انګلیسی لغاتونه په پشتو مانا-1

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‫عبدهللا وردک‬ 19/11/2017

“In the name of Allah ,the Most Beneficent ,the Most Merciful.”

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abdullahwardak53@gmail.com :

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First Lesson

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Airplane Flower Apple Book

Horse Sun Onions Cup

Pear Cow Corn Grape

Ostrich Hajj Snake Soap

Needle Saucepan Shoes Ball

Light Lamb Bread Ladder

Dog Goat Donkey Camel

Fox Leopard Lion Cat

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Lesson No.2

Students Man Woman School

Rabbit Watermelon Melon Banana

Bench Chair Pencil Pen

Road Teapot Car Pepper

Garage Mosque House Street

Alarm Clock Clock Watch Roof

Gate Door Radio Television

Kitchen Toilet Bathroom Window

Potatoes Tomatoes Tree Garden

Sink Boiler Central Heating Heater

Wallpaper Tissue Paper Kitchen Towel Toilet Paper

Razor Water Bucket Shampoo Soap

Apricot Peaches Aubergine Cucumber

Beetroot Carrot Pomegranate Courgette

Lemon Red Turnip White Turnip Spring Onion

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Third Lesson

Snow Rain Bird

Chimney Bed Cupboard

Four seasons of the year

Winter Autumn(fall) Summer Spring

Hair Face Nose Eyes Bone

Sun Noon Midnight Day Night

Apple Grapes Land Sky Wood

My father name is Abdullah My name is Obaidullah

Mug Cup Vacuum Flask Thermos

Teapot Green Tea Black Tea Tea

Paper Pepper Salt Sugar

Forehead Teeth Lips Ear

West East South North

Moon Chair House Village

Volume Hijab Absent Present

Animal Government Pool Temperature Hadith



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Fourth Lesson

Four seasons of the year

Zamai Manai Orai Pasarlai

Winter Autumn(fall) Summer Spring

Yakh Ospana Dabara Teega Largai

Ice Iron Stone Stone Wood

Wishtan Makh Poza Stargay Hadokai

Hair Face Nose Eyes Bone

Midnight Day Day Night

Earth Sky Sun Noon

Apple Grapes Land Earth

My father’s name is Abdullah My name is Obaidullah

My father’s name is Amanullah My name is Ahmad

My mother’s name is Malalai My name is Jamila

My village name is Arabkhail In Afghanistan, I come from Wardak Province

Originally, I come from Afghanistan Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim

Dinner Lunch Breakfast Exam

Hajj Zakat Fast Salat Shahada Five pillars of Islam

Ghata Piala Piala Termooz Termooz

Mug Cup Vacuum Flask Thermos

Chaai Joosha Sheen Chaai Toor Chaai Chaai

Teapot Green Tea Black Tea Tea

Kaghaz Mrach Maalga Boora

Paper Pepper Salt Sugar

Tanda Ghaashoona Shanday Ghwag

Forehead Teeth Lips Ear

Mostaqeema Laar Nek Amaal Nek Amal Dookan

Straight Path Good Deeds Good Deed Shop

O Allah! Save us from the Hell fire


O Allah! Keep us from Your Wrath

Do not enter your parents bedroom without permission

Do not enter someone’s house without permission

De Pohantoon Ostaad De Sar Malem Maawin Sar Malem Malem

Lecturer Deputy Head Head Teacher Teacher

De Pohantoon De Raees Maawin De Pohantoon Raees Pohantoon

Vice-Chancellor Chancellor University

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Musalman Hamsaya Sang Pa Sang Hamsaya Laray Gawandai

Muslim Neighbour Next Door Neighbour Distant Neighbour

Sang Ta Maktab Neezday Market Neezday

Nearby School Nearby Market Nearby Mosque

Minister Prime Minister President Grand assembly

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Kabul University has many Faculties

Kabul University has many lecturers

How was your trip to Kabul? How was your exam?

The president of Afghanistan should be a very nice man

The rights which are given to women in Islam are not given in any other religion

According to Sunnah Muslim should eat and drink with right hand

West East South North

Moon Chair House Village

Volume Hijab Absent Present

Animal Government Pool Temperature Hadith

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Fifth Lesson

Fasting has a lot of rewards Reward

I do charity work Visiting a sick person has a great reward

Kabul is the capital city of Afghanistan Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan

Kabul has a very cold winter and a hot summer

Muslims should wear their best clothes during Eid days


Eating pork is not allowed in Islam

Backbiting is not allowed in Islam

Everywhere Never Always

Anyone Anywhere Anytime

Listen Write Say Read

Always pray on time

Always pay your Zakat on time

Always keep away from drinking alcohol

Always be with good friends

Never miss your prayer

Never give false testimony

Never eat too much Never insult anyone

There are over one billion Muslims throughout the world

Course Knife Geography Paradise

Mutton Beef Mince Meat Meat

Chicken Camel Meat Ham Pork

Computer Car Street Road

Peaches Pear Apricot Library

Water Melon Melon Melon Fig

Tomato Pressure Necklace Earrings

Classmate Friend Friend Enemy

Feet Foot Hands Hand

Janazah Prayer Eid Prayer Friday Prayer

Mischief Individual Prayer Congregation Prayer

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Sixth Lesson

Week Days

Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday Saturday

Divide Multiply Subtract Add

Example Chalk White board Balack board

My name is Abdullah What is your name?

My name father’s name is Abdul Rahman What is your father’s name?

I go to cantles school Which school do you go?

I am twenty years old How old are you?

I am twenty years old How old is your brother?

I am from Afghanistan Where are you from?

My village name is Arab Khail What is your village name?

My religion is Islam What is your religion?

My Mother tongue is Pashto What is your Mother tongue?

I go to Southampton University Which University do you go?

“On the day of Judgment, you will discover the worst man to be the one who had two faces”

Geography History Biology Chemistry

Geometry Mathematics Mathematics Physics

Parallelogram Rectangle Square Triangle

Circle Pyramid Cone Trapezium

Perimeter Area Diameter Radius

What is the name of your Chemistry teacher?

Find the area of the following square?

How do you calculate the perimeter of a rectangle?

Please do not make noise in the classroom

Please always pay attention to each subject in the classroom

Anything you like for yourself, you should also like for someone else

Time Table Table Table Desk

Television Radio Shoes Shoe

Airplane Snow Rain Tooth Paste

Heater Fridge Mobile Telephone Airplane

I should help my mother I should help my father

I should visit my mother I should visit my mother

I should talk to my sister’s teacher I should see my brother’s friend

I should visit my auntie I should take my uncle to a doctor

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Seventh Lesson

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The father’s name of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was Abdullah

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The mother’s name of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was Aumina

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Abu Bakar (RA) was the first Caliph of the Muslim

Rahmatullah won a silver medal in the Olympic game

Rahmatullah won a silver medal in the Olympic game

Nepal has lots of beautiful scenery The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu

Some Nepali are opposing the royal family People from Nepal are called Nepali

There are many types of fruits in Afghanistan

Nafal prayers are called optional prayers in English language

He has lots of influence in his own community

Cleanliness is required in every aspect of life

Always listen to the advice given by your parents

One of my friend live in New Zealand

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Pray two rakat nafal first if possible and then ask Allah (SWT) for any help

We should regularly cut our nails

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۰‫ امام حافظ ابوعيسی محمد‬،‫انګريزي ترجمه‬،۷۴۷‫حديث نمبر‬،۱۸۵ ‫ صفحه‬،‫ دوهم جلد‬،‫الترمذي‬:‫منبع‬

747: Abu Hurairah(RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah(SWT) said: “The deeds are presented
on Monday and Thursday. So I love that my deeds be presented while while I am fasting.”
(Hasan)English translation of Jami At-Tirmidhi, Compiled by: Imam Hafiz Abu Essa Mohammad,
Page 185, Volume 2.

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Eighth Lesson

Praying in congregation has lots of rewards

Jalalabad is a good place in Afghanistan

Friday is a public holiday for all the muslims in their own countries

Please remain quiet during Friday Khutbah

Afghanistan has a common border with China

China has lots of population

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Whoever helps poor people will get reward on day of Judgement

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Afghans think that the cloak of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is in Kandahar

In non muslim countries we should avoid using products containing animal fat

He always wear dirty clothes His clothes are always dirty

Flowers grow in the park This is a green park

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Muslim calendar started from the time when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) emigrated to Madina

Months of Afghanistan Year

6th Month 5th Month 4th Month 3rd Month 2nd Month 1st Month

12th Month 11th Month 10th Month 9th Month 8th Month 7th Month

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Afghan Community Centre Afghan Community International Community

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Civilian Casualty Civilian Asians Community

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Minor Sins Political Alliance Alliance

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Perform Hajj Good Deeds Major Sins

Breaking the Rules Open Defiance Perform Umra

Unlawful Lawful Breaking the law Breaking the Rules

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Pleasure of Allah (SWT) Allah’s Pleasure

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For the sake of Allah(SWT) Pleasing Allah (SWT)

The Nigerian Government imposed a dusk to dawn curfew in the capital Curfew

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We should worship Allah (SWT) alone Worship

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We should not associate any partner with Allah (SWT)

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Allah(SWT) is one. Mohammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah (SWT)

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Grandfather is reciting Quran Sharif. Quran Sharif is the Book of Allah (SWT).

I keep my clothes clean. Cleanliness is good.

Ashraf has black hair. Zafar Khan likes black horse.

My uncle has a gun. Gun is banned in this country.

Visiting a sick person has a reward. I do charity works.

Afghans Community Centre

Dear and respected brothers and sisters !

This is a green park. Flowers grow in the park.

My uncle is going to Hajj. Hamid father is Haji

Hajj is Fard. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam

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Allah(SWT) is one. I am the slave of Allah(SWT). I believe in Allah(SWT)

Fajar prayer is 4 rakats. The first 2 are sunna and the last 2 are fard

Always eat and drink with your right hand.

Use your left hand during the

Always clean your nose with left hand.

Use your left hand for cleaning your private parts.

Always wash your hands before eating.

Always say bismellah before eating.

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We should be thankful to Allah(SWT) in all situations

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Ninth Lesson

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I start eating with the name of Allah (SWT). We eat meal together at home.

My father gives food to the guests. The price of a bread in Kabul was ten Afghanis.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is Fard.

Muslims fast one month in a year.

It is very cold in Afghanistan during the winter season.

People wear warm clothes in the winter

Sometimes Salang pass is closed for traffic during the winter.

Sometimes during the winter there is lots of snow in Kabul

Haji Sahib Nimatullah went for Umra with his wife

Abdul Shakor will arrive to London from America on Friday.

Taking bath on Friday is sunnah

Honesty is good. Everybody likes an honest man. Muslim should be an honest man.

Harming others are a sin. A good person never hurts others feelings.

Gul Ahmad’s younger brother is a student in Said Abad High School

All of us have a great responsibility toward our society

All Muslims are brothers and sisters with each other

Green tea is usually used during the hot season in most of the Middle East countries

We do not use teapots at home and use thermos instead

People drive on the left In England

Cockfight is a common game in some parts of Afghanistan

Hens are kept for laying eggs

Where is your father? I want to tell him something

A leather belt lasts longer than a plastic one

Creating problems is not good

The height of this building is 10 meters The height of this building is 10 meters

You need some rest Rest is useful for health

We should teach good manners to our children You need a break

Our children should learn good manners in the Mosque

Night is normally for rest and day is normally for work

Most of the countries got their independence from Britain

Most of the countries in the world got their independence from Britain

In some countries, the traffic signal does not work

In some countries, there is no traffic signals at all

The announcement of the two Eids always happens in Saudi Arabia

Imam of the mosque announces the funeral prayers

United States of America has the strongest economy in the world

We should feel proud of being muslims

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Imam Abu Hanifa ( ) was one of the greatest scholar in the Muslim world

Our local Mosque has four imams

Our Math exam was very hard

People of Afghanistan need security more than anything else

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Security is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (SWT)

France and Germany are both very important members of the European Union

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Muslims believe in all Prophets of Allah (SWT)

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No other Prophet is coming after Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

He confessed to his guilt after two weeks

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Tenth Lesson

I am in the waiting list for having a minor operation

All Afghans should work together for a real peace in their country now

Its better to forgive than taking revenge Its better to forgive than taking revenge

Carry on with your study Carry on with your good work

Its my sincere wish to see a real Islamic government in my country

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May Allah (SWT) give lots of rewards to those who helps others

Alhamdulillah I performed my first Hajj in 1999

He got an excellent result in his exam

Don’t talk while verses of Quran are recited

Keep quiet when verses of Quran are recited

All of us have a great responsibility toward our society

All Muslims are brothers and sisters with each other

We do not use teapots at home and use thermos instead

The front light of your car does not work

Our street lights need replacement

His grandmother is a very kind lady

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May Allah (SWT) grants us all Janatul-Firdaus (Ameen)

Kabul has a sunny sky most of the time

Kabul has a sunny sky most of the time

Afghanistan is located in central Asia

The first mosque in Australia was built by Afghans

We should respect the dignity of every human being

Abdul Jamil recites Quran with a sweet voice

I wish you a happy life for years to come

I wish my parents were alive

There are many waterfalls in the north of Afghanistan

His children do not like noodles at all

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Mohammad (SAWS) is The Messenger of Allah (SWT)


A muslim should have a good manner Manners

One who call Azzan is called Moazzin Azzan is Sunnah AZAAN(call to prayer)

We have many apple trees in our garden

We live very close to the sea

Almond from Tashqur Ghan is very famous

We should teach good manners to our children at an early age

His son passed his final exam with good marks

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May Allah (SWT) make it easy for you to overcome this difficulties

There is a clear verse in the Quran which says: do not get near to adultery

It will be great if we memorise two verses from the Quran every day

It will be great if we fully understand two verses from the Quran every day

It will be great if we fully implement two verses from the Quran every day

Its better to keep quiet than talking nonesense

The government should be very careful when it comes to public money

There are good and bad people in every society

We should try to correct our bad habits

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Eleventh Lesson

Every country should treat their political prisoners humanely

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The first call to prayer was done by Bilal (RA) in Madinah

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Allah (SWT) puts lots of blessings in Halal earnings

Aubergine costs too much in this country

The person who looks after garden is called a gardener

A gardener understands the importance of a nice garden

Every garden has a gardener

Your daughter is very shy and she does not ask any question at all

Your daughter is very shy and she does not ask any question at all

Your son is also very shy and he does not ask any question either

Literate and illiterate people are not equal

We should reduce the number of illiterate people in our country

We should always try to avoid useless talking

Many Afghans live outside Afghanistan

There are lots of outside interference in Afghanistan

There aren’t so many houses with a balcony in this country

We should always report the change of address to our GP

A life without electricity will be very difficult

Tiger is a very powerful animal

A tiger may not be as strong as a lion

Okra is very expensive in this country

Afghans always like to have bread with their meals

In the month of Ramadan, Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast

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May Allah (SWT) keep us all on the right path

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We ask Allah (SWT) to keep us all on the straight path (Siratul Mustaqeem)

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May Allah(SWT) makes our lives good in this world and hereafter

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Whenever the name of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is mentioned, we should say: ( )

You should always consult your GP for taking any medicine

Ahmad is studying medicine at Kabul University

United Nation has offices in every country

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle 180 degrees

Please remain seated until the plane stops completely

Every point on the circumference of a circle has equal distance from the centre

Keeping away from bad actions has lots of advantages

Using plenty of salt is no good for your health

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A good leader is a great blessing of Allah (SWT) to the people of the country

In the pre-islamic era, people were burying their daughters alive

Alhamdulillah I am very pleased with my children

City of Madina got lots of shrines

Usury must be avoided at all costs

Olive oil is very useful for your health

Some snakes which can be found in some mountainous parts have very strong poison

There was a big earthquake in Pakistan few years back

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Zaynab was one of the daughters of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

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Twelfth Lesson

Zakat is given to poor people Zakat is obligatory upon each muslim

Sum of triangle angles is 180 degrees A triangle has 3 angles

Sum of triangle angles is 180 degrees A triangle has 3 angles

Poison kills someone Snake poison is very dangerous

Afghanistan is an agricultural country Ministry of Agriculture

Winter in Afghanistan usually lasts 3 months

Some parts of Afghanistan get heavy snow during the winter

Life without education is difficult Human being should benefit from his life

Alhamdulillah my father has a beard Having beard is sunnah

In ablution(Wudu) water should reach every part of beard

Today’s lesson was about the rights of parents I study at school

My elder sister studies at Madrasa I memorised my Quran sharif lesson

We should ask Alim about something we do not know

I answered five questions correctly in Math exam

All Muslims should work and try to keep themselves away from begging as much as possible

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It is Fard to do Sajda in Salah Muslim do not prostrate to anyone except Allah (SWT)

I saw Ahmad grandfather yesterday in the mosque and his hands became very weak

I visited him in the hospital yesterday and he looked very weak

We as a muslim should never harm anyone

A person with a clear conscience will never do such a bad thing like he did

General Ziaul Haq ruled Pakistan from 1979 until 1988

The weather was cold and wet It was raining and I got wet

People in some parts of Afghanistan use dried meat during the winter

His children drink at least four litres of fresh milk every day

Even a mad man will not do what he did

My elder brother passed away in 2002

We should wear a little bit short trousers His trousers is a little bit short

Daytime normally starts from sunrise until sunset

We as Muslims should try to learn Arabic language

The price of one litre of petrol went up by 10%

Saudi Arabia got lots of sun throughout the year

Omar likes wearing shirt with short sleeve during the hot weather

Most of the big lorries transport goods during the night

The way of Islam will leads you to Paradise

The way of Satan will leads you to Hell

Some of Latin words are still used in English language

Muslims are always required to be nice to their felow human beings

They are required by law to pay for their children education

A Muslim lady is required to wear Hijab in public places

A Muslim should always wear decent clothes

Muslims should use every moment of their lives performing good deeds

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Thirteenth Lesson

We as Muslims should try to learn Arabic language

O Allah! protect us all from your curse

Resistance against Russian and American invasions needed a lot of sacrifices

Almost one and a half million Afghans were martyred during the Russian occupation

Majority of Afghans consider the American occupation exactly in the same way as the Russian one

I enjoy listening to the recitation of Imam Shawkat, especially, during the Isha prayer

There is a proverb which says that a foolish friend is more harmful than a wise enemy

Makkah Mukarama has a special place in the heart of every Muslim

Madinah Munawara also has a special place in the heart of every Muslim

My uncle was the author of physics for secondary schools in Afghanistan

Egypt is very famous for its pyramids

No one has the right to destroy other people properties

They were very disappointed from their exam results

People of Afghanistan are very disappointed from their politicians

Our mission in this world is to do good deeds

Recently, one of my friend was unfortunately diagnosed with a heart disease

A cancer patient cannot get the required treatment in Afghanistan

Some patients need more care than others

I think his illness is serious I think he got a serious illness

Visiting a sick person is strongly recommended in Islam

There are always demonstrations of one way or another in Afghanistan

Two of my sons are married and one is single

More than 500 people are waiting for their operations

Afghan hospitality is famous throughout the world

Afghan rugs are famous throughout the world

We should have highly qualified teachers in our schools

His youngest nephew is a student in a primary school

Her brother is a first year student in London university

Baghdad was the centre of knowledge during Haroon Rashid government

Some people in Afghanistan want to reduce the power of the central government

Some people deliberately want to weaken the influence of the central government

I told the builder not to use square tiles in the bathroom

Generally there are three types of triangles

Some underdeveloped countries even cannot pay the basic salary to their employees

Some underdeveloped countries even cannot pay the basic salary to their employees

Her salary is £20000 per year She have an annual salary of £20000

His salary is £2000 per month He has a monthly salary of £2000

Unofficial visits will not solve the conflict in our country

It is very unusual for him not to turn to his class

It will not be good, not to help poor people

It will be good to help orphans

Muslims throughout the world always donated generously toward any disaster

He is treating his customers very nicely His shop got lots of customers

He is offering 10% discount to his customers His shop got lots of customers

We should not create problems to anyone He has lots of problems

We should always try to alleviate other people problems

He has financial problems He has lots of problems

Our late father always told us not to miss any daily prayers

Everyone is responsible for his/her action

It is the parents responsibility to teach their children good manners

Ahmad won a gold medal in the weight lifting race

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Fourteenth Lesson

We need a temporary place to teach Pashtu and Dari to our children

The Home office said that for the time being we can all stay in this country

Parents should pay equal attention to his sons and daughters

Ticket prices normally go up during the holiday season

His leg was broken during the car accident

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Our wealth should not detract us from our responsibilities toward Allah(SWT)

We should spend our wealth in good causes

My uncle was 70 years old when he died One of my uncle passed away in 2011

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Thank God! One of my uncle is still alive and well

The government and its opponents are talking peace in Qatar

We should always teach our children to refrain from using any forms of drugs

People are deprived of their basic rights such as housing

The use of too much salt is the source of every health problems

Taking too much salt is very harmful for our health

People from the middle east use black pepper in making soup

I will never forget the taste of soup my mother used to make

Afghan food tastes very nicely

Your porridge was very delicious Your food was very tasty

Always be careful not to mistaken gents toilet with ladies ones

Sunni Muslims have four famous schools of thought

Muslim should bury the body of a dead person as soon as possible

Muslim should bury the body of a dead person as soon as possible

Muslims should wash the dead body before burial

I regularly visit my father grave and pray for him

I regularly visit my mother grave and pray for her forgiveness

One of the junior ministers of the cabinet resigned today due to his personal problems

His prison sentence has not been fixed yet

In my opinion he had a reasonable request

In my opinion he had a reasonable request

In my opinion he had a reasonable request

The Minister of mine and industry visited a copper mine in Lugar province today

Pakistan is located to the east of Afghanistan

Eastern culture differs from the western culture

I am very busy these days and I cannot help you with your Maths

Spending money on family members is considered as a charity

I have no information about those members of my family who lives in Wardak Province

We need a comprehensive discussion about the future government of Afghanistan

I was sitting with him in the same table during dinner party

You are entitled to claim the expense of your trip to Germany

Our monthly expenses should not exceeds our monthly incomes

The surgeon in the hospital removed a bullet from his stomach

The surgeon in the hospital removed a bullet from his stomach

No one knows when he is going to die

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Fifteenth Lesson

His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer after his death

There are various types of snakes in some parts of India

There are various types of snakes in some parts of India

In Saudi Arabia most of the cars got airconditions

He is running his government with an iron fist

I think he needs counselling regarding his problems

Always ask your trustworthy friends for advice

One of the top government advisor was arrested for corruption

I made it very clear to him in the meeting that no deal will be done behind his back

I made it clear to him in the meeting that there will be no deal behind his back

You can get apple throughout the year in Afghanistan

Area under the curve can be calculated very easily

Middle East has seen lots of troubles during the past five decades

In my opinion mediation between Ahmad and Ismael will be a little bit difficult to arrange

In my opinion mediation between Ahmad and Ismael will be a little bit difficult to arrange

Middle East went through many changes in recent years

Middle East has seen lots of troubles during the past five decades

We should do all of our transactions according to Islamic teachings

He bought a very expensive mobile last week

He has two faces He has a small round face

I don’t think he can face anyone after this incidence

I don’t think he can face anyone after this incidence

Mazar and Mazar-e-Sharif are both the same Mazar-e-Sharif is also called Balkh

Rahman Baba shrine is located in Peshawar

Rahman Baba shrine is located in Peshawar

A common fraction has both numerator and denominator

We need lots of water reservoirs in Afghanistan

A high level of security is required around the airport perimeter

In Islamic government the rights of each individual should be protected

The security personnel should be on duty during the independence day

He chooses his bodyguards very carefully

He is looking for professional escorts

The court will decide whether he can stay or leave the country

Islam always condemn the killing of innocent people by anyone in any form

The president looked very confident about the outcome of the peace talk

The president looked very confident about the outcome of the peace talk



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Allah (SWT) has created Angels from light

The Ministry of culture and information issue a memo for all female newsreaders to wear headscarves

News reading is not an easy job especially in a country which has no laws and orders

The exam result will be announced on 15th of April

His exam result will be published on 15th of April

Every experiment should have a conclusion

A meeting without any conclusion is a waste of time

The outcomes of this meeting should be implemented in full

The outcomes of this meeting should be implemented in full

We should choose good Muslim names for our children

The name that you mentioned does ring a bell

The rescue operation is underway in Salang tunnel

Orange coming from Pakistan is very juicy

You will get the first copy of my book when it is printed

You will get the first copy of my book when it is published

Cleanness is strongly recommended in Islam

One of my friend lives in New Zealand

Nepal is a beautiful country with lots of natural beauty

Hajj is Fard(obligatory) Ahmad’s father is Hajji My uncle is going to Hajj

this year Inshaullah

Backbiting is forbidden in Islam Eating pork is forbidden in Islam


There are Halal meat shops everywhere in UK Muslim should eat Halal meat


We should pay lots of attention to our health Helping relatives has lots of rewards

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Sixteenth Lesson

Some of my distant relatives are still living in Wardak in a very difficult circumstances

Some of my close relatives are still living in Peshawar

Always keep in touch with your relatives Keep close contact with your relatives

Always keep in touch with your relatives Keep close contact with your relatives

Never ever break relation with your relatives

I have two sisters, one is older and one is younger than me

My older sister is a widow and she has no children My younger sister got five sons

Unfortunately, I have not got any niece from my sister side

One of my niece is my daughter-in-law as well

My nephew Rahimullah is studying medicine in one of Turkish universities

My nephew Habib Rahman studied Pharmacy in one of British universities

There is always a danger of being killed in the battlefield

In spite of danger, we have to stay in our own village

In spite of danger, we have to stay in our own village

Corruption is as dangerous as the war

Smoking cigarettes is very dangerous for health

Unqualified doctors are more dangerous than the illness itself

Children should not cause unnecessary embarrassment to their parent

Children should not cause unnecessary embarrassment to their parent

There are almost 500 foreigners working in Afghanistan

Traitor is a person who commits treason to his country

American special envoy to Afghanistan told his government to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

Its not easy to find pure honey nowadays

One characteristic of a hypocrite is not to keep his promise

One characteristic of a hypocrite is telling lies

There are good and bad people in every community

Afghan tailor makes very nice clothes

My granddaughter likes melons very much

Brazil is exporting lots of raw materials to USA

The word “Khan” is associated with the North West Frontier in Pakistan

He gave his life for the service of his country

He lost his life while serving his country

Last Friday imam of Kaba in his Khutba called on all Muslim to unite

Ordinary people will suffer if UN enforce economic sanction on Iran

Each year the independence day is celebrated in Afghanistan

My sister listens to Afghanistan news every day

Drinking milk is very useful for health Drinking alcohol is not allowed in Islam

Every body needs to drink at least one bottle of clean water every day

Zohar prayer is ten rakats Morning prayer is four rakats

Maghrib prayer is five rakats Asar prayer is four rakats

Juma prayer is two rakats Isha prayer is nine rakats

There is no iqamat in Janaza prayer Eid prayer is two rakats

There is lots of barren land in Afghanistan

Young people should educate themselves

Young people should have education I keep my clothes clean

Young people should study I keep myself clean

Keeping away from bad actions has lots of benefits

Some of our friends are Engineers and some of them are doctors

It is the governments duty to look after the forests

It is the governments responsibility to look after the forests

It is the governments job to look after the forests

It is the governments job to look after the forests

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Seventeenth Lesson

Islam is our religion Our religion is Islam

Every point on the circumference of a circle has equal distance from the centre

His judgment is well respected in diplomatic circles

This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out

This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out

This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out

Please remain seated until the plane stops completely

He quit smoking altogether Please remain quiet inside the classroom

He found her quite attractive

The defence minister of Afghanistan is responsible to protect the sovereignty of the country

During the communist era lots of people disappeared in Afghanistan

The information presented to us is not very accurate

The price of dollar against euro is decreasing on daily basis

The price of dollar against euro is decreasing on daily basis

United Nation has offices in every country

The majority of Afghans strongly disagree with the establishment of American permanent bases in their country

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May Allah (SWT) keep us all from the Hell fire

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May Allah (SWT) keep us all from the Hell fire

I am full and I do not want to eat anymore

There are various types of grapes in Afghanistan

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Fear Allah (SWT) in every situation

Too much eating and drinking is not good for your health

We always eat together at home I always say: When I eat

We should always eat with right hand My father gives food to poor people

My religion orders me to do good deeds I love my religion Islam is our religion

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May Allah(SWT) makes our lives good in this world and hereafter

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Whenever the name of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is mentioned, we should say:( )

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We should always supplicate to Allah (SWT)

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We ask Allah (SWT) to grant us Janatul Firdaws

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We ask Allah (SWT) to keep us all on the straight path (Siratul Mustaqeem)

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May Allah (SWT) keep us all on the right path

In the month of Ramadan, Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast

Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast

Afghans always like to have bread with their meals

In Kabul, one bread costs 8 Afghanies In Kabul, one bread costs 8 Afghanies

Some people are very brave and some are very coward

Some people are very brave and some are very coward

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We should always supplicate to Allah (SWT)

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Allah(SWT) remembrance has rewards Muslim remember Allah(SWT) I mention (remember) Allah(SWT)

Muslims are supposed to fast during the month of Ramadan

The bond between children and their parent should be very strong

Radar plays a crucial part in winning the war

Afghan radar system has been totally destroyed during the war

It gives me great pleasure and comfort to see Afghan children being educated in their schools

Kabul Radio is one of the oldest radio station in the country

My children are planning to perform Umra during their school holiday

My children are planning to perform Umra during their school holiday

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Eighteenth Lesson

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May Allah (SWT) have mercy on our parent

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We should always ask Allah (SWT) for his mercy

High ranking officials from both governments are engaged in peace talk

A high ranking official from the Ministry of Higher Education is visiting our University this week

I am not satisfied with your explanation I am not satisfied with your explanation

He had at least three official visits to this country this year so far

Taking or giving bribe is absolutely forbidden in Islam

In each ruku we should say at least three times:

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Radio Iftar (Breaking Fast) Fasting is obligatory during the month of Ramadan

Helping a blind man is counted as a good deed A blind person cannot see anything

An illetrate person is like a blind person

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Abubakr (R) was the first man to embrace Islam

Plenty of people visit Saudi Arabia every year

An angle which is equal to ninety degrees is called right angle

An angle which is less than ninety degrees is called acute angle

An angle which is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is called an obtuse angle

Please look at the situation from a different angle

My village name is Arab Khail in Said Abad district in Wardak Province

My religion is Islam Islam is my religion

Our country is going through lots of changes

There are lots of changes happening in our country

Plenty of exercise will definitely help to loose weight

You need plenty of revision for your exam

You need plenty of revision for your exam

Afghanistan had excellent leaders in the past

Afghanistan had excellent leaders in the past

Afghanistan had excellent leaders in the past

A good leader will always consider the long term national interest of the country

In UK doctors do not give any medicine for cold

Cold is a virus that can be transmitted very easily by many means

Sometimes cold can be mistaken with meningitis by ordinary people

There was a devastating earthquake in Japan this year

During Zahir Shah era security was far better than now

It is the duty of parent to feed their children with Halal

It is the parent duty to cloth their children with Halal

My son-in-law is my nephew as well

Pilgrims are may visit particular shrines

There is a saying that no news is a good news

My son is really a gentleman

Sakhi shrine in Mazar-e-sharif is one of the famous shrines in Afghanistan

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Nineteenth Lesson

Winter in Afghanistan usually lasts 3 months

Some parts of Afghanistan get heavy snow during the winter

In some areas the temperature gets below -20 degrees during the winter

In some areas the temperature gets below -20 degrees during the winter

In some areas the temperature gets above 30 degrees during the summer

Life without education is difficult Human being should benefit from his life

I like science subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and Maths

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It is Fard to do Sajda in Salah Muslim do not prostrate to anyone except Allah (SWT)

Kabul-Kandahar road is one of oldest road

Helmand got small number of roads compared with Kabul

Failure of the peace process will be a big blow to the afghan government

Some governments cannot provide even the basic necessities for its people

y 3y+5 :

In the expression 3y+5, the coefficient of y is 3

A person with a clear conscience will never do such a bad thing like he did

Muslims are always required to be nice to their felow human beings

We as Muslims should try to learn Arabic language

The way of Islam will leads you to Paradise

The way of Satan will leads you to Hell

A Muslim lady is required to wear Hijab in public places

A Muslim should always wear decent clothes

Elder brothers should always look after their younger brothers and sisters

A wise person will use every moment of his/her life to benefit him/her in this world and in the hereafter.

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Twentieth Lesson

Narrated Anas (RA): The Prophet(SAW( used to say, “O Allah! Our Lord!

Give us in this world that, which is good and in the Hereafter that,

which is good and save us from the torment of the Fire” (Al-Bukhari)

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abdullahwardak53@gmail.com :

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