Attract Money Using Mind Power. This Book Is A Serious Work On The

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Cyndi: ...

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I am very pleased to welcome James Goi Jr. today for this webinar, his
first ever. He is a speaker, mind power coach, and the author of How to
Attract Money Using Mind Power. This book is a serious work on the
subject, which has over a 160 other books quoted. Since 1978, James has
read hundreds of books in an effort to understand the laws of life. He has
lectured on metaphysics and spirituality, always with the emphasis on the
money/prosperity angle. James also publishes the free monthly “Mind
Power and Money Ezine” and a link to that ezine can be found at the end
of any of his posts. Hi James. Do you have any opening statements you'd
like to make before we get to the questions?

James: Hi Cyndi. It's a pleasure to be here of course, and just to get the
ball rolling, I would like to say that a given I'm assuming is that everyone
who's listening to this or will listen to it has a desire for money. And that's
a crucial point to bring up because without desire, no one is going to do
whatever it is; whether it's some kind of a business out there or whether
it's mind power like I'm teaching. We must have desire in order to motivate
us to take action to secure what it is we want; in this case we're talking
about more money. In fact, desire is the first chapter in my book. The first
chapter is on desire, and in the book and in everything we talk about, it's
actually helping to feed our desire. So, at least if you have a little, we can
increase that by doing the mind power techniques that I teach for
attracting money. All of this as we increase our desire we tend to, and will
directly and indirectly, increase our belief that we can have more money
because this is a major stumbling block. So in anything we speak of, you
can be asking yourself in the back of your mind, How does this relate to
belief? Will this help me to increase my belief? Because we really do and
will get what we believe we either have, or can have, or will have. So
those are two key principles at the bottom of everything we discuss.
Desire and belief. So with that, I guess we can open it up and see where
we go.

Cyndi: Terrific. Well, I have a nice long list of questions here, so we'll see
how many we can get through in the hour. The first one comes from
Juanita Thompson in Virginia, and she wants to know if you have a
favorite method of attracting money, and if so, what the method is. She'd
also like to know if your program will help one to uncover and eliminate
root causes of money issues.

James: Good questions. I do have a favorite mind power technique for

attracting money. I'm not saying it's the best technique. I'm saying it's my
favorite. Mind power is as much an art as it is a science--the act of
attracting money with mind power. So with that said, my favorite technique
for attracting money using mind power is affirmation. I love affirmation so
much because it is so simple to do, and yet the effects and results of
doing it are so vast and potentially so great. The technique in a nutshell is
this: you come up with a statement of what it is you want to have or
create, let's say it's income, a net worth, a windfall of some sort in this
case, because we're talking about money—you state it as if it has already
happened, because the subconscious mind has no concept of time. It
thinks everything is now. And in the larger picture of course, there really is
no time, everything is now. So what we create or are trying to create you
can say we've already created it. And also in an affirmation you do not put
restrictions in there such as I'm going to get x amount of dollars by doing
such and such, or I'm going to increase my income by $50,000 by selling
three extra houses this year, or anything like that. So you figure out what it
is you want. You put it in a very concise, brief, statement as if it's already
happened, with no reference to how it happened. Then you think, say, and
even write at various times that specific statement. And it works magic
because it absolutely works with the laws of the universe and your
subconscious mind of how your subconscious mind works. It creates an
image and a belief over time within your mind that something is basically
already true, and then of course the subconscious mind can make it true.
Someone else might have, they might develop—once they learn all the
different techniques and do them—they might like, for instance,
visualization better than affirmation, but that is my favorite. That's my
favorite one. The second part of her question was if this system...

Cyndi: If it'll eliminate root causes of money...

James: Right, exactly. Actually, the answer is no because there is no

reason to do that. I teach people to focus on what they want and to focus
on the positive, and to move forward. I'm not saying that discovering and
going into the past—whether it's childhood or whatever—and digging up
the root causes of money issues or anything else is a bad thing, OK.
There's more than one path and I honor them all, but it's not a—my book
and what I teach is geared specifically toward getting the greatest results
in the least amount of time. When we start getting into digging out all of
these root causes from this and that, that's extremely time consuming.
People go to therapy for years to try to get to the root of such issues. But
the fact is that we can eliminate the effect of such issues on our ability to
do what we're trying to do, which is attract money, by concentrating our
energy on using the known, proven, metaphysical/mind power techniques
to do so. So we basically turn away from, remove our energy from, and
our consciousness from, and therefore stop feeding, any so-called root
causes of so-called money issues, which may be issues of do we really
deserve money and things of this nature; is it OK to have money? We
don't have to go there. So we save ourselves a whole lot of time and
energy by focusing on what is it that we want, how has it been shown this
can be created, and then that's the direction we move in. That's where we
put all of our energy.

Cyndi: I understand. Thanks, James. We're going to move onto the

second question. It comes from Carl in, looks like, in California, and he
asks what specific exercises such as meditation or the simple way of
saying or talking about money should we use?

James: OK, again, it's individual of course. There are many techniques
that I teach for attracting money, for creating the subconscious belief
required to bring the amounts of money we want to us. Again, affirmation,
one of my favorites, very simple technique to use. And another one that
I've mentioned is visualization. Visualization is basically creating, within
our minds, images of the things that we would like to bring about. And for
our purposes, those are financial-related things, money-related things.
You know, money itself, bank statements, you can visualize. You can
visualize the things that the money can bring you because most people
have not just dollar figures in their mind—if they're lucky they have dollar
figures—but the things that they think the dollars are going to bring to
them. There are so many. Speaking As If is another one. It's the “speak as
if” technique and it’s basically this: we always want to speak—and that’s
any time we open our mouths, and it has anything to do with money or the
economy or anything else—we want to speak as if those things that we
want to be true about money are now or will be true. Because any time we
speak we are basically affirming in a sense and we are visualizing in a
sense because we’re giving rise to certain images within our mind with the
words we speak. We are directly affecting our belief associated with our
ability and likelihood of attracting money and all of this goes into making
up what I call the “money mindset.” The money mindset is basically all of
our thoughts, feelings, and images having anything whatsoever to do with
money. Whether that’s our own money, other people’s money, the
government, the economy--we want our money mindset to be of a positive
nature and therefore we want to think and feel and create images that are
positive or at the very least neutral if they have anything at all to do with
money. So these are some of the techniques or exercises, we could term
them, that we continually try to live in. You see, it becomes a mindset and
as we learn more about mind power and about manifesting, attracting
money with mind power, we cut… the lines in between the different
techniques or principles start to blur, because we see how everything is
connected and everything affects everything else. So again, affirmation,
visualization, speaking as if, acting as if, making sure that all of our
thoughts and feelings and the images that we give rise to either directly or
indirectly, purposely or not purposely, within our mind are of a positive
nature and leading us towards the financial reality that we’re trying to
create. And that is an ongoing, moment-to-moment, process. So people
ask, “Give me an exercise” or “Give me a technique.” Well, fine. We can
do that. There’re lots of them. But what I really want people to know is this
is a way of life. This is a way of thinking. This is something that goes on all
day long in your mind. It’s not something that you stop for 15 minutes and
do some mind power work. You do it all the time, basically.

Cyndi: I’m just reading the questions that come in and before we get too
far away from it, Alan is interested in hearing an example of an affirmation.

James: Of an affirmation?

Cyndi: If we could just go back there for a second.

James: OK. My favorite example has to be one that people who have
been following me for a while have heard before, but I know we have a lot
of new listeners today. And that is, when I was $10,000 in credit-card debt
and I was making very little money, so I was actually--in a part time job--I
was actually living off of the cards and…

Cyndi: Yeah. I know what that feels like.

James: Right. A lot of people do, especially now. So I was supplementing

my income with the cards and I was also paying the cards—borrowing
money to pay the cards each month and then, you know, trying to keep
with the lowest, every month you get offers for zero percent or 1%.

Cyndi: Moving it around…

James: Right. So I said, “Well, OK. I understand these…” You know, I’ve
studied this stuff for many years but I haven’t always specifically applied it
to money, just like most people haven’t, which is why I ended up writing
this book. And I said, “Well what is it that I really want and how can I get
it? I know all these techniques. I know the principles. I know how my mind
works. I know how the universe works. So I’ve got to get out of this debt.
It’s killing me. It’s getting larger each month and if I lose my cards, I’m
really out of luck because then I don’t know how to survive when I get in
these situations.” So I came up with this affirmation. Here’s the example.
“All of my credit cards are completely paid off.” That was it. It was very
succinct, to the point. It didn’t mention numbers. It didn’t mention how my
cards got paid off, when they would be paid off. They are paid off. All of
my credit cards are completely paid off, and I did that affirmation every
day—when I woke up, when I went to sleep, when I was riding my bicycle
to my job. I wrote it down certain times. I did it out loud. I did it in my mind
—constantly. People ask me, “How often do you do affirmations?” Well,
how time sensitive is this issue? How important is it to you? How crucial is
it that you get it done sooner than later?
Cyndi: It’s a matter of changing your whole thought process.

James: Exactly, and really focusing it like a laser and consistently keeping
that laser on a certain point or result. And it took about four to six weeks.
Now this is at a time when $10,000 seemed like $100,000.

Cyndi: So you were able to pay all of that off in six weeks?

James: It was about four to six weeks. Someone came into my life that I
hadn’t seen for a long time; years. I hadn’t really known that well and
really knew them through someone else, had only met them once, maybe
twice before; at least twice before I think. The subject of the debt came up.
This person had just come into a whole lot of money like the day before
and they wrote me a check for $10,000 on the spot, as a gift.

Cyndi: Wow.

James: They just wrote me a check for $10,000. And I’m convinced, as
you can imagine, that would not have happened had I not been doing that
affirmation and fully brought myself to believe that all of my credit cards
are completely paid off. So that is an example from my own personal life
of how simple an affirmation can be with no—there was no way I could
imagine how it could happen. I mean, I couldn’t even fathom and come up
with scenarios of how it could happen at that time because everything was
going in the opposite direction. I knew the technique. I did it. I believed. I
was steadfast. And I got my results in a short amount of time.

Cyndi: That’s just phenomenal, and I think I want to move right into the
next question because I got to imagine that it was a little scary being in
that kind of debt and not having money come in. So to me the next
question is very much related and it comes from Maureen in—forgive me if
I pronounce this wrong—Pietermaritzburg. She asks, “When finances are
really low and you are feeling very shaky about your money situation, how
do you keep focused on abundance?”

James: I just gave a good example, I think.

Cyndi: Yes you did.

James: There are so, so many ways. You know, an affirmation—a key
affirmation that is the opposite of what it is you’re trying to stay focused

Cyndi: So James, do you think just repeating that affirmation over and
over and over again will counteract that shaky feeling? Or has that been
your experience?

James: Well yes, but you have to remember when you are doing an
affirmation, you’re not just doing an affirmation. You’re giving rise to
images within your mind having to go along with that affirmation. That
can’t be helped because our mind thinks in images all the time, and our
subconscious mind. You are speaking as if, in a sense. You are building
your desire to have this thing because you are starting to believe that it’s
true and you actually come to expect that this is going to work, otherwise
you wouldn’t keep doing it. So what I’m giving you an example of here is
that you can pick any of these techniques--and like I said, I just did this
one--but if you really look beneath the surface, I was doing so many other
things as a direct result, although I didn’t have to do those techniques or
work on my beliefs specifically or work on increasing my desire and
building up that emotional charge and all of that. I didn’t have to do any of
that because I did the one technique. So what I would say to this person is
that there’s many ways. There’s many ways but you have to do it. You
see? I’ve been in worse situations than the one I just recounted, and you
don’t think about that. You turn away from that. You put all of your positive
focus and energy towards what you want to create because that’s where
all of the creative force of your mind, your subconscious mind, the
universe, that’s what you’re putting it on. People a lot of times they feel
like they have to do something about what they’re trying to not have or
they have to, “How do I stop being negative?” Well you start being
positive. It really is as simple as that.

Cyndi: That whole, you know you can’t have darkness if you turn on a light

James: Exactly. Exactly. You know the darkness is not… It’s a lack of
something. It has no substance. It’s not real. When we turn on the light we
learn that. So what I’m saying is, let’s turn on the lights in our minds.
What’s real is abundance, that the universe is always trying to bring our
good to us, that we were born with the ability to draw to ourselves all we
need to not only survive but to thrive. Anything else is an illusion that we
are feeding by our fear and by our lack of belief—our fear of what we don’t
want and our lack of belief that we can have what we do want. So the
short answer is apply the metaphysical and mind power techniques that
have been shown to bring you what you need and stop obsessing over
what you don't have.

Cyndi: I think just from listening and everything I know, the keyword that I
think you just used, was “apply.” You’ve got to actually do it, not just read
about it.

James: Exactly. Exactly. And remember every moment that you’re

thinking and being afraid and obsessing over what you don't want to be is
energy taken way from what you could be creating. Not only that, it’s tying
you more firmly to the thing you’re trying to get away from.

Cyndi: I understand. Ready for the next question?

James: Ready.

Cyndi: This comes from Gabriella in Budapest, and she asks, "How can I
overcome that big blurry thing which holds me back from achieving any of
my dreams, and I don't even know what it is and how I should call it.”

James: Well, doesn't this go back to a few questions ago where we were
talking about root causes, or eliminating root causes, something like that?
Because here we have this dark, shadowy, unknown—this thing, this
blurry thing that is keeping me from achieving what I want. And I don't
even know what it is. And how can I fight something that I don't know what
it is? The thing is, whatever it is, if it’s anything at all—you know like when
you’re a kid in bed and you think you see a shadow of some guy standing
in the corner and you turn on the light and he’s not there? A lot of times in
something like this, whatever you think it is, it’s not even there. It is a
shadow. It has no substance. So, basically the answer is the same. It
doesn't matter what it is, if it’s anything at all—apply the metaphysical and
mind-power techniques, that have been shown and proven over
thousands of years of human history, to bring you the money you want.
And if you do that, it doesn't matter; the force of your mind in conjunction
with the universe and all minds, because we’re all attached, positively in a
focused way directing the creative force towards specific, material,
monetary results is so powerful that nothing can stop it. These other things
that are supposedly in our way do not have to be addressed directly.
That’s the thing I really, really, want to get through to people. We don't
fight anything. We don't resist anything. We don't feel that we are at the
effect of anything. We say what will be in our worlds financially and
otherwise and we—again—we move towards that paying little if any
attention to all of this shadowy stuff that we think is going to keep us from
that. It only has the power we give it, and if we withdraw our attention and
consciousness from it and put it towards what we want to create, then
that's what we’re going to create.

Cyndi: Wow, thank you. The next question, moving on, comes from Jana
in Estonia, and she asks, “I realize that it’s not the money I want but the
things or events I can get by using money. Wouldn't it be wiser to manifest
the things or events I want, though it seems that money is the quickest
way of energy exchange. Lots of love."

James: Wow, it seems like she kind of almost answered her own question,
at the end, where she said that it was the easiest way to exchange energy
or whatever—money. Money is the quickest way of energy exchange. It is
the best way we have for large numbers of people to exchange goods and
services on an ongoing basis. If there’s a better system, we haven't
discovered it, and we know that for instance barter—which has a lot of
good points to it in itself—will not work on the scale that we need it to
work, and in the variety of certain situations—goods and services that we
need it to work. But you could say that it’s not better or worse—“Isn’t there
a better way?“ If you had to say one is better than the other, then you
might want to say that yes, money is the ideal medium for exchanging
energy, for exchanging goods and services. And people say they don't
really want the money, they want what they create with the money. OK
they want a car, they want a house, they want clothes, and this and that.
Well, fine. I can use metaphysical technique to create my ideal car and to
create my ideal home and the clothes I need and sometimes these things
come around the money process. Things come to you. People think, well I
can’t do this because I don't have the money. Well, you can directly create
those things and they can come to you in ways that don't involve money.
But that requires a lot of energy. Every little thing you need, you want to
try to create it individually, and separately, especially with larger items like
cars and houses and things? Doesn't it make more sense, or at least it
does to me, to take the energy that you would be applying to all of these
different things that you’re trying to get by going around the money
process and put it on income levels or net worth levels that are large
enough to encompass and take care of all of those. Then, you have
focused your mind even more laser like on specific monetary ends.
Teachers teach visualization and things like this of how to create the ideal
car and this and that, and they have you—you know, the model and the
number, and smell the leather, and exactly what you want. But guess
what: If you have enough money, you don't have to do any of that, do
you? You just go online and look at the cars, you go to the lots, you look,
you pick out what you want and you walk away. You buy two of them if
you want to, you see?

Cyndi: This feels very different than what they taught, like in the movie
The Secret, because I think they went—like you said, they went out of
their way to say don't focus on the money, focus on what it is you want.

James: Right. And I hear that a lot. I've read that a lot. But, golly, over the
years, just so many people have come to my attention and have
addressed me directly that, “I know all of these things and I use these
techniques and I have a great home and I love my family and I have this
great life I’ve created, but…” And the ‘but’ is always money. The ‘but’ is no
one’s happy with how much money they have. The ‘but’ is people still
feeling lack with money. So I have taken all of that and I have gone
against some of the conventional wisdom and said listen, why does
everybody have such negative connotations? Why are we trying to avoid
money? Why are we trying to do everything around money? Why are we
trying to find a way to have everything we want but not put our minds on
the money it will take to get it? To me, it’s a much more direct route. It
works. It’s been shown to work over and over. And books like Think and
Grow Rich, for instance, which is one of the best known books having to
do with the mind power/money connection, teaches to go directly for the
money, to come up with money goals, to decide on specific amounts. So,
I'm not saying that any of these other ways are right or wrong or that this
way is better, but this way does work. And it helps us to get rid of a lot of
the negative feelings and emotions and confusion that we have regarding
money. Money is actually easier to get than lots of these other things we
want to get with money, because it’s not even real. It’s an idea. It’s
numbers on a computer screen, you know, additions in our bank account.
It can be created out of thin air overnight, where a mansion can’t be. But
the money to purchase that mansion can be.

Cyndi: Cool. Next question comes from Newestminster from Col, and the
question is what is the best way to get rid of poverty thinking?

James: We’ve talked about, we’ve touched on, that a little already. We
don’t do anything. We do not do anything about the poverty thinking. We
don’t have to get rid of the poverty thinking. It’s something we’re doing.
We have to replace it with something else. In this case, we would replace
what we’re trying to not have, poverty thinking, with what we want to have,
abundance thinking. As soon as we start thinking abundance and
possibilities, we’re not thinking poverty and lack of possibilities. When we
think abundance, we’re not thinking lack. We’re not thinking both at the
same time. So, there’s nothing we need to do directly to your poverty
thinking. Again, don’t resist it. Don’t feel regret about it. Don’t be guilty
about it. Don’t think you have to fight it. You don’t have to do anything. All
you have to do is do an about face and think in a way that is diametrically
opposed to that way and that way will die of it’s own dead weight.
Cyndi: Terrific. Makes sense to me. The next question comes from Rosa
in Venezuela and she asks, “Why is it easier for me to attract small
amounts of money than to create a lot of money?”

James: Well, we could just as easily ask, perhaps, why is it easier to earn
small amounts? Forget mind power. Forget attracting. Why is it easier to
earn small amounts of money than it is larger amounts of money? Or why
is it easier to dig a two-foot by two-foot hole than it is to, say, dig a
foundation hole for a skyscraper? Because it requires more work. It
requires more energy. And the big one, when it has to come to do with
attracting money, is that it requires more belief. It requires more
expectancy. It requires more desire. It requires more application of
metaphysical technique and mind power techniques than it does the larger
amounts over, say, the smaller amounts. And a big part is it’s easy for
people to—they already believe they can have little amounts of money.
They’ve been doing it since they were kids. Kids have money in their
pockets. But the larger amounts is where we run into the mental blocks of
lack of belief, lack of expectancy, and all of these things. You know, I can
go out and I go for walks usually an hour, sometimes an hour and a half
around town, and I find money. And on those days when I really want to
do it, I find myself going down streets that I usually don’t go down. I find
myself crossing streets in the middle of the block where I don’t usually
cross, and there’ll be money on the other side. Some days I get so excited
and so in it, in the moment, that I’ll come home with, you know, 37 cents.
Two or three pennies here, a quarter there, a dime there. And I’ll just find
money, five different times in an hour, in places I usually don’t walk,
because I tune into it. So we can tune our minds to what we want, but it
requires more effort and it requires more application of the techniques.
That’s why it’s so much easier to attract small amounts of money over
large amounts of money.
Cyndi: Fun. It sounds like a lot of fun. The next question comes from
Grace in Virginia. And she says, “I am researching and experimenting for
the best ways to energize my thought forms or visualizations. What do you

James: The word, by the way, “thought forms” is a very interesting word
and concept because it kind of hints and points us to the realization that
when we visualize, when we create images, we are creating thought
forms. These things are actually real. They have substance, even though
they are in a different vibration than material things. So I love that term,
thought forms. But one way to energize your thought forms, your
visualizations, and a key way, is to increase the intensity of the emotions
or feelings that you have concurrent with them or that you feel and nurture
while you’re having them. Also you can--like when I visualize, sometimes I
will do related affirmations at the same time; and also, repetition of the
visualization. Some people want to visualize and they do it for five minutes
a day. Well, maybe that’s not enough, especially if you’re trying to create
millions of dollars. So the subconscious mind is powerless against the
repeated suggestion. That’s what all advertisers know. That’s what people
who want to take over and influence the minds of masses, whether it’s a
country or whatever, know. This is what they know, that if you say
something often enough, it’s going to be believed, it’s going to be
accepted as being true. So with visualization, add other techniques to it:
affirmation, speaking as if; increase the intensity of the emotion, the
feeling, and the desire. You whip all of this up into a white heat while
you’re doing your visualizations. And that is how we increase the intensity,
and that’s how we can cause, for instance, our thought forms to come into
manifestation much more quickly. That’s how we can help to cause our
visualizations to become our reality and our day-to-day circumstances so
much more quickly.
Cyndi: Terrific. Next, we’ve got two people that wrote in asking about
expectancy. Danny from Toronto wants to know how you increase your
ability to expect more when your mind tells you that what you would like to
expect is not realistic. And Rosemary from Portsmouth asks, “If I’m not
completely clear about what I want, do you have any strategies for helping
me raise my expectations?”

James: OK, expectancy, a very important concept to understand. The first

thing I would say to Danny is this thing about your mind is telling you it’s
not realistic. Well, OK. It’s a good idea to make sure that it is realistic, first
of all. In other words, we can look at reality and say, “Is it really reality?”
We can create basically anything, but are you going to be the richest man
in the world a month from now when you can’t even pay your electric bill
on your studio apartment? So we absolutely can go beyond what’s
realistic. But, so many people discount or don’t give enough credit to what
is realistic and what they can create. You know, this still amazes me. I
give public talks, and one question I’ve come to get in the habit of asking
is “How many people in this room, by a show of hands, think that they
could be multi-millionaires, say a few days from now—OK let’s say a week
from now? How many people in this room feel that it’s possible, that it’s
doable, that they could be multimillionaires within a few weeks?” Now the
first time I ever asked this question, and especially in a lecture of the sort
that I was giving, I expected most hands to go up. Only a couple of hands
go up. Only a very tiny percentage, and that’s every single time. It’s only a
tiny percentage. And then I ask, “How many people in this room, by a
show of hands, buy lotto tickets or lottery tickets?” And all these hands go
up! All these hands go up. A huge percentage—more than half
sometimes. What I tell them is, “Well, everyone whose hand’s up right
now, you’re wasting your money.” And the others I say, “Keep buying
those lottery tickets.” Because here you are buying a lottery ticket. You’re
spending a dollar. You consciously know that you can win 10, 20, 30, a
hundred million dollars this Saturday or this Wednesday or whatever. Yet
when someone asks you, “Can you conceive in the furthest reaches of
your mind that you can be a multi-millionaire a week from now?” You don’t
see it. You don’t believe you can, you see? So we can expect what we
create and what we cultivate our expectation to be. And as in that
example, most people in that room who are buying lottery tickets were
expecting so much less than what was realistic for them to expect. They
should have been expecting that, yeah, conceivably they could be
multimillionaires. Now the second question was about strategies to help
raise expectations and that, again, speaks to everything we’ve been
talking about. These metaphysical techniques for attracting money with
mind power are the techniques. This is the process of raising our
expectations. When we raise our desire, when we increase our desire, we
do more of the mind work it takes to start to increase our belief. Our belief
can be on a subconscious level. It can be on a conscious level of what we
think we can convince our subconscious minds is already true or our own
minds. But when we come to expect something, we cross basically a
magic invisible line in the sand because when we come to expect,
expectancy is belief, but it’s belief that something will be. And when we
come to expect that something is, then we start to apply so many other
mind power techniques without even knowing it, such as speaking as if it
will and acting as if it will. If you think you’re going to get X amount of
money, you’re going to start thinking already, “OK, where am I going to put
this? Do I need to open up another account?” So again, it all works
together. And one of the key things we’re doing along with increasing our
desire and belief and improving the positiveness and the nature of the
vibrations of our money mindset is increasing our ability to expect and
bringing our level of expectation ever closer and closer to what it is we
would like to create.
Cyndi: Very nice. Thanks, James. One thing, I think you probably said it
but I missed it so I’m going to ask again. You were talking about the acting
as if, are you saying that comes from the expectation? Or did you also
state—or maybe I heard it—if you act as if, will that increase your
expectation? Does it go in both directions?

James: It does. That’s one of the beautiful things about this process the
way I teach it, is that if you look at it—when you really look at any one of
the things and try to dissect them and break them down—they all feed
each other, they all feed off of each other, and they all go both ways. So if
you, for instance, start acting as if you’re going to have more money or
you’re going to get that raise you want or increase your income or
whatever, you are convincing your subconscious mind and the universe
that this thing is going to come about because obviously if it wasn’t, you
wouldn’t be acting as if. If you are truly coming to expect first and you’re a
little bit ahead on that avenue, then when we expect things we act as if
they’re going to come about because we are assuming that they’re going
to come about. It’s the same, for instance, with organization. It’s another
chapter in the book. Once we start organizing—I teach people to organize
their home, their environment, their affairs in ways that will help them
attract money—but when we do this and we start organizing, it helps us to
organize our thoughts, also. But on the other hand, we can also first start
to organize our thoughts and if we do that, we will automatically see and
find that we are organizing our environment to fit that. So all of this is such
a beautiful dance of energy, but it all feeds each other. It all goes back and
forth, and it doesn’t matter, most times, what comes first, the chicken or
the egg. Because it’s all heading in the same way, and it’s all working
together as one seamless whole of a process as opposed to dozens of
individual techniques.
Cyndi: Thank you for that. We should probably move on to the next
question because there’s a lot more questions than time right now. The
next question comes from Velma in Ramsey, and this question is, “I
usually think that as soon as I received some money, something will
happen which causes me to use that money to fix it. How does one stay
positive when it seems as if that issue follows money?”

James: Right, and why does that issue follow money for this individual?
People think, “Well, I’m saying this and I’m thinking this because this is
how it happens.” I’ve seen it over and over, but what they don’t realize is
that an understanding of mind power and how attraction and manifestation
work is that to a degree it happens because that’s the way we think about
it. So we should really stay positive, period. We should know that there will
always be enough, that we don’t have needs that aren’t supplied, and that
if these things do come about, we don’t look at them as some kind of a
voodoo—“Oh, I’ve got more money: now I’ve got to pay this money out”—
because we’re creating more of that. But let’s face it: Cars do break down,
you know? Things need to be replaced in the plumbing or whatever. A
really important thing here is to not resist those things. Don’t resent those
things. Everybody wants to fight and stop money from going out, and all of
that is energy away from creating money coming in. So let’s, again, put
our focus in the proper direction, and if you have enough money it won’t
matter if the car breaks down and if a pipe bursts because you have the
money to handle it. So let’s get our priorities straight. Again, let’s turn
away from the negative and keep the positive clearly as our focus of

Cyndi: Yeah. Thanks, James. I often say, “Thank God I have that money.”

James: Right.
Cyndi: If it had happened last week, I would have been in trouble.

James: Right.

Cyndi: OK. Cheryl in London asks, “In a lot of law of attraction materials
we are told to act as if we already have what we are trying to manifest.
How do I do this in the case of money? Surely we’re not being encouraged
to spend money we don’t have or to lie about our situation.”

James: Surely, we are not. We are not being told, and I’m certainly not
proposing, that people spend money that they don’t have—if they really
don’t have it, you see. So we’re talking about “acting as if”, which is
another specific principle in metaphysics and mind power, that we want to
act as if the thing that we want is already true. Now I see people, like I
remember one time I was in the farmer’s market type of a place, and I was
buying some avocados. A lady came and stood next to me and picked up
an avocado. She looked up at the price, and who knows what it was?
Maybe it was $1.50. I don’t know at the time. She says, “Oh, I can’t afford
that.” She said that and she walked away from the avocados. I turned and
looked at her. She was very well dressed, nice shoes, a beautiful bag. Her
hair was all done up, and I’ll bet you she had a nice car outside. It was not
true that she could not afford that avocado. That’s a lie. That’s a lie she’s
telling herself. So I’m advocating in the act as if technique that people act
as if they have enough and will have enough. And if that means buying an
avocado or buying a sweater that you want or updating your wardrobe for
work or whatever, we need to do that. But in a way—if we have the money
—but in a way that doesn’t, you know, we’re doing it to counteract the
fear. If you spend money and now you’re afraid you’re not going to have
enough later, because usually that’s why people don’t act as if, especially
with money—they think, “Well, if I spend this, I might need it later and I
won’t have it.” They have no faith in new money coming in. But again, as
we act as if, we increase our expectancy. It’s part of the process of
attracting the money itself. That’s why acting as if is important. In
economic times like these, of course, we should do so with a clear mind
and very responsibly. But still, it is an important, valid, metaphysical
technique that should not be overlooked.

Cyndi: Right. Just clearly because I’m watching, and a question came in
from Estera—I hope I pronounced that right—in Croatia. And what if that
woman who was looking at the avocado literally didn’t have enough
money in her pocket to pay for that avocado?

James: Then she shouldn’t buy it.

Cyndi: Right. But how does she act as if?

James: Then it’s very clear.

Cyndi: How would she act as if in that moment that she…

James: She doesn’t have the money. She clearly doesn’t have it. But in
that case, it clearly was not true and in most cases where people say they
can’t afford… obviously, they can’t afford a six-bedroom house if they’re
living in a one-bedroom apartment. Yeah, “I can’t afford that house.” Well,
that may be true at that moment. But we all know people… they say, “Oh,
I can’t afford this. I can’t afford that.” I just called 7-Eleven today because
somebody had brought something up about they can’t afford this and that.
I called up, and you know what I asked them? How much is a pack of
cigarettes? And I was shocked—because I don’t smoke and I don’t know
—it’s over $6 a pack. And people that smoke cigarettes at $6 a pack will
tell you that they can’t afford something that costs $10. You see? In
remote villages around the world, people really don’t have any money. But
in this society, more times than not—it has been my experience—that
when someone says, “I cannot afford that” it’s simply not a true statement.
They could afford it if they really wanted to have it.

Cyndi: Fair enough. I’ve got another question that came in, before I get
back to some of the older ones. Madelyn in Rockville. She was interested,
she said, “Hi, James. Now that you have mastered this technique of
attracting money, do you yourself still need to use affirmations every day?”
I think it’s a great question.

James: Right, and it is. But I wouldn’t say that I have mastered it. I would
say that I am proficient at it, and I’m always looking to make new
distinctions. I’m always improving my technique. I’m always getting better
at it therefore presumably and in reality attracting more money and making
my financial life a better one. But do I always have to do it? No. Do I
always do it? Not necessarily, because there is a place beyond technique
—there really is—where you come into this mindset where you don't have
to do any of all of these things, because you are it. In other words, your life
is an affirmation. Every thought you think is an affirmation of what you're
creating because that's what your mind is on. So for the average person, I
would say, if you're on shaky ground, if you don't really have good
technique, if you're not getting the results you want, if you're having
financial “problems”, then probably affirmations everyday is a good idea,
especially for the most time-sensitive and crucial matters to you. But I do
want people to know that at some point—and I break into it at intervals—
there's a place beyond technique. And it's a place where you just know
that you are the process, and therefore you don't have to do the process
any more. But how do you get there? By doing the process and by doing
the heck out of it, day after day after day, week after week, months, years.
Then you can start to get to where you can literally have periods of time
where you don't need to do anything but be.
Cyndi: The way you describe it makes me think of a child learning how to

James: Right. Exactly, exactly. Or driving. If you think about how hard it is
in the beginning and we have to think of every little thing and do each
thing separately. Then later, it's natural. It's one seamless thing we do.
See, now we walk. Before, the child had to, you know, the balance and the
left and the right and it was unconscious, but it was every little thing. The
driving is the same. But we can get to a point where just as a natural
outcome of who and what we’ve created ourselves to be, everything
comes into alignment without a lot of specific, conscious mind, thought
and technique involved.

Cyndi: Terrific. I can't believe we're getting very close to the hour. Let's
see how many more of these questions we can get through. Debby in
Australia states, "How can I feel good, joyful, emotions to raise my
vibration? I can remember some events that are recalled as happy, but I
cannot attach a feeling to them. I am contentedly alone so do not have to
experience emotions much in my life."

James: Well, desire is one of the most powerful human emotions. In some
form, desire motivates everything we do, and that's why I say it's one of
the most powerful human emotions. So if a person in this situation were to
dwell on the positive, abundant, future that they are trying to create and
feel the feelings as if it is happening now and also to do pleasant things... I
mean, no one is devoid of desire. We either mildly or to a greater degree
like or don't like, enjoy or don't enjoy, find pleasant or unpleasant certain
things. Do more of the things that you find pleasant. If it's walking out in
nature or whatever it is. So build your desire and your belief and work
these principles, which is all positive energy, and it will make you feel
good, and then also do things that make you feel good, whether it's
working in your garden or whatever.

Cyndi: Very good. Kathleen in Arizona states, "I'd like to attract, expect
and receive all the back child support my ex-husband owes, which is now
$32,000. Is this a possibility or is this too clear of an exact objective?"

James: It's not too clear of an exact objective in and of itself, but I think
what might be going on here is that she's resisting the fact and regretting
the fact and feeling loss, that she's been taken advantage of or that
something is due her. This is all negative energy, negative emotions. It
drives money away from you. This is not the process of attracting more,
it's the process of creating more of what it is you don't like, which is that
bill getting bigger and the person owing you more and more. You can use
these mind power techniques to create any amount of money you want.
$32,000, $1,000,000, but we do it in such a way that it is not source-
specific. We're not saying it has to come from here or there. So I would
advise letting go of, and stop resisting, the non-payment of that. Work on
creating, bringing in, larger amounts than that, and then if that is part of
the process and some of it comes through that source—and she might be
quite surprised by how this can work, because I've seen it in other
examples, legal matters and things—then that's a bonus. Create the
money you need, don't worry about where it's coming from, even when
people owe you money. Stay positive and don't have any regrets or
resentments towards people in situations like this.

Cyndi: Sounds like good advice. Dori in Texas wants to know if she can
use mind power to attract winning a lottery.

James: You can, but I would say don't do it directly. Again, don't create, "I
have $10 million dollars and I won it in a lottery." Create the amounts of
money you want, but not how you got it. There was a book years ago that
I read, it was called "The Luck of the Draw". It was all about lottery
winners. They were from all backgrounds. This writer studied them all and
interviewed them. Religious, educational, economic backgrounds. The one
thing he found that they all seemed to have in common is that at some
point in the interviewing process they divulged that, "You know, I just
always kind of felt like I would win." So that is mind power. The feeling, the
knowing, the belief, no matter how it was created. So can mind power help
you attract a win in the lottery? It definitely can, but the lottery should not
be the way you determine how your money has to come from. Use the
techniques to create the money, allow it to come in any way it does, in any
way the universe sees fit to bring it to you. If the lottery is one of those
ways, all the better.

Cyndi: OK. The same Estera in Croatia, she wants to ask her question
again. I'm going to read what she wrote here. She has to say, "I have to
repeat the question. What if we really don't have any money? We literally
live off somebody else. What then? How do we act as if? This is an
important question. So please can you give an example?"

James: OK. Literally, if they mean no money, they don't have one nickel in
their pocket, which is so rare. The only people I…

Cyndi: Well, it sounds like somebody else controls all of her access.

James: But in a sense like that, people do actually get money from that
person. Like maybe the person has to give them money to go buy a pack
of gum, but they do give them the money. The reason I say is because it's
very hard to increase something we don't have. If a person is controlling
us financially and they hand us a dollar to go do something with, that
dollar is now ours, you see? The only people I have met really that don't
have any money at all are basically infants and developmentally-disabled
people or whatever. But most people that say they don't have any really
do have some and that's what they should build on. But still, these
techniques work just the same. Let's stop affirming we don't have any.
Let's figure out how we can get some. Do we have two hands? Can we do
something for someone? Can we wash a neighbor's window? Is there
anything at all that we are physically capable of to start getting some
money? Can we go for a walk? I go for walks, I'll come home with five
cents, a dime, 37 cents, sometimes I find a dollar. That's money.

Cyndi: You pretty much start where you are.

James: You start where you are and you move forward and these
techniques work. That person can go for a walk today and find some
money. I do it all the time and that's how we start the process. The
techniques work, they don't…

Cyndi: So, expect to find the dollar, or even the fifty cents and once you
have that fifty cents in your hand, expect it to double.

James: Right. And don't be negative about the fact that someone else is
taking care of you. Think positively, "Oh look, all my needs are met. I have
a roof, I have food, I have everything else. OK, now I want some of my
own money, and now how can I do that?" Then study these principles, put
them to use and they will work.

Cyndi: Well that sounds like good advice. Not always easy if our mind is
moving in a different direction, but important, invaluable and powerful. So
there are a few more questions here. Should we spend a few minutes and
go through them, though we've gotten past our time, or should we take
this moment to sum up?
James: I am open either way. Whatever you want to do is good with me.

Cyndi: Let's just take one or two more of these if that's OK, and we'll go
through them pretty quickly, or whatever we can do in the next four
minutes. Then I'll give you a minute or so to summarize and we'll open the
lines so anyone left can say thank you. Valerie wants to know how to
motivate, inspire and better support her downline in an MLM company.
She states that they all have negative money blueprints that are stopping
them from moving forward successfully. We all have to deal with other
people, right? So it would be interesting to know what you think of that.

James: Right.

Cyndi: She is also talking about that she knows they’re dealing with past-
life karma, ancestral, and this-life beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

James: Right. You know, a lot of how we deal with other people is the
same way we deal with ourselves. Really, you can look at them as
extensions of yourself. But as far as negative blueprints and all of that, the
advice is the same. You help people to turn away from the negative to
create the positive. When it comes to past life and karma and ancestral
and this life and childhood and all of that, those things, again, they don’t
matter because we can turn away from those. Yes, you can spend years
trying to figure all those things out, or you can just move in the direction
that you want to. When dealing with other people, you want to help to
instill the desire in them for more money, help instill in them the belief that
they can do it, and share materials such as this information we’re talking
about and the articles and different things that teach them specific
techniques of how they can attract money. And then if your multilevel
marketing business or whatever is a good vehicle for them, then show
them how they can use that business as a vehicle to get these things. But
again, we always move towards the positive.

Cyndi: OK. Glen from Massachusetts writes in that he went from earning
six figures for 15 years to becoming unemployed and without income for
the past three and a half years. He says his savings and retirement money
are gone. He’s gone from having money in the bank and no debt to now
having no money, a half a dozen credit cards maxed out, and the equity in
his home nearly gone. Glen wants to know if there are any tools,
meditations, or anything else that will help him keep his mind focused in a
positive direction that will assist him in getting his income to flow again.
He’s also wondering how he as an entrepreneur now can get around the
feeling that he’s taking money from others when he collects money from
them. That’s a question that I’ve seen from other people coming through.
He says he feels he is making people poorer when they pay him.

James: Right. As far as the specific techniques and things to turn this
around, it really is all of the same things that we’ve been talking about.
The key that you brought up is really application. We have to apply what
we learn, and there are so many techniques for applying mind power to
the specific task of attracting money. We need to do it all the time,
especially in situations like this where things have gone from so good to
so bad and they’re getting worse. That should be motivation enough. You
know, positive thinking is not an hour a day. It’s not three hours a day, six
hours a day. We do this. We apply these techniques all of our waking
hours to the best of our ability. And when we notice we’re not doing it, we
get back on track because it’s that important. We’re talking about our and
our family’s survival. People should understand that money comes in and
money goes out. It’s a natural thing. By feeling that we’re taking money
from people and this and that, we are setting up blocks to money coming
to us. We have to look at this in a completely different way. Don’t look at
what you’re taking from them. They are giving to you. They are in
abundance. These people are able to pay for something they want. And
actually by them paying you, it’s helping them to draw in more because
money goes in and money comes out. It has to flow. Stagnant money
becomes stagnant—not going out and not coming in either. Look at it as
you are enriching the people. Look at the positive. Look at what you’re
giving. You’re giving these people, and adding to them, in some way,
something positive through your products and services. They in return,
you are allowing them to reciprocate with paying you money which will
enrich your life. Look at this thing as a positive. It’s not a negative. If you
look at it as a negative, then again you’re going to cut off the flow of
money to yourself.

Cyndi: Very good! You know what, James? I think we’re going to stop
there with the questions. I don’t want to hold people up when we’ve told
them it’ll be about an hour. Do you have any final comments that you want
to make? And then I’ll turn this conference into interactive so we can at
least say thanks for everyone hanging out and listening.

James: Well, thank you for all of the great questions, is what I would say
to everyone, because it really helps. Any time one person has a question,
they’re not the only person that has that question. And that’s the great
thing about a format like this. The bottom line above anything that I’ve
already said really is probably just repeating myself to say that what I’m
proposing here is not a part-time thing. It’s not a hobby. It’s not a system
that we use sometimes, don’t use other times. It’s like when you are lifting
weights, you go to the gym. It’s only a few hours a week. The rest of the
time you’re not doing that. This you do, and you do it all the time. That’s
what I want people to know. This is a way of life. It’s a serious business.
The reason it has to be is because any time you’re not doing it, you’re
usually doing the opposite of it and therefore undermining what you do.
Whereas when you’re lifting weights and then in between you’re resting
and your body’s rebuilding, that’s a good thing. When you’re thinking
positive and in between you’re thinking negative about money, that’s not a
good thing. That’s tearing your financial circumstances down. So I would
tell people, get serious. This is doable. You can have all of the money you
want and need, but you need to do it. So apply what I’m teaching you to
do, and you will have the money you want to have. Believe it, and then get
busy creating it.

Cyndi: Terrific! Well, you’ve got me believing. Thank you so much, James.
I’m going to un-mute everybody, so whoever wants to say thanks to
James as well can do so. If your questions have not been answered,
please, by the end of the day into tomorrow morning a replay of this
teleconference will be on the site. In a few days we should even have a
transcript for it. But go ahead and visit, and ask
whatever questions you have that are still not answered. We’ll do what we
can to get James to answer them for you. OK, here we go.

Juanita: Hi, James?

James: Yes.

Juanita: Hi, my name is Juanita, and I just want to thank you so very, very
much. I did download your ebook, and I haven’t had a chance to go
through it yet. But I will and I just want to thank you and say God bless
you. And I just walked over to my computer, opened my inbox, and there
is an email that the subject line says, “You’ve got money.”

James: Well, how about that?

Juanita: Wait a minute. And I opened it up, and a friend of mine just sent
me $150 Paypal.

James: Wow!

Juanita: [laughs]

James: That’s wonderful. You know I hear…

Cyndi: Just for listening to this teleconference. There you go! Magic in

James: I’d like her to know quickly that I hear that story all the time. Even
before people get the book or read the book, money comes to them in that
way. It’s because they’ve opened up their mind. They started doing it even
before they consciously start doing it.

Juanita: Well, I’ve done affirmations many times in the past, but not in the
way that you’ve presented it. I just did it kind of hit or miss, but now I’m on
a mission. I can see where the affirmations do work if I do them.

James: Cool! That’s very wonderful. I’m excited for you definitely. Yeah.

Juanita: Thank you. I am, too. And thanks, Cyndi.

Cyndi: Thank you, Juanita. And thanks to everybody else that’s still here.
We really appreciate you staying with us. Have fun creating this money in
your life.

One of the listeners: They will.

Run time 1:08:49

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