘behind and front’ and ‘far and near’.
• M ake a group leader and let students play the ‘before and after’ game in the
class. The group leader will give the instructions, e.g. hang number 4 after
number 1 or hang number 7 before number 3 etc. on the washing line. The
students will follow the instructions in turns. You can prepare chits as well with
instructions written on them. Students pick up these chits one by one and place
the number card on the washing line accordingly.
• Position Game — Put some objects on the table. Give chits to the students of the
introduced position words. Ask a student to pick up a chit, read the position word
and place two or three objects accordingly.
Individual Activity (10 min)
Let students draw and depict the following position words through their drawings:
• above and below
• before and after
• behind and front
• far and near
Lesson 1: Position
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to identify different positions.
[Number of lessons planned depends on the ability of students to grasp these concepts.]
Students have already learnt about different positions such as ‘up and down,’ ‘inside and
outside,’ ‘above and below,’ ‘before and after,’ Now they will learn about new positions:
‘behind and front,’ ‘over and under,’ and ‘far and near.’
Since this unit is just an extension of the topic ‘Position’ taught in previous class,
therefore, refer to the above activities and lesson on page 84 of Starter.
1 v
171 Position 10
0 Money
Lesson: Money
By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to use coins and notes in real-life
Learning Curve
Students are familiar with notes and coins, especially if they have been shopping with
their parents.
They must have received money as ‘Eidi’ from their grandparents, parents, and other
relatives on different occasions. Therefore, they will enjoy learning the use of money.
Since this unit is just an extension of the topic ‘Money’ taught in previous class, therefore,
refer to the activities and lesson on pages 136 of Primer A.
Textbook Practice Pages (20 min)
Pages 95, 96
172 1