Dot 17419 DS1
Dot 17419 DS1
Dot 17419 DS1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prepared by Missouri
Transportation Institute and
Missouri Department of
Pavement Smoothness
Organizational Results
June 2006
The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the principal
investigator and the Missouri Department of Transportation. They are not necessarily
those of the U.S. Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration.
This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation.
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Assessing IRI vs. PI as a Measurement of Pavement Smoothness June 7, 2006
6. Performing Organization Code
16. Abstract
A Pavement smoothness specification that allows either the International Roughness Index (IRI) or Profile
Index (PI) to measure pavement smoothness would be advantageous to both industry and MoDOT. This
brief study provides for MoDOT an understanding of the relationship between IRI and PI, an analysis
comparing the two systems, a review of potential specifications and offers a “smoothness adjustment table”
that would fit into Section 502.15.3 of the Missouri specifications. Furthermore safeguards against the
potential manipulation of the data within both IRI and PI systems are discussed. With proper certification
procedures for equipment and operators and a random verification program on the measurement of
smoothness, it is unlikely that the state DOT will encounter a problem with systematic alterations of inertial
profiling data. Sample specifications from Connecticut DOT, Ohio DOT and Minnesota DOT are included
in the report as they are good examples of specifications that MoDOT may wish to use as a pattern for their
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
International Roughness Index (IRI), Profile Index (PI) inertial No restrictions. This document is available to the
measurements, profilometer, pavement smoothness, pavement public through National Technical Information
roughness, blanking bands, California profilometer Center, Springfield, Virginia 22161
19. Security Classification (of this 20. Security Classification (of this 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
report) page)
Unclassified Unclassified 63 pages
Executive Summary
A Pavement smoothness specification that allows either the International Roughness
Index (IRI) or Profile Index (PI) to measure pavement smoothness would be
advantageous to both industry and MoDOT. This brief study provides for MoDOT an
understanding of the relationship between IRI and PI, an analysis comparing the two
systems, and a review of the current state of the practice. Sample specifications from
Connecticut DOT, Ohio DOT and Minnesota DOT are included in the report as they are
good examples of specifications that MoDOT may wish to use as a pattern for their
To assist MoDOT we drew from the recent research and provide smoothness adjustment
tables for pay factors that would fit into Section 502.15.3 of the Missouri DOT
specifications. For example:
Furthermore we held informal discussions with several IRI and PI users from several
states concerning safeguards against the potential manipulation of the data within both
IRI and PI systems. As a result we report that with proper certification procedures for
equipment and operators, a random verification program on the measurement of
smoothness, stiff penalties for cheating, regular calibration of the measuring equipment
and both the data and the results provided to the state it is unlikely that the state DOT will
encounter a problem with systematic alterations of inertial profiling or profilometer data.
Table of Contents
Summary ............................................................................................................................11
Appendix B-1&2: State Agency Smoothness Specifications for Asphalt Pavements ......22
This report describes the International Roughness Index (IRI), current users, sample
specifications, current issues, and its relationship with the Profile Index(PI). A suggested
set of pay-factor tables are presented. Missouri DOT has a specification addressing the
requirements for use of California profilograph equipment and the computation of profile
index to compute pay factor. Multiple Appendices, containing detailed information, are
provided for easy reference and may be used to support the preparation of a new set of
specifications for inertial profiling and international roughness index. The Appendices
A – Database of State DOT Concrete Pavement Practices
B – State agency smoothness specifications for asphalt pavements
C – IRI vs. PI and also PI (asphalt) to PI (concrete) Relationships
D – Pavement Smoothness Pay Factor, Incentive/Disincentive Specifications
E – Example Specifications from Connecticut DOT (Inertial Profiler and IRI)
F – Example Specifications from Ohio DOT (CA profilograph and IRI)
G – Example Specifications from Minnesota DOT (Inertial Profiler and IRI)
H – Collecting Smoothness Data for Pay Factors Flowchart
Appendices A, B-1, and B-2 are included for background information. The others provide
examples and substantive information for the preparation of inertial profiling and IRI-
based specifications. When necessary, a description of the information is provided with
the appendix. Missouri’s (wet – freeze and 0.0 blanking band) equations are highlighted
for easy reference.
the paver, resulting in 50 foot (typical mount point intervals) peak-to-peak waves. This
construction problem, if missed, will result in a poor ride quality. The mechanical design
of the profilograph can result in inaccurate profile readings and PI values. The IRI
encompasses larger wavelengths missed by the profilograph that are influential on ride
Inertial profilers collect more accurate and detailed pavement profiles used in computing
IRI. When the profile information is collected and saved for later analysis, the profile
contains a wealth of information that can be extracted for diagnosing the causes of poor
ride-quality. Knowing the extracted road features that cause poor ride quality leads to
improved construction practices and pavement design. There are signal processing
methods currently being evaluated that can decompose the profile into its constituent
parts. For example, when this method was applied to a segment of I-80 (concrete
construction), string line sag and slab warp and curl profiles were individually extracted
from the profile. What were left were the texture, joints, cracks, and faults. Since the IRI
is a linearly additive measurement, the IRI introduced by string line sag, warp and curl,
and the other features can be computed for each of these extracted components. Simply
stated, by using IRI the causes of poor ride quality can be ascertained, and therefore
corrective actions undertaken.
These are several of the main reasons many states are considering moving to IRI for all
pavement surface - ride measurements.
IRI Issues
Though inertial profiling has been in use for more than twenty years, a number of issues
still exist and are being investigated.
FHWA Accelerometer Study, SEQS-21 and SEQS-48
In 2002 and 2003, FHWA conducted a study on accelerometer sensitivity requirements
for inertial profiling [4, 5]. It was found that changing grades and cross slopes negatively
impacted profile precision and accuracy on high-speed profilers operating at lower
speeds. This was reaffirmed in a following study with light-weight profilers at the same
test site. The acceleration errors introduced when the vertical axis accelerometers were
not truly vertical on grades and cross slopes were found to be of approximately the same
magnitude as the vertical profile’s input to the accelerometer. Small changes in speed
(accelerations) of only a few miles per hour at slow speeds also introduced error. At high
speeds, the effects of grades and cross slope on the vertical accelerometer measurements
were minor. The issue is how to best account for the grade, cross slope, and changes in
speed at low operating speeds. Use of lower speed profilers for construction smoothness
testing aggravates this concern. For construction measurements the use of high speed
profilers run at a constant speed of 40mph is recommended.
Reference Profiler
Many highway construction and rehabilitation projects have incentive/disincentive pay
factors related to pavement smoothness/roughness. Inertial Profilers to be used in QC/QA
In Appendix H, we have provided a flowchart for improving the security when collecting
smoothness data for pay factors.
In this report we have discussed the relationship between IRI and PI and discussed the
relative advantages and disadvantages of both systems. In general we find that the trend
(while slow) is toward the IRI inertial system. The fact that it is already the system of
choice for system wide smoothness / roughness inventorying and with growing
acceptance of the inertial measuring systems we see more and more states moving to IRI
for project related measurements. About seven State DOTs have integrated the inertial
profiling and IRI technologies into their practice.
Additional information on inertial profiling technology for certification and operations
can be found in the following standard AASHTO specifications:
A - Standard Equipment Specification for Inertial Profiler – AASHTO Designation:
MP 11-03
B - Standard Practice for Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems – AASHTO
Designation: PP 49-03
C- Standard Practice for Operating Inertial Profilers and Evaluating Pavement
Profiles – AASHTO Designation: PP 50-03 (Highlighted for Missouri)
D - Standard Practice for Pavement Ride Quality When Measured Using Inertial
Profiling Systems – AASHTO Designation: PP 51-03
There is not one state specification that can be called “the best” as they are tied to the
pavement types and technologies of each state. However we have included the
specifications from Connecticut, Minnesota and Ohio as these are three types of
specifications that can support the needs of Missouri. These are included in the following
E – Example Specifications from Connecticut DOT (Inertial Profiler and IRI)
F – Example Specifications from Ohio DOT (CA profilograph and IRI)
G – Example Specifications from Minnesota DOT (Inertial Profiler and IRI)
The current Missouri Specifications in 502.15.3.2 Deductions includes two tables with
Pay Factors for roads with speed limits greater than 45mph and less than 45mph. We
have used this information and the data from the, FHWA-RD-02-057 study “Pavement
Smoothness Index Relationships” and developed the following set of tables that are
appropriate for Missouri DOT. Shown below are PI and IRI tables for > 45mph and
<45mph: (See Appendix C for supporting information found in FHWA-RD-02-057
[1] Sayers, M. W., and Karamihas, S. M., “The Little Book of Profiling” UMTRI
(September 1998)
[2] Scofield, L., “Profilograph Limitations, Correlations and Calibration Criteria for
Effective Performance Based Specifications”, National Cooperative Highway Research
Program Project 20-57, Task 53 (1992)
[3] Smith, K. L., et. al. “Pavement Smoothness Index Relationships”, FHWA-RD-02-057
(October 2002)
[4] Gagarin, N., Mekemson, J.R., and Lineman, L., “Effect of Accelerometer Accuracy
on Inertial Profile Measurements for Proposed Certification Procedure,” Task Order 21,
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Federal Highway Administration (November
2002, Revised September 2003)
[5] Gagarin, N., Mekemson, J.R., and Lineman, L., “Accelerometer Study: Lightweight
Experiment at Northern Virginia Sites,” Final report Task Order SEQS-48, Turner-
Fairbank Highway Research Center, Federal Highway Administration (July 2003)
[7] Gagarin, N., Mekemson, J. R., and Crowley, C. B., “Development of an Ultra-Light
Inertial Profiler Prototype,” Task Order SEQS-49, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research
Center, Federal Highway Administration (March 2004)
by hand or contractor,
AR center of lane 0.1 mile
computer State
both wheel
CT 1000 ft min by hand State
both wheel
DE 0.1 mile computer State
both wheel
FL 0.1 mile computer State
both wheel
HI 0.1 mile by hand State
IL center, outer 0.1 mile digital scan
by hand,
IA center of lane 0.1 mile computer, digital contractor
both wheel
KY 1.5 km computer State
by hand or
MI outer wheel path Mile contractor
computer, digital
MN center of lane 0.1 mile contractor
by hand or
MT outer wheel path 0.1 mile State
both wheel
NY 0.25 mile by hand contractor
both wheel
NC 600 ft by hand contractor
outer wheel
ND 0.1 mile computer State
by hand or
OR either wheelpath 0.1 mile contractor
by hand,
both wheel
PA 0.1 mile computer, digital contractor
both wheel
SC 0.25 mile by hand State
both wheel
SD 0.1 mile computer contractor
both wheel
TN 0.1 mile by hand State
both wheel
WV 0.1 mile computer State
both wheel
WI 0.1 mile computer contractor
both wheel
WY 0.1 mile State
Source: American Concrete Pavement Association
Roughness Index
IL CA profilograph IRI
ME 10-ft straightedge
NV CA profilograph
NY CA profilograph IRI
RI 10-ft straightedge
AZ 7-9
2 in/mile or 105% sq yd
AR 6-7 in/mile 7 in/mile
less price
CA 5-7
CO 7 - 12
< 40 mm / 175 mm /
DE $1.50 / m2
km km
103% sy
FL 7 in/mile
unit price
GA 7 in/mile
70% sy unit
HI 7 - 10 10
$100-300 per
IA 3.1 - 7.0 0 - 1.0 per 10.1
18 - 40, 25 $750 per 0.1
KS 6, 15 $1000 / 0.1 25, 45
- 65 mile
100% sy
MI 4 - 10 0 10
unit price
MN 4-6 0-4 6-8 $/sy formula
MS <7
NJ 5% per lot
NM 4-7
105% sy to be
NY 5 0-1 12
unit price determined
NC 4
101.5% sy
OR 5-7 2.5 7
unit price
PR 20 - 30 formula formula
100% sy
SC 10
unit price
TN < 10 10, 15
60% sy unit
UT 7 $1.00 / sy
$1.00 per
$8300 per
WI 19.1 - 32 < 10 foot per 45
mile per lane
WY 6-7 7
Source: American Concrete Pavement Association
</= 750 >750
1.6 mm/km mm/km
km(1.0 -- (</= 47.5 -- (>47.5
mi) inches per inches per
mile)a mile)a
HI -- -- -- -- -- -- --
</= 8 >8
0.1 km mm/0.1km mm/0.1km
ID type PI5-mm -- --
(0.1 mi) (</= 0.5 (>0.5
in/0.1mi) in/0.1 mi)
</= 8 9 - 160 >235
California- mm/km mm/km mm/km
0.16 km 161 - 235 mm/km (10.1 - 15
IL type PI5-mm (</= 0.5 (0.6 - 10 (>15
(0.1 mi) inches per mile)
profilograph inches per inches per inches per
mile)b mile) mile)
</= 30
California- mm/0.16
0.16 km 31 - 38 mm/0.16 km (1.21 - mm/0.16
IN type PI5-mm -- km (</=
(0.1 mi) 1.5 in/0.1 mi) km (>1.5
profilograph 1.2 in/0.1
in/0.1 mi)
</= 48 49 - 110 >160
California- mm/km mm/km mm/km
0.16 km 111 - 160 mm/km (7.1 - 10
IA type PI5-mm (</= 3 (3.1 - 7 (>10
(0.1 mi) inches per mile)
profilograph inches per inches per inches per
mile) mile) mile)
</= 160 161 - 475 >630
California- mm/km mm/km mm/km
0.1 km 476 - 630 mm/km (30.1 - 40
KS type PI0.0 (</= 10 (10.1 - 30 (>40
(0.1 mi) inches per mile)c
profilograph inches per inches per inches per
mile) mile) mile)
Inertial 1.6 kma RI >/= 3.70 </=
3.45 </= RI < 3.70
RI < 3.45
</= 47
California- mm/km
48 - 95 mm/km (3.1 - 6 mm/km
LA type PI5-mm Lot -- (</= 3
inches per mile) (>6 inches
profilograph inches per
per mile)
</= 945 946 - 1105 >1260
Rolling 0.2 km mm/kma mm/kma mm/kma
1106 - 1260 mm/kma (70.1 -
ME dipstick IRI (0.12 (</= 60 (60.1 - 70 (>80
80 inches per mile)
profiler mi) inches per inches per inches per
mile) mile) mile)
-- </= 158
159 - 237 m/kma (10.1 - 15 >237
Limits are a direct English-Metric conversion from counterpart
Based on average profile index for entire project.
For PI between 476 mm/km (30.1 inches per mile) and 630
mm/km (40 inches per mile), must also grind to 475 mm/km (30
RQI: Ride quality index.
Draft specification.
mile) mile)
8 - 13 14 -- 23
0.16 <8mm/0.16 >23 mm/0.16
California-type mm/0.16 mm/0.16
ND PI5-mm km (0.1 kma(<0.3
profilograph kma(0.3 - 0.5 kma(0.51 -
mi) in/0.1mi) in/0.1mi)
in/0.1mi) 0.9 in/0.1mi)
</= 78 79 - 110 111 - 190 >190
California-type a mm/kma(</= mm/kma(5.1 m/kma(7.1 - mm/kma(>12
OH PI5-mm km (0.1
profilograph 5 inches per - 7 inches per 12 inches per inches per
mile) mile) mile) mile)
</= 79 80 - 110 111 - 190 >190
California-type mm/kma(</= mm/kma(5.1 m/kma(7.1 - mm/kma(>12
OK PI5-mm kma(0.1
profilograph 5 inches per - 7 inches per 12 inches per inches per
mile) mile) mile) mile)
</= 80 81 - 110
>110 mm/km
California-type 0.2 km mm/km (</= mm/km (5.1
OR PI5-mm -- (>7 inches per
profilograph (0.1 mi)a 5 inches per - 7 inches per
mile)a mile)a
</= 568 >568
California-type 0.16 (0.1 mm/kma(</= mm/kma(>36
PA PI0.0 -- --
profilograph mi) 36 inches per inches per
mile) mile)
</= 110 111 - 205 >205
California-type mm/kma(</= mm/kma(7.1 mm/kma(>13
PR PI5-mm kma(0.1 --
profilograph 7 inches per - 13 inches inches per
mile) per mile) mile)
RI -- -- -- -- -- -- --
</= 158 >158
Rainhart mm/kma(</= mm/kma(>10
SC PI5-mm kma(0.25 -- --
profilograph 10 inches per inches per
mile) mile)
</= 395 396 - 550 551 - 630
>630 mm/km
California-type 0.1 km mm/km (</= mm/km (25.1 mm/km (35.1
SD PI0.0 (>40 inches
profilograph (0.1 mi) 25 inches per - 35 inches - 40 inches
per mile)
mile) per mile) per mile)
</= 160 161 - 235
>235 mm/km
PI2.5- 0.1 km mm/km (</= mm/km (10.1
TN Rainhartprofilograph -- (>15 inches
mm (0.1 mi) 10 inches per - 15 inches
per mile)
mile) per mile)
237 238 - 315 316 -- 630 >630
California-type mm/kma(</= mm/kma(15.1 m/kma(20.1 - mm/kma(>40
TX PI0.0 kma(0.1
profilograph 15 inches per - 20 inches 40 inches per inches per
mile) per mile) mile) mile)
</= 110
0.2 km >110 mm/km
California-type mm/km (</=
UT PI5-mm (0.12 -- -- (>7 inches per
profilograph 7 inches per
mi)a mile) a
VT -- -- -- -- -- -- --
947 - 1262
</= 946 1263 - 1578 >1578
a a mm/kma
South Dakota-type 0.16 km mm/km (</= km a(80.1 - mm/kma (>100
VA IRI (60.1 - 80
profiler (0.1 mi) 60 inches per 100 inches inches per
inches per
mile) per mile) mile)
</= 60 61 -- 100
0.1 km >100 mm/km
California-type PI7.5- mm/km (</= mm/km (3.9
WA (0.1 mi) (>6.3 inches --
profilograph mm 3.8 inches - 6.3 inches
a per mile) a,e
per mile)a per mile) a
</= 1000 1001 - 1500
>1500 mm/km
Maysmeter or 0.16 km mm/km (</= mm/km (66 -
WV MRN -- (>97.5 inches
inertial profiler (0.1 mi) 65 inches per 97.5 inches
per mile)
mile) per mile)
401 - 700
</= 400 701 - 800
mm/kma >800 mm/kma
California-type PI01- 0.16 kma mm/kma (</= m/kma (44.4
WI (25.4 - 44.3 (>50.7 inches
profilograph inch (0.1 mi) 25.3 inches - 50.7 inches
inches per per mile)
per mile) per mile) f
WY PI5-mm * * *
Limits are a direct English-Metric conversion from counterpart limits.
Based on average profile index for entire project.
For PI between 476 mm/km (30.1 inches per mile) and 630 mm/km (40
inches per mile), must also grind to 475 mm/km (30 inches per mile) or
RQI: Ride quality index.
For PI greater than 100 mm/km (6.3 inches per mile), must also grind to
For PI greater than 700 mm/km (44.3 inches per mile), must also grind to
Climatic zones: 1=DF, 2=DNF, 3=WF, 4=WNF.
DF Dry-Freeze
DNF Dry-Nonfreeze
WF Wet-Freeze
WNF Wet-Nonfreeze
Climatic zones: 1=DF, 2=DNF, 3=WF, 4=WNF.
DF Dry-Freeze
DNF Dry-Nonfreeze
WF Wet-Freeze
WNF Wet-Nonfreeze
The figures on the following pages present the previous four tables or equations
as a series of graphs
The PI to PI charts are for informational purposes only to indicate how the index
varies with the different blanking bands applied. PI indices are difficult to
compare from state to state as different blanking bands give different results.
IRIs derived from inertial profilers are more comparable from state to state and
thus are more useful in research studies. The AASHTO specifications listed in
the Conclusion section were establish to make the IRI a consistent
PI(BB=0.0 in)
250 PI(BB=0.1 in)
PI(BB=0.2 in)
IRI (in/mi)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
PI (in/mi)
Figure C1. PI to IRI for concrete, all climates and blanking bands.
(Green line {lower one] applicable to Missouri)
PI to IRI, Asphaltic Concrete/Asphaltic Concrete, by Climate and Blanking Band(inch)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
PI(BB=0.0 in), 1
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
PI (in/mi)
PI(BB=0.0 in)
PI(BB=0.1 in)
PI(BB=0.2 in)
IRI (in/mi)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
PI (in/mi)
Figure C3. PI to IRI, Asphaltic Concrete/Portland Cement Concrete, all climates, all
blanking bands. (Green line [lowest one] applicable to Missouri)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
PI(BB=0.0 in), 1,3
350 PI(BB=0.1 in), 1,3
PI(BB=0.2 in), 1,3
300 PI(BB=0.0 in), 2
PI(BB=0.1 in), 2
250 PI(BB=0.2 in), 2
IRI (in/mi)
PI(BB=0.0 in), 4
200 PI(BB=0.1 in), 4
PI(BB=0.2 in), 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 6
PI (in/mi)
Figure C4. PI to IRI for Portland Cement Concrete, all climates, all blanking bands.
(Thin, solid, green line [lowest one] applicable to Missouri)
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0
PI (in/mi)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
PI0.1in to PI0in, 1
PI0.2in to PI0in, 1
PI0.2in to PI0.1in, 1
PI0.1in to PI0in, 2
80 PI0.2in to PI0in, 2
PI0.2in to PI0in, 2
PI (in/mi)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
PI (in/mi)
Figure C6. PI to PI for Asphaltic Concrete / Asphaltic Concrete, all climates, all
blanking bands.
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
PI0.1in to PI0in
160 PI0.2in to PI0in
PI (in/mi)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PI (in/mi)
PI0.2in to PI0.1in, 3
60 PI0.1in to PI0in, 4
PI0.2in to PI001n, 4
PI0.2in to PI0.1in, 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
PI (in/mi)
Figure C8. PI to PI, Portland Cement Concrete, all climates, all blanking bands.
Figure D1 presents the specification types and distribution for the states that provided information
for the FHWA report.
There are six specification models depending on the presence or absence of bonus pay, penalties,
and corrective action. The full specification with both bonus pay and penalties included is the most
common specification for both Asphaltic concrete and Portland Cement concrete pavements.
For the No Bonus and No Penalty specifications, two sets of frequencies and percentages are
provided. For the No Bonus specification, the upper numbers are for No Bonus pay (with penalties)
occurrences. The lower number is the combined No Bonus pay (with penalties) and the No Bonus
pay (with no penalties). For the No Penalty specification, the upper numbers are for No Penalties
(with bonus pay) occurrences. The lower number is the combined No Penalty (with bonus pay) and
the No Penalty (with no bonus pay).
Figures D2 and D3 present the pavement smoothness indices and incentive/disincentive specification
break down by state for Asphaltic and Portland Cement concrete for the information provided by the
states for the FHWA report. Summary statistics are also provided.
The series of figures, D4 through D10, show the state by state specifications and thresholds for the
payment ranges for Asphaltic and Portland Cement concrete by smoothness index used by the
individual states. These figures include the updates made for the states of Connecticut, Ohio, and
Minnesota. For asphaltic pavements, these three states use the IRI index and the full
incentive/disincentive specification. For Minnesota, the IRI information is not shown in Figure D2,
for Asphaltic concrete, as Minnesota has three sets of specification (equations) depending on
pavement design. A separate figure D11 is provided later to show the three specification equations.
For concrete pavements, only the updated Connecticut data applies.
Thresholds Distribution
Con- Asphalt Con-
Asphalt crete % crete %
0 Bonus B,F Full Pay F,P Penalty P,C Corrective Action 28 24 73.7% 54.5%
0 Bonus B,F Full Pay F, no P, C Corrective Action 4 9 10.5% 20.5%
Penalty (NP)
9 15 23.7% 34.1%
0 Full Pay F,P Penalty P,C Corrective Action 1 3 2.6% 6.8%
Bonus (NB)
no B 6 9 15.8% 20.5%
No Penalty
0 Full Pay F,no P,C Corrective Action 5 6 13.2% 13.6%
or Bonus
no B
0 Bonus B no F, no P C Corrective Action 0 1 0.0% 2.3%
0 Bonus B,F Full Pay F,P Penalty P no C 0 1 0.0% 2.3%
Corrective (NC)
B = Bonus Threshold
F = Full Pay Threshold
P = Penalty Threshold
C = Corrective Threshold
Figure D1. Pay Factor, Incentive/Disincentive Specifications types and distribution.
Asphalt Pavement
Smoothness Index by
Asphalt Pavement
Concrete Pavement
Smoothness Index by
Concrete Pavement
Asphalt Pavements Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective IRI Limits (in/mile)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057, exception Ohio proposal notes)
120 Full Pay
IRI (in/mi)
Figure D4. Asphalt pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective
Asphalt Pavements Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective PI(0.2 in) Limits (in/mi)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
Full Pay
PI(0.2 in) (in/mi) .
Figure D5. Asphalt pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective PI(0.2 in)
limits by state.
Asphalt Pavements Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective PI(0.0 in) Limits (in/mi)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
45 Full Pay
PI(0.0 in) (in/mi)
Figure D6. Asphalt pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective PI(0.1 in)
limits by state.
Concrete Pavement Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective IRI Limits (in/mi)
(VA Source: FHWA-RD-02-057, OH Source: proposal notes )
100 Full Pay
IRI (in/mi)
Figure D7. Concrete pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective IRI limits
by state.
Concrete Pavements Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective PI(0in) Limits (in/mi)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
45 Full Pay
PI(0in) (in/mi) .
Figure D8. Concrete pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective PI(0 in)
limits by state.
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
50 Full Pay
PI(0.1in) (in/mi) .
Figure D9. Concrete pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective PI(0.1 in)
limits by state.
Concrete Pavements Bonus Pay / Full Pay / Penalty / Corrective PI(0.2in) Limits (in/mi)
(Source: FHWA-RD-02-057)
Full Pay
PI(0.02in) (in/mi) .
Figure D10. Concrete pavement bonus pay / full pay/ penalty / corrective PI(0.2 in)
limits by state.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
$ / 0.1 mi
Incentive/Disincentive $/0.1mile, Eq A
-800 Incentive/Disincentive $/0.1mile, Eq B
Incentive/Disincentive $/0.1mile, Eq C
IRI (in/mi)
Appendix E: Example Specifications from Connecticut DOT
(a) Pavement Smoothness (Rideability): The Engineer shall evaluate the final pavement surface for
smoothness by testing in accordance with Section 4.06 and as stated herein. This provision will
apply to projects requiring a minimum of two (2) courses of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in which the
compacted depth of each is 1.5 inches (40 mm) or greater.
Prior to the placement of the final course of pavement, the Engineer will furnish the Contractor
with an International Roughness Index (IRI) value that results from the Engineer's evaluation of
the material placed to date. The actual time of this "trial" evaluation will be coordinated between
the Engineer and the Contractor. This evaluation will be limited to one (1) test in each direction of
travel. The IRI value will serve as a guide to the Contractor in evaluating his current level of
conformance with the smoothness specification.
The IRI value for the final course of pavement will be the basis for determining any payment
adjustment(s) in accordance with Table 1, Schedule of Adjusted Payment of Section, 4.06.04 -
Method of Measurement, Subarticle 4.06.04 - 7 "Adjustment for Rideability."
Evaluation Method - The final pavement surface shall be evaluated for smoothness using an
"Automated Road Analyzer" vehicle or ARAN. Computers aboard the ARAN contain software
that simulates the traversing of a so-called "quarter car" over the adjusted profile, and calculates an
average IRI value as defined by the World Bank, for each lane of travel over the project. This
ARAN is a Class II device as defined by the World Bank. The IRI represents the vertical (upward
and downward) displacement that a passenger would experience traveling at 48 MPH (77 km/hr)
in a standard vehicle over the profile established by the device. A zero IRI value would indicate a
perfectly smooth pavement surface, while increasing IRI values would correspond to an
increasingly rough pavement surface. The ARAN has the capability to measure longitudinal profile
in each wheelpath simultaneously. IRI values shall be calculated in inches (meters) of vertical
displacement every 0.01 mile (16 meters) and normalized over one (1) mile in inches/mile, or 1.6
km in m/km. For example, a 0.01-mile section yielding an actual vertical displacement of one (1)
inch would be normalized to an IRI value of 100 inches/mile.
The final pavement surface will be divided into 0.10 mile (160 meter) segments representing the
total lane miles of the project. The total lane miles are equal to the miles of resurfacing multiplied
by the number of lanes being evaluated. The final segment will include any remaining portion of a
segment not equaling 0.10 miles (160 meters) [Example: 1.52 miles of pavement would
have 15 segments with the last one measuring 0.12 miles]. The IRI calculated from each wheelpath
for each 0.10 mile (160 meter) segment will be averaged to determine the IRI value for that
l. Only mainline travel lanes will be evaluated. This shall include climbing lanes,
operational lanes, and turning roadways that are 0.4 miles (644 meters) or greater in
2. Smoothness data will not be computed for the following project sections:
• Climbing and operational lanes and turning roadways less than 0.4 miles (644
meters) in length
• Acceleration and deceleration lanes
• Shoulders and gore areas
• Pavement on horizontal curves which have a 900 foot (274.32 meters) or less
centerline radius of curvature, and pavement within the superelevation transition of these
3. Bridge decks shall be included only if paved as part of the project. If the bridge decks
are not included in the project, profile testing will be suspended two hundredths of a mile
(0.02) [32 meters] prior to the first expansion joint and after the last expansion joint on
the bridge decks.
5. Measurement will start two-hundredths of a mile (0.02) [32 meters] prior to and after
the transverse joints at the project limits.
6. Data will be collected within 30 days of completion of the entire final course of
pavement, or within 30 days of completion of any corrective work on the pavement. If the
entire final course of pavement can not be completed prior to December I (winter
shutdown), then data will be collected for any portion of the roadway in which the final
course of pavement has been placed. These data will be saved and stored by the
Department. Once the remainder of the final course has been placed, the data will be
collected and combined with the data taken previously.
If the Engineer determines that any pavement corrective work is required, the Contractor
will be notified in writing within five (5) working days after the completion of the final
course of pavement. The Contractor shall have thirty (30) days following such
notification to make any repairs to the pavement before smoothness measurements are
7. No testing shall be conducted during rain or under other conditions deemed inclement
by the Engineer. During testing, the roadway must be free of moisture and other
deleterious materials which might affect the evaluation. Any work associated with
preparing the roadway for the evaluation, such as but not limited to sweeping, will not be
measured for payment.
Article 4.06.04 - Method of Measurernent:
All values in the metric system will be rounded to the nearest hundredth.
(Example: 0.826 shall be rounded to 0.83.)
Positive adjustments for rideability shall not be made for those areas reviewed
and determined by the Engineer to be defective as stipulated in Subarticles
1.05.11 and 1.06.04.
C1 General
Pavement smoothness will be evaluated on the final mainline pavement surface using an Inertial
Profiler (IP) and the International Roughness Index (IRI). Unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer,
all smoothness testing shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer. The Engineer and the
Contractor shall mutually agree upon scheduling of smoothness testing so that testing can be observed.
Any testing performed without the Engineer’s presence, unless otherwise authorized, may be ordered
retested at the Contractor’s expense.The following Table 2360.7-A (IRI) shows pavement surfaces that
are excluded from smoothness testing but subject to 2360.7B surface requirements.
Pavement smoothness requirements will be evaluated by the International Roughness Index (IRI)
Equation A, Equation B, or Equation C. The pavement smoothness Equation will be identified in the
Special Provisions of the proposal. Location of bumps and/or dips and magnitude will be based on
California Test Method 526.
C2 Measurement
Smoothness will be measured with an IP, which produces both an IRI value and a profilogram
(profile trace of the surface tested). The IP shall conform to the Class 1 requirements of ASTM E950-94
and must be certified according to the most recent procedure on file in the Bituminous Office. For
pavement evaluation, one pass will be made in each lane, 2.74 m [9 feet] from centerline. The IP shall
be run in the direction the traffic will be moving. Each lane will be tested and evaluated separately. The
Engineer will determine the length in kilometers [miles] for each mainline traffic lane. The IP shall be
operated at the optimum speed as defined by the manufacturer.
C3 Smoothness testing
The Contractor shall furnish a properly calibrated, documented, and MnDOT certified IP. The IP
shall be equipped with automatic data reduction capabilities. Computer programs used to calculate the
IRI statistic from a longitudinal roadway profile shall follow the procedure developed by the World Bank
for a quarter-car simulation as described in NCHRP report 228. Mn/DOT certification documentation
shall be provided to the Engineer on the first day the IP is used on the project. IP settings are on file in
the Bituminous Office. The Contractor shall furnish a competent operator, trained in the operation of the
IP and evaluation of both California Test Method 526 and the International Roughness Index.
The Contractor shall remove all objects and foreign material on the pavement surface prior to
surface evaluation by power brooming. The pavement surface will be divided into sections which
represent continuous placement. A section will terminate 15.24m [50 ft] before a bridge approach
panel, bridge surface, manhole or similar interruption. In the final pavement evaluation, a day's work
joint will be included in the trace with no special consideration. A section will be separated into
segments of 0.1 km [0.1 mi]. A segment will be in one traffic lane only.
An IRI value shall be computed for each segment of 15.24m [50 ft] or more. The IRI value will
include the 15.24 m [50 ft] at the ends of the section only when the Contractor is responsible for the
adjoining surface.
End of run areas not included in the IRI value and any sections of pavement less than 15.24m [50
ft] in length shall be checked longitudinally with a 3.028 m [10 ft] straight edge and the surface shall not
deviate from a straight line by more than 6 mm in 3.028 m [1/4 inch in 10 ft]. Transverse joints shall be
evaluated by centering the straightedge longitudinally across the transverse joint.
The Contractor shall submit the graphical trace, a summary of the bump(s)/dip(s) locations, the
magnitude of the bump(s)/dip(s) and each segment IRI value on the same day as the profiling was
conducted. The Contractor shall submit a final spreadsheet summary of the smoothness data to the
Engineer within five calendar days after all mainline pavement placement. The summary shall be
signed by the Contractor. The spreadsheet summary shall be in tabular form, with each 0.1 km [0.1
mile] segment occupying a row. Each row shall include the beginning and ending station for the
segment, the length of the segment, the final IRI value for the segment, the IRI based
incentive/disincentive in dollars for the segment, and the deductions for bump(s)/dip(s) in
dollars for the segment. Each continuous run will occupy a separate table and each table will have a
header that includes the following: the project number, the roadway number or designation, a lane
designation, the mix type of the final lift, the PG binder of the final lift, the date of the final smoothness
runs, and the beginning and ending station of the continuous run. The following information shall be
included at the bottom of each summary: a subtotal for the IRI based incentive/disincentive, a subtotal
for the bump deductions, and a total for incentive/disincentive for both IRI values and bumps. Software
to summarize the data is available from the Mn/DOT Bituminous Office at
The Contractor will be responsible for all traffic control associated with the smoothness testing
and any corrective action (when applicable) that is required of the final pavement surface.
C3A Retesting
The Engineer may require any portion or the total project to be retested if the results are
questioned. This includes both IRI values and bump/dip locations. The Engineer will decide whether
Mn/DOT, an independent testing firm (ITF), or the Contractor will retest the roadway surface.
If the retested IRI values differ by more than 10% from the original IRI values, the retested values
will be used as the basis for acceptance and any incentive/disincentive payments. In addition, bump/dip
locations as shown by the retest will replace the original results.
If the Engineer directs the Contractor or an independent testing firm to perform retesting and the
original results are found to be accurate, the Department will pay the Contractor or the independent
testing firm $62.14 per lane km [$100 per lane mile] that is retested, with a minimum charge of $500.00.
The Contractor will be responsible for any costs associated with retesting if the original values differ by
more than 10% from the retested values.
C4 IRI Values
The IP shall be equipped with automatic data reduction capabilities for determining the IRI values.
An IRI value shall be calculated for each segment of the final pavement surface. The IRI values shall be
determined by following NCHRP report 228. The IRI values shall be reported in units of m per km
[inches per mile].
Both m per km and inches per mile shall be reported with two digits right of the decimal. Follow
Mn/DOT rounding procedures per the Bituminous Manual section 5-693.730.
When there is a segment equal to or less than 76.2 m [250 ft] in length at the end of a lane of
paving, the IRI value for that segment shall be mathematically weighted and added to and included in
the evaluation of the adjacent segment. Segments greater than 76.2 m [250 ft] in length will be
evaluated individually.
Bump/dip location will be determined in accordance with California Method 526. Bumps and
dips equal to or exceeding 10.2 mm in a 7.62 m [0.4 inch in a 25 ft] span shall be identified separately.
When the profile trace shows a successive, uninterrupted bump, dip; or dip, bump combination (up to a
maximum of 3 alternating trace deviations that relate to one bump or dip on the roadway), identify and
evaluate these occurrences as one event.
The Contractor shall correct, by diamond grinding, all areas represented by bumps or dips of 10.2
mm [0.4 inch] or more as measured by California Test Method 526. However, the Engineer may allow
bumps or dips of 10.2 mm to 15.2 mm [0.4 inches to 0.6 inches] in a 7.62 m [25 foot] span to be left
uncorrected, and in such case, the contractor will be assessed a price deduct as specified in section C6
(“Payment”) of this special provision.
Corrected dips or bumps will be considered satisfactory when the profilogram shows the deviations are
less than 10.2 mm in a 7.62 m [0.4 inch in a 25 foot] span.
Bump/dip location will be determined in accordance with California Method 526. Bumps and
dips equal to or exceeding 12.7 mm in a 7.62 m [0.5 inch in a 25 ft] span shall be identified separately.
When the profile trace shows a successive, uninterrupted bump, dip; or dip, bump combination (up to a
maximum of 3 alternating trace deviations that relate to one bump or dip on the roadway), identify and
evaluate these occurrences as one event.
The Contractor shall correct, by diamond grinding, all areas represented by bumps or dips of 12.7
mm [0.5 inch] or more as measured by California Test Method 526. However, the Engineer may allow
bumps or dips of 12.7 mm to 17.8 mm [0.5 inches to 0.7 inches] in a 7.62 m [25 foot] span to be left
uncorrected, and in such case, the contractor will be assessed a price deduct as specified in section C6
(“Payment”) of this special provision.
Corrected dips or bumps will be considered satisfactory when the profilogram shows the deviations are
less than 12.7 mm in a 7.62 m [0.5 inch in a 25 foot] span.
C5 Surface Correction
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, corrective work shall be by diamond grinding. Other
methods may include; overlaying the area, or replacing the area by milling and inlaying. The Engineer
shall approve of the Contractor’s method of correcting segment(s) prior to the Contractor starting
corrective work. Any corrective actions by milling and inlay or overlay shall meet the specifications for
ride quality over the entire length of the correction, including the first and last 15 m [50 feet]. Bumps or
dips in excess of 10.2 mm [0.4 inches] where evaluation is by Equation A or B or bumps or dips in
excess of 12.7 mm [0.5 inch] where evaluation is by Equation C that are located at transverse joints at
areas of corrective actions utilizing overlay or milling and inlay, shall be removed by diamond grinding.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to commencement of the corrective action. If the surface
is corrected by overlay, inlay or replacement, the surface correction shall begin and end with a
transverse saw cut. Surface corrections shall be made prior to placing permanent pavement markings.
In the event that permanent pavement marking are damaged or destroyed during surface correction
activities, they will be replaced at no cost to the Agency.
When pavement smoothness evaluation by Equation A is specified the Engineer may require that
the Contractor, at no expense to the Department, correct segments with an IRI greater than 1.03 m per
km [65 inches/mile] or the Engineer may assess a $560 per 0.1 km [$900 per 0.1 mile] penalty in lieu
of requiring corrective work.
When pavement smoothness evaluation by Equation B is specified the Engineer may require that
the Contractor, at no expense to the Department, correct segments with an IRI greater than 1.18 m per
km [75 inches/mile] or the Engineer may assess a $420 per 0.1 km [$675 per 0.1 mile] penalty in lieu
of requiring corrective work.
When pavement smoothness evaluation by Equation C is specified the Engineer may require that
the Contractor, at no expense to the Department, correct segments with an IRI greater than 1.34 m per
km [85 inches/mile] or the Engineer may assess a $280 per 0.1 km [$280 per 0.1 mile] penalty in lieu
of requiring corrective work.
Bump, dip, and smoothness correction work shall be for the entire traffic lane width. Pavement
cross slope shall be maintained through corrective areas.
All corrective work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. After all required corrective
work is completed a final segment(s) IRI value and bump/dip tabulation shall be determined and
submitted to the Engineer. Corrective work and re-evaluation shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
Segments requiring grinding will be re-profiled within two working days of completion of
grinding. Individual bumps/dips and segments requiring grinding shall be completed with 15 working
days of notification.
C6 Payment
The cost of traffic control for certified smoothness testing and/or any corrective work is incidental
to the cost of the Wear course mixture.
The Contractor may receive an incentive payment or be assessed a penalty based on the number of
segments and the IRI value. The total ride incentive shall not exceed 10% of the total mix price for
pavement smoothness evaluated under IRI Equation A, 5% of the total mix price for pavement
smoothness evaluated under Equation B, or 5% of the total mix price for pavement smoothness
evaluated under Equation C. Total mix shall be defined as all mixture placed on the project. Pay
adjustments for incentives will only be based on the segment IRI value before any corrective work has
been performed. Any segment that contains corrective action for IRI value or bumps is not eligible for
incentive pay.
The Contractor will not receive a net incentive payment for ride if more than 25% of all density
lots for the project fail to meet minimum density requirements.
For pavement smoothness evaluated under Equation A uncorrected bumps or dips greater than or
equal to 10.2 mm [0.4 inches] in a 7.62 m [25 foot] span will be assessed a price deduction of $900
per event.
For pavement smoothness evaluated under Equation B uncorrected bumps or dips greater than or
equal to 10.2 mm [0.4 inches] in a 7.62 m [25 foot] span will be assessed a price deduction of $675
per event.
For pavement smoothness evaluated under Equation C uncorrected deviations (bumps or dips)
greater than or equal to 12.7 mm [0.5 inches] in a 7.62 m [25 foot] span will be assessed a price
deduction of $450 per event.
Combinations of bumps and dips which arise from the same single bump or dip are considered to
be one event, and shall be counted only once for the purposes of calculating price deductions.
Typically, bump-dipbump
combinations, or dip-bump-dip combinations, that are confined to a 30 feet longitudinal segment are
considered to be one event.
Bumps or dips resulting from a construction joint will be assessed a $900 penalty, regardless of
the IRI Equation used for evaluation or pavement smoothness.
Incentive/disincentive payments will be based on the IRI determined for each segment and will be
based on the following equations and criteria.
the specification does not contain guidance for selecting the appropriate "IRI equation” for
pavement smoothness evaluation. Therefore, the following guideline should be used to determine
which equation is appropriate. Also included in this memo are guidelines for selecting Percent
Ride Improvement on 1-lift overlays. The designer should use their judgement or consult the
Bituminous Office for other construction types not covered in this memo.
• Construction with a minimum of 3 lifts, with curb and gutter and at least 8 feet separating the
traffic lane from the curb and gutter (shoulder at least 8' wide)
• Construction with curb and gutter adjacent to at least one driving lane, and three lifts
For single lift overlay construction on bituminous the Designer can choose either IRI Equation C
or Percent Ride Improvement. See Note 1 below for single lift overlay on concrete.
The Percent Ride Improvement provision compares the IRI of the roadway before any
construction activities have taken place to the IRI of the roadway after construction activities are
finished. Incentive/disincentive is determined by the percent ride improvement. Percent ride
improvement is intended to be used in situations where the existing roadway is in poor condition.
Data from pilot projects show that the rougher the road segment to begin with the greater the
relative improvement possible. For instance, a road segment with a starting IRI of 150 in/mile is
more likely to be reduced to an IRI of 75 in/mile than a road segment starting at 75 in/mile is to be
reduced to an IRI of 37.5 in/mile. Contact the Special Provisions Unit to insert the Percent Ride
Improvement in a Contract.
For the following construction types, use Percent Ride Improvement (1):
• Single lift bituminous over bituminous (BOB) overlays on a roadway surface with an overall PSR < 2.8 (IRI
• Single lift bituminous over bituminous (BOB) overlays on a roadway surface with an overall PSR > 2.8
* This information is available in the District’s Pavement Management Condition Rating Reports
Note 1: The 2360 specification (Table 2360.7 – A) excludes IRI testing of single lift overlays on
concrete. However, there may be unique situations on single lift BOC construction where a smoothness
evaluation requirement is appropriate. The designer should consult the Bituminous Office for guidance
in those considerations.
Because IRI is a new index for pavement smoothness measurement in the bituminous specification the
following “typical” IRI values and the equivalent PSR are given so that you have a perspective of
various pavement smoothness numbers:
New pavement (3-lifts) – 37 in/mile 4.1
New pavement (2-lifts) – 47 in/mile 3.9
New pavement (1-lift) – 60 in/mile 3.6
Aged pavement (10 yrs) – 110 in/mile 2.9
Aged pavement (20 yrs) – 150 in/mile 2.5
Table 2360.7 – A, lists pavement surfaces that are excluded from smoothness testing but subject to
2360.7B (Surface Requirements). There may be other instances where you feel the ride specification is
not appropriate on a Project. In those instances make note in the Special Provisions that ride will be
verified by 2360.7B.
Note: The option to measure 10% of the length of each project is the least logical for
the DOT as a crew is required to travel to each site. This option is not very different
from DOT measuring smoothness. Still, this option was presented because it is likely
that different contractors will measure profiles on most of the sites. To prevent one
tampering incident from any one of the contractors, it may be necessary to do all of
these initially, until all security initiatives are adopted. An independent review of the
practices and results of the DOT are recommended at the end of the first year.