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2010 Speed Study

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Submitted to:

Mr. Mesfin Lakew

Infrastructure Project Management Administration
District Department of Transportation

Prepared by:

Dr. Stephen Arhin, P.E., PTOE and Dr. Errol C. Noel, P.E.
Howard University Transportation Research Center
2366 Sixth Street, NW Suite 130
Washington, DC 20059

March 4, 2011
HUTRC Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Performing Organization Report No. 2. DDOT P.O. No:

HUTRC 2011-03 P0331330
3. Title and Subtitle 4. Report Date
Analysis of 2010 Speed Data in the District of Columbia February 2011

5. Author(s)
Dr. Stephen A. Arhin, P.E., PTOE and Dr. Errol C. Noel, P.E.
6. Performing Organization Name and Address 7. Contract or FRS No.
Howard University Transportation Research Center
8. Type of Report and Period Covered
2366 Sixth Street, NW, Room 130
Final Report 10/09/2010 – 07/2011
Washington, DC 20059
9. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Infrastructure Project Management Administration

2000 14 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
10. Supplementary Notes

COTR: Mr. Mesfin Lakew

11. Abstract

Vehicular speeds on roadway segments in the District of Columbia were evaluated in 2006. Since then,
various safety and traffic improvements projects were implemented in order to improve traffic flow and increase
motorist compliance with speeding. This research is aimed at evaluating and comparing speeds on some of the
same roadway sections that were evaluated in 2006.
The project team, in collaboration with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), chose 193 site
locations throughout Washington DC at which spot speed data was collected between August and December
2010. The sites chosen were a broad subset of the 400 locations at which speed data was collected in 2006. This
research examines the effectiveness of safety programs implemented between 2006 and 2010 on speed
Compared with the 2006 speed statistics, the results showed that there was a reduction in the mean and
85 percentile speeds by 64% and 68%, respectively at the locations studied. Of the 193 locations, however, 51
(26%) locations recorded increases in the mean speeds while 49 (25%) locations recorded increases in the 85
percentile speeds. At 19 of the 193 locations, there were no changes in the mean speed while no changes in the
85 percentile speeds were recorded at 12 locations. Statistical significance for the changes in the mean speeds
was confirmed at 5% level of significance.
12. Key Words
Mean Speed, 85 Percentile Speed, Speed Management

13. Security Classif. (of this report) 14. No. of Pages 15. Price
Unclassified 65
Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................ 3
2.0 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 4
3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................... 4
3.1 Speed and Safety .................................................................................................. 4
3.1.1 Relationship between Speed and Crashes ..................................................... 5
3.1.2 Speed Variation and Crash Risk ..................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Driver‟s Perception of Speeding ...................................................................... 8
3.2 Speed management and Control Strategies ........................................................ 10
3.3 Speed Laws ......................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Statewide Speed Laws .................................................................................. 12
3.3.2 Speed Laws in the District of Columbia ......................................................... 14
4.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 15
4.1 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Statistical Analysis ............................................................................................... 17
5.0 RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 19
6.0 DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................................... 44
7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................... 45
8.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 47

APPENDIX: RESULTS FROM FIELD DATA ................................................................ 50

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University


A fundamental objective in highway transportation is the movement of goods and

people safely and efficiently. Each state has the responsibility of monitoring and

regulating speeds on its highways. Speed regulations are formulated under a

fundamental concept that drivers are required to operate their vehicles at a speed that is

reasonable and prudent for existing conditions. Motorists decide their choice of driving

speed by taking into consideration conditions along their route such as safety, and


Posted speed limits are used to inform motorist of a speed that is considered

safe and appropriate for a majority of drivers on a particular segment of roadway. Speed

limits are imposed so as not to force reasonable motorists to drive at speeds that they

consider unreasonable nor should they violate the acceptable limits of roadway

engineering or traffic characteristics. Speed management techniques are also used to

improve traffic safety. These techniques include engineering measures, enforcing of

speed laws, and educating and informing the public of the risks and consequences of


The District of Columbia, like all states, is required by the Federal Highway

Administration to develop and maintain a highway safety program in order to ensure

that road safety problems are detected and resolved in an organized manner. Speed

management is one of the proactive initiatives of the city and involves, among other

things, a periodical inventory of speed on selected road segments across the City. A

city-wide speed inventory of 400 segments was conducted in 2006 to serve as a

benchmark and to characterize speeding on City streets. Between 2006 and 2010

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

numerous safety projects, aimed at improving traffic operation and managing speed,

were implemented. The impact of the collection of safety improvement projects can be

measured by studying several variables. However, this research is limited to the use of

speed change to the use of speed change to indicate the collective success of D.C.

safety programs.


The following objectives formed the basis of the speed study:

Collect and summarize speed data at 193 locations in the District.

Analyze the collected speed data (2010).

Compare key speed statistics of collected data (2010) with the 2006 data, at 5%

level of significance.

Prepare a technical report that documents the work conducted in the research.


3.1 Speed and Safety

The subject of vehicular speed is one that affects everyone: non-motorists,

motorists, law-makers, politicians, commercial business owners and residential

occupants. Speed is used as a measure or indicator of two different transportation

performance characteristics: mobility and safety [2]. Higher speeds are generally

equated with shorter travel times, which is an indication of good mobility. However, the

relationship between speed and safety is more complex and controversial.

Consequently, there is a great deal of interest surrounding how speeds affect road

safety. This literature review will focus on speed as it relates to safety.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

3.1.1 Relationship between Speed and Crashes

There is an indirect relationship between speed and crashes, since many other

factors, such as roadway design, traffic conditions, road environments and driver

behaviors may result in a crash. The inherent lack of information prior to a crash and the

possible inaccuracies in police reporting adds to the difficulties in establishing speed as

the single cause of crashes. Despite the complexity of establishing the role of speeding

in crashes and fatalities, research has consistently indicated that speeding is often a

contributing factor. In fact, studies have shown that in approximately one third of all fatal

crashes, speed has played a contributory role [1, 3].

Speed plays a more definitive role in the severity of crashes and injuries. This

relation can be explained in theory and has also been found to be consistently proven

from various studies. The theoretical basis under which speed affects the intensity of

crashes is found from the physical laws of kinetic energy. A vehicle‟s kinetic energy is

proportional to the square of its velocity. During a crash, the kinetic energy is dispersed

primarily into friction and mass deformation and as the kinetic energy increases with

speed so also does the likelihood of mass deformation of the vehicle including its

occupants [2]. The correlation between vehicular speed and severity of injuries has

been substantiated by studies. Bowie and Waltz [4], concluded that the chance of being

injured in a crash depended on the change in speed on impact and that the risk of

having a moderate or more serious injury increased by more than 50% when the speed

at impact exceeds 30 miles per hour. Also, Joksch [5] determined that the probability of

a crash being fatal increased above 30 miles per hour, with fatality being 15 times more

likely from an impact speed of 50 miles per hour compared to 25 miles per hour.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

3.1.2 Speed Variation and Crash Risk

Another factor that is often considered in the issue of speed and safety is variation in

speed. Speed variation is defined as a vehicles‟ speed deviation from the mean speed

of free-flowing traffic [6]. The theory behind speed variation and safety, as it relates to

crashes, is that drivers with speeds much higher or much lower than the mean speed

will have a greater probability of conflict [3]. Solomon [6, 7] conducted one of the first

studies relating speed deviation to accident rate [7]. From that study, a U-shaped curve

relationship between crash involvement rate and the deviation from average speed was

developed as illustrated in Figure 1. The rate of crash occurrence was smallest at the

mean speed but increased with greater deviation above and below the mean speed.

This suggests that there is the danger of crash involvement for faster drivers as well for

slower drivers. Though there are notable flaws in his study such as its use of police and

driver reports which are not always accurate and the fact that the study was limited to

only rural highways, other similar research [8, 9, 10] have confirmed the positive

relationship above the average speed while considering other average speeds and road

types. Hauer [11], in his analysis of over-takings replicated the U-shaped curve model

established by Solomon and indicated that there is a increased risk of conflict as drivers

increase their speed to catch up with and overtake one or more vehicles which are

moving at a slower speed.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Figure 1 : Crash involvement rate by deviation from average speed

(Source: Solomon, 1964) [7]

Subsequent studies have refuted the U-shaped curve relationship in part, finding

no significant correlation between lower speeds and an increased rate of crashes.

Fildes et al [12], from their study of self-reported crash data discovered that on both

rural and urban roads, for speeds above the mean, motorists had a higher rate of crash

involvement but they found no such relationship for speeds below the mean. In a review

of the literature regarding speed deviation and crash occurrences conducted by the

National Research Council of the Transportation Research Board [3], it was reported

that recent studies have shown a more linear relationship between speed deferential

and crash frequency with the occurrences of crashes increasing with higher speeds.

Controversially, Davis [13] has suggested that the correlations between speed

dispersion and crash rate could be due to the use of aggregated crash data and the

relationship as such, is explained as being a mathematical property of a very large class

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

of individual risk functions. In his argument he presents mathematically based examples

that infer that the aggregation of data used to study the relationship between speed

variation and crash risk will always produce a positive correlation but does not

conclusively indicate a positive relationship for individual risk.

In general there is some uncertainty regarding the role speed dispersion plays in

crash risk and occurrence as the studies on speed variation and safety tend to be less

controlled. This is due to the fact that, the crash data obtained is usually based on

incomplete knowledge of drivers‟ speed moments before an accident. Also, such

studies do not often consider other factors such as road design features or traffic

conditions with the road class in investigating the speed variation and crash risk

problem [3]. As suggested by Davis [13], it would auger well for research in this area if

more emphasis was placed on developing case controlled study design for different

crash conditions in order to establish the relationship between individual vehicle speeds,

the speed of vehicles in its environment and crash risk. In spite of the uncertainties,

there appears to be a consensus in the related studies that higher speeds above the

mean speed do increase the risk of crashes.

3.1.3 Driver’s Perception of Speeding

In understanding the problem of speeding as it relates to safety, it is important

that a driver‟s inclination to speed be considered as a factor. As stated prior, there is a

multi-facet of factors that can contribute to the act of speeding and consequently

crashes; drivers‟ perception of speed is one such factor. A frequently cited report by

Fildes, et al [12] that compares motorists‟ attitude toward speeding with their observed

speeds, showed that more than half of the motorists observed were travelling above the

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

posted speed limit with a significant number of speeders exceeding approximately 6

mph over the speed limit. Compounding the apparently excessive act of speeding was

the discovery, based on analysis of the interviews conducted, that a significant number

of motorists believed that it was not dangerous to exceed the posted speed limit by

approximately 19 mph. In addition, the overall interviewed drivers‟ perception of the risk

of being stopped by speed enforcers was low. The results of that study indicated that

not only is there a significant number of motorists traveling above the posted speed limit

but there is also a common perception that driving above the speed limit is neither

dangerous nor risky. Another report [14], using a similar self-reporting methodology,

indicated a discord between driver‟s belief and actual behavior. In that study, two-thirds

of the drivers interviewed believed that driving over the speed limit was not worth the

risk. Yet, over 50 percent of the participants acknowledged a preference to exceed the

limit; a third of whom preferring to exceed the limit by 6 to 12 mph. The factors that were

found to significantly affect the occurrence of speeding included: “exposure to role

models who speed; favorable attitudes to speeding; experiences of punishment

avoidance; and the perceived certainty of punishment for speeding” [14].

Motorist perception of other drivers‟ speed has also been found to affect their

own choice of speed. In what has been coined as the „false consensus effect‟ [15],

motorists who speed have reportedly overestimated the speeding frequency of other

drivers and researchers have discovered that this perception is linked to their own

speeding violations [16]. There was no indication of a “false consensus effect” for low

speed drivers in their view of other drivers‟ speeds and these groups of drivers were

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

less inclined to believe that there was an overestimated occurrence of speeding among

other drivers [16, 17].

In summary, based on the research of driver‟s attitude and perception to

speeding, drivers‟ behavior should be addressed in such a way as to effectively inform

motorists, particularly those more inclined to speeding, of the high cost of speeding.

Measures that may curb the positive attitude towards speeding can include a more

visible enforcement of violations and an increased dissemination of information

concerning the harm and danger of speeding.

3.2 Speed management and Control Strategies

There are many factors that contribute to speeding and its subsequent adverse

effect on safety. Consequently, an interdisciplinary and multi-faceted approach should

be used to reduce speeding-related crashes, fatalities and injuries. This overall

approach is called speed management. It incorporates a balanced effort that involves

defining the relationship between speed, speeding and safety, applying road design and

engineering measures to obtain appropriate speeds, setting speed limits that are safe

and reasonable, applying enforcement efforts and appropriate technology that

effectively targets crash producing speeders and deters speeding, effectively marketing

communication and educational messages that focus on high-risk drivers, and soliciting

the cooperation, support and leadership of traffic safety stakeholders including traffic

court judges, lawyers, policy makers, safety organizations, and health professionals

[18]. Speed management techniques are used by public transportation in partnership

with police departments to improve traffic safety along the nation‟s roadways. These

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

techniques can be categorized into three groups: engineering, enforcement and

education. Speed management strategies include the following:

Setting speed limits and advisory speeds

Designing roads to manage speed

Traditional speed enforcement (detection and punishment of specific

drivers who exceed the speed limit by mobile patrol officers)

Speed enforcement by automation (photo radar systems)

Traffic calming techniques

Public information programs

3.3 Speed Laws

Traditionally a state and its local governments are typically responsible for

determining speed regulation laws. There have been a few notable historical

exceptions. In 1942 the War Department, in order to conserve rubber and gasoline

during the time of war, mandated a nationwide speed limit of 35 miles per hour [18].

This mandate ended in 1945. In 1973 Congress enacted the National Maximum Speed

Limit (NMSL), set at 55 mph [18]. The initial purpose for this enactment was to conserve

energy but after experiencing a significant decline in traffic fatalities just one year after

the speed limit was put in place; Congress proceeded to make the NMSL permanent.

Congress then allowed states to raise the maximum speed limits outside of urban areas

in 1987 and again in 1991 to 65 mph. However, in 1995, the NMSL was rescinded and

responsibility was returned to each state for setting the speed limits and laws for its


Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

3.3.1 Statewide Speed Laws

Each state develops its speed regulations and laws based on the experience in

that state. The basic speed law states that a driver shall operate a vehicle at a speed

that is reasonable and prudent for existing conditions regardless of any other speed limit

that may be applicable at a location at any given time [19]. A corollary to this rule,

usually applied by State laws, is that "every person shall drive at a safe and appropriate

speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railroad grade crossing, when

approaching a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or

winding roadway, and when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other

traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions [19]." It is the responsibility of the

driver to consider the existing conditions and choose a speed which is appropriate for

those conditions while being cognizant of any potential hazards.

Most states have laws which designate a speed limit in lieu of a posted speed

limit. This default speed limit is called the “statutory speed limit” [20] and is usually

defined for various types of roadways and land uses in the state such as urban

residential street, urban business districts, rural and urban arterials and rural and urban

freeways. State laws may or may not require for these limits to be posted [19]. Table 4

presents a summary of the maximum speed limits in each state, Puerto Rico and the

District of Columbia.

The statutory speed limits are to be observed by law unless a speed zone is

established. A speed zone is defined as a segment of highway where the speed limit is

established on the basis of an engineering study for a particular section of road, for

which the statutory speed limit is not appropriate [2].

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 1: State maximum speed limits [20]

State Limit Type State Limit Type
Alabama 70 A Montana 75 A
Alaska 65 A Nebraska 75 A
Arizona 75 * Nevada 75 A
Arkansas 70 A New Hampshire 65 *
California 70 * New Jersey 65 A
Colorado 75 * New Mexico 75 A
Connecticut 65 * New York 65 A
Delaware 65 A North Carolina 70 A
DC 50 A North Dakota 75 A
Florida 70 A Ohio 65 *
Georgia 70 A Oklahoma 75 A
Hawaii 60 A Oregon 65 *
Idaho 75 A Pennsylvania 65 A
Illinois 65 A Puerto Rico 65 A
Indiana 70 A Rhode Island 65 P
Iowa 70 A South Carolina 70 A
Kansas 70 A South Dakota 75 A
Kentucky 70 A Tennessee 70 A
Louisiana 70 A Texas 70 P
Maine 65 A Utah 75 P
Maryland 65 A Vermont 65 A
Massachusetts 65 * Virginia 70 A
Michigan 70 * Washington 70 A
Minnesota 70 * West Virginia 70 A
Mississippi 70 A Wisconsin 65 A
Missouri 70 A Wyoming 75 A
1. The “limit” column lists the maximum speed limit in the state.
2. In the „type” column, “A”, “P” and “*” indicates absolute, prima facie or a mixture of both
respectively as the types of maximum numerical speed limit for each state.

There are two types of maximum speed limits in the United States: the absolute

and the prima facie. The absolute speed limit is a limit above which it is lawful to drive

regardless of roadway conditions, amount of traffic, or other influencing factors while a

prima facie speed limit is a limit above which drivers are presumed to be driving

unlawfully [20]. In the states where prima facie speed limits are established, if caught

violating the speed limit, the burden lies with the operator of the vehicle to prove that the

higher speed was reasonable and prudent. The majority of states apply absolute speed

limits since these tend to be easier to enforce and violations are easier to obtain

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

convictions for. However some states use prima facie speed limits or a mixture of both

types of speed limits as shown in Table 4.

3.3.2 Speed Laws in the District of Columbia

The District, like the states, derives it vehicle law provisions from the basic speed

law which is founded on the belief that a driver‟s behavior is reasonable and prudent.

The speed laws are written so as to separate the reasonable majority of drivers and

indict the minority of unreasonable drivers. The following summarizes the District of

Columbia statutes basis for speed law violation, and regulations related to speed [19]:

Basic Speed Rule: “No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed

greater than is reasonable and prudent under
the conditions and having regard to the actual
and potential hazards then existing.” D.C.
Code 40-703(a)(6) & 40-712(a) and CDCR 18-
Statutory Speed Limit: “25 MPH” D.C. Code ''40-703(a)(6) & 40-
712(a) and CDCR 18-22- 2200.6
“15 MPH in alleys” D.C. Code ''40-703(a)(6) &
40-712(a) and CDCR 18-22-2200.7
“15 MPH in streets adjacent to school buildings
or playgrounds when indicated by official signs”
D.C. Code 40-703(a) & 40-712(a) and CDCR
18-22-2200.8 & 18-22-2200.9
Posted (Maximum) Speed Limit: “Based upon engineering and traffic
investigations, the statutory speed limits may
be increased or decreased on any highway.”
D.C. Code '40-703(a) & 40-712(a) and CDCR
18-22-2200.2 Note: D.C. law does not
specifically state whether different highway
speed limits may be established either for
different types of vehicles, for various weather
conditions or for different times of the day.
Minimum Speed Limit: I. “No person shall drive a vehicle at such a
slow speed as to impede or block the normal
and reasonable movement of traffic.” D.C.
Code '40-703(a) and CDCR 18-22-2200.10
II. “A person, driving at less than the normal
speed of traffic, shall drive in the right-hand

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

lane then available for traffic or as close as

practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of
the roadway.” 40-703(a) and CDCR 18-22-
Posted (Minimum) Speed Limit: None


4.1 Data Collection

The technical approach for this study consists primarily of data collection,

analysis of data, and summarization of results. The research team in collaboration with

the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) chose 193 site locations throughout

Washington DC at which spot speed data was collected in the late summer and fall

2010. The sites chosen were a broad subset of the 400 locations at which a similar

speed data had been conducted in 2006. The selection of the same sites for the two

different years provided a basis for comparing speed statistics over time at the same


Speed data was collected at the selected sites through non-intrusive methods

beginning August 28th 2010 through to November 8th 2010. The speeds of at least 100

vehicles were sampled at each site. At low volumes segments, the speeds of 70

vehicles were obtained while 50 speed measurements were collected at a few other

locations. In order to have uniformity and to minimize the skewing of data, the data

collection included the following criteria:

No study was conducted when the weather or non-typical conditions influenced

prevailing speeds;

Data collection was conducted at each location once.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Data for trucks, buses, motorcycles and emergency operating vehicles were not


Traffic data was collected during weekdays only (Monday to Friday);

All traffic data was collected during non-peak hour traffic (i.e. between 9 am and

3 pm);

The data collected would be aborted if a traffic or pedestrian incident occurred;

The posted speed limit, direction of travel, weather and road surface condition

was recorded at each site.

The field technicians inconspicuously recorded vehicle speeds using an M.P.H.

Industries K55 radar unit (radar gun) which uses digital technology to provide accurate

(± 1 mph) real time measurements. Radar guns operates on the principle of the Doppler

Effect, whereby a radio wave reflected form a moving target has its frequency changed

in proportion to the speed of the target. The radar gun consists of a radio receiver and a

radio transmitter which sends out a cone of radio waves over a wide range of distances.

Due to the Doppler Effect, if the target object is moving, the frequency of the radio

waves is different when they come back, and from that difference the radar gun can

calculate the object's speed.

In conducting the speed measurements, the technicians recorded vehicle speeds

at an angel less than 10º, to minimize the cosine effect. If a vehicle is in direct line with

the radar gun the measured speed will be exact. However as the angle of incidence

increases, the accuracy decrease marginally (cosine effect), since the actual speed

measured is directly related to the cosine of the angle between the gun and the vehicles

direction of travel.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

The speed data collected at each of the 193 locations was subsequently

compiled in an excel database. The raw data was analyzed in order to obtain key speed

statistics for each site. The key speed statistics include the mean speeds and the 85 th

percentile speeds.

4.2 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was performed on the data collected in order to determine

inferences based on the following hypotheses:

Means Speeds: The 2010 mean or average speed of each location was compared with

the mean speeds of the 2006 study. It was hypothesized that the mean speed per

location in the recent 2010 speed data will be less than the mean speed in 2006. That

is, the following hypotheses in the mean speed will be tested for say location 1:

H1: µB1 > µA1

H0: µB1 ≤ µA1

where the subscript “B” corresponds to the 2006 speed data, the subscript “A”

corresponds to the 2010 speed data, “µ” represents the mean speed, and “1”

represents location number 1.

The Welch‟s t-test was used to compare the means. This two sample t-test can be

used to analyze samples from two pre-existing populations or to analyze the results

of subjecting two randomly assigned samples to two different experimental

conditions. The criteria for using the two-sample t-test are:

i. The variable being measured is normally distributed;

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

ii. Both groups should be simple random samples that are completely

independent of each other;

iii. The two populations have possibly unequal variances.

The formula for Welch t-test is as follows:


X 1, 2 = the mean for each sample group

s1, 2 2 = the variance for each sample group

n 1, 2 = the sample size

The degrees of freedom associated with this variance estimate were

approximated using the Welch-Satterthwaite equation:

The obtained t-value was compared with the critical t derived from statistical t-

tables and based on the degrees of freedom and the level of significance (α =

0.05). A t-value which is greater than the critical t obtained from the tables

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

indicates that the means for the two samples are, within the level of confidence,

statistically significant.

85th Percentile Speeds: The 85th percentile speeds for each location were compared

to determine whether there was an increase or decrease in speeds.


The detailed results and analysis are presented in the Appendix. A summary of

the number of locations where the mean and 85th percentile speeds increased or

decreased from 2006 to 2010 are presented in Table 2. Note that the values presented

in Table 2 contain the increases and decreases of all the locations that were studied

inclusive of those locations that did not have a statistically significant difference in mean


Table 2: Comparison of 2010 Speed Statistics against 2006 Statistics

Speed Experience By Number of Locations

Increase Decrease No Change Total

Mean Speed 51 123 19 193

(26.4%) (63.7%) (9.8%)

85th 49 132 12 193

Percentile (25.4%) (68.4%) (6.2%)

Table 3 presents the decreases and increases in mean speeds for each location at 5%

level of significance, since the 2006 study. A comparison of the 85 th percentile speeds

at each location is compiled in Table 4.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 1 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed

Adams Mill Road

Klinge Rd/ Harvard St 25 31 24 -7 DECREASE YES

Alabama Avenue
MLK Jr Ave/ Good Hope Rd 25 28 28 0 NO CHANGE NO
Good Hope Rd/ 38th St 25 30 29 -1 DECREASE NO

Alaska Avenue
Holly St/ 14th St 30 31 26 -5 DECREASE YES
14th St/ 16th St 30 32 31 -1 DECREASE NO

Anacostia Freeway (DC 295)

East Capitol St (Ramps)/ Pennsylvania Ave 45 51 49 -2 DECREASE YES
Pennsylvania Ave (Ramps) / I-295 50 60 47 -13 DECREASE YES

Arizona Avenue
Loughboro Rd/ McArthur Blvd 25 30 30 0 NO CHANGE NO

Arkansas Avenue
16th St/ Georgia Ave 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO

Arland D. Williams Junior Bridge (14th St)

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 40 49 37 -12 DECREASE YES

Arlington Memorial Bridge

Memorial Dr/ Potomac Pkwy 25/30 40 31 -9 DECREASE YES

Beach Drive
Wise Rd/ Rock Cr and Potomac Pkwy 25 32 30 -2 DECREASE YES

Benning Road
25th Pl/ Minnesota Ave 30 37 31 -6 DECREASE YES
East Capitol St/ District Line 25/30 38 30 -8 DECREASE YES

Bladensburg Road
Douglas St/ New York Ave 30 31 33 2 INCREASE YES
New York Ave/ Mount Olivet Rd 25 37 32 -5 DECREASE YES

Blair Road
District Line/ Aspen St 25 29 25 -4 DECREASE YES
Aspen St/ Peabody St 25/30 37 32 -5 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 2 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed

Bowen Road
Stanley St- Burns St/ District Line 30 27 32 5 INCREASE YES

Branch Avenue
District Line/ Alabama Ave 25 32 28 -4 DECREASE YES
Alabama Ave/ Pennsylvania Ave 25 41 31 -10 DECREASE YES

Brentwood Parkway
Penn St/ New York Ave 25 34 30 -4 DECREASE YES

C Street
21st St/ 15th St 25 31 31 0 NO CHANGE NO
15th St/ 6th St 25 27 27 0 NO CHANGE NO

Calvert Street
24th St/ Adams Mill Rd 25 27 29 2 INCREASE YES

Canal Road
Whitehurst Fwy/ Foxhall Rd 25/35 39 32 -7 DECREASE YES
Foxhall Rd/ Arizona Ave 35 45 38 -7 DECREASE YES

Central Avenue
East Capitol St/ 53rd Pl 25/30 36 32 -4 DECREASE YES

Chain Bridge
Canal St/ District Line 25 35 34 -1 DECREASE NO

Clara Barton Parkway

Chain Br/ District Line 35 47 38 -9 DECREASE YES

Cleveland Avenue
34th St/ 29th St 25 31 30 -1 DECREASE NO

Columbia Road
Warder St / 16th St. 25 23 23 0 NO CHANGE NO
16th St / Biltmore St. 25 21 23 2 INCREASE YES

Connecticut Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave 30 36 33 -3 DECREASE YES
Nebraska Ave / Porter St. 30 36 26 -10 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 3 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed

Constitution Avenue
North Carolina Ave. / 3rd St. 25 26 28 2 INCREASE YES
12 St. / 23rd St. 25 33 25 -8 DECREASE YES

Dalecarlia Parkway
Loughboro Rd. / Massachusetts Ave. 35/40 39 41 2 INCREASE YES

E Street
13th St. / 5th St. 25 20 25 5 INCREASE YES
5th St. / Columbus Cir. 25 25 22 -3 DECREASE YES

East Capitol Street

District Line / Benning Rd. 30 36 40 4 INCREASE YES
Benning Rd. / Kennilworth (Ramp) 30/35 44 40 -4 DECREASE YES

Eastern Avenue
5th St. / Chillum Pl. 25 26 30 4 INCREASE YES
Addison Rd-Minnesota Ave. / District Line 25 33 32 -1 DECREASE NO

Florida Avenue
9th St. / North Capitol St. 25 29 25 -4 DECREASE YES
15th St. / V St. 25 25 25 0 NO CHANGE NO
North Capitol St. / M St. 25 34 27 -7 DECREASE YES

Foxhall Road
44 St. / Reservoir Rd. 25 29 29 0 NO CHANGE NO
Reservoir Rd. / St. Partrick's School Rd. 25 33 29 -4 DECREASE YES

Francis Scott Key Bridge

M St. / District Line 30 36 29 -7 DECREASE YES

Franklin Street
Rhode Islane Ave. / 12th St. 25 30 22 -8 DECREASE YES
7th St. / Michigan Ave. 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO

George Mason Bridge

I-395-Route 1 / District Line 40 44 52 8 INCREASE YES

George Washington Memorial Parkway

District Line / District Line 40 48 46 -2 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 4 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed

Georgia Avenue
Piney Branch Rd. / Webster St. 30 32 27 -5 DECREASE YES
Webster St. / Bryant St. 30 29 32 3 INCREASE YES

Good Hope Road

Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. / Alabama Ave. 25 35 22 -13 DECREASE YES

H Street
New York Ave. / 6th St. 25 24 25 1 INCREASE YES

Harewood Road
4th St. / Taylor St. 30 36 30 -6 DECREASE YES

Harvard Street
16th St - Columbia Rd. / 6th St. 25 24 24 0 NO CHANGE NO

Henry Bacon Drive

Constitution Ave. / Lincoln Cir. 25 28 29 1 INCREASE NO

Martin Luther King Junior Avenue

W St./ Eaton Rd. 25 28 30 2 INCREASE YES
Eaton Rd. / Lebaum St. 30 32 30 -2 DECREASE YES

Maryland Avenue
6th St. / Bladensburg Rd. -Benning Rd. 25 32 26 -6 DECREASE YES

Massachusetts Avenue
11th St. / 1st St. 25 30 24 -6 DECREASE YES
R St. / Observatoty Cir. 25 32 30 -2 DECREASE YES

Michigan Avenue
South Dakota Ave. / Perry St. 25 32 28 -4 DECREASE YES
Perry St. / Franklin St. 25 28 23 -5 DECREASE YES

Military Road
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 25 30 27 -3 DECREASE YES
Oregon Ave. / 13th St. 35 30 46 16 INCREASE YES

Minnesotta Avenue
A St. / Pennsylvania Ave. 25 28 34 6 INCREASE YES
Pennsylvania Ave. / Good Hope Rd. 25 31 26 -5 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 5 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
Missouri Avenue
13th St. / North Capitol St 25 34 30 -4 DECREASE YES

Monroe Street
Michigan Ave. / 15th St. 25 27 26 -1 DECREASE NO
15th St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 31 30 -1 DECREASE NO

Mount Olivet Road

9th St- Brentwood Rd. / Bladensburg Rd 25 31 31 0 NO CHANGE NO

Mount Vernon Place

7th St / 9th St 25 21 27 6 INCREASE YES

Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue

Kenilworth Ave / Lowrie Pl 30 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO
Lowrie Pl / District Line 30 30 31 1 INCREASE NO

Naylor Road
District Line / S St 25 36 27 -9 DECREASE YES

Nebraska Avenue
Military Rd / Wisconsin Ave 30 36 30 -6 DECREASE YES
Wisconsin Ave / Chain Bridge Rd - Indian Ln 30 31 29 -2 DECREASE YES

New Hampshire Avenue

Park Rd / Illinois Ave 30 31 26 -5 DECREASE YES
Illinois Ave / North Capitol St 25/30 31 29 -2 DECREASE YES

New Jersey Avenue

Florida Ave / O St 25 28 29 1 INCREASE NO

New Mexico Avenue

Nebraska Ave / Fulton St 25 27 28 1 INCREASE NO

New York Avenue

15th St / 9th St 25 25 36 11 INCREASE YES
Penn St -4th St / 16th St 35 26 23 -3 DECREASE YES

North Capitol Street

Allison St / Michigan Ave 25/35 32 43 11 INCREASE YES
S St / F St 25 22 27 5 INCREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 6 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
North Carolina Avenue
Constitution Ave. / C. St. NE 25 30 31 1 INCREASE NO

P Street
Wisconsin Ave./Connecticut Ave. 25 29 27 -2 DECREASE YES

Park Place
Rock Creek Church Rd. / Michigan Ave-Columbia 25 36 31 -5 DECREASE YES

Pennsylvania Avenue
29th St/17th St. 25 24 28 4 INCREASE YES

Piney Branch Parkway

Arkansas Ave. / Beach Dr. 25 37 32 -5 DECREASE YES

Piney Branch Road

District Line / Underwood St. 30 31 28 -3 DECREASE YES
Underwood St. / Fort Stevens Dr. 30 34 28 -6 DECREASE YES

Porter Street
Williamsburg La / 3oth St. 30 32 34 2 INCREASE YES
30th St. / 34th St. 25 27 28 1 INCREASE YES

Potomac Avenue
18th St. / 19th St. 25 31 32 1 INCREASE YES

Potomac River Freeway

Whitehurst Fwy / 27th St. (Ramp) 40 36 31 -5 DECREASE YES
I-66 (Ramp) / Ohio Dr. 40 43 33 -10 DECREASE YES

Q Street
Wisconsin Ave. / 22nd St.-Florida Ave. 25 21 26 5 INCREASE YES
22nd St.-Florida Ave. / Rhode Island Ave. 25 22 22 0 NO CHANGE NO

R Street
Florida Ave. / 15th St. 25 24 23 -1 DECREASE YES
15th St. / Massachusetts Ave. 25 23 21 -2 DECREASE YES

Reno Road
Chevy Chase Pkwy. / Van Ness St. 25 30 29 -1 DECREASE YES
Van Ness St. / Quebec Pl. 25 30 29 -1 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean speeds, Part 7 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
Reservoir Road
Wisconsin Ave. / Foxhall Rd. 25 30 25 -5 DECREASE YES
Foxhall Rd. / MacArthur Blvd. 25 29 27 -2 DECREASE YES

Rhode Island Avenue

10th St. / 17th St. 30 30 25 -5 DECREASE YES
17th St. / District Line 30 32 28 -4 DECREASE YES

Ridge Road
Burns St. / G St. 25 33 33 0 NO CHANGE NO
G St. / Minnesota Ave. 25 29 29 0 NO CHANGE NO

Riggs Road
North Capitol St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 24 28 4 INCREASE YES
South Dakota Ave. / District Line 25 30 27 -3 DECREASE YES

River Road
District Line / 44th St. 25 31 29 -2 DECREASE YES
44th St. / Wisconsin Ave. 25 27 28 1 INCREASE NO

Rochambeau Memorial Bridge

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 45 52 40 -12 DECREASE YES

Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway

Waterside Dr. / Virginia Ave. 35 38 38 0 NO CHANGE NO
Virginia Ave. / Ohio Dr. 25 39 39 0 NO CHANGE NO

Route 1
Maine Ave. / Maine Ave. (Ramp) 35 41 38 -3 DECREASE YES
Maine Ave. (Ramp) / George Mason Br. 35 42 47 5 INCREASE YES

Saraloga Avenue
Brentwood Rd / Rhode Island Ave. 25 20 23 3 INCREASE YES

Sargent Road
DL/Galatin St. 25 30 28 -2 DECREASE YES
Galatin St. / Webster St. 25 32 26 -6 DECREASE YES

Sheriff Road
Kane PL / District Line 30 34 30 -4 DECREASE YES

Sherman Avenue
Park Rd / Florida Ave. 25 31 31 0 NO CHANGE NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 8 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
South Capitol Street
Xenia St. MLK Jr. Ave. /MLK Jr. Ave 35/40 30 30 0 NO CHANGE NO
MLK Jr. Ave. /Suitland Pkwy 40 34 43 9 INCREASE YES

South Dakota Avenue

Riggs Rd. / Webster St. 25 38 30 -8 DECREASE YES
Rhode Island Ave. /US Route 50 (NY Ave) 25 42 26 -16 DECREASE YES

Southeast Freeway SW/SE

I-295 Split / I-395 Split 45 57 45 -12 DECREASE YES

Southern Avenue
24th St. / 13th St. 30 36 38 2 INCREASE YES
13th St. / Indian Head Hwy 30 31 32 1 INCREASE NO

Suitland Parkway
South Capitol St. / Firth Stering Ave. 30/45 41 36 -5 DECREASE YES
Firth Stering Ave. / Sheridan Rd. (Ramp) 35/45 47 40 -7 DECREASE YES

Taylor Street
South Dakota Ave. / Hawai Ave. 25 28 23 -5 DECREASE YES

Theodora Roosevelt Bridge (I-66)

Rock Cr. And Potomac Pkwy. /District Line 40 52 32 -20 DECREASE YES

Tilden Street
Beach Dr. / Reno Rd. 25 35 28 -7 DECREASE YES

Tunlaw Road
Fulton St. / Calvert St. 25 28 28 0 NO CHANGE NO

U Street
9th St. / 18th St. 25 24 25 1 INCREASE NO

Vermont Avenue
Massachusetts Ave. / K. St. 25 20 18 -2 DECREASE YES

Virginia Avenue
Constitution Ave. / C St. 25 26 22 -4 DECREASE YES
New Hampshire Ave / Rock Creek & potomac Pkwy 25 29 34 5 INCREASE YES

W Street
MLK Jr. Ave. / 13th St. 25 24 25 1 INCREASE NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 9 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
Walbridge Place
Park Rd. / Adams Mill Rd 25 33 25 -8 DECREASE YES

Washington Avenue
Independence Ave. / I-395(Ramp) 25 26 28 2 INCREASE YES
I-395 (Ramp) / South Capitol St. 25 26 28 2 INCREASE YES

Western Avenue
Chevy Chase Cir. / 47th St. 25 25 24 -1 DECREASE YES
47th St. / Westmoreland Cir 25 34 35 1 INCREASE NO

West Virginia Avenue

17th St. / K. St. 25 28 30 2 INCREASE YES

Wheeler Road
Alabama Ave. / District Line 25 37 30 -7 DECREASE YES

Whitehurst Freeway
M St. Canal Rd / 27th St. 25/35 34 39 5 INCREASE YES

Wisconsin Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 30/35 29 29 0 NO CHANGE NO
Nebraska Ave. / Massachusetts Ave. 30 33 34 1 INCREASE NO

3rd Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/Jefferson St 25 25 23 -2 DECREASE YES

4th Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/ SL 25 26 22 -4 DECREASE YES
Michigan Ave / Adams SL 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO

5th Street
New Hamshpire Ave/ Rock Creek Church Rd 25 24 23 -1 DECREASE YES
Hopart PL/ McMillan Dr- Howard PL 25 36 33 -3 DECREASE YES

6th Street
Penn St/ Florida Ave 25 21 26 5 INCREASE YES
Rhode Island Ave / Pennsylvania Ave 25 29 30 1 INCREASE NO

7th Street
Florida Ave/ M ST 25 30 25 -5 DECREASE YES
Pennsylvania Ave/Mling Ave 25 28 26 -2 DECREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 10 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
8th Street
Pennsylvania Ave Virginia Ave 25 24 20 -4 DECREASE YES

9th Street
V St/ Mt Vernon PL + Massachusette Ave 25 28 27 -1 DECREASE NO
Constitution Ave / I- 395 35 43 42 -1 DECREASE NO

11th Street
Massachusette Ave /Pennsylvania Ave 25 27
Rhode Island / Pennsylvania Ave 25 28 20 -8 DECREASE YES

12th Street Expressway

I -395/Southwest Fwy ( Ramp) 35 40 34 -6 DECREASE YES

12th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusette Ave 25 26 25 -1 DECREASE NO
Lawrence St/ South Dakota Ave 25 28 25 -3 DECREASE YES

13th Street
Fort Stevens Dr / Allison St 25 31 28 -3 DECREASE YES
Allison St/ Kenyon St 25 30 21 -9 DECREASE YES

14th street
Aspen St/ Monroe St 25 30 26 -4 DECREASE YES
S ST / Pennsylvania Ave 25 25 21 -4 DECREASE YES

15th Street
Independence Ave/ Alexander Hamilton PL 25 32 29 -3 DECREASE YES
Q ST / ST 30 31 28 -3 DECREASE YES

16th Street
District Line/ Alaska Ave 30 41 31 -10 DECREASE YES
Arkansas Ave/ Irwing ST 25 34 29 -5 DECREASE YES

17th Street
Benning Rd/ Potomac Ave 25 31 29 -2 DECREASE YES
Connecticut Ave / Florida Ave 25 21 21 0 NO CHANGE NO

19th Street
Connecticut Ave / K St 25 19 24 5 INCREASE YES
K St /E St 25 22 25 3 INCREASE YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 3: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 Mean Speeds, Part 11 of 11

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) 2006 vs 2010 Statistically
SPEED (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Mean Speed (MPH) Decrease in
Mean Speed Significant?
Mean Speed
20th Street
E St / New Hampshire Ave 25 22 26 4 INCREASE YES

22nd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusetts Ave 25 25 21 -4 DECREASE YES

23rd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Lincoln Cir 25 30 28 -2 DECREASE YES

25th Street
Naylor Rd / Alabama Ave 25 28 27 -1 DECREASE NO

27th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Texas Ave 25 28 22 -6 DECREASE YES
Texas Ave / Naylor Rd 25 32 27 -5 DECREASE YES

34th Street
Massachusetts Ave / Woodley Rd 25 27 28 1 INCREASE NO

41st Street
District Line / Military Rd 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO

63rd Street
District Line / District Line 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

For all the sites a comparison of the 85th percentile speeds was conducted. This
analysis is tabled as follows.
Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 1 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile

Adams Mill Road

Klinge Rd/ Harvard St 25 34 26 -8 DECREASE

Alabama Avenue
MLK Jr Ave/ Good Hope Rd 25 31 31 0 NO CHANGE
Good Hope Rd/ 38th St 25 34 32 -2 DECREASE

Alaska Avenue
Holly St/ 14th St 30 34 30 -4 DECREASE
14th St/ 16th St 30 36 34 -2 DECREASE

Anacostia Freeway (DC 295)

East Capitol St (Ramps)/ Pennsylvania Ave 45 55 53 -2 DECREASE
Pennsylvania Ave (Ramps) / I-295 50 63 50 -13 DECREASE

Arizona Avenue
Loughboro Rd/ McArthur Blvd 25 33 34 1 INCREASE

Arkansas Avenue
16th St/ Georgia Ave 25 34 31 -3 DECREASE

Arland D. Williams Junior Bridge (14th St)

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 40 54 40 -14 DECREASE

Arlington Memorial Bridge

Memorial Dr/ Potomac Pkwy 25/30 45 33 -12 DECREASE

Beach Drive
Wise Rd/ Rock Cr and Potomac Pkwy 25 35 32 -3 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 2 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Benning Road
25th Pl/ Minnesota Ave 30 40 36 -4 DECREASE
East Capitol St/ District Line 25/30 41 32 -9 DECREASE

Bladensburg Road
Douglas St/ New York Ave 30 34 35 1 INCREASE
New York Ave/ Mount Olivet Rd 25 41 40 -1 DECREASE

Blair Road
District Line/ Aspen St 25 31 29 -2 DECREASE
Aspen St/ Peabody St 25/30 39 34 -5 DECREASE

Bowen Road
Stanley St- Burns St/ District Line 30 30 35 5 INCREASE

Branch Avenue
District Line/ Alabama Ave 25 35 33 -2 DECREASE
Alabama Ave/ Pennsylvania Ave 25 47 37 -10 DECREASE

Brentwood Parkway
Penn St/ New York Ave 25 37 32 -5 DECREASE

C Street
21st St/ 15th St 25 36 36 0 NO CHANGE
15th St/ 6th St 25 30 29 -1 DECREASE

Calvert Street
24th St/ Adams Mill Rd 25 30 31 1 INCREASE

Canal Road
Whitehurst Fwy/ Foxhall Rd 25/35 44 36 -8 DECREASE
Foxhall Rd/ Arizona Ave 35 51 42 -9 DECREASE

Central Avenue
East Capitol St/ 53rd Pl 25/30 40 34 -6 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 3 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study
2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Chain Bridge
Canal St/ District Line 25 37 36 -1 DECREASE

Clara Barton Parkway

Chain Br/ District Line 35 52 42 -10 DECREASE

Cleveland Avenue
34th St/ 29th St 25 35 32 -3 DECREASE

Columbia Road
Warder St / 16th St. 25 26 24 -2 DECREASE
16th St / Biltmore St. 25 21 25 4 INCREASE

Connecticut Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave 30 40 36 -4 DECREASE
Nebraska Ave / Porter St. 30 40 28 -12 DECREASE

Constitution Avenue
North Carolina Ave. / 3rd St. 25 30 32 2 INCREASE
12 St. / 23rd St. 25 36 29 -7 DECREASE

Dalecarlia Parkway
Loughboro Rd. / Massachusetts Ave. 35/40 44 43 -1 DECREASE

E Street
13th St. / 5th St. 25 21 28 7 INCREASE
5th St. / Columbus Cir. 25 28 25 -3 DECREASE

East Capitol Street

District Line / Benning Rd. 30 41 42 1 INCREASE

Benning Rd. / Kennilworth (Ramp) 30/35 50 44 -6 DECREASE

Eastern Avenue
Addison Rd-Minnesota Ave. / District Line 25 36 35 -1 DECREASE
5th St. / Chillum Pl. 25 29 35 6 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 4 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Florida Avenue
9th St. / North Capitol St. 25 32 27 -5 DECREASE
15th St. / V St. 25 29 27 -2 DECREASE
North Capitol St. / M St. 25 37 31 -6 DECREASE

Foxhall Road
Reservoir Rd. / St. Partrick's School Rd. 25 37 33 -4 DECREASE
44 St. / Reservoir Rd. 25 30 34 4 INCREASE

Francis Scott Key Bridge

M St. / District Line 30 39 31 -8 DECREASE

Franklin Street
Rhode Islane Ave. / 12th St. 25 33 23 -10 DECREASE
7th St. / Michigan Ave. 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE

George Mason Bridge

I-395-Route 1 / District Line 40 48 57 9 INCREASE

George Washington Memorial Parkway

District Line / District Line 40 52 50 -2 DECREASE

Georgia Avenue
Piney Branch Rd. / Webster St. 30 38 30 -8 DECREASE

Webster St. / Bryant St. 30 32 34 2 INCREASE

Good Hope Road

Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. / Alabama Ave. 25 40 25 -15 DECREASE

H Street
New York Ave. / 6th St. 25 25 28 3 INCREASE

Harewood Road
4th St. / Taylor St. 30 40 33 -7 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 5 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Harvard Street
16th St - Columbia Rd. / 6th St. 25 28 26 -2 DECREASE

Henry Bacon Drive

Constitution Ave. / Lincoln Cir. 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE

Martin Luther King Junior Avenue

W St./ Eaton Rd. 25 32 32 0 NO CHANGE
Eaton Rd. / Lebaum St. 30 35 33 -2 DECREASE

Maryland Avenue
6th St. / Bladensburg Rd. -Benning Rd. 25 35 31 -4 DECREASE

Massachusetts Avenue
11th St. / 1st St. 25 34 28 -6 DECREASE
R St. / Observatoty Cir. 25 34 33 -1 DECREASE

Michigan Avenue
South Dakota Ave. / Perry St. 25 35 32 -3 DECREASE
Perry St. / Franklin St. 25 31 25 -6 DECREASE

Military Road
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 25 34 30 -4 DECREASE
Oregon Ave. / 13th St. 35 33 50 17 INCREASE

Minnesotta Avenue
A St. / Pennsylvania Ave. 25 32 37 5 INCREASE
Pennsylvania Ave. / Good Hope Rd. 25 35 29 -6 DECREASE

Missouri Avenue
13th St. / North Capitol St 25 37 34 -3 DECREASE

Monroe Street
Michigan Ave. / 15th St. 25 29 28 -1 DECREASE
15th St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 33 34 1 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 6 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Mount Olivet Road
9th St- Brentwood Rd. / Bladensburg Rd 25 36 35 -1 DECREASE

Mount Vernon Place

7th St / 9th St 25 24 28 4 INCREASE

Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue

Kenilworth Ave / Lowrie Pl 30 33 32 -1 DECREASE
Lowrie Pl / District Line 30 34 36 2 INCREASE

Naylor Road
District Line / S St 25 39 30 -9 DECREASE

Nebraska Avenue
Military Rd / Wisconsin Ave 30 38 33 -5 DECREASE
Wisconsin Ave / Chain Bridge Rd - Indian Ln 30 33 31 -2 DECREASE

New Hampshire Avenue

Park Rd / Illinois Ave 30 34 29 -5 DECREASE
Illinois Ave / North Capitol St 25/30 34 34 0 NO CHANGE

New Jersey Avenue

Florida Ave / O St 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE

New Mexico Avenue

Nebraska Ave / Fulton St 25 30 31 1 INCREASE

New York Avenue

15th St / 9th St 25 26 39 13 INCREASE
Penn St -4th St / 16th St 35 31 24 -7 DECREASE

North Capitol Street

Allison St / Michigan Ave 25/35 35 47 12 INCREASE
S St / F St 25 25 29 4 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds. Part 7 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis

POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
P Street
Wisconsin Ave./Connecticut Ave. 25 31 28 -3 DECREASE

Park Place
Rock Creek Church Rd. / Michigan Ave-Columbia 25 42 34 -8 DECREASE

Pennsylvania Avenue
29th St/17th St. 25 28 30 2 INCREASE

Piney Branch Parkway

Arkansas Ave. / Beach Dr. 25 41 35 -6 DECREASE

Piney Branch Road

District Line / Underwood St. 30 34 31 -3 DECREASE
Underwood St. / Fort Stevens Dr. 30 37 31 -6 DECREASE

Porter Street
Williamsburg La / 3oth St. 30 36 37 1 INCREASE
30th St. / 34th St. 25 30 30 0 NO CHANGE

Potomac Avenue
18th St. / 19th St. 25 32 36 4 INCREASE

Potomac River Freeway

Whitehurst Fwy / 27th St. (Ramp) 40 39 33 -6 DECREASE
I-66 (Ramp) / Ohio Dr. 40 47 37 -10 DECREASE

Q Street
Wisconsin Ave. / 22nd St.-Florida Ave. 25 24 28 4 INCREASE
22nd St.-Florida Ave. / Rhode Island Ave. 25 24 24 0 NO CHANGE

R Street
Florida Ave. / 15th St. 25 27 24 -3 DECREASE
15th St. / Massachusetts Ave. 25 26 22 -4 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 8 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Reno Road
Chevy Chase Pkwy. / Van Ness St. 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE
Van Ness St. / Quebec Pl. 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE

Reservoir Road
Wisconsin Ave. / Foxhall Rd. 25 32 26 -6 DECREASE
Foxhall Rd. / MacArthur Blvd. 25 31 30 -1 DECREASE

Rhode Island Avenue

10th St. / 17th St. 30 26 27 1 INCREASE
17th St. / District Line 30 36 33 -3 DECREASE

Ridge Road
Burns St. / G St. 25 39 38 -1 DECREASE
G St. / Minnesota Ave. 25 32 33 1 INCREASE

Riggs Road
North Capitol St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 26 31 5 INCREASE
South Dakota Ave. / District Line 25 35 30 -5 DECREASE

River Road
District Line / 44th St. 25 35 32 -3 DECREASE
44th St. / Wisconsin Ave. 25 31 30 -1 DECREASE

Rochambeau Memorial Bridge

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 45 56 43 -13 DECREASE

Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway

Waterside Dr. / Virginia Ave. 35 41 40 -1 DECREASE
Virginia Ave. / Ohio Dr. 25 42 40 -2 DECREASE

Route 1
Maine Ave. / Maine Ave. (Ramp) 35 45 41 -4 DECREASE
Maine Ave. (Ramp) / George Mason Br. 35 45 51 6 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 9 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Saraloga Avenue
Brentwood Rd / Rhode Island Ave. 25 21 24 3 INCREASE

Sargent Road
DL/Galatin St. 25 31 31 0 NO CHANGE
Galatin St. / Webster St. 25 34 28 -6 DECREASE

Sheriff Road
Kane PL / District Line 30 39 34 -5 DECREASE

Sherman Avenue
Park Rd / Florida Ave. 25 34 34 0 NO CHANGE

South Capitol Street

Xenia St. MLK Jr. Ave. /MLK Jr. Ave 35/40 35 32 -3 DECREASE
MLK Jr. Ave. /Suitland Pkwy 40 37 47 10 INCREASE

South Dakota Avenue

Riggs Rd. / Webster St. 25 45 33 -12 DECREASE
Rhode Island Ave. /US Route 50 (NY Ave) 25 44 28 -16 DECREASE

Southeast Freeway SW/SE

I-295 Split / I-395 Split 45 62 52 -10 DECREASE

Southern Avenue
24th St. / 13th St. 30 41 41 0 NO CHANGE
13th St. / Indian Head Hwy 30 34 35 1 INCREASE

Suitland Parkway
South Capitol St. / Firth Stering Ave. 30/45 46 40 -6 DECREASE
Firth Stering Ave. / Sheridan Rd. (Ramp) 35/45 52 43 -9 DECREASE

Taylor Street
South Dakota Ave. / Hawai Ave. 25 30 25 -5 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 10 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Theodora Roosevelt Bridge (I-66)
Rock Cr. And Potomac Pkwy. /District Line 40 56 35 -21 DECREASE

Tilden Street
Beach Dr. / Reno Rd. 25 38 31 -7 DECREASE

Tunlaw Road
Fulton St. / Calvert St. 25 30 30 0 NO CHANGE

U Street
9th St. / 18th St. 25 26 28 2 INCREASE

Vermont Avenue
Massachusetts Ave. / K. St. 25 23 20 -3 DECREASE

Virginia Avenue
Constitution Ave. / C St. 25 28 25 -3 DECREASE
New Hampshire Ave / Rock Creek & potomac Pkwy 25 32 37 5 INCREASE

W Street
MLK Jr. Ave. / 13th St. 25 27 27 0 NO CHANGE

Walbridge Place
Park Rd. / Adams Mill Rd 25 34 28 -6 DECREASE

Washington Avenue
Independence Ave. / I-395(Ramp) 25 29 32 3 INCREASE
I-395 (Ramp) / South Capitol St. 25 29 32 3 INCREASE

Western Avenue
Chevy Chase Cir. / 47th St. 25 27 25 -2 DECREASE
47th St. / Westmoreland Cir 25 36 39 3 INCREASE

West Virginia Avenue

17th St. / K. St. 25 31 33 2 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 11 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
Wheeler Road
Alabama Ave. / District Line 25 41 36 -5 DECREASE

Whitehurst Freeway
M St. Canal Rd / 27th St. 25/35 39 42 3 INCREASE

Wisconsin Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 30/35 32 34 2 INCREASE
Nebraska Ave. / Massachusetts Ave. 30 37 36 -1 DECREASE

3rd Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/Jefferson St 25 28 26 -2 DECREASE

4th Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/ SL 25 31 25 -6 DECREASE
Michigan Ave / Adams SL 25 33 31 -2 DECREASE

5th Street
New Hamshpire Ave/ Rock Creek Church Rd 25 26 25 -1 DECREASE
Hopart PL/ McMillan Dr- Howard PL 25 41 35 -6 DECREASE

6th Street
Penn St/ Florida Ave 25 24 28 4 INCREASE
Rhode Island Ave / Pennsylvania Ave 25 32 33 1 INCREASE

7th Street
Florida Ave/ M ST 25 32 28 -4 DECREASE
Pennsylvania Ave/Mling Ave 25 32 29 -3 DECREASE

8th Street
Pennsylvania Ave Virginia Ave 25 27 23 -4 DECREASE

9th Street
V St/ Mt Vernon PL + Massachusette Ave 25 33 30 -3 DECREASE
Constitution Ave / I- 395 35 48 45 -3 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 12 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis

POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
11th Street
Rhode Island / Pennsylvania Ave 25 32 21 -11 DECREASE

12th Street Expressway

I -395/Southwest Fwy ( Ramp) 35 43 37 -6 DECREASE

12th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusette Ave 25 29 29 0 NO CHANGE
Lawrence St/ South Dakota Ave 25 32 27 -5 DECREASE

13th Street
Fort Stevens Dr / Allison St 25 35 31 -4 DECREASE

Allison St/ Kenyon St 25 32 23 -9 DECREASE

14th street
Aspen St/ Monroe St 25 34 30 -4 DECREASE
S ST / Pennsylvania Ave 25 30 23 -7 DECREASE

15th Street
Independence Ave/ Alexander Hamilton PL 25 35 32 -3 DECREASE
Q ST / ST 30 34 30 -4 DECREASE

16th Street
District Line/ Alaska Ave 30 45 33 -12 DECREASE
Arkansas Ave/ Irwing ST 25 41 32 -9 DECREASE

17th Street
Benning Rd/ Potomac Ave 25 34 32 -2 DECREASE
Connecticut Ave / Florida Ave 25 34 22 -12 DECREASE

19th Street
Connecticut Ave / K St 25 21 26 5 INCREASE
K St /E St 25 25 28 3 INCREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 4: Comparison of 2006 and 2010 85th Percentile Speeds, Part 13 of 13

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
POSTED Increase or
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) SPEED 85th Percentile 85th Percentile 2006 vs 2010 Decrease in
(MPH) Speed Speed 85th Percentile 85th percentile
20th Street
E St / New Hampshire Ave 25 24 30 6 INCREASE

22nd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusetts Ave 25 27 23 -4 DECREASE

23rd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Lincoln Cir 25 32 30 -2 DECREASE

25th Street
Naylor Rd / Alabama Ave 25 30 31 1 INCREASE

27th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Texas Ave 25 32 23 -9 DECREASE
Texas Ave / Naylor Rd 25 38 31 -7 DECREASE

34th Street
Massachusetts Ave / Woodley Rd 25 29 30 1 INCREASE

41st Street
District Line / Military Rd 25 32 31 -1 DECREASE

63rd Street
District Line / District Line 25 34 31 -3 DECREASE

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

Table 5 presents the summary of the number of locations with increases in mean and

85th percentile speeds.

Table 5: Extent of Increases in Speeds

Mean 85th Percentile

5 mph or more 13 (6.7%) 12 (6.2%)

Less than 5 mph 38 (19.7%) 37 (19.2%)


In comparing the mean speeds for 2010 with those for 2006, of the 193 locations

analyzed, there were 123 (~64%) locations for which the mean speeds were reduced.

However, 38 sites (26%) of these locations had mean speeds in 2010 higher than those

in 2006. The results also indicate that, over the 4-year period, 106 of the 123 reductions

(86%) in mean speeds were statistically significant. Only 9.8% (19) of the locations

showed no change in mean speeds. There were a total of 51 locations that recorded

increases in mean speeds of which 13 were 5 mph or more.

A review and comparison of the 85th percentile speeds showed that, of the 193

locations, 132 locations showed a reduction in the 85th percentile speed. This indicates

that approximately 68% of the locations studied had a reduction in the 85 th percentile

speeds since 2006. Of the 193 locations studied, 12 sites recorded no change in the

85th percentile speeds compared with the 2006 speed data. Approximately 6% (12) of

the locations showed no change in 85th percentile speeds. A total of 49 locations

recorded increases in 85th percentile speeds of which 12 were 5 mph or more.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University


For the 193 sites studied, the results demonstrate that there has been a

generally favorable outcome from speed managing programs implemented over the last

four years. Approximately 55% (106 sites) of the locations assessed had a statistically

significant reduction in mean speeds since 2006. The reductions ranged from a

minimum of 1 mph to 20 mph. A comparison of the 85 th percentile speeds also showed

that there were reductions at approximately 68% of the locations. Overall, for both

speed characteristics, less than 33% of the locations studied experienced increases in

speed compared with the 2006 data. The increases in speed ranged from 1 mph to a

maximum of 16 mph.

The study highlights locations where there may be a need for effective speed

management techniques to reduce the occurrence of speeding at those locations. In

addition to investigating those locations where there has been increases in speed

characteristics, sites which show a significant reduction in speeds should also be looked

at in order to determine if any particular speed managing technique was implemented

and may have aided in the reduction in speeds. Further research would help to identify

and establish effective speed reducing measures that can subsequently be used at

locations with a high incidence of speeding.

The 2006 report investigated 400 locations throughout Washington DC. In order

to provide a more comprehensive analysis of speed in the District, a review of the

remaining 207 locations would be worthwhile and could provide a more robust database

for investigation of speeds for a broader road classifications or posted speed limits. A

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

periodical analysis of speed data of different years is fundamental in understanding the

impact of various speed management program.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

1. Coleman, Janet A., et al. FHWA Study Tour for Speed Management and
Enforcement Technology. Federal Highway Administration, 1995. FHWA-PL-96-
2. Donnell, Eric T and al, et. Speed Concepts: Informational Guide. Federal

Highway Administration, 2009. FHWA-SA-10-001.

3. National Research Board. Special Report 254: Managing Speed: Review of

Current Practice for Setting and Enforcign Speed Limits. Washington, DC :

National Academy Press, 1998. 0-309-06502-X.

4. Bowie, N. N. and Waltz, M. Data Analysis of the Speed-Related Crash Issue.

Auto and Traffic Safety. Winter, 1994, Vol. 2.

5. Joksch, H. C., Velocity Change and Fatality Risk in a Crash-A Rule of Thumb,

Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1993, Vol. 25.

6. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Synthesis of Safety Research Related to Speed and Speed Limits. Turner

Fairbank Highway Administration. [Online] [Cited: December 20, 2010.]


7. Solomon, D., Accidents on main rural highways related to speed, driver and

vehicle. Washington, DC : Federal Highway Administration, 1964.

8. Cirillo, J. A. Interstate System Accident Research Study II, Interim Report II. 3,

Public Roads, 1968, Vol. 35.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

9. Munden, J. M. The Relation between a Driver's Speed and His Accident Rate.

Crowthorne, England : Report LR 88, Transport and Road Research Laboratory,


10. Harkey, D. L., H. D. Robertson, and S. E. Davis. Assessment of Current Speed

Zoning Criteria. Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Record, 1990, Vol.


11. Hauer, E. Accidents, Overtaking and Speed Control. 1, Accident Analysis and

Prevention, 1971, Vol. 3.

12. Fildes, B. N. and Rumbold, G and Leening, A. Speed Behaviour and Drivers'

Attitude to Speeding. Victoria, Australia : Monash University Accident Research

Center, 1991. Report No. 16.

13. Davis, Gary. Is the claim that „variance kills‟ an ecological fallacy? Accident

Analysis and Prevention. 2002, Vol. 34, 3.

14. Fleiter, J. and Watson, B. The speed paradox: the misalignment between driver

attitudes and speeding behaviour. The Journal of the Australasian College of

Road Safety. 2006, Vol. 17, 2.

15. Ross, L., Green, D., and House, P. The ``false consensus e€ect'': An egocentric

bias in social perception and attribution processes. 1977, Journal of Experimental

Social Psychology, Vol. 13, pp. 279-301.

16. Haglund, Mats and Aberg, Lars. Speed choice in relation to speed limit and

influences from other drivers. Transportation Research Part F. 2000, 3.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

17. Manstead, A. S. R., Parker, D., et al. Perceived consensus in estimates of the

prevalence of driving errors and violations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

1992, Vol. 22, pp. 509-530.

18. US Department of Transportation. Speed Management Strategic Initiative.

2005. DOT HS 809 924.

19. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Summary of State Speed

Laws Ninth Edition: Current as of January 1, 2006. National Committee on

Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. [Online] 2006. [Cited: January 15, 2011.]


20. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. State Traffic and Speed Laws.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [Online] July 5, 2010. [Cited: January 6,

2011.] http://www.mit.edu/~jfc/laws.html#key.

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University


Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) t- test)

Adams Mill Road

Klinge Rd/ Harvard St 25 100 31 4.04 16.32 105 24 3.19 10.18 13.72 188.28 1.98 YES

Alabama Avenue
MLK Jr Ave/ Good Hope Rd 25 101 28 3.95 15.60 111 28 3.24 10.50 0.00 193.87 1.98 NO
Good Hope Rd/ 38th St 25 72 30 4.21 17.72 115 29 4.02 16.16 1.61 145.64 1.98 NO

Alaska Avenue
Holly St/ 14th St 30 70 31 3.94 15.52 89 26 4.26 18.15 7.66 152.88 1.98 YES
14th St/ 16th St 30 70 32 5.16 26.63 62 31 4.19 17.56 1.23 129.06 1.98 NO

Anacostia Freeway (DC 295)

East Capitol St (Ramps)/ Pennsylvania Ave 45 100 51 5.09 25.91 153 49 7.68 58.98 2.49 250.94 1.98 YES
Pennsylvania Ave (Ramps) / I-295 50 100 60 5.19 26.94 154 47 7.82 61.15 15.92 251.86 1.98 YES

Arizona Avenue
Loughboro Rd/ McArthur Blvd 25 71 30 4.07 16.56 115 30 4.41 19.45 0.00 157.46 1.98 NO

Arkansas Avenue
16th St/ Georgia Ave 25 69 29 5.48 30.03 101 28 4.13 17.06 1.29 118.84 1.98 NO

Arland D. Williams Junior Bridge (14th St)

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 40 104 49 4.95 24.50 153 37 7.46 55.65 15.50 254.88 1.98 YES

Arlington Memorial Bridge

Memorial Dr/ Potomac Pkwy 25/30 100 40 4.61 21.25 158 31 6.58 43.30 12.90 253.32 1.98 YES

Beach Drive
Wise Rd/ Rock Cr and Potomac Pkwy 25 100 32 3.39 11.49 111 30 2.7 7.29 4.71 188.95 1.98 YES

Benning Road
25th Pl/ Minnesota Ave 30 100 37 4.87 23.72 107 31 5.17 26.73 8.60 204.99 1.98 YES
East Capitol St/ District Line 25/30 100 38 3.96 15.68 105 30 3.27 10.69 15.73 192.18 1.98 YES

Bladensburg Road
Douglas St/ New York Ave 30 101 31 4.01 16.08 124 33 3.58 12.82 -3.90 202.57 1.98 YES
New York Ave/ Mount Olivet Rd 25 100 37 3.22 10.37 109 32 3.35 11.22 11.00 206.54 1.98 YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) t- test)

Blair Road
District Line/ Aspen St 25 70 29 3.35 11.22 142 25 5.26 27.67 6.71 196.56 1.98 YES
Aspen St/ Peabody St 25/30 100 37 3.22 10.37 109 32 3.35 11.22 11.00 206.54 1.98 YES

Bowen Road
Stanley St- Burns St/ District Line 30 70 27 3.91 15.29 113 32 3.58 12.82 -8.68 136.58 1.98 YES

Branch Avenue
District Line/ Alabama Ave 25 100 32 4.22 17.81 111 28 4.59 21.07 6.59 208.91 1.98 YES
Alabama Ave/ Pennsylvania Ave 25 100 41 5.61 31.47 115 31 5.98 35.76 12.64 211.76 1.98 YES

Brentwood Parkway
Penn St/ New York Ave 25 69 34 4.3 18.49 112 30 3.42 11.70 6.55 120.15 1.98 YES

C Street
21st St/ 15th St 25 102 31 5.96 35.52 136 31 6.13 37.58 0.00 220.84 1.98 NO
15th St/ 6th St 25 72 27 3.74 13.99 120 27 3.63 13.18 0.00 146.10 1.98 NO

Calvert Street
24th St/ Adams Mill Rd 25 70 27 3.46 11.97 102 29 4.04 16.32 -3.48 161.77 1.98 YES

Canal Road
Whitehurst Fwy/ Foxhall Rd 25/35 100 39 5.37 28.84 105 32 3.15 9.92 11.31 158.33 1.98 YES
Foxhall Rd/ Arizona Ave 35 100 45 5.64 31.81 113 38 3.82 14.59 10.47 170.81 1.98 YES

Central Avenue
East Capitol St/ 53rd Pl 25/30 70 36 4.95 24.50 105 32 2.43 5.90 6.28 91.39 1.99 YES

Chain Bridge
Canal St/ District Line 25 100 35 4.17 17.39 106 34 3.71 13.76 1.81 197.97 1.98 NO

Clara Barton Parkway

Chain Br/ District Line 35 100 47 4.51 20.34 124 38 4.32 18.66 15.13 208.03 1.98 YES

Cleveland Avenue
34th St/ 29th St 25 50 31 5.29 27.98 105 30 3.14 9.86 1.24 65.95 2 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) t- test)

Columbia Road
Warder St / 16th St. 25 101 23 4.07 16.56 108 23 2.2 4.84 0.00 151.54 1.98 NO
16th St / Biltmore St. 25 101 21 3.65 13.32 114 23 2.35 5.52 -4.71 167.00 1.98 YES

Connecticut Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave 30 99 36 5.32 28.30 81 33 4.04 16.32 4.30 177.07 1.98 YES
Nebraska Ave / Porter St. 30 100 36 4.19 17.56 105 26 2.83 8.01 19.93 172.68 1.98 YES

Constitution Avenue
North Carolina Ave. / 3rd St. 25 59 26 4.69 22.00 108 28 4.33 18.75 -2.71 111.49 1.98 YES
12 St. / 23rd St. 25 100 33 4.85 23.52 109 25 3.94 15.52 13.02 190.99 1.98 YES
Dalecarlia Parkway
Loughboro Rd. / Massachusetts Ave. 35/40 70 39 5.88 34.57 94 41 3.78 14.29 -2.49 110.26 1.98 YES

E Street
13th St. / 5th St. 25 70 20 2.96 8.76 104 25 2.82 7.95 -11.14 143.24 1.98 YES
5th St. / Columbus Cir. 25 70 25 4.16 17.31 114 22 3.37 11.36 5.09 123.56 1.98 YES

East Capitol Street

District Line / Benning Rd. 30 100 36 5.3 28.09 107 40 2.59 6.71 -6.82 141.54 1.98 YES

Benning Rd. / Kennilworth (Ramp) 30/35 100 44 6.88 47.33 108 40 3.55 12.60 5.21 145.64 1.98 YES

Eastern Avenue
5th St. / Chillum Pl. 25 69 26 4.06 16.48 105 30 5.32 28.30 -5.61 168.10 1.98 YES
Addison Rd-Minnesota Ave. / District Line 25 100 33 4.82 23.23 107 32 4.88 23.81 1.48 204.37 1.98 NO

Florida Avenue
9th St. / North Capitol St. 25 99 29 3.47 12.04 115 25 3.19 10.18 8.73 201.01 1.98 YES
15th St. / V St. 25 70 25 4.74 22.47 114 25 2.66 7.08 0.00 96.07 1.99 NO
North Capitol St. / M St. 25 100 34 3.88 15.05 108 27 4.39 19.27 12.20 205.56 1.98 YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) t- test)

Foxhall Road
44 St. / Reservoir Rd. 25 100 29 2.71 7.34 109 29 4.26 18.15 0.00 185.02 1.98 NO
Reservoir Rd. / St. Partrick's School Rd. 25 101 33 4.61 21.25 102 29 3.6 12.96 6.89 189.00 1.98 YES
Francis Scott Key Bridge
M St. / District Line 30 100 36 4.27 18.23 154 29 6.57 43.16 10.29 252.00 1.98 YES

Franklin Street
Rhode Islane Ave. / 12th St. 25 50 30 4.31 18.58 102 22 3.23 10.43 11.62 76.87 1.99 YES
7th St. / Michigan Ave. 25 70 29 3.79 14.36 118 28 4.12 16.97 1.69 154.79 1.98 NO

George Mason Bridge

I-395-Route 1 / District Line 40 99 44 4.65 21.62 155 52 7.76 60.22 -10.27 251.11 1.98 YES

George Washington Memorial Parkway

District Line / District Line 40 100 48 4.68 21.90 153 46 7.52 56.55 2.61 250.48 1.98 YES

Georgia Avenue
Piney Branch Rd. / Webster St. 30 100 32 5.92 35.05 103 27 3.39 11.49 7.36 156.66 1.98 YES

Webster St. / Bryant St. 30 100 29 3.89 15.13 109 32 4.09 16.73 -5.43 206.73 1.98 YES

Good Hope Road

Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. / Alabama Ave. 25 100 35 5.25 27.56 104 22 3.19 10.18 21.27 162.13 1.98 YES

H Street
New York Ave. / 6th St. 25 100 24 2.51 6.30 105 25 3.39 11.49 -2.41 191.52 1.98 YES

Harewood Road
4th St. / Taylor St. 30 100 36 4.36 19.01 110 30 4.5 20.25 9.81 207.15 1.98 YES

Harvard Street
16th St - Columbia Rd. / 6th St. 25 72 24 5.71 32.60 105 24 3.06 9.36 0.00 99.09 1.99 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) t- test)

Henry Bacon Drive

Constitution Ave. / Lincoln Cir. 25 70 28 5.12 26.21 103 29 3.55 12.60 -1.42 113.27 1.98 NO

Martin Luther King Junior Avenue

W St./ Eaton Rd. 25 70 28 4.76 22.66 117 30 3.56 12.67 -3.04 115.23 1.98 YES
Eaton Rd. / Lebaum St. 30 70 32 4.89 23.91 108 30 3.85 14.82 2.89 122.80 1.98 YES

Maryland Avenue
6th St. / Bladensburg Rd. -Benning Rd. 25 70 32 4.84 23.43 110 26 5.31 28.20 7.80 156.91 1.98 YES

Massachusetts Avenue
11th St. / 1st St. 25 100 30 4.27 18.23 102 24 4.7 22.09 9.50 198.86 1.98 YES
R St. / Observatoty Cir. 25 100 32 3.74 13.99 122 30 4.29 18.40 3.71 219.14 1.98 YES

Michigan Avenue
South Dakota Ave. / Perry St. 25 71 32 3.59 12.89 111 28 5.2 27.04 6.13 178.91 1.98 YES
Perry St. / Franklin St. 25 70 28 3.14 9.86 112 23 3.42 11.70 10.10 155.96 1.98 YES

Military Road
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 25 70 30 4.7 22.09 100 27 3.89 15.13 4.39 130.18 1.98 YES
Oregon Ave. / 13th St. 35 104 30 3.68 13.54 102 46 4.89 23.91 -26.50 187.60 1.98 YES

Minnesotta Avenue
A St. / Pennsylvania Ave. 25 100 28 4.4 19.36 104 34 4.4 19.36 -9.74 201.69 1.98 YES
Pennsylvania Ave. / Good Hope Rd. 25 100 31 5.25 27.56 117 26 3.48 12.11 8.12 167.19 1.98 YES

Missouri Avenue
13th St. / North Capitol St 25 100 34 4.6 21.16 100 30 4.25 18.06 6.39 196.77 1.98 YES

Monroe Street
Michigan Ave. / 15th St. 25 71 27 3.9 15.21 106 26 2.67 7.13 1.88 113.40 1.98 NO
15th St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 72 31 3.65 13.32 113 30 3.87 14.98 1.77 157.81 1.98 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean
Standard Sample Standard tobt (Welsh's
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation t- test)

Mount Olivet Road

9th St- Brentwood Rd. / Bladensburg Rd 25 70 31 5.57 31.02 112 31 3.96 15.68 0.00 112.50 1.98 NO

Mount Vernon Place

7th St / 9th St 25 71 21 3.64 13.25 109 27 1.87 3.50 -12.83 94.33 1.99 YES

Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue

Kenilworth Ave / Lowrie Pl 30 99 29 4.03 16.24 118 28 4.53 20.52 1.72 214.24 1.98 NO
Lowrie Pl / District Line 30 70 30 4.31 18.58 112 31 4.52 20.43 -1.49 151.86 1.98 NO

Naylor Road
District Line / S St 25 71 36 3.77 14.21 109 27 3.28 10.76 16.46 134.80 1.98 YES

Nebraska Avenue
Military Rd / Wisconsin Ave 30 100 36 3.6 12.96 106 30 4.65 21.62 10.39 196.63 1.98 YES
Wisconsin Ave / Chain Bridge Rd - Indian Ln 30 101 31 2.86 8.18 105 29 3.42 11.70 4.56 200.16 1.98 YES

New Hampshire Avenue

Park Rd / Illinois Ave 30 150 31 4.32 18.66 107 26 3.94 15.52 9.63 240.13 1.98 YES
Illinois Ave / North Capitol St 25/30 99 31 2.86 8.18 105 29 3.42 11.70 4.54 199.20 1.98 YES

New Jersey Avenue

Florida Ave / O St 25 100 28 4.25 18.06 114 29 3.33 11.09 -1.90 186.86 1.98 NO

New Mexico Avenue

Nebraska Ave / Fulton St 25 70 27 3.25 10.56 102 28 3.44 11.83 -1.94 153.79 1.98 NO

New York Avenue

15th St / 9th St 25 99 25 2.16 4.67 111 36 4.46 19.89 -23.12 162.82 1.98 YES
Penn St -4th St / 16th St 35 100 26 4.72 22.28 103 23 2.4 5.76 5.68 146.01 1.98 YES

North Capitol Street

Allison St / Michigan Ave 25/35 100 32 3.75 14.06 121 43 5.59 31.25 -17.42 210.58 1.98 YES
S St / F St 25 50 22 3.34 11.16 110 27 3.25 10.56 -8.85 92.55 1.99 YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

North Carolina Avenue

Constitution Ave. / C. St. NE 25 68 30 4.8 23.04 101 31 4.17 17.39 -1.40 129.91 1.98 NO

P Street
Wisconsin Ave./Connecticut Ave. 25 70 29 3.23 10.43 104 27 2.19 4.80 4.53 111.18 1.98 YES

Park Place
Rock Creek Church Rd. / Michigan Ave-Columbia 25 70 36 6.55 42.90 103 31 3.3 10.89 5.90 92.99 1.99 YES

Pennsylvania Avenue
29th St/17th St. 25 100 24 4.43 19.62 104 28 3.35 11.22 -7.25 184.26 1.98 YES

Piney Branch Parkway

Arkansas Ave. / Beach Dr. 25 100 37 4.71 22.18 103 32 4.38 19.18 7.83 198.92 1.98 YES

Piney Branch Road

District Line / Underwood St. 30 75 31 3.95 15.60 107 28 4.64 21.53 4.69 173.24 1.98 YES
Underwood St. / Fort Stevens Dr. 30 100 34 4.87 23.72 108 28 4.02 16.16 9.65 192.45 1.98 YES

Porter Street
Williamsburg La / 3oth St. 30 72 32 4.12 16.97 104 34 3.08 9.49 -3.50 123.79 1.98 YES
30th St. / 34th St. 25 100 27 3.33 11.09 108 28 3.33 11.09 -2.16 204.77 1.98 YES

Potomac Avenue
18th St. / 19th St. 25 50 31 2.07 4.28 122 32 3.7 13.69 -2.25 154.24 1.98 YES

Potomac River Freeway

Whitehurst Fwy / 27th St. (Ramp) 40 70 36 4.29 18.40 155 31 6.82 46.51 6.66 199.78 1.98 YES
I-66 (Ramp) / Ohio Dr. 40 100 43 5 25.00 153 33 7.17 51.41 13.06 249.92 1.98 YES

Q Street
Wisconsin Ave. / 22nd St.-Florida Ave. 25 71 21 3.76 14.14 107 26 2.56 6.55 -9.80 112.65 1.98 YES
22nd St.-Florida Ave. / Rhode Island Ave. 25 49 22 2.76 7.62 103 22 2.92 8.53 0.00 99.46 1.99 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

R Street
Florida Ave. / 15th St. 25 70 24 3.63 13.18 101 23 2.5 6.25 2.00 113.37 1.98 YES
15th St. / Massachusetts Ave. 25 70 23 3.67 13.47 101 21 2.84 8.07 3.83 123.48 1.98 YES

Reno Road
Chevy Chase Pkwy. / Van Ness St. 25 100 30 3.15 9.92 101 29 3.26 10.63 2.21 198.88 1.98 YES
Van Ness St. / Quebec Pl. 25 100 30 3.01 9.06 103 29 3.04 9.24 2.35 200.92 1.98 YES

Reservoir Road
Wisconsin Ave. / Foxhall Rd. 25 103 30 3.33 11.09 111 25 2.5 6.25 12.35 188.73 1.98 YES
Foxhall Rd. / MacArthur Blvd. 25 70 29 3.63 13.18 109 27 3.23 10.43 3.75 134.75 1.98 YES

Rhode Island Avenue

10th St. / 17th St. 30 100 30 3.33 11.09 111 25 2.5 6.25 12.23 182.67 1.98 YES
17th St. / District Line 30 99 32 3.73 13.91 105 28 4.79 22.94 6.68 195.13 1.98 YES

Ridge Road
Burns St. / G St. 25 50 33 5.92 35.05 123 33 5.95 35.40 0.00 91.32 1.99 NO
G St. / Minnesota Ave. 25 48 29 4.7 22.09 112 29 4.05 16.40 0.00 78.31 1.99 NO

Riggs Road
North Capitol St. / South Dakota Ave. 25 100 24 3.14 9.86 118 28 4.69 22.00 -7.49 205.54 1.98 YES
South Dakota Ave. / District Line 25 98 30 4.61 21.25 157 27 4.69 22.00 5.02 208.67 1.98 YES

River Road
District Line / 44th St. 25 69 31 4.19 17.56 101 29 3.17 10.05 3.36 119.19 1.98 YES
44th St. / Wisconsin Ave. 25 100 27 4.28 18.32 112 28 2.9 8.41 -1.97 171.15 1.98 NO

Rochambeau Memorial Bridge

I-395 Route 1 / District Line 45 100 52 5.17 26.73 152 40 6.96 48.44 15.68 246.28 1.98 YES

Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway

Waterside Dr. / Virginia Ave. 35 101 38 4.07 16.56 110 38 2.18 4.75 0.00 150.07 1.98 NO
Virginia Ave. / Ohio Dr. 25 100 39 3.82 14.59 107 39 2.29 5.24 0.00 159.83 1.98 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean
Standard Sample Standard tobt (Welsh's
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation t- test)

Route 1
Maine Ave. / Maine Ave. (Ramp) 35 100 41 4.93 24.30 155 38 6.89 47.47 4.05 250.25 1.98 YES
Maine Ave. (Ramp) / George Mason Br. 35 99 42 4.02 16.16 158 47 7.63 58.22 -6.86 248.72 1.98 YES

Saraloga Avenue
Brentwood Rd / Rhode Island Ave. 25 66 20 2.59 6.71 108 23 3.28 10.76 -6.69 160.94 1.98 YES

Sargent Road
DL/Galatin St. 25 70 30 2.93 8.58 103 28 3.85 14.82 3.87 168.75 1.98 YES
Galatin St. / Webster St. 25 70 32 2.88 8.29 105 26 3.11 9.67 13.07 155.59 1.98 YES

Sheriff Road
Kane PL / District Line 30 100 34 5.14 26.42 104 30 3.75 14.06 6.33 180.76 1.98 YES

Sherman Avenue
Park Rd / Florida Ave. 25 70 31 4.93 24.30 101 31 3.77 14.21 0.00 122.39 1.98 NO

South Capitol Street

Xenia St. MLK Jr. Ave. /MLK Jr. Ave 35/40 99 30 5.31 28.20 112 30 3.74 13.99 0.00 173.36 1.98 NO
MLK Jr. Ave. /Suitland Pkwy 40 102 34 5.17 26.73 111 43 4.48 20.07 -13.52 200.72 1.98 YES

South Dakota Avenue

Riggs Rd. / Webster St. 25 100 38 6.16 37.95 111 30 4.54 20.61 10.64 180.66 1.98 YES
Rhode Island Ave. /US Route 50 (NY Ave) 25 100 42 4.44 19.71 113 26 2.57 6.60 31.65 154.41 1.98 YES

Southeast Freeway SW/SE

I-295 Split / I-395 Split 45 100 57 5.38 28.94 159 45 8.17 66.75 14.25 256.43 1.98 YES

Southern Avenue
24th St. / 13th St. 30 100 36 5.82 33.87 139 38 5.72 32.72 -2.64 211.23 1.98 YES
13th St. / Indian Head Hwy 30 70 31 4.76 22.66 122 32 4.49 20.16 -1.43 137.06 1.98 NO

Suitland Parkway
South Capitol St. / Firth Stering Ave. 30/45 101 41 5.94 35.28 107 36 4.88 23.81 6.61 193.80 1.98 YES
Firth Stering Ave. / Sheridan Rd. (Ramp) 35/45 100 47 4.98 24.80 129 40 4.15 17.22 11.33 191.38 1.98 YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

Taylor Street
South Dakota Ave. / Hawai Ave. 25 70 28 3.87 14.98 102 23 2.34 5.48 9.66 103.52 1.99 YES

Theodora Roosevelt Bridge (I-66)

Rock Cr. And Potomac Pkwy. /District Line 40 100 52 4.92 24.21 153 32 7.12 50.69 26.41 250.19 1.98 YES

Tilden Street
Beach Dr. / Reno Rd. 25 100 35 3.48 12.11 107 28 3.37 11.36 14.68 202.97 1.98 YES

Tunlaw Road
Fulton St. / Calvert St. 25 50 28 2.85 8.12 107 28 2.7 7.29 0.00 91.30 1.99 NO

U Street
9th St. / 18th St. 25 70 24 3.46 11.97 101 25 3.51 12.32 -1.85 149.91 1.98 NO

Vermont Avenue
Massachusetts Ave. / K. St. 25 70 20 3.97 15.76 101 18 2.83 8.01 3.62 116.21 1.98 YES

Virginia Avenue
Constitution Ave. / C St. 25 71 26 3.29 10.82 102 22 3.29 10.82 7.87 150.75 1.98 YES
New Hampshire Ave / Rock Creek & potomac Pkwy 25 70 29 4.22 17.81 102 34 3.77 14.21 -7.97 137.17 1.98 YES

W Street
MLK Jr. Ave. / 13th St. 25 50 24 3.2 10.24 116 25 3.76 14.14 -1.75 108.33 1.98 NO

Walbridge Place
Park Rd. / Adams Mill Rd 25 50 33 2.7 7.29 103 25 4.21 17.72 14.19 139.54 1.98 YES

Washington Avenue
Independence Ave. / I-395(Ramp) 25 70 26 4.76 22.66 103 28 5.44 29.59 -2.56 160.38 1.98 YES
I-395 (Ramp) / South Capitol St. 25 70 26 3.59 12.89 106 28 4.15 17.22 -3.40 161.74 1.98 YES

Western Avenue
Chevy Chase Cir. / 47th St. 25 100 25 3.11 9.67 116 24 2.54 6.45 2.56 191.17 1.98 YES
47th St. / Westmoreland Cir 25 100 34 3.22 10.37 104 35 4.46 19.89 -1.84 187.59 1.98 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

West Virginia Avenue

17th St. / K. St. 25 69 28 3.44 11.83 108 30 3.29 10.82 -3.84 140.26 1.98 YES

Wheeler Road
Alabama Ave. / District Line 25 100 37 4.95 24.50 108 30 3.29 10.82 11.91 170.20 1.98 YES

Whitehurst Freeway
M St. Canal Rd / 27th St. 25/35 100 34 5.16 26.63 159 39 7.11 50.55 -6.54 251.71 1.98 YES

Wisconsin Avenue
District Line / Nebraska Ave. 30/35 100 29 3.16 9.99 105 29 4.54 20.61 0.00 186.12 1.98 NO
Nebraska Ave. / Massachusetts Ave. 30 100 33 4.28 18.32 104 34 3.16 9.99 -1.89 181.94 1.98 NO

3rd Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/Jefferson St 25 70 25 4.47 19.98 105 23 4.44 19.71 2.91 147.33 1.98 YES

4th Street
Pennsylvania Avenue/ SL 25 70 26 4.22 17.81 103 22 3.35 11.22 6.64 125.22 1.98 YES
Michigan Ave / Adams SL 25 71 29 3.69 13.62 102 28 4.24 17.98 1.65 162.60 1.98 NO

5th Street
New Hamshpire Ave/ Rock Creek Church Rd 25 50 24 2.97 8.82 102 23 2.56 6.55 2.04 85.68 1.99 YES
Hopart PL/ McMillan Dr- Howard PL 25 100 36 4.94 24.40 119 33 3.73 13.91 4.99 181.61 1.98 YES

6th Street
Penn St/ Florida Ave 25 100 21 3.69 13.62 116 26 3.59 12.89 -10.06 207.53 1.98 YES
Rhode Island Ave / Pennsylvania Ave 25 100 29 4.02 16.16 116 30 3.85 14.82 -1.86 206.38 1.98 NO

7th Street
Florida Ave/ M ST 25 100 30 3.08 9.49 118 25 3.39 11.49 11.40 214.93 1.98 YES
Pennsylvania Ave/Mling Ave 25 100 28 4.21 17.72 100 26 4.36 19.01 3.30 197.76 1.98 YES

8th Street
Pennsylvania Ave Virginia Ave 25 70 24 3.57 12.74 118 20 3.25 10.56 7.68 134.37 1.98 YES

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

9th Street
V St/ Mt Vernon PL + Massachusette Ave 25 70 28 5.26 27.67 120 27 3.76 14.14 1.40 110.57 1.98 NO
Constitution Ave / I- 395 35 100 43 5 25.00 105 42 3.72 13.84 1.62 182.59 1.98 NO

11th Street
Massachusette Ave /Pennsylvania Ave 25 71 27 3.33 11.09
Rhode Island / Pennsylvania Ave 25 100 28 4.48 20.07 106 20 1.87 3.50 16.55 130.89 1.98 YES

12th Street Expressway

I -395/Southwest Fwy ( Ramp) 35 101 40 4.17 17.39 151 34 7.75 60.06 7.95 240.40 1.98 YES

12th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusette Ave 25 70 26 4.57 20.88 105 25 3.36 11.29 1.57 117.56 1.98 NO
Lawrence St/ South Dakota Ave 25 71 28 3.67 13.47 106 25 2.75 7.56 5.87 121.13 1.98 YES

13th Street
Fort Stevens Dr / Allison St 25 70 31 4.35 18.92 106 28 3.89 15.13 4.67 136.17 1.98 YES
Allison St/ Kenyon St 25 70 30 3.88 15.05 107 21 2.81 7.90 16.75 115.62 1.98 YES

14th street
Aspen St/ Monroe St 25 100 30 4.98 24.80 101 26 4.46 19.89 6.00 196.19 1.98 YES
S ST / Pennsylvania Ave 25 100 25 5.2 27.04 105 21 2.45 6.00 6.99 139.36 1.98 YES

15th Street
Independence Ave/ Alexander Hamilton PL 25 100 32 4.09 16.73 118 29 4.17 17.39 5.35 211.42 1.98 YES
Q ST / ST 30 100 31 3.98 15.84 101 28 3.75 14.06 5.50 198.05 1.98 YES

16th Street
District Line/ Alaska Ave 30 100 41 5.22 27.25 137 31 2.92 8.53 17.28 143.92 1.98 YES
Arkansas Ave/ Irwing ST 25 100 34 5.85 34.22 108 29 3.12 9.73 7.60 148.49 1.98 YES

17th Street
Benning Rd/ Potomac Ave 25 100 31 4.05 16.40 124 29 4.71 22.18 3.42 221.06 1.98 YES
Connecticut Ave / Florida Ave 25 70 21 2.48 6.15 104 21 2.3 5.29 0.00 140.48 1.98 NO

Analysis of 2010 Speed Data for the District of Columbia HUTRC-Howard University

District of Columbia Speed Study

2006 Speed Data 2010 Speed Data Analysis
SPEED Sample Mean Mean tobt
Standard Sample Standard
ROUTE NAME (Begin/End Study Location) (MPH) Size (N) Speed Variance Speed Variance (Welsh's t- Df texp Significant?
Deviation Size (N) Deviation
(MPH) (MPH) test)

19th Street
Connecticut Ave / K St 25 50 19 2.78 7.73 101 24 2.97 8.82 -10.17 103.78 1.99 YES
K St /E St 25 70 22 4.35 18.92 106 25 3.24 10.50 -4.94 118.38 1.98 YES

20th Street
E St / New Hampshire Ave 25 70 22 2.96 8.76 105 26 4.33 18.75 -7.26 172.87 1.98 YES

22nd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Massachusetts Ave 25 71 25 3.71 13.76 111 21 2.11 4.45 8.27 99.26 1.99 YES

23rd Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Lincoln Cir 25 100 30 3.31 10.96 101 28 3.54 12.53 4.14 198.35 1.98 YES

25th Street
Naylor Rd / Alabama Ave 25 70 28 3.4 11.56 108 27 3.97 15.76 1.79 162.83 1.98 NO

27th Street
Pennsylvania Ave / Texas Ave 25 68 28 4.02 16.16 47 22 2.2 4.84 10.28 108.09 1.98 YES
Texas Ave / Naylor Rd 25 100 32 6.02 36.24 106 27 4.01 16.08 6.97 170.98 1.98 YES

34th Street
Massachusetts Ave / Woodley Rd 25 50 27 3.04 9.24 87 28 2.55 6.50 -1.96 88.40 1.99 NO

41st Street
District Line / Military Rd 25 50 29 3.85 14.82 107 28 2.95 8.70 1.63 76.90 1.99 NO

63rd Street
District Line / District Line 25 100 29 4.71 22.18 123 28 4.19 17.56 1.66 200.14 1.98 NO


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