Anaerobic Treatment of Dairy Wastewaters: A Review: Burak Demirel, Orhan Yenigun, Turgut T. Onay
Anaerobic Treatment of Dairy Wastewaters: A Review: Burak Demirel, Orhan Yenigun, Turgut T. Onay
Anaerobic Treatment of Dairy Wastewaters: A Review: Burak Demirel, Orhan Yenigun, Turgut T. Onay
Anaerobic treatment is often reported to be an effective method for treating dairy effluents. The objective of this paper is to summarize
recent research efforts and case studies in anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewaters. The main characteristics of industrial dairy waste streams
are identified and the anaerobic degradation mechanisms of the primary constituents in dairy wastewaters, namely carbohydrates (mainly
lactose), proteins and lipids are described. Primary attention is then focused on bench–pilot–full-scale anaerobic treatment efforts for dairy
waste effluents. Combined (anaerobic–aerobic) treatment methods are also discussed. Finally, areas where further research and attention are
required are identified.
# 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Anaerobic treatment; Dairy wastewaters; Acidogenesis; Lipids degradation; Proteins degradation
0032-9592/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2584 B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595
treatment systems for dairy wastewaters are also summar- about the particular characteristics of dairy wastewaters
ized briefly. Finally, areas where particular research and from various full-scale operations [6]. A summary of data
more attention required in the near future are identified. obtained from literature for general properties of dairy waste
effluents from full-scale operations is given in Table 1 [11–
19]. High COD concentrations indicate that dairy industry
2. General characteristics of dairy wastewaters wastewaters are strong and fluctuating in nature. Significant
fractions of the organic components and nutrients in dairy
Wastewaters from the dairy industry are usually waste streams are derived from milk and milk products. In
generated in an intermittent way, so the flow rates of these industrial dairy wastewaters, nitrogen originates mainly
effluents change significantly. High seasonal variations are from milk proteins, and is present in various forms; either an
also encountered frequently and correlate with the volume of organic nitrogen (proteins, urea, nucleic acids), or as ions
milk received for processing; which is typically high in such as NH4+, NO2 and NO3 . Phosphorus is found mainly
summer and low in winter months [9]. Moreover, since the in inorganic forms; as orthophosphate (PO43 ) and poly-
dairy industry produces different products, such as milk, phosphate (P2O74 ), as well as organic forms [20]. Concen-
butter, yoghurt, ice-cream, various types of desserts and trations of suspended solids (SS) and volatile suspended
cheese, the characteristics of these effluents also vary solids (VSS) are also used to evaluate wastewater strength
greatly, depending on the type of system and the methods of and treatability [6]. Suspended solids in dairy wastewaters
operation used [7]. The use of acid and alkaline cleaners and originate from coagulated milk, cheese curd fines or
sanitizers in the dairy industry additionally influences flavoring ingredients [21]. Concentrations of selected
wastewater characteristics and typically results in a highly elements, namely sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium
variable pH [4,6,10]. Actually, information about the general (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni)
characteristics of dairy wastewaters from full-scale opera- and manganese (Mn), are also given in Table 2. Particularly
tions in literature is scarce. Only one comprehensive study high Na concentrations point out the use of large amount of
has been encountered, which provides extensive information alkaline cleaners at dairy plants. The concentrations of
Table 1
Characteristics of dairy waste effluents
Effluent COD BOD5 pH Alkalinity Suspended Volatile Total TKN Total Reference
type (mg/l) (mg/l) (units) (mg CaCO3/l) solids suspended solids (mg/l) phosphorus
(mg/l) solids (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
Creamery 2000–6000 1200–4000 8–11 150–300 350–1000 330–940 50–60 [4]
Not given 980–7500 680–4500 300 [9]
Mixed dairy 1150–9200 6–11 320–970 340–1730 255–830 2705–3715 14–272 8–68 [11]
Cheese whey 68814a 1462a 379a [12]
Cheese 1000–7500 588–5000 5.5–9.5 500–2500 [13]
Fresh milk 4656a 6.92a [14]
Cheese 5340a 5.22a [14]
Milk powder/ 1908a 5.80a [14]
Mixed dairy 63100a 3.35a 12500a 12100a 53000a [15]
Cheese whey 61000a 1780a 1560a 980a 510a [16]
Cheese 4.7a 2500a 830a 280a [17]
Not given 4.4–9.4 90–450 [18]
Fluid milk 950–2400 500–1300 5.0–9.5 90–450 [19]
Mean concentrations are reported.
Table 2
Concentrations of selected elements in dairy wastewaters
Effluent type Na (mg/l) K (mg/l) Ca (mg/l) Mg (mg/l) Fe (mg/l) Co (mg/l) Ni (mg/l) Mn (mg/l) Reference
Creamery 170–200 35–40 35–40 5–8 2–5 0.05–0.15 0.5–1.0 0.02–0.10 [4]
Cheese/whey 735a 42.8a 47.7a 11.4a [6]
Cheese/alcohol 423a 41.2a 54.3a 8.3a [6]
Cheese/beverages 453a 8.6a 33.6a 16.9a [6]
Cheese/whey 419a 35.8a 52.3a 11.0a [6]
Mixed dairy 123–2324 8–160 12–120 2–97 0.5–6.7 0 0–0.13 0.03–0.43 [11]
Cheese 720–980 530–950 [13]
Mean concentrations are reported.
B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595 2585
heavy metals, such as copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) 3. Conventional (single-phase) anaerobic treatment
were reported to be in a range that would not affect adversely of dairy effluents
the performance of a biological treatment step [6,11].
As stated above, dairy wastewater is composed of easily Anaerobic treatment processes are favourable methods
degradable carbohydrates, mainly lactose, as well as less for treating dairy waste effluents, in comparison to aerobic
biodegradable proteins and lipids [22]. In cheese-processing processes, due to their well-known benefits for treating
wastewater, 97.7% of total COD was accounted for by lactose, industrial wastewaters, particularly from agricultural indus-
lactate, protein and fat [15]. Thus, dairy wastewater can easily tries with a high organic content [45–47]. Anaerobic
be defined as a complex type of substrate [22–24]. Lactose is treatment applications for dairy industry wastewaters have
the main carbohydrate in dairy wastewater and is a readily been evaluated in a number of previous studies [48–59].
available substrate for anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic metha- More recent information about anaerobic treatment prac-
nation of lactose needs a cooperative biological activity from tices of dairy waste streams are also displayed in Table 3.
acidogens, acetogens and methanogens [25]. Anaerobic In treatment studies of dairy wastewaters, anaerobic filters
fermentation of lactose yields organic acids, namely acetate, have recently been used. If the particular dairy effluents
propionate, iso- and normal-butyrate, iso- and normal contain low concentrations of suspended solids, then
valerate, caproate, lactate, formate and ethanol [26,27]. anaerobic filter reactors are generally suitable for biological
Two possible carbon flow schemes were proposed for treatment. A laboratory-scale plastic medium anaerobic filter
acidogenic fermentation of lactose; carbon flow from reactor provided average COD removal rates between 78 and
pyruvate to butyrate and lactate, both occurring in parallel 92%, at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 days [60,61]. In
[28]. The presence of high carbohydrate concentrations in addition, the start-up performance of the anaerobic filters
synthetic dairy wastewater was found to reduce the amount of treating dairy wastewater, in terms of COD removal, was not
proteolytic enzymes synthesized, resulting in low levels of significantly affected by temperature variations between 21
protein degradation [22]. It was previously reported that and 30 8C [62]. The effects of porous and non-porous support
carbohydrates could suppress the synthesis of exopeptidases, media in anaerobic filter reactors on thermophilic anaerobic
a group of enzymes facilitating protein hydrolysis [29]. treatment of ice-cream wastes were investigated extensively
Anaerobic degradation of proteins and the effects of ammonia [63,64]. At high loading rates, anaerobic filter with porous
on this mechanism were recently investigated in detail [30– support media performed more satisfactorily [63]. The
35]. Casein is the major protein in milk composition and in performance of porous and non-porous media in an upflow
dairy effluents. When fed to acclimated anaerobic reactors, anaerobic filter (UAF) treating wastewaters from a milk
degradation of casein is very fast and the degradation products bottling factory was also investigated in a more recent work
are non-inhibitory [3]. [65]. The reactor with non-porous packing showed instability
Lipids are potentially inhibitory compounds, which can above an organic loading rate (OLR) of 4 kg COD/(m3 day),
always be encountered during anaerobic treatment of dairy while the reactor with porous packing was still stable at OLRs
wastewaters. There is little information available in literature up to 21 kg COD/(m3 day). The results of a pilot trial showed
about the anaerobic digestibility of lipids. During anaerobic that the anaerobic filter reactor, treating wastewaters from an
degradation, lipid is firstly hydrolyzed to glycerol and long ice-cream manufacturer, achieved a mean COD removal rate
chain fatty acids (LCFAs), followed by b-oxidation, of 70%, at an average load of 5.5 kg COD/(m3 day) [66]. Low
producing acetate and hydrogen [29]. The biodegradation temperature kinetics of anaerobic filters treating dairy
of lipids is difficult due to their low bioavailability [36]. wastewaters were determined for various HRT ranges, using
Glycerol, a compound formed as a result of lipid hydrolysis, three reactors operated at 12.5, 21 and 30 8C [67]. A
was found to be a non-inhibitory compound [3], while, relationship was developed between the temperature of the
LCFAs were particularly reported to be inhibitory to system and the first-order rate constant for each anaerobic
methanogenic bacteria [37]. The inhibitory effects of lipids filter reactor. In another work, an upflow anaerobic filter
in anaerobic processes can mainly be correlated to the reactor (UAF) was used to treat very dilute dairy wastewater,
presence of LCFAs, which cause retardation in methane in an OLR range of between 0.117 and 1.303 g volatile solids
production [38]. Lipids do not cause serious problems in (VS)/(l day) and at an HRT range between 18.8 and 2 days
aerobic processes, however, they sometimes affect conven- [68]. At 5, 4 and 3 days of HRT, effluent SS and COD
tional single-phase anaerobic treatment processes adversely concentrations satisfied the effluent discharge limits. A pilot-
[39,40]. Unsaturated LCFAs seemed to have a greater scale upflow anaerobic filter reactor treating dairy waste-
inhibitory effect than saturated LCFAs. Unsaturated LCFAs waters provided more than 85% COD and 90% BOD removal,
strongly inhibited methane production from acetate and at an OLR of 6 kg COD/(m3 day) [69]. At 20 h of HRT, the
moderately inhibited b-oxidation. Thus, unsaturated LCFAs percentage of methane in the biogas produced by the UFAF
should be saturated to prevent lipid inhibition in anaerobic was found to be in a range between 75 and 85%, with a
processes [40]. Difficulties experienced with the presence of corresponding methane yield of about 0.33 m3 CH4/kg COD
lipids in anaerobic treatment processes have been previously removed. The system could generate approximately 770 l
reported in literature[41–44]. methane (CH4)/day. A comparative study of staged and
Table 3
Anaerobic treatment performance levels for dairy wastewaters
Waste type Reactor type HRT Loading Temperature Methane yield Removal (%) Application Reference
(8C) (m3/kg CODra) status
Cheese whey Downflow fixed-film 4.9 (day) 13 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 0.28 75 (COD) Pilot scale [16]
Cheese whey Downflow fixed-film 6.6 (day) 8.3 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 0.34 76 (COD) Pilot scale [16]
Anaerobic filter 4 (day) 30–21–12.5 92–85–78 (COD) Laboratory scale [60,61]
Ice-cream Anaerobic filter 5.5 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 75 (COD) Pilot scale [66]
Anaerobic filter 6 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 0.32–0.34 85 (COD) Pilot scale [69]
Anaerobic filter 0.5 (day) Up to 21 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 80 (COD) [72]
Raw milk Anaerobic filter 5–6 (kg COD/(m3 day)) 90 (COD) Full scale [73]
Cheese whey UASB >97 (COD) Laboratory scale [75]
non-staged anaerobic filters treating synthetic dairy waste- constant influent substrate concentration of 10.4 0.2 g
waters was conducted at an HRT of 2 days and in a substrate COD/l [79]. The maximum substrate utilization rate (k), half
concentration range of from 3 to 12 g COD/l [70]. The authors saturation coefficient (KL), yield coefficient (Y) and decay
reported that the performances of both reactors were very rate coefficient (Kd) were determined to be 0.941,
similar under the operating conditions tested. Laboratory- 0.773 kg COD/(kg VSS day), 0.153 kg VSS/(kg COD) and
scale single-fed (SFR) and multi-fed (MFR) upflow anaerobic 0.022 day 1, respectively. Under the same HRT and influent
filters treating cheese whey were operated at OLRs above substrate concentration, COD removal efficiency in the
20 kg COD/(m3 day) [71]. It was observed that the feeding UASB reactor ranged between 64.2 and 99% [80]. The
regime affected both biomass concentration and activity. The anaerobic digestion of cheese whey was investigated, in
specific activities of the different trophic groups were found to terms of instability caused by the strength of the influent in
be higher in the MFR. An upflow anaerobic filter reactor an UASB reactor [81]. For proper system stability, the
yielded an average of 80% COD removal in an OLR range up optimum influent substrate concentration was determined to
to 21 kg COD/(m3 day) when treating dairy wastewater [72]. be between 25 and 30 g COD/l at an HRT of 5 days. A
Recently, the performance of an industrial-scale anaerobic laboratory-scale combined system designed by converting
filter treating raw milk discharged by quality control the flow mixing chamber of an anaerobic filter into an UASB
laboratories was reported [73]. Higher than 90% of COD resulted in an organic matter removal of 92% for dairy
removal could be attained, with an OLR maintained around 5– wastewater, in an OLR range of between 1 and 8 g COD/
6 kg COD/(m3 day). Moreover, the fat content in dairy (l day), at 30 8C [82]. Dairy wastewaters containing high
wastewater could successfully be degraded by the anaerobic concentrations of fat and grease were treated by an UASB
filter reactor. reactor [83]. COD removal was reported to be about 90%.
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors have Furthermore, a new generation of more advanced anaerobic
been successfully employed for dairy wastewater treatment reactor systems have also been developed, based on the
in full-scale applications for almost two decades [74]. UASB system. A successful version of this concept is the
Biological treatment of a cheese-producing wastewater by a internal circulation (IC) reactor [84]. The IC reactor system
laboratory-scale UASB reactor was reported for influent is able to handle high upflow liquid and gas velocities, which
wastewater concentrations between 12 and 60 g COD/l [17]. enables treatment of low strength wastes at short HRTs, as
COD removal rates varied between 85 and 99%, at an HRT well as treatment of high-strength effluents at very high
of 6 days and in an OLR range of from 2 to 7.3 g COD/ volumetric loading rates feasible. Recently, feasibility of
(l day), while removal rates were around 81% in an HRT using UASB reactors for dairy wastewater treatment was
range between 30 and 40 days. Anaerobic treatability studies explored by operating two types of UASB reactors [85]. The
of dairy effluents from a large integrated industry processing reactors were operated at an HRT range between 3 and 12 h,
milk were carried out using a laboratory-scale hybrid UASB and on loadings ranging from 2.4 to 13.5 kg COD/(m3 day).
reactor [19]. At an OLR of 8.5 g COD/(l day) and an HRT of At 3 h, maximum COD reduction ranged between 95.6 and
5 h, 87% COD removal was achieved at 30 8C. Another 96.3%, while at 12 HRT reductions were around 92–90%,
laboratory-scale investigation pointed out that more than for both reactors.
97% COD reduction could be achieved in an UASB reactor In addition to anaerobic filters and UASB reactors, hybrid
during anaerobic treatment of cheese whey [75]. Methanol digesters and anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR)
addition during start-up of UASB reactors treating a dairy are also employed for treating dairy effluents. A mesophilic
waste from raw ice-cream production facility provided rapid laboratory-scale hybrid anaerobic digester, combining an
granulation of biomass and enhanced the settling velocity upflow sludge blanket and a fixed-bed design, was used to
and specific activity of the sludge [76]. However, methanol treat synthetic dairy effluent with an influent substrate
addition also resulted in severe biomass wash-out from the concentration of 10 g COD/l [86]. At an HRT range between
system. During laboratory-scale anaerobic digestion of 4.1 and 1.7 days, COD removal rates between 90 and 97%
cheese whey, increased substrate loadings led to the failure could be achieved, at an OLR range between 0.82 and
of the UASB reactor, in a range of influent substrate 6.11 kg COD/(m3 day). The anaerobic digester provided a
concentration from 4.5 to 38.1 g COD/l, at an HRT of 5 days methane yield of 0.354 m3 CH4/kg COD removed at an HRT
[77]. Anaerobic treatment of cheese-production wastewater of 1.7 days. Anaerobic treatment of a high-strength acidic
using a laboratory-scale UASB reactor provided a COD cheese whey by a laboratory-scale upflow hybrid reactor
removal of about 90%, at an OLR of 31 g COD/(l day) [78]. resulted in removal efficiencies of more than 95%, at 2 days
Furthermore, OLR peaks above 45 g COD/(l day) yielded a of HRT and up to an OLR of about 11 kg COD/(m3 day)
COD reduction between 70 and 80%. Sudden increase in the [87]. ASBRs also provide high treatment efficiencies for
OLR was accompanied by biomass granulation, resulting in dairy effluents. The laboratory-scale ASBR system was
a more stable reactor operation during waste treatment. The reported to provide soluble COD and BOD5 removal rates of
kinetic model and the kinetic coefficients of laboratory-scale 62 and 75%, respectively, at an HRT of 6 h, at 5 8C, for a
continuous UASB reactors treating whey permeate were synthetic substrate of non-fat dry milk [88]. In a temperature
determined, in an HRT range between 0.4 and 5 days and at a range between 5 and 20 8C, and at an HRT range between 24
2588 B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595
and 6 h, soluble organic removal rates ranged between 62 biofilm support system can significantly improve the
and 90% for COD, and 75 and 90% for BOD5. In another performance of the digester, due to development of active
laboratory-scale work, two-stage thermophilic ASBR biofilms that enhance biomass and waste contact, and reduce
systems provided volatile solids removal of 26–44%, while the microbial wash-out. The process kinetics of the
mesophilic ASBR systems achieved VS removal between 26 mesophilic (37 8C) anaerobic digestion of synthetic ice-
and 50% for dairy wastewater [89,90]. The systems were cream wastewater were investigated at an HRT range
operated in an OLR range of 2–4 g VS/(l day) and at HRTs between 2.99 and 7.45 days, using the Monod and the
of 3 and 6 days. The purification performance and the basic Contois equations, in a laboratory-scale study [101]. Since
fundamentals for the design of an ASBR used for treating the Contois equation incorporated the effect of any changes
concentrated dairy wastewater were investigated in a more in the influent substrate concentration, this kinetic model
recent study [91]. The maximum loading rate was described the process kinetic coefficients of the pilot-scale
determined to be 6 g COD/(l day) for stable operation, anaerobic contact process better.
since higher loadings were reported to cause problems, such
as sludge removal and purification efficiency declines.
Actually, more studies focusing on different aspects of 4. Two-phase anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewater
anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewaters were performed
during the last decade. The changes in the microbial ecology Two-phase anaerobic treatment systems are particularly
in four different pilot-scale digesters, namely anaerobic suitable for wastewaters containing high concentrations of
contact, anaerobic filter, anaerobic expanded/fluidized bed organic suspended solids, such as food and agricultural
reactor and UASB reactor, all treating ice-cream wastewater, industry wastewaters [102,103]. The performance of an acid
were comprehensively examined during start-up [92]. The phase (acidogenic) reactor is especially of paramount
authors reported that the reactor configuration did not play importance during two-phase anaerobic stabilization of
an important role in causing changes in the microbial wastes, since the acid reactor should provide the most
community. A two-stage upflow packed-bed reactor system appropriate substrate for the subsequent methane phase
was employed to treat dairy wastewater [93]. The maximum (methanogenic) reactor. The guidelines for the design of pre-
COD removal rates obtained were between 93.8 and 98.5, acidification reactors for treating various high-strength
and 72.5 and 84%, respectively, for the two reactors industrial wastewaters were already presented in literature
operated. The kinetic constants of anaerobic digestion of [104]. Actually, numerous studies have been performed
dairy industry wastewater were determined using bioreac- covering particularly the anaerobic acidogenesis of dairy
tors containing suspensions of micronized clays [94]. The wastewaters. Initially, acidogenesis of lactose was investi-
yield coefficient of methane (Yp) was computed to be gated extensively in laboratory-scale studies, mostly
342 ml CH4/g COD. The system achieved around 90% COD focusing on the degradation kinetics of lactose [25–
removal on average. 28,105]. Studies covering the acid phase digestion of
In another study, it was observed that bioconversion of industrial and synthetic dairy wastewaters have been
whey generated from cheese and casein manufacturing reviewed in different aspects previously in this paper
process resulted in a pollutant reduction greater than 75% [10,11,14,15,22,24]. In one of these studies, anaerobic
[95]. The anaerobic treatment of salty cheese whey was digestion of three different dairy effluents (namely cheese,
investigated using an anaerobic rotating biological contact fresh milk and milk powder/butter factories) was evaluated,
reactor [96]. The optimum performance was attained at an using a laboratory-scale mesophilic two-phase system [14].
HRT of 3 days and at 37 8C, resulting in a COD reduction of For the cheese factory effluent, 97% COD removal was
85%. The methane content of the reactor biogas was around achieved at an OLR of 2.82 kg COD/(m3 day), while at an
74%. Application of an upflow anaerobic solid removal OLR of 2.44 kg COD/(m3 day), 94% COD removal was
(UASR) reactor was evaluated during pre-treatment of a obtained for the fresh milk effluent. For the powder milk/
dairy wastewater [97]. At 20 8C and at 4.5 h of HRT, 98% of butter factory effluent, 91% COD removal was achieved at
lipids were removed at a pH of 4.0. A multichamber an OLR of 0.97 kg COD/(m3 day). In addition to these
anaerobic bioreactor was used to treat salty cheese whey works, the operating criteria for pre-acidification of dairy
diluted with a mixed dairy wastewater [98]. The mesophilic wastewater obtained from a milk and cream bottling plant
(37 8C) reactor provided a COD reduction of 83%, at an were determined in a laboratory-scale CSTR [106]. The
HRT of 2 days. The methane content in the reactor biogas maximum acidogenic conversion was computed to be 71%
was 68%. A non-attached bacterial growth process was by the authors. Acetic, propionic, n-butyric and n-valeric
applied for biomethanation of a dairy wastewater [99]. In a acids were commonly produced during acidogenesis of dairy
batch process, 92% COD reduction was obtained at 66 days. wastewater. Anaerobic production of volatile fatty acids
The impacts of biofilm support systems on anaerobic (VFAs) with fermentation of whey permeate (wastewaters
continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) were described, from cheese-making process) was investigated in a
using a laboratory-scale reactor treating dairy wastewater laboratory-scale anaerobic fluidized bed reactor [107]. It
[100]. The authors reported that the incorporation of a has been shown that up to 19% of the initial sugar was
B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595 2589
converted to volatile acids. Production of n-butyric acid was performances of both reactors [114]. Almost no difference
also favoured during whey biodegradation. The influence of was reported for the performances of both reactors in terms
substrate strength on thermophilic anaerobic acidogenesis of of COD removal and degree of acidification, at any given
a simulated dairy wastewater was investigated in a OLR. A cheese-processing wastewater was used to
laboratory-scale work [108]. In an influent substrate determine the biokinetics of mesophilic acidogens [115].
concentration range between 2 and 30 g COD/l and at At a pH of 7 and 36.2 8C, the maximum microbial growth
55 8C, carbohydrate degraded under all conditions, however, rate (mmax), half saturation coefficient (Ks), the microbial
protein and lipid conversions both decreased when the yield coefficient (Y) and microbial decay rate (kd) were
substrate concentration increased. The major acidogenesis computed to be 9.9 day 1, 134 mg COD/l, 0.29 mg MVSS/
products were measured to be acetate, propionate, butyrate mg COD and 0.14 day 1, respectively. While at a pH of 7.3
and ethanol. Acidification of mid- and high-strength and 36.2 8C, mmax, Ks, Y and kd were determined to be
synthetic dairy wastewaters were studied in a laboratory- 9.3 day 1, 482.5 mg COD/l, 0.20 mg MVSS/mg COD and
scale upflow reactor [109]. The authors reported that the 0.25 day 1, respectively. In a more recent study, the effects
high-strength wastewater favoured production of hydrogen of HRT between 12 and 24 h on anaerobic acidogenesis of
(H2) and alcohols. Inhibitory effects of zinc (Zn) and copper dairy wastewater was investigated, using a laboratory-scale
(Cu) on anaerobic acidogenesis of dairy wastewater were continuous-flow completely mixed anaerobic reactor with
investigated in a laboratory-scale study [110]. The authors solids recycle [116]. The acid production gradually
concluded that copper seemed more toxic than zinc to the increased proportionally to the OLR, with decrease in
overall production of VFAs and hydrogen in the acidogenic HRT. The highest degree of acidification and the rate of acid
reactor. Start-up of two acidogenic reactors under meso- production were 56% and 3.1 g/(l day), respectively, at 12 h
philic (37 8C) and thermophilic (55 8C) conditions were of HRT.
compared using a methanogenic granular sludge and dairy A summary of data for two-phase anaerobic dairy waste-
wastewater [111]. It took more than 2 months to establish a water treatment practices in literature is given in Table 4.
microbial community with a stable metabolic activity. Initial results for two-phase anaerobic treatment of a dairy
Acidogenesis of synthetic dairy wastewater was also studied wastewater were reported from pilot plant studies [117]. The
at a pH range between 4.0 and 6.5, in a laboratory-scale authors reported that the fluidized bed reactor configuration
upflow reactor at 37 8C [112]. At an HRT of 12 h and a pH of was best suited to the two-phase operation, since this process
5.5, 95% of carbohydrates, 82% of proteins and 41% of could achieve a high concentration of biomass in the reactor
lipids could be degraded in the acid phase reactor. Moreover, without the need for the bacterial separation between the
batch reactors were used to investigate the thermophilic stages. Two-phase anaerobic treatment of dilute milk wastes
anaerobic acidification of a synthetic dairy wastewater at a was investigated, using a CSTR for acidogenesis and an
pH of 5.5 [113]. According to the authors, hydrogen upflow filter reactor for methanogenesis, respectively [118].
production could be attributed to the fermentation of The system attained 92% COD removal at an overall HRT of
carbohydrate. Two acidogenic upflow reactors were 4.4 days for an influent substrate concentration of
operated under mesophilic (37 8C) and thermophilic 1500 mg COD/l. Anaerobic fluidized beds were also used
(55 8C) conditions with a synthetic dairy wastewater, in in another work, in order to treat a dairy effluent with an
order to compare the effects of temperature on the influent COD concentration of 5000 mg COD/l [119].
Table 4
Two-phase anaerobic treatment process performances for dairy wastewater treatment
Waste type Reactor type HRT Loading Temperature Methane yield Removal Application Reference
(8C) (m3/kg CODr) (%) status
Cheese-fresh milk-powder 2.82–2.44–0.97 35 0.359–0.327 97–94–91 Laboratory [14]
milk/butter effluents (kg COD/(m3 day)) –0.287 (COD) scale
Dilute milk waste CSTR + upflow 4.4 (day) 92 (COD) [117]
Fluidized beds 9.4 (kg COD/ 76–92 (COD) [118]
(m3 day))
Wastewater of a milk CSTR + upflow 2 (day) 35 90 (COD) Laboratory [120]
bottling plant filter scale
Skimmed milk CSTR + upflow 2 (day) 20 95.5 (COD) Laboratory [121]
filter scale
Wastewater of a milk and CSTR + upflow 2 (day) 5 (kg COD/ 33–36 90 (COD), Laboratory [122]
cream bottling plant filter (m3 day)) 95 (BOD) scale
Synthetic cheese whey CSTR + upflow 5 (day) 35 95 (COD) Laboratory [123]
filter scale
2590 B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595
Substrate removal efficiencies varied between 76 and 92%, at 35 8C, for two-phase anaerobic treatment of cheese whey
an OLR of 9.4 kg COD/(m3 day) in the two-phase system. [124]. In the upflow methanogenic filter, 95% COD removal
Anaerobic treatment of cheese whey was investigated in a was attained at an HRT of 4 days, with a biogas production of
pilot-scale study [120]. The UASB reactors were used as 0.55 m3/kg COD removed. Changes to bacterial community
acidogenic and methanogenic reactors in this work. Two- in a laboratory-scale two-phase anaerobic digestion system
phase anaerobic digestion process for dairy wastewater treating dairy wastewater was reported in a recent study [125].
treatment was also examined from a microbiological point of The ratio of total autofluorescent methanogens to total
view during start-up in a laboratory-scale study [121]. The bacteria varied between 0.01 and 3% in the acid phase reactor
authors reported that the numbers of acidogens remained (a CSTR), and 2–13% in the methane phase reactor (an upflow
constant in the pre-acidification reactor (a CSTR), while the anaerobic filter). The system provided a methane yield
numbers of methanogens and non-methanogens slightly between 0.30 and 0.34 m3 CH4/kg COD removed during the
decreased in the methanogenic upflow anaerobic filter reactor. entire operation.
Treatment characteristics of two different substrates, baby In both conventional—single and two-phase anaerobic
nutrient milk and skimmed milk, were investigated using a treatment processes, primary objectives are consistent:
two-phase anaerobic digestion process at 20 8C [122]. At an achievement of a high degree of waste stabilization and a
HRT of 2 days, 96% COD reduction was obtained for high conversion of waste to methane. Furthermore, for a
skimmed milk with an influent substrate concentration of particular type of wastewater, in order to achieve these goals
1500 mg COD/l. The performance of a laboratory-scale specified, the maximum loadings applicable and possible
mesophilic two-phase anaerobic digestion system treating treatment rates for a particular reactor configuration are
dairy wastewater from a milk bottling plant was evaluated, obviously also important. For anaerobic treatment of dairy
using a CSTR for acidogenesis and an upflow anaerobic filter wastewaters, the maximum loadings and corresponding
for methanogenesis [123]. The system achieved overall COD treatment rates achieved with various reactor configurations
and BOD removal rates of 90 and 95%, respectively, at an in literature are briefly summarized in Table 5. Typical
HRT of 2 days and an OLR of 5 kg COD/(m3 day). In another operating conditions for anaerobic digesters are also
laboratory-scale study, a CSTR for acidogenesis and an outlined in Table 6 [2]. High influent substrate concentra-
upflow anaerobic filter for methanogenesis were used at tions, fluctuations in dairy wastewater flow rate and
Table 5
Maximum loadings and treatment rates in anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewater
Process mode Application status Wastewater type Reactor type Maximum loading Maximum removal Reference
Single phase Pilot plant Milk and cream Upflow filter 6 kg COD/(m day) >85% COD [4]
Two phase Laboratory scale Cheese Hybrid 2.82 kg COD/(m3 day) 97% COD [14]
Single phase Laboratory scale Cheese UASB 7.5 g COD/(l day) 85–90% COD [17]
Single phase Whey Semicontinuous 16.1 kg COD/(m3 day) >99% COD [54]
Single phase Upflow filter 21 kg COD/(m3 day) [65]
Single phase Pilot plant Ice-cream Upflow filter 18 kg COD/(m3 day) [66]
Single phase Laboratory scale Cheese whey Upflow filter >20 kg COD/(m3 day) [71]
Single phase Laboratory scale Raw milk quality Upflow filter 5–6 kg COD/(m3 day) >90% COD [73]
control laboratory
Single phase Laboratory scale Cheese whey UASB 38.1 g COD/l [77]
(as influent concentration)
Single phase Laboratory scale Cheese UASB >45 g COD/(l day) 70–80% COD [78]
Single phase Laboratory scale UASB 10.8 kg COD/(m3 day) [85]
Single phase Laboratory scale Cheese whey Hybrid bed 11 kg COD/(m3 day) >95% COD [87]
Single phase Anaerobic SBR 6 g COD/(l day) [91]
Two phase Fluidized bed 9.4 kg COD/(m3 day) 76–92% COD [119]
Two phase Laboratory scale Milk and cream CSTR + upflow filter 23–7 kg COD/(m3 day) 90% COD, 95% BOD5 [123]
Table 6
Typical operating conditions for anaerobic digesters [2]
Anaerobic digester configuration Load (kg COD/(m3 day)) Retention COD removal (%)
CSTR 0.5–2.5 1–5 days 80–90
Anaerobic filter 2–10 10–50 h 70–80
UASB 2–15 8–50 h 70–90
Fluidized bed 2–50 0.5–24 h 70–80
B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595 2591
composition, excessive suspended solids and lipid concen- allow pH control in the first phase, if required, in a pilot or
trations in dairy effluents, the presence of sufficient amount full-scale treatment plant [86]. Finally, sufficient amount of
of alkalinity in anaerobic digesters and appropriate alkalinity is frequently discussed to be the most important
anaerobic reactor configuration employed for treatment factor for controlling process reliability during anaerobic
are common factors that affect maximum loading rates and treatment of dairy wastewater [66,73,78,87].
expected treatment efficiencies [4,14,66,73,77,78,81,116,
123]. High variability in composition and flow rate of dairy
wastewaters are probably the most important parameters that 5. Anaerobic/aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater
should be considered initially. Thus, installing an equaliza-
tion basin prior to anaerobic/aerobic treatment facility is Aerobic treatment processes are commonly used together
usually required for stable process efficiency. High with anaerobic processes for dairy wastewater treatment, in
suspended solids concentrations in dairy effluents particu- order to achieve the effluent discharge limits for agro-industry
larly affect treatment performances of anaerobic CSTRs and wastewaters. Results for anaerobic/aerobic treatment of dairy
filters [2,4]. High substrate concentrations were reported to wastewaters are outlined in Table 7. Among the studies
decrease UASB reactor performance treating dairy waste- mentioned in this paper, pre-treatment of a dairy wastewater
water [77,81]. Biomass granulation must definitely be from a milk bottling plant was reported using a pilot-scale
achieved for stable and satisfactory UASB reactor operation dissolved air floatation (DAF) unit and a pilot-scale anaerobic
[76,78]. Moreover, dairy wastewaters usually contain upflow filter reactor [4]. The aim was to attain a BOD5
differing proportions of fats and proteins that require longer reduction of between 38 and 50% and a SS reduction of 60–
time for hydrolysis [101]. Therefore, larger reactor volumes 75% in the DAF unit prior to the biological treatment step. The
may be required to treat larger volumes of wastewater at upflow anaerobic filter reactor achieved BOD5 and COD
high HRTs for such dairy effluents. Presence of lipids in reduction rates greater than 90 and 85%, respectively, with a
single-phase anaerobic filter treatment for dairy effluents is biogas yield of 0.40 l biogas/g COD removed. A laboratory-
also a common problem, because anaerobic filters remove scale anaerobic–aerobic biological process was used to treat
lipids by entrapment, without biodegradation. This may cheese whey [12]. The anaerobic downflow–upflow hybrid
soon result in channelling and clogging, with a subsequent reactor (DUHR) achieved 98% COD reduction at an OLR of
decrease in reactor performance. Choice of appropriate 10 g COD/(l day). Post treatment was subsequently per-
packing materials in upflow anaerobic filters also affect formed using a SBR, resulting in more than 90% of both COD
maximum substrate loading rates and expected treatment and nutrient removal rates. Furthermore, full-scale anaerobic/
rates significantly [63,65]. Poor biodegradation of milk-fat aerobic treatment of cheese wastewater by a system
was attributed to the limiting rate of liquefaction, indicated comprising a grease trap, an UASB type pond, an aerated
by a low hydrolysis constant in an expanded granular sludge pond and an effluent polishing pond was reported [13].
bed (EGSB) reactor [36]. Utilization of two-phase anaerobic Reduction rates in BOD5, COD, TSS, and oil and grease were
treatment processes seems a favourable choice to overcome 98, 96, 98 and 99.8%, respectively. In addition to these
suspended solids and particularly lipid problems for findings, a low cost treatment system was proposed to reduce
concentrated dairy wastewaters [122]. Besides, a two-phase the strength of a dairy waste [126]. This three-stage treatment
system will protect the methanogens in the methane reactor system consisted of a sump in which the anaerobic digestion
from inhibitory levels of pH and high amounts of VFAs takes place, an aerobic vegetated filter, and an irrigated
produced in the first-acid reactor. Acidogenic phase will plantation. Biological phosphorus removal from a cheese
Table 7
Anaerobic/aerobic treatment performance levels for dairy wastewaters
Effluent type System configuration Removal Application status Reference
Milk bottling plant DAF + upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) 38–50% BOD5 (DAF)
>90% BOD5 (UAF) Pilot scale [4]
>85% COD (UAF)
Cheese whey Downflow–upflow hybrid 98% COD (DUHR)
anaerobic reactor (DUHR) + SBR
>90% COD (SBR) Laboratory scale [12]
Cheese wastewater UASB pond + aerated pond 98% (BOD5)
96% (COD) Full scale [13]
98% (TSS)
Synthetic milk powder/butter AAO activated sludge >90% (COD) Laboratory scale [127]
factory wastewater
Wastewater from an industrial Anaerobic filter + SBR 98% (COD), 99% (nitrogen) [131]
milk analysis laboratory
2592 B. Demirel et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2583–2595
factory effluent was reported using a bench-scale SBR [127]. and UASB reactors are the most common reactor configura-
The existing industrial-scale treatment facility at the factory tions employed. In fact, the UASB reactors are very suitable
consisted of an anaerobic equalization tank, followed by an for treating food industry wastewaters, since they can treat
UASB and aerated lagoons. The effluent orthophosphates large volumes of wastewaters in a relatively short period of
concentration was around 5 mg/l in the bench-scale SBR time. More research should be directed towards treatment of
effluent, pointing out a better treatment result than that of the dairy wastewaters in pilot and full-scale UASB reactors in
industrial-scale treatment facility. A laboratory-scale acti- near future, to make use of these potential advantages
vated sludge system was used to treat synthetic wastewater outlined. Lipid degradation and inhibition in single-phase
from a milk powder/butter factory [128]. The substrate is fed anaerobic systems is frequently discussed in literature, since
to anaerobic and anoxic sectors, in series with an aerobic lipids are potential inhibitors in anaerobic systems, which can
reactor, while the sludge is returned to the anaerobic selector, often be encountered by environmental engineers and
and the mixed liquor from the aerobic sector is recycled to the wastewater treatment plant operators. Moreover, high
anoxic sector. Over 90% COD removal efficiency could be concentrations of suspended solids in dairy waste streams
achieved at an HRTof 7 days and at a nominal sludge age of 20 can also affect the performance of conventional anaerobic
days in the system. Treatment of a high-strength dairy treatment processes adversely, particularly the most com-
wastewater was reported using a low-rate anaerobic pre- monly used upflow anaerobic filters. Thus, two-phase
treatment process and an aerobic polishing step, in an HRT anaerobic digestion processes should be considered more
range of 5–7 days in a pilot-scale study [129]. Microbial often to overcome these problems that may be experienced in
removal from dairy wastewater was also reported recently, conventional single-phase design applications, since two-
using a combined treatment system consisting of paired solids phase anaerobic treatment systems are reported to produce
separators, anaerobic lagoons, aerobic ponds and constructed better results with various industrial wastewaters, such as
wetlands cells [130]. The authors reported that high turbidity olive oil mill and food-processing effluents, which are high in
levels in dairy waste stream decreased the capability of the suspended solids and lipids content. When two-phase
treatment system, in terms of removal of some microbial anaerobic digestion processes are evaluated as a whole, it
indicators and pathogens. Wastewaters from an industrial is clear that the acid phase digestion of dairy wastewaters is
milk analysis laboratory were treated using an anaerobic filter actually investigated in various aspects. However, data
(AF) and a SBR operated in series [131]. Effluent soluble especially for full-scale two-phase applications for dairy
COD and total nitrogen concentrations were below 200 and effluents in literature is scarce. Furthermore, in addition to
10 mg/l, respectively. Moreover, the authors concluded that degradation of lipids, protein solubilization should be
the combination of an AF and a SBR resulted in a lower investigated more comprehensively during acid phase
energy consumption and sludge generation. A wheat straw digestion of dairy wastes with a relatively high protein
biofilter was operated in a sequential aerobic–anaerobic mode content, because there is contradictory information in
in a temperature range between 8 and 14 8C, to treat literature about protein solubilization with different waste-
wastewater from a milkhouse and milking parlour [132]. The water types during anaerobic acidogenesis. Since high rate
attenuation of pollutants in dairy wastewater for TSS, oil and anaerobic treatment of dairy wastes (or any industrial
grease, and COD were determined to be 89, 76 and 37%, wastewater) with a relatively higher content of particulates,
respectively. Biological phosphorus removal from a synthetic fats and proteins can often be problematic, modelling studies
phosphorus-rich dairy wastewater was evaluated using an simulating biodegradation mechanisms of these components
anaerobic reactor and an activated sludge reactor [133]. The should extensively be explored. Removal of nitrogen and
system resulted in a final sludge phosphorus content of 4.9% phosphorus from dairy wastewaters has recently gained
mg P/mg TSS. Utilization of aerobic/anaerobic membrane significant attention, due to more strict environmental
bioreactors coupled with anaerobic digestion seemed to be a regulations, so current research efforts clearly seem to focus
feasible method for treating wastewaters from livestock on this particular topic. Recently, bench–pilot and full-scale
operations, such as dairy wastewater [134]. It was reported applications of combined treatment methods for nutrient
that high-quality reusable water can be produced using removal from dairy waste effluents are frequently encoun-
membrane bioreactors in the treatment of such wastewaters. tered. It is obvious that as the regulations for discharge of
Recently, biological treatment of dairy wastewater was nutrients become more strict in time, new modifications in
evaluated in a laboratory-scale work, using anaerobic and existing treatment plants will eventually be incorporated.
aerobic sequencing batch reactors [135]. The SBR system was Finally, since the anaerobic digestion process is an imperative
found to result in effective denitrification by the authors. tool for the production of clean energy sources, such as
hydrogen and methane, biogas production from high-strength
dairy industry wastes will always be of paramount
6. Conclusions importance, as a valuable renewable energy source, for both
developed and developing countries in future. Particularly,
Conventional anaerobic treatment processes are often used production of hydrogen by acidogenesis of high-strength
for treating dairy wastewaters. Particularly anaerobic filters dairy waste effluents is currently worth investigating.
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