Workshop Manual: J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, Ymca, Faridabad

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NAAC 'A' Grade Accredited State Govt. University




NAAC 'A' Grade Accredited State Govt. University
(Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No. 21 of 2009, Recognized by U.G.C. u/s 2 (f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956)


B.Tech (Third Semester)
Laboratory Manual

B. Tech All Semester

Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology,
YMCA, Faridabad
VISION of University

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology aspires to be a nationally and

internationally acclaimed leader in technical and higher education in all spheres
which transforms the life of students through integration of teaching, research and
character building.

MISSION of University

• To contribute to the development of science and technology by synthesizing

teaching, research and creative activities.
• To provide an enviable research environment and state-of-the-art
technological exposure to its scholars.
• To develop human potential to its fullest extent and make them emerge as
world class leaders in their professions and enthuse them towards their social
Department of Mechanical Engineering


To be a centre of excellence by producing high calibre, competent and self-

reliant mechanical engineers, who possess scientific temperament and would
engage in activities relevant to industries with ethical values and flair to research.


• To provide efficient engineers for global requirements by imparting quality

• To explore, create and develop innovations in various aspects of engineering
through industries and institutions.
• To emphasize on practical skills and socially relevant technology.

Program Educational Outcomes (PEO’S): B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering


To train students with practical skills and experimental practices related to core and applied areas

of mechanical engineering to expand their knowledge horizon beyond books.


To enable students to design, develop and maintain mechanical equipments which are useful for

the society.


To improve team building, team working and leadership skills of the students with high regard

for ethical values and social responsibilities.

PEO- 4:

To enable students to communicate effectively and demonstrate the knowledge of project

management and independent research.



PO Engineering Graduates will be able to:

Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

PO1 fundamentals, and mechanical engineering to the solution of engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review literature and analyze mechanical
PO2 engineering problems to design, conduct experiments, analyze data and interpret data.
Design /development of solutions: Design solution for mechanical engineering
PO3 problems and design system component of processes that meet the desired needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and
the environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and
PO4 research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions in mechanical engineering.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
PO5 modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to mechanical
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
PO6 assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to mechanical engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the mechanical engineering
PO7 solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and
need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
PO8 and norms of the mechanical engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function affectively as an individual, and as a member or
PO9 leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings in mechanical engineering.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
PO10 engineering committee and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write affective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations in
mechanical engineering.
Project Management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of the
PO11 mechanical engineering principles and management principles and apply these to one’s
own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
environments in mechanical engineering.
Life- long learning: Recognize the need for, and the preparation and ability to engage in
PO12 independent research and lifelong learning in the broadest contest of technological
changes in mechanical engineering.


PSO Engineering Graduates will be able to:

To empower the students to apply practical skills, knowledge in major streams such
as thermal, design, manufacturing and industrial engineering.

To enable the student to take-up career in industries or to pursue higher studies in

mechanical and interdisciplinary programs with high regard for ethical values,
environmental and social issues.
B.Tech I/II -Semester

No. of Credits: 2 Internal: 30Marks

L T P Total External: 70 Marks
0 0 4 4 Total : 100Marks
Duration of Exam: 3Hours

Course Outcomes (COs): After studying this course the students will be able to:

CO 1- Acquire skills on basic engineering materials and safety aspects.

CO 2- Understand the fundamental concept of various basic engineering practices namely
fitting, sheet metal, carpentry, pattern making and welding etc.
CO 3- Learn and use different marking & measuring instruments used in machine shop, fitting
shop, sheet metal shop, carpentry & pattern making shop etc.
CO 4- Practice real time job preparation using various operations related to fitting, sheet metal,
carpentry, welding & foundry etc.

List of Exercises:

Machine shop, fitting shop, sheet metal shop, carpentry & pattern making shop, welding
shop, foundry shop, forging (smith) shop and injection moulding shop.

Section (A): Machine Shop

1. To understand the layout, safety measures and fundamental concept of different

engineering materials used in the workshop.
2. To study and demonstrate the various parts, specifications & operations on lathe,
milling and shaping machine.
3. To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and determine the least
count of vernier calipers, vernier height gauges and micrometers.

Section (B): Fitting & Sheet Metal Shop

4. To study different types of tools, equipments, devices and machines used in fitting
5. To prepare a job involving filing, drilling, tapping and hacksaw cutting operations on
mild steel plate.
6. To study various types of sheet metal tools and prepare a simple sheet metal joint.

Section (C): Carpentry and Pattern Making Shop

7. To study various types of carpentry and pattern making tools and equipments.
8. To prepare a simple wooden joint (cross lap / Tee-lap/dovetail joint) using kail wood
in carpentry shop.
9. To prepare single piece pattern / split pattern using kail wood in pattern making shop.
Section (D): Welding Shop

10. To practice striking an arc and prepare straight short bead on given M.S plate in flat
position by arc welding.
11. To prepare straight continuous bead and re start of electrode in flat position by arc
welding on given M.S. plate as per size.
12. To practice tack weld & close butt joint in flat position by arc welding on given M.S.
plate as per size.

Section (E): Foundry, Forging (Smithy) & Injection Moulding shop

13. To study various types of foundry tools and prepare a mould cavity using single/split
pattern in moulding sand.
14. To study various types of forging / black smithy tools and prepare a ring or hook by
hand forging operation.
15. To study the working of injection molding machine and prepare a simple component
by injection moulding.

NOTE: - Total twelve exercises should be performed from the above list. At least two from
each section and remaining two may either be performed from above list or designed by
the concerned institution as per the scope of the syllabus and facilities available in institute.
Welding is the process of joining similar metals by the application of heat, with or
without application of pressure or filler metal, in such a way that the joint is equivalent in
composition and characteristics of the metals joined. In the beginning, welding was mainly used
for repairing all kinds of worn or damaged parts. Now, it is extensively used in manufacturing
industry, construction industry (construction of ships, tanks, locomotives and automobiles) and
maintenance work, replacing riveting and bolting, to a greater extent.
The various welding processes are:

Methods of welding
There are two methods by which welding is performed
1. Plastic welding
2. Fusion welding

Plastic welding
In this method, the metal parts are heated to plastic state. At this stage, pressure is applied
to make a perfect joint. It is also known as pressure welding.

Fusion welding
The metal parts are heated unto the point of melting in this method. The joint is made at
this stage and the parts are allowed to cool. On cooling, the molten metal forms a solid joint. No
pressure is applied in this method. Hence, it is also known as pressure less welding. Arc welding
and gas welding fall in this category.

Classification of welding processes

1. Arc welding
a. Carbon arc welding
b. Metal inert gas welding
c. Tungsten inert gas welding
d. Atomic hydrogen welding
e. Plasma arc welding
f. Submerged arc welding
g. Electro slag welding
2. Gas welding
a. Oxy-acetylene welding
b. Air-acetylene welding
c. Oxy hydrogen welding
3. Resistance welding
a. Butt welding
b. Spot welding
c. Seam welding
d. Projection welding
e. Percussion welding
4. Thermit welding
5. Solid state welding
a. Friction welding
b. Explosive welding
c. Ultrasonic welding
d. Diffusion welding
6. Newer welding
a. Electron beam welding
b. Laser welding
7. Welding related processes
a. Oxy-acetylene cutting
b. Arc cutting
c. Hard facing
d. Brazing
e. Soldering
1. Electric arc welding,
2. Gas welding
3. Thermal welding
4. Electrical Resistance welding and
5. Friction welding
However, only electric arc welding process is discussed in the subject point of view.

Electric arc welding

Arc welding is the welding process, in which heat is generated by an electric arc struck
between an electrode and the work piece. Electric arc is luminous electrical discharge between
two electrodes through ionized gas.

Any arc welding method is based on an electric circuit consisting of the following parts:
a. Power supply (AC or DC);
b. Welding electrode;
c. Work piece;
d. Welding leads (electric cables) connecting the electrode and work piece to the power

Fig: 1 Arc welding set up

Electric arc between the electrode and work piece closes the electric circuit. The arc
Temperature may reach 10000°F (5500°C), which is sufficient for fusion the work piece edges
and joining them. When a long joint is required the arc is moved along the joint line. The front
edge of the weld pool melts the welded surfaces when the rear edge of the weld pool solidifies
forming the joint.
Transformers, motor generators and rectifiers’ sets are used as arc welding machines. These
machines supply high electric currents at low voltage and an electrode is used to produce the
necessary arc. The electrode serves as the filler rod and the arc melts the surface so that, the
metals to be joined are actually fixed together.
Sizes of welding machines are rated according to their approximate amperage capacity at 60%
duty cycle, such as 150,200,250,300,400,500 and 600 amperes. This amperage is the rated
current output at the working terminal.

The transformers type of welding machine produces A.C current and is considered to be
the least expensive. It takes power directly from power supply line and transforms it to the
voltage required for welding. Transformers are available in single phase and three phases in the

Motor generators
These are D.C generators sets, in which electric motor and alternator are mounted on the
same shaft to produce D.C power as pert the requirement for welding. These are designed to
produce D.C current in either straight or reversed polarity. The polarity selected for welding
depends upon the kind of electrode used and the material to be welded.

These are essentially transformers, containing an electrical device which changes A.C
into D.C by virtue of which the operator can use both types of power (A.C or D.C, but only one
at a time).In addition to the welding machine; certain accessories are needed for carrying out the
welding work.

Welding Currents
The three types of current used for welding are
1. Alternating Current (AC)
2. Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP)
3. Direct Current Reverse Polarity (DCRP)

1. Alternating Current (AC) –

• In AC, the electrons change direction every 1/120 of a second so that the electrode and
work alternate from anode to cathode.
• The rapid reversal of current flow causes the welding heat to be evenly distributed on
both the workpiece and the electrode i.e. half on the workpiece and half on the electrode.
• The even heating gives the weld bead a balance between penetration and buildup.
Fig. Alternating current (AC)

2. Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP)

• In DCSP electrode is negative and the workpiece is positive.

• DCSP has higher heat on the workpiece and lower heat on the electrode.
• The DCSP weld bead has deep penetration into base metal with little buildup.

Fig. Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP), electrode negative (DCEN)

3. Direct Current Reverse Polarity (DCRP)

• In DCSP electrode is positive and the workpiece is negative.

• DCSP has higher heat on the electrode and lower heat on the workpiece.
• The DCSP weld bead has shallow penetration into base metal with high buildup.
Fig. Direct Current Reverse Polarity (DCRP), electrode positive (DCEP)

Welding cables
Two welding cables are required, one from machine to the electrode holder and the other,
from the machine to the ground clamp. Flexible cables are usually preferred because of the case
of using and coiling the cables. Cables are specified by their current carrying capacity, say 300
A, 400 A, etc.

Filler rods are used in arc welding are called electrodes. These are made of metallic wire
called core wire, having approximately the same composition as the metal to be welded. These
are coated uniformly with a protective coating called flux. While fluxing an electrode; about
20mm of length is left at one end for holding it with the electrode holder. It helps in transmitting
full current from electrode holder to the front end of the electrode coating. Flux acts as an
insulator of electricity. In general, electrodes are classified into five main groups; mild steel,
carbon steel, special alloy steel, cast iron and non‐ferrous. The greatest range of arc welding is
done with electrodes in the mild steel group. Various constituents like titanium oxide, potassium
oxide, cellulose, iron or manganese, Ferro silicates, carbonates, gums, clays, asbestos, etc., are
used as coatings on electrodes. While welding, the coating or flux vaporizes and provides a
gaseous shield to prevent atmospheric attack. The size of electrode is measured and designated
by the diameter of the core wire in SWG and length, apart from the brand and code names;
indicating the purpose for which there are most suitable

Fig :2 parts of an electrode

Electrodes may be classified on the basis of thickness of the coated flux. As
1. Dust coated or light coated
2. Semi or medium coated and
3. Heavily coated or shielded

Electrodes are also classified on the basis of materials, as

1. Metallic and
2. Non‐metallic or carbon

Metallic arc electrodes are further sub‐divided into

1. Ferrous metal arc electrode (mild steel, low/medium/high carbon steel, cast iron,
stainless steel, etc)
2. Non‐ferrous metal arc electrodes (copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, etc).
In case of non‐metallic arc electrodes, mainly carbon and graphite are used to make the

Welding defects are formed in a welding work due to the weak or poor technique used by the
inexperienced or untrained welders or due to structural problems in the welding operation. Or
you can say, in a welding process, the size and shape of the metal structure are varied. It is
maybe due to the incorrect welding process or the application of the incorrect welding procedure.

An ideal weld or good weld must be one that exists with good penetration with sufficient fusion
between the filler metal and the edge preparation.

Types of Welding Defects

Following are the types of welding defects:

1. Porosity and Blowholes

2. Undercut
3. Weld crack
4. Incomplete fusion
5. Slag inclusion
6. Incomplete penetration
7. Spatter
8. Distortion
9. Hot Tear


Electrode holder
The electrode holder is connected to the end of the welding cable and holds the electrode.
It should be light, strong and easy to handle and should not become hot while in operation.
Figure shows one type of electrode holder. The jaws of the holder are insulated, offering
protection from electric shock.

Fig: 3 Electrode holder

Ground clamp
It is connected to the end of the ground cable and is clamped to the work or welding table
to complete the electric circuit. It should be strong and durable and give a low resistance

Fig: 4 Ground Clamp

Wire brush and chipping hammer

A wire brush is used for cleaning and preparing the work for welding. A chipping
hammer is used for removing slag formation on welds. One end of the head is sharpened like a
cold chisel and the other, to a blunt, round point. It is generally made of tool steel. Molten metal
dispersed around the welding heads, in the form of small drops, is known as spatter. When a flux
coated electrode is used in welding process, then a layer of flux material is formed over the
welding bead which contains the impurities of weld material. This layer is known as slag.
Removing the spatter and slag formed on and around the welding beads on the metal surface is
known as chipping.

Fig: 5 Wire brush Fig: 6 Chipping hammer

Tongs are generally made of wrought iron or steel, and are superior to pliars or vise grips
for holding hot metal because tongs have large flat smooth jaw surfaces that do not scratch or
gawl the work piece.

Fig: 7 Tong

Welding table and cabin

It is made of steel plate and pipes. It is used for positioning the parts to be welded
properly. Welding cabin is made‐up by any suitable thermal resistance material, which can
isolate the surrounding by the heat and light emitted during the welding process. A suitable
draught should also be provided for exhausting the gas produced during welding.

Face shield
A face shield is used to protect the eyes and face from the rays of the arc and from spatter
or flying particles of hot metal. It is available either in hand or helmet type. The hand type is
convenient to use wherever the work can be done with one hand. The helmet type though not
comfortable to wear, leaves both hands free for the work.
Shields are made of light weight non‐reflecting fiber and fitted with dark glasses to filter out the
Harmful rays of the arc. In some designs, a cover glass is fitted in front of the dark lens to protect
it from spatter.

Hand gloves
These are used to protect the hands from electric shocks and hot spatters

Fig: 8 Face shield Fig: 9 Hand gloves


A welding arc is maintained when the welding current is forced across a gap between the
electrode tip and the base metal. A welder must be able to strike and establish the correct arc
easily and quickly.

There are two general methods of striking the arc:

1. Scratching
2. Tapping

The scratching method is easier for beginners and when using an AC machine. The electrode is
moved across the plate inclined at an angle, as you would strike a match. As the electrode
scratches the plate an arc is struck. When the arc has formed, withdraw the electrode
momentarily to form an excessively long arc, then return to normal arc length.

Preparation of work
Before welding, the work pieces must be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale and other
foreign material. The piece for metal generally welded without beveling the edges, however,
thick work piece should be beveled or veed out to ensure adequate penetration and fusion of all
parts of the weld. But, in either case, the parts to be welded must be separated slightly to allow
better penetration of the weld. Before commencing the welding process, the following must be
a) Ensure that the welding cables are connected to proper power source.
b) Set the electrode, as per the thickness of the plate to be welded.
c) Set the welding current, as per the size of the electrode to be used.

Types of Joints

The joints used in welding are

1. Butt joint 2. Lap joint 3. Edge joint
4. T – joint 5. Corner joint

1. Butt joint

It is used to join the ends or edges of plates lying in the same plane. Plates having thickness
less than 5mm do not require edge preparation but plates having thickness more than 5mm
require edge preparation on both sides.

2. Lap joint

It is used to join two over lapping pieces so that the edges of each piece are welded to the
surface of the other. It is used on plates less than 3mm thickness. Common types are single
lap and double lap joint. Edge preparation is not required for these joints.
3. Edge joint

It is used to weld two parallel plates. This is economical for joining thin plates up to 6mm.
This joint is often used in sheet metal work. It is suitable for severe loading.

4. T – joint

It is used to weld two perpendicular plates. This is economical for joining thin plates up to
3mm. This joint is often used in structures.

5. Corner joint

It is used to join the edges of two pieces whose surfaces are approximately at right angles to
each other. It is common in the construction of boxes, tanks, frames and other similar items.
Edge preparation is not necessary for these joints.

Depending upon the location of the welding joints, appropriate position of the electrode
and hand movement is selected. The figure shows different welding positions.

Flat position welding

In this position, the welding is performed from the upper side of the joint, and the face of
the weld is approximately horizontal. Flat welding is the preferred term; however, the same
position is sometimes called down hand.

Horizontal position welding

In this position, welding is performed on the upper side of an approximately horizontal
surface and against an approximately vertical surface.
Vertical position welding
In this position, the axis of the weld is approximately vertical as shown in figure.

Overhead position welding

In this welding position, the welding is performed from the underside of a joint

Fig :9 Weld positions

1. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) can be carried out in any position with highest
weld quality.
2. MMAW is the simplest of all the arc welding processes.
3. This welding process finds innumerable applications, because of the availability of a
wide variety of electrodes.
4. Big range of metals and their alloys can be welded easily.
5. The process can be very well employed for hard facing and metal resistance etc.
6. Joints (e.g., between nozzles and shell in a pressure vessel) which because of their
position are difficult to be welded by automatic welding machines can be easily
accomplished by flux shielded metal arc welding.
7. The MMAW welding equipment is portable and the cost is fairly low.

1. Due to flux coated electrodes, the chances of slag entrapment and other related defects
are more as compared to MIG and TIG welding.
2. Due to fumes and particles of slag, the arc and metal transfer is not very clear and thus
welding control in this process is a bit difficult as compared to MIG welding.
3. Due to limited length of each electrode and brittle flux coating on it, mechanization is
4. In welding long joints (e.g., in pressure vessels), as one electrode finishes, the weld is to
be progressed with the next electrode. Unless properly cared, a defect (like slag inclusion
or insufficient penetration) may occur at the place where welding is restarted with the
new electrode
5. The process uses stick electrodes and thus it is slower as compared to MIG welding.

1. Today, almost all the commonly employed metals and their alloys can be welded by this
2. Shielded metal arc welding is used both as a fabrication process and for maintenance and
repair jobs.
3. The process finds applications in
(a) Building and Bridge construction
(b) Automotive and aircraft industry, etc.
(c) Air receiver, tank, boiler and pressure vessel fabrication
(d) Ship building
(e) Pipes and
(f) Penstock joining
Fabrication Welding & Sheet Metal


1st & 2nd Semester

1. To practice striking an arc and prepare straight short bead on given M.S plate in flat
position by arc welding.
2. To prepare straight continuous bead and re start of electrode in flat position by arc
welding on given M.S. plate as per size.
3. To practice tack weld & close butt joint in flat position by arc welding on given M.S.
plate as per size.
NAAC 'A' Grade Accredited State Govt. University
(Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No. 21 of 2009,
Recognized by U.G.C. u/s 2 (f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956)


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