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1. What performance appraisal problems were implicitly mentioned in the study?

The performance appraisal problems were implicitly mentioned in the study is

the employees or the quality of its warehouse labor which really affects the
organization’s performance as a whole. Also, the feedback system in Amazon
does not enable employees to see feedback themselves and they can only
hear about it from their managers.
2. How might these problems impact the accuracy of the Organization Leadership
Review (OLR)?
These problems might impact the accuracy of the OLR in terms of giving the
right positions or making them approved by the leaders or managers. This
goes against the whole purpose of performance management which is to help
other employees.
3. How would you correct the effects of the PA problems mentioned in the study?
In my own perception, they must ensure the fair treatment and the areas of
consideration regarding the employee’s skill where they have also the ability
to learn and improve their skills that can really help the organization. The
managers must also communicate with their employees at all times if needed
to have a quality conversation with the whole team, so there are more
opportunities for growth and development between them and the
4. Which appraisal method/s mostly closely resembles OLR?
The appraisal method that most closely resembles OLR is the management
by objective where the employees and the superiors come together to identify
some goals which are common to them. Communication also is the key factor
to determine the success or failure, and employees should continually critique
their own performance.
5. What appraisal method do you think would best meet Amazon’s objectives of
retaining the best employees while initiating corrective action with the bottom
10%? Justify your answer.
- For me, the best method that Amazon will used to meet their objectives of
retaining employees while initiating corrective action with the bottom 10% is
the Modern methods where they can easily asses the employees who is
determined by experts by using different techniques of performance
appraisal. This also serve as a guide to evaluate the employees accordingly
based on their performance inside the organization and it is clearly stated
where the employees play their best role and performance.

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