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*Declutter, Neatness & Arranging*

DivineORDER - To clean, clear a mess, arrange in order

SQUARE - Neat, clean

Crab Apple - To de-clutter

Complete the work

CRACKERJACK - Perform and complete

DONE - Finish

BUZZ - Increase pace, complete the task fast

Clear obstacles, laziness and resistance

RUSH - Clear obstacles

OIL - Clear resistance

GUESS - Clear procrastination

GO - Clear laziness, go forward

Energized, motivation

BOO - Alert and Ready

CRISP - Rejuvenate

SECOND WIND - Revive interest, ready

BRUCE LEE - Motivation

DYNAMIC - Refresh, revitalize

MOVE - Increase energy, clear unwillingness

NOW - Act with a positive impulse

*To get a good maid*

PERFECT - Satisfactory

RAINBOW - Dream qualities

CHARM - Heart’s desire

FLOCK - A person who supports you

SWEET - Caring

INNOCENCE - Trustworthy

GET - To get

VOILÀ - Magically manifest

IMAGINE - Manifest, already there

*To retain the existing maid*

ANCHOR - Strongly fasten

Home - Defuse insecurity

STAY-ON - Remain

CONTINUE - Last long

SOMEHOW - Somehow

SHUT - Stop troubles

DECLARE - Make possible

*For the maid to obey you* ….

CROWD - Dispel, clear disobedience

BOW - Dispel, clear arrogance

WILLOW - Make flexible

Vine - Not a SW. A Bach flower remedy for clearing stubbornness

SHUT - Stop troubles

LIMIT - Regain control

TAKE - Become leader

WHISPER - Quiet, listen to what you are hearing

IMAGINE - Recreate circumstances

VOILÀ - achieve impossible

*Hurdles in life*

RUSH - Overpower obstacles

SURGE - Way through obstacles

ZOOM - Clear obstacles

OIL - Clear resistance

TRANSFORM - Progress

RELAY - Go forth

MOVE - Clear fatigue, clear inertness

XERO - Make disappear

EXTINCT - Terminate

INK - Permanency

SHUT - Stop troubles

*Lighten workload and be able to take more*

LIGHT - Reduce load

Bypass - Avoid unwanted situations

CANCEL - Clear unwanted circumstances

SHUT - Stop troubles

WHEELS - Increase capacity to take more load

SWARM - Handle many types of tasks

ENABLE - Able to

VOILÀ - Relief, achieve impossible

GUESS - Stop procrastinating

OIL - Clear resistance

MOVE - Clear inertness

GO - Clear laziness, go forward

DO - Clear procrastination

GRASS - Make use of yourself

FLASH - Prompt, move ahead fast

BUZZ - Move fast

*to energise yourself*

DAISY - Brighten the day

SHINE - Increase energy

CRISP - Refresh, Revitalize

DYNAMIC - Rejuvenate

BOO - Be Ready

SECOND WIND - Re-energize

BUBBLE - Excited, energized

*Clear issues & problems in daily life*

CRYSTAL - Clarify situation

Lemon Drop - Clear problems

SHUT - Stop troubles

DEACTIVATION - Make inactive

GONE - Remove

XERO - Make disappear

EXTINCT - Terminate

SOMEHOW - Somehow

VOILÀ - Relief, achieve impossible

INK - Permanency

*Finish work in less time and with ease*

DONE - Complete, finish

SWARM - Handle many types of tasks

WHEELS - Increase capacity of workload

FLASH - Move fast

MIRACLE - Surpass expectations

FINALLY - Clear delays

BUZZ - Move fast, complete the task efficiently

VOILÀ - Complete, achieve impossible

SHOULDER - Difficult task to simplify

EASE - Simplify

RUSH - Overpower obstacles, Move fast to clear a goal

SURGE - Way through obstacles

OIL - Clear resistance

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