Balanced Literacy Booklet

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a balanced

literacy approach
supporting student success in reading , writing , listening and speaking

Photos: Yukon Government

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A Balanced Literacy Approach

a balanced literacy approach

supporting student success in reading , writing , listening and speaking

This document is designed as a reference tool for K-9 educators.

Balanced literacy is an instructional approach for Language Arts.

Balance is attained through a combination of instructional strategies, with the goal

of developing competent, literate learners. The teacher purposefully differentiates
strategies to meet individual student needs. First Nations content and ways of
learning are embedded throughout this approach.

A balanced literacy approach:

• Develops the competencies of all students using a variety of tools, materials,
resources and strategies.

• Emphasizes the development of oral language, thinking and collaborating as

the foundation of literacy learning.

• Uses formative assessment to guide instruction and to determine levels of

support needed for mastery.

• Provides explicit instruction of skills for problem solving and strategic thinking.

• Provides uninterrupted daily blocks of time for literacy learning.

• Meets individual literacy and learning needs.

• Is founded on Universal Design for Learning, which means:

FF Multiple ways to acquire knowledge.
FF Multiple ways to demonstrate what students know.
FF Multiple means of engagement where student interests and abilities are
used to motivate and challenge.
FF Uses authentic, multi-level and cross-curricular material.

• Releases responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student.

• Provides continuity in student learning from grade to grade.

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balanced literacy approach
Listening and Speaking
Comprehending, Connecting, Creating and Communicating


Read Aloud / Modelled Reading Write Aloud / Modelled Writing

High Teacher Support

FFteacher demonstrates proficient reading FFteacher demonstrates proficient writing

FFteacher expands access to text, vocabulary, and FFteacher expands access to writing, vocabulary and
language features beyond student’s abilities language features beyond student’s abilities

FFteacher exposes students to a variety of genres FFteacher exposes students to a variety of genres

Shared Reading Shared Writing

FFteacher models reading strategies FFteacher models writing strategies

FFteacher explicitly instructs reading strategies FFteacher explicitly instructs writing strategies

FFteacher extends understanding of the reading process FFteacher extends understanding of the writing process

FFteacher reads FFteacher scribes

FFteacher and student choose text FFteacher and student choose topic

FFteacher and student share reading FFteacher and student compose together

FFteacher encourages student to read when able FFteacher encourages student to write when able

Guided Reading Guided Writing

FFteacher reinforces skills FFteacher reinforces skills

FFteacher engages student in conversation to activate FFteacher engages student in conversation to activate
prior knowledge, refine knowledge and express ideas prior knowledge, refine language and express ideas
Low Teacher Support

FFteacher acts as a guide by scaffolding learning FFteacher acts as a guide by scaffolding learning

FFstudent does the reading FFstudent does the writing

FFstudent practices strategies FFstudent practices strategies

FFstudent builds independence FFstudent builds independence

Independent Reading Independent Writing

FFstudent chooses the text FFstudent chooses the topic

FFstudent practices at his or her independent level FFstudent practices at his or her independent level

Formative Assessment Differentiated Instruction

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A Balanced Literacy Approach

Considerations for Implementing a Balanced Literacy Approach

A balanced literacy approach leads to the development of competency in reading,
writing, listening and speaking. It is founded on knowing that the conditions for
learning are firmly in place in each classroom.

The balance in the approach varies according to the needs and expectations of
the students.

The Conditions for Learning

We know that learning is a social activity that is influenced by the environment
inside and outside of the school and the academic, social, emotional and cultural
capacity of the learner to engage in the process.

In summary, learning is a process of figuring things out, asking questions, making

connections, getting ideas and testing them, taking risks, making mistakes without
fear of ridicule or embarrassment, trying again and eventually experiencing the
satisfaction of accomplishment.

Balanced Literacy in Kindergarten

1. An emphasis on learning to learn behaviours is critical to the development
of routines and social skills that support group and individual learning. (For
example: listening to a story, sharing at play-centers or following directions
in the gym.)

2. Oral language development is the priority. Frequent and sustained language

times that include purposeful language-based learning centers should form
the basis of a literacy program.

3. Integration of cross-curricular areas in science, art, math, drama, music and

movement should support overall language and literacy goals.

4. The kindergarten program should include scheduled playtime (45 minutes

per day for half-day programs, 1 hour 15 minutes per day for full day
programs) with opportunities for both self-directed and assisted play.

5. Time guidelines for kindergarten need to be flexible to integrate a variety of

topics based on developmental need within a play-based program.

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A Balanced Literacy Approach

Balanced Literacy in Grades 1-3

1. The language arts program has daily uninterrupted blocks of time with a
minimum of 40 minutes each, total time of 100-120 minutes.

2. Each day, students read something of their choice with fluency and
understanding. This means that teachers must explicitly teach and model
comprehension strategies that students can use as a “toolbox.”

3. Each day, students have structured talk about their reading. Talking is
thinking and is the foundation of literacy.

4. Each day, students listen to an adult fluently read aloud in order to hear what
effective reading sounds like and to develop an appreciation of reading.

5. Each day, students write something meaningful. Writing everyday provides

invaluable practice, opportunities for feedback and reflection about the writing.

6. Content area topics and interdisciplinary resources are used in Language

Arts time to accomplish reading, writing, listening, and speaking goals as
well as the expected learning outcomes of content areas.

7. The needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and First Nations culture and
ways of learning are incorporated in all planning and programming.

Language Arts Time Allotments

balanced literacy grades 1-3
Grades 1-3
grades 1-3 components 120 total minutes/day

Read Aloud/
in d /
ad elle ud

Modelled Reading
Re od alo

M ad

Shared Shared Reading daily



Guided Reading
and Analysis
G ad al
ui i y
Re An

Independent Reading daily

de ng sis



Guided COMPONENTS daily
and Vocabulary

Modelled Writing
la y

Guided Writing 2-3x/week

bu d

ca Stu

Independent Writing/
Vo d
& or



Content subject material can be embedded into the ELA program in order to ensure literacy components and time allotments are met.
* May include literature circles with an instructional focus
Note: The sections are fluid and change size depending on grade level, the time of year and the needs of students.

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A Balanced Literacy Approach

Balanced Literacy in Grades 4-7

1. The language arts program has uninterrupted blocks of time with a minimum
of 40 minutes each, total time of 90-120 minutes.

2. Each day, students read something of their choice with fluency and
understanding. This means that teachers must explicitly teach and model
comprehension strategies that students can use as a “toolbox.”

3. Each day, students have structured talk about their reading. Talking is
thinking and is the foundation of literacy.

4. Each day, students listen to an adult fluently read aloud in order to hear what
effective reading sounds like and to develop an appreciation of reading.

5. Each day, students write something meaningful. Writing everyday provides

invaluable practice, opportunities for feedback and reflection about the writing.

6. Content area topics and interdisciplinary resources are used in Language

Arts time to accomplish reading, writing, listening, and speaking goals as
well as the expected learning outcomes of content areas.

7. The needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and First Nations culture and
ways of learning are incorporated in all planning and programming.

Language Arts Time Allotments

balanced literacy grades 4-7
Grades 1-3
grades 4-7 components 120 total minutes/day

Read Aloud/
in d /
ad elle ud

Modelled Reading
Re od alo

M ad

Shared Shared Reading weekly



Guided Reading
and Analysis
G ad al
ui i y
Re An

Independent Reading daily

de ng sis



Guided COMPONENTS weekly
and Vocabulary

Modelled Writing
la y

Guided Writing 2-3x/week

bu d

ca Stu

Independent Writing/
Vo d
& or



Content subject material can be embedded into the ELA program in order to ensure literacy components and time allotments are met.
* May include literature circles with an instructional focus
Note: The sections are fluid and change size depending on grade level, the time of year and the needs of students.

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A Balanced Literacy Approach

Balanced Literacy in Grades 8-9

1. Competencies in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking are
developed across all curricular areas in secondary school. Literacy will
be a shared responsibility among all teachers, not just of those teaching
Language Arts.

2. Students are supported in the literacy skills across curricular areas.

3. Students are taught appropriate comprehension strategies based on the

text they are reading. Reading like a scientist/historian/artist, etc. develops
discipline-area curricular competencies.

4. Students are given regular opportunities to work collaboratively and talk

about their learning with others. Thinking, communicating and personal and
social competencies will be fostered through these processes.

5. The needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and First Nations culture and
ways of learning are incorporated in all planning and programming.

Language Arts Time Allotments

balanced literacy grades 8-9
Grades 8-9
grades 8-9 components 120 total minutes/day

Read Aloud/
in d /

Modelled Reading
ad elle ud
Re od alo

M ad

Shared Shared Reading weekly



and Analysis
Re An
ad al

Independent Reading daily

in ys
g is

Guided weekly
Writing and Vocabulary

Modelled Writing
la y
bu d

Writing Guided Writing weekly

ca Stu
Vo d
& or

Independent Writing/


Content subject material can be embedded into the ELA program in order to ensure literacy components and time allotments are met.
* May include literature circles with an instructional focus
Note: The sections are fluid and change size depending on grade level, the time of year and the needs of students.

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Contact the Department of Education, Learning Support Services

Primary Curriculum Consultant

Intermediate Curriculum Consultant

Secondary Curriculum Consultant

Phone 867-667-5141/5607

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