Answer and Question Adjective
Answer and Question Adjective
Answer and Question Adjective
1. The ………………………. (fast / fastly) train to London takes less than an hour.
4. The new building was rather ………… (boring / bored / boringly) and conventional.
6. If you are going to walk long distances you need ………………………. (proper /
London quickly.
12. It was my first time abroad and the language, the food, everything was so
16. My head feels ……………………….. (awful / awfully) – I think I must have flu.
17. The accident was caused by people driving too …………………….. (fast / fastly)
in bad conditions.
18. We resurfaced the kicthen floor because it was not ……………………….. (even /
19. She was too ………………………….. (polite / politely) to point out my mistake.
20. I had two glasses of wine at lunch and it has made me feel really
22. I am not suprised he failed his exam – he did not exactly try very
25. You will have to excuse Joanna – she is feeling rather ………………………….
27. The …………………………. (easiest / easily) thing is for us to take the train
28. He was very ……………………………… (cool / coolly) and calm about the
on holiday.
Menjadi dokter merupakan cita-cita ku , karena menurutku dengan menjadi dokter kita bisa
Dokter juga merupakan sebuah profesi yang sangat berjasa karena dapat membantu orang yang
sedang sakit dengan cara mengobati penyakit pasiennya dan membuat pasien mereka menjadi
kembali sehat.
Dokter juga biasanya memiliki 2 tempat praktek yaitu di rumah sakit dan di rumah mereka masing-
masing. Biasanya pada saat pagi hari sekali dan pada saat sore hari dokter biasanya membuka
praktek mereka di rumah mereka tapi jika pada saat pagi sampai siang maka mereka akan membuka
pekerjaan perawat biasanya adalah membantu dokter untuk menangani pasien, dan saat praktek di
rumah dokter juga biasanya di bantu oleh seseorang yang menangani pendaftaran agar dokter tidak
Begitulah cerita tentang cita-citaku, memang sulit untuk menjadi dokter tapi aku akan terus belajar
untuk meraih cita-citaku, aku akan giat belajar khususnya IPA agar kelak aku bisa mewujudkan cita-
Doctors are also a very meritorious profession because it can help people
who are sick by treating their patients' illnesses and getting their patients back to
Doctors also usually have 2 places of practice, namely in the hospital and in
their respective homes. Usually in the morning and in the afternoon the doctor
usually open their practice in their home but if in the morning until noon then they will
When in the hospital doctors are usually assisted by nurses to treat their
patients because the nurse's job is usually to help doctors deal with patients, and
when practicing at home doctors are also usually assisted by someone who handles
the registration so that doctors do not have difficulty managing their patients.
That's the story about my goals, it is difficult to become a doctor but I will
continue to learn to achieve my goals, I will study hard especially in the science so