Teenage Pregnancy: Its Effect On Educational Development of Students and Out-Of-School Youth
Teenage Pregnancy: Its Effect On Educational Development of Students and Out-Of-School Youth
Teenage Pregnancy: Its Effect On Educational Development of Students and Out-Of-School Youth
The issue of adolescent fertility is essential for both health and social reasons because
children born to very young mothers are at increased risk of sickness and death.
Teenage pregnancy is also one of the reasons for the high rate of school dropout for
adolescent girls, as well as family mattersIn 2016, a United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) report stated that the Philippines has the highest number of teen pregnancies
across Asia. The UN agency said that pregnancy and childbirth complications are the
leading causes of death among adolescent girls globally, with low-and middle-income
countries accounting for 99 percent of global maternal deaths of females aged between
15 to 49 years old.
Significant of the study
The study was the capricorn district which is central to the entire districts
and it has urban, semi-urban and rural e the extensive attention given to
adolescent sexuality and teenage pregnancy in the past 30 years, many
teenagers were still . Teenage pregnancy has become a national epidemic,
partly because more and more teenagers who give birth decide to raise
their children. That teenage pregnancy is more common amongst young
people who have been disadvantaged and have poor expectations of either
ion or the job market. Premature sexual intercourse results in high rates of
sexually transmitted diseases, hiv transmission, adolescent pregnancy.
hildren born to teenage mothers are more likely to die compared to children of
older mothers, and this is because Filipino teen mothers aged 15-19 average 17
months between previous pregnancies compared to the recommended 35
months for mothers of all ages.
Source: https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/teenage+pregnancy
ARTICLE: https://www.cnnphilippines.com/news/2021/2/8/Teenage-pregnancy-cases...