DPB10023 Principles of Management Problem Scenario Chapter 6 Staffing Chapter 7 Decision Making
DPB10023 Principles of Management Problem Scenario Chapter 6 Staffing Chapter 7 Decision Making
DPB10023 Principles of Management Problem Scenario Chapter 6 Staffing Chapter 7 Decision Making
Demonstrate the theories and functions of
CLO 2 management towards the achievements of
organisational goals.
Interact effectively, individually or as member of a
team with supervisors, peers and subordinates in
managing insurance operations (DIN).
1. Please prepare the suitable justifications, refer to the issues/ scenario on this
2. Work in groups of FOUR (4) members.
3. The writing must use TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12-point font and 1.5 spacing.
4. Use ENGLISH or MALAY language.
5. You should not copy OTHERS’. You should also not plagiarise OTHER’S work
as your own.
6. Each page must have the page number typed on the right-hand corner beneath
the page.
7. The cover page of the writing should have the assessment’s title, group
members’ name and matric numbers (ascending order).
8. All information taken from the articles must be paraphrased or summarized
with proper citation.
9. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted writing and proof of the
submission for personal reference.
10. Deadline 30th December, 2021. Submission after the date, will NOT be
11. The writing accounts for 10% of the 50 marks of continuous assessment for the
course and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics or Answer Scheme
12. PLAGIARISM: MARKS DEDUCTION. Warning: The submitted writing will
automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would
be deducted.
13. Send to google drive or CIDOS : ask YOUR LECTURER !
14. Each group will be assessed/ evaluated accordingly using the attached rubric.
Report based on the items, that will contains:
Assessment Title
Student’s name & registration No
1. Cover Page Course Code & name 1.5
Lecturer’s name & date submitted.
Scenario 1 : Disadvantages Of Group
2. Contents 8.5
Decision Making In Organization
William was an assistant manager from one well -performing division, then was
selected as head in another division. From the beginning he faced problems such
as how to familiarize himself with the information required by the Executive Vice
President, problems with subordinates under his control, and problems to really
understand that he himself was in trouble. has been terminated from the
People who chose him wondered how William could have made such a mistake. He
analyzed the situation carefully and concluded that When William became an
assistant manager, he was not trained to handle the division. At the time his boss
only used him as a staff member and excluded him from divisional operations. Back
then, of course he looked “good” at all, but in fact he just reflected the reputation of
the well -managed division..
If you're the executive vice president, write a list of the steps you'll take to avoid making the
same error again.
William merupakan seorang pembantu pengurus daripada satu bahagian yang mempunyai
prestasi yang baik, kemudian telah dipilih sebagai ketua dalam bahagian lain. Sejak dari
awal beliau menghadapi masalah iaitu masalah tentang cara untuk membiasakan diri
dengan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh Naib Presiden Eksekutif, masalah dengan
subordinat yang di bawah kawalannya, dan masalah untuk benar-benar memahami
bahawa beliau sendiri sedang menghadapi masalah.!alam masa setahun sahaja beliau
telah diberhentikan dari organisasi tersebut.
Orang yang memilihnya berasa hairan bagaimana William boleh melakukan kesilapan
seperti itu. Dia menganalisis situasi itu dengan teliti dan merumuskan bahawa Ketika
William menjadi pembantu pengurus, dia tidak dilatih untuk mengendalikan bahagian
tersebut. Pada masa itu ketuanya hanya menggunakannya sebagai seorang kakitangan
dan mengecualikannya daripada operasi bahagian. Ketika itu, sudah pasti beliau kelihatan
“bagus” pada semua, tetapi sebenarnya beliau hanya mencerminkan reputasi bahagian itu
yang diurus dengan baik.
Jika anda ialah naib presiden eksekutif, tulis senarai langkah yang akan anda ambil untuk
mengelak daripada membuat ralat yang sama sekali lagi.
Andrew, 26, Millie, 26, and Muthu, 25, are in Johor wholesale centre every morning at 8.30
a.m. looking for the freshest vegetables they can find. They pack and distribute orders via
courier and transport to their clients' doorsteps after receiving orders over the Internet
earlier in the day.
Many successful internet retail stores served as inspiration. They acquired a delivery van,
bought a computer, and hired a modest office to run the firm using their combined savings
of RM40,000. One method of drawing attention was to place adverts on the internet. The
other option was to place notices in people's mailboxes. They sold RM20,000 worth of
produce in their first two months of business.
What factors did they consider while deciding what type of business to start? When they
looked into their surroundings, they discovered that customers valued the convenience as
well as the assurance of receiving truly fresh goods. They cater to those who are looking for
the best value and quality.
Many planning decisions are made by groups rather than individuals because of the
external environment's effect. Write advantages have these three young individuals earned
as a group.
Andrew, 26, Millie, 26, dan Muthu, 25, berada di pusat pemborong Johor setiap pagi pada
pukul 8.30 pagi untuk mencari sayur-sayuran segar yang mereka dapati. Mereka
membungkus dan mengedarkan pesanan melalui kurier dan mengangkut ke depan pintu
pelanggan mereka selepas menerima pesanan melalui Internet pada awal hari itu.
Banyak kedai runcit internet yang berjaya menjadi inspirasi. Mereka memperoleh sebuah
van penghantaran, membeli komputer, dan mengupah pejabat sederhana untuk
menjalankan firma itu menggunakan wang gabungan mereka sebanyak RM40,000. Satu
kaedah menarik perhatian adalah dengan meletakkan iklan di internet. Pilihan lain ialah
meletakkan notis dalam peti mel orang. Mereka menjual hasil bernilai RM20,000 dalam dua
bulan pertama perniagaan mereka.
Apakah faktor yang mereka pertimbangkan semasa memutuskan jenis perniagaan untuk
dimulakan? Apabila mereka melihat ke dalam persekitaran mereka, mereka mendapati
bahawa pelanggan menghargai kemudahan serta jaminan untuk menerima barangan yang
benar-benar segar. Mereka memenuhi keperluan mereka yang mencari nilai dan kualiti
Banyak keputusan perancangan dibuat oleh kumpulan dan bukannya individu kerana kesan
persekitaran luaran. Tulis kelebihan yang telah diperolehi oleh ketiga-tiga individu muda ini
secara berkumpulan.
Aldiyar Dabarov (4th September 2019). What Are The Effects Of The Internet And
Social Media On Education ? https://wehavekids.com/parenting/social-
Retrieved On : 7th June 2020.
BBC News Online (23rd October 2019). Heavy Social Media Use Linked to
Poor Sleep.