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Me 6403 Emm
Me 6403 Emm
Vision of Institution
To build Jeppiaar Engineering College as an institution of academic excellence in
technological and management education to become a world class university.
Mission of Institution
To excel in teaching and learning, research and innovation by promoting the
principles of scientific analysis and creative thinking.
To participate in the production, development and dissemination of knowledge and
interact with national and international communities.
To equip students with values, ethics and life skills needed to enrich their lives and
enable them to meaningfully contribute to the progress of society.
To prepare students for higher studies and lifelong learning, enrich them with the
practical and entrepreneurial skills necessary to excel as future professionals and
contribute to Nation’s economy.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
PO1 an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
PO2 problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
PO3 system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
PO4 including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
PO5 engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
PO6 health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
PO7 societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
PO8 engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
PO9 teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
PO10 community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
PO11 management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
PO12 independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
To create excellent professionals in the field of Mechanical Engineering and to uplift the
quality of technical education on par with the International Standards.
Department Mission
Relate the atomic arrangements of different metal combination and variation of carbon content
in iron
C213.2 Outline the knowledge of various heat treatment process with different cooling curves
C213.3 Classify the physicsl characteristics of ferrous and non ferrous metals and its alloys
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the different materials, their
processing, heat treatments in suitable application in mechanical engineering fields.
1. Avner,, S.H., “Introduction to Physical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill Book Company,1994.
2. Williams D Callister, “Material Science and Engineering” Wiley India Pvt Ltd, Revised
Indian Edition 2007
1. Raghavan.V, “Materials Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1999.
2. Kenneth G.Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, “Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall of
India Private Limited, 4th Indian Reprint 2002.
3. Upadhyay. G.S. and Anish Upadhyay, “Materials Science and Engineering”, Viva Books
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
4. U.C.Jindal : Material Science and Metallurgy, "Engineering Materials and Mettalurgy",
First Edition, Dorling Kindersley, 2012
Regulation – 2013
Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai – 600 119
5 Explain with neat sketch the eutectic systems. BTL-2 Understanding P10
Give examples for these systems.
6 Explain the two types of solid solution with the BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
help of neat sketch
Definition – Full annealing, stress relief, recrystallisation and spheroidising – normalising, hardening and
Tempering of steel. Isothermal transformation diagrams – cooling curves superimposed on I.T. diagram CCR
– Hardenability, Jominy end quench test - austempering, martempering – case hardening, carburizing,
Nitriding, cyaniding, carbonitriding – Flame and Induction hardening – Vacuum and Plasma hardening.
CO Mapping: C212.2
Q.No Questions BT Competence PO
1 Define the term heat treatment BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
2 What are the purposes of the processing heat
treatments? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
List some of the important heat treatment BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
operations widely used.
10 What are the factors should be considered while BTL-1 Remembering P04
selecting a quenching?
11 What are the three stages for quenching BTL-1 Remembering P01
12 What does the term hardening refer? What are BTL-1 Remembering P09
the factors affecting the hardness?
13 Distinguish the work hardening with the age
hardening process. BTL-4 Analyzing P01,P02
19 Why are TTT diagrams usually not applicable to BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
industrial engineering practices?
20 What is CCT diagram? BTL-1 Remembering P09
21 Define the term critical cooling rate. What are BTL-1 Remembering P11
the factors affecting it?
22 What is significance of the critical cooling rate? BTL-1 Remembering P01
23 What is meant by hardenability? What are the BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
factors affecting it?
24 What is the difference between hardness and BTL-1 Remembering P01
25 What is martempering and austempering? BTL-1 Remembering P12
26 Define hardenability. BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
27 Define spheroidizing? BTL-1 Remembering P01
28 What is the purpose of the deep freezing in the BTL-1 Remembering P10
heat treatment of steel?
29 Differentiate annealing and normalizing? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
16 What are the required properties of a tool steel? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
17 How can you classify tool steels? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
18 What is meant by 18-4-1 high speed steel? BTL-1 Remembering P08
19 What are HSLA steels? Where are they used? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
20 What are maraging steels? Give its composition. BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
21 What are the heat resisting steels and free- BTL-1 Remembering P09
machining steels?
22 What are the features that make cast iron an
important material? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
23 What are the effects of carbon on the properties of BTL-1 Remembering P01
cast iron?
24 What is the influence of cooling rate on the BTL-1 Remembering P10
properties of a cast iron?
25 How can you classify cast irons? BTL-1 Remembering P12
26 Define Toughness BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
27 What is twinning in metals? BTL-1 Remembering P12,P13
28 What is creep? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
29 What is the effect of chromium alloying element BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
on the properties of steel?
30 What is bearing alloys? BTL-1 Remembering P11
1 Explain precipitation hardening with a neat sketch, BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
2 Choose the composition, properties and uses of BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
bearing alloys.
3 Develop short notes about the following materials
in terms of composition ,properties and
applications.(i) Maraging steels BTL-3 Applying P01,P02
(ii) Alpha-beta brasses (iii) Austenitic stainless
steels (iv) Ferrite stainless steels
4 What are the influences of alloying Al, Cr, Ni, Mo, BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
Si, Mn, V and Cu in steel? Explain in brief.
5 What are the properties of aluminium? And what
is the effect of different types of alloying elements BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02,P03
such as copper, iron, managanese, magnesium
used with aluminium and its application? Explain.
6 Develop short notes on:
i)Maraging steels, (ii) Stainless steels, (iii) High BTL-5 Applying P01,P02,P03
speed steels iv) Tool steels iv)HSLA
8 Explaining age hardening of Al-Cu with the heplp BTL-5 Evaluating P01,P02,P03
of phase diagram
Polymers – types of polymer, commodity and engineering polymers – Properties and
applications of various thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers (PP, PS, PVC, PMMA,
PET,PC, PA, ABS, PI, PAI, PPO, PPS, PEEK, PTFE, Polymers – Urea and Phenol
formaldehydes)- Engineering Ceramics – Properties and applications of Al2O3, SiC, Si3N4, PSZ
and SIALON –Composites-Classifications- Metal Matrix and FRP - Applications of Composites.
CO Mapping: C212.4
Q.No Questions BT Competence PO
1 What are polymers? BTL-1 Remembering P01
2 List any four attractive characteristics of
polymers. BTL-1 Remembering P01
18 What do the following acronyms PE, PP, PS, BTL-1 Remembering P01
19 List the properties and typical applications of BTL-1 Remembering P01
20 What are acrylic materials? Name two of them. BTL-2 Understanding P01,P02
21 Write short notes on nylons BTL-4 Analyzing P01,P02
22 What are bakelites? Also state their applications. BTL-1 Remembering P10
23 List the characteristics of urea-formaldehyde. BTL-1 Remembering P13
24 What are engineering ceramics? BTL-1 Remembering P01
25 List some of the distinct characteristics of
engineering ceramics. BTL-1 Remembering P08
(ii) Discuss the properties and application of Al3O BTL-6 Creating P10,P11,P12
and SiC.
Mechanisms of plastic deformation, slip and twinning – Types of fracture – Testing of materials
under tension, compression and shear loads – Hardness tests (Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell),
hardness tests, Impact test lzod and charpy, fatigue and creep failure mechanisms.
CO Mapping: C212.5
Q.No Questions BT Competence PO
1 What is meant by mechanical properties of BTL-1 Remembering P01
2 Distinguish between elasticity and plasticity. BTL-4 Analyzing P01
3 Distinguish between ductility and malleability. BTL-4 Analyzing P01,P02
4 Define the terms brittleness and hardness. BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
5 What do you mean by toughness and stiffness? BTL-1 Remembering P01
6 List any four technological properties of metals. BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
7 What are the factors affecting mechanical
properties? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
8 What is the effect of the grain size on the BTL-1 Remembering P04
mechanical properties of the materials?
9 What is the effect of heat treatment on the BTL-1 Remembering P01
mechanical properties of the materials?
10 Define the terms slip and twinning. BTL-1 Remembering P01
11 Explain the Schmid’s law. BTL-2 Understanding P07,P08
12 What are the causes of twins? BTL-1 Remembering P01
13 What is meant by fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P03
14 List the different types of fracture in a material. BTL-1 Remembering P01
15 What is brittle fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P01
16 What is ductile fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
17 How can you prevent the ductile fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P13
18 What is meant by fatigue fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P01
19 What is S-N diagram? What is the significance BTL-1 Remembering P01,P02
of it?
20 What are the factors affecting fatigue strength? BTL-1 Remembering P01
21 How can you prevent fatigue fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P12
22 What is meant by creep fracture? BTL-1 Remembering P01
23 What are the factors affecting creep? BTL-1 Remembering P01
24 How can you prevent the creep fractures? BTL-1 Remembering P09
25 Distinguish between destructive and non- BTL-4 Analyzing P11
destructive tests.
26 List some important destructive tests carried out BTL-1 Remembering P01
on a material.
27 What is creep? BTL-2 Understanding P01,P02
28 What is the difference between HRB and HRC? BTL-1 Remembering P01
29 Define plastic deformations BTL-1 Remembering P01
30 What is endurance limit? BTL-1 Remembering P01
1 Explain the different types of mechanical
properties and mechanism of plastic deformation BTL-2 Understanding P01,P02
by slip and twinning.
2 Choose the S-N curve for mild steel and
aluminum and explain its features .Explain the BTL-3 Applying P01,P02,P03
procedure used to obtain S-N diagram
3 Explain briefly about Charpy impact test. BTL-2 Understanding P01,P02
4 Explain in brief the testing of materials to
measure tension and compression with a graph BTL-2 Understanding P01,P02,P03
and an example.
5 What is hardness test and impact test? Explain BTL-1 Remembering P11,P12
with a sketch and an example.
6 Ilustrate and describe the fatigue test. BTL-2 Understanding P08,P09
7 Distinguish between ‘ductile’ and ‘brittle’
fracture. Name two ductile and brittle materials BTL-4 Analyzing P01,P02
and also derive Schmid’s law of critical resolved
shear stress.
8 Construct a typical creep curve and brief on the BTL-3 Applying P01,P02,P03
A metal alloy, or simple an alloy, is a mixture of two or more metals or a metal (Metals)
and a non-metal (non-metals).
2. Classify the components are found in an alloy? May 2012
Two or more components are found in an alloy.
In interstitial solid solution, the solute atoms fit in to the space between the solvent
or parent atoms.
6. How Hume Ruther’s rules for formation of substitutional solid solutions. June 2014
1. Size factor: The atoms must be of similar size, with less than a 15% difference in
2. Atomic radius (in order to minimize the lattice strain).
3. Crystal structure: The materials must have the same crystal structure.
4. 4. Valence: The atoms must have the same valence.
Electro negativity: The atoms must have approximately the same electro Negativity.
7. What are intermediate phases?
If an alloying element is added in excess of the limit of solid solubility, a second Phase
appears along with the primary solution. If the second phase differs in both crystal
Structure and properties from primary solid solution, then it is known as an intermediate
If two metals consist of atoms more or less similar size but different valency, then the
Compounds formed are called electron compounds.
10. Define phase’. What different kinds of phases are possible?
F=degrees of freedom of system or number of variables (such as temperature,
Using a phase diagram, one can obtain at least the following three information.
A tie line is simply an isothermal line drawn through point of consideration, extending
across the two-phase region and terminating at the phase boundary lines on either side.
18. What is the lever-law calculation and what information can it provide?
Opposite arm of lever
Using the lever law calculations, one can compute the phase fraction and the
phase percentage.
The eutectic reaction is also called an invariant reaction since it occurs under equilibrium
conditions at a specific temperature and alloy composition that cannot be varied.
20. What do you understand by allotropy of iron’?
Allotropy refers to the possibility of existence of two or more different crystal Structures
for a substance depending upon temperature.
21. Define: ferrite and austenite. MAY 2013
Ferrite is a primary solid solution based on iron having BCC structure. Maximum
solubility of carbon in iron is 0.025% carbon at 723°C, while its solubility at room
Temperature is only about 0.008%.
Austenite is a primary solid solution based on iron having FCC structure. The maximum
solubility of carbon in FCC iron is about 2% at 1140°C.
22. Define: Cementite and Pearlite?
Cementite is the name given to the carbide of iron (Fe3C). It is the hard, brittle,
intermetallic compound of iron with 6.69% of carbon.
Pearlite is the eutectoid mixture of ferrite (87.5%) and cementite (12.5%). It is formed
when austenite decomposes during cooling. It contains 0.8% of carbon.
23. Define: martensite and bainite?
It is the super saturated solid solution of carbon in iron. It is formed when steel is
very rapidly cooled from the austenitic state.
It is a decomposition product of austenite, consisting of an aggregate of ferrite and
carbide. Bainite has hardness in between the hardness of pearlite and martensite.
24. Define Solid Solution Dec 2011
A solid solution may be defined as a solid that consist of two or more elements atomically
dispersed in a single- phase structure.
26. What are three primary groups of plain carbon steels? May 2013
1. Low-carbon steels: Those contain less than 0.25% carbon.
2. Medium-carbon steels: Those containing between 0.25 and 0.60% carbon.
3. High-carbon steels: Those containing more than 0.60% carbon.
27. Define solid solution? Nov /Dec 2011
Solution: Homogenous mixture in which the atoms or molecules of one substance are
dispersed at random in to another substance.
Solid Solution: Solid that consists of two or more elements automatically dispersed in a
single phase structure.
Solute: Solute is the minor part of the solution or the material which dissolved.
Phase is the part of an alloy with the same physical and chemical properties and the same
composition. Phase must be distinguished from component, which is a distinct chemical
substance from which the phase is formed.
E-g: water is one phase, but water mixed with ice is two phases.
The Al-Si, Cd-Zn and Al-Cu alloys are all made up of two phases.
1. Explain the various invariant reactions involved in the system with the help of the Fe-C
equilibrium diagram. (MAY 2015, 2016 & 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 230 – 234
2. Metal ‘A’ has melting point of 1000° C. Metal ‘B’ has melting point of 500° C. Draw one
phase diagram (between the elements ‘A’ and ‘B’ ) for each of the following conditions.
(MAY/JUNE 2014)
i. The two elements exhibit unlimited solid solubility.
ii. The alloy system shows formation of two terminal solid solutions and a Eutectic
point at 60% A at 700 ° C.
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 170 – 172
3. Explain the microstructure, properties and applications of any two types of Steel and Cast
iron. (NOV 2015 , JUNE & NOV2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 394 – 406
4. Explain with a phase diagram of eutectoid and paratactic reaction. (NOV/DEC 2013)
(APRIL 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 313 – 314
5. Explain with neat sketch the eutectic systems. Give examples for these systems.
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 298 – 311
6. Explain the two types of solid solution with the help of neat sketch. (MAY/JUNE 2013
& NOV/DEC 2015)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 150 – 154
Stage 2: Holding at that temperature for a sufficient period of time to allow necessary
changes to occur.
Stage 3: Cooling the metal/alloy (i.e., quenching) at a rate necessary to obtain the desired
properties. That is, cooling at a rate necessary to obtain the desired Changes in the nature
form, size and distribution of micro-constituents.
Warm water, mineral oil (obtained during the refining of crude petroleum), animal
oil, and vegetable oil (such as linseed, cottonseed, and rapeseed).
Work hardening also known as strain hardening, is the process of hardening a metal,
while working on it (under cold-working conditions).
Age hardening also known precipitation hardening, is the process of hardening a metal
when allowed to remain or age after heat treatment.
14. The tempering process usually follows hardening process. Justify.
The martensite which is formed during hardening process is too brittle and lacks good
ductility and toughness. Hence, it cannot be used for more applications. Also the internal
residual stresses that are introduced during hardening have a weakening effect. The
ductility and toughness of martensite can be enhanced and these internal stresses are
relieved by a heat treatment process known as tempering.
15. What is the effect of: (a) tempering temperature, and (b) tempering time, on the hardness
of steels?
a. The hardness gradually decreases as the temperature is increased.
b. The hardness decreases with the increase in tempering.
16. What do you mean by temper embrittlement?
The tempering of some steels/steel alloys may result in a reduction of toughness (i.e.,
increase in brittleness). This phenomenon is referred as temper embritlement.
17. What is TTT diagram?
The TTT diagram is a plot of temperature versus the logarithm of time for a steel alloy of
definite composition. It is a tool used by heat treaters to predict quenching reactions in
18. W
hat is the significance of TTT diagram in the heat treatment of steel? MAY 2014
The TTT diagram is most useful in giving an overall picture of the transformation
behavior of austenite. This enables the metallurgist to interpret the response of steel to
any specified heat treatment.
Using a TTT diagram, one can plan practical heat treatment operations to get desirable
micro constituents, to control limited hardening or softening, and the time of soaking.
19. Why are TTT diagrams usually not applicable to industrial engineering practices?
The data for the construction of TTT diagrams are obtained from the isothermal
transformation of austenite at differing temperatures. But most industrial heat treatments
involve continuous cooling from the austenitic temperature to room temperature. Thus a
TTT diagram may not five a fully accurate representation of the temperatures and times
of the transformations occurring.
The CCT diagram is a plot of temperature versus the logarithm of time for a steel alloy of
definite composition. It is used to indicate when transformations occur as the initially
austenitised material is continuously cooled at a specified rate. In addition, it is also used
to predict the final microstructure and mechanical characteristics.
21. Define the term critical cooling rate. What are the factors affecting it?
The slowest rate of cooling of austenite that will result in 100% martensite transformation is
known as the critical cooling rate. Factors affecting the critical rate are: 1. Chemical
composition of steel, 2.Hardening temperature, and 3. Metallurgical nature (i.e, Purity) of
22. What is significance of the critical cooling rate?
The critical cooling rate is most important in hardening. In order to obtain a 100% martensitic
structure on hardening, the cooling must be must be much higher than the critical cooling rate.
23. What is meant by hardenability? What are the factors affecting it? NOV 2015
The term hardenability refers to the ease with which hardness may be attained. In other words,
hardenability is a measure of ease of forming martensite.The factors affecting the
hardenability are: 1. Composition of the steel, 2.Austenitic grain size, 3. Structure of the steel
before quenching, and 4.Quenching medium and the method of quenching.
24. What is the difference between hardness and hardenability?
The term hardness is the property of a material by virtue of which it is able to resist abrasion,
indentation and scratching. It is mechanical property related to strength and is a strong
function of the carbon content of a metal.
On the other hand, hardenability is the susceptibility of a material to get hardened. It is
affected by the alloying elements in the material and grain size.
25. What is martempering and austempering? MAY 2012
28. What is the purpose of the deep freezing in the heat treatment of steel?
Medium and high carbon steels having a microstructure containing even coarse pearlite is too
hard to conveniently machine or plastically deform. These steels are spheroidising
heat treated to develop the spheroidite structure. The spheroidised steels have a maximum
softness and ductility and also they are easily machined or deformed.
29. Differentiate annealing and normalizing?
Annealing: Normalizing:
It refers to heat treatment in which a It is similar to full annealing but cooling
material is exposed to an elevated is established in still rather than in the
temperature for an extended time furnace.
period and then slowly cooled.
It is costly treatment It is more economical
It is more time consuming It is less time consuming
It provides a fine grain structure It provides coarse grain structure
carburizing Nitriding
It is process in which carbon It is a process of introducing nitrogen
atoms are introduced on to the atoms to obtain hard surface of steel
surface of low carbon steels to components.
produce a hard case of surface,
while the interior or core remains
b. Explain with neat setup figure the working principle of an induction hardening (10).
(MAY/JUNE 2013,2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 333 – 335
2. Explain Jominy test (or) End quench hardenability test with the help of the neat sketches.
(MAY/JUNE 2013,2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 298 – 301
3. What is annealing? Discuss in detail on different types of annealing and compare with
normalizing. ( MAY/JUNE 2012, APRIL 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 248 – 254
4. Write a short note on:(i)Hardenability, (ii) Nitriding, (iii) Flame hardening, (iv) Cyaniding.
NOV/DEC 2013
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 316 – 328
5. Distinguish between hardness and hardenability. With suitable sketches, explain the hardness
test for hardenability. MAY/JUNE 2014 (APRIL 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 333 – 337
6. Explain TTT diagram with neat sketch and indicted all the phases with microstructure. (JUNE
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 264 - 266
Effect of alloying additions on steel- α and β stabilisers– stainless and tool steels – HSLA,
Maraging steels – Cast Iron - Grey, white, malleable, spheroidal – alloy cast irons, Copper and
copper alloys – Brass, Bronze and Cupronickel – Aluminium and Al-Cu – precipitation
strengthening treatment – Bearing alloys, Mg-alloys, Ni-based super alloys and Titanium alloys.
Metals are elemental substances. Metals are composed of elements which readily give up
electrons to provide a metallic bond and electrical conductivity.
Types of metals:
i. Steels, and
ii. Cast irons.
4. How to you enhance mechanical strength of Al? Nov 2010
By alloying aluminium with one or more allying element such as Cu, Mg, Mn, Si and Ni.
5. How can you specify steel? What is the difference between 4140 steel and 4340 steel?
The AISI/SAE designation for the steels is a four digit number: First two Digits indicate the
alloy content, and Last two digits indicate the carbon concentration. 4140 steels is alloy of Cr-
Mo with 0.40% C, whereas 4340 steel is an alloy of Mo-Cr-Ni with 0.40%C.
6. What are three primary groups of plain carbon steels? June 2013
1. Low-carbon steels: Those contain less than 0.25% carbon.
2. Medium-carbon steels: Those containing between 0.25 and 0.60% carbon.
3. High-carbon steels: Those containing more than 0.60% carbon.
7. What are alloy steels? How are alloy steels classified?
Alloy steels mean may steels other than carbon steels. Alloy steels can be divided into two
main groups as:
i. Low alloy steels: These contain up to 3 to 4% of alloying elements.
ii. High alloy steels: These contain more than 5% of alloying elements.
8. List four important alloying elements added in alloy steels.
The most commonly used alloying elements are chromium, nickel, molybdenum, Vanadium,
tungsten, cobalt, boron, copper and others.
9. Why is alloying done?
To improve ductility.
10. What are the primary effects of chromium, and copper as alloying elements in steel? Dec
Effects of alloying chromium: Increases corrosion and oxidation resistance, increases
hardenability, increases high-temperature strength, and resists abrasion and wear (with high
Effects of alloying copper: Increases strength, and increases corrosion resistance.
11. What are the effects of lead and sulphur on the machinability of steels?
Lead improves the machinability whereas sulphur reduces it.
12. Which alloy elements are basically a) carbide formers, and b) graphite promoters?
i. Carbide formers: Cr, W, Ti, Mo, Nb, V, and Mn.
ii. Graphite promoter: Si, Co, Al, and Ni.
13. What makes stainless steel stainless?
The chromium oxide (extremely dense-thin) protective layer acts as a barrier to retard further
oxidation, rust or corrosion. As this steel cannot be stained easily, it is called stainless steel.
14. Why do stainless steels lose their corrosion resistance when the chromium in solution drops
below 12%?
When the weight% of chromium drops below 12% the corrosion rate increases sharply. As
the corrosion rate increases, the resultant chromium-oxide protective layer unable to retard
oxidation, rust or corrosion effectively.
Tool steels should have the following requirements: 1. Good toughness, 2. Good wear
resistance, 3. Very good machinability, 4. Slight change of form during hardening, 5. Little
risk of cracking during hardening.5. Resistance to softening on heating.
17. How can you classify tool steels?
1. Cold work tool steels, 2. Shock resisting tool steels, 3. Hot work tool steels,
4. High speed tool steels, 5. Plastic mold tool steels and 6. Special purpose tool steels.
19. What are HSLA steels? Where are they used? MAY 2015
HSLA steels are nothing but high-strength low-alloy steels. HSLA steels, also known as
micro alloyed steels, are low-carbon steels containing small amounts of alloying elements.
These HSLA steels are widely used as structural or constructional alloy steels.
20. What are maraging steels? Give its composition.
Maraging steels are low-carbon, highly alloyed steels. These are very high strength materials
that can be hardened to obtain tensile strengths of up to 1900 Mpa.
Composition: Maraging steels contain 18% nickel, 7% cobalt, and small amounts of other
elements such as titanium. The carbon content is low, generally less than .05%.
21. What are the heat resisting steels and free-machining steels?
Steels which can resist the creep and oxidation at high temperatures and retain sufficient
strength are called heat resisting steels. Free-machining steels, also known as free cutting
steels, machine readily and form small chips so as to reduce the rubbing against the cutting
tool and associated friction and wear.
22. What are the features that make cast iron an important material?
1. It is a cheap metallurgical substance,
2. Good castability,
23. What are the effects of carbon on the properties of cast iron?
If a cast iron contains more of the brittle cementite, then its mechanical
properties will be poor.
24. What is the influence of cooling rate on the properties of a cast iron?
High rate of cooling results in a weak and brittle cast iron. Slow cooling rate
results in tough and strong cast iron.
25. How can you classify cast irons?
Grey (General-Purpose) White (Hard and wear resistant) Malleable (Heat-treated for
ductility) SpheroidalGraphite (Some ductility) Alloy cast irons (Special-purpose)
26. Define Toughness Dec 2011
Toughness is the property of a material by virtue of which it can absorb maximum energy before
fracture takes place.
27. What is twinning in metals? April 2010
Atoms in a part of crystal subjected to stress rearrange themselves so that one part of the
crystal became a mirror image of the other part.
29. What is the effect of chromium alloying element on the properties of steel?
i. Increase corrosion and oxidation resistance.
ii. Increase hardenability.
iii. Increases high temperature strength.
iv. Resists abrasion and wear.
30. What is bearing alloys? May 2012
Bearing alloys are the materials used for making bearing. The widely used bearing materials
are white metals copper base alloys aluminum base alloy.
2. Write short notes about the following materials in terms of composition, properties and
(i) Maraging steels
(ii) Alpha-beta brasses (iii) Austenitic stainless steels (iv) Ferrite stainless steels
(MAY/JUNE 2014)
3. What are the influences of alloying Al, Cr, Ni, Mo, Si, Mn, V AND Cu in steel? Explain in
brief. (NOV/DEC 2013 APRIL 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 377-383, 469-471, 629
4. What are the properties of aluminium? And what is the effect of different types of alloying
elements such as copper, iron, managanese, magnesium used with aluminium and its
application? Explain. NOV/DEC 2013
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 353 - 353
5.Write short notes on: (MAY 2013, 2016)
(i)Maraging steels, (ii) Stainless steels (iii) High speed steels. iv) Tool steels and iv) HSLA
6. i. Name non-ferrous materials for the following articles (8). MAY/JUNE 2013
i. Bush
j. Furnaces heating element
k. Type writer parts
l. Coins
m. Girders for airship
n. Big end bearing
o. Filament of electric lamps
p. Turbine blades
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 380, 387 - 392
a. Explaining age hardening of Al-Cu with the heplp of phase diagram (MAY 2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 390 – 391
Monomer is a small molecule consisting of a single mer i.e., a single unit/blocking block.
Isomerism is a phenomenon wherein different atomic configurations are possible for the
same configuration.
6. What is meant by the term „unsaturated molecule?
State its significance in plastics. A compound in which the valence bonds of the carbon
atoms are not satisfied is said to be unsaturated. Such unsaturated molecules are
important in the polymerization i.e.,joining together of small molecules into large one
having the same constituents.
To improve dimensional and thermal stability, and other properties. To reduce the
cost of the final product.
2. Plasticisers
To improve the flexibility, ductility, and toughness. To reduce the hardness and
The plastics which are not generally used for engineering applications are known as
commodity plastics. H plastics which are used in engineering applications are known as
engineering plastics.
Commodity plastics: i) Polyethylene (PE), ii) Polypropylene (PP), iii) Polystyrene (PS),
iv) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
16. What advantages do thermoplastic polymers have over thermosetting polymers, and
vice versa?
Since thermoplastics have low melting temperature and can be repeatedly moulded and
remoulded to the desired shape, they have a good resale/scrap value. The thermosetting
plastics are generally stronger, harder, more brittle, more resistant to heat and solvents
than thermoplastics.
Properties: Good low-cost, general purpose materials; ordinary rigid, but can be made
flexible with plasticizers; susceptible to heat distortion.
Typical applications: Pipes, valves, fittings, floor tiles, wire insulations, toys,
phonograph records, safety glass interlayers.
20. What are acrylic materials? Name two of them.
Polyamides (PA), also known as nylons, are the products of condensation reactions
between an amine and an organic acid.There is number of common polyamides. They are
usually designated as nylon 6, nylon 6/6, nylon 6/10, nylon 6/12, nylon 11, and nylon 12.
These suffixes refer to the number of carbon atoms in each of the reacting substances
involved in the condensation polymerization process.
Phenolics, also known as Bakelites, are the oldest family of thermosetting plastics. The
most important phenolic materials is the polyformaldehydes.Typical applications include
electrical plugs, sockets, switches, telephones,door knobs and handles, adhesives,
coatings, and laminates.
23. List the characteristics of urea-formaldehyde.
1 They are similar to the phenolics.
2 They are hard and rigid thermosets.
3 They have good electrical insulation properties.
4 They are light in colour.
5 They exhibit good resistance to most chemicals.
23. What are engineering ceramics?
Brass: Bronze :
It contain zinc as the alloying element It contain copper as the alloying
Brass has high resistance to corrosion and Bronze possesses superior mechanical
is easily machinable it also act as good properties and corrosion resistance
bearing material
3. What are the properties and application of PVC, PET, PP and PC? Explain.(16) Nov/Dec
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 538-540
5. What do you understand by polymerization? With the help of suitable examples, compare
and contrast the process of addition polymerization and condensation polymerization.
(MAY/JUNE 2014)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 545-546
6. Write short note about the different types of matrix materials and reinforcement materials
used to make polymer matrix composites. (8)
a. (ii)Discuss the properties and application of Al3O and SiC. (8)
(MAY/JUNE2014,NOV 2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 555-556
Elasticity is the property of a material by virtue of which it is able to retain its original
shape and size after the removal of the load.
Ductility is the property of a material by virtue of which it can be drawn into wires
before rupture takes place.
The materials having smaller grains (i.e., fine grained structure) have high yield strength,
high tensile strength, and more hardness. Also fine grain results in better resistance to
cracking and better surface finish.
9. What is the effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the materials?
The heat treatment improves mechanical properties like tensile strength, toughness,
hardness, ductility, shock resistance and resistance to corrosion. It also improves
workability, forgeability and machinability of metals.
10. Define the terms slip and twinning.
Slip may be defined as the sliding of blocks of the crystal over one another along
definite a mirror image of the other part.
Twinning is the process in which the atoms in a part of a crystal subjected to stress,
rearrange themselves so that one part of the crystal becomes a mirror image of the other
The stress required at a given temperature to initiate slip in a pure and perfect single
crystal, for a material is constant. This is known as Schmid’s law.
12. What are the causes of twins?
1. Mechanical twins: Twins that are produced by mechanical deformation are called
mechanical twins.
2. Annealing twins: Twins that are produced by annealing are called annealing twins.
13. What is meant by fracture?
Fracture is the mechanical failure of the material which will produce the separation or
fragmentation of a solid into two or more parts under the action of stresses.
14. List the different types of fracture in a material.
1. Brittle fracture,
2. Ductile fracture,
3. Fatigue fracture,
4. Creep fracture.
15. What is brittle fracture?
Ductile fracture may be defined as the fracture which takes place by a slow
propagation of crack with appreciable plastic deformation.
17. How can you prevent the ductile fracture?
In order to prevent the ductile fracture, the material should have the following
The material should have fine grains. It should have higher hardness value.
A fatigue fracture is defined as the fracture which takes place under repeatedly applied
fatigue stresses.
19. What is S-N diagram? What is the significance of it?
The S-N diagram is a graph obtained by plotting the number of cycles of stress reversals
(N) required to cause fracture against the applied stress level (S). Using S-N diagram, the
fatigue life of a material can be determined.
20. What are the factors affecting fatigue strength?
1. Use of good design to avoid stress concentration by eliminating sharp recesses and
severe stress raisers.
2. a. Draw the S-N curve for mild steel and aluminum and explain its features .Explain the
procedure used to obtain S-N diagram. MAY/JUNE 2014
b. Explain briefly about Charpy impact test. MAY/JUNE 2014
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 45 – 46
3. Explain in brief the testing of materials to measure tension and compression with a graph
and an example. NOV/DEC 2013
Refer: “Material Science and Engineering”, by Williams D Callister Page No: 154 – 155
4. What is hardness test and impact test? Explain with a sketch and an example.
(NOV/DEC 2013) & (APRIL 2017)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 42
6. a. Distinguish between ‘ductile’ and ‘brittle’ fracture. Name two ductile and brittle
materials and also derive Schmid’s law of critical resolved shear stress.(8) ( MAY/JUNE
b. Draw a typical creep curve and brief on the mechanism (8). (NOV/DEC 2015, 2016)
Refer: “Introduction physical metallurgy” by Avner. S. H Page No: 118 - 119