Client Side Scripting Language (22519) Semester - V (CM) : A Laboratory Manual For

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A Laboratory Manual for

Client Side Scripting

Semester –V

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ………………………………………………………………………………

Roll No........................of Third Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of


(Code...........................) has completed the term work satisfactorily in course

Client Side Scripting languages (22519) for the academic

………………….. as Prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: ………………………………… Enrollment No: ………………………………..

Date: …………………………………. Exam. Seat No: …………………………………

Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal

Seal of Institution
Client Side Scripting Languages (22519)

Program Outcomes (POs) to be achieved through Practical of this Course:-

PO 1.Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic engineering
to solve the broad-based Computer engineering problem.

PO 2.Discipline knowledge: Apply Computer engineering discipline - specific knowledge to

solve core computer engineering related problems.

PO 3.Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to
solve broad-based Computer engineering problems.

PO 4.Engineering tools: Apply relevant Computer technologies and tools with an understanding
of the limitations.

PO 5.The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Computer engineering.

PO 6.Environment and sustainability: Apply Computer engineering solutions also for

sustainable development practices in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the
knowledge and need for sustainable development.

PO 7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities and
norms of the practice also in the field of Computer engineering.

PO 8.Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in diverse/
multidisciplinary teams.

PO 9.Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.

PO 10.Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the context
of technological changes in the Computer engineering field and allied industry.

Maharashtra State board of Education Prepared By-Miss.P.S.Dungarwal

Content Page

List of Practical’s and Progressive assessment Sheet

Date of Date of Assessment
Sr.No Title of practical sign of Remarks
performance submission marks(25)
Write simple JavaScript with HTML for
1 arithmetic expression evaluation and
message printing.
Develop JavaScript to use decision
making and looping statements
Develop JavaScript to implements
Array functionalities
Develop javascript to implement
4 functions
Develop javascript to implement
Create web page using Form Elements
Create web page to implement Form
Events .Part I
Create web page to implement Form
Events .Part II
Develop a webpage using intrinsic
java functions
Develop a webpage for creating
session and persistent cookies.
Observe the effects with browser
cookies settings.
Develop a webpage for placing the
11 window on the screen and working
with child window.
Develop a web page for validation of
form fields using regular expressions.
Create web page with Rollovers
Develop a webpage for implementing
Develop a webpage for implementing
Status bars and web page protection.
Develop a web page for implementing
16 slideshow, banner.


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