Asis Project
Asis Project
Asis Project
Department of education
Division of Rizal
District of Rodriguez 1
Darwin arguwanon
Mercy Relota
Angela Gratil
Angelica asis
Carl sorbeto
Janine ycay
Jerlyn Delcastillo
Jocelyn labong
Joyce leal
Rev vergara
September 6, 2019
Teenage pregnancy refers to adolescent girls, usually within the ages of 13-
19 who haven't taught legal adulthood, however, girls as young as ten who
are sexually active and occasionally become pregnant and give birth. Teen
pregnancy is an important issue for several reasons. For example, there are
health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more
likely to suffer health, A child having a baby as a teenager is more likely to
face critical social issues like poverty, poor education, risky behaviors that
lead to poor health issues, and child welfare.
Also based on the survey, rural teenagers start childbearing slightly earlier
than their urban counterpart with 10 percent and seven percent respectively.
No less than Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia emphasized
that the rising teenage pregnancy rate in the Philippines has contributed to
the country's population "crisis”. "We are seeing the height of the crisis now.
The carrying capacity of the country is overstretched. It results to lack of jobs
because there are many workers looking for jobs. There are fewer job
opportunities," Pernia said. About 2 million babies are born in the country
annually, according to a 2015 Census data and the Philippines now ranks
13th among countries with the biggest population in the world, according to While it is possible for a teen, who becomes pregnant, to
experience a healthy pregnancy and be an excellent parent, many pregnant
and parenting teenagers struggle with multiple stressors, health risks and
other complex issues. Being pregnant as a teenager puts you at higher risk
for having a baby born too early, with a low birth weight and, tragically,
higher risk of death.
Health Secretary Francisco Duque III delivers his message on the importance
of empowering the youth to make informed choices at the National Summit
on Teenage Pregnancy held at the PICC. (Photo courtesy of DOH) The World
Health Organization in 2015 said an estimated 1.2-million adolescents aged
10-19 years died worldwide. It said pregnancy during adolescence is
associated with higher risk of health problems like anemia, sexually
transmitted infections, unsafe abortion, postpartum hemorrhage, and mental
disorders, such as depression. Adolescents becoming pregnant at an early
age have associated risk factors such as having multiple partners and having
greater age differences with their partners, which may put them at greater
risk of acquiring HIV. In the Philippines, children born to adolescent mothers
are more likely to die compared to children of older mothers. Youth in the
country are also at risk for multiple pregnancies in their adolescence. Filipino
teen mothers aged 15-19 average 17 months between previous pregnancies
compared to the average of 35 months for mothers of all ages. If a
pregnancy is unplanned, the mother may not receive the prenatal care she
and her baby need or may not even be healthy enough to carry a child to
term. Adolescents are often unprepared for the realities involved in parenting
an infant and often, complex relationships, financial burden, social stigma
and parenting are stressful and can put a newborn at risk. Some teen parents
are also single and being a solo parent can have financial and emotional
stressors and a stressed parent puts a baby at risk. Social stigma may also
lead a teen mother to voluntary abortion. To fulfill government’s mandate to
improve adolescent and youth education, health, and development, the
Department of Education and Department of Health organized a summit for
national convergence and dialogue on the complex issues on early
pregnancy dubbed “Kapit-Kamay: Empowering the Youth to Make Informed
Choice” held at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City.
The summit took a closer look into the phenomenon of early pregnancy
within the context of education, health and development and brought
together government, the private sector, development partners, civil society
organizations, and adolescent and youth-led organizations to provide a
platform for understanding of the phenomenon of early pregnancy.
Goal / objectives
to prevent early pregnancy so that the studies of the students will not be
affected. - to educate young people about the increasing cases teenage
pregnancy. - to reduce the growing rate of teenage pregnancy. - to prevent
the high degree or exposure to "unprotected" sex. - to implement the project