انګلیسی لغاتونه په پشتو مانا-1
انګلیسی لغاتونه په پشتو مانا-1
انګلیسی لغاتونه په پشتو مانا-1
“In the name of Allah ,the Most Beneficent ,the Most Merciful.”
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abdullahwardak53@gmail.com :
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First Lesson
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Pear Cow Corn Grape
Light Lamb Bread Ladder
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Lesson No.2
Road Teapot Car Pepper
Gate Door Radio Television
Sink Boiler Central Heating Heater
Apricot Peaches Aubergine Cucumber
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Third Lesson
Chimney Bed Cupboard
Apple Grapes Land Sky Wood
Forehead Teeth Lips Ear
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Fourth Lesson
Midnight Day Day Night
My village name is Arabkhail In Afghanistan, I come from Wardak Province
Kaghaz Mrach Maalga Boora
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How was your trip to Kabul? How was your exam?
The rights which are given to women in Islam are not given in any other religion
According to Sunnah Muslim should eat and drink with right hand
Volume Hijab Absent Present
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Fifth Lesson
Always pay your Zakat on time
Never eat too much Never insult anyone
Peaches Pear Apricot Library
Mischief Individual Prayer Congregation Prayer
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Sixth Lesson
Week Days
My name father’s name is Abdul Rahman What is your father’s name?
My religion is Islam What is your religion?
“On the day of Judgment, you will discover the worst man to be the one who had two faces”
Parallelogram Rectangle Square Triangle
How do you calculate the perimeter of a rectangle?
Anything you like for yourself, you should also like for someone else
Airplane Snow Rain Tooth Paste
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Seventh Lesson
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Nepal has lots of beautiful scenery The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu
Some Nepali are opposing the royal family People from Nepal are called Nepali
Always listen to the advice given by your parents
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Pray two rakat nafal first if possible and then ask Allah (SWT) for any help
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Eighth Lesson
Friday is a public holiday for all the muslims in their own countries
China has lots of population
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In non muslim countries we should avoid using products containing animal fat
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Muslim calendar started from the time when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) emigrated to Madina
Months of Afghanistan Year
6th Month 5th Month 4th Month 3rd Month 2nd Month 1st Month
12th Month 11th Month 10th Month 9th Month 8th Month 7th Month
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Afghan Community Centre Afghan Community International Community
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The Nigerian Government imposed a dusk to dawn curfew in the capital Curfew
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We should worship Allah (SWT) alone Worship
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We should not associate any partner with Allah (SWT)
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Grandfather is reciting Quran Sharif. Quran Sharif is the Book of Allah (SWT).
My uncle has a gun. Gun is banned in this country.
My uncle is going to Hajj. Hamid father is Haji
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Allah(SWT) is one. I am the slave of Allah(SWT). I believe in Allah(SWT)
Fajar prayer is 4 rakats. The first 2 are sunna and the last 2 are fard
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Ninth Lesson
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I start eating with the name of Allah (SWT). We eat meal together at home.
My father gives food to the guests. The price of a bread in Kabul was ten Afghanis.
People wear warm clothes in the winter
Honesty is good. Everybody likes an honest man. Muslim should be an honest man.
Harming others are a sin. A good person never hurts others feelings.
Green tea is usually used during the hot season in most of the Middle East countries
We do not use teapots at home and use thermos instead
A leather belt lasts longer than a plastic one
The height of this building is 10 meters The height of this building is 10 meters
Night is normally for rest and day is normally for work
Most of the countries in the world got their independence from Britain
Imam of the mosque announces the funeral prayers
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Imam Abu Hanifa ( ) was one of the greatest scholar in the Muslim world
People of Afghanistan need security more than anything else
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Security is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (SWT)
France and Germany are both very important members of the European Union
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Tenth Lesson
All Afghans should work together for a real peace in their country now
Its better to forgive than taking revenge Its better to forgive than taking revenge
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May Allah (SWT) give lots of rewards to those who helps others
Alhamdulillah I performed my first Hajj in 1999
We do not use teapots at home and use thermos instead
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Kabul has a sunny sky most of the time
Abdul Jamil recites Quran with a sweet voice
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One who call Azzan is called Moazzin Azzan is Sunnah AZAAN(call to prayer)
His son passed his final exam with good marks
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May Allah (SWT) make it easy for you to overcome this difficulties
There is a clear verse in the Quran which says: do not get near to adultery
It will be great if we memorise two verses from the Quran every day
It will be great if we fully understand two verses from the Quran every day
It will be great if we fully implement two verses from the Quran every day
Its better to keep quiet than talking nonesense
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Eleventh Lesson
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A gardener understands the importance of a nice garden
Your daughter is very shy and she does not ask any question at all
Your daughter is very shy and she does not ask any question at all
Your son is also very shy and he does not ask any question either
We should reduce the number of illiterate people in our country
We should always report the change of address to our GP
Afghans always like to have bread with their meals
In the month of Ramadan, Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast
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May Allah (SWT) keep us all on the right path
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We ask Allah (SWT) to keep us all on the straight path (Siratul Mustaqeem)
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May Allah(SWT) makes our lives good in this world and hereafter
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You should always consult your GP for taking any medicine
Every point on the circumference of a circle has equal distance from the centre
Keeping away from bad actions has lots of advantages
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A good leader is a great blessing of Allah (SWT) to the people of the country
Usury must be avoided at all costs
Some snakes which can be found in some mountainous parts have very strong poison
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Zaynab was one of the daughters of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
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Twelfth Lesson
Winter in Afghanistan usually lasts 3 months
Life without education is difficult Human being should benefit from his life
My elder sister studies at Madrasa I memorised my Quran sharif lesson
All Muslims should work and try to keep themselves away from begging as much as possible
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It is Fard to do Sajda in Salah Muslim do not prostrate to anyone except Allah (SWT)
I saw Ahmad grandfather yesterday in the mosque and his hands became very weak
I visited him in the hospital yesterday and he looked very weak
A person with a clear conscience will never do such a bad thing like he did
The weather was cold and wet It was raining and I got wet
People in some parts of Afghanistan use dried meat during the winter
His children drink at least four litres of fresh milk every day
We should wear a little bit short trousers His trousers is a little bit short
Omar likes wearing shirt with short sleeve during the hot weather
Muslims should use every moment of their lives performing good deeds
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Thirteenth Lesson
Almost one and a half million Afghans were martyred during the Russian occupation
Majority of Afghans consider the American occupation exactly in the same way as the Russian one
I enjoy listening to the recitation of Imam Shawkat, especially, during the Isha prayer
There is a proverb which says that a foolish friend is more harmful than a wise enemy
Madinah Munawara also has a special place in the heart of every Muslim
No one has the right to destroy other people properties
Some patients need more care than others
More than 500 people are waiting for their operations
Her brother is a first year student in London university
Some people in Afghanistan want to reduce the power of the central government
Some people deliberately want to weaken the influence of the central government
Some underdeveloped countries even cannot pay the basic salary to their employees
Some underdeveloped countries even cannot pay the basic salary to their employees
Her salary is £20000 per year She have an annual salary of £20000
It will not be good, not to help poor people
Muslims throughout the world always donated generously toward any disaster
He is treating his customers very nicely His shop got lots of customers
He is offering 10% discount to his customers His shop got lots of customers
We should always try to alleviate other people problems
Our late father always told us not to miss any daily prayers
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Fourteenth Lesson
The Home office said that for the time being we can all stay in this country
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Our wealth should not detract us from our responsibilities toward Allah(SWT)
My uncle was 70 years old when he died One of my uncle passed away in 2011
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We should always teach our children to refrain from using any forms of drugs
The use of too much salt is the source of every health problems
People from the middle east use black pepper in making soup
Your porridge was very delicious Your food was very tasty
Always be careful not to mistaken gents toilet with ladies ones
I regularly visit my mother grave and pray for her forgiveness
One of the junior ministers of the cabinet resigned today due to his personal problems
The Minister of mine and industry visited a copper mine in Lugar province today
I am very busy these days and I cannot help you with your Maths
I have no information about those members of my family who lives in Wardak Province
I was sitting with him in the same table during dinner party
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Fifteenth Lesson
His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer after his death
I think he needs counselling regarding his problems
I made it very clear to him in the meeting that no deal will be done behind his back
I made it clear to him in the meeting that there will be no deal behind his back
In my opinion mediation between Ahmad and Ismael will be a little bit difficult to arrange
In my opinion mediation between Ahmad and Ismael will be a little bit difficult to arrange
Middle East has seen lots of troubles during the past five decades
Mazar and Mazar-e-Sharif are both the same Mazar-e-Sharif is also called Balkh
He chooses his bodyguards very carefully
The court will decide whether he can stay or leave the country
Islam always condemn the killing of innocent people by anyone in any form
The president looked very confident about the outcome of the peace talk
The president looked very confident about the outcome of the peace talk
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Allah (SWT) has created Angels from light
The Ministry of culture and information issue a memo for all female newsreaders to wear headscarves
News reading is not an easy job especially in a country which has no laws and orders
Every experiment should have a conclusion
The rescue operation is underway in Salang tunnel
Nepal is a beautiful country with lots of natural beauty
There are Halal meat shops everywhere in UK Muslim should eat Halal meat
We should pay lots of attention to our health Helping relatives has lots of rewards
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Sixteenth Lesson
Some of my distant relatives are still living in Wardak in a very difficult circumstances
Always keep in touch with your relatives Keep close contact with your relatives
Always keep in touch with your relatives Keep close contact with your relatives
I have two sisters, one is older and one is younger than me
My older sister is a widow and she has no children My younger sister got five sons
There is always a danger of being killed in the battlefield
Children should not cause unnecessary embarrassment to their parent
American special envoy to Afghanistan told his government to withdraw troops from Afghanistan
One characteristic of a hypocrite is not to keep his promise
Brazil is exporting lots of raw materials to USA
The word “Khan” is associated with the North West Frontier in Pakistan
Last Friday imam of Kaba in his Khutba called on all Muslim to unite
Each year the independence day is celebrated in Afghanistan
Drinking milk is very useful for health Drinking alcohol is not allowed in Islam
Every body needs to drink at least one bottle of clean water every day
Keeping away from bad actions has lots of benefits
Some of our friends are Engineers and some of them are doctors
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Seventeenth Lesson
Every point on the circumference of a circle has equal distance from the centre
This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out
This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out
This is an internal matter among Afghans and they themselves should sort out
The defence minister of Afghanistan is responsible to protect the sovereignty of the country
The information presented to us is not very accurate
The majority of Afghans strongly disagree with the establishment of American permanent bases in their country
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May Allah (SWT) keep us all from the Hell fire
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Too much eating and drinking is not good for your health
We should always eat with right hand My father gives food to poor people
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May Allah(SWT) makes our lives good in this world and hereafter
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We ask Allah (SWT) to grant us Janatul Firdaws
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We ask Allah (SWT) to keep us all on the straight path (Siratul Mustaqeem)
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May Allah (SWT) keep us all on the right path
In the month of Ramadan, Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast
Muslims share their meals with each other when they break their fast
In Kabul, one bread costs 8 Afghanies In Kabul, one bread costs 8 Afghanies
Some people are very brave and some are very coward
Some people are very brave and some are very coward
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Allah(SWT) remembrance has rewards Muslim remember Allah(SWT) I mention (remember) Allah(SWT)
The bond between children and their parent should be very strong
Radar plays a crucial part in winning the war
Afghan radar system has been totally destroyed during the war
It gives me great pleasure and comfort to see Afghan children being educated in their schools
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Eighteenth Lesson
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We should always ask Allah (SWT) for his mercy
High ranking officials from both governments are engaged in peace talk
A high ranking official from the Ministry of Higher Education is visiting our University this week
I am not satisfied with your explanation I am not satisfied with your explanation
He had at least three official visits to this country this year so far
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Radio Iftar (Breaking Fast) Fasting is obligatory during the month of Ramadan
Helping a blind man is counted as a good deed A blind person cannot see anything
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An angle which is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is called an obtuse angle
My village name is Arab Khail in Said Abad district in Wardak Province
You need plenty of revision for your exam
A good leader will always consider the long term national interest of the country
In UK doctors do not give any medicine for cold
During Zahir Shah era security was far better than now
It is the duty of parent to feed their children with Halal
My son is really a gentleman
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Nineteenth Lesson
In some areas the temperature gets below -20 degrees during the winter
In some areas the temperature gets below -20 degrees during the winter
In some areas the temperature gets above 30 degrees during the summer
Life without education is difficult Human being should benefit from his life
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It is Fard to do Sajda in Salah Muslim do not prostrate to anyone except Allah (SWT)
Failure of the peace process will be a big blow to the afghan government
Some governments cannot provide even the basic necessities for its people
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A person with a clear conscience will never do such a bad thing like he did
The way of Satan will leads you to Hell
Elder brothers should always look after their younger brothers and sisters
A wise person will use every moment of his/her life to benefit him/her in this world and in the hereafter.
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Twentieth Lesson
Narrated Anas (RA): The Prophet(SAW( used to say, “O Allah! Our Lord!
Give us in this world that, which is good and in the Hereafter that,
which is good and save us from the torment of the Fire” (Al-Bukhari)
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abdullahwardak53@gmail.com :
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